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night fabien going off aswell
<?php echo GSUPLOADPATH; ?>

Any easy way I can make it output the relative path, without messing with the constant itself?
What about not using a constant
@PeeHaa I'm not having luck with that, but I'll keep trying
thought there could be some trick with basename or something that could help
The trick is to stop using that constant and simply use __DIR__ . '/whatever/path/or/file/relative/to/firectory/of/current/php/file'
@LucasB How about substr(GSUPLOADPATH, strlen('/home/crweb/public_html'));
With a better context I could probably make a better judgment though :)
it's because it's for a small CMS I'm building, the path will be dynamic... nevermind, I have to do it by myself, but thanks for the help @PeeHaa @Jack
That was surprisingly unhelpful heh
5 hours later…
What about dirname(FILE) and doing the dirname x amount of time by counting how far it goes back...
dirname(__FILE__) gets the directory of the file location adding it as dirname(dirname(__ file__)) it will take the directory in the directory were the current file is located
So if your dir is: abc/bcd/test.php
Then `dirname(__FILE__)` will be bcd
If you do `dirname(dirname(__FILE__))` it will be: abc/bcd
Here you can find more info: php.net/manual/en/function.dirname.php
@LeviMorrison hullo, can i bother you with a question?
not sure whether you know this, but should edits for UPGRADING and NEWS still be merged up until master? The files are marked so that merges will skip them, but I'm just not sure ;-)
Good Morning All
hi all,
i have small query.
I have to convert query results from mysql into table form and convert it to pdf
is it good practice to hardcode category id and names in the php code using array ? or its better to create a table in mysql and do inner join for the category name to pull.
I tried using dompdf
and the result is pathetic I can`t see borders for the tables :( and the columns are missing :(
any free solution that will help produce pdf docs
the doc will have tables mainly
@AMB For completeness of the model I would argue for adding a table.
@Jack wont it use more resources while searching from 25 mil, records already having inner-join for other things. ?
just for the category name ?
you have 25 million records?
yes sir.
then i would benchmark it first.
are you using innodb by any chance?
i did benchmark on 5k records , as when project goes live the 25mil is the start,
no using myisam.
myisam with row_format=FIXED
good mornings
@Jimbo so ... what's that "beautiful API" that I hear about ?
Can structures be defined at run time, I mean, like in a database tables are made after we write a create table query, is that structures they use? Like I use struct to write linked list/tree in c , are those struct built at runtime? If not, how do they use b+ trees to store data, the normal way I have seen yesterday is by using a pre defined struct
The structure definition is typically compiled, but is generic enough to expand and contract so to speak.
how .. I have been scratching my head re-reading structures and pointers whole night
I think he/she is looking for incentive to use some implementation of active record
What MySQL stores on disc are (optimised) representations of their internal data structures.
I could not find much details except the first para of wikipedia
I mean I understood only that
does epiphany framework is good for APIS ? github.com/jmathai/epiphany
@samitha no
Hi i`m using TCPDF to generate a pdf document that contains tables but the columns exceed the width of the document how do I display the rest of the columns
Please help!
morning people
This is my issue how do I display the rest of the Columns?
My external hard drive wont mount. I am getting this error "nput/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a
SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. " ..
Please tell me where to ask this question...
@IndrajithIndraprastham not here, this is the PHP channel. If in doubt, contact the vendor of that device for your support options.
SuperUser might also deal with such questions. I've seen one Harddisk related unable to mount kind of questions there at least.
@hakre I am pretty much sure that this is not the place to ask my question. But want to know asking where, I can get an answer. Thank you very much.
Hey Joe
@IndrajithIndraprastham I can't promise you get one on Superuser. But HIH
@JoeWatkins After I have installed php from php.multi if I need to add the postgres driver how do I do it? (as I forgot to add it to php.defaults)
Night night all.
change php.defaults and re-run multi
That simple aye? Cheers. Out of curiosity it updates or reinstalls?
no 1 cause of segmentation faults is bad builds during configuration, so clean builds are made every time, because mucho safero ...
(that's italian for "much safer")
Makes sense. Thanks.
You going to put in for a viewing on IoW?
the misses is writing lists and what not, I'm going to leave her to it ... she'll tell me what is happening ...
Standard Operating Procedure for me too.
Where can I check what packages are available for a php version? More specifically to get the right name for postgres 5.6
I wish there was SOPs in PHP
do ./configure --help in source tree
I'm wondering if I should format this weekend too. Got a legit windows 7 just sitting on the shelf/
PC doesn't feel slow or full of viruses enough yet.
* ask question on SO
* get code from answer
* profit
c'mon ....
get a proper operating system @Fabien
What are you using?
I game a lot so Windows 7 is there.
gaming is pretty much the only reason for me to keep my windows desktop
though I havent gamed in months
that makes me sad ... also I heard windows gives you cooties ...
how good is a virtualized windows on modern hardware ?? will it run d3d at full speed?
--with-pdo-pgsql=DIR... pointing to the base dir is a requirement? Or like MySQL it'll default?
@JoeWatkins We have a Fedora 12 box at work :)
@Fabien don't provide path
@Gordon Same. But there's always hope. :P
@JoeWatkins Ah okay cheers.
@Fabien I know, I have nightmares about it :D
windows hasn't been suitable in such a long long time for me, the fact that's it's extraordinarily difficult just to have a c compiler makes it no kind of option for me ...
I have a secondary SSD though. Which has Ubuntu on it. Slightly regretting it though.
Got real buggy pretty fast.
I'm not a huge fan of debian ... kicks the ass out of windows or mac .... I'll swear by anything redhat derived ...
In all honesty I think Windows doesn't bother me because I don't do enough yet outside of PHP.
you want server, should be cent, you want desktop, should be fedora, you got big pockets and want enterprise infrastructure, should be redhat ... there aren't really other operating systems I can install and stand to keep ...
Especially now I have vagrant working well enough for me. I just up a webserver and start work.
Well I do use CentOS
yeah virtual stuff is great ... but we spend so much on hardware, I like to make the most of it ... windows cannot do that and never will be able to do that ... just after xp, when the horror of vista was forced upon us, ms should have just quit ... they were beat, fair and square ...
@Fabien i've been doing PHP dev work from windows for years with no problems. if all you do is code on it, there won't be an issue. and with vagrant it really doesnt matter what you use.
Aye. I'm not hating my workflow atm. Which is nice. Now I just need to commit to work.
i just found out steam for linux has a a number of games in my library available. im gonna give that a shot
> checking for pg_config... not found
Error trying to compile
@Gordon Mostly the smaller ones though :-/
Also graphics card performance on linux can be tough to get working well.
@Fabien they have x-com, the witcher 2, civ 5, …
Keep an eye on what they don't have though. That's all.
yeah, I know. But having civ would already be good enough for a weekend full of play
and i havent touched witcher 2 yet
Dual booting?
but I guess my thinkpad is not exactly a gaming rig
interesting. i got 54 games. 11 of which are available on linux
Dual boot
amnesia, brutal legend, left4dead, portal 1 + 2, civ 5, witcher 2, worms reloaded and xcom. and mount + blade, though that is an offer atm. not bad.
@Fabien i dont like dual boot. I had a linux or windows, cant recall, destroy the other OS once. since then I never touched it.
@JoeWatkins Is it that I can't specify a dir or I shouldn't? Because it can't find a config but I think it's because pgsql isn't in its default path.
shouldn't need to if in default path
got pgsql-devel ?
I compiled pgsql rather than using a package. This tutorial. Is devel different?
no it's headers, provide prefix if non-standard
How do you mean sorry?
does the pgsql ext build ??
Ah right cool. I thought as much but wanted to clarify.
possibly --with-pgsql=/my/prefix --with-pdo-pgsql
Adding dir to both
Do defaults have to be in the php.defaults or can you add flags to the build command?
sometimes Unclebob's company's blog is disappointing: 8thlight.github.com/mike-knepper/2014/07/01/…
gotta be in defaults
No joy
seems it finds the pg_config though
configure log says
actually nm. Different error above. Will google
Unable to build the PDO PostgreSQL driver: a newer libpq is required
Bit of a shitter. Using latest postgresql why would it need a newer libpq
Looks like it may have just needed postgresql-devel as you mentioned Joe
is that some ubuntu/debian thing that you are messing with ?
sorry ran out of credit
heh sorry for what? It's infinitely better for me if I figure these things out myself :p
@tereško centos but using Joe's php.multi for php installation
It's a vagrant/puphet based vm on my windows pc.
@Fabien ;)
Hmm. PHP is compiling fine it seems but I can't find the libs for pgsql in /opt/php/5.6/no-zts/no-debug/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/
or more specifically fpm cant. And they're not in there.
unless they're in php-build and I have to move them. Checking...
no idea :P
Morning PeeHaa
Is there a 'nice' way of making a class iteratable? e.g. I have a class like:
class Foo{
    private $bar = {};
Is there a way to say, use $bar as the iterator object, without having to do all of the typing required on php.net/manual/en/class.iterator.php
Not a nice way. implements Iterator
But the only way
But I'm LAZY!
Have a getter which gets the member and iterate through that :p
@Danack implement IteratorAggregate
Also \o/ I just got my last table back I wanted to recover
Backups are for pussies
brb /me is going to make a backup
Nice. That took a while
@salathe Thanks, that's the one. Is there a way of marking via docblock what type the iterator returns, so that the IDE can pickup the type inside the foreach loop?
Yes it did. But now that I get how it is done it is kinda easy. The most work actually goes into finding the correct data in a shitload of incorrectly guessed data
@Danack *shrug*
But using grep goes a long way to find the correct data if you still have some example data
And I shitted away a lot of time finding out and fixing a bug in the recovery tool
For those interested, being able to document container types is coming soonish. In the meantime, you can:
foreach ($repoTags->getIterator() as $repoTag) {
    $repoTag-> //Typehint works here for great justice
hello everyone
is here anyone who knows laravel well? :)
@PeeHaa You have just changed how I pronounce laravel forever.
:D :D
Hey @github I didn't realize the @MPAA wrote the popcorn-app code? https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2014-07-11-MPAA.md
you should place your javascript into attributes moar often :) - jsfiddle.net/JZj85
How can freaking software code be infringing?
@hakre lol you are a horrible horrible person :P
@PeeHaa well if you imagine how bad the question this "answers" is: stackoverflow.com/q/24639956/367456 - I just wanted to be helpful and show a working example.
next to explaining what the problem is naturally.
A: Validate that a xml file is a file with javascript before submitting

hakreIf you have not realized it yet, you're just totally looking in the wrong direction with the assumptions you do. First of all, javascript does not differ on the contents of a string here. It just operates on a string. Whether that string contains "I hate you javascript, go home" or "this-file-ex...

dos anyone of you guys know, where I could chat about laravel? :)
IRC probably
or on reddit
thx guys :)
Probably a silly question but: can you enforce that a class variable is constant after the construction of the object, without using getters for every variable?
(a public class variable that can only be set in the constructor)
@Jefffrey no.
You have to make it private and write a getter.
Getters can have the same name as the variable so at least it’s not that bad. :P
Yeah, but it's boilerplate. :(
Indeed. :[
cannot define() be used before sending headers i.e header()?
@DilipRajBaral Of course it can.
define has nothing to do with header.
some new who knows laravel well here? :D
Hey @bwoebi or @NikiC is there anything different about the git workflow since we're in the RC stage or can I still just commit 5.6 bugfixes into the PHP-5.6 branch and merge to master? Also, am I expected to merge things into the phpng branch now?
@Jefffrey Well, you can use magic __get()
oh god
Yeah exactly.
/me pines for PHP immutability
2 days ago, by rdlowrey
Tuples give me immutability without having to go through userland class + method calls. Any kind of immutability in PHP necessarily assassinates performance in the current system.
To have an immutable readonly property now you have to create a userland class, instantiate that class with constructor overhead and then incur more method call overhead to access the value :(
@DilipRajBaral If you do something stupid using define() that generates error output then you can't use it before header() because output will have already started (and thus the HTTP headers will have been sent) because of the error.
e.g. define('CONST_NAME', new StdClass); header('X-My-Header: hi!'); won't work :)
@rdlowrey Yeah, I know that. How about ini_set()?
@DilipRajBaral There's only one thing you can't do before calling header()
And that's send any output.
Does ini_set() result in output? No.
@rdlowrey No, nothing changed. And no, you're not supposed to merge into phpng.
@bwoebi oh good. I haven't committed anything since beta so I thought I'd ask.
And I really don't want the hassle of merging to phpng too.
@rdlowrey me neither, so ;-)
@rdlowrey I know about that. But I have this code:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

define('WEB_ROOT', 'http://www.example.com/');
define('SSTATIC', 'http://static.example.com/');

And when I try to `session_start()`, the following warning is output.

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/rajbdilip/public_html/_addon/treasherlocked.in/config/consts.php:8) in /home/rajbdilip/public_html/_addon/treasherlocked.in/index.php on line 3
define('SSTATIC', 'static.example.com');
Is that supposed to be two "SSTATIC" or "STATIC" ?
@rdlowrey Thats SSTATIC. I know STATIC is reserved.
@DilipRajBaral It will probably be characters after the ?> - you don't need to close the php tag, so just don't do that.
@Danack Oh yeah. A space was put there mistakely. My bad. Thanks
@DilipRajBaral there's no session_start() in your code snippet. You need to paste all your code because the problem isn't in the snippet.
@rdlowrey Nevermind. @Danack helped solve it. Thanks
@Danack In what time zone do you reside? what time is it now
UTC - the best timezone
Though it's hard to tell that from my github profile.
I just wondered because I know you've been in Australia at times and I was thinking, "man @Danack is usually online at the same times I am."
@rdlowrey sooo… now flying in a timezone UTC +8 :-)
@Danack that's BST, not UTC/GMT.
@bwoebi are you headed to that "really smart teenager competition thing" over in Asia now?
@rdlowrey yep
I forget what it's called or where exactly it's located :)
Just been chilling in Bristol for a while now. The Australian economy is going tits up...and being in a country that has a massively overheating housing market is Not Fun.
@rdlowrey IOI, Taiwan
@bwoebi Yeah, the Really Smart Teenager Competition
@bwoebi you might remember that some of my git commits were changing file permissions from 0644 to 0755
Problem was that I do most of my work on a windows desktop but all the files live on a samba share
And I had my smb.conf file configured to save as 0755
Fixed that now. Annoying.
@rdlowrey directories, yes, but files?!
Don't ask.
I'd just consider to not use windows^^
I would except I use Photoshop fairly often.
@rdlowrey which exists on OS X too.
<-- anti-mac
Use a hackintosh^^
No, if I'm not in windows I use *nix
I float back and forth between nix and win desktops every few months
dual booting is a PITA and vm for the couple of windows programs I use is a PITA and wine is a PITA.
so, bye… going to the airport
@bwoebi have fun!
@rdlowrey and finally work on modular routes^^
artax is still higher on the priority list :)
@rdlowrey give a shit on your priority list, just do it, haha :-D
Hi, I'm having a problem with storing emoji's in my MySQL database
Could you help?
@DestinyDawn Set charset to utf8mb4
@NikiC It's already set to that
I'm getting the error "Incorrect string value: '\xF0\---' for coml. 'post' at row 1
I've tried that, but it doesn't seem to work
@DestinyDawn Try posting the actual code that fails. Help is more likely if you do.
I set this at the start:
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
header() has nothing to do with your MySQL database.
$stmt = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO Posts (Post, Category, UserId) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
$stmt->bind_param("ssi", $post, $category, $userId);
That is the code that fails
But it all works locally
Try with double quotes around the emoji (e.g. "\xF0\---")
The escape sequence won't be recognized using single quotes.
What do you mean?
The emoji is passed in through a iOS web service using NSUTF8StringEncoding
@Jack I don't know the answer to that, sorry.
So I've been writing some C++11 code for a zval like class.
So far it's been pretty easy and painless.
I'm talking about this:
13 mins ago, by Destiny Dawn
I'm getting the error "Incorrect string value: '\xF0\---' for coml. 'post' at row 1
I assume that escape sequence (\xF0...) is somewhere in a php string?
Also, please post the exact error output you're getting.
@rdlowrey [12-Jul-2014 09:05:25 America/Tegucigalpa] PHP Warning: mysqli_stmt::execute(): (HY000/1366): Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x99\xF0\x9F...' for column 'post' at row 1 in C:\....\....\....\Standard.php on line 293
That's the exact error message
ah okay
I'm not really sure what else to do about it
It looks like you haven't correctly set your charset (like @NikiC suggested above).
Read over this and make sure you've done it correctly at your db layer: dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-column.html
Everything works fine on my local computer which doesn't make sense because I have the same exact settings on my server
If you had the same exact settings it would work on your server ;)
How do I check the MySQL version? I think the one on my server is outdated
login to your server and send this command:
mysql --version
But it shouldn't really matter for the charset settings.
Run that in command prompt?
@DestinyDawn do you know how to connect to your server in a terminal window?
I do not. It's a Windows server too
Oh goodness.
How do you adminstrate your mysql db? phpmyadmin?
remote desktop :)
Well, the charset is almost certainly the issue. You need to set the charset on the table and relevant column in your mysql db.
Sorry, but when someone says they're using a Windows server my eyes just glaze over :)
The table character set is utf8mb4 and the column is the table default
The exact setting I have on my computer...it doesn't make sense to me honestly
You may also need to set the connection character set

init-connect='SET NAMES utf8mb4'
@samitha cant tell. never read it
@Danack Where would I set that? IN the PHP?
@DestinyDawn In the mysql conf file.
@DestinyDawn When establishing the connection with PDO
Oh look! I'm finished compiling. Good luck with MySQL charsets :)
I'm sorry, I'm really new at MySQL and PHP. I'm used to ASP.NET
Add charset=utf8mb4 in the DSN
have you done that certification ?
/me backs away slowly
@samitha no
I'll look for the config file
@Gordon i see you have done ZCE.Do u recommending any study guide for it ?
Now, this you're all probably gonna laugh at. I don't have a config file
@samitha yes, php.net. learn it by heart.
lol.can we learn zend in php.net? are you kidding ?
I never configured the database which is kinda funny
I'm starting MySQLInstanceConfig but it says no mysql server was found
@samitha "we learn zend in php.net?" <<< that question makes no sense
Zend is just a company. If you mean Zend Framework, then you are not looking for the ZCE but the ZFCE. The ZCE is the Zend Certified Engineer and is about PHP and webdevelopment in general. It is not about Zend Framework or any other framework.
@DaveRandom FYI the TLS proxy bug is now fixed. Here are the relevant post mortem links: original composer github issue | Bug #67609 | php-src fix commit
@samitha If you want to do the ZCE, then yes, learning from php.net is a good choice because a lot of the questions are about the various PHP functions and extensions. There is also a study guide for that. I don't know if it's any good.
If you want to do the ZFCE, then there is study guides for that as well and there is the various online references and courses.
in the end it boils down to how much you already know and what type of learner you are. If you like study guides, but a study guide. If you are into courses, get a course.
Okay, now I seem to have like 3 different versions of MySQL installed, I can't tell which is the active user
@DestinyDawn 1) Uninstall all three 2) Install postgres 3) ? 4) PROFIT!
Hello everybody
Morning folks.
Moringin dan
I've used several hours for a php problem and it still can not solve ;-(
Well you know what to do now @Grischa... Cancel all your appointments for the night and solve it!
I can't. I'm a beginner in programming
The only way to become better is to keep solving problems
Eventually you would become better a problem solving up to the point you are no longer a beginner
As choices for moral support go, this chat room must be one of the worst options ...
I think it is impossible for me. I would be very happy if someone here could help me. I think for you it is no problem at all.
@tereško I was born in Riga ;-)
I don't understand why nobody can help me, if the problem is so easy for you, that you downvote me. I have done several things before asking ;-(
... probably it has something to do with your question missing the "question" part
I have already edited several times my question.
Also the first comment tells you what to do
I have also another hint, but I can't apply it.
sorry for bothering again, but any laravel programmer here? :D
@user13746 Probably not, but anyway, don't ask to ask.
ok :) hmm and dou you have any idea where I could find someone who knows laravel and would be able to talk with me about it via skype and give me some advices? :)
no, you were already told where to get help
You don't have a question about laravel, you want some free contracting for laravel.
I have a question :D I have problem with Ardent extension for laravel and Repositories :)
that is not a question
9 mins ago, by Danack
@user13746 Probably not, but anyway, don't ask to ask.
I don't know if Ardent and Repositories can work together. If yes, is it good way how to validate data.
Do someone know a place, where I can find a programmer, who could salutary work as an freelancer for a hobby website for pupils?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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