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Could anyone give me some assistance on this issue: stackoverflow.com/questions/26406753/…?
can I ask something
@theGreenCabbage If the file contents of a cert is causing problems you could switch to using phpseclib instead.
@Ja͢ck I figured it out =)
Updated it in the answer
The key was right, but it was just formatted incorrectly inside
Are there any benefits/downsides to using file_get_contents vs fopen for public keys?
it's the same thing in that case
hi all
Yeah, seems to work the same from my end
how can i get the arrya values from the array of keys i have ?
i have master array with key and values pair , i want to get the values only from the master array by comparing it my second array which have only key's as values.
can i pass array as value ?
$all_categories = array (
                    1 => 'friends',
                    2 => 'family',
                    3 => 'personal',
                    4 => 'public'

$new_array= array(1,4);

now how can i get the output as

$output=array('friends' ,'public' );
$output=array($all_categories[1], $all_categories[4]);
Six and a half more hours till weekend for me
where are you located
its like 12pm over there right
It's weird... I have table which updates vary rapidly with 400 rows in it. But simple select without join could be longed to 2 min.
@sectus sounds like you could use an index somewhere
SELECT id, my_field FROM my_table;
339 rows in set (24.05 sec)
with 11% CPU
24 seconds seems excessive, though
Could you do a SHOW PROCESSLIST; ?
It's full of updates of this table.
How many processes are acting on it? Seems like they're falling over each other
Updates has slowed down. Now select takes only. 0.00 sec.
It's looks like there is a lock, but I do not what is the lock used.
anon classes patch is done, I think ...
opcache will need a new optimization
dunno how that will work ...
will though, I think ...
how should it optimise that?
when it caches the class, it should be bound already, so it can cut out DECLARE_CLASS up to FETCH_CLASS (ADD_INTERFACE, BIND_TRAITS) ... I think ...
its before 6am ... but I think that's right ...
I could easily b wrong ... the tests pass anyway ... so I'm done coding ... over to you @ircmaxell :D
Starting from next week I'll start looking at applying Nikita's looping patch on master :)
looping patch ?
Yeah, take out the internal array pointer.
haven't seen it
this be the patch.
In the meantime the whole HT structure has changed, so it will require some effort to get it working again.
has it really changed ?
how so ?
It's huge
oh oh flags and stuff have changed ... but the bits you need are same, right ?
oh no it has changed ... I forget stuff ...
yeah, so that will be my pet project for quiet evenings
I have 40,000 of those ...
Recently worked with some of the HHVM peeps .. quite pleasant I must say :)
on what ?
a patch i've created for recursive regex iterator
They had a substantially easier job because their SPL is written in PHP :)
I took a bit longer because of 5.x <-> master disparity and asking both RM's heh
/me doesn't like spl
master has rm ?
5.5 + 5.6
oh oh
/me wonders who will rm 7
I vote rm 11 to be the rm for 7 :D
hehe ... we could manage the shit out of it ...
rm 7/11
how did it come to be that the word 'remove' is equivalent to 'delete'? you 'move' something and then you 'move' it again, but in the trash can?
I was just trying to find that out manually ... /me tries to remember etymonline.com
cool :D ... so it's the French, yet again :)
Just like how English ended up with a distinction between cow (the animal) and beef (when you eat it)
and KFC when you eat it, and chicken (the animal)
well, latin. re- 'back' + movere 'to move'
Latin, French ...
it'll usually be latin ...
> C++ would be English. It's hideously complicated and has stolen ideas from a ton of other languages but didn't get any of them right.
not a huge fan of C++ ...
> Assembly would of course be Latin. It was perfectly suitable at the time it was created, but practically no one speaks it anymore except for a couple of words and phrases.
This just in (mailbox):
> I came across-your contact over the-web and wanted to-share a brief note. I think a few-changes, aesthetically and/or SEO-wise, can make your site-convert more-visitors into leads-and also get it placed-higher in the organic search-results, for a few of the select terms.
Sent to my php.net account lol
gmail does a good job for me on spam ...
I get thousands of these a day ...

no idea ...
night folks. Catch you guys in about eight hours :)
night @rdlowrey
A wild lurker appears!
@Ja͢ck excessive-incorrect hyphenation is-the key to-seo don't-cha-know
@PaulCrovella yeah, you can make so many more words that way :D
time for yosemite, lata
the next winner is you
@JoeWatkins It's saying how 10 years ago, the internet came, and opportunities rose
Five years ago, Taobao came, and this was the "root of all corporations"
blah blah blah making analogies to opportunities from companies
And it wants to invite you to their company's big opportunities and growth
Chinese love these "poetic" language. Very wordy
tl;dr work fo rus
you are chinese @theGreenCabbage ?
for rus?
I'd have thought the firewall stopped you coming on sites like this
VPN babu.
internals' response on return types looks promising
yeah should b a no brainer ...
Can we create a website for video conference in php?
Can someone give me information about ActiveRecord in PHP?
posted on October 17, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Alexis */

good morning
And, yay, it's the first time I am going to have weekend!
How do you mean @Leri
@Duikboot Until now I've been working on Saturdays as well.
Morning @ircmaxell
afk because school run ... back in half hour~
@Duikboot Yii (that's awful though :-) )
good meurning :)
Never worked with Yii framework.
@Gordon it's good that I see YouTube adds so it couldn't start
@ziGi your loss
@Leri ActiveRecord is a design pattern, the fact that Yii uses it is completely a different story
@Leri btw why don't you recommend using Yii?
@ziGi Because it uses AR. :D
Haha, I know, I have worked with it
too much coupling of data and business logic
14 security updates this morning, by ubuntu
@tereško, oh yes, I have forgotten the horrible hierarchy tree
and all the classes starting with C
actually I started using Yii for my first internship and I failed miserably to understand how to use many things of it
moin, again
hey Joe, did you bring the kids to school?
Can anyone suggest good font for logo?
@Leri Considering we are developers: some monospace font :P
@Leri logo for what kind of business?
@ziGi done
@Gordon Not sure about what logo you're talking, atm. Because the one I am creating does not exist yet.
Thanks for the font.
@ziGi My own one where I'll put all my personal work.
lol, that is pretty broad
lol @Gordon
@Leri I'd suggest to spend $300 and get a professional designer do it.
@Leri it doesn't matter which logo. it has to be bigger.
@FlorianMargaine Really good option but I am quitting my job so I try not to spend too much, atm. :-)
heh, fair enough
@Leri your problem is asking such question in a place where people are really developed in the left side of their brain and the question should be asked towards people with well developed right part of the brain
what was the name again when you write comparisons like if("xx" == $p) ?
the name of what?
@Naruto yoda
yoda ninja'd
@PeeHaa thx
thx @Gordon
@ziGi Agreed. :Ь
@Gordon Did you live near munchen?
Oh, btw, has @AlmaDo left chat?
@PeeHaa i commute between essen and munich atm. i lived in munich for about 6 months.
There is a chance I am in Munchen somewhere next month. You drink right? :D
@PeeHaa heavily
actually not heavily, but yes I'm up for drinks.
@Gordon I never knew you were German. I always thought you are English or smth
Will ping you if it is going to happen to see if we can meet
@PeeHaa cool
are you not afraid of never coming back from your drink?
I mean... it's @PeeHaa we're talking about
... and I've been watching Hannibal too much lately ._.
@ziGi Ive met him IRL. And yes, he is both German and a real person.
@PeeHaa I don't drink ...
@JoeWatkins I have noticed ;)
@ircmaxell haha, I was not implying that he's not a person because he's English
wait, you didn't imply that you implied that the implication that he wasn't a person was just an implied implication of that implied point?
@PeeHaa if its in november I'll only be there from mon to wed in week 45 and 47
@ircmaxell far too long ago if I may add
@ircmaxell mind == blown
@Gordon yup
1 year and a few weeks ago
@Gordon coolio
Gotta say I like the fact you can interact with a page using fabpots new scraper
click links, submit forms etc.
@Fabien haha I read it as a fap-bot initially ahahaha
Dirty minded :P
Yeah :/
I did not know this existed until right now. Whats the catch? Is #php really #multithreaded? http://bit.ly/1wcyQ7H
@xjoshwalker catch: I get the soul of your first born ... opt-in, of course ...
Actually I was thinking that someone was making a joke
PHP is more multi-threaded than JS
I remember much simpler times when I used to program in C and there weren't any multiple threads
@Fabien I think something like that can be of use for one of my projects
which js engine?
Aye. Would be nice if he switched to Artax instead of Guzzle though
@FlorianMargaine munich is a very secure town. so no, not afraid. if it was amsterdam, different story.
@FlorianMargaine you got me there
I forgot V8 supports multithreading
@Gordon wow, such an insult, there is nothing wrong with Amsterdam, the worst you could happen is you falling into a canal
@ziGi That and the real possibility I will daterape @Gordon
Man, I should be scared, I live nearby Rotterdam
@FlorianMargaine what you are thinking about is Austria, not Germany
@ziGi yeah, and it's very easy to get doped and drunk, so chances are high you do fall into a canal ;)
@Gordon did it many times, still alive
It was strange, once a guy decided to piss right near me, was like sitting on the edge of the canal and a drunk guy just came and started peeing near my head
so yeah, there are some pretty gross situations that you might expect
but most of the time they are caused by tourists
oh btw, it wasn't an insult. Amsterdam is great … if you are single and out for party.
I call it No City for Married Man
Btw I learned yesterday, that most of the Love Workers on the Red Light District are registered as entrepreneurs and they go to this special place (like accountants that are specially for people that have no idea how to handle business) and pay some money so their taxes are properly declared and paid to the tax authorities :D
Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities
@ziGi Every sane person uses an accountant
Not just hookers
@ziGi hmm, I do that, too. Does that make me a Love Worker?
haha not really
but actually it is quite cheaper if you do your own bookkeeping and quarterly VAT declarations, and only hire an accountant to do your yearly income declaration by providing him your data.
Accounting is by far the worst thing about not working for a boss
Oh, I see
@PeeHaa Why
Because there are like thousands of rules that you can't know 100%
so the accountant can save you a lot of money
@theGreenCabbage Because it is boring as hell and takes sooooo much time when you are behind
knowing how to apply 100% of those rules
instead of you doing your own finances and applying 30%
Also ^ that
posted on October 17, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by rich2cube */

I'm glad Im not an accountant
I work for an financial company and I can tell you that the accountants only talk about how you can save money on stuff
I mean, that is just insane
@theGreenCabbage Neither am I :P
Oh dear god
@PeeHaa Hire an accountant. :P
@Leri I do
You know, I hate how the financial system is invented, and that there should be people that know how to make use of it and learn for it, that is just plain wrong
Still I need to do the basic stuff in order for the accountant to do his job
@PeeHaa you do your invoices
yeah, otherwise it is too expensive if you have to hire a bookkeeper to do it for you
@Leri I'm still here from time to time, but I'm quite busy on working days
How's the new job btw? @AlmaDo
@AlmaDo Oh, great. How do things go in new job?
I'm trending ... it's because I'm trendy ...
hi everybody
i have one one doubt @Jeyn
help me?
@SelvaR Hi, I'have a question.. lol
i have too @GuyT.. but simple
anyone is there?
@SelvaR I don't have a question. I was laughing with your strange welcome
ask the question, if anyone has time/will power/knowledge, you will get an answer ... if it's not a stupid question ...
just ask your question
this is my code for insert data into database using pdo.

/*** mysql hostname ***/
$hostname = 'localhost';

/*** mysql username ***/
$username = 'root';

/*** mysql password ***/
$password = '';

try {
    $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=in", $username, $password);
    /*** echo a message saying we have connected ***/
    echo 'Connected to database';

$count =$dbh->exec("INSERT INTO in(id,name) VALUES ('selva')");
echo $count;
$dbh = null;

catch(PDOException $e)
    echo $e->getMessage();
but didn't store in my database.
@SelvaR haha.. you say: hi and tagged some random guy. Then you are saying: help me? lol

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