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xbox gamertag version: XxaMp-mYsqlxX
We have a winner ^
Use Composer they said, it is awesome they said
> ./vendor Size on disk 13,9 MB (14.626.816 bytes)
I'm fairly certain there are three different http clients in there
See, that's the benefit of reusable components - you didn't have to write three different http clients of your own!
Damn you are on a roll tonight
Hi, does laravel eloquent considered a Data Access Object ? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_access_object
I mean eloquent Models
Isn't eloquent an ORM?
yes i know
but does the term DAO fits as well ?
So @bwoebi the issues are i) none of the examples gives an error, even when there is no DB for them to connect to ii) I've setup a travis job (can you see [this](sudo /opt/local/share/mysql55/support-files/mysql.server ) ?) and it errors there with undefined index iii) The same test on my Mac crashes and burns with out of memory or too many files errors.
if i called eloquent models a DAO i'm wrong ?
@CodingInsane No. DAOs are not usually built into the objects that are being managed.
@CodingInsane Would it be easy to write to for example XML instead a database?
I have no idea what eloquent exactly does and am afraid to look at the code
@Danack wtf. Okay, let me retry.
/me already worked with Yii yesterday
@bwoebi I'm also being confused by github - is the fork I made visible to you?
@Danack yes
If possible can you make my access to the main repo be read only? I am bad at Git.
@PeeHaa data access object (DAO) is an object that provides an abstract interface to some type of database or other persistence mechanism
DAO provide some specific data operations without exposing details of the database
I know what DAO is, but I don't know eloquent ;)
I have my reasons :)
@PeeHaa oh that's ok :)
@Danack no, I cannot.
@Danack well, seems there is a bug when connections are not used at all…
@Danack example 003 works for you I hope?
@Danack If you do a yield $db->init(); after the new, do you then get an error if connection credidentials fail??
@bwoebi Nope.
[root@rpm examples]# php 003_generic_with_yield.php

Warning: include(/home/github/Amphp/Danack/amp-mysql/vendor/rdlowrey/nbsock/lib/SocketException.php): failed to open stream: Too many open files in /home/github/Amphp/Danack/amp-mysql/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php on line 382

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/github/Amphp/Danack/amp-mysql/vendor/rdlowrey/nbsock/lib/SocketException.php' for inclusion (include_path='/home/github/Amphp/Danack/amp-mysql/vendor/phpunit/php-text-template:/home/github/Amphp/Danack/amp-mysql/vendor/phpunit/php-file-iterator:/home/github/Amphp/Danack/am
Is this with correct or wrong credidentials?
@bwoebi I wasn't getting any error at all - even when mysql service wasn't running.
That error is with the correct credentials I believe. Though I get the same error with definitely wrong credential.
@Danack I see that the part about failing connections is badly handled…
but with correct connection, it works for me
(script shouldn't stop, but no further output)
(Script doesn't stop because read watchers aren't killed via \Amp\stop() or $db->close())
This is something I have seen before in Amp, but I thought was fixed, where it continually opens resources and so is crashing as PHP can no longer load files when it finally tries to throw an exception.
but seems $db->close() doesn't work as expected…
@bwoebi I pasted the wrong thing earlier - I meant can you see magnum.travis-ci.com/Danack/amp-mysql
@Danack yes, I can
That's mildly disconcerting to be honest.
But there is the error there for you.
Just in case it's different to your machine.
I didn't get any undefined index on the spl_object_hash()…
@param boolean or @param bool?
Anybody else? :P
brevity is the key to everything
I think I indeed more often see bool used in projects
Oh shit
You screwed up right? :)
I just wasted half an hour of debugging, because in PHP 7, debug_print_backtrace() / Exceptions show the variable after manipulation and not like it was passed to the function…
premature microoptimizations suck
@Danack at least 001 now should quit cleanly
(apart from three mem leaks in php 7)
I can't. @PeeHaa waved his magic wand and closed it; I won't override his decision. Sorry. Just glad it fixed it, Merry Christmas ;-) cheers. — Fred -ii- 25 mins ago
It's called a hammer. It is pretty magical though :D
Q: I cant figure out which power adapter would fit these requirements

user2883071I have a router which requires the following Input Power: 42-59 VDC, 457-325 mA, 19.2W Cant seem to find any adapters that provide 42-59 VDC.

> helpful flags 666
That number just keeps popping up today for me. I hope it isn't some sign
It wants to show to you how useless numbers are when used as symbols.
profile views 9,366 - so close
@PaulCrovella ow wow. lol
@PaulCrovella substract the three from the nine…
@bwoebi mind blown
math is cheating
math is… truth.
uh.. dude.. 666 tags
@bwoebi Fuck your "how useless numbers are when used as symbols" I am fucking doomed!
that were the signs… in a few seconds it's tomorrow… let's see what comes then…
Yeah easy for you to say. You don't have 666 written all over your profile :P
you may need to change your display name to P̸ę͉̺͚ḙ̲͜H̷̥a̬̘̗̲̤͍̱a҉̻̼̳̱
s/6/5/, then there are less 666 :-P
@PaulCrovella \u0489 … what's that?
and don't abuse graphemes :o
courtesy of the zalgo text generator
@bwoebi that's apparently the combining cyrillic millions sign
My projects always look nice and straightforward until the point that I add actual HTML rendering and/or a database layer
Those are the parts that reach out and touch parts where you don't have much influence. The rest you had control over both ends of communication.
If only I could just give up on web development and only write libraries :)

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