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Looks okey at my branch.
your patch looks good.
I think fabien will like it.
Just reviewing it online on github.
Okay, now the complicated part.
Okey so should I inform him now about this cahnges or how he will get to know about it?
Somewhere on github you should be able to send a pull request.
Okey. I'm all ears.
Within your site.
I never did it that way, so I can not directly say.
But github is quite easy to use normally, so well, maybe you just spot which button to press?
Jup, at least I would press that button for a test ;)
Yep. That was right. Okey. Now I get it. First commit locally. Then Push so that changes will appear at github and then do a pull request.
Nice. Thank you.
Yeah, that's it. All at once ;)
github is just the remote repository to your local one.
and fabiens repository is another one, so you got three.
I see. Nice. I did work with github I think when it only was made, but then I worked only with Subversion.
Subversion is close to git.
But git is just distributed.
And far more modern
Whereas SVN is limited to one server you could say.
And it doesn't have your local dev version build in.
I know that, but I need to exercise my roasted memories. :)
Well I actually needed to poke folks as well about subversion in chats.
However, I found it much more inspiring working with git ;)
Code get's distributed much better.
SVN is often very project-centric.
so it's not very dynamic.
Whereas with git you get much more feedback.
Especially by using such a popular platform like github.
Which reminds me to update my last pull-request for fabien as well.
Funnily it's quite related to your pull request
It's as well about improper documented return types.
5 hours later…
boggle If you create a SplFileObject with the default mode of "r" isWritable() returns true
Ok, so the same code on the same file returns different results in unit test and a non-test example
3 hours later…
What is the problem?

[root /usr/local/apache/bin]# ab -n 20000 -c 1000 http://www.mysite.com/
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/

Benchmarking www.mysite.com (be patient)
Completed 2000 requests
Completed 4000 requests
apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)
Total of 5198 requests completed
[root /usr/local/apache/bin]#
2 hours later…
@Eugene I see that the PR worked out nicely. Thanks!
Q: How can I add pagination to my code? What is the next step to get this pagination working?

UrvishaIn my code I have like thisHow to do pagination............ ////////This is my pagination class/////// class simple_pagination { function check_integer($which) { if(isset($_REQUEST[$which])){ if (intval($_REQUEST[$which])>0) { //check the paging var...

can any body help me?
Good afternoon
Good Afternoon
Q: Keeping correct count of facebook 'likes'

KaranSay i have got a similar scenario. I have a page; and i am keeping a count of likes as the user clicks the like button. Now here is my problem. Say my current count of the page is 50. My table contains the page_id, and other page_description and also the current total number of likes. Also i ha...

anyone out there??
yes, I am
the question above
@AntonBabenko still there? :P
You should use transactions for this.
that is?
1 min, writing some code for you
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tbl_likes (page_id) VALUES (12); UPDATE TABLE tbl_pages (page_id, like_count) VALUES (12, (SELECT COUNT(page_id) FROM tbl_likes WHERE page_id = 12)); COMMIT;
but it is not the best way, because usually it is better to update tbl_pages counter periodically, while saving each counts into tbl_likes.
how does this piece increments the value!?
select statement gets the count() value and update it
iwill it solve the problem?
will the value be always updated?
are you sure that you have a good reason to have counts in tbl_pages ?
say. i have almost the similar feature like fb likes
whenever i click the like
doesnt it show that "you and X more people like this"
how does it do it then
does it run a periodic script
why don't you want to get it dynamically like: SELECT COUNT(page_id) FROM tbl_likes WHERE page_id = 12 every time user asks for it
and counts them all
that is everytime i want to show the link and the number of likes alon with it..
i ask for the count at that time?
on facebook it does use different type of storages for this data. Let's say - clicks can be saved in fast key/value repository and periodically dumping (if really needed) to tbl_pages-like database to skip count(*) every time. It is more advanced, but something like it :)
yes, select count(*) will give you correct data in most scenarios
well.. i guess advanced for me; for sure! :P
Thanks anyway.
you are welcome
@NikiC Yep. Fabien already merged my pull request.
Looks nice and maybe is comfortable, but in Ruby. Yeak. :(
@Eugene yeah, already saw that ;)
What would cause an SplFileObject that was constructed with file mode r return true on isWritable()?
WTF, my friend was coding PHP on his server and he says that php_info wasn't working but the rest was :')
@RobinVandenBroeck The hosting company may disable phpinfo()
Or you may have just been calling wrong function with _ :)
Ow oké.
@CharlesSprayberry Question still stands?
@edorian Yes, I still haven't figured it out
is_writeable takes a filename/path, SplFileInfo has a toString that returns the path to the file
so you are not passing in the fileinfo object but a string to the file, and yeah: that file is writeable
Makes sense?
No, how does SplFileInfo::isWritable() return true on a file object created in read-only mode?
Oh, you wrote isWritable and not is_writable :)
But SplFileInfo != SplFileObject. SplFileInfo can't "open" a file. I would assume that, even so it extends, it doesn't change how the SplFileInfo functions work
And the base is just "tell me stuff about the file behind that path"
Would need to look at the source though
Well, SplFileObject inherits isWrtiable() from SplFileInfo
yeah but SplFileInfo ist just "static" file information
and not related to any "fopen()" calls
Well, it doesn't make much sense to me that if you call isWritable() on a readonly SplFileObject it could return true
Well the file its self is still "isWriteable" it is just not opened in write mode :)
It feels kinda in consequent and SplFileObject does way to much stuff anyways (should maybe rather expose SplFileInfo and SplFileIo or something) ;)
But that would be my take on why that is
Ok, there is something else going on here
simplifying it even more to just running is_writable() on the file path gives me true with unit test and false with normal script running
now i just need to figure out what permissions PHPUnit is running under I suppose
Yep, I discovered my problem. PHPUnit is not running under the same user group as PHP
evening , console cowboys
Hello @tereško
Is it bad if I have 5 includes in bootstrap?
not necessarily...
Okay, thanks. I'm asking because I've heard that bootstrap should only include autoloader.
hm after I upgraded my virtualbox and the ubuntu it is running the full screen mode doesn't work correctly anymore :(
Evening everyone!
@NikiC Why don't you try VMWare Workstation?
I have ubuntu server there and everything works perfectly fine.
why would you need to run a server on a fullscreen ?
@NikiC Recompile the guest kernel module
@NikiC That happens from time to time that they do kernel patches and that removes/breaks the guest stuff
@edorian you mean the guest ext?
I reinstalled that, yeah
Didn't help ;)
strange, currently works for me.. then again I always use seemles mode because fullscreen doesn't work so well across 2 screens
@edorian Hm, seemless is an option. Though it looks ugly ^^
@tereško was ignored XD
@Eugene The question is fair though ;)
Nah, not really
@edorian ^^
@CharlesSprayberry Statements like // End FileLogger kill kittens. Think of the kittens!
@edorian Sorry, all kittens are already dead. Even with seven lives.
I blame Cake
Write better code and don't blame anyone/anything :) Should be slogan.
@Eugene Blame blame?
@NikiC ?
@NikiC :)
@edorian What's wrong with it?
It's superfluous documentation that serves no propose except "being there" and wasting time because it needs to be written
Its at least as pointless as having $i = 7; // Set i to seven
Especially since you have only one class per file anyways (well pretty much everyone has at least)
</ranty ranty>
Was my answer to your SO question at least helpful? :)
@edorian Well, I discovered what the issue was, kinda silly that I didn't catch it earlier. But, I still haven't figured out how to fix the issue
@edorian lnk?
Q: PHPUnit and SplFileObject returning true isWritable on read-only object

Charles SprayberryI have a Logger interface that accepts a SplFileObject in the constructor to use as the file for that particular log. There is also a log($timestamp, $message) method available to actually do the logging. In my first implementation when instantiating a new object and passing a read-only SplFile...

@NikiC Or to answer your question in a more generic sense: top one :P
@edorian The problem is ultimately that php is running as _www but phpunit is being ran under my user since i installed it
hello all
ultimately my user account has permissions on the file while _www doesn't
Oh my, "Well what i did was create_function(eval('class someclass{__desstructor(){some code}} global $a; $a=new someclass();')) Something like that..."
@edorian you phpunit!
All right, so file permission.
So you don't use an absoulte path in your tests but you create a 'temp' file in setUp like i showed to maybe fix this @CharlesSprayberry ?
Tests should have their own everything and that pretty much only gets called from the cli anways?
@edorian Well, if I run the test from the command line under my user it is still phpunit running under my user account. Wouldn't that mean it still has my permissions?
Yeah but why is that a problem? It should be able to write in the test folders then shouldn't it?
@NikiC Can you confirm: stackoverflow.com/questions/8609247/… ? I'm never sure when it comes to C and especially when it comes to zend C
@CharlesSprayberry But yeah, that's just my idea. You are smart enough to figure out permission issues your self :) Just wanted to make sure my answer was good enough :)
@edorian It isn't "cheating" the unit test to manually set the permissions of the file?
Nope. It is what you are supposed to do
@edorian Yes, userland visible functions are defined using PHP_FUNCTION() ;)
You don't want to test that your real file has the right permissions. You want to test that your code fails if the file has the wrong ones
And the easiest way to get a file with the wrong permissions is to just create one :)
@NikiC I might have missed a ZEND_MAGIC_FUNCTION_OVERLOAD(ARGS TSLRM_CC); or something :P
Ok. Perhaps I was thinking about it wrong from the beginning. And I may have the capability to learn but it still doesn't mean I know what I'm doing @edorian :)
@edorian Even in that case, they would be listed in github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-test-helpers/blob/master/… in any case ;)
Well if we actually would know what we are doing we wouldn't be here now would we :)
"Class" is such a nice pattern for C code
By the way it's TSRMLS_CC :P
Thread Safe Resource Manager Local Storage Create Comma?
Something like that if i remember correctly
Thread Safe Resource Manager at least is right, dunno bout the rest
@NikiC Any final suggestions? Should I place all form rendering methods into same view class, that manages everything right now, or should I do separate and just call it from main when I need to work with forms or maybe I should do in Form module it? I.e. \Form\FormElementRenderer?

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