public static function create(Container $container) {
return new static($container->get('foo'));
public function __construct(FooInterface $foo) {
$this->foo = $foo;
> China blocked the code repository service last year, but the forces behind the country’s ‘Great Firewall’ recanted and made GitHub available such is its importance for tech companies and pretty much anyone who codes or uses code.
HTTP Solution
From the documentation, "the right way is to define a separate server for":
server {
listen 80;
return 301$request_uri;
server {
listen 80;
}... the top server thing is the problem. tried a lot of different things (listening to 443, just returning 200 and something etc)
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal In DI you inject actual needed dependencies, yes. In SL, it doesn't matter how you get the container. You can inject it or global it or whatever. But yeah, it becomes an SL
That's why when you see Symfony's $container->get(), that's an SL
so basically in service locator your code is still responsible of creating/getting the dependencies, while in DI the dependencies are injected from the outside
Abstract factory is literally an non-instantiable Factory that your factory classes implement (from what I've read, I haven't really needed to use them)
but then guys, how do you solve things like circular dependencies? i always used to use a "mediator" class (that suspiciously look like a service locator) for that
@OIS re-read the post. The timing attack has nothing to do with sleep(). The point was that you can't prevent the timing attack with sleep. And that includes usleep or nanosleep or whatever.
@hakre I was expecting (kinda hoping) you were going to go in the direction of providing some GD magic to enlarge the screenshot and enhance the contrast, then pipe the resulting image through OCR and finally through a text-to-speech utility
Question on re-architecting a large class.... I have a class for working with complex numbers, which has several dozens of methods for add/subtract/multiply/divide/log/sin/etc
Would it be better to have it as a simplistic class, and then have a number of individual static classes for handling those mathematical operations..... or do you think that's adding a whole new code smell to it all?
Not surprised, just wondering if I'd taken the wrong approach, and looking at the old PEAR library for complex numbers that has a whole collection of global-scope functions that just accept the complex numbers as arguments
I can't remember the video and I've asked this before, but there's an awesome video that uses basic maths objects (perhaps) as an example for refactoring from a load of if statements
Uses Add and Multiply as primary examples I believe - anyone?
the asshole who made this site did it by using include-oriented programming, mixing tabs with spaces (in the same line even), having every other line blank and using href="javascript://" in the code
Wow, another year gone by. Where does the time go? Well, considering I've written a year-end summary the past 2 years, I've decided to do it again for this year. So here it is, 2014 in review: Read more »
well not so much, we are talking about php right now so it doesn't apply, but ten years from now you might decide to deploy some C++ binary to a system which I hack, and I can get around your usleep hack by hammering the fuck out of whatever thread I want to hack with signals ...
@LeviMorrison well it depends on the system, in a deployed php setup, almost definitely not - there are signals flying everywhere, and none of them are prepared to manage this ...
I am looking for bug tracking software that has a programmable API. I know of several but does anyone here have a positive experience with any bug tracking software that has a programmable API?
@LeviMorrison It depends on exactly what you want to do, but has some api-abilty, and is a decent enduser experience, which is probably the most important thing in an issue tracker imo.