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hi, how can i make an image dynamically add a grayscale version of the original image?
Hey, whats a good API syntax? XML or JSON? or some other syntax?
@Justin JSON. REST API's provide both but many are going pure JSON, its more lightweight
REST API, meaning push -> get type responses?
If I go pure json then how do I send complicated data?
What does facebook and twitter use?
REST API uses GET, PUT, POST and DELETE to do operations, so if you do a POST on /Users/Justin, and the body containing the data you want to update, you can return any data from that.
but that would most likely update the user named Justin
@Justin define complicated data.
if you can represent your data in objects, you can do it in json
anything that can be represented in xml can be done in json, and more than likely in less bytes
Its a social network, so it gets complicated.
both json and xml can be used to represent a graph. That is like the most complicated datastructure a social network would have
I'm not your average social network...
A graph would browse through a users data correct? posts and all?
So if I wanted to scale a users "data" I could be confident that json could send full html, quotes and all?
@Justin, yes you encode the html and the client should decode it
Either way, if I choice XML or JSON I'd have to properly document the objects themselves, and the containing values.
use a framework
Wich is easier for readability?
a what?
so the client may just do /users?type=xml
some php rest api framework
How much overhead would using a framework cost me?
dunno, you may end up rolling your own if your building a social network from scratch
The idea I'm going with, is to build the server back end that integrates with an API. The front-end will use the api, so that way I know every function in network is now exposed via the api. Of course one has to have api access to access it.
look into mvc frameworks like kohana or codeignighter
Yeah, I may have to write my own framework. Drat.
I've structured the database in less than 14 tables so far... now I'm building the actual site.
I've come up with a great style, I think it looks nice, but now I'm on to build the server side.
@Justin well .. if you start writing a framework , then the result will depend on how good you are at OOP and application design in general
I'm trying to steer away from OOP... because my worry is that I'll create a vastly complicated system fast. My goal is to create a procedure based system that will be easy to develop, fast responsive, and quick for the user.
The separated moto... quick event -> quick response.
oh my ..
Because a social network in itself is vastly complicated.
Luckly I haven't written much code.
Plus because I can't get OOP objects between pages without storing them in session. Plus that means I have to store them in memory, all the time.
maybe you should just avoid PHP , at least for this project
use some language you are familiar with
I'm familiar with PHP...
> Plus because I can't get OOP objects between pages without storing them in session. Plus that means I have to store them in memory, all the time.
that is not the general impression i get here
I'm more a PHP traditionalist... IDK.
look into caching systems like redis or memcached, sessions dont scale well (if u insist, its hard to scale)
The most I store in session is the username. Everything else is gathered from the server on a "need-to-know" basis. If I need to know the users settings I look them up by name, If I need to know the users avatar I look it up as needed.
then why the hell you want to store objects ?
i think you are using sessions wrong. if you just need to store username, use cookies
Although I'm considering storing a temporary session ID in a cookie file that assocates itself with a session table in the database.
@ShawnMclean thats a security hazard
@tereško usernames/userids are normally stored in encrypted cookies.
I don't, I don't use object for much of anything. After spending 3 years in the .net world I prefer php pages and functions. That's it.
thats how sessions also work, the server gets the sessionid from the cookie
why the hell would you store username ?!?
I can streamline functions to be fast but objects have to be created, dumped, moved along, and... after 40k+ display calculations the objects take up a lot of memory. So I create pages that include core functions and use the core functions as needed.
Yes but I'm considering on taking that over to have more control on expiration and the like. Plus if a want to force a user to log off, I simple delete their temporary session. Boom... they have to pass login security, all over again.
@tereško you need to store something to associate the user with their data on the server, the username or userid would be best.
@Justin you are talking about huge project here , something that will require unittests , and you think that you will do it writing procedural code ?!?
@ShawnMclean the database recognizes the user as its natural key. Thus I don't want to store that anywhere on client side.
@ShawnMclean , why not store user's token , which has been generate when he logged in ?
@tereško umm... sure.
@tereško yea, a token is the encrypted userid
user_id is part of it
@Justin , have you written unittests ?
@Justin when you say 3 years in .net, do you mean asp.net webforms or?
@ShawnMclean Not for me the token is a random key created by identifiable markers in the client's browsers, plus some added time elements. Then its used as a unique key to a sessions database which lets me know when a session is going to expire and the values I'll need. One simple lockup puts that in perspective for the page itself. Plus I can make the userid link to another part of the database to spped up the proces.
@ShawnMclean asp.net and web forms, althrough mostly asp.net
thats why you like session so much. try to move towards a stateless application
just try not to use sessions
@tereško Umm... sure. I'm building alone on my project here and my funding won't exist till I move users to a live system. So I have to speculate everything and hope for the best. That's why I'm trying to write this so its easy to modify later.
if you want to scale
procedural code easy to modify later?
@Justin , have you written unittests ?
@ShawnMclean That virtually impossible unless I pass that session ID via a cookie or in the body of the form. Other wise just like facebook, I have to know who logged in.
it is a yes or no answer
@tereško I have never had to run them, I only know what they are.
or know what unit tests are
@ShawnMclean I'm trying to build an application that will be fast, load little into memory, and be simple for the user... IE: my problem.
@Justin unit tests are not deployed
@ShawnMclean , "know" is very subjective ... people who have once written small code cample in phyton will say that they know the language
stateless is faster than stateful
stateless = sessionless
you are used to webforms with all that viewstate stuff where you can pass around data from form to form easily
@ShawnMclean Aren't they tests to measure the speed of an application, the amount of power an application will consume, and how much reosurces one may need to run the application for a set users.
those are performance tests
The only state I collect is the user ID? Have you a better idea how I store that.
unit tests test unit of code, a particular service method or function
Than I have no idea what a unit test is.
I do that personally.
you write code to test your production code?
I test the function as it compares to its application, then I move on...
then before dreaming about making the next facebook you should learn more about programming
Sometimes. Like when I wrote a key generator, I had to ensure that the key generator would return the next key in sequence fast, regardless how huge the key got.
Here I'll post a code example of a difrent work
@Justin try out asp.net mvc to get a feel of real web development before you make the switch to php to build a social network
currently you sould like a high-schooler who watched "Social Network" and now want to "make the big money"
I've built complicated ERP systems for multinational companies... I know a think or two. I know I don't know it all and I realize I'm not the best person for the job but please take an object look.
@ShawnMclean making web sites in php is no less or more real then in asp.net mvc
Ok let me ask you a question
@tereško i was refering to webforms
thats not how it came out
How would you keep the state of a user across pages?
Using php
oh lol, in his case it was, he is used to webforms so anything mvc is real than that
what state are you refering to?
you already know the user from the auth cookie
A page before it can render needs to know the user who just logged in a few minutes ago. In a stateless application, how would you recomened this to be done?
you keep it in session
cookie, whatever authentication mechanism you use has the userid, in asp.net, u use formsauthentication, that also stores it in a cookie
( as session is "recognized" using PHPSESSID value in the cookies )
Yes so I call CheckPoint(); and receive the variables $User. CheckPoint would go out crawl the session data, ensure the user wasn't recently banned, and make sure the user name still exsits in the system.
you check that from database
I'm not talking about asp.net... I've moved on from that horendes mess...
list of banned users is NOT in session
sessions can expire
all the cookies can
no but the php function CheckPoint has to crawl the database based on that token and ensure that everything is on the "up and up"
If CheckPoint see's their is a problem the user is directed across to another page of which the user can correct the problem.
so why not get that info when you make the call to the database?
question on the V in MVC - when showing data from 3 different tables (eg menu, page_content, (current) users) in one view, which part of the whole system grabs that data and puts it into the view? each table has their own controller and own models..
if you use an ORM, I'm sure you might be able to combine queries
CheckPoint makes the call to the database and it does verything.
what you are talking about there is authentication and authorization , @Justin
@MSpreij , are you using MVC Model2 or MVP ?
Login already authenticated the user, but on each page request the user must be ahtorized. CheckPoint does the authentication and Authorize($values) checks to see if the user is aithroized on the page.
@tereško: uh.. I'm trying to write my own MVC-ish system before I start using a real one (any of the better-known ones, really), so that I can get a feel for what is happening
@MSpreij you might want to put menu and current users in a partial control, the main action should get the page content
so I'm just reading blogs and articles so far to try and get a hold on it.. but it's hard to find answers to specific questions
Let's say a user posted spam in the system and a moderator flagged the account. The easiest way to make sure the user gets the update is running CheckPoint before any HTML gets issues.
Model2: the View is a class, which request data from Domain Model, and then decides which templates to use;
MVP: Controller requests data from Domain Model and passes it to template-like View
so for eg. actions are menu, currentusers, mainpage. mainpage would have its own view called mainpage, in that view, you make a call to get the partials currentusers and menu
So all in all you'd do what I'd do. Use an authentication cookie.
@tereško: I'll google those, cheers
@ShawnMclean: this partials thing is a controller? which then returns data to the calling view, or does it load it's own nested view?
Here's a basic header call for my pages, let me know what you think:

include "core/global.php";

CheckSecurity(); //Check if EGT is in secure mode?

//Logic - all information regarding display for this page

//HTML start + heading
include "layout/full/headstart.php";
?><title><?php echo $commontitle;?> <?php echo $titleseperator; ?> Full Page Template</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="">
<meta name="description" content="" >
yes, its an action,
@MSpreij as for the "better ones" , channels consensus is that best bets are Kohana3 ( if you want a small framework ) and Symfony2 ( if you want a full-stack framework ) .. while they both have many shortcomings , they are relatively sane , when compared to others
you have partials for whatever is in the controller and shared partials
wouldn't then going full HMVC be a more fitting choice ?
@Justin you're going to put that code on every page?
take a look at an mvc framework juston
@ShawnMclean PHP only, I don't use ASP.net anymore because of the error reporting problems I've had in the past. My favorite being "object not set to an instance of an object".
fuck the frameworks , he needs basics ... look at codeangel.org/articles/simple-php-template-engine.html @Justin
But then, is it ok to create new objects from within a view to be able to get data from those?
@MSpreij "those" ?
those objects
Controller is repsonsible for binding Domain Objects from Model Layer to the current View
Domain objects are NOT created inside View
Say I have a dynamic menu bar that has to appear on every page; right now I'm just including a view within a view, and the included view calls a method from a controller to get data
"object not set to an instance of an object". <-- basic OOP problem. you need to learn oop
but that then only works because the controller was already accessible in the scope of that view.. and if I use the view from another controller that then fails
is he talking about singletons there ?
you're going to find OOP in almost all modern web frameworks, even the latest php version i think is fully oop
im not sure though'
not "full" oop
only such language i know is Scala
well .. maybe ruby, but it too that some exceptions
what about java, etc?
primitive types
oh, thats what you mean
3.times do
   puts "This will be printed 3 times"
^ ruby
Trying diagnosing a quarter of a million lines of code... with that error only to find out its a third party component Microsoft us that can't handle the wait.
though , as i said .. ruby too , IIRC, was not "full" oop
Wait, so your saying that their is a better way to do templates?
read the link @Justin
I did and I was verily confused for a second.
I'm trying to learn here, but I need to tackle one issue at a time.
I could build a facebook in .net thats the same speed at current facebook
No you can't
@MSpreij , i think what you really want to have is a HMVC "architectural pattern" , add that to your reading/research list
with less work too
MySapce is bulit on the Microsoft Stack and what happened to that?
with webforms
@tereško ehrmkay. that and MVP? I think that's what I'm leaning to atm
@ShawnMclean would that be 50 or 100 years ? in man-hours
Besides PHP is better to me.
@MSpreij , for a short overview : stackoverflow.com/questions/7621832/…
@tereško with a team of other .net web developers and like 2 years
copying is easy, innovating is hard :D
you are aware that it would be a "moving target", ain't you ?
anyways, look at stackoverflow, or the whole stackexchange system, thats running on .net
and I think they are using redis for a caching system, which is far better than memcached currently used by fb
better , not sure , but different
well memcached is lightweight and powerful for a specific purpose
i love redis :D
Ok... can we get back to ground level here.
thing is , facebook is at least two orders of magnitude larger
anyways, @Justin, it doesn't matter much on the framework you choose, bottomline, you're going to need OOP and unit test
I have many ideas that will let my social network standout, I'm trying to get a good cross of implementation and delivery.
large than what?
i dont even think that reddis has been tested for such sizes
@ShawnMclean then stachoverflow
it's not so simple issue
YEs but one of the most definitive factors of social networks these days is your API. If I want to compete I need this from ground up.
@tereško excellent, that explains a lot of the differences in things I've been reading
To me, if you can scale something on more than 2 servers and it works properly, it could scale to thousands without problems, unless Im missing something
@MSpreij , the most common architectural pattern in php "MVC" frameworks is MVP .. because that's how RubyOnRails does it
well .. ok .. that's not fair
but , fact still stands , MVP is one that is most often misrepresented as MVC
Maybe I should just quite my 3 year old project and call it quites. I mean this is the second gloabl rewrite based on all the data I learned will coding it. Now your telling me I need to create a foundation that supports multiple servers. Drat... and how do you suppose I do that? I'm use to a database server and a presentation server, maybe enven a business logic server, if your lucky.
what about mvvm
i honestly do not know any popular php frameworks which implement it
though , it is used by backbone.js framework
i've never used any mvc framework without using a view model
i dont like to pass my domains to the view
@Justin the more you code, the more you'll find that your previous code was shit
This is why I'm attempting to correct all the issues. The 3 year service had the new clashing with the old, thus I'm rewritting it.
do a small project and use some unit tests and some architectural patterns in it and you'll see the benefits
Bottom Line: I've got to create a great service that can compete against facebook, I know it will grow but as time all things I do grow.
@Justin this is why you should focus on writing a maintainable code ,such that you can refactor it .. which implies use of OOP , with a lot of unit test and preferably - adherence to SOLID principles
The only solid code, I know write know, is procedural php. Al through I do use light objects to do some rather complex things.
lol....come to think of it...i've gotten so many offers from people to help them build "the new facebook"
why does everyone want to build a social network?
I'm trying to correct so many falws of social networks in general.
@Justin i am talking about SOLID principles
lol justin, SOLID, the acronym
not solid
I know of atleast 3 major one's and one of the biggest is turn around.
@ShawnMclean dunno .. in latvia we had similar boom .. only one site survived ( partly because it became popular before facebook dropped the "only for US students" act ) : frype.com
Good I've got 3 out of the 5 done... I don't use objects I use function libraries ( of which I've written to perform a single task) and they are replaceable.
but it is a local thing
less then 1M active users
HOLY COW, 3500+ people online now?
europian thing
it is 4AM in GMT
which means thats like minimum
in daytime they have something around 40k online at one time
I wonder what's next after social networks...
Ok, now that I've added a wonderful list of "should haves" to my list.
or probably there will actually be another social network thats bigger than facebook
That would be my thing... but apparently I don't know a think about coding it.
@Justin you have a couple months of reading and research to do
I don't have months
@ShawnMclean .. google has already tried , twice ( Orkut , anyone ? )
You think I'm starting from scratch don't ya.... or dear lord.
and the Google+ is not going to fly either
I'm not a newbie at this stuff, I just got comfortable in my little corner till I needed to change things around.
you sound like you need to start from scratch
My database is sound. The line is a sound concept.
do you want to know what is your mistake ?
or, what you can do is continue what you have now, when you have users and funding, you can afford a rewrite in some real code
I sort-of like the new style I came up with. It's a bit more modern than most.
you want to have it all at once , @Justin
Its been 3 years +... I'd like to see something good come out of my project. I'm patient but the world is not.
Inferences... treat me as if I don't fit in a category. I'm a definite quick study to new methods and I've got sound ideas.
if what you have is that good, then hurry and release it, just know that if you are successful, your whole system will need a rewrite
Silly question #42: what is a "domain" in MV[C/P] context?
That would be number 3.
@MSpreij its the mapping of a database table in code
The .. model?
like a class that represents the table
That's why I'm trying to learn while going. Unless I come up with an idea that will sell to fund this one. This is all I have.
well, yea the model, there are many models
domain models, view models
@ShawnMclean , not really
there is a Model Layer , which contains multiple Domain Objects and associated Data Mappers
@ShawnMclean so your a firm beliver in classes to tables (or to handle manipulating the table)
@Justin i see no other way, ORMs normally take care of that for you
How about manipulating with the database directly.
no , do not use ORMs
like now, I dont even touch the db anymore, i just write model and let it generate the db unless its a modification thats needed to a released system
@tereško why not?
@ShawnMclean: what framework do you use?
A: RedBean ORM perfomance

tereško @tereško if tis possible, can you give the pros and cons of orm with respect to pure sql according to your experience and also i will google the topic at same time. – Jaison Justus 1 hour ago Well .. explaining this in 600 characters would be hard. In brief, you should avoid them, but if yo...

@ShawnMclean , the long answer ^
asp.net mvc, rails, kohana and codeignitgher
i think i will have to add a section about ActiveRecord based ORMs in particular
yea, orms may be a performance hit, thats why there are many micro orms, but that can be optimized if needed, i'd rather having some form of mapping with query building in my apps for development speed
because they make the Model Layer virtually untestable - you cannot separate the DB related part of code from Domain logic
Here's a question, If I built the web interface (for desktops) with PHP objects it would than be easy to create a API or REST interface using those same objects?
it's impossible to tell , as we have no clue how your object would "tick"
I use the repository pattern that could swap out the orm easily
Ok so I suppose it would depend on how they are written, becuase don't forget a social network needs a mobile verison to be useful to its users.
@ShawnMclean , not if you are using something implementing ActiveRecord
the repository and queries aren't bounded to the orm
well except for that
well .. every ORM that i know , except Doctrine2 , is using AR
but in java or .net, if you architect properly, you can swap hibernate or ef easily
@tereško Your right... so I suppose I'd have to write real good objects to manipulate parts of the data structure. Specific parts. Like an object to work with users, an object to work with wall like items, an object to work with settings, etc...
and even Doctrine2 has som sore points
@ShawnMclean , yeah , in Java side of fence the things are better , there the ORM are actually well written , but it is a different environment ( not sure about .NET )
I supose this would help me with more complex things as well like privacy checking and the like.
.net is the same, their entity framework is getting ranked higher than nhibernate, which is java's best orm i think
@Justin , if your objects are not tied to any other parts of your application , then yes , it would make it easier to write API , and provide alternative ways to access it
but they couldn't do any interface thinking, they'd have to do pure database and logic.
@ShawnMclean , i think i have heard some bad things about Entity Framework .. it being a mess or something , but i have had no experience with .NET myself , only word-of-mouth stuff
IE return error messages on failed logins.
@tereško Anything with Microsoft tends to not follow its documentation. People need to just realize the limitations and work around them as opposed to complain. Every language, component, or the like has terrible things one wishes to get rid of.
that was a few months ago, since their new update, its going good. As they say, anything microsoft makes never gets good until version 3 lol
but v3 sucked, v4.1 was the good update
@Justin you're bound for those problems if you're using anything forms lol. webforms, winforms, etc
even silverlight has it's querks prior to v4
@Justin well .. the objects handling the logic could return the errors ( maybe throw an exception ) , but you would need different structures for directing the access
maybe something MVC-ish
what do you mean
i mean , that the objects dealing with domain logic : for example - showing the "wall" , should not have to deal with authorization
@ShawnMclean: would you mind running the thing you said about partials by me again, only slower? :-) are they seperate controllers, or methods of the main controller? are they called from the sub-view (menu bar), or does the main controller call them to load the sub-views in the right places/order?
if the method on "wall" object is executed , then it means that user has right to do it
anyway , i will take a nap
@tereško thanks for the info!
@tereško yes, the individual interfaces would have to string those together. However if all the interfaces are PHP, they objects can do access authorization.
you have 2 types of partials, one that is managed or is only accessed by a specific controller
IE item 9999 can not be read by ueser 8888.
that goes in the related view of the controller
you can have a action that returns that partial view or you can just call the partial like a component
action = method?
then there is the shared partial that is public to the all controllers
Ok another question. I realize my interfaces can reside on different servers (for resource handling) but how can I maintain a database across multiple servers and keep those interfaces hooked to that database.
so.. with that first type of partial, the controller would run a method, which renders a sub-view, returns the html to the controller, which then passes it to the main view, where it is simply echoed like echo $header_view; ?
Maybe that's a more advanced question than I should be asking.
Rather: how would I make my service ready to scale?
.. think we scared him off? :-)
Could I consider one database for now and adapt my module as it grows, is that a safe assumption. Or should I consider implementing some sort of multiple database system now for scalablity in the future
@MSpreij yep... oops.
I think I'm going to let my subconsciousness do some work now, analyzing all this new stuff
It'll start to get light again here soon (and it's winter!)
Q: Difference between Ajax upload and Normal upload

Dileep Dili have a doubt with the upload system in PHP. What is the difference between Normal Upload [ without ajax ] and Ajax Upload ? By using Javascript i can send values to the server ,is it possible in the case of Files ? Is there any limitation for this ? and i found that so many uploaders are usi...

@ShawnMclean Thank you very much!
Thank you all, you've helped me solve a lot of my problems!
@ShawnMclean Thank you!
I can't wait to start coding... thank you!
1 hour later…
should the builder reset its environment after delivering the product?
posted on November 28, 2011 by Web Development Blog » PHP Scripts

If you run a web application like WordPress you should know that a many database transactions creating an overhead on your database tables. This overhead will slow down the database server because more memory need to used than without overhead. While this PHP tutorial is for the beginning webmaster is the PHP code (or the [...]

HI,,,,plz help me...How can i call php function for mysql trigger?
@salathe look who filed a bug report :)
@Sudhi only if the delivering method is called deliverAndReset(). otherwise its non-obvious. i'd rather add a reset() method.
$handle->image_x = ($handle->image_src_x < 400)?$handle->image_src_x:400; whats the meaning of this ?
Morning everyone!
Guys. Could anyone tell me, if I would like to somehow manage my form in webapplication without ton of lines of code are there any good libraries, that could help with that?
@edorian you pinged me
@Eugene in drupal there is webforms module but i have never used it
@gordon..How can i call php function for mysql trigger?
@hira....How can i call php function for mysql trigger?
morning , peeps
@kiran see this plz stackoverflow.com/questions/1467369/… may be that help you
@kiran stop spamming please. apparently no one can/want help you atm.
@hira...Thank u..
hi chat people is php jobs are in your countries?
@Hira Anything else? Maybe Zend, Yii or Symfony?

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