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i saw that comment and found it unhelpful - i mean, define "read the manual"
I wonder how many WordPress developers know what "namespaces" are
the most relevant-looking pages are php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.rationale.php and php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.definition.php and don't even acknowledge that the bracketed syntax exists, let alone discuss how it differs from the other syntax
then finally in php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.definitionmultiple.php the bracketed syntax's existence is acknowledged, but it's far from clear how it differs from the other, if at all
If you don't think the manual is clear enough, why not edit it to be clearer? That would be more productive than having that question on SO.
yep, but 1) somebody looking for an answer to the specific question asked isn't going to look at the manual page that currently contains the answer until after reading the first three, which look more relevant - having the question answered on stack overflow allows a searcher to skip a bunch of reading
feck it, too long fapping around trying to sort out this shitty dual-boot winbutu
and 2) php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.definitionmultiple.php doesn't even clearly answer the question as-is - it makes a recommendation of which syntax to use with absolutely no justification of why given
it's also unclear whether statements like "The only code construct allowed before a namespace declaration is the declare statement" from php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.definition.php apply only to the unbracketed syntax or also to the bracketed
Any info that you think could be on SO that answers that question can and should be on the manual page.
i think i agree with you - but i don't think that means the stack overflow question shouldn't exist
It means I still agree with the question is too broad:
9 mins ago, by Danack
> Did you read the manual? Did it leave these questions unanswered?
Or take it this way: If you think the manual could be improved, do so :) (works better than Stackoverflow)
General, what can this language feature be used for, are not appropriate.
@hakre i would, but i don't know the answer! (i'm at my parents' place for christmas without php at the moment so can't even test things)
@Danack i don't see how this is a "what can this language feature be used for" question - it's asking about the difference between two seemingly identical language constructs
that's not broad at all
i mean, heck, if that's not allowed then stackoverflow.com/q/2447791/1709587 is also off topic
it's also not clear to me that the manual should cover the difference between those constructs concisely and fully in a single place, in the way that a stack overflow answer can
even if the only purpose the answer serves is gathering together multiple minor details spread over many pages of the manual, that seems like a legitimate purpose to me - and the fact that they were spread out in the manual doesn't seem like it's necessarily a defect of the manual
but anyway, i'm probably boring y'all now, so i'll shush
@bwoebi I need to buy a few dozen copies of this book so that I can send a copy to people when people are making Systemic mistakes. I'm pretty sure you're breaking the rule of Elementary systems functions.
In this case, you're trying to make a complicated system for doing async Mysql access in a long running task safely. It would be simpler, and useful for a whole load of people, to start off with the simpler task of doing async MySQL in a 'normal' PHP server environment. Getting that working and stable would be a great place to start the more complicated task.
@Fabor You still going at it? :P
Intermittently yes. I'v dual booted before but this has been a nightmare.
@Fabor Have you already tried just starting over from scratch? As in re-partition and install?
A few times
And the problem is that the thing doesn't show up in ubuntu right?
issues have varied from partition not showing up, to not showing up on boot options. Can't install alongside windows because it just restarts the installer. USB pen drive issues on imaging and currently "error: file not found." "grub rescue>" prompt.
I ended up sticking an unused SSD in the rig and put Ubuntu on that. Now getting the above recent error.
Oh god grub issues
It's new though, so not explored options fully.
Whenever I see that message I just give up
Apparently is should be easy to fix grub but I have never succeeded
Aye. I'm close to. Ubuntu isn't essential. My Dad just wanted to try it for a bit. But have windows as a fallback.
FTR the first mistake was Ubuntu not installing properly so I repaired it by refresh install which apparently wipes all partitions without warning.
lol that is a dick move
I should make "code igniter three". Unrelated to CodeIgniter, but more literal. It makes your code go up in flames.
@AndreaFaulds follows Burn Bags Packaging standard BBP-0 so it can be directly autoloaded into burn bags ready to be incinerated.
Once a class is autoloaded, the file is overwritten with a secure algorithm configured in config.php.
Also a composer installer that wipes from the project root on any composer command.
Whenever you do something, you breath the air of fresh green grass ready to start over again :)
@hakre before script hashes all code after script removes it too be sure
@PeeHaa code igniter three - hashes to hashes, dust to dust
PeeHaa, I have no idea what it's all about. Loz Cherone, I've looked at it, but there's no example with db connection. — Quantum Host 59 secs ago
ass hole OP deleted his previous question with the answer in the comments acting all innocent and shit
Also review that question btw
^OMG that guy - stackoverflow.com/questions/27662147/… <- mark bakers comment is so true
Community Driven Interactive Debugger CDID in short
ha! found the original in my history
You have no idea that your sock puppet account created this stackoverflow.com/questions/27661772/… 1 hour ago? Your short term memory sucks. — PeeHaa 2 mins ago
golden. deleted 39 minutes ago. asked again 25 mins ago.
I just can't wait for OPs next question about the minor issue he finds next!
My money is on "unexpected end"
And it is coming in the next 90 minutes somewhere
Place your bet people!
let's hope PHPTracker has issues on windoze. really esoteric ones.
@hakre I quickly glanced the code and for a php torrent tracker it is actually not awful at first sight like most of them
Well it's less the fault of PHPTracker anyway, it's just this user who asked the same question no only twice but even after getting an answer asked the same for the next classname.
Like really really dumb.
Decent edit, but I am not sure whether that title change really is what OP is trying to do
What does one do with such an edit?
Damnit wrong dupe
Meh whatever just delv it and nobody will notice
This is just full of terrible
Q: Resolving a singleton class out of the IoC container

Ortix92I'm running into some trouble while using the IoC container in Laravel 4.2 I have 2 classes: BlockFactory and Block. They are meant to display blocks of content (much like joomla modules) where a single Block represents a block of content and the BlockFactory represents the "container" of those ...

@PeeHaa I can not believe that. I mean, global variables have their use, don't they?
I just knew you would love it :)
@AndreaFaulds Are you actually working on a zend_status patch?
@LeviMorrison Haven't started. Will probably do once I've figured out the problems with share_zpp_implementations
What issues are those?
@Danack I did that first... ever looked at how the repo evolved?
@Danack I just want an as simple API as possible by covering 90% of the needs.

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