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Does anybody know if using SplFixedArray or similar Spl data structures actually improve performance or does the php interpreter just treat them like php arrays under the hood?
Question could be phrased a little better, but I think the question is relatively clear.
So I calculated the difference between two days but I realized that when I get the days, if its more then a month, it doesn't include the days that are in that month. Is there a way of getting the days as a whole including the month, and possibly even year?
@BrandonGelfand Can you elaborate a little more?
@HamZa Because you will yell at me for the crappy formatting the clients server stores it in, then precede to more then likely lecture me over something I have no control over.
@BrandonGelfand you're so long here, haven't you learned that you should include code (pastebin)?
@HamZa Because you will yell at me for the crappy formatting the clients server stores it in, then precede to more then likely lecture me over something I have no control over.
Sorry, didn't mean to post that twice...
hmmm ok
@HamZa I will do it if you want, and granted I can probably do better, I am still learning though, anyhow, do you still want me to?
$start = new DateTime('2000-01-05');
$end  = new DateTime('2014-06-11');
$difference = $start->diff($end);

echo $difference->days;
@BrandonGelfand ^ try to apply something like that
@HamZa worked perfectly, exactly what I was looking for, I am adding that to my snippets. Thank you!
@HamZa I was basically doing echo $difference->d;
But now I see, would this work the same for hours and seconds?
@BrandonGelfand print_r($difference); doesn't seem to show hours...
@HamZa Ok, thats fine, I could just do the difference in days times 24, with how ever many $difference->h added
@BrandonGelfand There you go: a day doesn't contain 24h :)
Anyways, going to sleep...
@HamZa but it's still morning. :)
@reikyoushin heh, I can sleep in the morning, at 3pm, 6pm, 8pm or later :P
Q: paypal recurring payment pending status?

user3716307I have been searching and reading up about this issue for hours now and I do not have a clue why no one has an answer to this apart from changing the provider etc which is not wanted. I also found this Paypal Sandbox recurring payment with initial amount pending which is the exact same issue t...

2 hours later…
what is the alternative for ODATA from Microsoft in the php world?
is HATEOAS an alternative, or is it The alternative?
why would it fucking matter?
I spent a lot of time learning breezejs, it is nice,
but it is all about .net shit
breezejs can work with php if I find a framework that implement the ODATA protocol.
but I find nothing like that.
I can't really understand why no php framework adopted ODATA
so I figured there is maybe an alternative for it in the php world
my next question,
what php framework support HATEOAS?
fast googling shows me symfony only
you did not even understand what HATEOAS is
I understand it is an adavnced rest layer
1 hour later…
This question appears to be off-topic as it is about Indian MVC. — Jimbo 18 hours ago
good morning.
good mornings
@tereško Oh god no
@Jimbo you really shouldn't do stuff like that :P
does anyone prefer using vi over IDEs? trying to use vi only today :)
Hey guys! Is there a function in mysql that changes the value of a record to the opposite one. For example 0 to 1, 1 to 0. Something like the ! operator in php. Thanks. : )
@hohner Personally I don't see how vi is so great.
morning all :)
@SecondRikudo speed and power - in the sense that you can combine functionality very succinctly. I really like this: medium.com/programming-ideas-tutorial-and-experience/…
^ ^ ^ ^ it's a nice talk
"whyyyy the loop?!"
he's a good speaker
the content matters, not the grammar
Hi everybody, can someone help me out with this stackoverflow.com/questions/24146667/…
I believe im missing a foreach I think to be able to do what im asking
The question is not clear
If you need another loop - add it. If not - don't
Im not sure if I do...
@hohner Sublime (and I suspect others too) have a vi mode
Im kind of lost there
@johnnyTrak when in doubts - try to follow the algorithm on a piece of paper
just pretend you need to solve the same task manually
@zerkms yea, I wrote it down already on paper and still cant see straight, im getting fed up with it :P.
It cant be so difficult someone must see what I need or what im doing wrong...
I've been using Vim for about 2 years now, mostly because I can't figure out how to exit it.
:D ( Currently learning VIM )
you can use your time better to learn to type faster :p other IDEs actually do help boost productivity
Please, someone help me solver my issue its urgent
According to phpstorm productivity guide, I have used "basic code completion" 2,285 times. Go to declaration 1827 times...
"Code completion has saved you from typing at least 17.4k characters since 22/01/14 (~222 per working day)"
^^ aha!
That's not much… you usually type around 20k characters of code in a normal day…
class completion, namespace imports, syntax formatting, docblock generation
screw it, switching back to PhpStorm :)
@bwoebi I'm going to say that it's because I type so fast that code completion would slow me down ;) also I do quite a bit of thinking too
actually, code completion also shows you the identically beginning function names etc.
not forgetting complete signatures; you already know what kind of arg you can pass
try Alt+Ins
can save you a lot of time too
is there any 1 interested to solve a query
I would but I am pretty crap :(
@HamZa Hehe
no problem give it a shot ,
thats enough
Have u posted it on SO
my freind has posted and asked me to do a favour but i couldnt
Wheres the link
i am just giving you the link bro
morning @DaveRandom
@PeeHaa lol
@JoeWatkins Model is described as an object there so the example there has nothing to do with MVC design pattern..
In general, nothing's wrong in executing Network or DB operation asynchronously and have registered callback once it's finished. Well, yeah it does not matter what pattern you use though. With MVC it's just a question where to put async operation calls.
guys, does anyone here use docker?
@zerkms iirc @Ocramius does, I might have made that up though
@DaveRandom I do for some projects /cc @zerkms
We're mainly using it to quickly setup a test environment provisioned with different fixtures
faster than loading the fixtures :)
Especially given that we have a dozen different fixture sets
@Fabien ginmorn
Someone a suggestion on this one? paste.jesse-obrien.ca/4WN
This is counting all days but I would like to do it minus the $scheldule[$day-day]->price.
@Duikboot Probably need to see a bit of the contents of what $days has and what exactly you want
Hello guys... is it ok to create new instance of model inside of same model?

    class User {
        public $username,

        public function add($data) {
            require VENDORS.'password.php';
            $query = new UserQueries();
            $user = new User();

            $user->username = $data->username;
            $user->password = $data->password;
            $user->email = $data->email;

            if ($user->isValid()) {
                $password = password_hash($this->password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
@xoemab Model is a layer, not something you create an instance of...
also make some time to work through this list, there are a lot of things wrong with your code http://stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/2834339
Can someone help me find the solution to this? stackoverflow.com/questions/24146667/…
Using register_shutdown_function to dispatch HTTP request with Symfony but also, all the Exception like NotFoundHttpException aren't throw, when I delete the register_shutdown_function, Exception was thrown.. any ideas ?
@Jimbo btw I've been working on github.com/DaveRandom/alert-react-bridge, hoping to have something usable in the next day or two, already got the examples from React to run on an Alert loop (mostly) error-free
I'm going to look at making Artax run on React this evening, which is the real point of the exercise
Good morning
@Leri I'm about to write documentation, but suddenly I've realized that, despite each thing in particular is quite simple, there are too many things. So plain readme.md can not be used to document all those features .. :\ SO I'm in doubt how to create docs
@DaveRandom I've been watching, it looks interesting. So effectively I can use Artax\Client and Artax\Request in the context of React for async calls
morning, btw
what would be a good term for a setting that sais "you can or cannot copy me" dupeme=true/false ?
@Leri yay. I didn't know
@Ocramius does it somehow recognize if an image was updated? Or you must rebuild your derivative image every time for that?
@Jimbo That's the general idea. So you can do something like:
// 1) Create a React-based loop
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();

// 2) Create something that pretends to be an Alert-based loop
$reactor = (new AlertReactBridge\LoopFactory)->createAlertCompatibleLoop($loop);

// 3) Create an Artax client
$client = new Artax\AsyncClient($reactor);

// ?

// 5) Profit!
There will be a bit of a performance penalty, but hopefully not too bad
@Leri thanks. I'll take a look. Seems to be useful. I've made first milestone, I think. There are many things to be implemented, but it's in some consistence state already - so I think that should be documented. Otherwise I'll never end :D
@AlmaDo You're welcome. Is it time for me to start learning QT (that gui app)? :D
@Jimbo paste.jesse-obrien.ca/4X0 I tried to explain my best what I am trying to achieve.
@Leri huh, I'm not sure. Right not I would be glad to discuss what things will be needed in API for tests management. And you can't do it while you're not aware of what is the framework or how it works (so I need to create documentation first)
@Leri so I'll create documentation firstly, then you'll check it and say where are non-clear points, then I'll fix that, ... until you'll be aware of all needed things. Then we'll discuss API, then I'll create it, and after that GUI may have sense :p
@AlmaDo I like that; deal.
@Leri thanks for your interest & efforts. In fact, with proposed handlers encapsulation I've really improved the code
@AlmaDo You're welcome. Well, despite that most of my projects are commercial, I am still OS guy. :)
Hi, I have a associative array which contains some key whose the key "data" containing json
I want to do a json_decode in all the "data" key in my array
What exactly is Alert noob explanation please?
is there a tip for that ?
without a conditional for
@Aymenworks json_decode($array['data'])
Also, morning room.
there is no only one 'data'
there are a lot ^^
so it will works in all the key data ?
foreach ($outerArray as $innerArray)
    $json = json_decode($innerArray['data']);
    // do something with $json
I just wanted to know if it was possible without for boucle
Well, you could use array_map or array_walk
But why don't you want to use a for or foreach block?
there is not a method like " add +1 " in all value which have "data" key ?
@Aymenworks how french are you?
just for optimisation
@Aymenworks Thank god no.
i'm french @FlorianMargaine
yeah. The english word for "boucle" is "loop"
yep I forgot it
PHP doesn't have primitive collection functions like first or any, but has stupid ass shit like array_column -- never understood this.
[warn] [client] mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for
@DanLugg Sorry, what does (would) any() do?
@DaveRandom Returns a boolean determining whether any (at least one) element of an array satisfies a predicate
bool function array_any(array $array, callable $predicate)
@DanLugg first == array_slice(0, 1) ?
I'd like to see any, all, first, first_key, last, and last_key in core.
@Danack No no, the element must satisfy a predicate.
@DanLugg oh right, so basically array_reduce() that bails as soon as retval is truthy?
They're all predicate oriented functions.
@DaveRandom Pretty much, yea
How to SELECT all strings WHERE date=today+7 days?
Like you've said.
@ArsenIbragimov the top two google results for that exact sentence go to the sqllite and mysql documentation.
@Danack @DaveRandom lol I was rewriting this when I remembered I had already: gist.github.com/bracketworks/9174946
I wouldn't, however, want to see them implemented in core in that form (with those signatures) and instead accept both array and Traversable.
@DanLugg Your half-ternary spacing is confusing makes make angry, at first glance it looks like a conflict with the proposed return type hinting/nullable types
That's right, angry
Hard to google: ${module_lc[0]^} what's with ^ ? (bash)
@DaveRandom lol, yea, it was upsetting me a bit too
I dunno why that happened.
I normally do $expr ?: $expr
But I guess the other way kinda reads like $okay? : $NO
@DanLugg More liked Nullable at the first glance.
*shrug* Blame NetBeans.
But "nullable" sort of makes sense in context; if the expression is null assign a new value because the expression could yield null :-)
if ($predicate === null) {
    $predicate = function($value) { return !empty($value); };
Is far more readable ^
Yea, but now you have 2 variables; I don't mind mutability. Now it's on 3 lines, I don't mind single-line expressions
Also, you violate DRY principle there. :P
Moar like IE Nein.
ANYWAY, the gist (aside from outlining my horrendous coding style) demonstrates some of the "primitive" collection functions that should be in PHP core.
Maybe warrants an RFC. I know people say "NO MOAR ARRAY FUNCTIONS", but that's probably because all we get is terrible ones.
When I said that I was shouted... No more array_* function any more..
^^ Yea.
Well, I disagree with the "no more". We're not "running out of room".
Well, in the perfect world some of not so useful function could be replaced by more useful ones. However, it would be impossible for now...
^^ Not really, deprecate.
I was just going to say, I may do an analysis of popular PHP projects to see what functions are used and in what frequency.
If something comes up with 0's across the board, then perhaps its time to consider it a gangrenous limb and chop it off.
Further to that point, I'm sure a number of functions could be combined into one another.
I doubt that will ever pass in internals... ^
Peanut M&Ms from America are so much tastier!
@DanLugg You could write it as an extension first.
Next stop my thighs! whoop whoop
@Danack Yea, I've heard that's the best approach. Then it stays in extension limbo forever, but at least its out there.
Could someone please look at the answer give here and tell me why where the function is being called in the foreach doesnt work? stackoverflow.com/questions/24146667/…
@johnnyTrak Do you use a debugger?
No :(
I tried but I get no error :S
@Danack Y'know, that should make a reasonably trivial extension. I think I'll make that my first attempt at PHP internals.
@DanLugg cool. And yeah, having the debate of "should this code be added to php core" is probably an easier debate to have than "should we add more array functions".
@Danack It's all about politics marketing presentation
Yay, $summerProjects++
So... did world cup draw at work this morning. Winner gets £50. I think I am in with a good chance. I got Nigeria and Ghana!
Nigeria is getting pwned by Bosnia in first round.
Readability would be awesome if we had short-function syntax, return array_all($array, $e ==> $e > 10)
@DanLugg HA-HA that's hilarious Dan. I can believe you typed that with a straight face.
@Danack I'm not partial to the ==> syntax, but I actually do think we'd benefit from it. Not to mention expression decomposition features, turning $e ==> $e > 10 into an AST graph which can be processed.
Yes, I come from a lot of day-to-day C#, and yes I use LINQ, and yes I use Entity Framework which decomposes expressions into SQL, and yes I think that's an awesome use-case.
$e = expression($x ==> $x > 10) yields an object graph representing the param and binary expression.
@Danack Seriously, no love for this?
@DanLugg tbh I don't really understand what you meant by 'object graph representing the blah blah...but it's the having more than one thing on a line that I don't like, particularly when one of the things has 5 symbols to read.
@DanLugg And what would that one do?
@Danack Simply put, you can create an AST out of an expression which you can then use for whatever.
fine but:
$foo = ($e ==> $e > 10);

return array_all($array, $foo);
@SecondRikudo What would the result be?
What are you expecting ==> to do?
Oh, nothing, I'm just stealing nonsense from Hack; just a short-function syntax.
Equivalently (for the most part) function ($e) { return $e > 10; }
@Danack ...and?
"it's the having more than one thing on a line that I don't like"
Oh, ok. Well fine, you could write it like that; nobody is stopping you.
Just the same way I can do array_filter($array, function () {}) now.
And you might do $f = function () {}; array_filter($array, $f)
^^ Separate lines of course.
My prerogative is this: I think a decomposable expression feature would be tits; any other environment that exposes something like that that I've used has been great. Typically, expression decomposition is reserved for expressions though; single-statement expressions. Decomposing a closure (as they are now) would be far more complicated (unnecessarily) Er go, a method to decompose single-statement expressions. An easy way to support this exclusively, is a single-statement function block syntax
Such as the short-function syntax known in many languages. The added benefit of this, is now we can define short-functions in lieu of full blown closures. This would make sense for things like array_map, or my proposed array_first etc.
You may find it more/less readable; that is totally an open question. I think in certain circumstances it is far more readable. Multi-lining things for your personal preference is no problem -- it's a personal preference.
But the absence of the feature (and continued absence because of "readability" concerns, if that were a primary concern) is a crock, because the added benefits of such a feature should outweigh hugely the readability problems which can be worked around very easily.
I can work around readability with different formatting rules in my IDE, I can't work around the absence of expression decomposition because there isn't an alternative.
I think you need a better example than "Equivalently (for the most part) function ($e) { return $e > 10; }" if you're going to persuade people.
Of course.
I was just saying that it's functionally equivalent to that, if it were to be evaluated. The difference would (should) be that the expression form could be decomposed into a mini AST, which could then be processed into another format; typically a query format. Using a short-form in lieu of a closure "just because" only yields the readability benefits, if said benefits are applicable
Hi all. I want to learn PHP. But i donno about javascript, CSS. So what i have to learn first?
What would you say is currently the least wanky blog cms?
@AvinashRaj Depends on your goal.
Announcing Miaou, an open source #nodejs chat server with OAuth2, markdown, video, games, private rooms and much more http://dystroy.org/miaou/intro
is there any tutorial on PHP for beginners like python docs does for python?
@AvinashRaj php.net
Thanks Madura.
@SecondRikudo nice
@HamZa It's incredibly good
@SecondRikudo Manga wasn't overly thrilling. In anime form it will probably be better but not much plot movement. Except... y'know flying.
Blech, it's so humid I don't think I even need a shower.
I like how she didn't want them to fight on earth, so she just summoned a completely different dimension
I feel like she could and should just swiftly destroy them.
and then what?
but only front-page. Not sure if it can maintain documentation .
Can I ask a general question about how you guys think a website works? I'm trying to figure out how the (grooveshark.com) website streams its music (unicast maybe) and codes the website and databases to do so... any ideas?
project manager just now uttered the phrase: "Are you telling me, that I should plan the deadlines with some additional safety margins on top of your estimates ?!? How can you seriously expect me to work that way ?!"
then add your safety margin on your estimates
@AlmaDo Currently, mysql-unit is available only for MySQL 5.6 and above. is not a feature therefore it should be outside of: Supported features, imho. Also in title every word (but and, or, of, etc.) starts with capital letter, afaik. Otherwise, it's fine for the starting stages.
ping @rdlowrey when you wake up
@AlmaDo I'd recommend to add link to docs page and have documentation separately. Maybe few snippets from there can go in front-page.
@Leri I'm trying to do something with pages..
@DaveRandom pong
We're also on Miaou @rdlowrey
@rdlowrey Mornings. Should an Alert loop stop running when there are no more events to process or do you need to explicitly call stop()?
@DaveRandom It should stop.
But if you're watching streams then it can't stop.
There's a bug in the NativeReactor then I think (which I'm guessing you haven't paid any attention to for a while) although I'm still debugging
I'll help debug if you can gist a reproducible case.
in fact if you could try running the example from the bridge and see if it exits I would appreciate it, I'm on win here with no libevent etc so can only test native
it may is probably just be a bug in the bridge
Do I have to use composer to install?
Some people here working on OSX?
@Duikboot using or working on? if using, then yes (until I have time to install ubuntu)
I have a specific question but I don't know in wich channel to ask. I am working on a webserver wich has + 1k folders with a specific number like : 1412736 blabalbala 1301443 tea ahs w ....
Now I have to go trough all the folders and search for that number... is there just an easy way I can create something that will navigate to the folder when I just type in the number?
I don't always know in wich folder-structure-level-depth they are located.
When I just a search on the server for 1312322 it takes a long time.. Maybe some applescript thing that could improve this process?
@Duikboot find . -name 'folderName'
in JavaScript: There Is No Comma First, 38 secs ago, by copy
@jAndy First PHP, then HIV, then jQuery
@rdlowrey You don't have to but it's probably the simplest way
@Patrick Will that automatically search in a connect server?
./composer.phar install daverandom/alert-react-bridge
@DaveRandom What did I do wrong? ^
If I can't install everything I need with a git command I usually don't use a library. Good thing you're a cool dude ;)
@rdlowrey Oh it's not on packagist yet
---------------------------------------- want to build a search like oppex.com
is there any php-ajax search query knows, kindly share the resource link.

multiple keywords existance check in a table (ex: blog title search)

and heighlight the keyword in result
The one you build.
@Duikboot I have the server drive mounted, that works
@rdlowrey There is an autoloading problem with that when using React though, because it's all composer-based, and chances are people are installing it with composer. If I submodule the libs it'll most likely end up with duplicated lib codebases, possibly with disparate versions. To be honest though, I haven't figured out exactly how I'm going to handle the dependency management element, I'm just trying to make it work first.
@DaveRandom no worries. I just got it installed. The way I always work around the autoloading issue is ...
I just roll with the submodules and add a bootstrap file somewhere that isn't vendor/autoload.php for myself. That way I don't ever have to use composer but people who want to can.
Of course, that only works automatically if all your dependencies use submodules as well (mine always do).
That'll work. We can iron out the fine print later.
It's a non-issue. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm just babbling -- code your repos in the way that makes you happy :)
btw if you are playing with it, note that trying to run Alert-based things on React won't work at the moment, there are a few issues that will cause things to explode
I will help you fix/maintain things going forward because this functionality will be extremely useful for me.
Even if you do PHP for years, you can just have these WTF moments, for example if you need the current timestamp formatted with milliseconds ... ;) - date_create_from_format('U.u', sprintf('%.f', microtime(true)))->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uO');
Oh also @rdlowrey I haven't tested this but I think there's an issue with at() in all the reactors, they don't appear to adjust for seconds -> milliseconds
@DaveRandom oh, lol that wouldn't surprise me.
I wonder why the guy who wrote DateTime does not support non-integer timestamps as input to ctor.
They just proxy a once() call and pass in the strtotime result
@DaveRandom I don't ever use Reactor::at ... I wonder if it shouldn't be removed TBH. Thoughts?
I had planned to add cron-style support to the reactor but haven't ever gotten around to it.
I think absolute times are useful, I think the time string business isn't (i.e. just accept a timestamp)
k, will do.
My reactor(s) have in(), at() and every() (where in() -> once() and every() -> repeat())
as in the ones I have written, nothing to do with what I'm doing here
I'm fine with at/every ... in can be a bit confusing to understand at first I think, but that's really down to personal preference.
If I saw Reactor::in() I would have no idea what that does on first glance.
PHP Warning:  strtotime(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings.
@rdlowrey Agreed, also naming of the stuff really doesn't matter. You could call them ie() (do something relatively brilliant, once) firefox() (do something absolutely brilliant, once) and chrome() (keep doing relatively brilliant things)
In fact, I think you should rename stop() -> stahp() and tick() -> moar()
You know what would help work through these important issues? Orange mocha frappuccino! A fig psr for event loops! ;)
<head explodes>
Wake me up before you go go.
Don't keep me changing my own standards like a yo-yo
(will bin momentarily -- holding for initial effect)
God that is annoying :P
oh ffs, SE broke the onebox minimiser again
1 message moved to recycle bin
Hi all
hello there.
@DanLugg shakes fist
how are you doing hakre
:D cool
I'm having a hard time making conversation.
@rdlowrey That is really your personal hell, isn't it?
@DaveRandom I get notices from Reactable\Loop::removeStream() (line 108) because there's no write watcher registered for the stream. Which would you prefer: (1) @ suppression or (2) an additional isset check to avoid the notice?
@DanLugg It really is.
Anybody has experience with wordpress ?
Don't say "@BenjaminGruenbaum," don't say "@BenjaminGruenbaum," don't say "@BenjaminGruenbaum."
@hakre because of the video posted above?
1 message moved to recycle bin
I just performed .gif inception.

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