Right, because of what I just did, it's probably easiest if you delete your local repo and clone the one from bitbucket again
I just rewrote history, which means your local repo won't play nice if you just try and pull, and at best you'll end up with a meaningless merge commit and at worst it will blow up in your face
but since there is now only one commit, you may as well just nuke your local copy and clone it again
moral of the story is: don't rewrite history unless you absolutely need to
@JukEboX Just delete the directory that contains your repo, and then open a cmd and go to the parent directory, and run git clone https://[email protected]/JukEboXAuDiO/the-competitive-network.git
@JukEboX which page are you trying to get working?
@DaveRandom Just in general. It was in regards to "don't rewrite history unless you absolutely need to". Was just wondering what "absolutely needs to" means for you
@cspray Well in this case it was to nuke some accidentally commited credentials. Actually I rewrite history quite a lot because I'm a dozy bastard, in reality for me that means "unless you're reasonably confident no-one else has pulled those changes into their tree yet"
I've only just recently started using Git with other people and interested in how people do their workflows and what not. My first team-based development efforts was an improperly setup SVN.
The setup where if the server hard drive holding the repo got to about 6~ GB nothing would commit, nothing would sync it would basically turn into a lump
The last 7~ months I was there that hard drive hovered somewhere between about 9-6 GB
Well, and granted I haven't been doing this professionally for very long, but I've yet to see an interaction model that agrees with both SVN and my brain. ;)
then in the "variable value" field, add ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin to the end of the value. DO NOT overwrite the existing value, you need to append the extra path to it, and you need to include the semi-colon
Right done, if you cd to whatever directory you want your repos to live in and then run git clone https://[email protected]/JukEboXAuDiO/cfs-service.git you should be all good @JukEboX
@JukEboX bitbucket.org/JukEboXAuDiO/cfs-service/commits/… - not sure if that's what you want but I have to go to bed, I'll be around tomorrow evening (approx 8pm UTC) if you want to continue. You can pull those changes down to your local repo with git pull to test
am trying to install cakephp but stopped by .htaccess issue. most of the solutions on the net gave me either 404 or 500 error or a blank page! I request you to please guide me to get out of this nightmare. stackoverflow.com/questions/24257690 thanks
Someone with good knowledge should start building some table/post about the most known frameworks. Like: Symfony, Zend, Laravel, CI, CakePHP, Kohana, Silex,.. with a table of comparision. ( like this: media.konigi.com/interface/quicken-comparison-table-1.png ) With some feedback for each.
@Ocramius Okay okay. Two entities. Server, Client. One server has Many clients. I've put in an addClient(Client $client) method and followed annotation docs, but whenever I persist a Server, it's clients don't get persisted (from new, I mean). $server->getClients() is just null. I don't need to persist each individual client first do I? Is there anyway around this?
@PeeHaa debatable. Because.. in MVC, at least model layer will contain business-logic (nevermind if that pseudo-MVC because of PHP, or real MVC because of persistent state language). And framework can not contain any business-logic since that logic is project-specific. That's why my point - "MVC" can not be applied as a term when we are speaking about frameworks. It's just.. different things
@Duikboot Put it this way, I've just created a new controller and method, and I want access to the User objects in the database. I literally do: $userRepository->findAll(); and bam, one line of code I have every user object.
Other Question. I want to learn more about 're-usable-code'. For now I am writing over and over and over my login/register classes. Isn't there an good article or something where package-dev comes in? I would like to digg deeper in re-usable code for multiple projects.
I was starting with silex a week ago. But look Let's say I write a login/register script. When you are logged in you have access to certain pages. ... How to make that piece of code {register+login+validation..} in 1 package for another project?
@Duikboot If you look at Symfony docs, they have a login thing in the cookbook. Involves setting up a login and logout route, having the fields for logging in as _username and _password id's, and a few other things. Once you've done all this, it 'just works'. That silex-auth-skeleton thing above is the base silex repo, with the symfony login thing figured out.
@PeeHaa I think Alma Do means that MVC is not something that is implemented in a framework, but in the application itself. So using any "MVC" framework and performing DB queries in your controller makes your application non-MVC, while having a bunch of files without any framework that separate your code to be data source - dispatch - presentation pretty much makes it MVC
@Jimbo we are spending a lot of time right now converting from role based access to permission based access at work... doing it right the first time would have helped a lot :)
we have a custom solution. So we have entities for each user/group/permission and then the user has a method may where we check for the permission $user->may('manage_pages') for example a group has multiple permissions and a user can belong to multiple groups
On a more serious note, even though classical MVC cannot be achieved. What you might call "Web MVC" can be done by saving and rebuilding the Model's Object Graph with each request.
So, you get a hit to the controller, you construct the model graph, you make a change in the model graph, you save the changes to storage, your model then takes data from that model, and then everything is deconstructed.
Next request, everything is reconstructed from the newer state according to storage.
The idea that you separate input, output and logic.
I got kicked in the hand yesterday and it immediately swelled up and bruised. Swelling has gone down now but it's very sore to squeeze. Should I bother trying to get an x-ray?
If it's broken you'll be having issues for a long time (probably, while (!EOL)). If it's not you only waste some time and money (depending on your health insurance) that worth here because of potential danger, imho. @Fabien
My use case is simple. There are two entities: Server and Client. Each Server can have Multiple Clients. This should be pretty simple really...
What I need
I require the following as a result of this:
Calling $server->getClients() will return all Client entities associated with that serve...
@RahulKhosla no one here will provide you with a correct solution you can just copy&paste, you won't learn it that way. I'll give you a hint though: strpos expects ONE string as its second argument. if you want to assert the absence of two different strings, you'll have to call strpos twice.
@RahulKhosla You should probably be checking that $lets_check === 0 rather than !== false - you want to make sure it's at the very start of the string...
Any of you know whether this is the correct way to put a Constraint to a request parameter when using FOSRestBundle in Symfony? @RequestParam(name = "password", requirements = @PasswordPolicy, description = "Password")
How can someone who doesn't work for Apple start work on something like github.com/ankurp/Dollar.swift 2 days after the thing is made public? I'm sorry but there's just no way that you can understand a language and its stdlib well enough to accurately see the gap that needs filling in that time...
Also I swear that I am going to hunt Lester down and take the ? key off all of his keyboards.
@PeeHaa Information that will be used to load relevant rule for ACL before it's actually used. For example, if callback has annotation @namespace\UserRoleAllowed(<list of allowed roles>) and @namespace\OtherPreconditionChecker() system should create those two classes, pass relevant dependencies to them and add to ACL. So while dispatching it automagically checks if requested route is available.
Can I get some feedback on this controller/view implementation? http://paste.jesse-obrien.ca/5Nd Is it violating the command/query separation principle?
@Leri What I am correctly doing is having an interface. And a file based and database based list which implement the interface which is used by my acl contanier thing
@Jimbo And idea what I am doing wrong? I am trying to get the base url to load my assets like bootstrap... i.imgur.com/AMuR5mQ.png ( localhost is not the clean to use ;) ) Oh and I installed the 'twig bridge ' "symfony/twig-bridge": "~2.3",
@Leri I have an interface for this. I can simply choose whether I would like to use a simple file with an array in it, a yaml formatted file, json, from database or whatever floats my boat at the time
@PeeHaa Better than annotations, however, still feeling kinda meh with that kind of acl.. If I won't come up with better idea, I'll be implementing that. thanks.
I also don't run cracked s/w unless it's absolutely necessary, and in this case I get along with chatzilla well enough, it was FF's fault that I had a problem
Also I'm wondering how long it's going to be before the FF website just redirects to the Chrome website