@ircmaxell it's everywhere though. When you perform a MySQL (or any DB really) query, you get back an associative array if I recall correctly, not directly an object (I might be completely wrong here, never had to write performance sensitive code in php).
@ircmaxell that's not the point I was trying to make though.
The obvious implementation, which you'd see in PHP and in JavaScript when people write code, is a for loop that assigns data to members of a new associative array (object, in JS). Right?
@cspray I'm trying to make a point and keep getting side tracked, that was just an example problem, but sure, it looks like that's what array_combine does, sort of.
However, in JS, the for loop implementation is significantly slower than the fastest one, because, well.. it has a for loop and it creates an object whose type is not obvious, and while v8 can unroll loops and extract hidden classes, it's not good at doing both at the same time.
So the fast JS solution would be to write the code of a function that creates that type of object when we get the fields and then eval (in JS, Function(..)) it.
Which is a technique that maybe, a 100 people are aware of.
Which gets me to the actual point, although JavaScript engines have a JIT , most people who write libraries for Node still revert to C++ for performane because they don't understand it very well. The point is a JIT is hard for the users too, especially in a language as dynamic as php.
@JoeWatkins it is very effective here, it can produce a 100 times speedup, the problem is people don't know how to write "jit friendly" code, which is actually a thing in a language that's that dynamic.
@BenjaminGruenbaum and many (including me) would argue that it shouldn't matter in most cases. Because unless that's in a hot loop, the readability loss is going to more than outweigh the performance gain
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, and I'm not saying it's wrong to do here. I'm just saying in general I don't want developers to do things like that. If all for loops are deconstructed like that, we're in a shit load of trouble
Which is why for example, Bluebird promises (written mostly by a JIT aware developer) are two orders of magnitude faster than Q promises (whitten by a JIT unaware developer mostly) making them feasible for actual use.
@ircmaxell it's not the deconstruction that's making it fast, but I totally agree. You shouldn't rely on that behavior, but remember the alternative.
Wouldnt a developer optimize when they are in need of speed?
I'd much rather have JavaScript code that looks like that than have to write code in C which would introduce a lot more overhead. The fact you can get the same performance is amazing, and really nice.
@BenjaminGruenbaum IMHO: if you ever write that code first, even for a library, there's a problem
What I was trying to say was, if a developer needs more speed, they would invest time in optimization.. so maybe they do like Benjamins says first, but maybe they do not need to worry about such performence specifics first case.
@ircmaxell we'd all like to have a magical JIT compiler, but there are hidden assumptions in that loop I'm not sure you'd be able to JIT reasonably, everything in the array can actually be a getter that mutates the array, everything change etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, what I mean is, write the code first cleanly. Then run it and see if it's got acceptable performance. If not, profile, see where the hot spots are, then refactor.
@ircmaxell if you're writing a library people will use extensively, performance like this matters, this very same trick caused a 50% speedup in the JavaScript Node MySQL driver about half a year ago. I agree that it should not be your 'go to'
@ircmaxell sometimes, like with Bluebird promises, there was no way to go about it other than a rewrite. The very architectural assumptions were not aware of the compiler, which doesn't matter idealistically but did in practice.
@BenjaminGruenbaum and what you wind up with when all you think about is performance is a steaming ball of cat piss. That doesn't work. But it doesn't work really fast
@ircmaxell fwiw, Bluebird provides the best stack traces (by far), has the most extensive test suite, and is the most debuggable by a long margin, the code base itself is also pretty readable.
I'd like to think I helped there, I always push for better debuggability. However, performance was a primary goal.
Oh of course, my whole argument here can be summed up to:
- A JIT is great, but it shouldn't be anywhere near a priority for PHP now, there are much more pressing concerns for PHP imo. - One of the only reasons I believe it's great in an IO bound environment like a PHP server is the fact it lets you write modules in native code. - Which, isn't simple at all in a language as dynamic as PHP, since it would require developers to be very aware of how the JIT works.
When you're writing code for a website that has dynamic pages but is not very intensive in its frequency of updates for most content - a jit wins you nothing since most of the data is served from a cache anyway.
For example, for a site like Stack Overflow where the vast majority of visitors are not logged in and are just vieweing static pages to read a question and answer. I don't think PHP would perform any worse or better than C# currently does.
Most PHP powered sites, and websites in general are like that, that's what PHP was born for, and that's the case PHP should aim to solve better.
Making stuff like WordPress go faster and more usable from the PHP perspective is oh-so-much more important than a JIT imo.
Especially since there is more probably more WordPress out there than NodeJS, RoR, Yesod, Revel, Gorilla, Grails,and ASP.NET MVC combined.
I don't like WordPress any more than the next guy, but that's (content management systems that are DB centric, can can utilize a cache) the use case PHP should be better at. Stuff people here worked on like a consistent hashing API, generators or a solid debugger is a lot more useful than a JIT for that use case IMO.
Let's face it, if you're writing a stateful socket heavy app, chances are you probably shouldn't be using PHP anyway, just like I wouldn't use Node for a cms centric news website.