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i have image upload site, where users can upload images and other users can comment on those images .,
should i allow user to delete the account permanently ?
if they choose to delete their account then how should i handle their uploads then ? each user has userid and everything user does gets attached to their userid like uploading images , commenting , rating
should i delete their uploads &/comments.
or just change their username to anon.
@AMB You should ask the user at the point of account deletion, and give them both options
@PeeHaa yep
> Your connection James has endorsed you for new skills and expertise! [Breast Implants]
thx @Jimbo :-P
@PeeHaa If you used vim to create your bad file for the signature, then you need to :set binary to prevent it tagging a \n on the end
@DaveRandom Man that was ages ago, I'd forgotten about that :D haha
@DaveRandom okie.,
@Leigh Awesomesauce I will give it a try first thing tomorrow morning. How does that conflict with < or <i in specific though?
@PeeHaa it doesn't, that's just what worked for me :x
hehe k fair enough. Will give it a try
throw new class extends Exception {
    public function __construct() {
        parent::__construct("I don't know why I did this");
That is at once, terrifying and beautiful.
ahoy hoy
@Leigh what's your twitter handle again?
@ircmaxell I don't use twitter
@Leigh ok then
good mornings.
Are you from the past?
I also don't use facebook, or google+
because I'm from the future, actually ;)
But in fairness, nobody uses Google+
@Leigh So MySpace gets that much better, hmm?
@Sara i have public ?int $foo; property and the type checker does not complain me writing a string into it "1234" and var_dump afterewards confirms its a string
@Sara except Linus
I'm just that anti-social
He uses it to decide on release names
@beberlei Reeeeeallllly? Do you have a simple repro case?
@Sara I do
@Sara I do. ;-P
@ircmaxell Of course YOU do.... :p
And it must be very very lonely
actually, I'm constantly surprised at the amount of activity on there
Well, you do for now... Since Google is breaking it down for parts...
@FlorianMargaine Does Linus actually like anyone?
@ircmaxell It's @leighzaru, 3 tweets, one of which was to verify myself on keybase, why do you ask out of interest?
@Sara don't believe what you read in the tabloids.
@Sara It's not mothballed, it's just not a cool SEO tool anymore so a lot of people just quit
Google+ communities are a lot better than any Facebook group, ofc depending on your needs.
@beberlei Evidently we don't typecheck mains
@beberlei we don't typecheck pseudomains
too much crap going on with $_GLOBALS being the same thing as locals
what is a pseudomain?
code that's not in a function
"simple reproducecase" is actually the problem here :D
now it works yes :>
so the type checker is purely offline? because i can execute it
its still a string
I think we're supposed to still catch that at runtime, I'll ask arounbd
@Sara @NikiC gist.github.com/bwoebi/77759ace18b63a4ccdf2 (Tried to keep simple… nothing like Exception handling etc.)
actually i was just wondering how public int $foo; works with regard to initialization in hack
it assigns null and prints a warning that either add ? or assign in constructor
in hh_client
@Sara Who uses facebook? pfff…
@bwoebi 1 in 6 humans on the planet at least once/month.
@Sara Is it really so overused :o
@ircmaxell why does php 5.4+ suddenly start "interpreting" on <?hh?
@beberlei If you want it to be a non-nullable int, then you need to give it an initializer...
@beberlei short_open_tag active?
@beberlei Short open tag
@bwoebi Might be up to 1 in 5 by now, not sure
things i forgot existed :)
@Sara haha ^^ rather look at my gist :-D
@beberlei: @Sara: I get a runtime error - however, that behavior can be turned off in the configuration file. Maybe 3v4l is doing that
@bwoebi Am looking, actually, but it's a rather busy gist
@beberlei any chance you can fix the sidebar for rfc watch?
@Sara Yeah, it's nothing I could reliably demonstrate in 10 lines of code.
@kelunik i could, but i am not really motivated atm :)
@Sara I wanted to show something which comes close to reality instead of being totally made up.
ooh, actually, nope, my bad. we have runtime enforcement for methods, but not for properties
@bwoebi It looks like gen's T is always Fetched here, so I would say yes. That'd work.
@bwoebi shouldn't it then actually be Promise<Fetched> here?
@Sara No, It might be int too…?
What gets weird is if, across multiple iterations, it's sometimes Fetched, sometimes Caught, sometimes Grabbed
look at that lone getNumber()
/me pokes @beberlei with the motivation stick ...
Oh, right, yes
Yeah, I can't picture that making any kind of sense in a consistent type system...
@Sara Yeah, but that doesn't matter. the generator handler is totally generic. it's just at the level in between which aren't generic.
@JoeWatkins i react negatively to force ;)
also i have holidays, so get of my lawn :>
You've said "I'll return an X" and then you've returned a "Y"
@Sara I can assure you this is perfectly statically analyzable.
@Sara hmm?
@bwoebi Then I look forward to your pull request. :)
I will pass your gist along to josh/julien though
pull request … to PHP or Hack? :-P … I wasn't intending to do Hack dev in near future. ^^
I got to meet Josh last night
@ircmaxell nice :-)
@bwoebi Or PHP then
@kelunik No, not necessary. type inference is enough there.
@ircmaxell Yeah, he was complaining about some pushy new yorker
And what's the point of that syntax here?
@kelunik callable typehint
Makes sense, even if it gets ugly with more params.
Most callables usually have one or two params from my experience.
(in PHP)
Does anyone know of a hosted service that will build your phar file automatically when master is updated?
fwiw, Hack's typed callables would look more like: public function setResolver((function (T $value): null) $resolver): null { ... }
Gives you both the arg types and the callable's return type
I think you should allow both. You're not always interested in return type.
Might make sense to have a shorthand, yeah
but that function keyword looks redundant to me
I'm just saying what's in there now
Agreed on that
I'm not sure how much disambiguation is needed, tbqh
Oh… I interpreted "would look like" as something what will come.
No, that's syntax that's been there a couple years.
I meant "would look like" as in "if you had written it in hack"
@SteveRobbins if you have a server under your control: use a git hook to invoke a build script somewhere.
@Sara yeah, understood now.
@Sara function declarations quickly become overloaded… I rather avoid too much keywords there.
I suspect T_FUNCTION is in there largely out of a desire to make it look like a closure, and thus more readable
Well, that's what NewType is for :)
NewType ResolverT = (function (T $value): null);

public function setResolver(ResolverT $resolver): null { ... }
@Rangad Yeah that's what I'm going to end up doing I think. Just figured someone might have built an app with an .io at the end
Nice to get a thank you gift from StackExchange for reaching 100k rep on SO - twitter.com/Mark_Baker/status/577906176458924033 - thank you peoples for all those upvotes
Argh, bitbucket has no analogue for gists.
@MarkBaker Nice! I guess I have a new goal...
@Sara I totally agree. I just prefer typedef to NewType … But that's just because I'm used to the former.
@bwoebi Yeah, I'd have preferred typedef too, but that's our C background showing through :p
@SteveRobbins Not sure if phars are popular enough ;) Maybe you could use travis' deploy options for that. (building not storing) (Never touched that and I'm not sure if it's available on .org or it's .com exclusive)
@bwoebi: one reason to make it not be 'typedef' is to make people not assume it works the same way
we have two behaviors, 'type' and 'newtype'
@Sara yup, makes sense
typedef is closer to 'type' than 'newtype'
@Rangad I think it's just a responsibility no one wants. Storing big files, licensed to others, indefinitely. Not the same as a tests and temporary workspaces
@FredEmmott Yeah, saw that. Makes sense … but I'm not sure if we really want to render types opaque…
I have no idea how this who thing works. Don't look at me. :p
@bwoebi it's useful sometimes - eg disallowing passing an arbitrary int to function foo(UserID $user) - vector-like array keys were a common bug there
@FredEmmott The opaque types essentially are only like thin wrappers for a type.
newtype is generally handy if you just want users of your API to treat it as a handle
and guarantee they won't do crazy shit to it
Which is nothing what you couldn't do just in userland with a microscopic class.
if it's just an alias for more readable code (like closure types), you probably don't want that
yep. it's just more efficient at runtime, and less code
Just one question. How do you actually "unwrap" these opaque types? by a cast?
if it's the same file, you don't need to. If it's another file, you should make casting functions in the file that defines them.
oh, per File. Hmmm.
per namespace actually would have made more sense for me…
because it restricts all the code handling a type to one file… or you have to export casting functions and use them everywhere.
@ircmaxell the E_CORE_ERROR you mentioned - I just looked at the code, it is there only in debug builds for checking internal function returns
It's pretty much just an assertion that the return type spec is correct, you can implement a strict scalar check there, independently of mode
@FredEmmott I actually like the idea of opaque types… In condition that I can convert them with a simple cast. Sometimes you just need the option to state "I know what I do, please give me access"… even if there's no accessor intended.
There's also no runtime checks for type aliases. You can just use /* UNSAFE_EXPR */ to make the typechecker ignore whatever you're doing
@FredEmmott I don't like the idea to tell the typechecker to fuck off… But the explicit cast to exactly what the typedef requires would be nice to have.
In a way so that you don't accidentally do it and also are notified when the typedef would have changed.
i guess this is where the name hack comes in :)
in that we cannot blindly copy everything for php :D
@bwoebi: doing it to exactly the right type is still violating the defined API, and unsafe.
@FredEmmott Well, heck… you can access private methods and properties via Closure rebinding. When you do such very explicit things, you usually do it because you know what you do. It's unsafe, yes. But still can be typechecked.
Yep; but it's still a type error. It's just not as bad a type error as converting to the wrong type.
@FredEmmott That's the point where we disagree then ;-) The former shouldn't be a type error IMO. Maybe a notice… but not an error.
hmm, that said, we actually do allow the cast. But that's only a workable approach if it's a basic type
... ^^
we also allow other casts though
but that's not really different to being able to explicitly cast ints to strings
I mean… when you have a newType a which is defined to int… You shouldn't be able to do (string) $a where $a is of type a.
Only (int) $a.
Why not, when you can do (string) $a when $a is an unaliased int?
What would you want, requiring (string) (int) $a?
@FredEmmott Never seen something like (void *) (uintptr_t) val in C code?
@NikiC ah, missed that
woops :-X
hey, one of the League project leads proposed this feature gist.github.com/nyamsprod/baf606633a43c27d6ed5 it doesnt have anyone working on it at this point, but is the IDEA vaguely sound?
Ladies and Gentlemen, the internet is burning again! CVE-2015-0209 CVE-2015-0285 CVE-2015-0288 #CVE #openssl http://t.co/KqqVXaRA3x
@ircmaxell It's not real until it has a cute marketing name and logo.
@PhilSturgeon I would suggest a getResource() method, which returns the underlying (wrapped) resource
or getStream()
actually, I don't know about that
@ircmaxell at least one of those looks real :( found the cherry-pick at git.openssl.org/gitweb/?p=openssl.git;a=commit;h=e1b568dd2462f7
If that's really thursday's CVE's numbers, they show up on github.com/openssl/openssl/commits/OpenSSL_0_9_8-stable
@FredEmmott they are all real
Did openssl just accidentally push them to github early or something?
They've been releasing the diff with the updated releases ahead of announcing which CVEs are addressed for a long time.
The main issue has been that their code sucks and they release all of the changes as a single diff.
That makes it hard to identify bug fixes vs security fixes vs issues vs nonissues.
wait, so they publish code fixing it, with CVE numbers, where blackhats can easily see, before announcing it where most administrators would look?
CVE numbers are reserved and then later made public.
You can't tell the severity of a bug based on having a CVE or not.
Or, rather, you can't tell how bad a vuln is just because it's been issued a CVE.
well, to be more precise:

1. publish code, with commit message saying it fixes a security issue
2. say "we have a major security issue, details soon"
3. people who know can look at the branches to find out what's likely to be related
4. most people will have to wait a few days?
Yeah, sounds about right. It's just that most people didn't care before heartbleed and all the marketing.
so, what do you think about the suggestion to hide votes during voting?
hasn't chrome removed ssl3 support anyway?
@NikiC We tried that briefly and panic ensued.
Don't you remember?
@LeviMorrison panic ensues primarily because the change was simply commited without discussion
I'd +1 it
Hm ... I don't see any obvious way to handle errors in re2c
@marcio You're more familiar with re2c ... how would I go about throwing an exception from there? I don't want a fatal and I don't a warning.
Where do you want to jump to?
guess I should return a dummy error token and then suppress the parse error that it causes?
> To minimize noise on this list I would appreciate if you stay on topic, your blog is a better venue then this list.
Stupid question: there's no separate voting karma, right? You just need to have a php.net account?
@NikiC you maybe want to look at the -f switch and YYGETSTATE() with abort mode
@Charles There is.
@Charles But a php.net account automatically gives you that karma.
@bwoebi Then IMO the list of potential voters and the reason they have the vote should be a public record, just as their voters are.
Is it possible to make fputcsv write to an in-memory buffer?
@ircmaxell Yeah, was really surprised.
That'd have headed off the "who are these people and why haven't they ever voted before and why do they care?" question
@Charles But there are bare wiki accounts (very few) which have voting karma
@райтфолд Yes, you can open a stream to a memory var. One sec, there's a page in the manual with details, lemme go find it.
Thanks a lot.
@bwoebi I know someone with this kind of account. Didn't ask him how he got it though
nice anchor #refsect2-wrappers.php-unknown-unknown-unknown-unknown-unknown-descriptios
(someone = the CTO of my company)
I love the response from stas and co: "What problem? We don't have a problem"
@rdlowrey Generator return values landed
@NikiC I'm really not sure about php-src standards, but shouldn't there be an entry in news or upgrading?
@SebastianBergmann I think everybody is okay with that ... someone just has to implement it :P
@Rangad yes, there should be
@NikiC what is that in reply to?
@ircmaxell see ml
also, I don't think anyone is saying vote counts should be private
just the votes themselves
@ircmaxell Compromise: Make votes public and vote counts private :P
make who voted public, make the total number public, but make the direction of vote private
^^ This
so it's 14:7, but we don't know if it's 14:7 for, or against
maybe make how each person voted public after the vote closes
@Sara I think you need to make everything public afterwards
I'm actually okay with saying which way the vote is leaning. My main concern is making individual votes public prior to closing.
I like seeing how people voted.
I think it's valuable. "Oh, why did NikiC vote against this? The RFC looks good to me"
how do you prevent everyone with access reading the database?
14:7 against tells the RFC author to rethink their idea, for example
@beberlei few people have access
@beberlei i was going to ask the same
@beberlei Public ridicule and shaming
"<X> Why did you vote against the RFC?" "HOW DO YOU KNOW X VOTED AGAINST IT?!?!?!?!?!"
Some might look but not act on it in a detectable way, but that still improves the situation
@Sara because you just confirmed it
Was knowing the vote result really a problem during last vote?
@bwoebi It was a problem for my blood pressure.
hiding the number of votes and the direction would actually prevent anchoring bias.
@Gordon I somehow doubt this were the case.
It just often is only until the first no voters put their reasoning to internals that other people begin no-voting. But just because they didn't realize the issues before.
I dunno, in this case I think it was a bunch of people like Laurence ( ... why does he go by Laurence anyway?) that totally misunderstand what they were voting on.
it's Laruence, no?
Don't mind my typos.
isn't it his name anyway?
I'm having a bad day for typos. Not good when dealing with money reporting code, lemme tell you.
@FlorianMargaine Xinchen Hui, I mean.
hm how would hidden votes work with people saying why they vote dno
@beberlei that's the fallacy here. Hidden votes protect people from lobbying. But responsible people say why they are voting no (both to communicate with others and to potentially rectify issues). hence the knowledge of the voting pattern should be mostly public
@bwoebi Maybe yeah. There is probably many factors influencing a vote. Still, anchoring bias exists. Proven by many studies. I've seen it work countless times on Stack Overflow posts. You can safely assume it works for RFC votes, too.
the people it protects are the "me too" voters who see someone else saying what they feel, but don't need to +1 it on list
hm i guess same with secret votes in parliament, you sorta know what the voiceful leaders will vote for
as an economist though i can tell you, designing this right is hard ;-)
Any of you guys familiar with AWS? I just created my first instance, it's supposed to come with an SSD, but for some reason it only has an 8gb "magnetic storage"
but i forgot all the juicy details
and the only details I can see, say I have to pay for SSD storage...
Random Fun Fact: I just realized I earned a bronze code igniter badge recently. How embarrassing.
/me still hasn't answered enough questions for gold in
92 more answers and I'll get gold
hmm, should I be able to pass a SimpleXMLElement or DateTimeInterface as an int in weak mode?
> If there's a better (saner) way to do this, please let me know :|
@Ocramius couldn't get distinct + join + limit + offset working today with doctrine and mssql... It's horrible :(
Historically we have used FLOPS and SLOC as measures of a software-intensive system. Behold now EVPS. #HowDoYouRate? http://www.theonion.com/articles/wall-street-firm-develops-new-highspeed-algorithm,38202/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:2:Default
Hi guys, I am using two jquery plugins on the same page. One requires an older version of jquery and the other requires latest. I used .noConflict as mentioned here stackoverflow.com/questions/…

now, both plugins (actually sliders) are working but when I click on next button it throws function undefined error in the older version of jquery. Any idea if I am doing it wrong?
@FredEmmott Dunno about SimpleXML, but when I cast a DateTime to int I get 1 (and a "could not be converted" notice). That's scary.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
@FredEmmott Oh wow, simplexml silently casts to 0. No notice.
@PaulCrovella he's already bothered us
oh good, so just spamming it everywhere then... lovely
@PaulCrovella not everywhere. only two rooms so far.
@Charles simplexml implements __toString maybe it casts to string and after that to int?
@ThW Maybe. Lemme check.
Casting it to string results in the empty string, which therefore becomes zero.
Lemme try something other than an empty document...
Nope... huh.
@Patrick MSSQL is terrible in every corner
@FredEmmott 3v4l.org/HQIKY/rfc#tabs < DateTime doesn't work.
@Charles even if the string result contains a number?
@Charles try new SimpleXMLElement('<asdf>42foo</asdf>'); ... you'll get 42
@PaulCrovella Mmh, I'm trying using simplexml_load_string, that might be doing something funny
php > $sx = new SimpleXMLElement('<doc><foo>42, bar, baz</foo><foo quux="wat" /></doc>');
php > var_dump( (string)$sx);
string(0) ""
@Charles Try it without the outer element.
@Charles (int)simplexml_load_string('<asdf>42foo</asdf>') will give you 42 as well
@kelunik Aha, there we go. I guess it only stringifies one level deep or something and then goes insane?
well it starts insane, but basically yeah
:-P I am to lazy to use simplexml
@Sara re reviews.facebook.net/D35223 I think the lineno on the T_IF will be wrong if you write else\nif
@NikiC It will be.
@NikiC I could count newlines, but.... eugh This is lame enough as-is
Actually, loc.line1 might be suitable though
I am trying to implement this regex in order to parse some strings ( regex101.com/r/aR1hT7/1 ) I have done it like this, but it is not working pastebin.com/Svthgnz8
any clue ?
@NikiC Updated.
does anyone know how to make a database column have only one of 2 values only?
like Admin or User and that is it?
Or is there some standard way to do that
If you're stuck with MySQL, use an ENUM. If you're using a real database, use a CHECK clause to add a constraint.
im using mcirsoft sql studio
ok a check clause
ok thanks
i know ENUM from java, that is a specific category type thing
Yeah, but MySQL's implementation of them is absurd. You'll be fine with a CHECK constraint.
ok cool
will cehck it out, thx

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