Laravel question:
I want to show a result in my admin.blade.php
This is the controller code:
$results = DB::select('select * from codes where code='. Input::get('code'), array(1));
return View::make('admin')->with('results', $results);
This query gives only 1 row.
I only want to show the 'name'column. How do I do this? Im a big noob at laravel btw.
I want to show a result in my admin.blade.php
This is the controller code:
$results = DB::select('select * from codes where code='. Input::get('code'), array(1));
return View::make('admin')->with('results', $results);
This query gives only 1 row.
I only want to show the 'name'column. How do I do this? Im a big noob at laravel btw.