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Hi guys... I'm trying to display an input with a value (from a databse)...
echo "<td><input size='3' onKeypress='if (event.keyCode < 45 || event.keyCode > 57) event.returnValue = false;' name='pcanitdad' ".$dato['cantidad']." id='idcantidad' onchange='editarProducto(this.value,".$dato['precio'].",".$dato['id'].")'> </td>";
But it's wrong... any idea about what could I do??
It shows me: "Undefined index: cantidad in ..... cot.php on line 685"
then whatever $dato is doesn't have a key of name cantidad
@rdlowrey $current && isset($current[0], $current[1], $current[2]) && is_array($current) this looks kinda weird ^^ Is this to avoid doing an fcall when not necessary?
@NikiC where do you have that from?
@bwoebi last aerys commit
@NikiC well, at least the first $current && is superfluous…
yeah that too. I mainly found doing the array check at the end weird, after already checking that individual elements exist
@NikiC because it might be a string or ArrayAccess object…
@bwoebi at that point it could only be AA. but anyway, I'm referring to the order of the checks ^^
Hey guys is it ok if i send data from a javascript code to a php file like this:
@NikiC oh, because is_scalar… yeah, well… the order is important here…
xmlhttp.send("id="+id,"cantidad="+cantidad,"precio="+precio); //<<<<--- This line
one might call it a bug… because:

php -r '$a = new stdClass; var_dump(isset($a[0]));'
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in Command line code on line 1
@NikiC so… also in isset() it fatals if array index access is done on object…
Hey @LeviMorrison, you about?
@NikiC @rdlowrey just pushed a tiny fix ;-)
xmlhttp.send("id="+id,"cantidad="+cantidad,"precio="+precio); //<<<<--- This line
I think I'm not receiving my vars!
hey guys i had a quick question if your developing a social network should you make uploading files time unlimited? so it wont timeout?
I am making an EXECUTIVE DECISION!!!!!!!!!!!
The safe cast RFC will have an optional parameter to make it return that parameter on parse fail
@AndreaFaulds I remember the last time you did an executive decision :P
so to_int("not an int") => BANG! but to_int("not an int", FALSE) === FALSE
It lasted for about five minutes :D
@NikiC Yes. But this time I'm being decisive!
It's not perfect. But it's the least problematic of the options.
You're being decisively executive?
It avoids adding new functions. It covers all use-cases.
The only issue is throwing an exception: So I might put it off if people aren't okay with it, until Exceptions in the Engine
@ircmaxell you really expect from reddit to make you happy, only once?
@AndreaFaulds I like it, but now it feels even more like it belongs in the filter namespace or something.
@bwoebi I've occasionally had happy reddit experiences
@DanLugg Nah, Unicode will die with the rise of China, with China being mega-pissed about Han Unification and saying, fuck you Western world, use our own Unicode, with blackjack and hooker[ hanzi character]s
@cspray can't believe…
@bwoebi Somebody had a semi-positive comment about a blog post. I read it and then closed the window out
@Charles I want it to be convenient and part of the core language, not in ext/filter
It's kinda silly we only have explicit casts
@cspray I once got downvoted into oblivion for suggesting that people remember that not everyone uses git. That was fun.
@AndreaFaulds can't we just return null in case of failure and be all happy?
@AndreaFaulds Yeah, but it really, really feels "filter"y. I dunno. The additional option should mollify many of the critics.
@bwoebi No. Because that only covers some use-cases.
@AndreaFaulds or is that optional parameter null by default?
That'd be fine too.
@bwoebi That optional parameter is optional by default
If not specified, bang. If specified, return it.
what does "bang" mean? fatal error?
Throw some sort of Exception (CastException), hopefully
to_int($var, $default = null) :x
Yeah, but what if you want it to throw an exception, then? :x
Would I be able to to_int($foo, 'I AM NOT AN INTEGER')?
Because that would be delightful and horrible.
then make the $default accept new Exception and throw it if it fails…
@bwoebi Ew.
@Charles Exactly.
Actually, you could do to_float($foo, NAN) which is (semi-)reasonable (depending on context)
@AndreaFaulds nobody likes NAN. It has weird comparison properties nobody likes…
(well, they make sense, but no practical sense)
@bwoebi I like it. The comparison properties are what make it useful.
@AndreaFaulds NAN != NAN, ftw…
@bwoebi Yes, that's there for good reasons.
@bwoebi Yeah but we have is_nan()
@AndreaFaulds that's the only useful one… but with greater/smaller ops etc.…
It's designed to slip through your floating-point maths, so you can see something went wrong, without having to do error checks
@Charles is_nan? That you write as $a != $a
@bwoebi I think the idea is to make sure most conditionals involving it will fail
I guess it makes assumptions about when you'd do == or !=, but they're not that unreasonable
@AndreaFaulds but not conditionals which check for inequality…
@bwoebi Yes, only conditionals checking for equality
@bwoebi I've had a few really positive experiences
@ircmaxell do they really outweigh all these negative experiences there?
not in the least
so, why are we still on reddit?
Sadistic personality disorder was a personality disorder diagnosis involving sadism which appeared only in an appendix of the revised third edition of the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R). The later versions of the DSM (DSM-IV, DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5) do not include it, so it is no longer considered a valid diagnostic category. Yet some still study the disorder. Sadism is a behavioral disorder characterized by callous, vicious, manipulative, and degrading behavior expressed towards other people. To date, the exact cause of sadism is not known. However, ma...
.. that's a viable explanation
then again, I too am on reddit quite often, but I usually stay away from /r/PHP feed ... unless I am really fucking bored
also, please, somebody, stop those retards from posting "answers" in that question
I strongly suspect that I might be suffering from the same personality disorder
@tereško wow, I feel dumber for reading them
@tereško Oh, bad day, Lady ? Why do you say that ? Give some useful infos please. There's a lot of work behind to prevent newbies from building their own stuff, inform yourself before you talk in that way. Beside that, you are already on the edge of a ban, so behave. — Panique 4 mins ago
why the fuck I am even doing this
@ircmaxell hm not really...
@tereško I don't see that comment, is Panique a mod?
oh, different thread
> Beside that, you are already on the edge of a ban, so behave.
Wow, I can't believe that guys MVC example has 500+ stars.
I think I need to write a blog post about how to do MVC
@ircmaxell Easiest blog post ever. "Don't do it"
fak dis
I need to sleep
Yes, otherwise you'll be grumpy... wait... you're always grumpy.
Whatever you do, do not continue to go through that codebase
It does not get better
And also don't follow the links in the bottom to php-login-*
I probably should find some time to fix/improve my older SO posts .. they haven't aged well.
@Panique for one, you completely get the entire concept of MVC completely and utterly wrong. It's not just that the code's not clean, it's that it's fundamentally misleading and wrong. Not to mention that the code is horrific: example. — ircmaxell 2 mins ago
Ah so people had another encounter with panique I see :P
Morning again all
@ircmaxell I found a different constructor that actually makes that one look good
/me adverts eyes
no, no, no .. stop. I need to sleep. And have nice dreams
@AndreaFaulds Not really ^^; still busy. Just ping me with whatever it is and I'll respond when I can.
@LeviMorrison Ah, it's just I'm curious about your SPL-replacement thing. You have "Collections", which sound like the proper lists I'd like to add. Looks like I might yet be helping you with this project! ^^
@cspray and there's a directory traversal vulnerability. And a file inclusion vulnerability.
@AndreaFaulds As in doubly linked or singly linked or..?
@ircmaxell Yea, there's all kinds of "nope" in that code
@LeviMorrison No, JS array/Python list-like things. Represented as contiguous fixed-length arrays in-memory.
I don't mean to necessarily just slam on people's code but man that is some not good stuff
@ircmaxell getAmountOfSongs() :S
Particularly to be propped up as a tutorial to teach people how to do it
I guess that's what I have a problem with about it really
550+ stars , almost 300 forks
@AndreaFaulds Take a look at Vector; its design is by no means final.
@webarto a count without a group
@LeviMorrison Yeah, Vector was what I meant.
@tereško Yea, I'm amazed. In a bad way though.
@cspray Sometimes you need to do to prevent captain disinformation from spreading his crap
@ircmaxell that's it.
I quit the internet.
/me is off for the night, later
@PeeHaa Yea, I get that. And that's the kind of code I would rage about if I had to work in it
@LeviMorrison I think I'd prefer shorter names. ->has($key) (maybe ->exists), ->get($key) etc. rather than with the offset prefix, I think it's rather redundant
@cspray I raged about it before on multiple occasions
@AndreaFaulds That's from ArrayAccess, in case you are not familiar.
IIRC it was an obvious XSS thing back then
@LeviMorrison Ahh, I getcha.
That probably means $vec[2] ?? 'blah' works ^^
@PeeHaa This is where I let it go. Sometimes stupid is just gonna stupid.
@ircmaxell Method name bothers me, also the controller name is plural and table is singular, also it's contained in some StatsModel while stats is not a table (I'm thinking of AR here)... etc. I'm not "expert" or anything but this looks bad even to me :-)
@cspray The thing is: we are trying to prevent all that crap from spreading (like those fucking horrible tutorials).
@AndreaFaulds Yes.
@PeeHaa Yea, but realistically what are we going to do to prevent it? Bitch about it in this chat? I doubt that'll really reach the audience we want to hit
We could write a blog post about it and go on some kind of W3Fools-esque crusade against this guy
But man, that takes time and effort and coordination and I just wanna have a beer and write some unit tests to clean myself of what I just read
@cspray DDOSing reddit would be a good start to stop crap from spreading :P
@LeviMorrison Something I've discussed earlier with @ircmaxell today is whether it's a good idea to have it mutable. I think it might not be: One of the problems with JS/Python-style lists is they're by-ref, so you can accidentally cause spooky action at a distance
We could figure out who has starred the repo and send them an email/issue/something detailing a thorough review of why his code is vulnerable and shouldn't be used
That seems... kinda extreme though maybe
@AndreaFaulds please stop spamming that gif, again.
@bwoebi I've only posted it twice... ever. :<
@AndreaFaulds two times too often.
@tereško You are poison for open-source! Usually I don't talk to subs, but here I'll follow your "advice" and remove the repos from GitHub tomorrow, explaining why, and asking users, reviewers and the community in general about how to handle this situation. — Panique 35 secs ago
Is it sarcasm or is he really going to remove repos?
Idunno, either way :-)

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