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why there is no way to flag a user
Because only their actions can be wrong not their existence? :)
@tereško flag the question, pick other and point out why you think the user needs to be moderated
I already flagged both so that should be fine
I'm off too. Cya
@edorian banning users is always counter-productive , better results you could get by marking user as "person of interest"
someone who has to be watched
and adding a clear indication , visible to people with 10k+ rep && not-flagged
quick question guys, how can I, in friendly way handle fsocket errors ie so I don't get Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to etc.
php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php write an error handling function that at least logs the error information and then set error reporting to not display the error
damn .. why Bleach chapters are so short ?! damn it
to clarify, it isn't the error_reporting() function that will stop the error from being displayed. there's an ini setting 'display_errors' that can be set to either show error information on the screen or to hide it
although you should take a look at the error_reporting function to ensure the right kind of errors are being logged
sorry had to nip out, thanks for the responses. going to look into this thanks
1 hour later…
Anyone on the latest version of php?
dam, everyone runs away when I come into a chat room
How will I ever earn my chat badge lol
so your on 5.4?
5.4 is not stable
Have to do an upgrade and I know its just an rc, but I'm thinking of trying it
I tend to upgrade only to X.X releases
def give it a try, but don't use it in production
and why do you need to upgrade to 5.4 ?
yeah might give a try on test, I dont need to but I'll go from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0 when it's released
It should be released fairly soon
you're on 5.3.**0**?
dude, upgrade that thing. You're missing out on a lot of fixes and improvements
yeah, I was holding out for 5.4.0 but I realise I need to upgrade
congratulations , @DaleFraser , this is officially the stupidest thing i have seen today : upgrading only to x.x.0 releases
thankyou, do I get an elephant stamp
do you even understand why minor releases are made ?
Its a legacy system that I've adopted, I guess the issue with upgrading now is what will break. Any idea how old 5.3.0 is
why would minor release break anything ?!
Any change has the potential to break a big legacy code base, i'm going to test the app on 5.4.0 in a test enviroment
and even ignoring such minor details : noone in his right mind would upgrade production box without testing it before on development box
yeah, thats what i'm talking about.
I'm going to accept your i-give-up tag as my elephant stamp
thats a lot of changes
Hi all
wow 5.3.0 is 30-Jun-2009 thats an old version
1 hour later…
@DaleFraser That is not lots if you ignore the bugs.
bug fix shouldn't break any code.
Hi giuys
anyone here?
need some urgent help, if anyone can help it would be great
Q: MAMP remote access website

PragmaOnceI am using MAMP. Basically, to use the website before, I would go to localhost, or my address within the network "" and it would bring up the website. But now I want to show my friend the website so I gave him my ip address like this: "92.241.xx.xxxx:8888", but when I use this ad...

3 hours later…
I'm looking for feedback on a PHP library I have written for the Stack Exchange API.
The library can be found here.
An easy-to-follow tutorial can be found here.
I'd really appreciate any feedback you can provide.
@GeorgeEdison if you'd put it on github, you'd likely get more feedback and participation
is there a way to delete the contents of the page with php?
Anyone there?
for what >
Nevermind my previous question.
Is anyone familiar with the javascript map method?
well, forget that too
so here's the deal
I need to rewrite an array to different values
like, where:

name: blah,
startTime: blah2,
endTime: blah3

I need to make it

title: blah,
start: blah2,
end: blah3
is this possible with php?
i'm getting the array from facebook's graph api and will write it to a javascript variable using echo
hiow can i optimize this uery
select * from tbl
where id not in
(select id from tbl group by device_code having count(*) > 1);
select * from tbl
where id not in
(select id from tbl group by device_code having count(*) > 1);
@AntonPRobul canu help me
@swordfish you want to select items where theyrs device_code COUNT = 1 ?
@AntonPRobul I'm using a while function on an array, how can I check if it's currently on the first value in the array?
does $e[1] work for selecting the first value of the array?
@Purmou arrays start at index 0
@Purmou example please, i do'nt understand what you want
var eventsarray = new Array{data:[<?php while($e = $events){
		if(count($e) > 1){ echo "," }
		echo "{'title':".$e['name'].",'start':".$e['startTime'].",end:".$e['endTime']."}";
	  } ?>]};
i declare the $events array earlier after retrieving a user's events from facebook API
@Purmou if the first value key is not integer, the $e[1] and $e[0] not work
now i'm trying to rewrite the array into new values and put it into javascript
i'm trying to make it exclude that comma if it's the first value in the array
@Purmou I realized, wait
@Purmou might I suggest that you use json_encode to pass values to JavaScript? it's a bit cleaner.
as such?
well, you can encode the entire array, e.g. var eventsarray = <?= json_encode($events) ?>;
i'll use it like this then:
oh, i see
if i do that then i can just map it with javascript to a new array, correct?
of course, then the keys are translated one to one.
yeah, exactly. you don't even need new Array(...) for JavaScript, the syntax form JSON, e.g. [{...}, {...}] will translate to an array.
trying it out
what PHP version are you using?
i'm working on a facebook app that grabs a user's events and puts it into a calendar
I have no idea, I'm on a cloud host
probably...5.3? is that the latest?
well, so long as its >= 5.2, you'll have json_encode built in.
okay, json encode is working
now i need to find a way to upload files to this cloud hosting service
i'm using heroku, and it's very odd
it runs on git which i've never ever used before
and i'm not even sure if something can run on git
so, experimental stuff
if i end up being able to upload files to this cloud, i can call them as relative files and retain https://
which is what i need for the facebook app
<? $myEvents = array(); array_walk($events, 'events2myevents', & $myEvents); function events2myevents($val, $key, $newarray) {
$newKey = $key;
switch($key) {
case 'name':$newKey = 'title';break;
case 'startTime':$newKey = 'start';break;
case 'endTime':$newKey = 'end';break;
}?> var eventsarray = {data: <?= json_encode($events) ?>};
but i recomended you not change API key
and use the simple variant of ruquay
yeah, i'll just use requay's and map it with javascript
thank you so much though!
maybe you can help me figure out something else too? :P
@Purmou i usually do what Anton does, create the final array you want to send via PHP, then just pop it in via json_encode.
do both methods work, and if so which is more efficient in your eyes?
i forgot case 'endTime':$newKey = 'end';break;
} $newarray[$newkey]=$val;
so like this?
<? $myEvents = array(); array_walk($events, 'events2myevents', & $myEvents); function events2myevents($val, $key, $newarray) {
$newKey = $key;
switch($key) {
case 'name':$newKey = 'title';break;
case 'startTime':$newKey = 'start';break;
case 'endTime':$newKey = 'end';break;
} $newarray[$newkey]=$val;
}?> var eventsarray = {data: <?= json_encode($events) ?>};
uh, efficiency... i dunno. my usual solution is something like this:
function translate($v) {
return array('name' => $v['title'], 'start' => $v['startTime'], 'end' => $v['endTime']);
$newarray = array_map($events);
and then json_encode();
don't you want translate instead of array map there?
um, i forgot to write the function. it's something like array_map($events, 'translate');
Hello, how can I write webservice to select particular database in PHP and MySQL?
i always have to look up the argument order in the docs.
is't not warked correctly
@Purmou yeah, the argument order is the other way around. array_map('translate', $events);
you'll return the $events['title'] = array('name' => , 'start' => null, 'end' => null);
@NishitShah like this:
i'm mistaken, if the facebook api return the array(array(), array(), array());
where each val is array, ruquay you are right
mysql_connect("sql url", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("db to select") or die(mysql_error());
@NishitShah i recomended to use PDO object
@NishitShah and work with data as objects
Here is a completed script i tested.
$events = array();
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
$events[] = array(
'startTime' => microtime(),
'endTime' => microtime(),
'title' => 'number_' . $i
function translate($v) {
return array(
'name' => $v['title'],
'start' => $v['startTime'],
'end' => $v['endTime']
$newarray = array_map('translate', $events);
@edorian morning.
you are right, if the facebook api return that massive
$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=testdb;host=';
$user = 'dbuser';
$password = 'dbpass';

try {
$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
@ruquay But that works only when events is less than 10
@Purmou no, his create a pseudo array
@Purmou of 10 items
$sql = 'SELECT name, colour, calories FROM fruit ORDER BY name';
foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
print $row['NAME'] . "\t";
print $row['COLOUR'] . "\t";
print $row['CALORIES'] . "\n";
@Purmou yes, i don't have your data, so my initial iteration is just to create some junk with an array of keys similar to yours.
@ruquay I could make it this, correct?
@Purmou you must delete this part of code, and use the original facebook $events array
@Purmou this code is only test, that is worked
of course that only works in javascript
the only thing i've done extremely well in php was make a backend system for a website
@Purmou where do these keys come from? are they arbitrary, or do they belong to the Facebook API? maybe there is no need to have a function that translates the key names, if the $events array in PHP is under your complete control.
no, they come from Facebook
facebook returns user events as an array like this:
so, the 'title', 'startTime' and 'endTime' come from facebook?
with some additional values in the nested arrays which I don't need
function getSessionId(){
return crc32(time());
how can i optimize this
and the JavaScript needs to have specifically the values 'name', 'start', and 'end', or are you just trying to get the values into javascript, then manipulate them further?
only the values title, start, and end
i'm putting it into a jQuery calendar with an events functionality
and events need to be an array with values name, start, and end
@swordfish have you tried using PHP's built-in session support? it'll make the session_ids for you.
yeh i know
wow, i killed myself over sessions making my backend for that site
but this is sort of query
@Purmou ok, then the 'translate' function above with array_map() should work for you. array_map iterates over the entire array
@swordfish md5(uniqid(rand(),1));
@swordfish i'm not quite sure what you mean.
@ruquay I'm just going to go with the javascript option because it's working fine for me right now
@AntonPRobul thank you so much
i need to work out this amazon web service S3 hosting in order to retain the https i have on my app
@Purmou ok, i tend to prefer coding in javascript as well ;-)
@ruquay the code structure is very similar to php, but it's just more readable to me
can anybody tell me how can i get profile image of the user in wordpress: code file name or query?
@Sparkx wordpress on your hosting or other ?
on my localhost
@Sparkx see the database table profile
@Sparkx maby there you'll find it
@Sparkx or find the php method, which return the user array
@AntonPRobul sry i didnt get u i search database but not getting table like "profile"
@Sparkx show me all tables
how can i show u tables?
@Sparkx look for users then
@Purmou i search in wp_users but i didnt get it
you need their avatars?
@Sparkx do you only need the avatar of the currently logged in user?
if so:
Q: Get avatar of the logged-in user in Wordpress

jimileskuHow can I get a user avatar to display in the header of my WordPress site? I've tried: <a href="<?php echo get_author_posts_url($post->post_author); ?>" title="<?php the_author_meta( 'display_name', $post->post_author ); ?>"> <?php if( get_the_author_meta( 'user_custom...

check the accepted answer
yaa its good one but i am making an application (in core php )which requires only code /query and database will that of wordpress db
@Sparkx get_avatar is located in pluggable.php. i'm looking through that file right now and fonud the function, and it calls get_userdata, which is in the same file. looks like that file selects it from the users table in the database. don't know what more I can do
if ( ! $user = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID = %d LIMIT 1", $user_id ) ) )
@Purmou thanks 4 this update but i found lots of folders in /uploads/avatars/ folder which are actually users images in different folders
@Sparkx you could re-use wordpress functions as well. Or you can code them again. Your choice.
@Sparkx oh, haha, there you go then
@Sparkx do the avatar filenames containt he user id?
so u mean i should found my user in that folders?
if you retrieve the user id, just do something like this:
<?php echo "<img src=\"uploads/avatars/user_".$uid."\" />";
$uid being the user's id, retrieved somehow
you can get the session ID and match it to the database
wordpress stores sessions
hmm, nevermind
wordpress doesn't use sessions at all
let's see if we can access the cookie
@Sparkx you can use the cookie variable to find the username of the logged in user, check the DB for the username, retrieve the ID, and match it with one of the uploaded avatars
so i think i should have to (by coding ) go that folder and get the image
@Sparkx yup
maybe something like this:
so suppose if user have avatar image then?
$username = $_COOKIE['username'] // or whatever WP stores username in
$qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login='".$username."'");
$search = mysql_num_rows($qry);
        echo "<img src=\"uploads/avatars/user_".$user['ID'].".png\" />";
} else {
    // do nothing
that should do it
modify it where necessary, maybe i have the image file path wrong, or the filetype
and the variable under which WP stores the username in the cookie
what about the AVATAR image?
what do you need from it? this code retrieves the image...
yeah u r absolutely right but by default sometime wp apply avatar image to profile
ehat about that
oh, yes, if the user doesn't upload one wordpress makes a gravatar, right?
then just check if the file exists first before making the while function
using an if
and if it doesn't, retrieve the gravatar however it's done
any idea how to retrive gravatar image
check the wordpress codex
they have a lot of info there
Morning everyone!
@Eugene Morning! I have an issue here
I'm writing a new array in PHP but when i return it, it just returns "Array"
function translate($v) {
return array(
'name' => $v['title'],
'start' => $v['startTime'],
'end' => $v['endTime']
$newarray = array_map('translate', $events); ?>
var eventsarray1 = <? echo $newarray; ?>;
@Purmou thanks for that wp help :)
@Sparkx No problem! :)
@Eugene can you spot any issues?
@Purmou dude how can i search particular value like .jpg from directory .I use array_search () fn but i am not getting ans.
@Purmou array_map returns array and when you echo it you see only word Array.
@Eugene I just realized that too. I need to change it to translate($events) right?
Since translate returns array also.
What are you trying to do?
but $events is a complete array
i'm rewriting a facebook events array to put it into a jQuery plugin
What do you need to output and in what format?
3 hours ago, by Purmou
I need to rewrite an array to different values
i was hoping that would link to the transcript
well, anyways
i grab the facebook events array from the graph api
it returns like this:
i need to convert this to this:
and I need to write this array to a javascript variable
[0] => .
[1] => ..
[2] => 5x4-logo-copy-174x138.jpg
[3] => a2b4319fc0f1c9f0843acc517570547a-bpfull.jpg
[4] => a2b4319fc0f1c9f0843acc517570547a-bpthumb.jpg
[5] => Thumbs.db
) how to search `a-bpthumb.jpg` from this array
@Purmou So you get the first type and send it probably with ajax to server where you work with it in php. Am I right?
@Eugene nope. With Facebook's PHP SDK, I grab the user's events and work with it on the page
@Purmou How you grab them? Do you grab them with PHP?
@Eugene Yes. I set them to the variable $events. $events looks like this after that:
all i need to do is convert that to this:
and write that to a javascript variable
(facebook also returns a lot of additional values in the events array which I ignore because I don't need them
If so and you want to later pass them to javascript, then probably you should start from javascript. For example make ajax call to some method/function and convert it there.
codepad.org/m3I25kau please tell how to search .jpg from array list
To convert such array you need json_decode make your array and then output it like json_encode( $transformedArray ). And in ajax call mark, that you expect to get json type data back.
i'm already doing that but it doesn't seem to be working
@Sparkx use in_array()
@Purmou Paste all of what you done for that to work to pastebin and give link here. I'll take a look.
@Purmou codepad.org/x4zU21ok getting this
@Sparkx try array_search()
@Purmou already done that but its not working
@Sparkx convert the array to a string with toString() and check the string for .jpg
@Eugene haha, got it to work
thanks for your help though!
(Please don't throw things at me :-S ) I have 0/zero/null/nada comments in my php files, and I want to add them. I was wondering if there is a 'stub docstring generator' for PHP ? Also which DocGenerator would you recommend for PHP ? I am using vim editor, and would really appreciate if some utility can do it.
have you already done refactoring your code ?
does it have meaningful names for methods and variables ?
yeah, kind of, the basic scaffolding is in place, all I need is to actually implement the business logic in the stubs
yes they do, they are consistent (I use CamelCase, _ for private fields/methods)
what has any of this to do with scaffolding ?!
refactoring the code
I used builder,command and few other patterns to refactor
no , they are in no way related
@Sudhi , can you show the code ?
sorry, perhaps I used the wrong word : scaffolding, what i meant was my basic framework/structure/design is in place
sure, here's a sample command+builder for my Api ... errmm, can you recommend a pastebin @tereško
no , scaffolding is generated code , used for prototyping
pastie.org , this has pretty nice highlighting
err, can I delete the pastie later ?
or I will remove the code for mysql connection
you can edit it after pasting
can I change/remove the pastie after publishing it ? I will give you the URL here
no, you cannot delete it , but you can edit and remove all the content
I made it private, so I don't think it will be indexed , here it is : pastie.org/private/4hancmwdmvpumx8ie0yelq
please don't scream for having the static column name to variable mapping, I had to do it as our table names/column names change too frequently (in production/development)
DbhDaily class looks like a mess
and Base class needs some additional work
when you are finished refactoring it all , you will be better off if you ad PhpDoc like comment on top of each non-trivial function
hmm, the Base was my wrapper for Database handler, I don't expect to do a good job there anyways, but I am listening about DbhDaily
@Purmou finally i got it its preg_grep("/.jpg/i", $array);
perhaps you don't like the stream of const COLUMN_* and the static mapping ? any suggestions for that?
the DbhDaily::_saveSubscrInfo() is something that needs additional work
hmm, actually the DbhDaily::_save/retrieveSubscrInfo() will be much simpler if I can define the array $args with proper key value pairs. I was about to do that, but then I thought where do I put comments/documentation about their structure ? and thats when it hit me I need something like PhpDoc so I can comment in the code and Documentation will get generated
and yes , you variables/constants in that class need either be removed or,, more likely, commented and renamed : DbhDaily::$_sClmFromVar name for example makes no sense
yeah, the prefix s denotes subscription mapping, and prefix p denotes product config mapping, I have that one line comment where I have defined them
they will make more sense if you know that ClmFromVar and similar (ValFromClm etc.) are classic System Hungarian names
so here's what I am really asking, is there a utility which can scan my php files, and generate stub docstrings with the @param and other stuff ?
do not generate comments
@tereško he doesnt want to generate comments but docblocks
@Gordon bingo !
@Sudhi i remember there is at least two questions for this on SO
Q: A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation

PekkaI have several finished, older PHP projects with a lot of includes that I would like to document in javadoc/phpDocumentor style. While working through each file manually and being forced to do a code review alongside the documenting would be the best thing, I am, simply out of time constraints,...

do not generate doc blocks
Modern doc tools don't need them and if you don't add any value by hand they are just noise anyways
@Gordon : would you like to go through my code? (see the pastie link above) , please comment/criticize. Thanks, I will check that question
@Sudhi no time. sorry
ohhk, but if you like, you can do it later. I will not remove it
@edorian : can you elaborate ?
Why do you need doc blocks in your code? (Just to get an idea in which direction i should go with my explanation)
@edorian : (I wish I know how to link to old chat message)
hmm, actually the DbhDaily::_save/retrieveSubscrInfo() will be much simpler if I can define the array $args with proper key value pairs. I was about to do that, but then I thought where do I put comments/documentation about their structure ? and thats when it hit me I need something like PhpDoc so I can comment in the code and Documentation will get generated
You can link to an old message, lick the error in front of it and paste the "link"
.oO( imagines @edorian licking the screen showing an error )
@edorian can i have a video of that pweaaaaze :DDD
LOL, anyways, if you just scroll a bit above, and look at my conversation with tereško and Gordon you will get the idea
@Sudhi If you have a array/data structure that is so complex that you can't manage it by than documenting how the array should look like is maybe not the way to go
Given that consumers need to build that structure and it gets passed around and modified. Also you need to copy that documentation around to at least two places already and keep it up to date
I put a generic array $args because I was writing a stub, now I am actually going to implement it, I might as well do it with DocBlocks and document them , of course the array $args will be replaced by appropriate @params
If it's temporary and you are going to replace it with a proper object anyways then just paste the current structure in a docblock and be done with it
@param $reduntantVariableName array (as in the type hint) Array structure: [...] doesn't really help you out there imho
I am using vim, and I would really hate to write the docblock by hand (even if I use a vim template)
And creating redundant doc tags everywhere in your code is only making that worse
well, the DocBlocks are not only for stubs ! I want to document my ctor and other public methods too (have a look at this pastie for sample code : pastie.org/private/4hancmwdmvpumx8ie0yelq )
once I have DocBlocks in place for most of my code (there are like 3-4 for stubs only) , I can get into habit of writing DocBlocks before I write my class (perhaps I will start using vimtemplate)
@Gordon : thanks, I finally read that question, quite interesting solution, will try it out, and make it a point to use vimtemplate henceforth
@edorian : have a look at this , do you happen to know something better/simpler than this ? or if you can suggest another approach I will be glad to listen
My stance on the whole issue is that usually doc blocks make code worse and enable bad parameter names, method names and unmaintainable data structures rant // slides with more samples and that they should not just be created for everything in a codebase so that the 5% of cases where docs actually matter stand out
Thats just my take on the subject though and if you don't agree on this thats fine. For creating the docs blocks i have to say i write them just using vim
I am using vim ! what do you use ? vimtemplate ?
/** will make the * appear on every line. And I don't repeat the variable names as current tools can figure those out
and i only document the parameter typ for literals (if it's an object or array the tool shall figure that out)
    * @param string $interfaceName
    * @return void
        public function __construct(\SplFileObject $fileObject)
            $this->fileObject = $fileObject;
reason why docblocks need special care
So i at most have one @return or sometimes 1-2 @param tags
signature changed -> docblock didnt
@Gordon You just included the @return void to hurt me didn't you?
@edorian php's signatures dont indicate return types, so its on purpose, even if its a ctor

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