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Is it possible to convert .dll content to a byte array through php?
I am thinking about: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.hex2bin.php
but not sure this gets what I want/mean
@MikeM. ... im stuck. what have you gotten so far?
That;s dickiesh
uhm well I am creating a .dll loader for a friend
have you gotten any results? whats the closest youve gotten
he wants me to grab the .dll content from a file
base64_encode it
the loader will:
base64_decode it
the loader will inject the decoded output without writing it into a file (straight inject)
what I've got so far is that it just grabs the content => throws it in a .dll file => injects the file
2 hours later…
Q: Coupon code system giving fatal error

iheartbreakzI am trying to make a coupon code system on my website. I have made an array with all the coupon codes and I am using set_discount as a function to see if the code is valid and if it is valid, I change the value of $discount to reflect it. I would want the discount then echoed so for example like...

@iheartbreakz Are you a freelancer? Just curious
I'm thinking of getting into free lancing
So I'm searching for free lancers on SO
Any freelancers here?
I hope i could be one in the future..
I'm learning PHP and MYSQL using Udemy.com course
I paid 10$ for a 100$ code using a coupon
It's a good course
I'm currently at arithematic operations
Im learning html,css,gmaps api, PHP,mysql, vb.net, java,android
How did you learn PHP
"Learn" ? haha i didnt learn, im "trying to" haha..
How are you trying to
Don't orget to ping me when you reply
I'm curretly multitasking. Watching the course.
I installed xampp, made a vb.net to grab data from internet coordinates and other data---> save it in mysql
VB.net ha! Not PHP?
Then i made a web that grabs that data through php, place markers on gmap..
please ping me when you reply
and actually trying to display part of the data using ajax
What about Jquery
It's a lot simpler than Ajax
That part isnt actually working for me @Ufoguy im trying a $.ajax through jquery
I'm trying to learn PHP, python flask,, html, css3, jquery
CSS3 is harder than anything else for me. LOL!
I can see in Firebug that a after pressing a button to send data through ajax php, i have the correct xhr response which is a php echo_json($array) but i cant get that data back to the web with $ajax jquery..
well my css is very basic @Ufoguy
I have a blog running at paranoidbob.com
and I'm trying to develop numbersindia.com using either PHP or FLASK
cool @Ufoguy
Can you check out these sites and give me a review or comment
I want to know how my sites can be improved
Only if you're willing to
Im a noob..
I'm moore noobish than you. Don''t worry
maybe add a right vertical section like you did on the left side?
To numbersindia.com?
the other one
also try different wp -themes
That's a wordpress theme. Tweaking it would be hard.
Atleast I think so.
I gotta try more themes!
The problem to make own -projects, its the lack of time...
Thanks for the review. I gotta go.
@Ufoguy ok
@Ufoguy bye
is $.ajax misplaced?
Im getting correct xhr response but it doesnt capture the response or even make any alert of $.ajax section
1 hour later…
@user3470815 what console says?
@JanakaRRajapaksha console.log(data) doesnt output anything
you have < /script>
<script type="text/javascript
" >
remove extra <script> tag
sorry that was only on fiddle
try putting alert('works before ajax'); before ajax function to make sure javascript works before ajax
Interesting no alert window output!
this is the whole block jsfiddle.net/5QEb7/3
console should show some error then. doesn't it?
you should close the first <script> and then open a new script tag
no console error, that <script> exxtra tag was only on fiddle because i wrote the script tags manually if youre referring too that
no you should have one script tag for the jQuery library src
and another for your codes
see updated fiddle
<script src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//here your codes
Ok thx, now the alert works but it now says $.ajax not defined as its now not inside the jquery block?
you are using old library 1.3.2.min.js
try 1.10 or something new <script src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
ok ill try
Ok got rid of $.ajax not defined and it now shows the alert
Hi, I am trying to implement online payment with CodeIgniter. I have tried ci_merchant and omnipay, but the documentation is not clear. But I follow all of the steps , every time I am getting blank page.

Could you help me ?
@user3470815 ok
Oh no.. i got confused looking at the xhr response tab it still says the $.ajax undefined so it must go inside the jquery block
also console NetworkError: 404 Not Found - jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.7.1.min.js";
jquery 171 not found
i gave you an example
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
that will work
@KabirHossain i don't use CI
yeah that link has a lib
@JanakaRRajapaksha, I am new here. Could you suggest me , How can I get a suggestion on it ?
@KabirHossain if you tried, you can post a question with your tried codes
Already, I have a asked a question with code, but no response is arrived.
no error undefinded $.ajax alert working
but still no alerts inside $ajax
create a fiddle for new codes
try adding something like echo "this point achieved"; at the top to make sure this function was executeed — Janaka R Rajapaksha 1 min ago
add echo "response recieved"; at the top of you php consulta.php to see if the response coming from it
and comment all other codes in that file
I can see the xhr response but ok
then php file has errors i think
now it shows response received
that means your php code has errors
How does the php file have errors if i get the correct response?
you said you didnt got any alert in success area. but after commented all codes in php file, it shows that echoed line
That before pic is the echo json($queryresult) so its a ok response the only thing is that there is some commented code but that shouldnt affect?
No. It shows that echoed line response received in the xhr response no alert window
what will the alert show?
by trying with you php?
then that php file has errors
But its it possible for the php file to have errors even thogh it prints the correct response?
response will show things outputted till the error find. if error found then often it will stop executing
try adding echo "this is end";
and see it was printed to console
if not then php file doesn't ran till the end
phpcodechecker.com says no errors, compileonline says error Call to undefined function mysql_connect() but i guess its because there its not my host
and it does connect to mysql because the echo json_encode($queryresult) that i see in the xhr response is correct
yes it connets mysql.
can you add echo "end"; at the very bottom and before ?>
then see "end" in console or not?
anyone worked in portfolio pluggin for wordpress??\
and presscore responsive theme?
@user3470815 or since this submit using get method, you can directly browse the filw in browser with variables given
then see the errors and full out put in the browser
@JanakaRRajapaksha hi
@prashu132 i am not familiear with that thing
have you worked with wordpress?
sorry @prashu132 havent touched wp
thanks anyway
@prashu132 but not with that plugin
have you handled any image loading plugins?
no sorry
leave it @JanakaRRajapaksha youve already lost too much time with it, thank you very very much
not a problem, let me know when you need a help
Anyway is it very common to have this problems ?
@user3470815 sometimes
if you are loading a web page outside of ajax, then probably ajax will return a failed error
at the end what im trying to do isnt rocket science, just catch the json array into a js var
that is javascript attend to load another page while you are working at the current
it seems your php has no errors
if i can see whole page then i can tell where the reason
I mean if im having this trouuble to do such "simple task" i cant imagine the problems that could arise in a big company project
test after few lines of codes rather than developing the whole thing
foreach(develop){test it}
If you want i could show it to you but, are you sure you want too loose more time with my php?
not php i guess the file which has javascript code snippet
well it is a php file. with js and php blocks
is it online?
no i can email it too you
may be not usefull since i have no database you defined
do you want the db? gonna check size
haha mail me whole site
can you make your local pc access via teh net?
i guess your wamp or xampp
so that i can view the site
db is 277kb compressed .rar
or i could install teamviewer
whatever you prefer
@JanakaRRajapaksha what you prefer and thanks
anyone yet with any experiance in fastening image loading in wordpress?
@user3470815 ok mail me. give me your mail address i will make a reply
@user3470815 i coppied, you can remove it now
still didnt received
nor in spam
I got email it got refused Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: youremail, im gonna sent you a link @JanakaRRajapaksha
sent link
@Patrick hi
do you have any experiance in image loading plugins in wp
ok got it
ok mainpage is sacadatosdemysql.php
is it that ajax has?
which values you gonna send for this: thingsIsend
and for thsi: thingsIsend2
the values inside the dropdowns
you didnt sent them via ajax
of the form
no? XMLHttpRequest
line 713
ok, but you didnt sent them via ajax we talked
that is the error
you have to get response from that line 713 code or
send them in new ajax we have talked about
ok so to capture the response echo json_encode($consul); of consulta.php where should i capture it?
sent updated
@user3470815 sent updated
@JanakaRRajapaksha received gonna try
Guys, morning. How do you handle situations when the data updates sent from the front end don't match the one on the back end. For example someone has edited while it has been loaded on the other person's front end. Do you return 409 from the back end (I am talking about REST API)
@SecondRikudo shame on you :p
@JanakaRRajapaksha now getting errors in console: SyntaxError: missing } after property list
async: false, and SendInfoo not defined
morning room
@AlmaDo No effort question deserves a no effort answer.
I simply wrote the most likely guess with barely reading the code.
and that's from where shame is going :p
line 662: add a comma at the end of line
moin chaps
@user3470815 line 662: add a comma at the end of line
@SecondRikudo hm.. may be we should delete that question
hi, @JoeWatkins
good mornings
@AlmaDo Why's that?
@SecondRikudo do we need a reason?
Useful answer, first result on Google for "clearfix"
@JanakaRRajapaksha done it getting alert failed:error and its apparently not sending or receiving
Hi guys
How can we get device details of the user with php???
we cant
how to make image loading fast in wordpress
@user3470815 keep only type, url, data and remove asyn and datatype and remove the comma at the end of data: line 662
any plugins or any other option?
@alma y?? I am creating an app for windows phone...then also we can't???
php -r "echo \"gimme details of yo device or I'll cut your face: \"; \$details = fgets(STDIN); echo \"Device Details: \$details\";"
@PritpalSingh ^
@JanakaRRajapaksha as line 662 is an array now i think consulta php must handle if isset GET line 17 in a different way?
@JoeWatkins you cheater (:
@user3470815 no. $_GET is the array
@PritpalSingh just live with that. There is clear answer on that: NO
@user3470815 no need to change
$_GET['variable'] gives it's val.lu.e
@JanakaRRajapaksha ok
@AlmaDo then how do those apps which identify user with their device runs???
@JanakaRRajapaksha removed //async: false, line 663, datatype 664, the coma 662 getting alert:failed
@PritpalSingh PHP has nothing to do with that. Also, if someone relies on client's data in web context - then it's his own problem
morning all
@Naruto good morning
@user3470815 Morining!! How's the website going?
Morning n00b
Ready to get your ass kicked in 3 days?
yay. How bold
@AlmaDo How bold?
Good morning everyone. :-)
@Naruto remember the problem the other day youre gonna laugh it was because in one variable i misspelled the name by 1 letter. Now i have other problem
@user3470815 you had typo in enveloppe?
@SecondRikudo I'm probably going into a depression in 3 days... hahaha :D
got it
@SecondRikudo I miss being able to read "(removed)" messages. :(
@salathe I accidentally pasted a some crap, you are missing anything
@SecondRikudo The message is usually not interesting... it's just the not knowing that's bad. :)
I could repeat it for you, since I've seen it ^^
I am sooo tired... ..
Hardly closed an eye this night =/
@Naruto It's okay, I'm over it now. :)
@RonniSkansing I wish the TZs will switch instantly
Then you'll be in the AM
@salathe you are definetly not a woman :D
damn, I missed these comments :(
5 messages moved to bin
morning @Fabien
hi, @Fabien
@iroegbu hehe yea, that would be nice right around now =]
@PeeHaa so.. how it's going? Your new work day?
cv-pls: Docs, Backlog | Tools: Explain, phpdbg, devdocs.io | Addons: [cv-pls], PHP Manual Linkifier | Snippets: ext/mysql | Reference: QAs
@PeeHaa If you may ^

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