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I've just uploaded my very alpha integration plugin for review. I know it has large bug (due to awfully vague documentation), test coverage is around 20% and I am not feeling nervous. Weird.
Sounds Smells like memory leak. :)
@JoeWatkins I got it working (methinks). Not that it'll be used but I still had to get it working for my own satisfaction. Set listen socket path then listened to that socket in nginx.
@ircmaxell In what way does not calling the destructors at the end of the request make any sense?
performance, it's less code to run
It's making some pretty epicly dangerous assumptions about the way the code was written though, I can't believe the performance:sanity ratio gains warrant that
which is why I posted it here
I don't get it ...
Nice work whoever modified phpinfo()'s style in php 5.7
I don't see why you would do that, how often is __destruct actually defined anyway, whatever happens you must run a dtor, to leave out __destruct by default is inconsistent for the sake of inconsistency ...
@Leri yeah, but something changed to top priority when that same something wasn't even complete on the database side of things
But, I understood that that is something normal to happen; sometimes, in some clients. So I just sent sting-emails informing on how and why I was blocked from doing X functionality
@JoeWatkins yup
@Fabien 5.7? That should be in development stage, should not it?
@JoeWatkins Probably that's the point
They'd have to do a full scan of all live objects and didn't consider worth it, if it's rarely used
@Leri Master branch in php.multi
@NikiC it's used quite often, as indicated by FB devs
@ircmaxell They were good 7 years ago.
you have to run a dtor routine on the actual object, I don't see why you'd need to scan if you are already in the dtor routine and userland method is defined then you can call it before you run the real dtor, I don't see why not ...
Then they made all sorts of bad decisions in the name of $$$
@LeviMorrison that's about when they sued me ;-)
@JoeWatkins scan all objects to see which have dtors
I still have business with them, sadly.
I've just been too busy to move the last thing off of it.
Actually, question about destructors:
class C {
    public function  __destruct() {
        printf('%s destroyed', __CLASS__);

function f(C $c) {
    // do things

f(new C());
Will C::__destruct fire reliably at the end of each call to f provided it isn't unset in f at some point?
@DanLugg it will fire reliably after each call to f unless f stores the passed value elsewhere
Sorry, yea; that too.
it won't fire from an unset() in f
So, no unset and no persistence elsewhere.
No? Haven't tested...
at least not in the 5.x series
in phpng the unset might fire the dtor immidiately
Why wouldn't it fire immediately in PHP 5? All references have been lost, right?
^^ That was my thinking.
@DanLugg yep
Ah okay.
@LeviMorrison No, PHP 5.x retains a reference on the call stack
So there's the function-local reference, and a call-stack reference?
In phpng call stack and compiled vars are shared
Good thing I don't use destructors (much) as I would've been pissed about the current behavior.
e.g. if you do something like function a($b) { $b = "foo"; var_dump(func_get_arg(0)); } you will get the original value of $b back in 5.x and get "foo" in phpng and hhvm
@NikiC not inside function scope, but in global: 3v4l.org/9hbKX
This is actually sane HHVM behavior: github.com/facebook/hhvm/blob/master/hphp/doc/…
I wish we didn't support those methods on objects too.
@LeviMorrison yes :)
@LeviMorrison agree
^^ Much agree. Not an iterator? Why are you iterating?
Maybe I'll propose it for PHP 6 but I doubt it will gain traction.
Is there any talk of timelines for 6?
Like, valid talk? Not Bobby's sister's cousin's blog.
@LeviMorrison hard to say. Though just removing support for next/... there seems inconsistent
next($SomeIterable) has also caused much confusion.
If we drop support, we should drop it more globally, don't you think?
@NikiC I'd remove iterating on plain objects (eg ones that are not Traversable) too
If that's what you mean.
and I feel like that will not be very well-received ^^
nope, although it's right...
Well, I can try at least.
I just won't put as much effort into the RFC.
I'd actually remove next/... altogether, if it were possible. Then we could get rid of the IAP as well
@NikiC IAP?
@LeviMorrison internal array pointer
indian asking pattern ^^
acronym conflict ^^
@NikiC that I don't think would happen... The object iterability may...
I don't know.
@ircmaxell what do people use those for anyways?
If we got Zeev on board he'd force it through, right?
If you need them, you can still wrap in ArrayIterator and have the same as methods
@NikiC most people don't understand iterators, so they use them for partial iteration, etc
@ircmaxell I'd say that's a case for removing the IAP.
But I understand that's not the PHP mentality ^^
At least not the historical one.
well, I see the reason for wanting to remove it, but I don't know...
I think I'd rather see a true tuple type added before I'd like to see the IAP removed...
@LeviMorrison well-played :)
@ircmaxell why do you want a tuple type? Sounds like just more confusion
it's useful for immutable collections
I want tuples!
gimme gimme gimme
I'd rather have separate array and dict structures than tuples ^^
That would be an improvement as well.
Without types assigned to tuple values I'm not sure what value they have?
But anyway, we're going into non-productive areas :D
@NikiC I think I agree with you, but part of the usefulness of PHP is that you don't need separate types ;-)
I'd like for the chances of any of this happening to be more than nil ...
@JoeWatkins Any luck with the return type RFC stuff?
@ircmaxell that can be said about tuples, to an even higher degree ;)
Tuples give me immutability without having to go through userland class + method calls. Any kind of immutability in PHP necessarily assassinates performance in the current system.
@rdlowrey that
@LeviMorrison I'll try this weekend ... sorry :(
If we can make tuples be stack-based, value-only types then they'd be a pretty big performance win.
@JoeWatkins I appreciate all your help so far; I know life's been difficult for you.
No need to apologize.
;( I can't get through half an hour without being reminded how crap this is ... crippled ...
@NikiC actually, I don't think so. Because you can't fill the void of a tuple with the current data structures. You can fill the void of an array or a dict... so...
@ircmaxell huh?
@rdlowrey I think perhaps by C++17 you won't have a need for PHP anymore ^^
a tuple is just a restricted vector
and a vector is a restricted PHP array
same relationship
so you can perfectly fill the void ^^
Vector's are restricted maps.
@LeviMorrison maps are typically unordered
@NikiC Implementation detail.
not really an implementation detail
@NikiC well, but you can't restrict PHP's arrays/dicts/whatever
@ircmaxell yes
so if you can't fill the void of a tuple, you can't fill the void of a vector either (lack of restriction)
Hey guys, I am using fwrite() on a project, but it doesn't update the "Last Modified" time on the server, any ideas?


$o = fopen($f, 'w+'); //OPENS IT
$w = fwrite($o, $c); //SAVES FILES HERE
$r = fread($o, 100000); //READS HERE

    echo 'File saved';
} else {
    echo 'Error saving file';

Insert security rant here wrt allowing direct user input to open files.
@JoeWatkins PM in IRC?
I'm not signed into irc atm @ircmaxell
@JoeWatkins well, can we PM via some other method as well?
I have a PM who assumes that if I was ill for a week and given away on a different project for a week, then all the estimates for other projects should change only for a week
I'm on skype
I'm not on skype here (and can't until I get home in like 9 hours)
just grabbing irc client now, few minutes
google talk?
It's pretty amazing how there's no singular dominant chat facility.
can't remember port for idle.php.net anyway
I just use irccloud
@DaveRandom why?
You don't think it's a little insane to define a PHP-specific macro simply called LIBXML? esp. when there is at least a bit of a convention that would have it called LIBXMLG since it's a global accessor
Ah, in that sense, sure
Any bit operations experts here?
Q: Unsigned right shift function not working for negative input

Nathan JonesI'm looking for a way to use the >>> function from JavaScript in PHP. I found this function in my googling: function uRShift($a, $b) { $z = hexdec(80000000); if ($z & $a) { $a = ($a >> 1); $a &= (~$z); $a |= 0x40000000; $a = ($a >> ($b - 1)); ...

PHP maintains the sign bit
@NathanJones if perf don't matter, just use gmp
@NikiC looking into it now. Thanks!
if you're on 5.6 you can keep the code the same, just using gmp_init for number literals/input
i'm on 5.5.14
Should I follow what this user suggests for bitwise operations? php.net/manual/en/ref.gmp.php#99788
@ircmaxell returning to your question from yesterday about async http clients ... As I'm refactoring I realize it's a little more complex than I made it sound. On the bright side I'll have a totally rewritten async http lib in the next few days that returns a promise monad and does everything you could possibly want (if you're interested).
I want ants carrying the monads around.
gmp is giving me the wrong answer too
define "wrong answer"
anyone use concrete 5?
a different result than what JS gives
what's to say that JS is the correct answer?
and I do mean that seriously
they could be very different operators
@NathanJones Computers are lying. Every since DARPA's "Ascension" project. It's a well known fact.
can you explain what you're expecting it to do, and what you're using it for?
in concrete 5 i have the loading bar, but it seems like nothing is happening
@ircmaxell sure. i'm attempting to port this JS library (pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/md5.html) to PHP.
oh no.
I'm trying to emulate its behavior exactly
The >>> operator in particular
is what I'm struggling with.
@IGotRoot have you posted a question? What have you tried? =]
why are you trying to port md5 to PHP?
so I can automate a log in into a server that uses md5.js to generate a hash that is sent in the login request
again, PHP provides you with md5
@NathanJones That JS library only exists because JS doesn't have the functionality included as part of its standard library. PHP does have that functionality, so duplicating it in userland makes no sense.
also: don't use md5, use sha256 or sha512 (provided by SJCL)
@IGotRoot If you follow these steps you should find a suitable answer to your question.
^ phrasing.
I tried running the JS library's b64_md5 function, and used the php md5 function and got two different values
which is why i thought i would need to emulate this js library's logic
why ?
well, because b64_md5 would base64 encode it, where as php's hex encodes it
you could do base64_encode(md5($foo, true))
@tereško @Magikaas hello how are you?
good night developers...:)
yet another case of x-y
Dr. Ircmaxell with the diagnosis.
@Fabien Be still my beating heart.
It's pretty crazy how much I forget that CGI is involved when watching.
@rdlowrey Seen The Wire?
I still haven't watched it. Pretty much every source I trust on the subject says it's unbelievable but I have yet to carve out the time.
Maybe you need a proper lazy vacation for some binge watching.
Same deal with the Sopranos. I'm saving that and the Wire.
@Fabien wow
I really enjoyed True Dectective when it was on. Though I think that was more because of the acting than the content.
Oh man. I'm almost jealous. Both are comparable IMO. Similar feel. If you love one you should love the other.
@rdlowrey Hell yeah. It made me like Mathew M
I feel okay with him beating Leo for an oscar now.
@Fabien Watching that it nearly seems like the whole series is animated, minus a few characters ^^
@NikiC lol. It's crazy isn't it. CGI used to be so obvious not that long ago.
I wonder to what extent 4k TVs will force the graphics people to up their respective games.
I feel like I only just bought a 1080p TV. My bandwidth doesn't support 4k yet either.
@Fabien Jurassic Park was the first movie that made CGI seem completely transparent (you couldn't tell in the vast majority of the movie)
Although I guess most 3D graphics would be vectors so it probably wouldn't affect that. I'd expect more raster in textures, though.
@ircmaxell Animatronics were great too.
@JoeWatkins Didn't know you were bald mate! So here's a small donation from me. I hope good fortune comes to you and your family again soon
@Jimbo LOL and thankyou, very much :)
@JoeWatkins How come it's 6 months rent as a requirement anyway? For me it's like 1 month
Because of family or something? Or location?
credit ruined
Ah damn, fair enough
well, it isn't that ...
Nah, of course - I didn't mean "fair", I meant I understand
it's quite silly really that a credit check is required ...
when you think of the millions of homes owned by local government that are out of bounds for me, but will happily get given to the next man out of jail :(
Ikr, as my grandparents would have said, "this country is going to the dogs" - and I full agree with them
Looking forward to getting over to Canada / US
I so want off this island
Yeah. UK is okay but there's better.
Canada seems the best overall choice for living
@Fabien I'm in Seattle next month, 3 weeks... Heading to a php meetup over there, hoping to make some contacts
If you can find a work place that'll help you emigrate... that's ideal.
@Fabien depends on how warm or cold you like your temperatures
Both! I love snow and I can do a nice 30C.
Here we get neither.
I am employed by a US company at the moment, moving though costs money I don't have, but my long term plan involves leaving this place ... pretty much a few forms away from a green card tho ...
Where's the US company based? And will they offer you a relocation package?
@JoeWatkins Actually, assuming you hit £6.5k - that would be enough to relocate to the US wouldn't it?
Please help out @krakjoe http://www.gofundme.com/b9dfcg -- fuck potato salad, help a real person
Best. Tweet. Ever.
@Jimbo I'm not sure, I don't think so ...
that was pretty good ...
@JoeWatkins If you get the opportunity to USA with 6.5k you should snatch it up. Before the school term starts.
hardest part is flights and furniture.
@ircmaxell re-tweeing in 3, 2, ...
Just go to SC and stay at @rdlowrey's place :P
@Fabien and visa
Working visa is 1 year isn't it?
If I was to move to USA I would choose somewhere with google fibre :P
How hard is it to renew a working visa?
depends on what type
a lot of people ahve problems even getting one in the first place
I've been looking at Canada's, it seems even harder. You have to pass a 'points' system, and I think I only just cut it, even with a degree, 2 years experience in a 'specialist' job, and family close by
@SecondRikudo in reference to this: why not propose a policy for validating flags that aren't in english?
ie when in doubt, validate
BTW that donation page Postcode input autocomplete was terrible.
Joe'll have £500 in 2 hours easy. Damn, I need to live in a caravan for a bit. I could buy a new bike every day at that rate! :D
@CarrieKendall That's exactly what shog answered, if you're following through his links
i am halfway through the comments haha, let me catch up
@CarrieKendall Also, I get scolded for speaking Hebrew in most rooms
Any truth to the notion that a beer cures a hangover? tag @PeeHaa
So yes, if you want me to stop, don't discriminate me against an entire room of clearly off-topic and non-english discussion.
@SecondRikudo is that not a valid solution? (not rhetorical :] )
@CarrieKendall What is?
@SecondRikudo when in doubt, delete
@CarrieKendall That's what I do
It gets repetitive and repetitive and annoying.
can 10k users ignore chat flags?
Nor do I want to.
i hear a lot of 10k users complaining about this regularly, that might be a better feature request
don't want to be annoyed by moderation responsibility -> ignore
@Jimbo £810 raised by 19 people in 2 hours.
This'll go viral soon enough, I've posted it a few places
hey @ircmaxell, i am looking at jobs in ny :D
Oh yeah?
@CarrieKendall You dirty C# judas, you'll sell your soul for any amount of money to terrible languages!
the response to this is .... overwhelming ... thankyou, all of you, much much
@Jimbo nononono, i refuse to sell my soul to bad languages.. if i was willing, i could stay where i am :P
I'd like to see the retweet rate.
@JoeWatkins you could have asked earlier :-)
^ this
@CarrieKendall I remember your last job you told me about wasn't too good. You not enjoying this one then?
If you use #php then you WANT to help @krakjoe with his bad luck! Please help him continue making PHP awesome! http://goo.gl/8MA6id
also: twitter doesn't let me RT grumpy's tweets as it seems =_=
@Jimbo i actually love my job
@Jimbo C# is a great language. It's .NET that's the issue.
unfortunately though, pay is dictated through a human resources department who is literally rewarded by doing as little as possible
I'm trying to figure out how to submit form data to my database table with the option to upload an image. If someone has time to take a look I would appreciate it.
@JoeWatkins i'll be donating when i get home solely because your children are adorable :P
@CarrieKendall well, best of luck!!! And let me know when you're here (even if just for an interview)
@CarrieKendall Should see his kittens too.
@ircmaxell okay, if i can really commit to this idea, i am shooting for after christmas
also, do you have any career.so invites left?
heh tweets have reached my local community devs too :)
@CarrieKendall what email shoudl I send it to?
php.net sent it
@CarrieKendall ah, after?
@ircmaxell yeah, if i can find my dream job (and they're willing to relocate) :D
@JoeWatkins can you remind me why I cannot hire you even for some hours a week...
He doesn't do web cam shows.
well unless they're PHP related.
@Ocramius because I'm struggling to just do my job ... by my standards, I am under performing, it's not fair to under perform for my job and take work on the side, which I would also under perform for
but I thank you, super hard, for the offer ...
@CarrieKendall I have, still need em'?
£1,130 Whoop whoop!
@SecondRikudo anthony sent me one, thanks though :)

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