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I need to spend more time in chat. I've been afk for like three months and people got funny.
it's only because the js room is invading here.
Rather, people were already funny, but there are new people who are also funny :)
it's still mostly php-src talk, don't worry :P
Sterling, I think only Second can answer me
Meh, I come to chat mostly to get away from php-src :)
it is about splitting the Model layer to
Service + Domain Object + Data Mapper
@rdlowrey You may want to re-think that decision
We're pretty php-src centric in here these days
inoright. Room 11 turned into the unofficial internals room.
3 messages moved from JavaScript
@rdlowrey so true...
I mean... look at the regulars
In any case, I have smooth code sailing until Christmas or so. I'll be present a lot over the next couple of months.
except Second and teresko, most regulars here are php-src devs
And the ones who aren't are pretty good at PHP :)
seriously, at PHPNW next year, we need @php.net t-shirts just so we have a visual concept of how many of us there are
This chat really is a fantastic resource.
@rdlowrey I think the crew of the fishing boat from "The Perfect Storm" said the same thing about their code as well. Didn't turn out too well. :(
they're not regulars
@SterlingArcher Dude. We're PHP devs. We know going in that this is a sinking ship.
Dude, well played.
I don't care if it's sinking, the galley is full of unicorn shit and I'm eating my fill
PHP.... powered by love
@SterlingArcher look at some recent stars...
@FlorianMargaine lol this room is full of masochists then
Somebody linked to a Haskell article. Bartek will now find you.
we made it to second?
Yea, Java is 3rd
> I certainly think that comfort zones are a sign of a second-rate programmer. Even still, the CommodityJavaDrones are often third-rate. What’s more pathetic than holding fast to one’s own comfort zone? Living inside someone else’s.
/* Dear Room 11: */
class ReflectionType implements Reflector {
    const IS_UNDEFINED; /* Should this be IS_UNDECLARED instead? */
    const IS_ARRAY;
    const IS_CALLABLE;
    const IS_OBJECT;

    public function kind(); /* returns one of the ReflectionType::IS_* constants */
    public function __toString; /* returns the string version of the type */
Actually, I changed my mind. I prefer IS_UNDEFINED because it's shorter.
what about the good 'ol mixed?
@Leigh "The noticeable trait of mediocre Java developers is that their conception of programming is limited to what can be done in Java."
s/Java/any programming language
@Ocramius That is impossible because you can't use a type of mixed:
function (): mixed {} // doesn't work
I mean instead of UNDEFINED
does anyone know what the inside of a .lib file should look like? Apparently I'm to include a .lib file where it contains functions that create common code used in other .php pages. Also, CSS needs to be in there
hi guys
@LeviMorrison if you use UNDEFINED, you make a point with js devs...
somebody has some knowledge of the summernote wysiwyg editor ?
@Ocramius I'd rather not unless you can make a stronger case for it.
It's not really 'mixed'; it's just that you didn't give a type ^^
it's not that you return nothing?
It will be used such as ReflectionFunction::getReturnType().
IS_UNDECLARED then please
IS_UNDEFINED means something in a lot of other languages... it'd just be confusing
@LeviMorrison good point :)
anybody ?
Notice: Use of undefined constant IS_UNDEFINED - assumed 'IS_UNDEFINED'
@PaulCrovella It does not exist yet anyway ^^
@StefGeelen I doubt it.
@LeviMorrison Does your return types implementation allow a self return type for class methods?
too bad
Tilt shift photographs are so baller.
Has anybody uses .lib with PHP files? If so, where I include it?
@TheodoreBrown Yes, and parent as well.
@LeviMorrison Nice! I was worried since I didn't see examples of it in the RFC.
Anyone watch The Great British Bake off. Looking at you @DaveRandom
@TheodoreBrown I'll add a note about it.
@rdlowrey Do you use any job queue systems? Like beanstalk and such?
@Fabien Really not my kind of thing
@Fabien Ah, I completely forgot to respond to your email!
@DaveRandom :'( Richard was robbed!!!! I know you don't get that as you don't watch it but I needed to get it off my chest.
@rdlowrey :) It's not a big priority. I'm sure there'd be lots of small questions that you should be charging me for :P
(the message commit)
the XML is good enough for me now
@Fabien I personally don't use any. Basically I just use amp/thread. It has built-in protection if the thread pool is too busy. So it's essentially a local job queue using a pool of worker threads.
Do you predominantly work off a single server then?
@Fabien tell your coworker a random stranger on internet thinks his work is impressive
@Fabien Yeah I do. But my async postgres pubsub lib is nearly usable and I was going to create a distributed thing combining the two for an all-php solution.
@FlorianMargaine huh? :P
@FlorianMargaine are you thinking of @Leigh
@rdlowrey so much buzzword
@rdlowrey oh right
@FlorianMargaine oh no, that was pretty much a buzzword generator sentence wasn't it ...
@rdlowrey hahaha totally
@FlorianMargaine Yeah I starred his repo and followed him on twitter immediately.
@rdlowrey Hmm. We have some targets to rebuild some of our services to make them more maintainable. When we think scalable we often think spawn more spot requests (VMs on shared box) via AWS. Though I am sure we can get more from our single instances. Wondering what parallels I could draw from some of your experiences.
@rdlowrey he's pretty quiet, I wouldn't expect much from him there :p
he tweets around once a month
@Fabien Well judging from what you've told me I think you could massively improve how much you get out of individual instances. I can't really offer you a ready-made solution from my own code until I finish my async postgres and redis things, though. These sorts of problems are the things I've been working on exclusively for the last couple of years, though.
Agreed. I don't think a ready made solution is possible too, it'd be too much an ask for one and there's smaller details which would make it a fairly hefty job. It's more about us not venturing in to the unknown.
Let's try a game: make a sentence with as many buzzwords as possible, but it has to be true.
@FlorianMargaine So something that looks like an average developers CV?
Average developers CV doesn't have sentences
@FlorianMargaine Spoiler Alert: I started playing that game about ten minutes ago.
You're going down since your first one though.
Non-blocking is the secret in the async sauce?
I mind buzzwords less than marketing tech talk. "Let's have a meeting so we can download all our thoughts in one place".
@Fabien So we can do some growth hacking?
Maybe we should talk about game-ification.
"We can hook in to the framework to get the APIs working nicely."
I just made an XML parser from scratch using a state machine in javascript, using browserify and cpp's preprocessor to define constants, all this to parse phpdbg's xml output
and it's awesome
@FlorianMargaine Can I hook that in to my angular?
you can even make a service out of it and inject it as a dependency
... lul
I had fun, thank you
I can go to bed now
TBH I am never really sure what to do when a person I am speaking to uses a tech work incorrectly a few times.
good night everyone :)
Night @FlorianMargaine
Often I don't know the correct word for things and start googling around for some singular defintion.
@FlorianMargaine later dude
I think I need to work with amphp more.
speaking of playing games, time for my nightly 10 minutes of failing miserably at zangband
@rdlowrey Any ideas on when v1.0.0 will be there?
@Fabien I've tagged rc1. So it's basically "finished." I'm just going to leave it in RC for a couple of months and let people use it as I add tests and documentation.
But nothing else is changing. Just quality control left at this point.
Tagged but not pushed? I only see 0.11.1 on github
Oh yeah, it moved to the Amp organization: github.com/amphp/artax/releases
oh artax is rc1. What about amphp?
Also noob question but what's rc?
"release candidate"
"really cool"
Gotcha, heh.
@Fabien Ah, I'm not sure, but there won't be major changes. The API is pretty stable at this point. It kind of has to be because I'm using that lib in all of my code.
So if I make major breaking changes it's as painful to me as it is to everyone else.
Furry muff.
@FlorianMargaine nice :-)
^ I took this in my neighborhood
^^ PHP was created '94 not '93 ;)
Knowing his luck they'll skip PHP 9 and go to 10.
@hakre off by one error. Duh!
@HamZa You took the car? We get in trouble for doing that here...
@DaveRandom hehehe (the image :P)
@Ocramius A misguided RFC, I think.
Any US folks around?
What we probably need is a function that takes a namespace and a namespace/path thingy and resolves it.
@SecondRikudo Yeah, what's up?
@LeviMorrison I'm having trouble with a package I'm trying to get delivered by the USPS and their customer service is less than helpful.
Do you know a bit about how the mail system works in the US?
Yeah, why?
(By the way, I've had only bad customer service at USPS)
@hakre created or released? :)
@LeviMorrison Yeah, same
@SecondRikudo You live in a place that isn't the US and therefore you do not exist.
@Leigh well I didn't knew it from top of my head, so just put in here what I could find on php.net itself:
> PHP as it's known today is actually the successor to a product named PHP/FI. Created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, the very first incarnation of PHP was a simple set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries written in the C programming language.
the off-by-one-error in the license plate is naturally intended by the car owner.
you're right, release of 1.0 was 95
so creation in 94 makes sense
So it must have been invented in 93 ;)
@Leigh released in 1995
groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/… <-- original announcement if you like to read
@ircmaxell which country are you in now?
also, note that PHP 1 was GPL
@Leigh UK or Scotland, depending on your favor
scotland ;)
Kind of sad, there's no replies on Rasmus' 1.0 post
how little did they know :p
but look at that, postgres95 support!
You can directly embed mSQL into your HTML!
So today I got to teach my brother about what SQL injection is
He was at awe when I hacked into the site his SciComp teacher (HS) made for them.
wow, some of these posts from 95, about "netscape magic cookies"
@FlorianMargaine not sure how often I'll be here in the next week, if there are issues, just ping me and Joe.
@SecondRikudo ...so you are just looking for sympathy? :D
same for @rdlowrey when he begins working on the websocket ext. (chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/19346066#19346066)
@LeviMorrison So I bought an item online, it ships US only, so I set it up to send it to my company's offices in NYC.
Item should have arrived yesterday, got a notice via the tracker that no one was there to sign it, and that they left a notice to schedule a redelivery.
My contact (who is also the recipient) says she was at the office all day long, and no one showed up to deliver the package.
I schedule a redelivery for today, and nothing. Nothing on the tracking page, my recipient says that nothing arrived, Nada.
I tried talking to their customer service, you can imagine how that went
My recipient says she didn't even get a slip
This is why most websites where you can buy stuff from use UPS or DHL or FedEx or something other than USPS.
@LeviMorrison Yeah, no.
Can anyone give my RFC a quick scan (or a not quick scan) before I hit the list with it again? wiki.php.net/rfc/returntypehinting
I've updated bits and pieces, but I rewrote the Reflection section entirely with a new implementation as well.
@LeviMorrison doesn't reflection miss the class info?
@NikiC Not at all; (string) $ReflectionType will hold the class if it is an object.
It purposefully does not return a ReflectionClass instance.
Should I add a name() method or something? It would return "", "array", "callable" or the name of the class, respective to IS_UNDEF, IS_ARRAY, IS_CALLABLE, and IS_OBJECT?
you should add apis for getting the class name and the class reflection class
No. Absolutely not.
Just do new ReflectionClass((string) $ReflectionType) if you know it is a class.
using (string) should never be part of the expected usage of an API.
Hence why I asked about name().
But it's not a class name.
It should return "", "array", "callable" or the name of the class.
I don't like how that mixes things, but okay
anyone knows the length limit of the php include path seeting?
still missing the one for a ReflectionClass tho
@NikiC Missing what?
@LeviMorrison a method for getting the ReflectionClass of a class typehint
Absolutely not.
reflection APIs integrate with reflection, they return reflection instances
Just use new ReflectionClass($ReflectionType->name()).
but in this particular case having it as a class name (string) is useful as well (because autoloading) - that's a deficiency of the current API
Has anyone ever included .lib files in their PHP?
@LeviMorrison <Bike shedding>"Class constructors, destructors and clone methods may not declare return types" probably should be "can not" as 'may not' means that it's up to the method rather than impossible. "Ideas for future work include:" should be be "Other improvements that are out of scope for this RFC" </Bike shedding>
...isn't "other improvements that aren't listed that aren't part of this RFC" implied?
@Hellovart whoever told you to include lib files was either being dumb, or you misunderstood them. Yes, you should have 'library' files that just declare code and don't do anything themself, but no one calls the .lib files.
kinda sad void didn't make the cut this time around, but I understand why
@LeviMorrison oh well, I don't particularly care. Just saying that not having a method that returns a ReflectionClass goes against how Reflection as a whole works. But not very important in the end ;)
but add that method for the string name
Will add the string name, yeah.
@Danack my professor wants me to create functions in a .lib file where I can create commonly used code. So how can I gain access to those functions in a php page?
@LeviMorrison Not really - when I read that section it reads "stuff that isn't finished and needs to be addressed later before this RFC is complete." which is not th ecase.
Future Work is stuff this RFC does not do nor will it ever do.
@Hellovart Can you post the exact text - more so I can see the actual requirement than for information.
Function Library (named a1.lib)

Contains common code for the above programs. For example, css, headers, footers (copyright notice), and the menu are common to both the add and view pages, and so functions to generate these things should be contained here. There may be more common code as well, like DB access code. There should be NO active code in this file, and you should not drop into HTML mode in this file.
@LeviMorrison I know that. You know that. It's not how it reads imho
above programs is the php files i created. one of them a form and another a page that outputs sql rows
@NikiC Sara wants to rework ReflectionParameter to use this new API, so at that point the argument for consistency is moot ^^
Although I am not sure if it will pass or not. Some people care so much about their BC.
@LeviMorrison I'm not referring to ReflectionParameter in particular, but all reflection classes ;)
@Hellovart Okay, your professor is clearly incompetent.
I won't lie, some of the requirements are ridiculous
And you can have quote us to your professor.
@Hellovart all you have to do is i) create a file and put some PHP functions in it ii) then either 'include' or 'require' it in the php file that gets called. iii) for the love of god don't call it a .lib file - as those guys said, no one does that.
Tell him that two PHP core developers said you are incompetent (well, you can quote me at least ^^)
<-- and a guy with a beard.
<-- and a guy without a beard.
@Danack You have to understand it's an assignment im working on and it needs to follow the requirements exactly or, as he puts it, he will deduct marks
@Danack so is it do-able in a .lib file?
@Hellovart just pretend it's .php. there's nothing special about naming with a .lib extension except it's completely wrong and stupid.
@Hellovart It's a bad idea - it's a bit of a security hole to have php code in a file that doesn't have a php extension. As it could be sent to the browser directly without being executed.
Seriously though - where are you?
this is funny because the same professor teaches security and puts emphasis on security
life would be a lot easier if it were .php
@Danack Adjusted intro sentence; better?
I know how to include but where do i put it?
wow that sounded contradictory
@Hellovart Put the include at the top of the file that is being run, and put the file outside of the webroot.
oh. because before i put in head
@LeviMorrison yep. Shutting down feature requests is good.
thanks goodness, it worked
@Leigh Your 64bit pack() implementation has been committed to 5.6 and master \o/
Hmm, I think there should be a note in UPGRADING about it ...

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