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@AndreaFaulds I really hope this is accepted. It's not quite as strict as I would personally prefer, but it feels right for PHP and will be far more useful than PHPDoc type comments. Thanks for all your work on this!
@AndreaFaulds Please stop saying hints.
They are not hints. And until recently there were not even references to "hints" in PHP core.
@LeviMorrison "Scalar type annotations"?
Why do we need to qualify them? They are types.
@LeviMorrison Well, they are officially called type hints. That is what the manual (and indeed the core for quite some time) refer to it as. If you want to change it, write an RFC or something.
Internally (as in php-src git repo) there were not references to hints until recently.
Our terminology is bad and fixable. And you know how you stop calling them type hints? You just stop.
You stop calling them hints.
That's it.
No need for an RFC... just stop.
I swear you hate me or something. You never listen to any of my advice.
@LeviMorrison Er, there have been references to hints for at least three years.
@LeviMorrison I don't hate you, I just don't necessarily agree with you. I listen to your advice, but it doesn't mean I always act on it.
Actually, more than five years.
PHP 5.4.1 RC1 had scalar type hints?
@AndreaFaulds huh?
Or at least, there's a commit still there from 2010 related to it...
@AndreaFaulds was that one reverted later?
@bwoebi presumably
No idea. The array typehint seems to originate from it
So maybe they had a patch for scalars and removed everything but arrays
That's probably what happened.
Anyway, I've got to go. See youse later. (Hogmanay celebrations woop)
@AndreaFaulds why is there a Stringify class which can pass as a string, but not something similar for ints, floats or bool?
happy new years from Latvia
Night, everyone. Happy new year from CEST !
Night. And happy new year.
Happy new year guys!!
user image
@PeeHaa you're so kind :)
yeah happy new year then ^^
need some more bevarages
Well… happy new year for the ones from CEST too :-) // 30 secs…
happy new year!
yeah happy new year CEST everybody :) (oh, 20 minutes late)
@tereško happy new year @tereško
IIRC There was a lot of argument about type-hinting "number" to cover int/float or strings with a numeric value back in the 5.4 days, nikic might remember it
Type hinting is a great source of idiocracy and profanation:p
hi @MarkBaker, was reading about complex numbers a little this evening, quite interesting math stuff.
even learned where the word algorithm originates from.
@hakre - Very useful for certain types of mathematics, particularly in the field of engineering
I've been looking at Java, which uses a single class for the complex with all its mathematical operations; but also a "utils" class with a couple of extras for display formatting and conversion between polar and complex numbers
since when Java code has become an example of "good oop" ?
the crap people write in java is downright terrifying
But it does suggest that perhaps I shouldn't fret so much when phpmd complains about my class having 40+ methods
@MarkBaker do you know of other number classes so there is a little more comparison / wider view?
@MarkBaker no, you should fret
so many methods mean that your class clearly is doing too much
I looked at the old PEAR, which has a very small footprint complex class, and a mass of global-scope functions for each math operation
and, if by chance that class is called Utils, please kill it with fire, before it lays eggs
To do it like Ruby, I'd need to overload operators
not possible in PHP
to do "like ruby" you need ruby
I'm also not sure if creating one object per each operation is the way to go.
please stop attempting to make language X work like language Y
it's dumb
hey @MarkBaker, how's the job situation? I recall you were in the middle of a lengthy exit process last time we spoke
another idea I had is to actually factor out the operation methods into one class each.
because @hakre - which is why I was considering static calls for the operations, but that feels even worse
if it doesn't go super well, one script could extract the method's code and build a class like you have on now.
as it's build code, phpmd doesn't count :)
@DaveRandom - starting looking in the new year, I think I can get my notice down to about 6 weeks with a little effort
why do I get that nagging "you are solving the wrong 'problem'" vibe again ?
@teresko - Issue relates to complex numbers and github.com/MarkBaker/PHPComplex/blob/master/classes/src/…
aw deer
It feels like there's way too many methods for all the different mathematical operations, but I'm struggling to work out a best approach for refactoring
sin() is not an aspect of a number
it's an external thing you do with a number
(there is a lot of bubbly in my system, my vocabulary is starting to become somewhat limited)
So how would you break down a complex class to get the sine of a complex number?
Hello everyone
I am not entirely sure
Anyone is here
Wait, did this start because of scalar type hints? *again*?
One alternative would you recommend a Complex\Operations\Sin class with a method that accepts a complex number as an argument and returns a complex?
@DaveRandom - Nope, an issue I was wrestling with earlier
is would probably provide namespaced list of function which can do such operation on complex numbers
@DaveRandom - Trying to refactor my complex number class to a more appropriate structure
@CodeLღver on IRC days we used to kickban people for asking such question in visibly alive room
@tereško - would you have them as functions, or as class methods though?
Another language, maybe
@MarkBaker since when Sin has to be a class ?!?
"namespaced list of functions"
Ok, just checking
^ that
it seems a lot cleaner approach
Yea, at first glance that's what I'd do too
holy crap, room 11 is agreeing on something again
That approach would work for a lot of the functions that reflect PHP native functions, leaving just basic additiona/subtraction/multiplication/division in the main complex class.... because I can't overload the operators in core
Dec 27 at 8:53, by DaveRandom
People in room 11 agree on something. Internet shuts down in shock.
@MarkBaker Write an extension and have done with it :-P
btw people in the UK, 7 mins to go
@DaveRandom once a year is not bad
@PaulCrovella I think that constant battling lets us improve. You could say that my preferred question is 'What do you want?" instead of "Who are you?" (obscure sci-fi reference)
I probably will convert it to an extension at some point, as I'm doing with my Tries and QuadTrees
did anyone ever actually use a trie?
without regretting it, that is
@tereško - That'd certainly be a lot cleaner approach, and maintaining the +-*/ in the complex class itself would match the approach to add()/subtract() in DateTime so it has precedent
yes, yes it would
@Nikic - They're very fast for lookup, just slow to load the Trie.... Patricia/Radix Tries are twice as fast to load, but still a pain to persist
What do you use them for?
To me tries sound like they are nice in theory but horrible practically speaking
When you have method objects instead of functions, you can benefit from visiblity settings to create a group or family of objects, e.g. "scalar" operations have more specific access and can read/modify the "scalar" value.
I have a remote feed that I need to fetch at runtime, and need to do partial key lookups on that
Haven't tried tries yet in PHP. But that might be one of the things to use in 2015. Ah and btw: Happy New Year! ;)
2 minutes for UK people
Sounds like a war zone outside
Wish I had more beer :D
but then I do live in Salford so it might just be people shooting at each other
@DaveRandom :)

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