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if using a DiC this way:
public static function create(Container $container) {
    return new static($container->get('foo'));

public function __construct(FooInterface $foo) {
    $this->foo = $foo;
is it still a service locator?
1 message moved from [HTML / CSS / WebDesign ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/29074/html-css-webdesign)
the class can still be used without the DiC... so it's not exactly a service locator, is it?
@FlorianMargaine Can you give a more concrete example than Foo?
posted on December 31, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Jason */

Also, where is create run, and where is the __construct()? In the same class?
Also, Why static?
@FlorianMargaine The 'container' shouldn't be used anywhere except in the bootstrap
The entity manager is being pulled from the container
it's only used in the static create
So a class with a factory method in it..?
yep. The router will call the static method to get the object
@chmod711telkitty Not the new year yet!
I am in Sydney & it's past 2am here ...
what's the difference between abstract factory and a DIC?
abstract factory is a thing?
class Factory implements iFactory{ function getFoo(){ return new Foo() } }

class Bar{ function __construct(iFactory $dependencies) { $this->foo = $dependencies->getFoo(); } }
i believe DIC abstract factory and service locator are very similar :P
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Not really.
The first and last are generally antipatterns
The second is not.
i don't know what service locator is / ah. targets to classes instead of instances, right?
service locator and DiC are similar
on one case, your code uses the service locator to get its dependencies, in another case, the DiC calls your code with the dependencies
so your code is dependent on the service locator while the DiC leaves your code decoupled
well, isn't the same for abstract factory?
my code depending on a factory
what's an abstract factory?
say function __construct(iSomeFactory $factory){} instead of having explicit dependencies
it's a design pattern @FlorianMargaine
morning @PeeHaa
uh... your "abstract factory" is just a DiC used as a service locator
Tha fuck happened with your name mario?
@PeeHaa just being very idiot :D
@FlorianMargaine i don't know how service locator look like but i thought DiC was about caching instances mostly
abstract factory is not used like that i guess, just for putting the "new Things" in one place only
@chmod711telkitty Sydney time isn't real time. Everyone knows Australia is a hoax by now.
i also guess i'm very confused about this. i use abstract factory only when needed, like in circular dependencies, or like a mediator pattern
@SecondRikudo how is DIC an antipattern while abstract factory isn't? florian says they look the same
@SecondRikudo hey man
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal they look the same, but with a difference:
10 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
so your code is dependent on the service locator while the DiC leaves your code decoupled
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal DIC is not an antipattern. Injecting the entire DIC is
ah, i see, that's what i was missing :P
@PaulCrovella I am indian and :-(
@darkyen00 thanks you sir
I am terrified.
Most of my code heck the startup i worked for is deployed on gh-pages :-/
@darkyen00 Having critical stuff in "the cloud" is the most stupid thing you can do imo
@PeeHaa I am scared of this thing spreading up to them having china like control on internet.
nah, not even China blocks github
in JavaScript, 2 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
> China blocked the code repository service last year, but the forces behind the country’s ‘Great Firewall’ recanted and made GitHub available such is its importance for tech companies and pretty much anyone who codes or uses code.
in JavaScript, 2 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
if you remove the source of copy pastes... things go wrong
@FlorianMargaine Yes.
let's quickly post ISIS content on SO an inform govs ASAP.
@JoeWatkins aaaaah damnit I missed drama! :(
does someone feel like helping me out with https/nginx? :(
I got everything working except the redirect from https://www. to just https://
@Patrick shoot
Also @Patrick room-11.github.io/#dont_3 :-P
hmm not even a return 200 'foo'; works on www. (https)
maybe something is wrong with the cert?
A: Nginx no-www to www and www to no-www

TheBlackBenzKidHTTP Solution From the documentation, "the right way is to define a separate server for example.org": server { listen 80; server_name example.com; return 301 http://www.example.com$request_uri; } server { listen 80; server_name www.example.com; ... }...

but startssl says it's for www.mydomain.com
@PaulCrovella hehehe asshole
@PaulCrovella LOL
@Patrick Can you share your config and domain?
And tell us what doesn't work in specific
@Danack lol
@PeeHaa sure. one sec trying something
@Danack welcome to salesforce
@FlorianMargaine A DiC is a thing, the service locator is an (anti)pattern
uh, yeah, mixed the name, I meant dependency injector
Sure, well an injector is still an object. A service locator is a pattern, not a concrete thing
the top server thing is the problem. tried a lot of different things (listening to 443, just returning 200 and something etc)
@Jimbo how do you call the pattern that an injector allows, then?
@FlorianMargaine Dependency Injection
too simple
(DI vs SL - they're opposing patterns)
@Patrick And the www. over ssl doesn't work right?
Because there is no server listening on 443 for that domain
Or does it automagically listen on all when ommiting the listen directive?
@PeeHaa yes. i tried listening to it though and added the certificate
didn't work either
hmm I see now I have a different error
@Jimbo in service locator you inject the container, while in DI you inject the actual needed dependencies, right?
@PeeHaa paste.jesse-obrien.ca/1s7a added this now
fit4bjj.com is still not working
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal yes
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal In DI you inject actual needed dependencies, yes. In SL, it doesn't matter how you get the container. You can inject it or global it or whatever. But yeah, it becomes an SL
That's why when you see Symfony's $container->get(), that's an SL
@Patrick lol check your dns
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal A DiC is a high level object that is responsible for handling dependencies on the highest level possible.
so basically in service locator your code is still responsible of creating/getting the dependencies, while in DI the dependencies are injected from the outside
There's like a separation:

Everything *before* Controller layer || Everything *after*
i always called that abstract factory :P
Framework is everything before really, everything after is where you do your code
A SL is a DiC that got injected everywhere
Your injector shouldn't pass that line
Without www and with www @Patrick
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal but especially, in SL, your code is highly coupled to the DiC
@Patrick I read that as fit for blowjobs.
@PeeHaa wtf, that's weird... let me check
Please enlighten me about what it really means
you can't change the DiC or your code would break
@SecondRikudo i heard that joke so many times today
brazilian jiu jitsu
@SecondRikudo I call it a "reach around" pattern
@SecondRikudo Aaaaaaaand somebody said what everybody was thinking ;)
Abstract factory is literally an non-instantiable Factory that your factory classes implement (from what I've read, I haven't really needed to use them)
Everbody being mostly me
but then guys, how do you solve things like circular dependencies? i always used to use a "mediator" class (that suspiciously look like a service locator) for that
@Patrick That's a sign
Don't use that domain
There's a reason "Testacular" renamed themselves to "Karma".
@SecondRikudo nah, it's for people who are already doing the sport, they know what it means...
@Patrick do you host your own nameservers?
it's all namecheap I think. let me check
not that i often have circular dependencies, but happens sometimes :P
@Patrick I hope you have a low TTL ;)
@Patrick If you know what I mean... :P
:2072181 no idea where that other ip is coming from i.imgur.com/Cndh04P.png
@Patrick Ugggm stupid DNS panel is stupid mixing dns and redirects :|
First things first. Set the TTL to 300 and update
@PeeHaa done. I guess I can remove that www redirect anyways
@Patrick Yes you should. Drop that and just do proper DNS pointing to your server
@PeeHaa proper as in just the A record?
Now the annoying part is the TTL of 1800 :(
and now we wait... :D
I can use requestable to check instead :)
@Patrick Can you share your current DNS, because this looks like you made a boo boo
@PeeHaa i guess @ doesn't include www... I added an a record for www too now
Ah I see
Nope @ is only for root
Meaning domain.com
I see. makes sense that nothing was working then
thanks a lot. Gotta commute home, I'll see if it works then. Cheers
np. Let me know if it still doesn't work
@OIS re-read the post. The timing attack has nothing to do with sleep(). The point was that you can't prevent the timing attack with sleep. And that includes usleep or nanosleep or whatever.
Derick has become a clumsy sitcom character in my head.
Woah, a reasonable comment on HN: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8818599
It's New Year's eve. They're probably drunk
@PeeHaa This little piece of crap makes my facepalm every single time.
@hakre I was expecting (kinda hoping) you were going to go in the direction of providing some GD magic to enlarge the screenshot and enhance the contrast, then pipe the resulting image through OCR and finally through a text-to-speech utility
@PaulCrovella jup. plus braille printouts send to the OPs address.
@PeeHaa looks like it all works now. thanks again
\o/ yw
@PeeHaa you up on miaou
i finally got my draft complete :D
moment I will log in
for the game, and a fellow game developer :-) to work on it\o/ things rolling.
What room?
@PeeHaa javascript / 8
@FlorianMargaine yes, that's what i usually do. does that have a name?
folks i wish you a happy PHP 7 new year. have fun tonight! :D
Later @JecebahnYaledimacOndestal!
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Later and happy new year.
@PeeHaa why don't I see this error in my system when I disable php.ini?
Question on re-architecting a large class.... I have a class for working with complex numbers, which has several dozens of methods for add/subtract/multiply/divide/log/sin/etc
posted on December 31, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by darkbyte */

@hakre You should disable PHP instead of only the ini
phpmd complains loudly about the number of methods
This is how we are supposed to dress in a few hours. http://t.co/A59SlfygyB
lol ^
@Feeds but they are useless
Would it be better to have it as a simplistic class, and then have a number of individual static classes for handling those mathematical operations..... or do you think that's adding a whole new code smell to it all?
I would say that introduces a whole other code smell only worse. Not sure how to actually solve the problem at hand though
Personally, I'll be dressing up in my waistcoat, with all the trimmings, for New Year... none of this BTTF "dressing down"
phpmd is metrics only. I assume you're already aware about the problems in that class / section, so you shouldn't be too surprised by the metric.
I would make it a collection of functions. Polymorphism doesn't really benefit you there
Like @PeeHaa wrote: The metric would be a bad advice if it turns that into similar bad code without any additional benefit.
Not surprised, just wondering if I'd taken the wrong approach, and looking at the old PEAR library for complex numbers that has a whole collection of global-scope functions that just accept the complex numbers as arguments
so currently your class has non-static methods, right?
They're all non-static methods at the moment
returning either a new instance of a complex number, or modifying the instance being acted upon
I can't remember the video and I've asked this before, but there's an awesome video that uses basic maths objects (perhaps) as an example for refactoring from a load of if statements
Uses Add and Multiply as primary examples I believe - anyone?
@ircmaxell I have a flying car that will cut my commute to work down to like 30 secs. I just have to find a catapult big enough now...
Yo @tereško
I am getting this nagging suspicion that one of developers in my workplace is a shittard
it's a technical term
@Nikic - amazing how often I do see -- cropping up, where it could simply be +
@tereško (un)shittard them
the asshole who made this site did it by using include-oriented programming, mixing tabs with spaces (in the same line even), having every other line blank and using href="javascript://" in the code
Yeah, he totally should have used href="#" onclick="myfunc()" instead
I will assume that you suck at JS
You prefer onclick? What about directly in your JS event handling
@Machavity hehe
Am kidding. I publically excoriate people who do that here
I like how they both fell for it :D
I have no sense of humor ATM
I have been looking at code that looks worse then my first web page
C'mon @tereško. Open that beer that is calling you
Don't tell me you still cannot drink
wisdom teeth, they only stopped hurting few days ago
Got the beers at the ready, starting in a few hours
I will get them removed on 3rd of february
@tereško Hope it goes well, because I have heard some horror stories about that
.. so, my next beer will probably be sometime in the early spring
Am I only one who experiences near-physical pain when looking at un-indented code ?
I had those done years ago. It's not that bad really. They put me under both times (had some other teeth removed for orthodontics)
@tereško I just look away :P
not yet, I promised to spend 40 min on trying to fix the FB integration for it
.. so, about 20min more to go
Never cared for the FB API, but I'm not a big fan of OAuth either
if it was up to me, we would only use OpenID for 3rd party authentication
but project managers LOVE facebook
.. then again, they also are the only ones who actually use it
I wonder how long openid will still be a thing now that both fb and google have dropped it
ups, didn't knew that.
they are all now using sign in with github, right?
I was lucky to find HybridAuth to grease my wheels, since we were only after SSO
when did FB have OpenID ?!
facebook connect used to be openid IIRC
first time hearing this
Is "dependency" in web dev synonymous to a file import?
@nosille why do you ask?
Is "dependency" in desktop application development synonymous to a file import?
I mean in the require.js context mainly
jQuery would be a "dependency" in there
what exactly does that mean?
yes, but you're in the PHP chatroom, so that's totally different here.
I guess for JS you're correct, but not so fluid with it.
@hakre should go to JS chat, thank you,
What does SecurityContext do? @Jimbo
Never mind I don't need to any more :P
> It gives access to the token representing the current user authentication.
@PeeHaa Do you call your thingys "Services"
As in, "<DomainObjectName>Service"
No I try not to
Service is imo a crap name which tells me nothing
Bit obscure isn't it
@Jimbo AuthTokenReader might be a better name
@DanLugg Isn;t it still some 12 hours or something like that for you?
11ish hours for NYC ball drop
New blog post coming out in 24 minutes :-D
@ircmaxell Is it your looking back at 2014 post or don't you do that anymore?
@PeeHaa Nah. It's where he proclaims 2015 the Year of PHP7
Yup, 2014 in review
Hi Room
Happy New Yea
happy new years soon
Any one can i help me for this : stackoverflow.com/questions/27723041/…
@OIS: Happy X-Mass Happy holiday
@ircmaxell Coolio
@ircmaxell about yer reply earlier, yeah. I just don't understand how adding usleep suddenly makes it prone to timing attack
it doesnt
but it doesn't make it not prone to them
it doesn't prevent them
yeah, so then we agree :)
@PeeHaa Yea, but I don't think I'll be able to operate a keyboard, let alone my legs, at that point
@DanLugg Even more fun when you come in the room at that time!
lol keymashing ftw
just a reminder ...
these exist ...
Bad hair days?
Bad ass
@OIS yup, that the usleep is irrelivant and an un-necessary complication
@ircmaxell: See my Q?
@ircmaxell there is still time in this year to write the next mvc post :P
posted on December 31, 2014 by Anthony Ferrara

Wow, another year gone by. Where does the time go? Well, considering I've written a year-end summary the past 2 years, I've decided to do it again for this year. So here it is, 2014 in review: Read more »

> Jobs Layed-Off From
oh crap, spelling
Wat? That's correct isn't it?
I think it's Laid Off
oh lol
@ircmaxell slept his way off the job
Totally missed that :P
I had fixed it in the first draft
but forgot to update my source
He's such a programmer he even uses git to version his posts ;)
git should be used for everything... writing books and making laws
in fact, this chat room should be a git repo
fun fact about usleep ... or nanosleep, or any other sleep function ...
they lie ...
don't use them, for any purpose, they are unreliable for every use case ...
unreliable sounds good
for my use
well not so much, we are talking about php right now so it doesn't apply, but ten years from now you might decide to deploy some C++ binary to a system which I hack, and I can get around your usleep hack by hammering the fuck out of whatever thread I want to hack with signals ...
@JoeWatkins "I want to sleep for roughly 10s and I don't care how inexact it is" <- how about that one?
I can get around it today without needing signals
for every use case is a good rule ...
how exactly do you plan to hack a backend service php server using usleep?
@LeviMorrison well it depends on the system, in a deployed php setup, almost definitely not - there are signals flying everywhere, and none of them are prepared to manage this ...
I am looking for bug tracking software that has a programmable API. I know of several but does anyone here have a positive experience with any bug tracking software that has a programmable API?
I guess not necessarily "bug tracking" but general issues.
"programmable API"?
@LeviMorrison I don't have any positive experience with any bug tracker software let alone one with an API
Is that because of a bad UI or because of technical issues?
The former is insanely common ^^
Mostly the former yeah UI and / or UX
@LeviMorrison It depends on exactly what you want to do, but zendesk.com has some api-abilty, and is a decent enduser experience, which is probably the most important thing in an issue tracker imo.
Eh, I don't care about end-user; I intend to write it myself using the programmable API.
we use phabricator, it has an api .. however ... secure.phabricator.com/book/phabdev/article/conduit
> but it is unstable and incomplete so you should keep your expectations very low if you choose to build things on top of it.
@LeviMorrison In that case, I haven't used it but Jira is meant to be decent.....apart from it's interface.
Look @hakre! I found something specially for you! stackoverflow.com/questions/27725444/…
@PeeHaa it's an excellent question that shows understanding
that tricked me into reading it ...
it really is though
@ircmaxell Enlighten me?
Memory form never forgets. http://twitter.com/_youhadonejob/status/549568141601550337/photo/1
@PeeHaa statics are functionally identical to globals. Therefore it's true
Ah I see what you mean
@ircmaxell Someone tried to argue for statics in that global mutable state is the main issue there
ok people I will be going out now. Happy new year in advance if I don't make it back
hnn @PeeHaa
@PeeHaa Have a good one man
I've got to do it at some point, wondering if I should put the new Scalar Type Hints RFC to internals today. Procrastinating isn't good...
Screw it, I need to do it somewhen, Hogmanay's as good a day as any.
new scalar type hints?
can I read it?
In a moment :p
@AndreaFaulds Have you had feedback on it from people here?
@Danack I've posted it three times or so, received limited feedback
Main feedback's been from Dmitry (private emails) actually
I sent the email
Here we go again...
^mods pl0x star

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