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@hakre Based on what was spoken about on the question thread, you seemed to think an abstract class was the correct way to code this, right?
Dan I thought you meant something like eval.in/204697
@Dan: if you share code between many similar classes you can use an abstract class in which that code resides and the child classes re-use it without duplicating the code. if you mean that.
@hakre Yes, which totally fits what I'm looking for.
All I need on top is the ability for the parent class to inherit methods from another class, which will also be shared between other classes.
@rdlowrey can I bother you for a minute? I'm at a hackaton and getting this error on all machines where I run my script except on my own:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Alert\ReactorFactory' not found
In my mind, it makes sense to structure this hierarchically, so the helper object is passed to the parent object, not to the children (multiple times infact)
@Patrick Have you run composer update/install?
@Dan this first of all is not possible in PHP because it has single inheritance. It can be under circumstances mitigated by using traits but using traits most likely already shows a design flaw in your code.
From the little I know so far from your problem there, you're on a good way to create a god class. That is in your design something has too much influence and the responsibilities are not properly delegated.
@RonniSkansing That's the idea, certainly. You're still passing Foo and Bar into the child class though, so I'm going to conclude that it can't be done another way.
@Danack Yes
Dan, try looking at Auryn (github.com/rdlowrey/Auryn)
@Dan child and parent are actually one object. you can not get the one without the other and vice-versa (thanks to having an abstract baseclass)
@Patrick and the files are installed in the vendor directory, and you've including the composer autoloader?
@Dan I'm wondering why you care. As it's injected you can deal with that a later time.
@Danack yes. It works on my own machine, it's only when someone else checks out the repo that it happens
@Patrick I'd try checking out the repo in a new directory and delete the composer cache then....
$ rm -rf composer.lock vendor && COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=/dev/null composer install
github loves that ;)
thanks guys, working on it
seems like it worked
happy hackaton
@hakre @RonniSkansing I've just updated my question, see the last example. Perhaps you could suggest a way I can adjust this so it works. stackoverflow.com/questions/26316408/…
@Dan well this is a bad idea eval.in/204699
because you are hard coding the dependencies
Exactly, I want to pass them, not instantiate them inside the constructor. Just don't know how haha
I could have coded all the extra methods in the parent class, but I would be duplicating code, which is exactly why I'm doing this now, to get away from large classes with too much duplicated code.
I want to open a file and make changes in one method for one specific reason, rather than searching through loads of crap.
@Dan for example as constructor parameters: $x = new Childy(new Foo, new Bar); very easy if you ask me.
you could go the middle road with soft dependency like
$this->foo = $foo ?: new Foo;
and have $foo = NULL in constructor
and here is a real problem: you have a concept called HELPER.
Ignore the name!
so you already think this is all broken and needs help ;)
It's five methods which create form inputs depending on the values which are given. It's to be used in several places, which is why I want to uncouple it.
instead of just $x = new Child($rockItBaby);
@Dan *decouple
Indeed. I'm still learning the terminology.
you get the idea ; )
@Dan then you perhaps looks from the wrong side on the problem: Isn't it that you have some data that needs to be given to the input elements and not the other way round?
I've been reading up on single dependency. I think to myself "this class can output my form inputs for the admin panel". So I want to move all that code there and then I can use it in other places that I need it. So that class is for creating form inputs. Then there's a class for which contains the most used methods (the parent) and the children which need most of the functionality, but implemented on their own properties, with the odd method that's unique to a child.
which object is actually creating the context for the other?
@hakre I don't think so, because I'm trying to move away all the HTML and logic for the form elements?
TBH, after 10+ hours, I don't think my head will be functioning that well anymore. I may well call it a day and read through all the help I've been given again tomorrow.
I'm trying to be more organised and get away from file after file of linear functions...
that's quite much time. you should rest tomorrow.
@Dan Booze time \o/
yeah, what else :D
Ha, I'm on a diet :P
Usually I'd be at gym today, but I'm ill as well.
well, what's not covered by it?
I don't have much alcohol left either. Maybe some Malibu...
I want to says for the time you've taken to show me examples and stuff today. It's a help, for sure.
@Dan eeeeeeew the last time I drank that I was 15
@Ja͢ck Apart from not using MAKE_COPY_ZVAL, looks fine. though the 5.6 casting code is already fine, I was referring to the one on master
@PeeHaa And how old now? ha
@Dan twice that age
I'm closing in on 30 too..
I've not been drinking so much since I found out that several drinks aren't vegetarian, which I am.
@Dan huh?
Including Guinness, which didn't cheer me up much.
@Jack oh and that zval_dtor at the end is redundant - not much dtoring to do for a long ;)
Various beers are processed with some kind of fish extract, for the colour.
@Dan TIL
Fair enough. I'm not "with it" any more :P
'nuff said, and all that crap.
That's because you are approaching the 30. You're an old fuck now :-)
Yes, I've noticed my hair line a little. Might be the job : \
Nooo =[
@Dan :P
It's a stressful job at times, don't you think?
Someone paid me this week - I started their website in DECEMBER.
Meh. I don't stress out that much anymore
Waste of time
Yes, I just listen to "Let it go" from Frozen, and think "fuck it".
@Dan Does that mean you delivered late or client paid late?
@PeeHaa It was ready for launch early this year : )
well, if now the monay came in - party ;)
Anyhoo. It's Saturday, and I must spend some time with the lovely lady : )
Yes, party (pay bills)
and pro tip: do not deliver live before payment.
also do not start without start-payment.
@hakre I didn't do either ^
And in the end, had to threaten with legal action.
Just wastes so much time, the job was not worth doing. I'd have been better off doing tutorials on stuff I don't know.
I'm off now. Catch you all later, have a good day/evening.
later @Dan
BTW aren't you also getting pings from @Dan @Danack?
It's highlighted but not pinging.
ah too bad :P
@Dan have a good time!
@ThW: ping ;)
have you seen my not-a-bug comment?
regarding CDATA and XMLWriter?
I wrote it in here in chat and I added it inside the answer.
the original comment was too large for chat because I looked through the sources and noted the path down.
the more interesting part is towards the end: stackoverflow.com/a/26298245/367456
The CDATA in XMLWriter::writeCdata is meant literally.
btw an xpath that returns attribute nodes work in simplexml, but it still returns a list of simeplexmlelements: eval.in/private/698e86ea55ddf7
@ThW yes sure, simeplxml has only one object "type". but if you use getName() you get the name of the attribute and __toString is the value of the attribute.
like a the list of children is as well a single simplexmlelement: eval.in/private/ca7caabe8c18da - it's just everything intermixed.
dom_import_simplexml exists for a reason ;)
@Danack lol
I would watch it - I just wouldn't even.
@NikiC <3
Removal of ext/mysql :D
did this happen?
The RFC is published and a patch is written
Good evening
Why are mail blacklist delisting sites always so fucking crappy?
@NikiC Maybe add to the RFC, the fact that "preg_replace() eval modifier" can be replaced by the callback version for easy migrating?
Anyone knows what this means? - - [11/Oct/2014:08:46:34 -0400] "GET sonke31.free.fr/world.php HTTP/1.0" 404 466 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)"
If people aren't aware of that, they might think it's a difficult BC break.
I found it in my server's logs
@chipChocolate.py Are you on cheap host or do you have dedicated IP address?
cheap host
What happens is they re-use IP addresses for different hosts - someone may have a bookmark for sonke31.free.fr/world.php in their browser or another application is trying to get that URL.
Basically - it's just someone thinking that another server is where your server actually is.
ohh okay thanks
I thought someone was trying to hack me
No...that will look like a url with lots of funny characters or a POST request.
or wp_admin.php
something like this? - - [08/Oct/2014:14:43:53 -0400] "POST /cgi-bin/php.cgi?%2D%64+%61%6C%6C%6F%77%5F%75%72%6C%5F%69%6E%63%6C%75%64%65%3D%6F%6E+%2D%64+%73%61%66%65%5F%6D%6F%64%65%3D%6F%66%66+%2D%64+%73%75%68%6F%73%69%6E%2E%73%69%6D%75%6C%61%74%69%6F%6E%3D%6F%6E+%2D%64+%64%69%73%61%62%6C%65%5F%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%73%3D%22%22+%2D%64+%6F%70%65%6E%5F%62%61%73%65%64%69%72%3D%6E%6F%6E%65+%2D%64+%61%75%74%6F%5F%70%72%65%70%65%6E%64%5F%66%69%6C%65%3D%70%68%70%3A%2F%2F%69%6E%70%75%74+%2D%64+%63%67%69%2E%66%6F%72%63%65%5F%72%65%64%69%72%65%63%74%3D%30+%2D%64+%63%67%69%2E%72%65%64
sure looks like one
Yep.....but unless you have a really badly configured server it won't do anything...
Which vulnerability is it trying to exploit?
Q: Protect against POST //cgi-bin/php attacks?

PiTheNumberI am being attacked with this cgi injection: POST //%63%67%69%2D%62%69%6E/%70%68%70?%2D%64+%61%6C%6C%6F%77%5F%75%72%6C%5F%69%6E%63%6C%75%64%65%3D%6F%6E+%2D%64+%73%61%66%65%5F%6D%6F%64%65%3D%6F%66%66+%2D%64+%73%75%68%6F%73%69%6E%2E%73%69%6D%75%6C%61%74%69%6F%6E%3D%6F%6E+%2D%64+%64%69%73%61%6...

Having php exposed to the outside world.
wow thanks
@Danack ah, nice. The command just outputs itself to check if it works, right?
Dunno - got bored reading it...also, I kind of switch off when I see Apache...
@Danack Yeah, I might generally include what the alternative is that it was deprecated for
@NikiC Also, I realise it would be annoying, but more individual votes => more chance of deprecated crap being removed.
I'm not going to do 20 votes though
if a wholesale vote fails we could still do more specific ones afterwards, right?
I guess - you could also ask for people to speak up if they feel strongly about one or two of those items.....enough to vote no for the complete list.
It's going to be annoying though - some people will vote no without speaking up about why.
On the other hand, some people might vote yes for the whole thing even though they might have voted no on one particular bit ;)
@chipChocolate.py someone request the resource "http://sonke31.free.fr/world.php" from the webserver which did not exist. Probably probing for a proxy.
it would have returned the request headers then: sonke31.free.fr/world.php
Hmm, what's the fastest way you can think of to find matches from an array against another array of regex.
@Fabien either preg_filter or generate a single regex out of your regex array and use preg_grep

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