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it would be nice to type hint primitive types
Great article
@zerkms no, only for provisioning a load of VMs for testing
a huge load
otherwise, production is not managed by me at all
They should have a few SPL classes for typehints
At least I am not asking to replace the pointer from -> to .
is Symfony2 not the select enterprise framework now?
Zend is suitable for the simpletons
Both suck for "enterprise".
@LeviMorrison IIRC, I think so
if you consider enterprise more than 500+ employees that is correct
@webarto go for it
@Webarto is that why you use facebook everyday?
@JosephPersie I don't use facebook everyday, what are you saying?
How many of you use .vim?
Lots of times people fight with frameworks instead of doing the work.
@JosephPersie If you like working with C you should be happy with -> over .
@DaveRandom I dont mind the -> I also like .
Objects in PHP behave a lot more like thing* than thing
Facebook has 5001-10,000 employees and they used php from scratch
Now they want to improve php rather than use another "enterprise language"
Quick question, In a query how can I use the ORDER BY function like this:
`ORDER BY priority urgent, priority high, priority med, priority low`
Or is that not possible?
@echo bad usage of whitespace
@echo Makes no sense, surely you just want ORDER BY priority DESC?
@echo Can you give us your complete MySQL query? :)
preferably show a fiddle
what flavors of sql does that support?
See the drop-down to the right of the logo, top left
$tickets = DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT st_id,dates,user_id,first_name,last_name,subject,content,priority‌​, unit,open_close FROM support_ticket WHERE open_close = 1 ORDER BY priority urgent, priority high, priority med, priority low LIMIT $start, $limit");
It's annoyingly unreliable (I would put it at ~90% but the 10% matters when you want it to work)
postgres isn't going anywhere
Hello everyone, is there a way I can get a summation of all elements in a multidimensional array, if I got each key level using this

foreach($new as $key=>$value){
echo count($new[$key]);
If I do count($new) I get 4(total number of first level keys in the array.
Any PHP function am not aware of
@DaveRandom sorry couldn't get the fiddle working
@JosephPersie language please :P
@echo Is your priority column a varchar that contains one of the strings urgent,high,med,low?
@echo ORDER BY should only be 1 column.
Are you asking me to speak gramatically coherent sentences?
@marknt15 nope, you can order by as many cols as you like
but that syntax is invalid
<drive-by-comment>PostgreSQL FTW \o/</drive-by-comment>
Basically if I simply use DESC what ever is in the first position in my column priority will show up first. Is that correct?
@rdlowrey this
@dotman14 There is no built-in - you could array_reduce() to do it if you want but personally I'd just iterate as you have there and $total += count($value);
3 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@echo Is your priority column a varchar that contains one of the strings urgent,high,med,low?
@DaveRandom Thanks.
@DaveRandom yes thats correct
@echo OK well firstly that column should be an integer instead of a varchar, then you won't have this issue
@DaveRandom Yea I switched to INT, But when I query it I want the value to show up urgent instead of 4
@echo Create another table priorities that maps the integer values to strings and join it on
@DaveRandom ahh that's a good idea, I will try it out. Thanks
the priorities table or the vid? because I recommend both :-P
@DaveRandom both ;)
I really like his cover of Free Fallin'
Room 11 evenings are what you might call ...
So... does anyone need any WordPress help?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, I believe you do. @webarto has guns that I'm sure he'll lend you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you please edit those two messages into one so I can star it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Only if it's urgent, kind Sir.
Only if it's urgent, and you call me "kind sir"
@DaveRandom Flamethrower would be apt.
Why would you actively volunteer to help with WP?
Or is my hatred of WP so strong it makes me miss some sarcasm or something?
hehehe ... @cspray you're missing context from earlier today :)
Ben is now the official "Go-to WP Help Guru" of room 11 in the same way that Teresko is the official help guru of CodeIgniter. You may safely direct all WP queries to him with a ping going forward.
We had one of those in the JS room
in JavaScript: typeof NaN is number, Apr 18 '13 at 11:32, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Did you know @Nexxpresso invented PHP MVC? Back in PHP 3, built the first framework back when people thought MVC Was stupid
Hmm... what is @rdlowrey good at :D?
aww, hello world is empty, usually I just do:
PSR and Framework Interop Group promotion. That's my #1 skill ... PSR Evangelist is my official title.
in Hello World, Apr 18 '13 at 11:39, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
If anyone has a Java related question @Nexxpresso is the guy to ask. He is the #1 Java pro here :) Good luck!
lol, so many stars in the JS room about php haha, so much love
I'm really super excellent at not being sarcastic
Who was being sarcastic?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well I wasn't, obviously. I'm really good at it.
btw @BenjaminGruenbaum isn't it like 4am for you?
Y U NO SLEEP?!?!?!?!?
For some reason WP reminded me of something I saw recently that was truly a moment
$foo = some_db_call();
eval("$bar = $foo");
I've only been working with PHP on a "professional" basis for about 4-5 years now but I have seen some awful code
@DaveRandom coding :D
@DaveRandom I literally yelled at the monitor. I almost punched my computer.
And I mean I literally almost punched my computer. But then I remember that punching inanimate things is normally bad for you.
@rdlowrey PoC on Artax/React (parallel_async_basic.php) github.com/DaveRandom/alert-react-bridge/tree/artax-test
@DaveRandom trying to figure out how to make composer give me artax ...
@rdlowrey Just git clone [email protected]:/DaveRandom/alert-react-bridge.git && cd alert-react-bridge && git checkout artax-test && composer install && cd examples/artax && php parallel_async_basic.php
I realise you've probably done it by now but I;d already typed most of it out
I'm pretty drunk now, btw
Yeah I got it working with composer -- example seemed to run fine.
@DaveRandom congratulations!
I'm pleased with myself
I might skin up
If you want to make the blocking examples work this should be sufficient:
// old:
$client = new Artax\Client;
// new:
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$reactor = (new AlertReactBridge\LoopFactory)->createAlertLoop($loop);
$client = new Artax\Client($reactor);
I'll try the rest of the examples out tomorrow, I imagine I will find a couple that don't work (based on the experience with Reactable)
Next stop: Aerys
Cool, well, awesome work so far.
The aerys things will only be able to go one-way since react is missing pause/resume but would still be useful.
I was thinking I'll just create a bunch of tags for various alert/react versions (where interfaces change) so you can just require the right tag for the combo you're using and you're good to go
@rdlowrey React is, the adapter isn't ;-)
Feel free to do the different version things for react but honestly I wouldn't bother with alert (except maybe the version currently used by artax). Nothing else useful (that I know of) depends on anything except the bleeding edge version of alert.
Well the only real issue is 0.6.0, which is where the secs => msecs change happened
lol yeah, sorry about that :)
No worries, it totally makes sense
I must've had an anyeurism when I decided to use seconds originally.
btw as part of this I went a read the docs for ext/libevent and found that 7 funs are missing docs, you've obviously already discovered this since you have used a couple of those funcs, I'll be pushing docs for them tomorrow
(not that it really helps you now)
As soon as my php-uv PR gets merged I'm going to start using the libuv (separate branch) reactor (same interface, of course) for everything instead of libevent.
@rdlowrey tbh I'm still not entirely decided - seconds do make sense in some ways because that's what microtime(true) returns
Well I think ms is more common and I figured uniformity across libraries was best on that front.
^ agreed
For one thing, it makes more sense to those used to writing JS
Yeah. And libuv uses ms as well.
@DaveRandom BTW, have you had occasion to consult my alert CHANGELOG.md file at all? I like to think the few minutes spent on that thing aren't a waste of time, but if you haven't needed it for this then I'm not really sure who would have :)
It's sort of an odd thing actually, really it would make more sense to use usecs because that's what the C APIs are really working with, but at some point someone decided on ms and it seems to have stuck
Well in non-blocking servers you really shouldn't ever need any precision greater than 1 ms so I don't see much need in something like libuv.
And if you do you're probably doing something you shouldn't (like busy-polling for a result at very short time intervals).
@rdlowrey It allowed me to easily find the version where the secs => msecs change happened, which is the only thing I've looked for. Given that the original point was about Artax/React, all I really did was look at the difference between the Artax submodule reactor interface and the current
(and that seems to be the only diff)
yeah it hasn't really changed much for a while outside of that one thing.
that's also how I spotted the at() issue, because it didn't change at the same time
After I get aerys working to my satisfaction I'll v1.0.0 alert since it's been essentially stable for a long time at this point.
@rdlowrey Agreed, but there's a lot of * 1000 and / 1000 that's arguably unecessary
@rdlowrey There is something I worked on at work that would make you cry even more than I did
Yay for using MySQL as a medium for IPC queuing...
Oh, you mean so you could do non-blocking mysql things? oic
meh, there are worse things you could do ... things like writing low-level servers in an interpreted language :)
No, I mean there is a thing that someone wrote at work that polls a MySQL db, when busy, every 50ms :'(
it could be worse, at least it's xtradb cluster, it can handle it
@rdlowrey tried, can't, not without weeks of work
that's one of the best features of postgres ... you can set it up as an event notification system and then it will push out data to connected clients.
postgres basically has everything you could want for non-blocking async things.
And that's part of why your bridge will be very useful ... because now I don't have to feel bad about writing new nonblocking libs for things like redis and postgres with an alert backend because I won't be fragmenting the market.
I'm excited about the non-blocking userland postgres lib -- will be perfect for websockets (among other things) or any sort of server push application in aerys.
@rdlowrey yup. I said basically that to the CTO and his response was "yeh I know, but we have a 15YO infrastructure and making that work is months of dev time for no gain to the client so they won't pay us for that work", which is a shitty situation but I also totally accept the point
Yeah I get it ... sucks though. Green field projects FTW.
@rdlowrey I was hacking together a few udfs for MySQL that could make some of that stuff a bit better, but it's still never going to come close
Yeah our native mysql libs are utterly useless for async things.
it's worth noting that the MySQL server codebase, at least the "public facing" side of it (udfs etc) is a lot nicer to work with than you might expect if you take libmysql as the baseline
I've not really looked at mysqlnd
If fpm is anything to go by I'm guessing it sucks hard though
yeah -- the only problem I have with it is that there's no way to establish an async connection (in either IIRC) ... you could use a separate thread to establish the connection but for anything operating over sockets this should be a no-brainer.
The psql libs have non-blocking capabilities for everything and are extremely well-documented.
no idea, not looked into that side of it. It seems that would be a client side issue though, in theory that should be totally doable
might be worth looking at the node MySQL adapter thingy, that might use threads though
I think it would have to, at least for the connection.
It was trivial for me to add the specific non-blocking functionality for ext/pgsql for 5.6 though and it's just a better RDBMS all-around so mysql fixes can blow me. I don't care.
Writing userland apps I'd rather be working with pg anyway
Only problem is without a good event loop abstraction the code to do non-blocking with pg is a mess, of course.
It's hard to make things like that user-friendly when there's no built-in event loop in PHP.
@rdlowrey #php :-P
yeah ... so that's why I have to write a good userland abstraction for non-blocking pgsql with alert. And thanks to you react people can use it too :)
The actual commit message is also useful: github.com/php/php-src/commit/…
switch (pg_connect_poll($db)) {
'nuf said
Right, it's now 3:05am, I'm quite drunk and I really should go to bed
@DaveRandom 'night. thanks again for the bridge building!
You should still call it Loopio, BTW :)
np, it's nice to have a reasonably bite-size project for once
@rdlowrey duly noted
right, really going now
nitey nite @all
4 hours later…
@rdlowrey Bitch please. We will get through the first round and lose from brazil
Also morning all
Wow. Such honesty. Great.
Hi, I did not do any research. I dont know who to go about it.. — p.vimal raj kumar 33 secs ago
so I'm trying to use something from libjit and it's just not working, no error, no fault or exception, just not working ... so I debug it ...
that kinda looks purposefully broken, there is no way the same people who wrote libjit didn't see that this will always fail ...
strange thing to do ...
@SergeyTelshevsky ?
Sorry to disturb you, but there's a train! chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/89/tavern-on-the-meta
@PeeHaa made a room with you to ask some questions
@SergeyTelshevsky Questions regarding?
cv-pls tags you're posting
@bjb568 lol
morning all :)
They broke the train
Oh, and also, there's a PHP chatroom?
> Discussions for all things PHP, and stuff. Wordpress, C++ and Javascript suck. Chat Guidelines: room-11.github.io
Yes… but PHP?
morning salathe
@bjb568 There is :)
@Fabien got some time?
Anyone watching the footie tonight? Or are you like me and really couldn't give a rat's testicle?
@Jimbo pfffffff even @rdlowrey is going to watch I think. And his people only care about a egg shaped ball
@SecondRikudo Intermittently I do.
@Fabien Wanna try to make plans for making the plan?
good mornings
gin mron
@Jimbo what's this?
@SergeyTelshevsky Little side-project I'm working on :-)
@Jimbo some kind of home media server?
@SergeyTelshevsky Torrent-backed media conversion and streaming service, open-source
@Jimbo looks really nice, considering to do something similar for house media management
@Jimbo is this open source? :)
@Patrick It will be once I've gotten the basics out of the way
@JoeWatkins didn't you get my ping from last night?
@Jimbo That looks nice
My sites always look nice and clean at first. Then they just form in to turds.
design wise.
@Fabien Exactly the same here
Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you, @Fabien. I've already lost 5 kg out of 10 and have not started swimming yet.
@Leri Great to hear. Just keep eating healthy and exercising it off. Weight loss isn't one long straight line. It plateaus a lot. So expect some stages to be more difficult than others.
@Fabien I try to eat healthy, however, not always happens.. Bad habits.
@PeeHaa LOL
@Fabien lol
Okay, I've decided there'll be a "Your History" table on the dashboard. Therefore
If you start doing naughty things, it'll be right there in front of you
You added the-pony-and-javascript-naughty-videos on 24/04/2014 at 16:30 GMT
@Jimbo That is awesome!
Which one is good for primary key,

2 User Email ID ?
You are logged in as PeeHaa. You history:
- *Dropped out of school in 1990*
- *Started doing drugs in 1994*
@Leri Cheat days are fine as long as your good at other times. Just don't avoid eating. That's the last thing you need.
@vs7 Just have every single table having it's own unique id for the column: id AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY
Yeah, I started to have lunch at work. That really reduced the food I used to eat. I was quite surprised.
The most awful thing is that I eat at nights simply because I mostly leave very late from work.
@vs7 email address of a user is something that will change in the future, so it isn't something you can use as a primary key. either use an auto-incrementing ID like @Jimbo suggested or a UUID.
Hey @TobiasGies, how's it going? You coming to PHPNW?
and I'm fine, thanks. You?
awesome, /me is trying not to think too much about the free bar
(also, good morning everyone)
Can anybody tell me why one needs MVC?
Morningi @TobiasGies @Ufoguy
@Ufoguy You don't
Then why do people use it?
Separation of concerns is what you need
@Ufoguy Because people are idiots
@Ufoguy First, the MVC we use isn't actually "classical" MVC. But it's the separation of concerns that it provides that is important :-)
@TobiasGies @Jimbo Actually im developing Social Privacy Check APP and using email as Unique and ID as AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , but the problem is user can login with multiple social profile check ...

For. e.g. User can login with Facebook and LinkedIN if both the social profile have different email ID than im unable to locate the ID of that table
@Jimbo I'm not there to get wasted, I'm there to learn stuff. (That said, I'm looking forward to a cider or two. Or twenty.)
@TobiasGies Haha, aren't we all
Can you tell me what you mean by "Seperation of concerns" @Jimbo
Damn I want to have beer with you guys too :)
In computer science, separation of concerns (SoC) is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections, such that each section addresses a separate concern. A concern is a set of information that affects the code of a computer program. A concern can be as general as the details of the hardware the code is being optimized for, or as specific as the name of a class to instantiate. A program that embodies SoC well is called a modular program. Modularity, and hence separation of concerns, is achieved by encapsulating information inside a section of code that has a ...
@PeeHaa You coming?
@Ufoguy separate the different tasks your application has to do (manipulate database, talk to API, generate HTML...) into different classes.
@Jimbo When is it and what does it cost? /me too lazy to open their site
@Ufoguy (that was a simplified explanation. read that wikipedia article.)
Ok it's just for lessening confusion in code
@Ufoguy You don't. You need to separate things in your application that MVC thing (that has nothing to do with model-view-controller) is supposed to do. However, the most (RoR alike) frameworks around do it pretty wrong.
for keeping your code organized.
@vs7 If I sign up with an account on a website via my github profile, and then I also sign up with my twitter profile that has a different e-mail - I'll get two different accounts. This is my fault. People need to use the same email address if they want to keep everything together - not for you to worry about.
@PeeHaa £99 sometime this 3/4/5 october
what @Jimbo said
@Jimbo Who else is going? Is @DaveRandom going @DaveRandom
@Jimbo Are you talking to tiny avatar people again?
@SecondRikudo Just being nice :P makes a change
Of course @DaveRandom is going
Ow cool. @DaveRandom
Right @DaveRandom
Is that ^ correct @DaveRandom?
Is @DaveRandom not answering again?
Someone should get @DaveRandom to answer.
I think @DaveRandom is pretending to be busy

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