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04:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

hi morning to all
any one here who write server script for iphone push notification service?????
@Urvisha, hi. gm. have work on to write server script for iphone push notification service?????
have work on to write server script for iphone push notification service?????
@ircmaxell, have work on to write server script for iphone push notification service?????
i can call a php script to supply a javascript file, right?
in case i want to generate the javascript dynamically
is that a good idea, though?
@Hamster depends on what you want. but sure you can.
If I have a site where users can vote on certain images, what would be the best way to keep track of all images that they have voted on (and then whether they liked or disliked)?
So that when they reload the page, it can determine what they have voted on
would it be worth it to just make a table for this for each user?
or should i do something to store the ids of every image that the user has liked?
anyone? :P
no, this goo.gl/QTzAq
2 hours later…
@Mark Lyons, are you still here ?
morning @Gordon
@Gordon As what?
Good day everyone!
@NikiC as not a real question, too localized or possible duplicate
:2213150 no, i cv'ed already
@Gordon Just saw ^^
@NikiC assuming the following CLI invocation: php script.php [opts] <x> <y>. how do you reliably get x and y?
@Gordon doesn't php have some $argv array?
@NikiC $argv isnt reliable
when someone does script.php -foo bar x the last two will be bar and x
which is the case i want to catch to raise an error
@Gordon Is today a work-day again?
@NikiC not for me. but in general, yes.
What do people use singleton for apart from DB?
@NikiC Generally I'll only make one object to hold configuration key/value pairs
@NikiC things they are not supposed to ;-)?
@NikiC for everything
But, you're talking about singleton and not Singleton, right? ;)
Looking for concrete examples apart from DB and Request object ^^
@CharlesSprayberry Right :P
@NikiC my slides have concrete examples
@Gordon lnk?
@CharlesSprayberry difference being?
.. none
Singleton is the design pattern that nobody loves. singleton is simply creating an object once
@ircmaxell Singleton = whisky
@CharlesSprayberry Oh, you mean that...
There's a Google Clean Code talk that discusses it, I think makes an important distinction in the 2
@CharlesSprayberry true. tho i cannot remember the difference
@CharlesSprayberry yeah and that is an extremely stupid name
@CharlesSprayberry calling it "create only once" causes less confusion
Hi! I am in the quest of learning some frameworks. Which ones do you think would be most beneficial from a carrier point of view?
@Rythmic whats a carrier point of view?
@Rythmic , how about instead of "learning framework" you would try to focus on learning good OOP practices
Carrier point of view as in what frameworks are popular in companies hiring consultants.
@CharlesSprayberry I've spend about an hour looking around in your code. I quite like it. Ofc I have a 1000 nitpicks (mostly organizational points though) but it feels really quite solid and well thought out
Especially in regards to all the other stuff that gets dragged around here
frameworks come and go.. there is nothing more harmful for your carrier then focusing on some hyped up framework , @Rythmic
@tereško: I have lots of good OOP practises. I'm just looking for the "less coding benefits" of using frameworks.
@edorian Thank you, I really do appreciate that.
@Rythmic If you have to ask that question, it won't help
@Rythmic thats a overgeneralization and cannot be answered since companies often have their own homemade frameworks they expect you to pickup. in any case, have a look at the major frameworks if you are interested in major frameworks in general, like sf2 and zf.
@Rythmic Also it depends on where you live, where you want to work and what you want to work on and a lot of other factors
A: Accessing CryptGenRandom from PHP

ircmaxellI have actually implemented an RFC4086 compliant Random Number Generator in PHP. You can see the work at the GitHub Project for PHP-CryptLib. Basically, you specify the "strength" of random number/string that you require. If you need cryptographically secure numbers, select High (but note, thi...

@Rythmic , excuse me ? how can a person have "lots of" something named "good practices" ?!
^^ Wow, not much activity for a bounty answer/question
@edorian which code?
There currently is no simple answer to "what framework" without knowing about you :)
@CharlesSprayberry The (really code related and not clutter related) point that was the most questionable was the, what i would say is, massiv overuse of __construct's in interfaces
what is a good article on DI?
@edorian thanks
@edorian That is actually one of the things I've tried to work on over my last work. Do you have any examples where it might not be needed?
How an object gets created should in 99% of the cases not matter to the interface. It feels like a workaround for real OO in some places (fix interfaces, no factories needed) but really breaks a lot of principles, reuse and flexibility
@ircmaxell Btw, I'd like to discuss the Collection interface if you got time ;)
To be honest I can't make up an example where it is a good idea
@NikiC when I get into the office later
@edorian You mean where it i a good idea to have a __construct in an interface?
@Gordon ok.. as I come from the java world (although I've done plenty of php coding on my own) there are frameworks that are used just about everywhere. So what I was after were the most popular frameworks used in a large site context in the php world.
Good afternoon
"I'm not aware of any case where it was appropriate to force a __construct signature in an interface"
@edorian Then how do I ensure that the proper dependencies get passed?
@Rythmic Well thats a different story. Usage numbers we can talk about.. even so those chance really frequently in php
@CharlesSprayberry Why do you care in the interface definition? You don't even know what dependencies are needed! (FileLogger vs NullLogger vs SendUnicornsToSpaceLogger)
sounds like he wants to learn a framework before he knows the language
what a positively horrifying idea
The SendUnicornsToSpaceLogger needs a SpaceShip and a unicorn factory while the fileLogger needs a IoSomething and the NullLogger needs nothing
And that goes pretty much for every case where an interface comes into play?
@CharlesSprayberry , interface lets you know what methods you can use "on" object
it has nothing to do with creation of said object
@tereško addressing the "lots of good practises remark" . I think you can have them when there are many of them to adapt. I might use the "coding against interface practise" which is liked by many but maybe I don't use "Single purpose functions" but I use "don't have side effects in a function" which means I would be using two out of three best practises.
@Rythmic its no different in PHP. its either Company Framework or one of the major frameworks. Check out stackoverflow.com/tags/php/info for a list of frameworks. Also consider looking at Doctrine for an ORM.
@edorian I do, because I use some classes lazily (you register the class name, and I create for you when needed). Without having the constructor on the interface, I couldn't reliably do this (because I check the interface using reflection). github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-CryptLib/blob/master/lib/CryptLib/Core/…
@Rythmic , when we talk about OOP practices , we mean things like IoC, LoD and SOLID
@tereško My point is still valid then as I might be using some but not all of them.
You could argue whether or not that's good design, but given the design, it makes sense to have the constructor as part of the interface...
@ircmaxell It seems like you where just to lazy to build a simple-factory there
@edorian simple factory?
14 mins ago, by Rythmic
@tereško: I have lots of good OOP practises. I'm just looking for the "less coding benefits" of using frameworks.
you mean like a callback to create the new object?
switch-case on the name and construct accordingly
@Rythmic , and then are not something you "have" but something you "use"
@edorian It needs to be extendable. If you define a new class, the factory needs to be able to support it
@tereško fine, you win :) I admit the typo.. wrong thinking, aso
@edorian This makes sense. I swear you make me rethink more of my code than anybody in here
Ok, off to get ready for work. Be back in like 1:30...
@ircmaxell Abstract factory thingi. -- I mean: I see your point. It's easy that way and you force everything to be nice and in order
But it isn't the cleanest solution. See you then. Have fun
@Rythmic , anyway , the bottom line is : in PHP there are no mandatory frameworks you must know.. instead what you should do would be to research multiple ones , so that you know how they work and what are the gotcha-moments
@Gordon: Thanks for the link
If you cheat in a small construction/factory somewhere to make something convenient there are some drawbacks. But forcing a non-arg construct usually is an anti-pattern
@ircmaxell Rules are there for people that don't know what they are doing
And if one is confident in a single use case all is well. But in general (99%+ case) I say there is no use for fixating constructor signatures
@edorian Ok, so obviously the Logger interface doesn't need a construct. That can be left up to the implementation, I get that. But, what about the Uri interface where every object really does need some kind of string to parse?
Why can't I build my URI from an array or from a DataStorage connection? Why can't I have a "NullUri" or a "StaticBackupFilePath" Uri
Not that they all make terribly much sense but maybe I'm just using an adapter to map my Uri object to yours and I already have parsed data available
@CharlesSprayberry , what exactly is the benefit that you see in having an interface with defined constructor ?
how exactly that facilitates polymorphism ?
@tereško Great! That was my intended approach, just thinking there could be some that are better to start with than others
How you seem to have there btw. is a combination of URI parser and an URI value object
@tereško Honestly, I've tried to avoid it where possible. Perhaps my problem is that I'm thinking too much about the implementation when I'm building the interfaces.
:) It seems exactly like that
@edorian funny, we discussed that recently :)
@edorian Why should they be different? The parsing isn't that much code and then its just a simple getter?
There is quite a lot of different ways to write an URI (not URL), a uri can be pretty much anything starting with http:// over to steam://game/430 and skype://sFSDGDFFAFDSHDFTF==
@Rythmic in that case you need to look at : Zend framework , Lithium , Kohana3 , Yii , Symfony2 , Larval and CakePhp .. this will cover the whole spectrum of awfulness in php frameworks
oh .. and Drupal
and wordpress and drupal for CMS/Framework/MakeMeAPrettyWebsite stuff
@edorian Gotcha. However, for this project I'm limiting my use-case and will assess whether to split the Uri up into different objects at a later refactor ;)
@CharlesSprayberry All in all it's ok to leave it in one class (even so the class then does two things not one). Then you still might just ask for the url in the objects sigature as the interface shouldn't know where the values come from
Easiest case being the ability to create a "staticUri" class that always just returns the same thing.
But yeah. All in all your interface only allows for one implementation
And you don't need interfaces where there is only one right answer
Indeed, I am going through right now and relooking at some things with this new found elightenment.
I knew there was a reason to get up early this morning...
1 hour later…
@edorian not arguing, just pointing out a use-case...
@ircmaxell I wouldn't if we where arguing ether :)
Time to write some more docs for phpcs sniffs
@CharlesSprayberry Do you have C# history?
Or for a more general question:
Does anyone except @CharlesSprayberry indent everything after a namespace declaration by one indention level?
namespace foo;
    class something {

@edorian Unless that somebody is using braces namespaces, no, he isn't.
I don't like it at all in C# but they only have braces and even with braces I find it kinda ugly to waste those 4 spaces
@edorian No, as @NikiC said, if there are no {} around the namespace, I do not want to see indentation
@edorian No. What's wrong with the indentation?
@CharlesSprayberry It's wasting space
And I don't it helping with anything
I mean. That the class is in a namespace doesn't have to be shown by indenting everything
It's like writing "This file contains the Logger interface" into Logger.php where the very next line is "interface Logger". It's just noise that has to get written and wasting my time when I read it.

Just like to much whitespace makes reading files really hard (until one gets used to it)
@ircmaxell Any you have a "no braces for one-class-per-file" 'policy' ? Or 'one-namespace-per-file' for that matter?
Or something. I don't like braced namespaces with the way we currently structure our code
@edorian I have a "one-namespace-per-file" rule. I have been working on an automated "compiler" to compile down multiple files into a single one, but I don't program like that
@ircmaxell What for?
Yeah. Putting everything in one file is fine and braced namespaces are fine too
@NikiC I'd assume performance. Our app benefited greatly from having 1200 files reduced to one
@NikiC to see if I could do it...
@edorian even with opcode cache w/o stat?
even with apc.stat = 0
Then again the darn thing is allocating +60megs just for the class and function definitions so I wouldn't advice for that in the general case :)
nor would I.
but doing it automated has proven difficult, as how do you handle things like template files (I tried wrapping them into a closure, but for obvious reasons that won't work)...
@edorian what darn thing? APC?
The application. Can't really blame php for that
@edorian Ah, okay ^^
I already wondered ^^
@ircmaxell Why?
@NikiC scope
I only used it for the the php libs and left everything else out
@edorian would be my approach too
I didn't benchmark .phar against it but it seems like the more sensible choice nowadays
My github-pages page talking longer than 2 minutes to build and now I'm bored #firstWorldProblems
@edorian What kind of work do you do? If you don't mind me asking...
Work in the "Paid for" sense?
@CharlesSprayberry why is Overloadable in datastructures? github.com/cspray/SprayFire/blob/master/libs/sprayfire/…
I'm currently a Senior Developer (for whatever thats worth) in charge of Quality Assurance, Application Architecture and Developer Training/Growing at a smaller company in Germany that is World Leader in remote monitor of solar plants
I'm involved in pretty much anything IT that isn't the hardware we send to our customers. (To servers, backend, website, database and so on)
and an interface for magic isn't that great of an idea in my experience. You're not calling the methods, and you can implement the same functionality with public properties, so the interface isn't enforcing behavior, it's enforcing implementation (which is not what you want to do)
@ircmaxell Honestly, I couldn't find what I feel is an appropriate namespace for it. Since I'm using it as a means to access data I left it there for now
But I'm leaving in 3 weeks and will relocate and work for a Swizz E-Commerce company. I've been 5 years with my current employer
@CharlesSprayberry That's fair
@ircmaxell I think this may be another side effect from thinking too much about implementation while making my interfaces
@edorian What's the reason behind the move?
@CharlesSprayberry Fair, it's not horrible, just something I am noticing more and more...
@NikiC I'm currently striving for a technical career path and that is not possible here as there is to much management work that needs to be done beforehand and I'm not willing to be a part time manager for another 1-2 years
I really appreciate your guys feedback. It makes me feel great that I'm getting some actual professional advice on my code.
@edorian This sounds like the last place I worked for. Wrote a business app that automated this dude's 40 hour a week job into an overnight task and they didn't even wanna give me a wristpad for my keyboard :P
@CharlesSprayberry I have some issues with naming convetions and code style, but that's not important (since you're consistent with it, which in the end is what really matters)
Wuhu! My free extra creditz t-shirt arrived today :) Customs even let it through :)
@ircmaxell Are you in office now?
@ircmaxell Yea, I don't get too worked up over that. I expect that when I get a job with a professional development team I will have to adapt my naming conventions and style and what not
One criticism: you're private everything is going to make certain things really difficult. For example: github.com/cspray/SprayFire/blob/master/libs/sprayfire/core/… if I want to move log outside of the root (say to /var/log), I can't
@CharlesSprayberry What @ircmaxell said. But I didn't want to bore you with my "You need a phpcs.xml, a phpmd.xml and a phpunit.xml.dist and a CI server. NOAW" speech :)
Yeah, the important thing is it's consistent...
@edorian I had actually started looking at Jenkins but I wanna get another box setup before I got that far
@ircmaxell This is actually one of the things that I have thought about. I don't like my reliance on the ROOT_PATH constant but I'm struggling with how to get rid of it without making things uglier
@CharlesSprayberry And no: It's quite a nice place to work to be honest. The clocks tick a little slower and $listOfMinorCompaints but they invest quite a lot in their developers
One piece of advice about 5.3, only use the use statement for classes you're instantiating. Never use it for signatures and class definitions. So I would do this: github.com/cspray/SprayFire/blob/master/libs/sprayfire/config/… as:
@edorian Now it sounds not so much like my past work
interface Configuration extends \ArrayAccess, \libs\sprayfire\datastructs\Overloadable {

equals(\libs\sprayfire\core\Object $Object) instead?
the reason is that it's easier to read. It's to avoid this: stackoverflow.com/questions/3586313/…
@CharlesSprayberry exactly
heh, I actually had that all over the place at one point
I had spent about 30 minutes last week intentionally taking that out
I don't like use statements to shorten the interitance. I want to be able to see where a class comes from by reading one line. Same for interfaces
For method arguments I haven't found a clear way to go. Usually not used
@CharlesSprayberry I understand why. It looks cleaner with use. But it's harder to read and understand
@NikiC Yeas
What do you use for the api docs btw? I've never seen someone use @brief or @details before
@edorian doxygen
And that requires those tags?
@edorian It does not require them. Most of the time I like to be a little more verbose than is needed, I guess its just a quirk I have
> If JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF is set to YES in the configuration file, then using JavaDoc style comment blocks will automatically start a brief description which ends at the first dot followed by a space or new line. Here is an example:
I see :)
@ircmaxell Okay
@ircmaxell Basically I wanted to discuss what the Collection interface is for and how much you want to put into it.
@ircmaxell I'd say reading and understanding are pretty important
@NikiC Sure
@CharlesSprayberry as would I :-P
Well, let's use unambiguous terms
@ircmaxell Okay, so where would people actually use that interface. Where people use Traversable is clear. But when would you say "I need some datastructure, but have absolutely idea which one"?
ClassA - A set of data (unordered)
ClassB - An ordered version of ClassA
I've called ClassA Collection, and ClassB Vector (Not sure if they are the best names, but that's how I've viewed it)
@CharlesSprayberry: one thing that's odd, is that you're namespaced, yet most of your concrete classes are prefixed by SprayFire... Which is really akward...
Any having \libs\ as a top level namespaces also is a little odd
@ircmaxell Not sure I get this
@edorian agree
me neither
@ircmaxell lol
SortedListOf<Object> === Vector , ListOf<Object> == Collection ?
@edorian Not sorted, ordered
So a Set is a Collection. An array is a vector because it has order by default. A Map/Dictionary/AssociativeArray/Hash is a Collection. A DLL is a Vector...
@ircmaxell Though currently a Vector is a Collection too ^^
All right. Carry on. All well then
@NikiC It is. Since a Vector is a Collection which has order
@ircmaxell Okay
right? or am I not making sense?
Github, y u no build my pages!
@ircmaxell I don't think this is the use of Vector that Levi intended. He meant Vector as in Array ;)
@NikiC Well, I'm talking about it conceptually, not as implemented
@ircmaxell ^^
I'm talking about what to implement :P
@NikiC Right, which means we need to talk about concepts, and then look at the implementation for that
@ircmaxell I would agree with Levi that Vector is just an array ;)
@NikiC So how would you define that? Conceptually, what is a Vector then?
@ircmaxell An array ^^
@NikiC Then why not call it an Array?
@ircmaxell Reserved keyword ;)
@NikiC Why have it at all then? We already have ArrayAccess...?
@ircmaxell I don't know why you people added all the interfaces ;) I think it would suffice to add Vector as a class.
I didn't add any interface except Set
@ircmaxell I absolutely agree with you. I suck at coming up with names though and my interfaces always wind up getting the good ones so I'm stuck at time for implementation with no idea what to use.
@ircmaxell Heh. I'll just ask a purely practical question instead. For a stack what order would the elements of ->toArray() be?
@NikiC order of insertion... So end() would be the most recent added...
@ircmaxell This basically implies that I'll need to implement both stack and queue using a dll instead of a more optimized sll based data structure, right?
@NikiC Well, you could build it and then flip it (array_reverse)
@ircmaxell I could do that, yes, though I'm not sure what's better
@edorian By the way, I wrote that post on STUPID :) nikic.github.com/2011/12/27/Dont-be-STUPID-GRASP-SOLID.html
@NikiC Whats your twitter handle?
@edorian nikita_ppv, though it's purely read only, I don't write anything there :)
Thats about as read only as it gets
@edorian I don't really get what one should write there ;)
The amazing Nikic, of php memory usage blog post fame, wrote a little something on the STUPID term we made up recently: http://nikic.github.com/2011/12/27/Dont-be-STUPID-GRASP-SOLID.html
Then that has to do
> whoever invented knock-knock-jokes should be awarded a no-bell prize
@edorian lol
dupleton best. made-up word. ever.
If a multiton just is a little to much
@CharlesSprayberry ^^
@NikiC It actually made me bust out laughing. My gf started looking at me strange :P
@NikiC Very nice post :)
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by Raynos
> Stackoverflow Careers Invitations: 45 / 48 remaining
If anyone needs a careers.so invite, ping me o/
Q: Looping through HTML code in PHP/JavaScript

methuselahInstead of writing: <ul class="tabs"> <li><a href="#tab1">1-50</a></li> <li><a href="#tab2">51-100</a></li> <li><a href="#tab3">101-150</a></li> <li><a href="#tab4">151-200</a>...

@LeviMorrison's back.
@NikiC Spent holidays with family :)
Please tell me looping through data and echoing html is bad
I have this immediate reaction that it should be killed with fire
@LeviMorrison Thought so :)
@Raynos Well, at some point you have to loop through the data to output the HTML. It's how and where you do it that really matters.
@Raynos I think it depends more on where in your application you are echoing HTML.
I just think string concatenation on HTML -> shoot developer
Code like stackoverflow.com/a/8647413/419970 looks like tagsoup that needs to die in fire
Well in the end everything we do as web devs is finding more and more fancy ways of concatenating strings
Pretty much
I just dont want to touch the layer that concatenates strings directly
@Raynos I got my current job in part thanks to Careers
well .. thats an american phenomena
in .lv stackoverflow is a rarely used site
I'm using my Careers CV to send out job applications at the moment. I'll see whether it works. I don't have the 'being hunted' visibility yet
@NikiC: pedantic note: If you don’t test your code, you are bound to ship broken code. <-- Passing tests does not mean your code is not broken...
@NikiC Nice article on STUPID.
@ircmaxell redantic note back I did not say that either :P
@NikiC True, but the implication is there ;-D
@ircmaxell Maybe ^^
just being pedantic
Sup @LeviMorrison
Any good password hashing libraries to suggest other than phpass?
Will implement and try it out.
what are you trying to do?
Just a simple auth class
you don't need a lib then, just use crypt() with Blowfish
Didn't even know such a thing existed, stupid me.
@ircmaxell What are some use cases that would require something like your crypt lib?
@CharlesSprayberry Supporting multiple password hash styles
Really, if all you're doing is authentication, it's a bit much
@ircmaxell Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't I hear you say somewhere that you don't use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR?
I recently complained about it getting in my way
@CharlesSprayberry That is correct
PHP translates paths properly for you automagically
@ircmaxell even on Windows? I don't have much exposure to a Windows system atm unfortunately
@CharlesSprayberry yes, even on Windows
I used to do define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);, but then I realized that / works just as well...
@ircmaxell Is this something that is dependent upon a PHP version as far as you know?
@CharlesSprayberry No, I mean it may have been buggy in 4 or something like that, but it's worked fine in 5+
@ircmaxell I don't give two hoots about 4. As far as I'm concerned it has long since died off and is now dust & bones.
Hi everyone can you help me write a for loop
For `$maxRows_dd1 = 10;
$pageNum_dd1 = 0;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_dd1'])) {
$pageNum_dd1 = $_GET['pageNum_dd1'];
$startRow_dd1 = $pageNum_dd1 * $maxRows_dd1;

$maxRows_dd2 = 10;
$pageNum_dd2 = 1;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_dd2'])) {
$pageNum_dd2 = $_GET['pageNum_dd2'];
$startRow_dd2 = $pageNum_dd2 * $maxRows_dd2;

$maxRows_dd3 = 10;
$pageNum_dd3 = 2;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_dd3'])) {
$pageNum_dd3 = $_GET['pageNum_dd3'];
$startRow_dd3 = $pageNum_dd3 * $maxRows_dd3;`
Up until dd100
dd100 would look like this:

$maxRows_dd100 = 10;
$pageNum_dd100 = 99;
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_dd99'])) {
$pageNum_dd32 = $_GET['pageNum_dd99'];
$startRow_dd99 = $pageNum_dd99 * $maxRows_dd99;
How about next time you use pastebin or an alternative to it?
@ircmaxell I've got a bit of a strange situation.
What if I wanted to load Joomla components, plugins or modules at runtime?
Is it possible to instruct joomla (with some form of config hackery) to looks for components inside /www/abc instead of /www/components/(default path)?
what do you mean?
@ircmaxell What I'm trying to do is to have several different Joomla sites working with the same Joomla source code but different extensions and database.
good luck
imagine our `configuration.php`:

    case 'abc.com':
        $user = '';
        $db = '';
    case ...

JConfig::set('user', $user);
JConfig::set('db', $db);
The part up to the database works nice
I need to figure out a way to separate the different extensions according to server name
@ircmaxell You mean to say it's not remotely possible? :)
@ChristianSciberras why the hell would you direct requests from different domains to a single script ?
Does someone here know how to have transparent background when using imagerotate (GD function) ?
@ChristianSciberras no, just good luck...
@tereško That was to get the point across. What we're doing is that we're starting a small system where clients can see their site before going live.
This would look like: http://preview.ourdomain.com/clientdomain.com/
hmm ..
We want to avoid having a copy of joomla/wordpress/whatever for every project just for preview.
On the production server, it's something else, of course.
is still get that feeling of "you are doing it wrong" .. though i suspect that i do not know the whole situation
@tereško Usually, we go on our local server, install wordpress, add the plugins, theme, tweak it up and show it to the client.
When approved, we move everything to the production server. Sometimes it's our own server elsewhere, sometimes it's the client's.
When we do this move, we have to tackle several issues regarding deployment.
i think you should do this by implementing some routing mechanism , instead of having that switch statements and static config
is there a function with what I can check if a $var is in an array, for example $file = "index.php" and I'd so something like is_in_array($array, $file) ?
@tereško That's just the implementation. I've got it working nicely with routing.
My problem is the theory. Erm. As in how to make Joomla change some internal behaviour.
in_array(), @Asko
@Asko did you look for that? It's pretty obvious
yeah, got is_array and then got lost in the manual.
I've been able to make this work with wordpress, but joomla's proving a b**** as usual :D
@ChristianSciberras we haven't
Does someone here know how to have transparent background when using imagerotate (GD function) ?
"Oh look, another PHP blog post telling me all the things I shouldn't be doing without being informative about good alternatives." hum :(
04:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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