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I'm sorry, I didn't explain the question/task clearly ^^
@NikiC I assumed it was the functional head-tail paradigm
@salathe Ah indeed, it was DaveRandom.
the argument list contains arrays
@NikiC in normal array_map, yes. But in this question?
@LeviMorrison Is my implementation what you mean?
@ircmaxell I understood it as Levi wanting an array_map, just not for arrays in particular, but any iterable
ah, in which case I would do something along the lines of what you did
levi and his trick questions
Nah, it was just me badly explaining it ^^
@NikiC iter\zip($first, ...$rest) is basically [$first, ...$rest]?
@LeviMorrison iter\zip(['a', 'b'], [0, 1]) ~= [['a', 0], ['b', 1]]
it's [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] => [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
You may have noticed that I already said my mon-rings today
That's because I fell back to sleep... -.-
zip is pretty handy in Python
Would be useful to have in PHP core, especially with list() in foreach
@LeviMorrison so you did mean array_map as implemented, but for arbitrary traversables instead of just arrays?
@ircmaxell Yes.
ah ok
scratch my examples then
Something like:
function map(callable $f, $first, ...$rest) {
	$output = [];
	foreach ($first as $value) {
		$output[] = $f($value);
	foreach ($rest as $iterable) {
		foreach ($iterable as $value) {
			$output[] = $f($value);
	return $output;
I didn't want to use code to explain what I wanted, as that would bias your results but I did a bad job explaining it ^^
@LeviMorrison so not what array_map does after all...
Does array_map zip them?
I thought it just iterated one after the other?
(That's what several other languages do)
@LeviMorrison nope
that would be kinda totally useless
@LeviMorrison yes. The $first becomes the first argument to the map function, $second becomes the second argument, etc
Brb; going to play with this in another language or two.
So zip is the same as (...$args) ==> array_map((...$args) ==> $args, $args) right?
@AndreaFaulds zip($a, $b, $c) is the same as array_map(null, $a, $b, $c)
assuming all args are arrays
@NikiC You can make the callable NULL?
Ah, it seems this didn't do what I thought it did in clojure either, but it's not what PHP does.
array_map with null callable = zip
@AndreaFaulds (...$args) ==> array_map((...$args) ==> $args, ...$args)
@NikiC Oh, yeah, array_map doesn't work on iterables :(
@AndreaFaulds RTFM!
@ircmaxell Ah right
> (map + [1,2,3] [4,5,6])
(5 7 9)
@salathe :p
@LeviMorrison That's what PHP does
@LeviMorrison Gosh I love Haskell
@NikiC I am just having an off day then ^^
Hey @NikiC: Think I could get in operator(), a function returning a callable for an operator, in without needing an RFC?
that's something I wouldn't mind in PHP, having a normal binary operator become a function
@AndreaFaulds nop
i.e. operator('/') ~= ($a, $b) ==> $a / $b
@NikiC Damnit
@AndreaFaulds why without needing an RFC?
Nah we need an RFC because it touches the language but also includes a new keyword (or at least reserved in some instances)
@ircmaxell Laziness.
@LeviMorrison Not a keyword. A function.
@AndreaFaulds And I also use an operator('===', $value) variant, that allows to immediately bind the rhs op
@ircmaxell That'd avoid the risk of being rejected…^^
@NikiC Currying and partial application!
I'd be happy to write an RFC.
@AndreaFaulds Do ==> first. more important :P
@NikiC Uhm, isn't the side you want bound operator dependent?
@NikiC For operators that are both binary and unary, I'd dispatch the unary operator for a single parameter, and the binary operator for two parameters (at call-time)
Right or left associative?
What @LeviMorrison said
@LeviMorrison Practically you normally want to bind the rhs
I'd just avoid it.
@LeviMorrison Bear in mind that for +, operator('+', $a) and operator($a, '+') are equivalent
@LeviMorrison The bound operand form is more useful than the unbound form.
@NikiC I'd leave the partial application to a separate function
You can always do bind(operator('/'), $a)
@AndreaFaulds -1
@ircmaxell too cumbersome.
@NikiC to you
@ircmaxell Yeah... what if you want to add the string '+'?
@LeviMorrison Not to me, but in my experience.
I rarely want to make a function that adds 5 to everything.
My vision for the future of PHP: [1, 2, 3]->map(op('+')->partial(1))
But as a callback to reduce to sum or multiply? Sure.
@AndreaFaulds /me runs away
@ircmaxell noooooo
@LeviMorrison but you very often want to have a function comparing a value, for example
@NikiC e.g. for filtering
@AndreaFaulds /runs too
Eh, I usually arbitrary left and rights, not fixed values for either.
Why is that line of code so scary?
@LeviMorrison I see both as being important
map (+ 1) [1, 2, 3]
having a function that takes two arguments (reduce, etc) and having a function that takes one (map, etc).
@ircmaxell Both are important.
If you have partial binding I would always bind the left argument.
Which is why I support both in the operator() function directly
And lhs binding is less useful
@NikiC not true
bind($callable, $first_arg) <- this is common. I've never seen anyone even want to bind from the right.
@AndreaFaulds that's because + 1 is actual application of the function. your operator() is equivalent to + alone
e.g. (1 / )
@AndreaFaulds sure, there are cases, but normally rhs binding suffices
@ircmaxell ...so?
@AndreaFaulds I maybe could imagine [1, 2, 3]->map(($x) ~> $x + 1) … but op and partial… no.
and allowing both bindings is not possible with just one function
@AndreaFaulds keep primitives primitive
@NikiC precisely why it should be 3
I'll work on ==>
@AndreaFaulds (I decided that I like ~> much more than ==>)
@bwoebi Too bad. :p
operator(), partial() and partialLeft()
Actually ~> does look quite nice
There are two challenges for ==>:
@bwoebi seconded (or thirded)
Does any language use ~> for anything you can think of?
1) Syntax. You need a lexer hack to parse it. Need to look into how HHVM does that.
@ircmaxell As said, this requires requires so much code that it's pointless again
though it may get confusing with -> depending on font and at a quick glance
2) Implicit use.
@NikiC that's a syntax problem, not a concept problem
@ircmaxell What about an operator pseudo-function?
Or something along those lines:
@AndreaFaulds example?
@ircmaxell operator(+ 1), operator(+), operator(1 +)
@ircmaxell Well, that issue we already have with - and ~ (negation bitwise or numeric)
In any case, I'd rather have the ability to make callables in a better way.
If it works there well, it'll work here too.
@ircmaxell different ws tho
@bwoebi true, but -> is used way more than - and ~
@AndreaFaulds as in it takes an arbitrary expression?
also you're all just distracting me from getting any work done!
so $cb = operator(+ $a) <-- ?
@ircmaxell minute… will look how often I use them…
@ircmaxell Yeah, it'd allow partial application or just getting the function directly. So it'd be equivalent to (+ 1) or (+) or (1 +) in Haskell
that would be tricky to parse
@ircmaxell don't think so
@ircmaxell I don't see why. So long as () isn't an operator, it's simple.
@NikiC for + and -, which have unary counterparts, easy. But what about >> and the like?
just parse as T_OPERATOR(op), T_OPERATOR(op expr), T_OPERATOR(expr op)
You basically parse an arbitrary operator expression
Or, well
You parse an expression and validate the AST ^^
not saying it isn't doable
I still don't see the problem
seems pretty trivial to me
operator(-1 * ) <-- parsing that may be tricky
@ircmaxell hmm, well… but ==> and => also look very similar at the first glance…
@bwoebi very true
@ircmaxell as ) is not a valid expression after * usually, I don't see potential for sr conflicts here
@ircmaxell I don't think it would be, you can only have one partially-applied operator, so it's unambiguous
Maybe only one operator, but with a special exception for - and +?
@NikiC well, is that a unary function? or a binary function ($a - 1 * $b) vs (-1 * $b)
@ircmaxell ah okay, I get what you mean now
@AndreaFaulds that's fair then
you're saying that the - will be counted as the op due to limited lookahead
and you'd be right there
@NikiC not saying it isn't insurmountable. Or even difficult. Just that it requires some thought
@ircmaxell The way yolisp implements operator functions, is that unary operators that are also binary operators are dual mode. so yolisp(y('+', 1)) is equivalent to PHP +1 while yolisp(y('+', 1, 2)) is equivalent to PHP 1 + 2
That does make it useless for partial application, though. :/
Partial application is overrated. /nonpurist
An alternative to all this weird syntax: Just add a bunch of functions.
op_add ($a + $b), op_sub ($a - $b), op_mul ($a * $b), op_div ($a / $b), op_neg (-$a) etc.
Or, you know, php\operator\add
(I mean we do have namespaces)
really what's so hard about a simple ($x) ~> $x * 2 - 1 ?
I kind-of like the operator(1 +) and operator($a +) concepts...
@LeviMorrison What is this HERESY? Everyone know we never use namespaces in the standard library! :p
I don't see why we then would need operator() functions which just do the same, are as hard to write, but harder to understand?
@ircmaxell Oh sure. But adding corresponding named functions is less ambiguous and more practical, IMO.
@bwoebi yeah, not arguing
By the way...
@AndreaFaulds yeah, but not as pretty
I think having cmp() would be useful, since we don't have a <=> (spaceship) operator.
@ircmaxell True. Shorter, though!
@AndreaFaulds thankfully we don't have a spaceship operator
@ircmaxell Oh sure, it's not a good idea syntax-wise
I wonder if it would be worth adding a ::function tag, so cmp::function which would return a callable for that function
But the functionality it provides is useful. Thus the need for cmp()
@ircmaxell Oh, you just reminded me of my function referencing thing
then you could do $foo->bar::function which would give you a closure for the bar method bound to $foo
I was thinking of using callable since it's not syntactically ambiguous (in the shift/reduce sense), e.g.: callable(strlen)
@AndreaFaulds ::function is also unabiguous in that sense…
so callable($foo->bar)?
@bwoebi True.
@ircmaxell Yes, or maybe.
@bwoebi well, it does change a function reference to a class one. So it's ambiguous in the sense that what looks like a class is really not...
I'm still unsure on whether to allow callable($foo->bar) or whether to only allow callable(Foo::bar) with explicit binding
/me favors explicit binding
(I think I do)
@LeviMorrison I'm leaning towards it.
Better for static analysis, maybe.
I don't know. Why would you add the extra step for explicit binding? What does it offer you?
it also removes the ability to polymorphically replace the callback at runtime
has slice shorthand (e.g. $array[:2]) been shot down recently? (it's been on my syntactic sugar wishlist for a bit)
@ircmaxell Oh, that's a very fair point.
so you can't do things like strategy implementations with it (without haivng a base class that everything extends from)
@PaulCrovella It'd work fine for strings, not so much for arrays
Bear in mind that $arr[-1] is not $arr[count($arr) - 1]
And that arrays can be (and are) sparse
@ircmaxell Not sure I understand what you are going for.
@ircmaxell Right, I see what you're getting at. If I work on it again, I'll take that into account
function process(array $data) {
    array_map(callable($this->strategy->process), $data);
where Strategy is an instance of WhateverStrategy interface, which has a single method process($data)
which would be identical to
Yeah, I understand the use case.
@NikiC I think this is correct.
array_map(function($element) {
    return $this->strategy->process($element);
}, $data);
Actually, I now see that the static approach causes problems in a few places
A base class's descendents might not work properly with unmodified base class methods
You want to be able to provide a context at call-time, not just bind time? Is that correct, Anthony?
@AndreaFaulds use offsets rather than indexes ala array_slice
Or you just want virtual inheritance to work properly?
They both implement ->map() with the same signature, but there might be an implementation difference.
@PaulCrovella But then that'd be inconsistent. Array indexes are indexes normally. You'd be making them offsets when used with slices. Ew.
The one possibility I see for slices: Repurposing {} to use offsets.
But that's icky in its own ways.
@LeviMorrison basically
Sure, providing a context at call time should hopefully still be possible.
@LeviMorrison but more than that, determine which class and method to use at runtime
function($object, $method) {
    $f = callable($object::$method);
    return callable($f::call, $f);
@LeviMorrison Oh, I suppose you could do that.
Though you'd need to bind $f::call for it to work
@AndreaFaulds yeah, that's what the wishy-washy second param to callable is supposed to do there.
@LeviMorrison Oh. Ew.
This would just end up ridiculously verbose
I picked that example because it would also work if you thought it was partial application ^^
(Well, maybe)
Nah, I'd rather we add a partial application method to Closure
Fine, but not in the same RFC please ^^
By the way, I decided not to prioritise stuff which I can do in 7.1
Because I only have 6 months, and some things require BC breaks
You have less than 6 months
I don't know where you got that idea.
So basically: bigints and scalar hints are my priority
the timeline says March
@LeviMorrison 6 months to clean up implementations. 3 months to finish RFCs.
In practice, less time.
Know what? Today I'll learn me a GCC asm syntax.
So, if you provide only unbound closures you can build the rest of the functionality using it. There are some things to consider, such as what exactly happens when you call an unbound closure that needs to be bound.
@AndreaFaulds I hate it :/
Much easier to create a separate assembly file
function($object, $method) {
    $f = callable($object::$method);
    return $f->bind($object);
can somebody please explain me whyever we would want to have callable() return unbound closures?
@NikiC I can too.
Isn't the point of it to replace the existing [] and str style callbacks?
The main problem is called "internal classes"
You can't just bind some dummy object to one of their methods
callable($foo->bar) == function(...$args) use($foo) { return $foo->bar(...$args); }
And then use ::call later
That'd cause a segfault, so it fatals.
@AndreaFaulds "dummy object"?
@ircmaxell You can't have an unbound yet scoped closure, it must have a $this
@NikiC precisely
@AndreaFaulds why wouldn't it do the binding
@ircmaxell Because you want to bind at call-time
@AndreaFaulds HUH?
@AndreaFaulds ah, no, I don't think so
That's really the only case where you'd want to do callable(Foo::bar)
binding scope at call time is what prevents you to directly use private functions as callbacks, for example
@NikiC Binding at call time is necessary for some things:
function map(callable $f) {
    return function (callable $step) use ($f) {
        return function ($accumulator, $value) use ($f, $step) {
            return $step($accumulator, $value);

function reduce(callable $f, $initial, $input) {
    $accumulator = $initial;
    foreach ($input as $value) {
        $accumulator = $f($accumulator, $value);
    return $accumulator;

reduce(callable(Vector::push), new Vector, [1, 2, 3]);
^ This doesn't quite work but it shows the intent.
@NikiC Or: (new ReflectionMethod($foo, 'bar')->getClosure($foo))
I'm totally okay with having that as well as in ['Vector', 'push']

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