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Why the hell didn't I think of this before? It's not as crazy as it seems.
Fixing tests for 32-bit ultimately leads to them being marked as 32-bit only if they fail on 64-bit
And who the hell cares about 32-bit anyway? :D
Does YOUR #PHP framework have an INVERSE LAMBDA FUNCTION? No? Well @YOLOPHP does! #YOLO #YOLOPHP #3swag5u https://github.com/igorw/yolo
@AndreaFaulds MOAR SANITY, PLZ!
@bwoebi Is of very sanities.
Yo wassup
Just to let you guys know, I have earned the privilige to chat here with you guys.
Why do people ask such stupid questions on here?
good question
Oh man, I might've just done it
The ZPP Fail On Overflow patch might finally pass...
Morning, @obiNullPoiиteяkenobi :)
Had about 8 hours fun with implementing Mysql Binary Protocol and basic prepared statements (prepare + execute). It's a lot of fun work … :-D
for a smallish 562 additions and 158 deletions^^
Hey @bwoebi, does ZEND_DOUBLE_FITS_LONG(d) sound like the right name for a macro that checks if a double's within the bounds of ZEND_LONG_MAX/ZEND_LONG_MIN?
With C I maybe would have done the same in 12 hours, with 3 times more lines changed^^
@bwoebi Implemented in PHP?
@AndreaFaulds yes it does.
@AndreaFaulds yes, sure :-) PHP is a nice language for that :-)
@bwoebi Alright :D
Just looked once at mysqlnd. +700KB of code and +20 k LOC
I'll end up with maybe 4k LOC at the very end. (Currently 2,2 k LOC)
Oh, well. Forgot to add the new file. Yet another 74 additions :-D
waits anxiously for Travis build of ZPPFailOnOverflow to complete
@AndreaFaulds hehe, have fun :-) I'm going to bed
@bwoebi Goodnight! :)
(It's hard work to prevent all possible out of sync errors :-/)
@AndreaFaulds fixed
@ircmaxell :-)
burning my CPU right now with Chrome :-P
My ZPP Failure On Overflow RFC might be going to a vote soon!
that timing attack post is getting good traction :-)
Hacker News(!)
yup :-)
hey guys
i have a question about something i've written, is anyone around/willing to help?
@PeeHaa lol at what time?
@Stormie just ask and if anyone knows and feels like to help they will
morning btw
morning @ircmaxell
got chromecast yesterday, were being sold for £18 (down from 30) ...
cool thing ...
this is funny
A: Execute Code in Parallel in PHP to minimize execution time

RobbieProbably the simplest option without changing your code (too much), though, would be to call PHP through the command line and not CURL. This cuts the overhead of APACHE (both in memory and speed), networking etc. Plus Curl is not a portable option as some servers can't see themselves (in network ...

@JoeWatkins I really liked: gobyexample.com/channels How do you think should something like that be implemented at user-land or at internals level?
well ... goroutines don't have an equivalent in normal php ...
you could implement channels, but they would only be a high level abstraction of non blocking i/o, or generators, in that everything would still be executing in a single thread or process
@JoeWatkins Well, I think it does not make much sense how many threads there're underneath as long as it's non-blocking. Also, I had pThreads in mind.
oh you could do it with threads
the reason its so nice in go is that it's a language level feature, nice constructs and so on ... it'll never look like that in PHP, but you could do it ...
if I use ->query() on a DOMXpath object and store whatever nodelist it returns and if I want to use ->query() to traverse that nodelist further, how would I do that?
@Leri ...
abstract class Channel extends Threaded {

    public function __construct(Pool $pool) {

    public function send($key, $value) {
        return $this->synchronized(function() use ($key, $value) {
            $this[$key] = $value;
            return $this->notify();

    public function recv($key) {
        return $this->synchronized(function() use($key) {
            while (!$this[$key])
            return $this[$key];
something like that, makes a channel from an object (which is really an array), we don't care about types in php ...
remarkably simple really ...
abstract class Channel extends Threaded {

    public function __construct(Pool $pool) {

    public function send($key, $value) {
        return $this->synchronized(function() use ($key, $value) {
            $this[$key] = $value;
            return $this->notify();

    public function recv($key) {
        return $this->synchronized(function() use($key) {
            while (!$this[$key])
            return $this[$key];
that's it without mistakes in it ...
I have a question if someone pls available...
related to php.
@JoeWatkins Made a gist. Once I have time I'll look what can be baked out of it. Thanks.
I have a page that have a lot of queries running, so it takes time to load.
I want to show a loading msg while page loads, but i want to do it without JS.
Is there a way to do it? I could found any so far....
@Fahad I'd rather start optimizing performance, rather hiding it
well, already optimized...
still need loading msg... for the time being loaded...
Well, in that case you still have to listen to the dom loaded event and without javascript you can't do that.
there should be an alternative....
Preferable, you should load dummy html page just with loader there and make ajax call to load actual site. That guarantees that preloader is always displayed and does not depend if server uses output buffering or not.
hello guys, is there anyone who use cakephp?
@Leri Yes, Have options with AJAX, but need to do it without JS on a request.. Boss
Sometimes bosses are stupid and you need to explain that they are wrong. If s/he does not understand after explaining, quit
Hey... I am trying to use Imagick class in flat php. I installed imagick using pecl, and it shows under phpinfo that it is loaded, and imagick.so appears in the modules folder. I have restarted the server. Why is it still giving me a fatal error that Imagick class cannot be found?
@Leri I made it even prettier, and actually found something missing from pthreads ...
abstract class Channel extends Threaded {

    public function __construct(Pool $pool) {

    public function __set($key, $value) {
        return $this->synchronized(function() use ($key, $value) {
            $this[$key] = $value;
            return $this->notify();

    public function __get($key) {
        return $this->synchronized(function() use($key) {
            while (!isset($this[$key]))
            return $this[$key];
will be committing by end of today...
@zed where is it showing as loaded? on the command line or on the webserver? maybe you enabled it in the wrong php.ini
i want live notification on my webpage, how to implemet it?
A: facebook type wall post script

GooglePHP is the spawn of satan.....

@DaveRandom meanwhile I got access to the bugsweb box, so if you still need to add packages there, I can help now.
anyone here knows if development for phppgadmin is still active or not? Last release was over an year ago... and no official support for pg9.3 :(
Uuggghh morning
arrh morning
@JoeWatkins looks great. Some idiot has decided to cut my network cable so I'll have detailed look later. BTW, what's missing from pthreads?
@Leri support for user magic like __get/__set etc
was missing, master has it ...
@sectus Those 2 people have helped me with some valuable answer so I was just being polite by thanking them. Tks means thanks
Mon to the ring @salathe
@Gordon I typed php -i in the terminal, and there was a lot of information about ImageMagick.
@zed Run this php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration"
@zed yeah, in the terminal. that's the thing. CLI uses a different php.ini than your webserver. Put a file with just <?php phpinfo(); into your web root and check there by calling it through the browser. Check which php.ini it uses in the output on the page.
@Gordon True, it isn't showing in this phpinfo() page, but showing in the CLI. However, "Scan this dir for additional .ini files = /etc/php.d", which is where I put my extra configuration imagick.ini
@Gordon Do I have to restart anything more than the nginx service?
@zed you need to restart php-fpm. Nginx didn't need to be restarted.
@Danack Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... !!! Thanks
@Danack or php --ini
Hi guys
This is my first time participating in chat rooms
What's the goal of Chat rooms?
Specially PHP
Hi @soroushgholamzadeh and welcome, talking about PHP
Can we talk about it's Frameworks too?
You may talk about whatever you wish.....but other people aren't obligated to talk to you.
I see...I searched for other rooms like Laravel, But I didn't find such a thing,So I thought here should be a good place to discuss about that
Not so much.....people in here tend not to use any frameworks, and particularly not Laravel.
@soroushgholamzadeh, there is a irc channel on freenode, #laravel.
@RonniSkansing ty
No problem
Can someone help me with understanding REST please
You mean RESTful routing?!
I've read a few tutorials and I understand how it SHOULD work, however I'm struggling to get my head around the actual practical side
@soroushgholamzadeh Yes.
I think what confuses me is how are REST URL's different from URLs that actually load web pages
For example; /clients/John/London, could be either a REST URL or a webpage that should load in your browser
@James if it's laravel related,I can say go on laracasts.com
there is a good video about that
@soroushgholamzadeh I'm not sure what laravel is but I'll take a look. I'm basically trying to do something very simple which is create a webservice for my app so that I can use the web service to query and interact with my database
@James I got it,sorry maybe others can help
@soroushgholamzadeh Ok, no worries
@James it is a concept for resource addressing. Keeping semantics and making use of HTTP. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer
It is not about moving parameters from the query string into the path.
@ThW Thanks, I actually find the Wikipedia article on this, and a lot of other coding concepts quite dense and difficult to understand for someone new to coding. I think I explained myself poorly.
@ThW To date my only understanding of URLs has been that they are used to navigate to a webpage i.e. to point to a resource on your server that will get loaded. Now reading about REST it appears that the same URLs (in look and syntax at least) are used to send representations of resources between server and client. In the example I wish to use this for the URL will send my database query and retrieve back the results of the query.

In the traditional URL sense you would need a digital file to exist in the directory you are point at; for example of your website is www.example.com/clients you
Sorry for long post :-s
@James I don't fully recommend using it, but you should try apigility.org and copy everything it does.....in particular separating a REST service from an API service.
@James You don't need a php file for every page in the right folder to match the url... See Front Controller and Routing
1 hour later…
wow, thanks to that timing attack post hitting HN, this month went from #7 all time traffic level on Friday Morning, to #3 all time right now (and will hit #2 by the end of the day).
@ircmaxell what's #1?
July 2010
I need 30% more page views for the timing attack post to even enter the top 10 post list
@James if you want to make your own routing system instead of using a 3rd party lib, you probably would benefit from this and this
.. I actually should find some time to expand on those two posts
Morning again
@ircmaxell fawesome
moin @PeeHaa
bbl I'm not nearly drunk enough to stay another night in amsterdam. o/
@PeeHaa I may swing by for a night after Benelux
110 rep from 80k
Bleh, my extension isn't showing up in php -m :(
No errors at any stage of the build :(
yeah, I had issues like that
Was missing it too; still no luck.
Oh, but I can an error at runtime this time
> PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library)
YES! My ZPP Failure On Overflow pull request is finally green on Travis!
I wish I could get my changes to build and link in ^^
help help :(
problem with charset encoding
I want to detect ISO-8859-1 in php
but everytime I am getting utf-8
when the string is like ÃãÄäÆæ i am getting utf-8
I am using mb_detect_encoding() function
Hmm… something is going on here.
The bare-bones skeleton from several places won't build and link.
Please help me:
Q: In which cases should mb_http_output() and mb_internal_encoding() be used?

user3002233What are mb_http_output() and mb_internal_encoding() used for ? I've read the documentation and apparently they're used to change the output's encoding, but I don't really understand, why would someone ever need to do that ?

@user3002233 If you don't need it, why bother with it?
@Patrick I think I need. because someone told me that it's important and you should use it if you want to use utf8 in your website.
A: UTF-8 all the way through

chazomaticusData Storage: Specify the utf8mb4 character set on all tables and text columns in your database. This makes MySQL physically store and retrieve values encoded natively in UTF-8. Note that MySQL will implicitly use utf8mb4 encoding if a utf8mb4_* collation is specified (without any explicit ch...

@Patrick But it's not about mb_internal_encoding() and mb_http_output().
@user3002233 What problem are you trying to solve? I thought you want utf8?
@Patrick I want to know what are mb_internal_encoding() and mb_http_output().
@user3002233 Why?
Anyone here?
@Patrick It's personal.
@LeviMorrison what sorta problem you got there ?
@ircmaxell ooooh cool!
> PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library)
where's sources ?
I haven't put it up anywhere as I can't even get a skeleton to work.
you are missing get module stuff
That's in php_collections.c
gist or git or bitbucket or pastebin or wall of cave and I'd have a look
Note that collections.c is completely empty.
I've tried a few variants like moving the HAVE_CONFIG stuff into the header; each tutorial seems to favor one place over the other, but nothing is working.
I don't get any errors in phpize && ./configure --enable-collections && sudo make install
The collections.so file does exist and php is finding it, but I get that warning on startup.
the config.m4 should have php_collections.c
I'm able to load it ...
None of the tutorials are mentioning php_collections.c in the config.m4; where should it go?
PHP_ARG_ENABLE(collections, whether to enable Collections support,
  [  --enable-collections    Enable Collections support])

if test "$PHP_COLLECTIONS" = "yes"; then
  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_COLLECTIONS, 1, [Whether you have Collections support])
  PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(collections, php_collections.c, $ext_shared)
loading now, right ?
\o/ Yes.
Thanks Joe.
Does anyone here know how I can cp a file with a colon (:) in its name? (linux)
I think you just escape it with \
I think it's not required
@LeviMorrison How can I escape the character in the file's name?
(I can just copy, no need to escape or quote, but escaping or quoting would be the answer if the char was not supported)
@JoeWatkins The file is named with a unix timestamp and... therefore... has colons in it. I get invalid argument when running cp. The file is located inside a directory which I am copying... so... I don't know how I would put it in quotes...
I've never tried escaping it... nor do I know how... :(
@HelpingHand cp test:file test2:file works for me
[joe@localhost cedf8e03bb4d33d82e57]$ touch file:ext
[joe@localhost cedf8e03bb4d33d82e57]$ echo "content" > file:ext
[joe@localhost cedf8e03bb4d33d82e57]$ cp file:ext file.ext
[joe@localhost cedf8e03bb4d33d82e57]$ cat file.ext
@JoeWatkins That approach is a little complicated and I'm dealing with hundreds of files...
what approach ?
@Patrick The files are located within directories that I'm copying...
there is no approach, I was just showing that normal cp works ...
@JoeWatkins Yeah... but it's in a directory... is that the same?
a unix timestamp doesn't have colons in it either, a formatted date does, a unix timestamp is an integral value ...
@JoeWatkins Sorry, I stated incorrectly... Its a formatted date.
multiple colons might be the problem
escape with \
^^ all my flights, sorted by route, summed by time
@JoeWatkins How would I escape the character?
I've spent 3 days and 8 hours flying between Newark airport and San Francisco
2 days, 10 hours between Newark and London
@JoeWatkins I know that... but in a directory?
you are nearly always traveling @ircmaxell
@HelpingHand try it
As in cp -r \: /my/first/directory /my/second/directory ?? I don't really understand the method to doing that... Sorry.
why pipe ?
@JoeWatkins sorry... my bad...
you're confusing me
@JoeWatkins I'm sorry... I'm just trying to escape or quote the : in files within one directory to be copied to another... I think... :)
[joe@localhost cedf8e03bb4d33d82e57]$ cp -r "./Sat 29 Nov 18:59:34 GMT 2014" "./something-not-stupid"
I don't need to do anything, : is a valid char, if you have some old version of cp, try escaping, insert backwards slash before each : in the string ...
though I think you just need quotes
because spaces in names if you are using dates with spaces in names ...
@JoeWatkins The directory has a regular name... the files within the directory have : in them... See last post...
10 mins ago, by HelpingHand
@JoeWatkins I know that... but in a directory?
the confusion continues ...
@HelpingHand are your copying to another filesystem?
good guess ... if I ever need anything stabbed in the dark, I'm taking @Patrick with me ...
@JoeWatkins Ugh... Here's the bottom line of what I want to do: I have a directory named /directory1 It contains files with colons in their names... I want to copy /directory1 to /directory2 cp will not copy the files with colons in their name to /directory2
That's why escaping and quoting are not possible... I think...
Me: "But something I don't see, what's the real-world use beyond calculators?" @igorwhiletrue "Does landing on comets count?"
@JoeWatkins My brain is burning...
@JoeWatkins Yours?
@HelpingHand Did you read what I posted? ...
@Patrick I want to copy the files with their current names... I can't have them different in /directory2
@ircmaxell do you have an eta for your next mvc blogpost? I want to rewrite parts of my no framework tutorial and depending on what conclusions you come to I'll make it match your suggestions :)
@Patrick @JoeWatkins Ok... How would I escape the colons in the filenames within a directory ?
Hello... PHP lovers !! Im reading about GC in PHP5.3+ ... Im looking a speak from Rasmus Lerdorf about PHP's shared-nothing was intended when he make PHP... Did someone read about ??
Shared-nothing architecture
@NBPalomino For the record... I don't think anyone can be a "PHP lover". You're simply good with PHP.
if i follow rhel guide to configure a cent os server, it will not be misconfigured?
I know already! that's why I use it just for funny purpouses...
@HelpingHand I'm totally a PHP lover!
@HelpingHand I think your statement would be more suitable if he greeted people as 'PHP Masters'
@AshleyBrown Yeah... Maybe... Alright, I'll say that you cannot be a PHP Master... I'll tell you one thing... It's better than a lot of other programming languages out there!
But... To love a programming language... I don't think so (my opinion).
Nov 20 at 10:07, by Joe Watkins
user image
It's easy to be a PHP Master, there's a book for that.
@HamZa UGH... I don't know if this is a bug or what... but... try creating a text file named 1417292527_admin.txt and echoing the scandir of the directory... It won't show up!
@HelpingHand how does the line of code look?
@HelpingHand lolwut
I just realized that I've been sitting here saying "fuck" aloud for the last 10 minutes or so. #therapy #swearapy
^^ It's being one of those days.
Q: Is ionCube PHP Encoder PHP accelelator?

R.PSo I´m testing out some PHP accelelators and came across ionCube PHP Encoder. I´ve installed it and phpinfo says that it is loaded: This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine: Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader v4.7.2, Cop...

^ Could anyone shed some light?
So, I'm using Windows 8.1 now
@NikiC welcome to the club
It's not so bad ... after you install some software to get rid of all their Metro shit.
yeah, me too
only enabled the start menu bit for now - the new explorer looks okay enough to me
I coped with Windows 8 by just using the desktop.
Then gave up on Windows ^^
I have a very stupid meta-level question
How often is OOP used in PHP? I was under the impression, despite the components being there for it, that its more for small scripts?
@Zack Most non-legacy code uses what most people think is OOP.
@AndreaFaulds I think we've all given up on Windows in some capacity.
I'm using Windows for anything that doesn't involve compiling real programming languages.
I'm using Windows because VS.
So, similar reasons :-P
Is it impossible to get a resultset on a prepared select statement if we use mysqli::send_long_data()?
$q = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM tmp WHERE text LIKE ?");
$n = null;
$q->bind_param('b', $n);
var_dump($q->send_long_data(0, "bwoebi"));
var_dump($q->get_result()); /* always empty result */
or am I doing something wrong?

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