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@SecondRikudo suggest you just preg_replace('/[\x80-\xFF]+/', '', $data)
PCRE has been in PHP since 4.something
This is what I have at the moment ^
php 5.1 still had the var $property; right?
Turns into
'0\0 0\0 0\0 0\0', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
I would probably just strip anything that's not \x20-\x7F
As in, replace it with an empty string
@DaveRandom but then you end up with random strings
and then "escape" the rest
i.e. if a multibyte's first byte is correct but the second isn't... or simply if these are 2 valid bytes
@FlorianMargaine I cannot see a valid use case for a non-ASCII char here
not sure how that works tbh...
Well, what CSS rule would you want to display that contained a non-ascii char?
@DaveRandom See my example
font: 'メイリオ',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif
Japanese font name
Does it not have an ASCII equivalent name?
If it would I wouldn't have had this problem.
@DaveRandom Some ::before { content: '...'; } where ... are non ASCII chars
The thing is, if I manually escape it, it works just fine.
I'm not sure why PHP turns it into 0\0s
hi all
Your domain is available!
It's just such a horrifying thing to do that I'm not really sure. But I do notice that you are not asserting a character set for the mb_* func calls @SecondRikudo, you are just assuming the mbstring will handle it as UTF-8. Even if you've explicitly set the default charset somewhere, bad global state is bad. But the only way you can be getting 0s is if your utf8 decoder routine is returning something wrong. What are the ints it's returning?
@PaulCrovella /me registers that domain before you can
@SecondRikudo set up some 3v4l.org example, it'll be easier
@FlorianMargaine That's what I'm trying to do
@PaulCrovella mcve?
But I can't reproduce there
Not sure if ($h & 0x0F) << 12 | (ord($c{1}) & 0x3F) << 6 etc have the expected operator precedence
Works as expected...
@FlorianMargaine mcve
@SecondRikudo Suggests that the input data is not actually UTF-8 on your side (copying it to teh internetz "fixes" the problem)
Hex dump of raw input data might be good
Goddamnit I once again fell for the SO trap where you explain a downvote :(
\o/ he deleted that nonsense. I have won an internet argument!
is giving error "ReferenceError: angular is not defined" .shall anybody tell me why?
Ugh jabbascrupt
@John Look at the console, I'd imagine you'll find that angular.js is 404'ing because it's not where you thing it is on your server
huh? Why would you want to do this
list($b, $c) =& $a;
...and this is why you should always use absolute paths for referencing external resource on a web page
@PeeHaa to annoy the piss out of the maintenance developer that comes after you
Makes sense :P
no its on same server its giving full error as-
ReferenceError: angular is not defined
var app = angular.module("MyApp", []);
Yes. Because angular.js did not load.
@DaveRandom I have also seen in firebug net tab and its loading angular.js file
@John In the correct sequence / order?
@PeeHaa $a = ['some', 'string']; list($b, $c) =& $a; $b = 'foo'; var_dump($a); // ["foo", "string"]
Then it does not contain a definition for the angular global
@PeeHaa what do you mean by correct sequence?
@John Whether it is loaded before trying to use it
@FlorianMargaine Yeah don't do that
no you can check the code its included in head tag and code is written at the end of page..
Dmitry just sent another optimization to internals
@DaveRandom Is money a technical phrase?
It's not even technically a phrase :-P
Shut up
Money. <-- there
Also it's worth noting I have no idea what the back story for that survey is, just forwarding a request on from someone else
Oh, damn, I thought it was yours. Now I feel a little bad about just putting "PHP" in the last box.
what's wrong with this, design speaking? pastie.margaine.com/6399aeff-3035-4ccd-a6e8-fcb8e23763f7
you know, the fact that file1 is included and does its thing on its own
eventualy modifying a global variable... but that's another story
just that it's doing its thing alone.. feels wrong
but can't say how
What does start() do?
@DaveRandom stuff... doesn't matter, it does stuff on its own, which makes it kinda like another entry point, no?
dunno... there's something wrong, just can't pinpoint it
I'm not a fan of defining things and doing things in the same file
Well generally I consider require to be for defining things and templates, not for doing things. So file1 would define all the routines to do that thing, but main would explicitly invoke them.
yes, but what if it doesn't explicitly invoke them?
that's my issue...
I know it's wrong... just feels wrong... but dunno how to call it
But if that just means you'd end up wrapping the whole file in a giant function file1_stuff() {} then there's not point
@FlorianMargaine Why can't it?
@DaveRandom I mean, if the thing invokes itself
Does it have to?
I don't ask how to do, I mean how to express the fact that it's wrong
Well, it's wrong because it pollutes the global symtables
It means that the caller needs to know what the callee defines so that it can avoid collisions
assume I use namespaces if you want...
You lose modular isolation
@FlorianMargaine variables
...are not namespaced
where do you see variables?
just requiring the file will make it run
that's my issue
I don't, but the point is that main needs to know whether file1 defines any global vars, otherwise it could cause collisions
You'll never be able to include the start() function without it immediately being invoked. This alone should express why it is bad.
It's not whether it actually does, it's the fact that it needs to know whether it will
2 mins ago, by DaveRandom
You lose modular isolation
assume the file1.php is enclosed in an anonymous function... I mean, that's not what I'd like to concentrate on...
To quote PSR-1 (one of the parts I agree with):
Files SHOULD either declare symbols (classes, functions, constants, etc.) or cause side-effects (e.g. generate output, change .ini settings, etc.) but SHOULD NOT do both.
aaaah I like that
Because it "hides" logic if you don't work like that
Sneaky people hiding their logic
/me demands greetings
yo @DaveRandom
what interface allows us to do $obj[] = $foo?
I want to reply to Anthony's blog post on reddit ...
Anything that forces the hosting community to respond is good, however, we should try to keep some perspective.

It's interesting to think about how many installations of [insert distro here] have known security vulnerabilities, it's interesting to think the same about every bit of software in your stack, all the way down; database, mail, and web servers.

This is a much more complex problem than let's all run the latest versions of PHP and call our systems secure.

A go-php5 like movement might make some headway for php, but php alone. It would be better if we could change the attitude of 
(see full text)
is that fair ?
@FlorianMargaine yes
When you do a push like that, the key name you receive is NULL
(to offsetSet())
I see
the object I'm working with doesn't implement ArrayAccess :(
it's a fooCollection...
implements \Iterator and \Countable, but not \ArrayAccess...
@JoeWatkins It's not entirely fair to system administrators.
and I don't like its set method
uopz to the rescue
@JoeWatkins It's fair, and it's non-actionable
@FlorianMargaine And it's closed, presumably? Or could you extend it?
@PaulCrovella what do you mean by not fair to system administrators, it has to be someone's responsibility ?
@DaveRandom yeah...
drupal API
@NikiC not sure why, its a big ask sure, but in the real world the sysadmin responsible for php is responsible for apache ...
@JoeWatkins sysadmins often don't have carte blanche to upgrade everything as they (or we) see fit
@PaulCrovella okay, who does ?
@FlorianMargaine that's just for php on some distros, what about apache, nginx, mysql, percona, memcache, redis, mongo, and the rest of the list of software we depend on ?
@JoeWatkins There is no one person or role that universally decides. Even if there was it's not necessarily a matter of their attitude being a problem, but practical realities.
@JoeWatkins look at the tabs on the document
@JoeWatkins I don't think the actual "installing a new version of PHP/whatever" is the hard part. It's the "test your code on the new version and fix compatibility issues" part.
ah okay, yeah ... testing and what not ...
dont' see tabs @FlorianMargaine ?
@JoeWatkins at the bottom of the spreadsheet
ah yeah I see
still I think it a misdirection of effort to focus on php ...
The rest doesn't sound like actual effort
but yeah dunno where to direct focus ....
but shining a light in one corner and saying there's our problem is dumb
@NikiC I don't think the document is anything like complete, it doesn't cover our stack ...
pointing out a problem isn't dumb, but pointing it out as the problem in exclusion to all others is
I'll betray my total ignorance of system administration by saying that doing a minor-version update of your server software should be a lot simpler than doing a minor-version update of your programming language
that's what seems to be happening with phil saying "let's do this" and "shame hosts into upgrading" ... upgrading what ? it's not enough to focus on php and that seems to be happening ...
@JoeWatkins Honestly I get the feeling that a lot of the focus on PHP is self-serving. People want to be able to rely on the goodies that new versions bring, and security is a scary boogeyman. (This isn't to say that security isn't important in and of itself, I just doubt we'd see so much about it if there weren't treats that came along with upgrading.)
Anything that forces the hosting community to respond is good, however, we should try to keep some perspective, this article shines a bright light at a corner of our stack.

It's interesting to think about how many installations of [insert distro here] have known security vulnerabilities, it's interesting to think the same about every bit of software in your stack, all the way down; database, mail, cache, document, and web servers, other languages ... and so on ...

This is a much more complex problem than let's all run the latest versions of PHP and call our systems secure.
(see full text)
@NikiC The operative word there is "should". That said, if you are running something approximately modern then it's really not that hard, it's the people who are still running very legacy stuff who have the real problem
anything wrong with that ?
@JoeWatkins No, that looks good. It's a useful step back to see the bigger picture.
without pointing fingers
Hello Everyone,

I am new to parse.com hosting. I want to host my php website to parse.com server. Can anyone suggest me how can i do that ?

Er... What exactly do you not understand?
How can i move my php files to parse server and how can i upload my database.. I couldn't found any panel..While other hosting provider have..
Wait, Parse? They're not a web host. They can't host PHP applications.
They essentially offer data storage and nothing else.
yeah I'm clueless ..
Parse basically aims to be your data store for a static single-page web app, or a mobile app. They let you avoid creating a backend at all, with you directly manipulating the data store from the device (but allowing strict privacy controls on objects so one user can't steal another's data). What they provide is supposed to be good enough for most apps, but you can also add limited JS (also PHP?) code for validation purposes.
Oh, no. I think the PHP SDK is so you can write a Parse app for a traditional web host
But i can not upload files correct ?
Instead of MySQL though, you'd be using Parse's data store.
@AkashTyagi Parse aren't a web host. You can't upload any files.
Thanks for the help @AndreaFaulds.
moin fab
Oh, they do static site hosting. But that's not what you want, you can't host a PHP site with that.
@Fabor こんにちは〜!
I'm better at Romaji :P
In that case: konnichiwa~!
I'm now proficient in making flour tortillas. It's official.
heh, the CCG I am playing has a bug. It's written in JavaScript. I think they are fetching my current gold as a string and then add gold rewards to it as a number.
NSA can wiretap Skype wholesale http://boingboing.net/2014/12/31/nsa-can-wiretap-skype-wholesal.html http://t.co/3qZWeas34x
@JoeWatkins no surprise
kinda surprising how easy it is ....
Actual actual reality: nobody cares about his secrets.  (Also, I would be hard-pressed to find that wrench for $5.)
The NSA just has both.
IMO, Skype never was intended to be a messenger in the first place.
@PaulCrovella LOL
Skype is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system developed by Skype Technologies S.A. It is a peer-to-peer network in which voice calls pass over the Internet rather than through a special purpose network. Skype users search for other users to connect to, enabling them to search for other Skype users and send them messages. Skype uses 256 bit AES encryption to encrypt communication between users,complicating the decryption of these communications, although when calling a telephone or mobile, the part of the call over the PSTN is not encrypted. Skype's encryption is inherent in the Skype Protocol...
Chinese, Russian and United States law enforcement agencies have the ability to eavesdrop on Skype conversations, as well as have access to Skype users geographic locations. In many cases, simple request for information is sufficient, and no court approval is needed. This ability was deliberately added by Microsoft after Skype purchase in 2011
@JoeWatkins I believe so, plenty of English couples come to Scotland to get married
@hakre I said that.
@AndreaFaulds it's tempting to take your text adventure game and go ridiculously overboard with stuff like natural language processing and machine learning, while keeping the actual gameplay choices severely limited. E.g. understand a thousand different ways to say "go north" and learn new ones as people try to use them, but still limit the options to just "go north"
@JoeWatkins They should add the 110 metre marriage as an Olympic event
@PaulCrovella go nuts :p
I suspect he may already have done so
@AndreaFaulds You can probably close this PR now: github.com/php/php-src/pull/769
So the darkmail folk finally released a spec (pdf). It'll be interesting if it goes anywhere.
@NikiC I don't have the power ;)
@NikiC Ah, alright.
@NikiC Not necessarily
@AndreaFaulds yes you did.
@hakre I said that you should use UTF-8 unless you are a victim of Han Unification. Only good excuse not to use Unicode.
@AndreaFaulds yes you did.
I just made a large bowl of potato salad, muhahaha.
can't wait to eat from it.
@AndreaFaulds ?
@philsturgeon your a fucking tool mate, thank god they shipped you over to america or I'd have hunted you and punched you by now. Loser.
hehe ...
I enjoyed "hunted you down and punched you" ...
@JoeWatkins What has he done?
Hey =] Just dropped in to wish you all a happy new years
I don't think he did anything ... in alexgraham, we appear to have a knob head ...
@RonniSkansing happy new year ronni
Happy new years to you joe, and nice with the new pic
yeah, I'm a people now, like you ...
=] I will make a more dayman version of my picture next year
@NikiC Allowing string keys in list() doesn't have to break BC
@LeviMorrison I'd like it if we added it.
@AndreaFaulds sure, but not as requested in the FR
@NikiC Ah, sure
Supporting list('foo' => $foo) = is what we could allow
@NikiC Or list($a, $b, 7 => $c, $d)
wait, Phil Sturgeon lives in USA?
I thought he had a drink with you last time @JoeWatkins?
yeah when they allow him too @FlorianMargaine
he comes from west country, uk, but he works and lives in the usa when he has a visa that allows him too
@JoeWatkins @NikiC hasn't joined us yet
@JoeWatkins oic
@FlorianMargaine Don't give in to peer pressure, @NikiC!
I'm a tiny seahorse. With a pirate hat. Yarrr.
Join us @NikiC, and together we can rule the Internets, as... incompetent and competent internals contributors!
nobody knows what nikita looks like, we can only assume that he carries a staff, has a whiteish beard, stands 10 foot tall, is permanently windswept, and has a direct effect on weather and atmosphere when moving among us ...
@JoeWatkins Well, he is the prophet of the end times PHP 7.
Join in #php reference: https://twitter.com/alexgrahamuk/status/550103818697199616 /cc @philsturgeon http://t.co/GHOy8EqsgA
@JoeWatkins that looks like witch hunting...
aww he made his tweets private ...
well, you don't get to threaten someone just because they are well known, everyone is entitled to an opinion, nobody is entitled to threaten anyone ...
@JoeWatkins That very much needs to be doctored to read "This user is a huge douche."
@JoeWatkins sure, but encouraging the behavior in the other way, i.e. having tons of people harassing him is not a good idea
no not harass him, report him for harassment ... he made physical threats, that's serious isn't it ?
yes, it's serious. Is it a reason for public lynchage?
that's not what I suggested, I suggested reporting him and that's all ...
"that looks like"... not saying it is, but it looks like a lot... but it's just my opinion...
say someone threatened you, you wouldn't want one of us to do the same for you ?
pointless now because he's hidden the original content ... but I don't think it was wrong in the first place ...
I'd appreciate the support, but probably want you to drop it. No need to drag out stupid crap (unless whatever you're doing is funny enough.)
India's government has apparently asked ISPs to block access to github. Happy new year, and good luck to everyone working with teams over there.
nah, this room sucks

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