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04:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

@NikiC No it's not, it's a 50% difference (0.03 vs 0.02), which is fairly close to the difference I see here
@ircmaxell Why? Code 1 has 50% difference including all the other code (the foreach loop through hundred thousand elements). The ref/no-ref passing perf thing (if it actually exists, which I don't believe) couldn't account for it
it's still called only once, so it's only iterating once
and I have no idea why that changes anything
OHHH, now that's interesting...
It's called only once (compared to our thousands of calls) AND does a loop => Can't be the reason
it's not the memory copy that slows anything down
(that was still in reply to "it's still called only once, so it's only iterating once")
don't understand your last paste
could you explain?
@ircmaxell What the hell.
I have NO idea
Nice to hear that from you, for once :P
Look at it. Reference is still faster, even though it has a memory copy
this shouldn't happen
I'm more wtf'd about the memory use
@Charles The memory use is right ;) The timing is the issue
When doing the $b = $a PHP can't keep sharing the zval because one time it is referenced and twice not-referenced
Ah, just ask ircmaxell, he can explain that better
@Charles That's correct, since it can't do copy on write since there's a reference, so it forces the copy
what's really odd, is the functions have the same opcode structure. So it's somewhere in the engine that's causing this problem...
No, same opcodes are okay
@ircmaxell *gasp* You mean PHP is doing something stupid!? I would never have guessed that could happen.
But the numbers are still strange
codepad.viper-7.com/ciLgUY -- this time asking for "real usage"... I hate PHP.
@NikiC expected
@ircmaxell why?
@NikiC because the functions are identical. The difference is in the entry to the function (which isn't captured by the function's opcodes)
First case: No refs involved, so no copy. Second case: A ref involved, so again no copy because foreach operated on the array directly if it is refd
Ah, sorry, didn't see what you were replying to ^^
Huh, refs are faster in 5.2 codepad.viper-7.com/ryMEC8
@ircmaxell codepad.viper-7.com/i4VvIg Why is the loop with the refd var faster?
Maybe after all foreach does a hard copy always? Though that wouldn't be sound either
I'm not sure about the engine or opcode level, but at the language level, foreach always works on a copy of each value from the iterator unless you expressly ask for a ref by doing foreach($foo as &$bar)
@Charles That's what I thought. But it seems that PHP operates on a copy which has the usual copy-on-write semantics, not on a hard copy. So unless you change the array you are iterating in the loop no real copy is done
@NikiC I don't know
@NikiC Yeah, that seems correct here.
Until test2.
@Charles They are not generally
this case is weird, I'm going to have to dig into this
should i ask on php.pecl?
give it a minute
or 3
Interesting. So far it seems like the setup of the foreach is not the problem....
@ircmaxell hello mate. im new to php. actually i have got fireworks slides for template. i dont know how to use it. how can i use it
@ManjinderS No idea, I'm not a designer
@ircmaxell but i think we need html code as a template eni
Weird. @NikiC: invalid argument foreach occurs at the FE_FETCH opcode, not the FE_RESET opcode. I wonder why... lxr.php.net/opengrok/xref/PHP_5_3/Zend/zend_vm_def.h#3745
nevermind, it's both
@NikiC ask on irc
@all anybody knows how to use fireworks template into netbeans
@andho zendcon streaming about zf2 right now zend.com/en/company/zendcon-live
@all anybody knows how to use fireworks template into netbeans
lolwut ?
@ManjinderS , did you try the "save to internets" button ?
Are you sure that'd be a safe button to press?
@tereško in fireworks? no
@Charles @tereško help me guys. farely new. dont knwo how to use fireworks template into netbeans for programming
What is a fireworks template?
i have no idea
@Charles i have fireworks document
Isn't fireworks one of the old Macromedia products?
sounds like he wants something that magically creates websites
@Charles , its not old
@tereško no im not.
Wow, it isn't dead!
Adobe Fireworks (formerly Macromedia Fireworks) is a bitmap and vector graphics editor. It was originally developed, using parts of, which Adobe acquired in 2009, and aimed at web designers (with features such as: slices, the ability to add hotspots etc.) for rapidly creating website prototypes and application interfaces. It is designed to integrate easily with other former Macromedia products, such as Dreamweaver and Flash. It is available as a standalone product or bundled with Adobe Creative Suite. Previous versions were bundled with Macromedia Studio. User interface Fireworks' user ...
So, color me confuzzled. You want to do what with a vector image?
@tereško that would take a long time... Save Internets. Hrm, given enough time, that would work I guess...
@Charles i want to use it in netbeans and wants to programm it
can you share that "template" somewhere ?
Netbeans is an IDE. It is not a vector image editor. Can you please be more specific about what you want to do?
i could take a look that's inside it
@Charles . i suspect it might have something to do with : adobe.com/devnet/fireworks/articles/css_templates.html
@Charles yah that is wot im trying to do. netbeans is an html editor. i want to convert fireworks file into html
@ManjinderS Are you using the thing that @tereško just posted?
@Charles i have to look into it. but simply i want to convert fireworks file into html whihc i can put into netbeans and program that
This will only end in pain.
But yeah, follow that link, read about the thing, and use it. 'cause that's totally what you want.
actually developers usually create html/css from images by hand .. it is sometimes called: slicing
@Charles @tereško yes how can i slice the fireworks file
@tereško yeh u got me this is wot i want to do. how can i slice my fireworks template into html/css
i honestly hope that this guy is joking
"what". It's spelled "what".
(8:49:57 PM) johannes_: nikic: without looking deeper in it or even jsut testing it: the first one copies it for holding the current array offset during the iteration, the second doesn't have to. (in case one refcount=2 bit isref=0)
@ManjinderS , do you know how to write css ?
interesting ZF2 will apparently not reference the View inside the Controller anymore
@tereško no. n plz dont make it a joke. im learning thats why im here
@Gordon I'm not sure I like the "there is more magic here" implication.
@Charles i think they just moved it into the router.
@ManjinderS , here are two tutorials : htmldog.com/guides and wsc.opera.com
start reading
@tereško no i dont know how to write css. im new to php and web development. i developed iphone app which is differnetn. so could u plz help me to make initial concept clear
@tereško thanks
@Gordon That's kinda funny. Not ha-ha funny. That concept kinda reminds me of one of my early MVC-without-objects things from my Perl days a decade ago...
@Charles i could be totally wrong about that though. because right now he is showing some viewListener
@tereško i will read all those pages but wants to make sure will it end up answering my question. coz u people gonna be offile after some time. :-)
Gonna have to read up on things then.
@ManjinderS Your existing question is too vague to be answerable because you do not have a foundation of knowledge on which to build. Read those sites, learn the things you need to do, and the course of action will become clear.
@Charles yes understand . thanks
im pinning this while zend con lasts
Split into two tests so I can measure peak usage
Johannes said that this is because PHP needs to copy the array in the no-ref case so that the array pointer of the global array is not modified
So if isref=0 and refcount>1 a copy is done
So I think I understood it now
foreach() copies only non-ref vars with more than one reference. And in no other case.
Ahhh, it already freed the memory
@tereško i was studying slicing. so i have to slice portion of fireworks manually and use it as an image. then i have to add that image into html . right?
well .. im pretty sure that you did not learn html in 40 minutes , @ManjinderS
the workflow for converting a design into website is usually like this :
@tereško no i learned that. i had some previous knowledge of that as well. but for last 5 mins i was studying slicing
1. create a semantic html which describes the content of page
2. validate what you have written
3. add css which styles the html document into a website
4. add dynamic behavior with javascript
@tereško in this workflow where can i put my design which i made in photoshop or in fireworks?
usually you have to concentrate on repeating fragments in the site
you have to identify which parts can be created by using smaller ones
for example you have a navigation bar at the top of site , which has a vertical gradient
you do not need to cut to use a 1000+ pixel wide image to make it
instead you make a small piece , and repeat for all the width
@tereško small piece of what?
forget it
hire a developer
@tereško sorry to ask that question. anyhow thanks for your help. i will learn it n will let u know when i will make that website :-) cheers mate
I'm turning this xml feed (http://andrewfinden.com/test/feed.xml) into an array, and trying to figure out how to sort that by the 'startdate' value. Here's my code - I'm trying the arry_multisort as you can see, but that doesn't seem to do the trick.. any thoughts anyone?

function html_encode($var){
$var = html_entity_decode($var, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$var = htmlentities($var, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
return $var;

// Open the file and recognise it as XML:
$file = file_get_contents('feed.xml');
hello all
what i am doing wrong
alter table persons
alter column p_id primary key;
oh no
I have an table persons in which i have a column p_id not i want to make this column as a primary key
github.com/zendframework/zf2/blob/master/library/Zend/Loader/… - "require_once" in code of class definition. It's 2011 and it's... Zend Framework 2... sigh
static methods... :sigh:
@OZ_ That makes limited sense, in that the code in question is the autoloader.
Or, rather, a autoloader.
@Charles it's possible to write clean code, especially when you (they) are Zend developer.
@OZ_ How is a require_once of an interface not clean when the code in question is the autoloader and therefore can not rely on an autoloader in place to deal with it automatically?
@Charles then this class should not use interface or interface should be declared in this class. pretty simple. By the way, in that library I found 874 occurrences of "static function" phrase.
31 "singleton"
they have NOT change
at all
@OZ_ Why in the blue blazes would you put an interface definition in the same file as a class, given that interfaces are a freaking unit of reuse.
5 "global $"
That said, lol, singleton.
@OZ_ i assume you are talking about ZF2 .. right ?
@tereško yep.
@tereško globals in ZF2. I can't believe
File a bug.
And then reddit it
i think we now have an official looser in the "php framework wars 2011" : zend framework 2.x
that'll generate a sufficient amount of outrage :p
@Charles , or not
Eh, if put into /r/programming and given an inflamatory title, like "ZF2 can't even follow PHP's best practices, has global variables, singletons..."
@tereško well.. codeignitor, joomla - this kind of crap id still used by the thousands of developers
Then again, not everyone considers singletons to be an antipattern
they should.
especially in php
there's no good reason for them
we need a revolution in the php frameworks.
@tereško, maybe you will write framework for us?
with @Gordon and @ircmaxell
To hell with frameworks.
We don't need another one.
uuh.. speaking of frameworks.. recently i changed from flat php to symfony2 because frameworks "are so awesome and stuff".. and now you guys are telling me they suck :o
that makes me quite confused
They can be awesome. They can also be overengineered pieces of garbage.
@ThatWebNerd "sucks" it's the usual characteristic for any thing in this chat
ZF2 is looking quite a bit like the latter.
@Charles well .. we kinda need
this is not even the "reinventing of wheel" type of thing
you cannot call it reinventing , if all the wheels have been square
@OZ lol ok
Yeah, but if the resulting wheel is square, just painted blue instead of green, it's not an improvement.
well.. did i pick a good or bad framework ?
@ThatWebNerd it's best of what you can choose
at this moment
@ThatWebNerd , from the "full stack" frameworks it is best we currently have
I'm sure new framework from @tereško will break the php-world
that would be nice .. but kinda impossible
additionally, php-world does not need more breaking
good night, I'm going play Portal 2
btw @tereško what does "full stack" mean ?
"everything you could every thing that you might someday need + kitchen sink"
ah i see
as you might tell , i am not a fan of full stack frameworks
@OZ_ i wont write a framework :)
i have been "writing" one for more then a year ..
and @ircmaxell has his own project to work on , he does not have time to play with frameworks
and the one @ChristianSciberras has been working on isn;t much better there the rest out there
Anybody in here knows a good open-source bittorrent tracker which supports postgresql backend?
i can't imagine frameworks a written by single persons.. always thought thats the work of a company or lets say at least 10 ppl.. isn't that a bunch of work?
how can I select in MySQL
depends on what sort of framework you want to get , @ThatWebNerd
SELECT `ID` FROM `tdc_users` WHERE `display_name` = 'x'
x = SELECT `value` FROM `tdc_bp_xprofile_data` WHERE `field_id` = 1
@CAM select
good one @stevether
lil more complex then that
You asked.
@ThatWebNerd: it all depends on the type of framework. I've written my own framework for personal use to aid me in setting up new sites
so basically i want to select the id where its equal to the profile name
@CAM , looks like you need to learn about SQL JOINs
@PeeHaa @tereško yeah.. i think i understand..
i think its some sort of join
@tereško you are always so helpful
and you are always vague
stupid question deserve stupid answers
inner join that
perhaps i can clarify
Thx @ThatWebNerd
lemme try
something like:

SELECT id FROM tdc_users INNER JOIN tdc_bp_xprofile_data on tdc_users.display_name = tdc_bp_xprofile_data.field_id;
SELECT `ID`,`value`
FROM tdc_users
INNER JOIN tdc_bp_xprofile_data WHERE `field_id` = 1
ON tdc_users.ID = tdc_bp_xprofile_data.value
so because of my Schema i need specific values WHERE field_id = x
in the JOIN
@Gordon I just used Gmap API to do the second Q
@CAM errm, cv = closevote ;)
Q: Condition within JOIN or WHERE

Steve DignanIs there any difference (performance, best-practice, etc...) between putting a condition in the JOIN clause vs. the WHERE clause? For example... -- Condition in JOIN SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers AS CUS INNER JOIN dbo.Orders AS ORD ON CUS.CustomerID = ORD.CustomerID AND CUS.FirstName = 'John' -...

this is kinda what I am trying to accomplish
hey all
stupid Q.
how do i put a thousands separator on an integer?
number_format seems to be only working with floats
php > echo number_format(123456789);
so i tried this
SELECT `ID`,`value`
FROM tdc_users
JOIN tdc_bp_xprofile_data
ON tdc_users.display_name = tdc_bp_xprofile_data.value WHERE tdc_bp_xprofile_data.field_id = 1
= does not work
SELECT `ID` FROM `tdc_users` WHERE `display_name` = 'CAM Designs SON!!' = works
SELECT `value` FROM `tdc_bp_xprofile_data` WHERE `field_id` = 1
= works
@Charles it doesnt work....
@Neal Code?
        if(in_array($key, $dec_keys)){
            $info[$key] = number_format($info[$key],2);
        if(in_array($key, $null_keys) && $info[$key] == 0){
            $info[$key] = number_format($info[$key]);
Only the 1st one works
@CAM Protip: you don't need the backticks for 96.35% of all identifiers.
the second one does not...
What do you get out of it instead?
cool, i use them primarily for syntax highlighting
@Charles wait... i found the error....
The error was the $info[$key] == 0
there was no reason for that check there...
Formatting zero is difficult
@Charles lol i wanted to format all non zeros, i accidentally put ==
so it was never getting into the if statement
lol i know that.. can be annoying
this may be closer to what I am attempting @tereško I am trying to be less vague here
<code>$name = 'SELECT `value` FROM `tdc_bp_xprofile_data` WHERE `field_id` = 1';

$results = mysql_query($name);
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($results))
$uid = "SELECT `ID` FROM `tdc_users` WHERE `display_name` =".$r['value'];

$user_results = mysql_query($uid);
and its not throwing any errors
@CAM first, your inner query is broken :P
@cHao hello mate. do u have any experience with fireworks?
not really...i do almost exclusively backend stuff
i might have started it up once or twice
but what little i end up needing to do, photoshop handles
@cHao im doing slicing of design n it wont let me export
@cHao any idea?
@cHao coz my fireworks png by default talking * and it does not allow special charachters like *
makes sense... * is a wildcard char
is it somehow possible to enable content assist on css to popup automatically when i type ":" ?
atm i have to press ctrl+space every time
in eclipse*
Q: Eclipse content assist auto-activation for CSS?

user949952I found there is content assist auto-activation option for Java, JavaScript and XML. But not for CSS. So I have to type Ctrl+Space like crazy. Any way to make the auto-completion box show up automatically?

nevermind.. the eclipse forums say it's not implemented for css. great.
@ThatWebNerd @cHao hi can anybody explain me what is difference between div based website and table based webstie. which is better
both have their purposes.
dont use tables for layout but for content
@ThatWebNerd so i should used div?
div based is less wrong for layout, but it's still not that great
@cHao this whole concept deals with css?
partly with styling (css), mostly with semantics
tables should be used for data...that is, stuff that belongs in a table
@cHao okie. fine
when did ppl start to use divs and css for layout ?
i remember my first homepage when i was 10.. that'd be 2001.. i made it with a table layout
when css actually became usable, mostly
@cHao just a general question u have used external design made in say fireworks? instead of css?
@cHao so u always use css?
@cHao u never used template?
even if i used a sliced up design, i'd just save the slices and build the html myself
@cHao yes im struggling with slicing. who can we make html from slice?
there should be an option when you go to save
@cHao coz wot im trying to do i have fireworks design and now after slicing different parts of design i save it. then what to do
ps has something like that too.. "save for web" .. or smth like that
yeah...it does. which is why i've hardly ever used fireworks
but still.. the finished sliced html+css didn't work so well if i remember correctly
@ThatWebNerd @cHao after saving slicing how can i use that as html
there should be an option to export/save these slices as web or html or...
write it on your own :)
i don't trust the html ps generates. i dunno about fireworks, but i kinda doubt it'd be any better
@ThatWebNerd yes there is option of export. after exporting im not getting how to use that into website. this is problem
then it's probably the wrong export :/
maybe this will help:
04:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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