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@DaveRandom could you create a directory for me in phpdoc ?
@JoeWatkins Sure, but don't you already have access?
got karma everywhre right ?
I do yeah but takes forever to setup ...
(assume you have it setup already)
OK well iirc the OE throws up over empty dirs, have you got any files to add to it?
work if you put an empty file in and then I can edit with OE ?
I'll sort of mash it together from things I find laying around ... I hate xml ...
@JoeWatkins k
Does anyone know a good router that selects the closest route? e.g if theres a route like "/app/programs/5" and the request was "/app/programs/5///dfhdf//47/blabla" it will go for that route? I am using Aura router, and there is no way that I know of to do that without modyfing it, sadly
@BenBeri use a wildcard at the end? or do you want it to do some magic?
Also, how would the user end up on an url like that?
EVERYONEZZZZ: can you give good suggestions for them of Bachelor's thesis about PHP
What's wrong here lol.
public $cachePath = "c/";
public function createNewUser($user = "", $pass = "") {
$dir = md5($user . $pass);
$cacheInfoPath = $this->cachePath . $dir . "/cache.si";
$cachePath = $this->cachePath . $dir . "/cache.sc";
if(!file_exists($this->cachePath . $dir)) {
$inputString = "[Username:$user]\n[Password:" . md5($pass) . "]\n[Dir:$dir]";
$fp = fopen( $cacheInfoPath , "a+" );
fwrite($fp, $inputString);
return $cacheInfoPath;
} else return;

Warning: fopen(c/5488a30062f05370796d039002838ab3/cache.si) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such
@tereško yes, finish my compiler project. should be easy for any 3rd year CS student
"about Recki" was not accepted =)
@tereško seriously?
Also whitespace error @JoeWatkins
@ircmaxell yeah , the guy is not that smart
thanks @DaveRandom
how long does OE take to catch up usually?
aw fanx, you done the files for me :)
I just committed the rest ... so ... wait for everything to blow up ...
.oO( wondering if setGarbage() should accept a bool arg @JoeWatkins )
that would imply is is safe to setGarbage(true) and setGarbage(false) it's not, and doesn't make sense to try ...
OK then
Didn't look at what it actually does any more than setting the prop value
@DaveRandom @JoeWatkins also, why is there a FREE_ZVAL after the dtor... ?
well spotted ...
why is there a dtor at all is also a good question ...
typo! zend_is_garbage(true)
also, what is that #if abomination you are using there?
That is, why are your header and source files both combined into the header and use preprocessor magic?
me keeping headers and implementation of class files in one file ...
I like some magic ...
I want to write a bash script for yes
to basically parse the last git message (did you mean blah) and replace the last command with blah. So:
$ git stats

  did you mean status?

$ yes
// runs git status
but what if you want the real yes?
@ircmaxell lol
yeah, I know
I could call it dammit
So, @JoeWatkins @NikiC and @bwoebi (along with everyone else that's interested), does this doc sum up resolving enough? github.com/google/recki-ct/blob/master/doc/5_phi_resolving.md AKA: does it make what's happening clear?
3 mins ago, by ircmaxell
$ git stats

  did you mean status?

$ yes
// runs git status
dont try this at home
@JoeWatkins Yay! You fixed it: Passed: google/recki-ct#30 (master - 6ffb17c)
Varients are implemented already ?
> If the types are incompatible, resolving them becomes MUCH harder. This isn't implemented yet, but here are a few approaches that I'm considering:
oh yeah ...
seems okay to me .. I'll read it more carefully later :)
course materials arrived a while ago for first module ...
What topic did you pick?
Computing and IT Practice
posted on September 12, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Oldskool */

What does that involve? Sounds more like support desk from the title.
@JoeWatkins very cool, what's it entail?
Can I do in `string sprintf ( string $format [, mixed $args [, mixed $... ]] )`
** sprintf("Hey %s how are %s?", array("Thomas", "you")) ** ?
@Fabien @ircmaxell
Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /mnt/web-data1/symbiant_cz/public_html/spsd14/db.php on line 10
first off, don't ping people directly
I was about to type the answer to your question, but if you're going to be rude about it...
I didn't know if you are afk ;) So I've pinged
bit of everything really, software, firmware, programming embedded things, looking at ethical and social issues around the development of such technology ... this is all in the first module, so I imagine a small amount of each of that ... haven't read the guides yet but that's what I've come across so far ...
@TomášAresakMalčánek room-11.github.io
one of those came ... sounds like a cool idea ...
@ircmaxell I know you and Fabien are here very long and you are very active and one of the best here.
The same as tereško
So I know that you know the answer
Isn't this the same but with array? http://php.net/manual/en/function.vsprintf.php
Edit: it is :)
hmmm... now with kickban, I'm not sure if I should kick or ignore users... :-)
is it a kick or a ban?
@Fabien "kick-mute"
@Fabien short ban, 60 seconds
@ircmaxell yes, looks fine
Nice. Though I doubt we would use it much in here. The JS room however.
I think I'm going to blog about this stuff, doing that research myself was a nightmare (and some of it I had to derive myself as well)
not sure if detached from original thoughts ?? you mean about recki ?
Yeah, compiler theory is pretty low on accessible documentation ;)
@JoeWatkins more specifically the details of the compiler and SSA form...
@NikiC which is why I tried to do a decent job documenting it...
although I may be rewriting a large part of the compiler
Igor has been reading on CPS (Continuation Passing Style), which is really closely related to SSA... And we've been talking about moving the compiler to use that instead
which makes certain optimizations MUCH easier (function inlining becomes essentially free)...
@ircmaxell why?
@ircmaxell oh, I get what you mean here. You want your IR to use CPS?
the graph representation more specifically, but yeah
it would still use SSA, but as a subset of CPS...
Yeah, I understand what you mean better now. For some reason I thought you wanted to encourage CPS in the language, lol.
oh, no...
That should explain my "why?" haha.
yeah :-P
    // some processing
    return function(val){
         // do processing, kill yourself, sacrifice a goat, obtain new value
})(function(... // I've actually seen people queue this way in JS before
It's not an unreasonable way to escape 'callback hell' if you don't kow any better... just ugly
interesting stuff ...
In the beginning was the
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
seems unfair ...
@DaveRandom I still don't see new folders in OE ... what's the crack ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ugly like javascript thenables lol?
@JoeWatkins not sure how it works in terms of how long it takes to update tbh /cc @salathe
nobody complained the build is broken yet then ?
@rdlowrey lol, such promises fail. I spotted 3 times they needlessly nest there in a glance haha.
It's depressing to see things like that in real code for real things like mozilla.
@rdlowrey it actually contains some of the more common promise anti patterns.
@JoeWatkins No, it gets built for mirrors in the middle of the night on Fridays iirc
Go ping bjori in #php.doc if you're worried
/me is going to the pub
@DaveRandom drink one for me!
or five.
return a().then(function(res){
    return b(res).then(function(res2){
         return c(res2).then(function(res3){
            // do end something with res3.
@rdlowrey will do :-P
That's insane, why would they do that -_-
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because naming functions wastes precious keystrokes? :-P
have fun doing drinking @DaveRandom
@ircmaxell lol
// what they did
return a().then(function(res){
    return b(res).then(function(res2){
         return c(res2).then(function(res3){
            // do end something with res3.

// what they should have done:

return a().then(function(res){
    return b(res);
     return c(res2);
    // do end something with res3.

Or in their code, in some places they could just do:

   // do something with res
also: @JoeWatkins why aren't you in #reckict on freenode? there really aren't many people there, but still :-D
@ircmaxell actually I often just forget to open rooms again, miss something important while being offline etc. I really prefer talking here about recki ;-)
that's fine, we can talk here as well :-)
Yes, short of things I don't want permanently indexed by Google I strongly prefer SO chat to IRC.
Will be spending a sexy Friday evening writing code. Lunch. AFK. Happy Friday all.
@ircmaxell Recki-CT actually doesn't support any arrays yet?
well, not access to arrays, no
you can pass in a constant-typed array int[], and it will be represented, but you can't do anything other than call count() on it today
Okay, then I'm not going to put my focus too much on arrays now with the references.
yeah, I wouldn't... that's likely going to change as well...
and who knows, overall the entire thing may change if we port the backend to LLVM...
I need to do a project for an online ad company. It does pay pretty decent, but I can't help feeling like I'm working for the enemy
you are
yeah :(
I have gotten booze to either celebrate or drink away the fact :P
@ircmaxell backend, yeah. but the steps until IR will remain I assume.
looks like I have naturally moved to TDD approach
it only took a fucking year
Then you made something wrong. You never should have ended up there.
i have begun using tests to design the behavior and API
I'm persuaded, without TDD, you iterate more often about your API design. You give it more thought. With TDD, you write the tests once, and then the API will remain pretty stable...
let's put it this way: it depends on usecase
Maybe. But then you also don't need tests generally.
I wasn't joking.
yes, you do not need them, but they kinda help in the critical parts .. hell nobody else is writing test in this company and they still manage to shit ship something
If TDD is really useful, you probably also don't have critical parts.
^^ Freudian slip
@bwoebi haha
Q: PHP: Variable function name called ; How to tell IDE my function is called?

niconoeI'm currently trying to remove all errors and warnings I have in my project the Inspection tool from my PHPStorm give to me. I encounter a snippet PHPStorm says "Unused private method _xxx" while it's actually used, but in a dynamical way. Here is a simplifyed snippet: <?php class A { priva...

@ircmaxell because I'm a terrible terrible person
This is getting more popular: IDE DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT
@PeeHaa haha
@PeeHaa IDe drIven develOpmenT
I see what you did there
who's igorw?
@FlorianMargaine It's some Wiedler.
is he in this room? :)
Used to be a lot
not much anymore ... he came once to get help with a php-src patch ... he never returned ...
he got the kind of job where you have to work for a living I guess ...
a real tragedy ...
I do work sometimes ...
@JoeWatkins really? take care of your health when you do so, I heard it's really bad for it
if i use mysqli prepared statements, it doesn't need to sanitize data?
like, tchernobad
nah, not really ...
@JanakaRRajapaksha Depends what you are trying to prevent
if I'm writing code for something it's all good basically ... and am nearly always doing that really ... even when discussing issues of the day with you lot ...
> if I'm writing code [...] it's all good basically
how pretentious
then if use PDO?
not really sure what the boundaries are to be honest ... I asked the other day if I could work on github stuff during the work day sometimes for an hour ... I got "yeah, sure, we'll let you know if there's anything urgent, crack on" ... so seems like I really am okay if some code is getting written ...
@JanakaRRajapaksha Depends on what you are trying to prevent
if tries to prevent sql inject?
Howdy everyone,
Im stumped;
I might ask if it's okay to go jetskiing during the work day ... :D
$xml = simplexml_load_string($resp);
$NetWeight = $xml->Body->GetPalletWeight; //This equals ~300
$NetWeight = $NetWeight+50;
as research of course ...
@JoeWatkins Better don't. I doubt you will survive it :P
echo $NetWeight only outputs 50
good point ... probably saved my life there @PeeHaa ... thnx
Any time :-)
@YourAdrenalineFix Then it sounds like the initial $NetWeight does not equal what you think it equals
@cspray If I take out $NetWeight = $NetWeight+50; it outputs 300
I want to add 50 to it before it outputs to the browser
for packing materials
@YourAdrenalineFix Does it output an integer 300? It appears that you may be working with some string that winds up being cast to 0
I think it DOES return a string
Well, does the string look like '300'?
ain't that a b(&^
If the string is really just "300" then your code should work
Infact it returns a string such as: $305.19 With the $
And there you go
which I was trying to tack 50 onto
Would i have to progmatically remove the "$", then cast it to an int, then add 50, then...
You should be able to simply remove the "$"... the $NetWeight + 50 will implicitly cast the string
And your example output is a float
And is also money
fuck this, I am going home
...to do more work on the vpn
@tereško Every day, ever.
@rdlowrey "please delete me" will eventually happen for me.
You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
@PeeHaa sounds like a +1 to the library :D
yep :) I'm searching in flickr cc :)
@JoeWatkins :-X
@bwoebi true, but what we pass, and how we pass it may chance, due to abstractions and tradeoffs
@JoeWatkins not quite...
@bwoebi that's funny
3 messages moved to bin
Read the first paragraph of getcomposer.org/doc/articles/… - does that strike anyone else as weird, and mildly inappropriate.
@Danack You mean the shameless plug and use it use it use it tone?
Hey guys how could I flash a message that data has been inserted in Laravel ?
How to make it fancy as Module\Netta and not like Netta\Netta pastie.org/9548605
More the 'Satis doesn't do everything you need and the we're not going to either implement them or accept PR for them so why not pay us cash money'.
In core I just pass get parameter of success, how to do that in Laravel
No one uses Laravel here.
so what you fellas use ?
Oh thats great :)
sorry to disturb ya
Javascript atm, but please don't tell anyone
@Danack what about it?
1 min ago, by Danack
More the 'Satis doesn't do everything you need and the we're not going to either implement them or accept PR for them so why not pay us cash money'.
@Danack where do you see it say that
@Shashi no framework tutorial (still in the works...)
@ircmaxell They don't tag versions of Satis or Composer which makes it harder to write software that depends on either of them: github.com/composer/satis/issues/85
And my assumption is based on other PR that have been denied as well.
tbh I can totally understand his situation - the fact that people refuse to pay for software that is a vital part of their work is stupid.
But it's still weird.
@Danack why were they denied?
and if you care, fork it and maintain your own tags
Looks like apple have their heads screwed on right - they called it "iPhone 6" instead of "iPhone 7"! #php
@Patrick nice! I like it
I'd just offer several libraries, even if you only show with one
@FlorianMargaine Will do. Good point.
that may be in a footnote or something as to not disturb the tutorial's pace, but it's nice to further prove your point that "you have the choice"
@ircmaxell Apple can't math
@ircmaxell I don't like criticising people directly when I have obviously failed to understand their position, and this maybe something to discuss at phpnw - but honestly i disagree with a lot of decisions that both nadermann and seldaek have made, leading to me thinking that either they have reasons for making those decisions that I can't see, or they are fucking nuts.
@Danack again, then fork it ;-)
@ircmaxell Or make it better....with blackjack, and strippers, and the ability to upload to S3!
Will be announcing this properly in a few days - github.com/danack/bastion
What's got two thumbs and is writing documention?
<-- this guy.
I can only see one thumb
that's so... ugh
btw @ircmaxell I did ask directly the other day on twitter ....no reply...
btw @ircmaxell I did ask directly the other day on twitter ....no reply...
Also I have a shitty internet connection.
PHP License Question: I have a small project licensed with new bsd and named "php-enum". Does this name conflict with the PHP license or is it OK?
If you didn't, you couldn't have sent 2 identical messages
Yes, it has php in the name.
@Danack That's the second time I see that happening. Isn't it chat instead?
But will php care much? Probably not.
@PeeHaa It happens when they change something
@mabe.berlin Unless you bundle or derive php source code, no
@Fabien but "Enum for PHP" or "enum-php" would be OK ?
That jokes actually works on two levels - they probably have changed something.
@mabe.berlin I believe the only limitation is that you cannot trademark your project or stop someone from using the same name.
But otherwise no1curr.
The naming provision is there so you can not fork the codebase and release a project called "super-php" or similar. It does not disallow you from having php in an extension name
but of course, ianal :=)
you're anal?
@NikiC thanks
@ircmaxell :D
Is it possible to implement a new regular expression syntax with the new AST in PHP7 and let regular expressions be compiled on compile time incl . cached by opcache? Like it's done in JS.
PCRE expressions are cached as well...
they are cached in a small buffer and compiled at runtime
no, I mean PHP keeps a compile cache of regex as well, albiet at runtime
should the opcache not be more effextive? free memory if regex no longer needed etc.
If you're using any webserver then each PHP process will actually process hundreds of requests before it is destroyed and recreated. So any pcre is cached for hundreds of requests already....having it cached 4ever would be a tiny improvement with huge overhead (permanent storage of the pcre objects).
and get an PHP compile error if there is an error in regexp
if we had a generalized inter-process cache (opcache, but generalized not just for opcodes), then yes. Why not compile and hold between requests. But then you need to implement a GC process to evict memory, etc
@mabe.berlin "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things and off by one errors."
@Danack I know ;)
Having a PHP application server that didn't require the huge effort of recreating and destroying the environment on every request would be a way, way bigger win than worrying more about regexes.
@Charles partially agree, not not fully
@ircmaxell shiny
Is someone abl to help me a bit. I am not able anymore to take SQL backuups with phpmyadmin because the DB is getting too large.
What are other options?
@Duikboot Is the problem disk space or script timeout / mem limit or something like that?
I guess timeout.
@ircmaxell What are your thoughts? I mean, other than there obviously being other, smaller in effort/scope things that would also be faster.
Either up the limits or use the cli
@Duikboot Use the cli and mysqldump / xtrabackup.
How do big sites handle that with DB's around 500mb?
@Charles its not php that is not suited to infinite execution, it's php programmers ...
@Charles well, I mean that the shared-nothing approach has certain huge advantages. And I think that there's other ways of reducing that overhead that doesn't get rid of shared-nothing
@JoeWatkins I dunno, there are some PHP "programmers" that are suitable to being executed infinitely. Oh, wait, I misread that didn't I....
@Duikboot they don't use phpmyadmin :)
@ircmaxell That is true, yes.
I guess already something like that
compiling regex is the least of that, so no, I wouldn't waste effort on it
I was just trying to say that it's possible ;-)
But I thinkt hey generate automatic backups every day/hour/..
@Duikboot cron
and / or master/master
@Duikboot Yes, that'd be done via routine cron-based backups... probably from a read-only replication slave because taking backups can be a real performance drag.
A cron with a sql command to backup - dump the db?
@Duikboot Not with SQL, no. With the mysqldump program or the xtrabackup program.
or just run it when there is little load, for example around 2am for most ecommerce sites
I still want to do my HTTPKernel SAPI idea...
And then backup to an external source is the best option I guess?
Would you create a seperate user for backups with read-only options?
To prevent mistakes/ -- When I export the SQL but not creating the zip from PHPMyAdmin I got a 70MB file. ( when I ZIP it it's only about 6mb) sweet|
@PeeHaa dam you
@Duikboot A mysql-level backups-only reads-everything user would be a good idea, yes.
Allright thanks for the tips.
> but i am not good in english and it is important
I hate these kind of people...
oh boy. The dutchies are going to the ukraine again...
Yeah now we are going to know why the plane faceplanted...
I am using teresko's router, trying to make my pattern support mysite.com/ and mysite.com without slash, Tried [^/]+ but no affect, any ideas?

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