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I'm at last at a device that has a real keyboard
hello guys
is there anyone who can help me with something?
i have this code, and i like:
$encoded_question = $_GET['q'];
$question_byte_array = base64_decode($encoded_question);
$decoded_question = var_dump($question_byte_array);
i need to decode a question "string"
but decoded_questions is = string(9) "Intrebare"
an i need to get there the clean decode question
@KraziiKiiD Why isn't "Intrebare" what you want? What are you expecting instead?
yes is that
but i get it with this var_dump
i need to get it only the word
without quotes and any other things
Erm - the value of question_byte_array is "Intrebare", var_dump is just telling you that it is a string. If you just want to use it as the string just use the variable $question_byte_array e.g. echo $question_byte_array; will print "Intrebare" to the screen.
allright, thank you, "btw, im new in php" =]
I can tell ;)
Still dealing with value vs representation issues?
im very good in c#, but php is x_x
Going from C# to PHP sounds like a nightmare.
Give Haskell a try. It’ll change the way you write programs.
@rightfold hey! I like your "about me".
Me too.
I love lisps.
Nested for life.
I want to write a decent project in lisp. Last one I wrote was quickly abandoned.
Never used Common Lisp.
Clojure is nice, though.
Fewer parentheses and more data structures.
I don't mind parentheses
I didn't like the square brackets of clojure though.
With rainbow parentheses and ParEdit they’re nice.
it's still nice though
@rightfold I've found paredit to be bothering me, and disabled it lately. Maybe I didn't master it enough.
sometimes it breaks the parentheses and you have to disable it to manually fix the code. Deleting stuff is a PITA too.
Never happened to me.
It’s pretty much “your parens are always correct and that’s guaranteed” for me.
Which editor did you use?
coming up with a dumb question is actually hard
Dumb questions don’t exist. Except most Stack Overflow questions. They are very dumb.
@rightfold emacs
Emacs owns.
yes, it does.
I wish it could talk to SO chat... tried it once, I could send messages, but the websockets libraries I've found were clunky.
@rightfold well, I use slime.
and you know what's fun? I can use slime to connect to my window manager, stumpwm, and change it live. Like, in the REPL, I change my window borders and stuff. It's fun.
REPL-based GUI development is awesome.
Works with Swing rather nicely.
Even though Swing sucks.
oh, didn't think of that. Must be fun
If the button looks wrong you just change it and hit return.
No need to recompile the program, start it again and navigate back to the button.
I especially like lisp's single function compilation
clojure has that too? it's nice
Clojure has a REPL.
I don’t know what you mean by single function compilation.
well, being able to recompile a single function
Not sure.
You can rebind vars.
So you can say (def f x) and later (def f y) in the REPL.
But it doesn’t change a (def g f) that may exist.
Hi Nikita. :3
yeah, that's the same
although most lisp implementations compile functions, so you end up recompiling a function and rebinding it
sorry about the confusion.
I don’t know how compilation in Clojure works.
Ahead-of-time compilation is optional and only for performance.
one quick question
return mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT field FROM database WHERE field2 = '$field2'"));
where is here the error?
@KraziiKiiD please learn to use PDO or MySQLi
The error is in using mysql_result instead of PDO.
i guess is after the first ")" need some ","
No, it’s in using a terrible API that doesn’t support prepared statements.
Use PDO or MySQLi and look up prepared statements and binding parameters.
hmm ok
> Controller: here main logic functionality runs
Meh, “MVC” that isn’t actually MVC at all.
sigh so tired from annoying ads in all manga readers (that's because I'm always reading from mobile and that sh*t always tries to open my AppStore to show that crappy apps & other ads)
hello, I have some problems with htaccess. I have been trying to fix it all day but I could not. Can anyone help me ? Thanks
Hello, I have a problem, but I am too lazy to write the question out until some says that they will help me. sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
yeah that is what I am trying to achieve. to get some help but noone answers here
joke ===>
i did not click that link -_-
RewriteRule ^post/(.*)?/(.*)/$ view.php?type=post&title=$1&id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^post/(.*)?/(.*)$ view.php?type=post&title=$1&id=$2 [L]

that works great unless a user does not write / in the title of the post since in the url it is shown as %2F. In this case the page does not open. I searched and none of the solutions on the web did not work, except for inserting allowencodedslashes on (i do not remember the command correctly) in the httpd.conf but according to that i have to modify all url in the script. any suggestion for me
@zeeks (.*)? is your problem
By placing the ? outside the capture group, you are not making the * ungreedy, you are making the capture group optional
well i added it like 10 mins ago. even without it, does not work
Also, you can do that in one rule by doing /? at the end (optional trailing slash)
@zeeks without what?
/me has lost my beer somewhere around the house and cannot find it
without ? Like this

RewriteRule ^post/(.*)/(.*)/$ view.php?type=post&title=$1&id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^post/(.*)/(.*)$ view.php?type=post&title=$1&id=$2 [L]
@zeeks Yeh you need a question mark, you just put it in the wrong place. You need to make the * ungreedy, not make the capture group optional
(.*)? does not mean the same thing as (.*?)
so, I went to an emergency dentist last night because pain was so bad ... they advised I arrange a diabetes test when I said over the last 6 months my mouth is in constant pain ...
Yeh that sounds pretty unawesome
brother and mother both have type 2, brother is 2 years my senior most of the year round ... I think I see where it's going ... I wonder if there's any point in having a test ...
say something logical that I cant argue with, I obviously need to take this test ...
I'm reasonably certain they don't hand out insulin to people because they are "pretty sure" they have diabetes
what do you mean ?
Meaning that if you have diabetes, it's probably a decent plan to have the tools available to make sure you don't, y'know, die
Although from what I know about diabetes it's pretty unintrusive when managed properly, it could be a shitload worse
Three times nested array access ftw :-D
Also @JoeWatkins it could just be that you don't look after your teeth properly
By which I don't mean that you don't brush your teeth, there's all kinds of complicated shit involved
Like using the wrong toothpaste/brushing techniques for your mouth. I had no idea it was as complicated as it is, but my mum was a dental secretary for a few years and there's load of really simple shit you can do to make a massive difference (apparently)
yeah it could I guess ... I need to get it done I guess ... only ... I'm not dead, dont' have to medicate myself or fret over what I eat or do ... in the last 6 months I haven't slept, eaten or functioned properly, I've been under extreme pressure ... my general state of health could also be explained by that ...
@JoeWatkins Indeed it could, but you could also have cause and effect the wrong way round there, stress has all kinds of unexpected physical manifestations
I get really bad skin
Well actually I generally just have really bad skin, but it gets a lot worse when I'm stressed
but tbh if it is diabetes it could spell a huge improvement in your quality of life very quickly if you start managing it properly
that's true
I had a couple of troublesome fillings, but my teeth were alright until a few months ago and I didn't change how I cared for them ...
bad wisdom teeth and a couple of bad fillings ...
now I'm in constant, nearly unbearable pain ... it actually makes me cry, not hysterically, but unstoppable ... they gave me codydramol, it's taken the edge off ...
and amoxycillin ...
They think you have an infection?
abscesses in three areas
Jesus, yeh that's not going to be doing you any favours
I've never heard of diabetes causing tooth pain but I guess it must be a red flag marker
I think it makes you piss a lot as well?
the fast deterioration and family history provoked her to say I should have a test ...
so does tea though, and I do love tea ... so I do piss a lot, but thought it was that ...
and I'm tired all the time, but smoke, a lot ...
I get a butt ton of fillings too. Apparently things like eating or drinking certain things not long before brushing your teeth essentially nulls the action. Juice for instance.
@JoeWatkins that's mostly a symptom of having children I think
Diabetes exists on my fathers side of the family, heart disease too. I do a fair amount to keep myself healthy so I am less at risk.
You can get a diabetes test in ASDA these days at the pharmacy counter. For free.
They say go in in the morning when you haven't eaten.
Though I can't attest to accuracy.
@Fabien I initially read that as "you can get diabetes at ASDA"
That too.
which is probably also true
All my local ASDAs have branches of McDs actually in them
Wow. That's bad.
I used to be near one that did ...
does anyone here live in USA?
It's ever since Walmart bought them out
we do have an asda, I'll go there tomorrow ...
I've cut way back on sugar snacks. I drink a lot more water. Fortunately never got in to smoking. And despite how much we talk about it, I really only get drunk about 1-3 times a year.
Other than that I don't drink.
@JoeWatkins what, for a McDs? :-P
@zeeks No, UK, as it @Fabien and @JoeWatkins
hehe ... nah I'll take the test ... I guess I need to know ...
Saying that, I have a had a blood clot and currently have had a fracture that's persisted over almost 2 years. Fuck me right? :P
I really want to fix that message but it will ping 3 people again if I do
permission granted @DaveRandom
UK is fine. I would like to study to USA or UK for computer science, but I am an international student. Which university would you recommend me? I can not afford the school, so I look for a full scholarship
@JoeWatkins I can think of many, many things that are a lot worse to have, and I know that if I did have it I'd want to be able to manage it
fire away.
Yes the key thing about diabetes is to know you have it. As dumb as that sounds.
@zeeks Manchester is the greatest city on earth, bar none
Not knowing can be costly.
Nah, not even going there @DaveRandom
is there any good university @DaveRandom
only the best on the planet ...
but they aren't free ...
Manchester used to have what was technically 4 universities, I think it's now offically 3
why do you need to change countries to study ?
Or 2 (depends if you count Salford)
because my country sucks.
i live in albania
Foreign university students pay crazy prices here btw.
here is no school. technically around 10000 universities
I mean, university isn't cheap in many countries but worth noting.
but you learn nothing
the teachers are corrupted
no condition
where do you live fabien?
That said, I don't have a degree and don't feel like I need one
I wish I had one ...
I have an irrelevant one.
but noone hires you without a degree
@JoeWatkins I sort of do, but I don't feel like I'm at a huge disadvantage without one, working in tech
ircmaxell has no degree in computer science and works for google ...
Good for obnoxiously winning pop-Psychology arguments though.
we all of us have jobs ...
@Fabien Yeh that would be useful in my house
University is for jobs that require masters or Phd's IMO. Generalisation but I can relate.
Why did I go to University? 3-years delayed responsibility.
The jobs that require a degree are generally at companies I don't want to work for
who is this ircmaxell ?
Crucially, I also don't owe the state £30,000
i do not have a job, i am 17 :p
My debt was only 12G. I got in the year before they tripled.
@Fabien I got that, without having to do the whole work/debt thing
it wouldn't necessarily get me a better job, but the opportunity to do it has gone ... which I regret ... lots ...
I basically bummed around until I was like 23
Left school at 17, took a shitload of drugs and worked menial jobs and lived at home
@DaveRandom heh you got more bumming done than I did then.
It worked out well for me
@Fabien <insert gay joke here>
I never finished school ...
Yup :P
do you all work in programming companies or programming is just a hobby for you guys?
I work at a Digital Agency.
@JoeWatkins Define "school" though. You presumably have GCSEs?
No degree required.
where do you live? @Fabien
Southampton, UK.
take on me?
@JoeWatkins That seems kinda weird. Generally the people who don't even have GCSEs are the total retards
I don't have A levels
Or geniuses.
@Fabien lol
I sort of want to actually finish my A levels at some point, I did half of it, seems like kind of a waste of a year
Seriously though, no employer has ever given a flying fuck about my A-Levels or GCSEs. I'm fairly sure my Psychology degree landed me a job as a security guard at the job centre.
@DaveRandom You can just pay to take the exams.
I'm fairly confident I could pass an A level computing exam right now
Oracle SQL is an A-Level these days.
General Studies
My A level subjects were physics, maths, chemistry and... er... german
I definitely couldn't pass those without a fair amount of work
chemistry sucks. i hate it
P.E., History, Oracle SQL and Sociology.
I failed the Oracle one BTW
in my country you can get an A if you give the professor 300 euros in his hand
@Fabien That's a really odd group
My teacher told me to seek a non-academic field at University. Man, fuck that guy.
I made terrible choices ...
@DaveRandom Yup. PE because I am good at sport. History/Sociology for interest. Oracle because computers.
@zeeks The question is, can you get one without doing that?
I sucked at school though. A-Levels were C D D. C in PE.
GCSEs were A, B and the rest Cs
i can but I will not get it, because the professor never gives you the mark you deserve
@zeeks That's kind of what I was getting at
Is Albania in the EU yet?
oh yes
Either way, thank god our industry doesn't typically care about academics.
i forget
we got the status in june
Programming, land of the smart and/or the above average lazy people.
"candidate" status, wtf does that even mean?
Either you are a member of something or you are not
i do not know, we are supposed to complete some tasks and then the member of EU will decide
but mostly we are in, i guess
even though i do not want
it will be bad for my country
albanians are stupid. they do not think a lot
@Fabien in my experience, academia can be a hindrance in almost all areas of practical tech
they hear eu, wow we must join them
Outdated teachers for something in programming.
@zeeks I'm not so sure about that, things will recover
hope so
I'm quite a big fan of the EU in principle, it's still pretty new in relative terms, there are still a few creases to iron out
remember when albania was ready to get the weapons of syria
chemical weapons
This is not a popular opinion in this country at the moment because a lot of people in this country seem to be utter fucktards, and another large chunk are patriotic to a pointless degree
No wait...
We are basically the US but smaller
nearly 100 students made a protest in front of the prime minister and he decided not to take them
I look at the average television schedule and I understand why the arab world hates the western world
anyway, america is better than the whole europe
They just need to learn how to express their views without killing people
and we hate the arab world
Let's all just talk about how nice Canada and Finland are.
and Japan <3.
Canada really is an awesome place
I have never been to either of the other two
Finland appeals to me though
as does Iceland
Been to Canada, will go to Finland eventually.
hahah and switzerland
The Swiss are grumpy bastards
Norway too.
have you ever met an albanian in manchester? there are thousands in uk
@Fabien My parents are in Norway atm, hanging out with the British ambassador because they're all jet-set and shit
(one of their very old friends is married to her)
Watching Lilyhammer makes me want to go to Norway.
@DaveRandom There was an imminent terrorist threat warning there the other day.
@zeeks Probably. In many areas of Manchester white-british is decidedly in the minority
i have learnt american english for 8-9 years. do you think it would be a problem for me if I study in England?
There's very little difference apart from spelling
Setting your text editor to English UK will pick it up.
yeah i barely understand an english man when he is speaking
Don't go to Ireland or Scotland then.
@zeeks That's just because we talk nonsense
Or South-east London.
yeah i have heard that are like 100 dialects in london
Yeh we have an insane number of localised accents in a very small area
Very different accents as well
I have no idea why that is
Geordie is terrible.
that's quite a strange thing ...
maybe the big number of emmigrants from different countries
Very likely has something to do with it, the history of the UK is basically the history of other people coming and invading
And then eventually we got pissed off with it and went and "colonised" most of the planet
Don't forget our civilising the world. Yeah that ^
i do not think so, albania has been invaded all the time and we still speak albanian
Which is totally just a polite way of saying "invade"
yeah we done a fair amount of civilizing ...
> Do you have a flag?
Tea and crumpets motherfucker! Do you English?
yeah we do
it is the best flag, since all others are made from just colors
few flags have pictures in ...
Negative @zeeks
Wales has the best flag.
Yeh, dragons ftw
Dragon > Radioactive Ostrich.
There need to be more flags with cats
are you from wales?
pets at home today, bearded dragons, want one ...
Room 11's flag needs a cat tag @salathe
@JoeWatkins They're good for taking care of the spiders.
/cc @webarto ^^
that is an eagle. albania is famous as land of eagles
they are awesome to watch ...
even though you can see eagles only in north albania
Yeah, born in Wales. We're quite nationalistic. Not very bright, but we know it and we're proud anyway.
May 18 at 10:24, by DaveRandom
@Fabien Well, I do love a Welshman.
@JoeWatkins The problem with keeping reptiles, I'm told, is that they shit a lot and it is really rank
yeah i see. albanians are not better. in october we have a match against serbia
@DaveRandom + live crickets for food.
see what is going to happen
aww really
they are going to get burned
not literally of course
I don't mind that, if I'm going to keep some poor animal in a box then it will eat like a king ....
They can come out and play quite a lot. Cats might get curious.
@zeeks match of what, football?
And the bite is more of a pinch.
yes. euro 2016
Oh yeh @JoeWatkins have you still got all of the kittens?
only a little thing, aren't crickets quite big ?
yeah, I think we're keeping them all ... kids named them ...
You can get small ones.
nations change, most of the time violently ...
I named one ... I named it kitteh ... because I'm a growed up ...
Yup. There's around ~230 countries in the world. Number is never fixed too long.
@JoeWatkins You name things like my wife.
She calls rabbits things like 'Bunny-kins'
@ThW If there's one thing that western europe has figured out and has to give back to the rest of the world, it is that
we have another cat named pig ...
So you're saying there's no more unnamed kittens to be called 'Chairman Meow'?
I only okayed that name ...
@JoeWatkins I was going to say... if you still have all of them now, you have them all forever
they're not 12 weeks yet are they ?
you're meant to keep them till twelve weeks whatever aren't you ?
However you might have to get those ones done, you can't have 4 cats capable of reproducing around or you will have many more than 4 cats very quickly
they'll be done asap yeah ...
I always have to laugh if someone talk about a "German Nation"
@JoeWatkins seems like longer than that, maybe it's not though
@ThW Oh, you mean Austria? :-P
@DaveRandom hehe
I reckon if I had a litter of kittens I would either
A) Name them after evil dictators
B) Name them after Marvel/DC super heroes.

But it'd have to be in cat form. Lokitty. Chairman Meow. Kitty Jong Il. Iron Meow. Cat Widow.
@ThW are you doing any confs any time soon?
@Fabien A litre of kittens??
I will be at the PHPNW, and I got two talks for the IPC
Already edited sucka!
Im going there ... phpnw, apparently ...
@ThW oh sweet, I'll catch you at PHPNW I'm sure
(I may not be sober)
(I'm rarely sober)
@JoeWatkins Start looking at how you're getting there. Car, Train, Flight.
Latter two more so.
^ this
Also, any more good cat names based on dictators or superheroes?
Right so you'll be mid-afternoon at the earliest then

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