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@rdlowery create a filer rule for it...
@ircmaxell aha! thanks.
Also, you just became the go-to person for all my google product questions.
I am trying to show a javascript code under <p></p> but the javascript code is executing. i want to show the code.
@LeviMorrison woah, reddit got one right.
@LeviMorrison I think @NikiC is right here. When I zoom out two times the header looks much better…
@bwoebi I think I'm accustomed to large, spacious screens.
It looks great on all my devices. I need to start using a really small device to look at it.
@LeviMorrison I am on a large screen. (The 27" iMac one currently)
In that case it's a simple disagreement :D
In any case, I can make it smaller easily.
Making other stuff portions really utilize the new design will take more work and is more important.
There are usability things too.
Oh, I'm sure it's fine for mobile. But not for the PC. At least not as you want to spot most information at one without scrolling.
I don't have a problem with the navbar myself. I think the problem is there's nothing else on the page that grabs your attention.
@rdlowrey jup, and when the header is smaller it's not too disctracting
The headings get lost so the navbar takes over. Making the other important information appear more prominent would offset the header (which I like).
We need new stuff in the navigation bar, whether it is large or small.
A link to a live websocket PHP codepad ;)
So many things to do, so few hours in the day :/
@rdlowrey but I actually prefer reading text on a neutral background. Should be more the header which should be less distracting (on an absolute, not on a relative scale)
Perhaps lightening the background a touch and making the news headings slightly darker or bolder would be enough for me. Dunno. Have to see and I'm coding right now so I can't fiddle with the DOM :)
meh, I don't want to have the eyes on the headings, but on the text. Headings should grab your attention, not try to restrict it to themselves.
I continue, as always, to hate the elephant pics at the bottom.
I don't want to be the one to pull the plug on them.
shitstorm incoming or why?
I generally don't like tinkering with other people's babies, so to speak.
How does that look like for the header?
body > .navbar {
    line-height: 3.5rem;
    font-size: 1.2rem;
btw. @LeviMorrison when I look at other sites using a fixed header, yours is definitely the biggest header I've seen.
Btw it's not my style.
It's 100% ripped off from Google.
So just as an FYI: expect large headers around the web soon.
But yeah, I think 3rem is even better than 3.5
<-- fan of big, easy to read navigation.
3.5rem is just an odd size.
@LeviMorrison then you need a smaller nav to, else it's not centered anymore.
@rdlowrey agree, but there's a too big too.
@bwoebi Centered? Not sure what you mean.
@LeviMorrison vertically centered.
@bwoebi Oh, that's just a searchbox thing.
I really need to figure out why it needs special attention
And why the JS messes up its layout (or fixes it, not sure which)
Power's out :-|
Me thinks a vehicle took down a mainline
whats best way to name the array so i dont mix it with var' name
@DanLugg Is that a common occurrence? :)
@AMB What do you mean by "var' name" ?
i am using like this , $category_array while variables are like $category
@AMB Call it $categories.
i have seen some cms use underscore for arrays, is that a good practice like this , $_category is array while $category is variable
That's ridiculous.
$categories is an array of category items; $category is a single category item.
I'm using transaction in php to send 3 sqls to database.and i have a trigger event to the 2nd query.what would happened to the trigger event if 1,2,3 queries rollback when any error occurred ?
You don't simply ... propose an apache/httpd pr =/
Apparently not.
The related bug report is still in NEW ... gawd, they're as bad as Google.
@Jack wow that still hasn't been addressed. I remember when you sent that PR.
inorite ..
@rdlowrey btw, what's your take on type promotion of bool -> int when you do ++ on it?
I figured it be time to revive my rfc on the subject.
@Jack At least I'm expecting $bool++; => $bool = (int)$bool; $bool++;
@bwoebi Yes, I will not likely change that ... the question I'm curious about is whether it should silently do that, though
Observe this code.
All is well when strpos() returns an integer result; but things will obviously break down when it returns false.
Currently it causes an infinite loop and thus at some point a "time exceeded"
But type promotion won't make the result correct either; not likely in any case.
root# php -r '$b = false; var_dump(++$b);'
^ oh.
So I was thinking, dare I say it, to raise a notice when you attempt to ++ it (for the first time).
But when I looked at that code I immediately missed the === false check…
This will (hopefully) guide the dev to his/her bug.
@bwoebi Yeah, that was intentional heh
@Jack TBH I always assumed that would turn into an int like @bwoebi. Never knew it didn't.
Derick briefly mentioned that silent type promotion was not a good thing, back in '05.
Given the scalar behavior elsewhere I expect that to be promoted to int on increment.
@rdlowrey Yeah, so my RFC is about turning it into an int but I feel that ++ on a boolean shouldn't make sense as well.
At this point I fully embrace PHP's dynamic nature. I expect the type conversions to magically happen.
@Jack actually, I'd rather not touch that. Issuing a warning (yes, warning level) and not casting that one would be a good idea.
It will magically happen ... but my point is that a notice may help a developer find the bug more easily.
I hate notices ...
As do I ... but in this case, arithmetic operation on a boolean shouldn't be done imho.
It may be best to wait and see what happens with the scalar typehinting RFC stuff as there may be casting behavior you could mimic for consistency.
@Jack I'd rather leave it how it is than change it and add a notice.
And if I explicitly want that behavior it's exceedingly easy to manually cast it to (int) myself first.
@Jack that's actually a valid usage, I use that to multiply results. $sum += $val * $useIt; where $useIt is a bool.
@bwoebi I've done things like that.
(me too! me too!)
@bwoebi I didn't mean to say ALL arithmetic shouldn't be used, though I did think of it :)
The point is that all is well if you know what you're doing.
What I'm specifically try to achieve is that beginners get a fair warning that their unintended use of certain operators is not likely to achieve what they want.
Also, although I will advocate a notice, it will be something that can be voted upon separately in the RFC.
Also, there's a problem with bool auto-cast. Should it case to string or to integer? You can increment strings as you can integers. It becomes more and more ambiguous…
If you consider ++ to be += 1 ... then it's not very ambiguous.
Btw. as said, I'd prefer a warning as it definitely shouldn't be something you eventually do intentionally here. Notices are for me something appropriate for like $a[bar] instead of $a["bar"] where the dev does the former intentionally (though it's bad style).
@rdlowrey Yes, because you are not a beginner :)
@bwoebi Okay, warning instead of notice is something I can agree to.
@Jack This is true. I often worry that my opinions are a really poor approximation of what most PHP users want/need from the language.
I had some discussion with Ms Levy on this subject recently, so this gave me some time to think about what I wanted to do and how my RFC could be further improved so that it's not just a "current situation bad, me fix it now" argument.
Especially since there was a precedent.
Observe this '02 change made by Derick.
@Jack according to that change: $this = false; $this++; => $this === true… huh?!
During that time he and Andi decided this was a "Bad Idea (tm)" so it was reverted a few days later ...
@Jack which I agree with.
@bwoebi That's not how I read it .. it sets the data type to IS_LONG
@Jack only if the result is not 0 or 1.
Ohh you're right.
Yeah, so bad example perhaps ... it goes from false -> true -> int(2).
In any case, there was some kind of precedent heh
Also, why did you pick $this for your example variable? lol ... irrelevant.
@Jack I picked it and only then noticed that it was $this. ^^
okay, so raising a warning on this kind of dubious ++/-- operation is reasonable, then?
i haven't touched null -> int promotion though
Notes, Tips and Cautions: Before and After
Since incrementing null already works, it's harder to introduce warnings there.
@LeviMorrison in the After version, the heading of the box is much more visible (as the box is now not coloured) than in the before. I suggest to make it a bit smaller relatively to the other text.
@LeviMorrison While I do like the livelier colours on the After ... the colour scheme seems off somehow.
@bwoebi Make the title of the box smaller? Is that what you mean?
@LeviMorrison yep
a tiny bit.
Preferably titles aren't used at all.
@bwoebi Agreed; the problem is really a docbook renderer fix though.
I can make a todo in the CSS and size it down, though.
I need to keep track of all the 'do this only because the renderer needs changed' fixes.
Oh, thick coloured left border, how I've always loved you ...
or use display: none;
The titles don't provide much information here.
Technically valid, though :/
They just distract from the essential information in the text.
@LeviMorrison better. Not sure if it's a good idea, but try to maybe put "Tip" and "Performance" in one line?
@bwoebi Good idea; would require CSS trickery.
Need to be inline but break afterwards.
@LeviMorrison Just make these two inline-block, the text will anyway be in a new line as it's in a <p> which is display: block;.
@bwoebi Sadly, I'm not so sure about that last assumption :(
@LeviMorrison then make the h1+* { display: block; }
I'll go with the inline-block route and see if anything isn't in a <p> or other wrapping block tag.
Though, the top bar is still too big.
@LeviMorrison Hmm, without hyphen, colon, etc. in between "Tip" and "Performance" it looks a bit odd
@LeviMorrison Let's say it this way: the top bar is very nice. At least when you look at the page like you look at an image. I just find it too big when reading and scrolling.
@Jack grumble, gumble
@Jack I'd rather not add them there… Looks fine to me.
Then I would argue to remove "Tip" and "Caution" altogether ... the two terms next to each other just look dysfunctional.
This is my opinion of course.
@Jack I thought about it too, but not sure if it's a good idea.
If you consider colour blindness you mean? Maybe.
@Jack Using CSS this is impossible to do.
@LeviMorrison What's impossible?
You can't select "This tag which is followed by another"
Only "This tag follows this other one"
Hmm ... first child of container?
@LeviMorrison definitely needing css level 4 selectors
Here's where I'll end for tonight: PHP.net Before and After
ummm ... no
@LeviMorrison only if you remove the Notes heading and the colon after "Note"
It has taken a long time, but I'm starting to warm up to composer.
I feel like Winston at the end of 1984. I love Big Brother.
edit fail.
I wonder, how to find any inspiration for writing code
/me feels drained
and it's only 8AM
@rdlowrey I'm really afraid of the magic composer internally does…
@bwoebi Well the thing that is most concerning is composer's history of SSL/TLS failure.
I am afraid of crap that is inside PHPUnit ... that doesn't stop me from using it
I think it's largely fixed at this point, but I still wouldn't trust what you get from composer when executing under anything older than PHP 5.6
@tereško PHPUnit is for testing. There such things are acceptable.
phpunit is scary so that your code doesn't have to be.
@rdlowrey use composer to only load your own libs =D
I suspect that those both are a viable arguments in composer's case too nevermind .. I don't want to think
@Jack that's the only thing I use it for, actually :)
I just saw… even composer uses goto =)
Can anyone help me please
Q: Codeigniter pagination not working properly with ajax

JenzI am using pagination with Codeigniter in a page in my project. On page load of the page tickets.php, it calls a jquery function which is as shown below: Controller Function : function tickets() // function for view page tickets.php { if (!$this->tank_auth->is_logged_in(...

oh .. an the fucktard, who always turn on some terrible radio station, has arrived ... the joy
(puts on headphones) ... what radio?
very loud radio
is it digital radio?
I love google image searching fake girl pics on SO profiles. I had no idea how many people did that in an effort to get more help with their programming problems.
google image search is a little frightening.
@rdlowrey Hmm I personally prefer this kind of cute long hair girl ... but yeah, Google search can be quite scary :)
Anybody know how I tell composer to "use the latest master changes" for a repo if they aren't tagged?
Isn't that just dev/master or something?
dev-master I think. But when I do that then @DaveRandom's lib can't install because its composer.json think it has to have one specific tag in it.
Well, @DaveRandom and @Danack I'll get the composer stuff sorted tomorrow. The latest master branch of Alert is needed to make it go and I'm too tired to work it out now. If you want to look at examples (some of which are broken because of the alert dependency) just look at the new dev branch.
Oh, the whole thing is just 4k lines.
Well there's a lot of complex stuff that's been shipped out to dependencies at this point.
You'll notice that composer is now required to install
The submodules are gone -- they were becoming a hassle.
They can be useful if you only need to link to projects under your control, but since Chris did the async dns stuff that was no longer the case.
Anyway, I'm off to sleep. Catch you guys on the other side.
@rdlowrey by submodules you mean git submodule?
how to fetch lot of data from database in php it takes too much time
@rdlowrey What's going on in /vendor/composer ? That's fubar…
but mhm.
Hey guys, need some advice. I have a site loading products from amazon's API but sometimes get a burst of requests. Amazon limits 1 request per second from an IP. Now whenever I'm throttled, it sends at error 500 page, should I set error to 503 instead since if they reload the page it will work fine? I need more sales to increase my connection limit sadly, but it's a catch 22 haha. So for SEO 503 instead of 500? User experience is kinda crappy on that part but can't figure out an alternative.
Or is there a way to slow the crawl rate from google for just one section of the website, and keep the rest going fast? It's mainly good catching the error and not the users.
The question is whether Google should be indexing those pages.
What's stopping your from adding noindex to those pages?
Nothing is stopping me from doing that, but ideally I'd like to have some of those pages indexed so the shopping section has products appearing in google.
it's another one of those sites that compares products between different stores.
hey everyone. I need to parse css files uploaded by a user and display the results in a visual format. Would you process the file with php, or just parse it with javascript?
@PaulDessert i'd do it in javascript
let the user's browser do the heavy lifting instead of your server
simpler and more efficient, right?
I don't know about simpler, but I'd say it's more efficient yeah.
that's what I was thinking...
@Darius if it's cacheable, cache it :)
@Jack Good plan, I'll do that. Here's a different question. I use __SoapCall to make the request, is there a way for me to check if it's an error 500, and prevent the 500 from causing one on my server? So I could gracefully tell client/and google to reload the page again? I've been looking around as we speak but can't find any documentation.
something along the lines if(__soapCall() == "success" && call != "500"){ } etc.
You should be able to extract http errors from the soapclient via the exception.
try {
$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl");
$result = $client->SomeFunction(/* ... */);
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
trigger_error("SOAP Fault: (faultcode: {$fault->faultcode}, faultstring: {$fault->faultstring})", E_USER_ERROR);
I found this
I didn't know I could use a try for soap
Thanks Jack! I'm gonna go try some of these errors out
Success! that worked haha
dunno, what is more frustrating: the fact that I had completely no understanding of the amount of work that you have to do to implement a REST-like API or the blank stare that I get, when trying to communicate it to the project manager
Project manager part
@tereško still struggling ?
of course
let's put it this way: the technical design for the project took 3 months (instead of 2.5 weeks that were originally planned)
Good morning.
alot of catching up to do
thats a long delay
emm .. yeah .. well, that's not my fault
I should be doing any "catching up" .. of course that's not how PM sees it
i am using xampp,, nad somekind of issue said that my SSL certificate is old and cannot be used
@tereško its not about the who did the mistake, its about working as a team ?
are you intentionally pissing me off ?
is that SSL certificate wrong?
nope, well it is still part of the story
yes , you are trying to piss me off
oh god please help
@tereško i am just saying don't be so down, its gonna make things worse
... aaand there is a wannabe psychotherapist in the ignore list
well that didn't help
@DC- congrats, you've pissed somebody off on the interwebs ;-)
good mornings
@Jack i didn't intent to, also i cant change whats done either
some bad luck i guess
@howdoyouturnthison99999 stop that.
thats the second person pissed off
i think this is the piss off day
@howdoyouturnthison99999 there is no certificate error when i load that page
thats tuff
that doesn't even begin to make sense.
morning @AlmaDo
good morning //I was hiding since no regulars in the room and I was afraid of those 'hello' newcomers :p
yeah, no regulars, just me.
now I see (that's why I appeared) :p
so what's going on ?
nothing much, designing a model in iOS / Xcode :)
as I recall they have something like MVC there
and "model" is class layer where data is to be stored
well, not only, but
I was here also all the time ;-)
So, I'm designing that layer.
I like their structure since pretty easy to start
like.. I was able to complete my app in 2 weeks from start point "What is Objective C? I have no idea"
@bwoebi aha, hiding behind the interwebs trees and bushes :)
yep. @bwoebi @Jack we should regain control here :D
we just did :)
@AlmaDo stuff can be done pretty fast, but finding the proper way of doing things takes time.
how do they say: easy to pick up, hard to master.
rage amazon
@AlmaDo as long as you don't use the obj-C API extensively, no problem. Just use for all but the UI pure C and it's easy.
bought something yesterday, put in for "Expedited delivery" ... they haven't even sent it yet
@Jack and I was about progressing till um.. 250+ episodes Oo. It was a standing ovation from me to that flower guy when finally it was time for his fight and it was just .. fight (: No talk. More, in the end of the battle, when it's classic time for bad guy to talk he just say "shut up and die" and finished that :D
@bwoebi even without the ui you have stuff like operation queues, threads, kvo, etc. you can play with ;-)
@AlmaDo lol
hmm, how different is registry from service locator?
@Jack threads exist in C. <thread.h>
@Jack hm. Yes. But I think I made that right. I already draw my model diagrams and relations
@bwoebi yeah, they do :)
@AlmaDo you mean using core data?
@Jack no, I mean paper work :p
oh that .. well, yeah, obviously.
but application wasn't too complicated. The only interesting part was json work + localization
nothing beats paper and pen(cil)
^ that
@Jack you should add brains to the list :p
brains are optional.
how so?
because exclusion is bad.
interesting Tetraphobia
@iroegbu 4 is DEATH!!!
@Jack Nothing beats paper and pencil huh? geekgag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/XrSkyav.png lol
4 is 2*2
@iroegbu I'll never understand that.. 4 is missing.. 14 is missing. 13 is missing. crap. With all that fears we will afraid of all numbers.
Because 7 eight 9
@Darius Hahaha
Those are some badasss scissors haha
@Darius Foam rock :P
@iroegbu 2 is sqrt(DEATH!!!)
@Darius yeah, but the pen is mightier, surely.
I think I've only used a pencil for exams while in college.. Pen ftw
I bet for brains. They are more powerful than any other thing
@AlmaDo Sure, and how are you going to write your answer down? Nose bleed?
@Jack I may just tell it :p
Depends on the exam, then.
scantron ones haha
such way we can get the conclusion that you hand is more important than pen(cil) :p
the sword is always more important
@iroegbu How will you use the sword without your hand? Your mouth?
@Magikaas Limbo
assuming said person is complete
Programmer discussions -_-" :D lol
somehow this reminds me of monty python.
I'll bite your legs off!
what's that?
It's just a flesh wound!
That scene is great xD
what are you gonna do? bleed on me?!
The Black Knight, I'd hire him :P
If I had a bridge... ._.
@Magikaas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
morning, room
Morning Leri
morning @Leri
@AlmaDo you mean you haven't seen this?
I may lose my job. Yay, I'll be having some time. :-)
@Jack hey about the Soap error, if I implement and error 503, and retry-after 10 seconds header, that's reasonable way to get google to index and not keep throwing 500 errors for me. What do you think? My users rarely see the error, but I implemented a nice way to say "hey, we're under heavy load, reload the page and all should be fine" sorta thing.

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