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Pffff work... lame
@DaveRandom it's not a material for beginners
it's a collection of hype ... with exceptionally shitty code examples
case & point: http://www.phptherightway.com/pages/Design-Patterns.html (to prevent newbies from accidentally clicking)
@PeeHaa I know right?
@rdlowrey can you review and comment on github.com/php/php-src/pull/890 please? I just don't have the time atm, it looks like it doesn't go anywhere near doing enough to actually support this properly
@tereško um... yeh
Wow, even Zeev has voted +1 on return types
When do you guys work?
if I fixed indentation and trailing spaces in php source, would I get my copyrights listed there too ?
@ziGi currently
aww this is so cute
@tereško it's more than just this... but still, yeah
apparently the guy puts his name on everything github.com/dunglas
> When calculating a hash using MD5, always ensure that you use UTF-8 encoding, and not Unicode.
@ziGi can you bin that moving thing please
I'm on mobile. My owner powers are currently weak
A document, written in 2014 by a *payment processor* still only uses plain MD5 for auth. #sigh https://www.paypoint.net/assets/guides/Gateway_hosted_integration_v2.0.pdf
sigh sigh sigh
@ircmaxell yeh the document isn't even internally consistent as well, there's something that refers to "look at the security details in sec 14" (it's sec 13) and the "digest" field is described as both "optional" and "required" in two consecutive paragraphs
tl;dr: don't use paypoint
why do they call it encryption algorythm?
Oh and that as well
Why do they call it one-way?
@SergeyTelshevsky because it wasn't written by anyone with even a basic understanding in crypto or security?
@DaveRandom thank you, I was having a coffee with my colleague so I didin't see it
is it a big company or something?
This Payment Processor surely must be really * SECURE *
Oh yeh, and there's a WP plugin for it that puts the "remote password" in a hidden form input and does the hash in the browser \o/
(3rd party, not from paypoint)
@ziGi np, I don't think you'd have been able to do it anyway, you can only edit/delete within 2 mins and I think @PeeHaa didn't ask until after that
yeah, I just wanted to share it because I think it is amazing
didn't intend to disturb anyone by doing so
@ziGi unwritten rule in this room is that we don't mind things like that (as long as it's not offensive) but please edit the message within the edit window to get rid of the onebox to avoid cluttering the chat :-)
@DaveRandom should we fake outrage or surprise ?
I don't know, my response was "hunger"
lol, what is this wp of which you speak? I couldn't possibly guess as we must all avoid ostracisation of groups of php devs now.
@DaveRandom how do I edit it to unbox it, do I add additional simbol at the end or something
Good morning to all... Just when I thought I had a pretty good idea of how to retrieve data via an AJAX call, I ran across a Google doc describing how to make ajax retrieved content indexable but I'm hung up very early on and could use some clarification
With regard to the Additional Splat Usage RFC, when there are duplicate associative keys would you expect the later value to overwrite the earlier, or the later value to be discarded?
@DaveRandom W.R.T?
then look for this line <a href="ajax.htm?foo=32" onClick="navigate('ajax.html#foo=32'); return false">foo 32</a>
@ziGi Yeh often people just edit <space><dot> onto the end or something, just make sure the link isn't the only displayable data in the message (adding a space only doesn't do the job)
@SecondRikudo "With regard to"
You british people like to overcomplicate things
What's wrong with "About"? :P
We like to drink tea, that's not compilcated
@DaveRandom could you shine some light on this for me?
I got laughed at by saying "he is called James" instead of "his name is..."
@Jimbo Do you know the algoirthm for boiling a kettle in your backyard?
MD5: world's first two-way hashing algorythm
@YourAdrenalineFix Left my torch at home, will the crappy light on my phone do?
@SecondRikudo My google search returned nothing, so I'm going to say.. Yes.
@DaveRandom yes I've noticed
I don't know really anything at all about that tbh, I've never really given a toss about search engines
Probably so. I have a script on my page that retrieves info via a php file on server
ajax gets this info so it can display using old fashion
if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
@DaveRandom I would expect it to behave the same way as array_merge
but in the article I linked above where does a url get used?
1. Grab 3 stones of approximate equal height
2. Place in a circle so that kettle can stand atop.
3. Grab fuel (dry leaves, twigs, etc)
4. Place in between stones.
5. Grab match
6. Light fire
7. Light fuel
8. Place kettle
9. While not boiled
10. Wait
11. Water boiled
I'm pretty sure that ActiveX thing is redundant now, I think XMLHttpRequest has existed in IE since like IE7 or something
as illustrated in section with <a href="ajax.htm?foo=32" onClick="navigate('ajax.html#foo=32'); return false">foo 32</a>
@Jimbo do you know the algorithm for boiling a kettle in your kitchen?
@DaveRandom Yes, ActiveX is for IE6 and lower.
lol @SecondRikudo
@SecondRikudo Yes, it involves silverlight, active-x and a bit of flash
None of that really matters at this point
I plan to upgrade to jQuery ajax eventually
1. Grab kettle
2. Open window
3. Toss kettle out the window and into backyard
4. We already know what to do from here.
but that's not the issue here. I'm trying to figure out where this "URL" comes in?
@DaveRandom I'd expect to behave it like array_merge...
@KevinMGranger ty
@bwoebi ty
@YourAdrenalineFix what are you trying to do exactly?
That one line has at least 1 bad practice
If not more I'm missing regarding your navigate function
@DaveRandom actually, for assoc keys + operator and array_merge behave the same, so should ...$args depending if it is before or after the conflicting key.
What exactly are you trying to do?
@DaveRandom Also would expect the same behaviour as array_merge.
Are you trying to have links navigate with AJAX when possible?
Do you expect something to happen on click?
Ok, Just a sec let me gather up the details you guys need. Plz rmbr Im 2 finger typing...
new DeviceExecutor(new KettleFactory(new WaterFactory));
Right i'm going mental I need a cup of tea
I'm also aware some code is questionable and out dated, just bear with me...
Scroll below the fold and you'll see two shipping rate quotes.
These are brought in via an AJAX call (visible in view source)
and are invisible to crawlers
but I have NO idea where a url such as described midway down as <a href="ajax.htm?foo=32" onClick="navigate('ajax.html#foo=32'); return false">foo 32</a>
would be used in my script
@bwoebi no, they dont: 3v4l.org/uN9ll
For assoc arrays, $arr1 + $arr2 == array_merge($arr2, $arr1)
Surely someone can come up with some kind of explanation
to gimme a clue
@DaveRandom Anyway, $arr1 = ['a' => 1]; $arr2 = ['a' => 2]; $arr3 = [...$arr1, ...$arr2]; should be handled like $arr3 = ['a' => 1, 'a' => 2]; .
Mulitiple splats?
yeah, why not?
@Danack loves multiple splats
Oh I guess for expanding it makes sense.
@bwoebi agreed
Is the vote sealed now?
@DanLugg ?
Return types -- for all intents and purpose, is the vote a given? 40:3?
well, yea, unlikely to change.
There's over a week left, nothing is set in stone, but it seems like a winner
Even Zeev voted +1, I was expecting him to abstain
@NikiC Hey sorry for slow response. SO must've been wonky and didn't tell me I had a ping until I was about to go to sleep last night. Yeah, I was trying to avoid the fcall but it was probably misguided anyway.
@DaveRandom will try to look at this today. I've been so busy I've had zero time for php-src the last couple of weeks.
although s/weeks/months
That's hopefully going to change soon though
moving house in the UK sucks
yeah, s/couple/several/ for me on the weeks as well
I love how someone said "everyone is using Doctrine annotations, we should probably copy that" and then beberlei immediately said "yeh, they're too complicated, you don't want that"
Tbh I find the doctrine annotations alright once you get your head around them
The problem is if you have anything else that uses annotations and you decide to use them, you're suddenly writing a shit bunch of comments in your code that maybe should be somewhere else
Like, in a YAML config file.
@Jimbo go away
So then use doctrine's YAML file :P at least you can move that stuff
'@' annotation-name '(' const-argument-list ')'
"annotation-name" is a class that implements Annotation, "const-argument-list" is an argument list of static values, essentially following the same restrictions of default parameter values.
^^ That's not overly complicated and completely open ended for robust use.
@MyAnnotation('foo', MyClass::class, ['my', 'array'])
The "const-argument-list" are constructor parameters.
Is there any talk of making these sorts of things part of php core?
Docblocs, specifically
Then (new ReflectionClass('AnnotatedClass'))->getAnnotations()[0] would yield the instance of MyAnnotation
Or (ReflectionMethod('AnnotatedClass', 'annotatedMethod'))->getAnnotations()[0] or whatever.
@rdlowrey possibly one for you to cast your eyes over? news.php.net/php.internals/78706
@rdlowrey What was that magic markdown editor site you mentioned?
1 hour ago, by DaveRandom
@rdlowrey can you review and comment on https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/890 please? I just don't have the time atm, it looks like it doesn't go anywhere near doing enough to actually support this properly
@Danack Chris already had pinged Daniel about it…
^^ Thanks /cc @rdlowrey
I used stackedit.io literally all day yesterday working on markdown documentation. It's wonderful <3 <3 <3
Looks like they had the same idea as Ghost blogging platform, which is a good one...
@KevinMGranger I detest YAML with every fibre of my being. Also, I will kill you, don't think that I won't.
Can anyone see an issue with ^^ that brief description of annotations though? I mean, I think it's being made more complicated than necessary; even features like definition-type-constraints, whereby the annotation is constrained to only certain definition types (classes, interface, methods, etc.) are complete overkill.
@DanLugg Aside from the fact that I think annotations are generally stupid, no. Suggest it on the list.
I'm just reading some more recent posts, I don't think I'll bother -- I have non-bickering things to do today, and if I post I'll just get involved.
@NikiC Regarding Dmitry's updated patch for return types: it's horrible.
Have you looked at it?
@rdlowrey hehe
@DaveRandom Do you prefer JSON? Or as I like to call it, ":{}-fest?
I would prefer ancient runes scratched into the motherboard of the server to YAML
But... it's so readable and easily typeable...
yeah... what do you guys have against yaml?
I have three words for all of you YAML/JSON derp-turds: X, M, L.
I've had coworkers detest it too, I don't get it. It's just more readable JSON. Complaints about parsing it being more difficult because of variables/references are understandable though
I love hearing the argument "XML isn't as readable" from people who simultaneously write C and Perl. It just tickles my insides.
Good morning
hash_hmac( 'crc32', 'My authenticated data', $mySuperSecretKey );
(oh darn, I was scrolled up all the way)
(so that statement I just made makes no sense in the current context, but it was a response to ircmaxell :P)
@NiekBergman that's more secure than md5("my authenticated data" . $mySuperSecretKey)
@DanLugg I do like a bit of XML, but not everything needs something that expressive, but JSON does fine for me in those cases
@ircmaxell: even with crc32? :)
@DaveRandom I'm still in the camp of "JSON is good, when you're working with Javascript" -- I mean, I get it, it's now a standard for interop, but I'm still strong on XML for many, many more intents because of the tooling that exists behind it.
But yes, that looks awful.
Validation, transformation, etc.
Wait, did they manage to reverse MD5?
@NiekBergman it's not secure, but depending on what you're doing, yes
@SecondRikudo Yea, download "rainbow-tables-1.0"
@DanLugg That's a problem with XML for me actually: there is a crapload of tooling, but most of it sucks. Like, pretty badly.
@DaveRandom Meh. The trivial nature of JSON lends to easier parsing, and makes for simpler tooling, but the historical baggage of XML (for better or for worse) brings some awesome stuff (along with the not-so-awesome)
People need to get over the "XML is ugly" thing IMO. XML is intended to be read and validated by computers -- not people.
@ircmaxell: is your hash challenge still online somewhere?
XSD + XSL == ::unicode-heart::
@ircmaxell: I know the end results for it were already announced, so it would just be to play around with.
@rdlowrey And yet it's read and written by people as well
@rdlowrey ...while still being human readable; I really can't understand how people don't find it to be readable.
See starred comment
@SecondRikudo Really? How many people are hand-building XML? And if so, why?
@rdlowrey web.config
@DanLugg agree.
or any config file, really
@rdlowrey Java and Spring developers often write XML files that gets generated into Java classes
Configuration files
Web.config/App.config is big -- along with hand-editing generated files.
Debugging API responses
My point is that if you're hand-writing something then "readability" isn't a problem, is it? You know what you're doing already.
@rdlowrey Yeah, but then your coworker comes along...
"readability" is never a problem when you're a solo dev....
@SecondRikudo who also understands the problem domain.
@rdlowrey Hopefully.
XML is readable.
Not if it's an open source project
@rdlowrey It most certainly is not.
And if it isn't it wasn't intended for human consumption so it doesn't matter.
XML is only as unreadable as the schema to which it conforms is designed. Also, formatting, but that's moot now because IDEs.
With all the namespaces and schemas that accompany it.
@rdlowrey Interesting, the internet works between parallel universes? Who knew!
The fact that XML was almost entirely abandoned in favor of JSON shows just how bad it was.
It was an improvement over SGML, for sure.
No, it shows that XML wasn't designed for javascript.
@SecondRikudo It's not abandoned?
@DanLugg Almost entirely abandoned.
Just because composer.json doesn't mean XML doesn't exist anymore.
JSON was adopted because everyone had to write javascript. Not because it was inherently superior to XML as a format.
@ircmaxell Thanks :-)
@SecondRikudo *on the web
@rdlowrey And yet JSON is used even in environments that don't use JavaScript...
One of the main reasons was missing support in browsers
@SecondRikudo Yea, that's where the problem started.
@SecondRikudo And that decision is usually regretted once the use case becomes non-trivial.
Because you can't validate it and you can't have comments.
@rdlowrey You can validate it on an application level, and you can have comments in the form of unused fields.
But I'm biased. I hate XML for my own reasons
JSON suffers from the same enterprise problems as programming languages with no strict typing: it's hard to make something verifiably correct.
So I'm probably not the best person to advocate against it.
Yeh, this situation is ridiculous. Clearly what's needed is something unify what we have into a single entity that everyone can use, I think we need to design YAJOML
JSON was just intended to solve a different problem from XML (I assume, because if not then it did a terrible job).
Wait, no, YAXJOML. Better make it extensible.
Anyway, this conversation is pointless. I need to write code :)
You just wrote it, look it's right there at the end of the message
posted on November 05, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by davezorz */

/me just found out Weezer has a Christmas album!
Two of my favorite things in the world: Weezer and Christmas.
It warms the cockles of my 90s-music-loving heart.
Ooh eeh ooh I look just like buddy hollyyyy
Scott Bakula = awesome
Is he still alive?
@ircmaxell Looking at your code and not finding the error :P (seen that one earlier this week)
@rdlowrey Nail on the head.
@rdlowrey aren't Weezer one of those lame punk/rock American school bands
For ad-hoc mush buttons, JSON is win.
@ziGi insta-mute.
/me mumbles about student related things and leaves ...
Hello there!
woot! I'll be flying my first leg today in Business First
Big pimpin'
@ircmaxell You aren't taking both of your legs at the same time? That could be inconvenient.
New York to Houston, then Houston to Buenos Aires. Upgraded on the 3.5 hour flight to Houston
@AndreaFaulds Dmitry's patch has some good and bad parts.
The bad is that by 'unifying parameter and return types' he just reused arginfo, which is not good.
Return types don't use MOST of those fields, nor does it make sense semantically.
on JSON versus YAML versus XML... anyone ever play with Augeas? augeas.net
Also, there's no way he improved memory consumption because of that.
It takes a multitude of formats and is just like "it's all just trees anyway, duuuuude"
Most of the rest looks good, aside from gutting Reflection.
At least, for config files. Not sure how general-purpose it is
@KevinMGranger Except some trees don't require you to use a non-standard PHP extension to parse a configuration file (really really stupid).
Hm, I'm having a severe case of Baader-Meinhof phenomenon today :\
(I'm suddenly seeing the name Dmitry everywhere)
@LeviMorrison I didn't look closely at it. Guess the primary diff is storing the return type info as arg_info[-1]?
That's the most concerning part, yeah.
I can see the motivation behind it tho. Not having empty fields if return types aren't used and a uniform structure for args and return types
@NikiC We're actually talking about it in IRC.
If you want to come join.
Having it in arginfo also has the benefit that we could have return type hints for internal functions relatively simply
just as a special arginfo entry
actually, internal functions already have a -1 arg info entry that is used for some return information ^^
I'm definitely on board with unifying them.
But arginfo needs to change anyway.
There's a todo on it to use zend_string.
zend_type_decl should be a part of arginfo (or be castable)
i m following this tutorial its opening gmail login page on button click how can i open gmail page /google login page directly in my web site
@KevinMGranger That's... pretty damn cool.
@ircmaxell dat first result.
hence the
should get some points for naming the file quite well ...
There are some pretty weird results there
@JoeWatkins You're a student!? :D
indeed @webarto
@ircmaxell Awesome.
@JoeWatkins congrats!
@JoeWatkins didn't know that, congrats!
I done three assignments so far, got marks for two of them, 90% and 96%, the 90% one was down to poor math skill ...
I do have a problem though, I always seem to find myself in ridiculous situations ...
get this ...
yeah you do
if I don't find someone who can sign a stupid form for me, like, two weeks ago ... I have to pay for it all myself ...
I don't know anyone that can sign it, so probably gonna have to pay for it myself, or ask work to pay some and pay the rest ... but that's shit, because I'm supposed to be entitled to student loans like every other student in the country ...
but me ... so no dice, it has to be really hard ...

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