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good mornings
got to crash phpdbg
@JoeWatkins @bwoebi apparently when trying to connect another time to the remote API pastie.margaine.com/bac7afcd-d8fd-4953-96c4-d9be96af6dff
I mean, having 2 clients
I'll try to have something easily reproducible
good meurning
Can anyone tell me why you would (not) use REST?
Typically you don't need REST when you're not tired.
When you don't have a representation of state to transfer.
@Ja͢ck :)
@FlorianMargaine I got that too, but I never could reproduce that when trying to.
I'll try to give an easily reproducible way
I know my extension makes it crash every time for now :D
I'll see if I can easily reproduce what it's doing in CLI
btw. it should only accept one simultaneous client per process? :o
I don't think it should... but I'd rather it accept only one and not crash for now :P
Good moonings, Room 11 :)
@FlorianMargaine I mean I programmed it that way…
    I have a problem
Page 1:
    $cookieText = '{"products":[],"sum":0}'
    setcookie("cart", $cookieText, $expire);

Page 2:
    $itemId = $_GET['id'];
    $totalCookie = $_COOKIE['total'];
    $jsonFile = $_COOKIE['cart'];
    $cart = json_decode($jsonFile);

This returns an error saying:
    Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/action/workspace/www/addtocart.php on line 21

What is wrong? I checked the Php.net site, and Followed it more or less exactly
Line 21:
	echo $cart.'<br />';
What about that error message isn't clear to you?
I'm an absolute beginner at PHP, and am not sure on how to fix it.
delete that line
Done, but Why?
@Deep you can't echo objects.. use var_Dump for that or print_r
Oh ok
I thought is would just echo the JSON.
Also, Is this valid?
$cart->{'products'} = $cart->{'products'}.','.$itemId ;
I could find a helpful guide on this anywhere
hey guys gud afternun...any idea about installing magento boilerplate
i have downloaded this and now want to install it
too quiet ... freaking me out ...
want me to make some noise?
(does everybody read this with a screaming voice too?)
@FlorianMargaine nope, it reminds of bash.org/?835030 :)
Morning guys
hehe, morning ...
better ...
it is visible
any thoughts anyone before I publish ?
Were any monkeys harmed in the making of that blog article?
@JoeWatkins s/loose/lose
@JoeWatkins nice pun (checkout Recki-CT)
@PaulCrovella thnx
@Jack I haven't harmed any yet ...
hi everyone, need help to get mac address of client machine using php
@JoeWatkins isn't it good to give a simple definition of HHVM for people that don't know it or like relate the article name to it
or any unique info of client machine to track
err... s/loose/lose/g
got it, thnx
@ziGi its not working
how so
are you sure?
are you sure you are requesting the MAC for the proper NIC
@ziGi yes. I deployed the code in my local host and executed
@ziGi returns black screen
are you doing MacAddress::getCurrentMacAddress('eth0')
@JoeWatkins looks fine, go ahead :-)
black screen
@ziGi sorry.. typo error.. blank screen
@ziGi yes... var_dump(MacAddress::getCurrentMacAddress('eth0')); same
well maybe your interface card (the LAN card) is not eth0
you have to check the interface name
ya... i m using wireless PCI card
are you under linux?
if so you could do
ifconfig in shell and check the interface name of the wireless card
no... i m using windows in my local environment
most likely if it is only one it should be wlan0
my hosting is linux only
try with wlan0
sorry, can't get u..
where can i use??
but I can assure you almost 100% that this shouldn't work on windows
cause what it does is to run ifconfig in shell
ok... let me check
posted on October 08, 2014 by Joe Watkins

Fig 1. A (cheeky) monkeyFor some people, it's easier to make sense of just what a monkey is if we assume that all a monkey is ever trying to do is be a human. That if it could just lose the hair and walk upright, we could give it a bank account, job, car, and the rest of it; they'd fit right in. Since HHVM became a thing, there has been this kind of attitude, that somehow Zend is now behind,

@ziGi Current MAC address: bool(false) Randomly generated MAC address: string(17) "00:C3:26:83:1A:57" Validating MAC address: bool(true) Setting a randomly generated MAC address: bool(false) Setting a specific MAC address: bool(false)
@ziGi it returns this
current mac address is 'false'
can you try
i tried this method already. id anyother method?
simple question for the expert at makefiles here
On Monkeys and Humans http://blog.krakjoe.ninja/2014/10/monkeys-and-humans.html #php
@Akilan which code returns this string?
aa the whole thing
how can I create a "procedure" in makefiles? i.e., most of the lines are the same in this makefile, but I'm not sure how to extract to another task, and call this task within each one
@ziGi that blackgardener method, which u suggest
@Akilan most likely it won't work since the code uses ifconfig
and Windows doesn't support it
from the github
calling make othertask from within a task seems silly...
@ziGi ipconfig for windows
yeah I know
if its not works in windows also no problem
because my server is linux only
if its run on linux, ok for me
on some servers you have to edit it to /sbin/ifconfig
@pce yeah
should run on linux @Akilan but you have to check on the server the name of the adapter
using ifconfig
how can i check?? can u tell me more??
well log in into the linux server using SSH
or Putty if you are on windows on your local machine
and through the console use the command ifconfig
and it should show you the adapters
ok. let me check
Guys I want to apply SOLID principles in my PHP OOP
but that requires writing quite some interfaces which is ok, but I have never seen projects in PHP that follow the principles.
Can anyone point me to one such example project where I can see how the principles are applied
Symfony maybe
Good morning
@JoeWatkins did you just call PHP a monkey?
but it is :D
and that's not bad, monkeys are quite smart
@ircmaxell little bit ...
hello brilliant developers
i have some questions do you use codeigniter? and postgres i have a question on $this->db->insert_id()
i was having an error on these postgres thing
this is my first time using this kind of db, lots of error i have encountered, i like mysql better
Hi guys
i like these features on stackoverflow
You have reached your question limit
Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more.
very nice
There's one flaw though on that feature.
/me fell offline, anyone else ?
chat unavailable for a few minutes there ...
If you can't help others due to your lack of total points, you'll have to recreate an account. As many times as you will get passed that, if you make the same unoticable mistakes.
@DavidH chat?
@JoeWatkins For me as well earlier.
@ircmaxell I'm loving the blog thing, thoughts don't need to rattle around in my head anymore ...
good morning
@JoeWatkins :-D
great advice @DavidH
thanks @PaulCrovella
@JoeWatkins yeah, and you can be crazy and do a brain dump of some nuts idea you have, and then get people to support or help mold your thinking to solidify a sane idea out of it
I suppose so, that's just one thing i've noticed. @ircmaxell No but sometimes you don't get the chance to edit your question to a format it's acceptable. Sometimes questions get closed just like that.
@DavidH the vast majority of time though, the type of person that gets banned, and can't help others (because of rep), wasn't going to help others anyway (they got banned for a reason).
I understand some haven't read the rules probably, but stackoverflow is one of the few information sources with rules like that. Not that I know of others but comparing to forums. Perhaps that person has knowledge in something else and would be able to help, heck he'd not even get the chance if he didn't. Maybe it's better to advice others before submitting questions to rack up some points by helping so that at least you can fix your mistakes.
it takes more than one post to get a ban
and yes, the rules are what make SO a great resource, unlike many of the other forums out there
That though, is true. Can't deny that, but sometimes duplicates are harsh too.
@DavidH people are advised to search prior to asking. Heck, the interface does that for them. Yet how many questions do we close as duplicate per day?
not enough
I get that it's unfair to some people, and that it's not purely inclusive
Of course you're correct but, it takes people a bit to get used to it. The first time I've visited stackoverflow I didn't know what to do. Also yes, not enough indeed. But that's probably because people are scared to use the answers and make it a solution for themselves.
But those rules / exclusion also attempts to keep SO being a healthy resource. If we didn't close as duplicate, you'd never be able to find anything at all
You know, everyone has a different interface for their question, like design. Than they get a global answer like for example "add a margin here" while the question is global as well. Those people keep re-submitting because they have no idea where to put that margin for example.
Yup that's completely true.
Chat just went offline for anyone for about 15 mins?
@DaveRandom It was before I entered here, I have a different page of SO still looping for about 20mins so far.
Page has fully loaded though.
@DavidH definitely. I just don't think asking questions on the main site is the right forum to help those people. Come into chat, ask someone when it's not going to penalize everyone (by diluting search quality, etc)
@DaveRandom Yeah, I was on my way home and asked SO to suspend chat until I got back online :)
@ziGi that's hard to say because not all of the principles in SOLID can be applied always and in full. OCP for example, IIRC you can not always achieve it 100%. Most of the design patterns reflect SOLID, and PHP example code is available for these.
Hmm. Yet more BGP issues? #TheInternetTotallyWorksAndIsNotBrokenAtAll
@ircmaxell Perhaps advice like yours just now should be clearer or simplified as it is now. Not that it's obvious enough but you know, some people re-submitting won't read a what seems a wall of text containing rules.
@DaveRandom I
This is one L of a funny joke I'm sorry. I'll just go.
@DavidH and the fact that they won't put the effort into reading and understanding what happened, and the rules, is exactly the reason they shouldn't be relaxed for them
Hm yea that's a good point. But in the end it kind of sanctions you guys too, perhaps it could be tried as experiment to see if you guys require less time waste or effort to close all those duplicate like questions?
@JoeWatkins Pierre is at it again. I'm just going to block him...
I just unblocked him to see what he was saying ... already blocked him again ...
I didn't mention the cause ...
Hey can any one tell me why this vimeo api link not working in ordinary webbrowser api.vimeo.com/… ..i have tried this parameters in vimeo api playground developer.vimeo.com/api/playground/videos and its working there?
Happy to stay away from the drama :) We actually host windows.php.net and one of our guys has frequent contact with Pierre.. doesn't seem to have much problems with the guy.
@LeviMorrison did you also try the circular ref (with autoloading)?
he's a pain in the ass, he can make almost anything about something that happened 6 months ago, that the rest of us forgot about, and never really cared about that much in the first place ...
@JoeWatkins sounds like my wife.
it is almost exactly like a wife ...
interesting, is array("foo", "bar")(); supposed to work?
it works in master :D
foo class, bar method right ? Never knew that could be used that way :)
[Foo::class, "bar"]("foow")
isa naice!
that is somewhat disturbing
foo bar is just a search query term!!
all hail the uniform variable syntax!
I wish PHP permitted a single trailing comma in arg lists (same as arrays)
doesn't make sense for the same reason though ...
I think the only decent reason I ever read to support that is to preserve history, it's not very often that you have function arguments on separate lines ...
I didn't know this subreddit... reddit.com/r/lolphp
@JoeWatkins I do it quite a bit actually, to keep line length down. When you have a set of typed args you can get to 150 chars pretty quickly sometimes if you are keeping the var and type names descriptive
Also I do it a lot with arrays, it makes copypasta a lot easier if every line has a trailing comma
@DaveRandom just call foo(...[$arg1, $arg2,]) :-P
/me starts counting down the days until I see someone do that
this makes php development fun again heh
there's descriptive and bibliographic ... $purpose fine, $purposeTypeBehaviour not necessary ...
just based on that it's not a good idea to have many arguments, and that I don't like the idea of having type information or any other information in the name of variables, you shouldn't need the trailing comma in arguments, is there anywhere else that allows it ?
I wonder how we could implement named params though (syntax-wise)
@Ja͢ck It sounds spooky. A halfways circular DLL...
as you can't fix it for 5.x this way anyway, I'd suggest to fix it properly in 7, rather than doing weird magic
@JoeWatkins It's more things like SuperAwesomeThingFactory - what do you call that var if not $superAwesomeThingFactory ? A couple of those + leading whitespace and function decl etc and you've already got a pretty big line with nothing but wiring before you even gave it any real data...
okay based on the assumption that more than one factory in most places means the code has more than one responsibility, I'd just call it $factory.
@NikiC so what do you reckon .. use HT?
fair comment
@Ja͢ck Dunno, that would mean reading the code ^^
I don't get why there should be a problem with just appending to it?
The problem with appending is that currently only the head of the linked list is passed for each value that the config parser yields.
so to append you would have to traverse the list until you get the tail.
passed where?
from what i can tell it's just a key/value array
@NikiC passed into a function that's supposed to perform adding the new entry to a list of key/value pairs
right now it prepends everything.
personally i feel that HT is simpler, though perhaps less performant than a simple linked list (?)
@Ja͢ck And what prevents us from passing the tail as well?
but if you think the ht would be simpler, go for that
Yeah, basically I can either use HT or define a structure comprising both head and tail.
JavaScript question incoming :P. I have an array of URLs. I use ajax to call these urls. The response is either true or false. I want my loop to batch send like 10 calls then wait for them to return. It should loop through all unless 5 (total, not per batch) true responses come back.

How should I structure this?
@Fabien the description is already pretty complete I'd say, only sending 10 in a batch while looping through 10 individually does not work.
you either fire 10 requests in batch or you loop through each.
@JoeWatkins Is there any way to/plans to create a way to cache compiled code with jitfu? (the example given by the person who asked the question is a script running on a cron job, where opcache won't be particularly useful [I think?])
@ircmaxell we'd all be better off if the word "deserve", or rather the concept behind it, disappeared entirely.
Array of 50 is chunked to 10. Send 10, 3 come back true. Send next 10. 3 come back true (6 total) stop sending.
@Fabien that sounds more correct. so what is your issue? finding the decision point?
Just how to not send the next 10 straight away
@Fabien by waiting until all 10 requests have returned (or errored).
@DaveRandom there are various ideas ... you can cache recki IR right now ... if you write a mechanism to do that ... we have ideas to integrate the frontend and backend a bit better so that the frontend can be called on demand to compile a function, not sure who should have responsability to cache it, but we can have the supporting code for that (store in shm) at the backend if need be ...
@hakre How do I make it wait though?
@DaveRandom that's part of the reason I want to support PECL as well. Some use-cases are going to be far better compiling in the front-end just a JIT-style compiler. Some are going to be better doing pure-AOT and installing as an extension. Having both and supporting both gives us flexibility
yeah that ...
Cool, tnx :-)
@Fabien make sending the batch a function. each request operation calls a callback when done. that callback knows about this batch function. the callback knows about the result (true/false) and the number of callbacks fired (0-10). it then can count for the true operations and if 10 requests are done and not enough true results were collected, fires the batch function again.
and the code that libjit is generating is on par with gcc for most settings, except for stupid benchmarks which have duplicated code for no reason
@hakre cool thanks
if you could give the frontend a script file, any script file, and have it compile it to a function, we could do a java emitter, where that function I just mentioned is used as ::main
wait ...
@ircmaxell Yeh that made me smirk a bit when -O3 realised that the the benchmark didn't actually accomplish anything and optimised it away :-P
that'd be too hard, scratch that ...
@JoeWatkins A... Java emitter?
well it could work, but it'd take a bunch of supporting code, a libphp.jar that implements everything in extensions ...
Yeh but what would it practically accomplish? Just interop or is there another compelling reason?
it'd be nice to decouple from zend altogether if we are generating shit ... java has super fancy vm's everywhere ...
@DaveRandom that's why I put the #cheating hash tag on that tweet
It'd be kind of funny if it just compiled it to
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("This program is pointless. Get back to work.\n");
Gotta love iOS ... save a file, stop app, load a file ... hey, where did the file go ...
Java... Emitter ?
@hakre you asked about (*ANY) yesterday - I think that sentence might have been confusing in that it referred to what the "." in /(*ANY)./u matches (which is all character excluding unicode newlines)
that code has mistakes in it ... fix it fix it fix it ...
@boyee hello
@NikiC yes, I was confused by it. I needed to re-read the pcre.txt file online to finally get it.
@ircmaxell yet another routespacher
btw, what's the point of ++ and ** in regexp ?
I have no idea
I don't think there is **
ok ... only ++
++ is a possessive +
what does it do?
or as in "will not give back" ?
yes, what @tereško said
@JoeWatkins So this presumably means "you could cache recki IR right now" rather than "there is already a mechanism to do it"?
@DaveRandom correct
It's like greedy but without backtracking
Could you pls help me to solve this
cool, tnx
Q: How to get data/content from Squarespace to my website?

Vineesh TrivandrumI have a website on Squarespace, I want to get a content from Squarespace to my website. If I change any content on Squarespace that content should be reflect on my website. Is there any API/AJAX response or any other solution for this? Thanks in advance..

Does squarespace allow this ? or even better, do they have an API ?
oh sorry, that was the question itself :P
possessive quantifiers are mainly useful to make the failure case faster
They say on their website that they "providing you with a JSON API to output content from the CMS"
so it seems good :)
@NilsMunch- Thanks
Could you pls give me the link
Even better, i can answer it for you ;)
please don't
Thanks again
@Vine Done and done.
@VineeshTrivandrum : there we go. stackoverflow.com/a/26255263/598857
@VineeshTrivandrum I dont understand why you are getting so many downvotes on it tho...
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day and prevent someone else from eating. Teach him how to fish, and perhaps he may actually feed someone else as well (not to mention being fed for life)...
@NilsMunch - Ha ha people dnd like my question
@NilsMunch hover over the downvote arrow: "This question does not show any research effort"
yeah, but that doesn't fully justify downvoting my answer if it's right ;)
Person asks if there is an api, i say yes and show him to it :)
we can argue educational value all day long, but that doesnt make my answer wrong ;)
@bwoebi you around?
please, read the linked article
@ircmaxell he could also deplete his local resources below the sustainable level and be responsible for the death of everyone in the village #justsayin ...
@JoeWatkins :-P
@NilsMunch I didn't downvote either the question or answer. I would've downvoted the question for not showing any research effort if I had votes left for today. Some people downvote answers to such questions to deter rewarding those questions.
@PaulCrovella Fair call Paul.
A: The Help Vampire problem

Andrew GrimmIt's all too easy to blame Help Vampires for problems in Stack Overflow. But it's not them, it's us. The people who feed them. If the question is an exact duplicate, let them know it's an exact duplicate. If the question is a trivial question about something from the standard library, don't fo...

@JoeWatkins You just elevated my answer to being the prime reason for world starvation? Im impressed.
Anything that calls me a vampire has my attention @ircmaxell ;)
no, it's not you that's the vampire
@NilsMunch You aren't the vampire, you're the one being eaten by the vampire...
@bwoebi actually... the crash happens every time I close the socket
/me hasn't read any questions/answers ...
:| I was hoping that experience to be much more Twilight-erotic...
But yeh... I see the point :)
@NilsMunch You're the blood donor.
Can i throw the fish from earlier at the approaching vampire ?
At least let me roll for initiative ;)
best service to host a core dump?
(also, i deleted the answer. Maxell made a good point)
@FlorianMargaine what's up?
3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@bwoebi actually... the crash happens every time I close the socket
opening an issue
just seen. will try.
I just need to host the core dump somewhere and I hit the submit button
@bwoebi tell me if you need the core dump
could reproduce myself. … don't need a core dump
dunno if you reproduce on master too
anyway, leaving it up to you now. good luck :P
And just read the instructions of this room @JIGNESH Use pastie.org to paste the code here
@JIGNESH Your code is in pHP and asking to .net people?

I have I asked but they Told me ask to go room of C#

Just code
Just code
@JIGNESH your question relates to?
@justcode & @varsha told me
@JIGNESH I think you need to review yourself what is question and where to ask .... you can clearly gets idea from room name so why you're asking randomly?
Can we agree that is_set($val) will return true, if ANY kind of value is set in $val ? Even if $val = false ?
@NilsMunch no. for one it's isset() and for two it'll return false if the value is null
Hey I am trying to build an open source api stress testing tool and I have devised an algorithm for that .need help
even if iterate through a loop and call the api 1000 times will that work??
@NilsMunch can you help me with this?
I wouldn't imagine that it would be that effective a method, because you're not controlling the concurrency of requests to the API
@DiljitPR Read zedshaw.com/essays/programmer_stats.html - particularly the "Power-of-Ten Syndrome" section
@JoeWatkins my thoughts, exactly :D
@PaulCrovella Okay. But false and null are not the same :) Im having some trouble remembering which functions have underscore and which do now. especially isset vs. is_null
@PaulCrovella Rarely have i seen such a compelling headline on an article :)
Hi guys
Greetings and salutations
@MarkBaker you mean i have to put that piece of code inside a thread ??

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