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and the chances of you seeing it server-side are basically nil
@cHao that RFC is quite new. It wasn't deprecated for years and the new RFC has a bias towards security (most likely as a matter of child-safety, URLs have been become popular while 98% of users are not aware of security implications, therefore the body decided this needs deprecation)
anybody here knows,why on windows, WAMP command line if i try to run php file, it throws php file code on command prompt ?
@cHao deprecated for preventing fishing attacks client-side.
@AMB guess: short open tags disabled? Btw. what is WAMP command line?
@hakre i tried that, but not working, its just command prompt of windows and exeucting php from there.
@AMB and what do you type in as command?
wamp is wamp, and just using cmd to run php files.
php path , file name
n:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\php.exe codes.php
and then you see the source of codes.php?
yes, all lines.
like "type codes.php" ? exactly the same?
let me check
yes. exactly
was it 5.4 that got rid of short tags, or 5.5?
now i defined <?php instead of <? and its statred showing notices along with source code
first shows source codes of all files inclded too and then notice.
4 mins ago, by hakre
@AMB guess: short open tags disabled? Btw. what is WAMP command line?
so that's it. the rest are just warnings and notices you perhaps need to fix.
but why is it still showing source code, as i am not using short open tags
i guess, it might be case of 2 wamp set in environment varibale, let me check . again.
minimize the script until you can still reproduce the problem. perhaps with a copy. that should tell you then.
nope, environment varibale are fine., i ll start with echo
cant figure out , issue, upgrading wamp to latest for 32 bit. god bless me., happy holidays
@Mario it's a spam site since a longer time.
@AMB better first find what is causing this by reducing the script.
changing wamp versions just for the try is a bit too much for trouble-shooting at this moment.
is someone here installed phpdbg through dotdeb ?
Morining roomies
m @PeeHaa o/
@DaveRandom Yeah got it
@LeviMorrison :'(
@nikita2206 I grab it, it's why I use preg_match and use the 3rd parameter
Yo joe
array_filter seems to be the sane solution...
not sure function($el) use ($arr) { $arr[] = $el; } works though... too lazy to test
not sure if I have to use use (&$arr)
I can't help but wonder how useful it really is to answer the question at all @FlorianMargaine, if the OP cannot find a way to carry out something like that, how are they going to do anything else ...
well, if you say it like that...
feel free to ignore me, as usual ...
Oh... I had a proposal once for adding callback parameter to array_unique
It even had a patch for then-master branch
@nikita2206 how would array_unique with a callback differ from array_filter?
@PaulCrovella it differs by using quicksort algo
i haven't closed a single tab since i started working on my product, 2 weeks ago
chrome now has total : 5GB ram xD
@PeeHaa :D
or, ya know, you could just open a new window
I just wanted to keep a track of how many tabs/ resources i actually visit
Chrome slowly occupies your machine
Soon Google will have a full control of your memory
now the machine is lagging because of Google's memory expansion stratergies
@darkyen00 Yeah chrome is like a kraut regarding memory
Opera on webkit doesn't do this
Neh I suspect it is just chrome that fucks you over
@nikita2206 the real webkit doesnt.
Its chrome+ things that hog you
it's why I'm on a chromebook right now, 'cause fuckit - just let it have its own machine
chrome in metro mode is the biggest wtf ever
s/chrome in //
does that make sense?
chown is not applying...
ok... that was because in a shared folder, you can't change the owner apparently
I had to move the directory to a not-shared folder and apply permissions + ln -s
@FlorianMargaine You have to specify how the folder is mounted in vagrant:
config.vm.synced_folder "/temp", "/temp", mount_options: ["dmode=777,fmode=777"]
Or something.
I see
it's amazing how I got absolutely no mail today on my pro mailbox
@PaulCrovella does crouton work?
i.e. can you work reasonably well in a linux environment?
compile php etc, for example
@FlorianMargaine never bothered trying, this is just an old series 5 google gave away at a conference some years ago
I sincerely doubt it'd be useful in that fashion at all
@hakre appRunner help you group all your web project in one location, and access them from the browser, just take a look at youtube.com/watch?v=X3zNMZrg6aM
Is this ^ a smart targetting spam bot? :P
@OussamaELGOUMRI but how does it know where the apps are hosted and by which services?
Captcha niet goed? Geef error
@hakre you pick the location of the app, and it'l automatically detect the service for you
@OussamaELGOUMRI And how does this work automatically? How does it know which database servers to bring up, which VMs to start?
@hakre appRunner has nothing to do with that, all it does is instead of opening the terminal access you web app, then launch a local server, it'l hold all your web projects save there path, then automatically start a local server that can be accessed from the browser, just take 3min and watch the youtube video i made :)
@OussamaELGOUMRI I watched the video but it's just not clear to me, that's why I ask ;)
@hakre did you download the app?
@OussamaELGOUMRI no because I don't understand what it does. Why should I download it if I don't know whether I need it or not?
@hakre of course, am going to tel what the problem i was trying to solve, and you'l understand what the app does ..
@hakre you have a lot of web projects on your hard drive, and from time to time you want to access 1 or 2, but you have to remember the path, go to the terminal start a local server, just to launch your web application, i do that a lot, that's why i create appRunner, so it will help you collect your web projects, and easily start them, and access them.
@OussamaELGOUMRI ah okay, on the one computer I use virtual hosts for that and on other computers I try to not have so many projects on the same computer. those then normally start with vargrant up.
and others don't need a server at all.
Right - time to start cooking Christmas dinner!
@hakre no problem :), it just felt like something i went to share that's all.
@OussamaELGOUMRI it's fine. looks nice btw., it was just not clear to me which problem it solves.
@Danack so what's cooking?
@hakre what about vagrant i keep hearing this name these days ?
Roast chicken, mashed potato, sweetcorn, roast parsnip + carrot + potato, sage onion stuffing.
that sounds great.
@PeeHaa Well, I've pushed some changes that allow you to do /releases/#5.6.3. I'll have to rework how releases/ is managed to add backlinks and release dates to individual release announcements.
@LeviMorrison ow wow. Awesome!
posted on December 26, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Asmor */

@Danack I have some problem… There are more cases I need to handle… like bad auth at first request, connection rejected at first request because max_connections exceeeded, connection rejected in the middle of the application because too many connections…
Sure sounds like it.
but I'm not sure how to handle them properly
> connection rejected in the middle of the application because too many connections
^ this one I think I can silently ignore as long as at least one connection is alive
I'd suggest doing the same thing that mysqli or PDO does.....and obviously, something something a pool is not a connection.
But what to do when first connection/auth fails?
@Danack euh… what do they do?
@Danack note that I cannot just throw an exception… it'd land in the Reactor…
@bwoebi Well you're going to need error callbacks or something at some point - but the main difference I guess is that they don't treat connections and pools of connection the same thing.
I maybe could just make the first method call on Pool fail, but not sure if that's really the best idea
on Connection, it's not an issue, but with Pool, that's giving me headaches…
Also, I need to handle the case where no connection is alive anymore and reconnecting fails in the middle of an app.
The more I think about it, the more I feel like I should throw an Exception into the caller in the first possible situation… hm
With Connection class, it's easy, you're anyway required to call Connection::connect() which returns a Future…
@Danack Maybe error callbacks are the solution, don't know…
@bwoebi I'm in the middle of cooking and am not that good at coming up with designs, but the Artax way of handling stuff seems pretty good. So rather than creating connections inside the executable it should be more like:
$pool = new \Mysql\Pool("host=".DB_HOST.";user=".DB_USER.";pass=".DB_PASS.";db=".DB_NAME);

$callable = function(Exception $error, DBConnection $db) {
	$query = (yield $db->query("SELECT 1"));
	list($one) = (yield $query->fetchRow());
	var_dump($one); // should output string(1) "1"

$poolExe = $pool->getConnectionAndExecutable($callable);

On connect errors can be handled....and exceptions during the sql execution can be handled by the user.
s/function(Exception $error, DBConnection $db)/function(Exception $connectError, DBConnection $db)
so… one dedicated connection per callable? Then we loose the advantage of being able to delegate inserting (e.g. for a log) to some other connection and we can just finish our request without the insertion delay…
the issue with mysql connections is that we cannot just interleave commands… means we need to wait until answer from mysql is wired back over TCP…
with e.g. redis you can use just a single connection for the whole app without performance penalty… really nice…
@Danack I'm sorry, but that doesn't really solve the issue…
Even if you wanted to use multiple connections to interleave stuff, you're going to need to be access them explicitly, so either allow multiple connections to be passed in, or pass in the pool and have a $pool->getConnection() method?
@Danack Also, the problem with your approach is… I'd have to release the connection manually.
Forget it once and the memory will leak…
with releasing I mean telling Pool that connection is available again
that's really error prone in a bigger application
> From what I've experiences, pthreads doesn't actually do anything. Don't expect it to turn your synchronous PHP asynchronous.
@bwoebi That doesn't seem surmountable, or any different from Artax having to remember to release connections:
Pool::getConnectionAndExecutable($callable) {
	$callable = function() use ($callable) {
		$exception = null;
		try {
			$connection1 = $this->getConnection();
		catch (\Exception $e) {
			$exception = $e;

		$callable($e, $connection);
		if ($connection) {

	return $callable;
I need to finish my function currying for Auryn....
@Danack that works well as long as you don't store a reference to a connection somewhere (e.g. in a callback for something else)
@Danack also… In Artax you don't have any Pool or similar…? not sure if you're trying to compare apples and oranges…?
@AndreaFaulds morning
(UGT morning, I was up hours ago)
for some reason :strpos($cellVar,'tech') == 'home'
@bwoebi Sorry I don't follow you. The connection above would be created, the users function would be called, and then the connection would be released. Yes, it wouldn't be suitable for creating a connection and then storing a reference to it.....but that is a different use case than running a bit of SQL code.
@13375 strpos() returns an integer. 'home' converted to an integer is 0 as it contains no digits.
@JoeWatkins :D
what would i want to use then?
@13375 Because PHP. Try 0 == 'home';
@Danack well, my lib isn't about "just a bit sql code", it's for things where you'd really use an async server and aim for performance.
@13375 === does strict equality and fails if the types don't match
it's in a case statement
@13375 Though I must ask why you're doing == 'home'. That never makes sense with the result of strpos().
it's an ajax load var
Could you paste your full code?
exact line: case ('research' || (strpos($cellVar,'tech'))):
it will either be valued at tech, or research
That doesn't do what you think it does
what am i thinking of then?
that's the same as case TRUE:
'research' is a truthy value, so the second half of that || is never executed
i'm checking for a true though
and || returns a boolean
@13375 Then why not case TRUE:?
|| - or i thought
@13375 Yes, it means or.
TRUE || anything always results in TRUE
@Danack and that's why it's giving me so many headaches… because the simple way just doesn't work for all needs.
I think you meant to do case 'research':
@bwoebi Yeah...as I said, they're different use cases.
case ($foo || $bar): will just evaluate $foo || $bar and match against it
i'm running multiple checks similar to an if else sttement
@13375 you can't do a strpos like that in a switch
@13375 Just keep using if/else
this is the switch checker, and I may have something wrong here also: switch ($contentVar) {
that would only work if you were doing, say, switch (TRUE) { case strpos($foo, $bar):
@13375 That works. But you can't do a strpos, because it'll just return TRUE or FALSE....
@13375 I'd suggest just doing an if else statement then. Or just calculate things before the switch statement, and use simple stuff in the switch.
PHP implements a classic C-style switch, it doesn't do pattern matching or whatever you're trying to do there
@NikiC They seem to think case A || B: works like case A: case B:
you can use a switch identically to an if
@13375 No you can't.
like: case ($status == 1 || $points<$cost):
@13375 That does not work and does not do what you think it does
see: switch (TRUE) {
it does too
@13375 please stop using switch
Yes, you can do switch (TRUE). That's the only case where that would work.
Let me explain switch statements to you.
Since you obviously don't understand them.
@Danack jup. so, to come back to the initial issue… ;-)
i do too
No, listen.
switch ($foo) {
    case $bar:

    case $baz:

    case $qux:

This is roughly equivalent to the following if/else if:
if ($foo == $bar) {

} else if ($foo == $baz) {

} else if ($foo == $qux) {

You understand this much, yes?
and you can turn a switch into an if statement
@13375 Sometimes, but not always.
You may need to use goto.
switch ($something) {
    case ('research' || (strpos($cellVar,'tech'))):

This doesn't do what you think it does. It's equivalent to the following:
if ($something == ('research' || (strpos($cellVar,'tech')))) {

Which is equivalent to the following:
if ($something == TRUE) {

Which is equivalent to the following:
if ($something) {

Which, if it's a string, is the same as this:
if (strlen($something) > 0 || $something === '0') {

Which is, almost certainly, not what you were trying to do.
@13375 I hope this explains why what you're doing doesn't work. If not, please feel free to ask questions.
@crypticツ you don't need my OK for MIT code
simply if i was going to do this: (strpos($contentVar,'tech')==1) what would i need to do?
just respect the license ;-)
@13375 You could check against that in an if statement.
it would be home though
home? what does that mean?
when you refresh the page it resets the ajax loader
...how does that have any relation to this?
that's what home is
nvm figured it out:
switch (TRUE) {
case ($contentVar=='building'):
@13375 at that point, why not just use an if statement?
What's the advantage of case here?
why oes this work now: (strpos($contentVar,'tech'))==home?
easier for me to track
OK, I can explain that
If strpos succeeds, it returns some number
== when it goes to that loop it defaults home
what do i want to do then?
strpos($contentVar,'tech') when it fails, returns FALSE
FALSE isn't loosely equal to 'home' in PHP
however 0 is loosely equal to 'home' in PHP
default to home
I don't see why you're comparing 'home' with strpos
strpos only returns numbers
What do you mean "default to home"?
Do you mean have an else clause?
i want it to load the research page
sorry, got to go
maybe someone else can help you
i have an || - or
if i could post the ? on so postings i would
explode( php, my_brain );
Hmmm. How to format a UDF USB to NTFS?
nm fixed
how do you check if one or more instances of something is in a var?
@13375 what, in a string? or in an array?
i figured out you use a strstr in cases
this works now: case ($contentVar=='research' || (strstr($contentVar,'tech'))):
what kind of switch is that in?
a 'TRUE'
Why not just use an if statement? Also, why strstr? That doesn't tell you if the string is within another string.
(strpos($contentVar, 'tech') !== FALSE) would be better for that
it does too, when you're looking for if it even exists in the string
@13375 Most of the time it'll work, but it's not the best way to do it
Its return value is a string
i'm looking for the true
strpos wasn't working
So do (strpos($contentVar, 'tech') !== FALSE). It's more efficient for starters.
it was sending it to home
case ($contentVar=='research' || strpos($contentVar, 'tech') !== FALSE)):
a true false?
switch (TRUE) {
i'll try it
Do you understand what !== does?
It's a comparison operator (a strict one in this case). If the result of strpos($contentVar, 'tech') isn't strictly equal to FALSE, it produces TRUE
If the result is strictly equal to FALSE, it produces FALSE.
not equal to
Similarly, $contentVar=='research' produces TRUE if $contentVar is loosely equal to 'research', and FALSE if $contentVar isn't loosely equal to 'research'.
@13375 Yes, but what type do you think it produces?
not if you throw an || in
this line does work:
case (($contentVar=='research') || (strpos($contentVar, 'tech') !== FALSE)):
that's what I was having trouble figuring out
OK, so, lemme explain the result values of strpos
If the string is found within the string, it'll give you its position. If it's at position 0, it'll return 0.
$contentVar =rand()
TRUE isn't loosely equal (== operator) to 0 in PHP
so any other number sets it to true?
If it's at position 1, it'll return 1
If it's at position 2, it'll return 2
and so on
If it's not in the string at all, it'll return FALSE
would 2== true then?
Weirdly enough, no. But the other way round does work. 2 == TRUE but TRUE != 2... I know that's confusing.
The == operator in PHP is pretty weird.
the true operator is
No, == is always weird... "foo" != FALSE for example, yet FALSE == 0 but "foo" != 0
i also noticed '1tech1' is also true
false is always only equal to 0
Well, not quite
"" is also equal to FALSE
also "0"
To avoid confusion, I suggest using === and !==. They're strict. If the types don't match, it doesn't produce TRUE.
So 0 !== 0.0 and 0 !== "0" and 0 !== FALSE
because nothing exists aka default to false
but 0 === 0, TRUE === TRUE etc.
false*false ===true?
so it's like multiplying a negative by a negative you get another negative though
The number operators like + and * and so on will treat their operands as numbers
baffleing unlike algebra
So FALSE becomes 0
And TRUE becomes 1 there
i should get back to hobby coding
I've got to go, anyway, sorry
@13375 In logic false*false=false
@NikiC Yes, but not in PHP ^^
@AndreaFaulds yeah, just referring to the "unlike algebra" here
So you can use normal numerical operations for boolean algebra?
@AndreaFaulds in many contexts boolean and is written * and boolean or +
@NikiC Ah! I see. I thought you always used the symbols ^^
> These values are represented with the bits (or binary digits), namely 0 and 1. They do not behave like the integers 0 and 1, for which 1 + 1 = 2, but may be identified with the elements of the two-element field GF(2), that is, integer arithmetic modulo 2, for which 1 + 1 = 0. Addition and multiplication then play the Boolean roles of XOR (exclusive-or) and AND (conjunction) respectively, with disjunction x∨y (inclusive-or) definable as x + y + xy.
Ah yeah, I thought it'd be x∧y and x∨y always.
@AndreaFaulds the *,+ notation is nice for consistency with the usual definition of mathematical structures, which typically use abstract * and + operators
for example you can use a boolean ring, in which case * and + come quite naturally
@NikiC Ah :)
I wonder...
and in more technical contexts it just shorter to write
$ ghci
GHCi, version 7.8.3: haskell.org/ghc  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> True * True

    No instance for (Num Bool) arising from a use of β€˜*’
    In the expression: True * True
    In an equation for β€˜it’: it = True * True
Oh well, I can always define one!
I think one particularly interesting approach to boolean algebra is through lattice theory, which generalizes the and/or operations to sup/inf operations over a larger set than {0,1}
This is true in C also, where the entire range of an integer is used!
You know what I want? A sane ==
No, === isn't that.
Because 0 !== 0.0, which is annoying.
@AndreaFaulds Why is that? Does PHP have integers?
@copy yes
@copy Yes.
@copy In JavaScript, there's just a single Number type, which is a float. But PHP has separate int and float types.
Which means that 0 !== 0.0, irritatingly, because the types don't match.
cp ext/phar/tests/027.php t001.php
^-- planning ahead with the new vm, using three-digit temp files
Huh, good to know
@AndreaFaulds tis a pity ... we could use much more compact structures without that distinction ^^
@NikiC What, if (ptr & (1 << 63)) { /* int */ } else { /* ptr */ }?
Maybe we should use the silly excuse "it's a web language" and get rid of floats
Who would ever need floats when producing web pages?
Everybody, except for very primitive web pages?
Hey @NikiC, fun fact: Objective-C, AIUI, combines ints and floats into a single type, NSNumber.
@copy Could you give an example of where you need floats?
Fractal image generation
@AndreaFaulds Yeah, approximately that. We could store all types in 8 bytes
Yeah, obviously floats are actually useful in a lot of cases. I wasn't really being serious there.
Any kind of statistic
Ok then
@NikiC Make NULL pointers actually be the value NULL, one more covered.
@NikiC Make FALSE and TRUE just be special pointers.
and... you've covered booleans, NULLs and integers. Your complex types are all pointers. We win! ^^
and you can cover doubles as well
@copy I thought most fractal generators don't use float, but fixed point.
@NikiC If we made PHP's float type be a 32-bit float, and we made int always be 32-bit, we could have 64-bit zvals.
@AndreaFaulds using 64bit doubles is okay as well. The problem is only the 64bit ints
@Danack That doesn't sound very fast, but I don't really know
@NikiC How so?
@AndreaFaulds Magic.
@copy Depending on the hardware it's often faster than floating point. e.g. fractint.org
@NikiC Do the special values for floats correspond to the upper bits of a pointer?
@AndreaFaulds lower bits, but yes
@NikiC Oh! And certain low bits of pointers are never set :D
When we transition to 128-bit computing, will it be long long long, or long long long long? I prefer the latter, it's a power of two :)
@AndreaFaulds very long
@AndreaFaulds even longer i = 0;
@NikiC extremely long int
But realistically: uint128_t ;)
or one of the mm's really ^^
We should just use Holy C, it has U0, U8, U16, U32, U64, plus S-variants and F64 ;)
@NikiC mm?
@AndreaFaulds simd registers
just voted to reopen stackoverflow.com/questions/15548360/… and wondering if y'all agree and would throw some reopen votes at it. seems to me like it's a perfectly sensible question whose answer requires some careful reading to extract from the documentation
> Did you read the manual? Did it leave these questions unanswered?

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