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@AlmaDo any recommendations ?!\
@PeeHaa Have a beer on me :-D
Why is it bad? Isn't it just direct?
Except DomainObjects instead of Domain
redirect to what ?
As in directly naming it what it is.
maybe Model\Entities ?
Entities, Nodes, Blocks
I have that ^
Model\Entities and Model\Repositories
Or might be Model\Entity || Model\Repository
Round 2.
^ don't want to do anything with that. I was not careful enough and written a comment there. Then my e-mail exploded from hundreds of notifications :(
@DaveRandom Will do. Will also roll one with my first earned euro :D
Frame your first paycheque
super clichè but meh
Morning elevenarians
Challenge: without using ip2long() or similar, transform string ip address to it's long value with as short code as possible
Im gonna die or my brain is gonna explode:
@AlmaDo you can unsubscribe

input Submit button output :
array(2) {
string(4) "AUDI"
string(9) "undefined"
Seleccionaste marca : AUDI y combustible: undefined

Tracing I got here:

But how to fix it?
@tereško I did..
with programming
@AlmaDo Does it have to validate IP addresses (as in replicate ip2long, returning -1 for 123.234.345.456) ?
@DanLugg no, you may think that ip is valid (you're free to do anything if it isnt)
@user3470815 Try giving the name of your label different name of your select, just to be safe
@AlmaDo what is "long value"?
A long
@zerkms yes, I wasn't precise enough. "long" = "unsigned long" (as it was done with sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip)) )
@Naruto what label ? Thxx
array_sum(array_map(function($octet, $i) { return $octet * pow(256, $i); }, explode('.', $ip), range(3, 0, -1)));
@user3470815 nvm
@user3470815 Your html isn't rlly orrect, you use td and TR but you have no table and there is no td around the selects?
@Jefffrey morning
mornign @DanLugg
@Fabien Morning!
crappy ... if I want to rent another house on the private market, I need close to 6k in my hand at once, in the next few weeks ...
I dunno what I'm going to do here ...
@Naruto i did that but still nothing have yoy seen the photo?
@zerkms yes, I have like this, but it's too long code :p
$ip = array_reduce(explode('.', $ip), function($c, $x) use (&$i) { return $c + $x*pow(256, 3-$i++); }, 0);
@AlmaDo it's a single expression
I thought there's a way to do that without arrays
I think there is the problem but i dont know how to fix it , the value is there but inside of undefined
@AlmaDo what are you trying to do actually? :-D
@zerkms code golfing
oh :-S
because no other reason to ignore ip2long
there is a golfscript for that isn't it
lol, there's a golfscript for everything
no no
PHP is the case :p
@JoeWatkins No help from council?
some woman came to see us yesterday and said our best bet was going to be private, that even though we are a priority need we could be on a list for three years, and in bed and breakfast until they find a property ...
so, not really ...
@user3470815 And do you put your select hardcoded in html? or is it created with php?
so we phoned some estate agents, we don't have enough references, they all want 6 months rent in advance + deposit ...
> 6 months rent in advance

6 months rent payment?!
^ ???
hardcoded @Naruto
@zerkms yep
GB went crazy
estate agencies are dics
@zerkms i thougth 2 months was the standard?
here in NZ you cannot ask more than 6 weeks bond
6 months is crazy!
1 month is standard here
would I ask one question?
@Richat of course go ahead
How to get all index in php array multiple dimension?
1 month is standard here too, but if you don't have references, which we don't, then landlords can't get insurance without 6 months in advance, so nobody will do it ...
@JoeWatkins So, when you leave a place do you give 6 months notice and the balance is cleared (as you wouldn't pay for 6 months)?
nope, we have been served notice, we have weeks left and got it a week ago ...
@JoeWatkins References from employer? From friends?
@JoeWatkins what should be those "references" ?
previous landlords
but your previous landlord was an idiot ?
landlords schlandlords
@PeeHaa I did that once (with a £5 note) and I can confirm it's not a good idea.
@Richat all index you mean the total of elements in the array?
@JoeWatkins Tell them to call me; I'll say you lived in Canada for 8 months.
I'll be a reference :-)
^ Exactly
or to go through the vals
the agent has put the phone down on us twice today, they are terrible ... they won't provide a reference, and you need two, and because this property was transferred we only get one or something, I dunno how it really works ... this is shit ...
I mean, the index of this array
for example: $arr =array(1=>array('a'=>'dara'));
I want 1, and 'a'
how can?
like in js?
such a question, wow
such question. very array. much dimension. wow.
@DaveRandom :D
@JoeWatkins Tenancy agencies are notoriously shit. My suggestion is you go down there.
can i ask a question
@sunman Only if you brought us all cookies.
@sunman you cannot
@Fabien the only address I have for the agent is a residential address
about dojochart
@JoeWatkins This is for the agent for your current (ex) place, presumably?
@sunman That's JS...
Q: How to search by key=>value in a multidimensional array in PHP

danIs there any fast way to get all subarrays where a key value pair was found in a multidimensional array? I can't say how deep the array will be. Simple example array: $arr = array(0 => array(id=>1,name=>"cat 1"), 1 => array(id=>2,name=>"cat 2"), 2 => array(id=>3,name=>...

@user3470815 show me that code plz?
it was on the highstreet when we got it, then the agent was changed by landlord, now it's an address, round the corner from me actually ... I don't think it'll do me any favours to go there ...
it almost certainly will not ...
do we have other way to get it without looping?
@JoeWatkins Can't you go to the original agent?
@Naruto http://jsfiddle.net/zEU4T/
tried, we phoned them, they aren't allowed to give us a reference because during our time with them no tenancy actually ended (we didn't move out)
@user3470815 Will you stop posting that over and over?
sorry last
@user3470815 There is no way that it can be undefined if you: <select id="combus" name="combust">
<option value="0"> --Selecciona Combustible-- </option>
You two can create your own room, you know.
@JoeWatkins Yeh but can't they at least help you find a new place on the back of the fact that they have found you one before?
no, we had to give them 6 months in advance when they took us on, because we were in the same position, can't pass credit checks and no references :(
@JoeWatkins Sounds like BS to me.
where are you trying to found a place?!
complete bs
@Naruto well its happening the value is inside the undefined somehow
Tenancy is defined as possession of land or property as a tenant.
regardless of the circumstance of moving out
@user3470815 make a fiddle, with the FULL code, as you create it
I dunno how it works, phone was on loudspeaker, that's what she said to the misses
They call it a 'tenancy agreement' when you sign to move in.
Otherwise if you're not a tenant then you should never have paid rent
^^^ Called a "lease" here.
I say go down there
Seriously. Most tenancies agencies don't give two fucks about anything other than getting their commission. Everything else is usually just stuff the CBA to do and can't do right.
also actually, the first tenancy agreement, which was only for the first 6 months, which I paid upfront, did expire while they were the agent, so by their own admission they have to give us a reference I guess ...
but it doesn't help, you need 2 at least ... there is no way I'll get one from the current agent ...
and even if I tortured him for one, I still wouldn't pass a credit check ...
I'm pretty fucked actually ...
@JoeWatkins There must be some way in which that can be avoided, otherwise people would never be able to get their first property
@JoeWatkins One is a start.
Where did you live before?
Or second, come to that
their parents are guarantor, and or when you are 18 and starting out, it's no problem to pass a credit check :(
You'll get an agreement out of them. You just need to go down there and get it.
Also presuming you paid rent effectively on time the last 'however' long. A bank statement showing this and a payslip of current earnings should help a lot with getting a new place.
yeah well ... not really, I've only been able to do that for the last four months, so they'll look a mess, and are a mess ...
Go step by step. Step 1 is go get your reference.
I can't see past he barriers that tripped us up before, everytime ;(
Barriers are climbed one step at a time.
yeah, I have no option but to try I guess ...
this is fucking so shit ...
Yes it is.
@DaveRandom What was that password managing solution you linked before? Can't find it.
I dunno how I got here ... again ...
@JoeWatkins You've got a steadier job so the position your in does have it's positives.
You'll get through this period.
@Fabien its
Thank you zerkms
@AlmaDo till you find out that's Vietnamese Dong totalling $7.57
@Fabien it's a trick. don't tell them (:
@AlmaDo I was just about to say, it better be worth it what's inside! )
then again, in vientam, you can be a millionaire with that money :D
@Naruto imagine that there are $100 banknotes there
that would be enough for getting very huge amount of hard tests (:
It's 3 million
@AlmaDo If it were 100$ bills, I would see If there is a bulldozer that could crush it :D
> The case did not contain $3 million. In actuality, it held only $500 in Canadian currency. The rest was fake.
@Naruto so.. it works. You're already thinking how to test it :p
@AlmaDo I would know howto handle it, to bad I already know that most of the money in it was fake :(
Wonder if a 50 cal would have done it.
@Fabien it wasn't bulletproof so probably yes :)
I think a crowbar would even do it :)
Blowtorch too perhaps.
People tried sledgehammering it.
wtf, why am I getting what looks like a poo symbol when trying to use fontawesome
"Your code is poo" is not a good answer
Two things, that were only in fantastic books in the childhood, appeared in this week - Dragon 2 & skype translator. Hell, it's a good time
Are you hotlinking? @Jimbo
Nope, local
but good thought though
Cheers @DaveRandom :)
@Fabien Sledgehammers are not sufficient to break anything other than the most basic pane of glass (i.e. one that is simple 100% glass that has been allowed to cool slowly into an irregular set of crystals). If you took a sledgehammer to e.g. the windscreen of a bus, it would probably take you a good few goes to actually make a hole in it (although you may get some localised cracks fairly early on).
Makes all those shows where they sledgehammer cement quite BS :P
@DaveRandom I bet the angle of attack is relevant too; you could manage to "crack" and dent the glass, on a first hit, and then crush the glass around it on a second; effectively tearing a hole in the pane.
If you really want to break a pane of tempered glass, a hammer and a very sharp nail are what you want, although given that they had treated it with some kind of plastic coating you'd probably still just end up with a laminated sheet of broken glass and no appreciable hole
@Fabien The average cement block is probably a lot more brittle than tempered/shatter resistant glass because it has a much less controlled structure, esp. if it's packed out with gravel (as is often the case)
It's all about localised pressure when you are trying to break structures where the crystals have been grown in a controlled manner, but if that hasn't happened then brute force will probably do then job
Do you guys think I will break anything yum updating mysql from 5.1?
What about a torch?
@DaveRandom Aye smaller surface area for a localised pressure point.
@DanLugg Assuming you could get the surface hot enough (and outside with glass that would need a pretty serious torch) then you would be altering the crystalline structure, at the point all bets are off
Yea... I'd bring a torch.
This is the really cool stuff
Should be fine shouldn't it? :-./
@Fabien to what?
sudo yum update mysql-server from 5.1 to 5.5
As it happens, I did exactly that, and it did break something, but it was easy enough to fix
Nope nothing will break! GO FOR IT! Not a problem at all. DO IT!
@Fabien 5.5 you'll be fine
Is what I would say here because it is my last day
I assume 5.5 is the current version available
The issue is with recent 5.6 releases
@Fabien 5.6 is now GA, and if you add the MySQL repo and just do yum update mysql-server then you'll get the current 5.6
Ah nice cheers
@Fabien the problem that you will encounter is with this - note that the default value changed recently. I had an issue where innodb couldn't initialise because the file was smaller than the min size, despite what is says about "slightly over 10MB" I found that simply explicitly setting the old default value in my.cnf it fixed the issue
If you hit that issue you'll get a message about page size being too small
I'll only be going to 5.5 though. So hopefully it shouldn't effect me
Maybe we should go to 5.6 though
Meh, my attitude with stuff like this is that if you are going to upgrade you should upgrade to the latest stable
@Fabien Like I say, if you add the official oracle yum repo and just do a yum update, that's what it will give you anyway
@Fabien if you have no restrictions which I don't know, use 5.6
(for RHEL6, anyway)
Also @Fabien if your innodb data file is already >12MB then you won't have an issue
Going to 5.6
dumping first
I was updating my vps, where I hadn't yet created any databases
5.6 has some good InnoDB improvements together with query optimizer (improvements) for it
@Naruto youre going to slap me ...
are you still there?
@JoeWatkins I'd prefer at least two "editor" approvals
Something like the low-rep user post edit peer review system on SO, probably. Also any actual edits by an editor should be approved by all both other parties (original author, other editor)
Although, that said, and being that it's PHP, that might make the process a bit fat, slow and bikeshed-y
> No Packages marked for Update
@Fabien What have you done so far?
@DaveRandom yeah the details of the system need working out too I guess ... good thanks ...
@DaveRandom mysqldump :D
@Fabien Have you added the MySQL yum repo?
I presume it should already be on there as mysql was on there before\
Was just googling for one
@Fabien What OS are you running?
yeah maybe two would be better, but I wouldn't want anyone to be waiting around because they can't get hold of two people ... it's only us in here that have internals people are our disposal all the time ... irc is silent for long long periods, nobody is going to want to post to internals asking for editors ...
@Fabien version?
12 Constantine
12 ?
dude fedora is on 20 something ?
Don't look at me -_- I didn't set this up
I'd like to wipe it one day
@Fabien Then you will not get MySQL 5.6 from yum today
you can't use that
@Fabien do cat /etc/*release please
^ that
That's where I got 12 from
Fedora release 12 (Constantine)
@Fabien that day has come ...
@JoeWatkins Hey! I still have a Fedora core 6 box!
nope, don't tell people that ... he hasn't Fab he's lying ...
@Fabien is that from release file ?
@JoeWatkins It's just a torrent seedbox with an "ain't broke, don't fix it" label on it
some fake.. my file looks like
PRETTY_NAME="Slackware 14.0"
Okay well I will address it with uppers
Fedora upgrade from current to 12 or is it a kill it with fire and start again issue?
so it's key = value
@AlmaDo slack is different ...
PHPNW14 tickets are out - and if I submit a call for papers I would definitely have to be pissed when giving a talk with that many people there
@Fabien So what, you're going to have a line of speed and then it will be fine?
^ a line of speed might also work
@JoeWatkins oh yeah? Never used something else..
@Jimbo Do an unconf talk
@DaveRandom I did, in Majorca last weekend :-)
at phpuceu. I met gordon!
@DaveRandom I'm guessing it's more of a 'over the weekend' job.
@Jimbo ... and you fell in love? :-D
@JoeWatkins Given than the current stipulation is "any member of php.net" that shouldn't be that much of an issue, there are a lot more of them than there are active on internals
@AlmaDo no but I also met ulf wendel and he was absolutely smashed on saturday night
probably true, starting at two then probably better ...
@Fabien For me it would be a "buy a new box" job, set it all up and then do a 5 minute switchover over a weekend
@JoeWatkins Personally I'd like the safety net, reduces the chances of something be retracted after publication. If it turns out not to work it will be easy to adjust the constraint downwards, adjusting it upwards after incidents would potentially result in some embarrassment for the group...
@DaveRandom I spoke to the head of dev and basically outlined that the work required to bring the dev box to something from within the last decade is a little redundant when we realistically need to review our whole dev->deployment service.
I don't intend to allow retraction, I make no room for it really ...
He asked if I could spec something up but I explained I don't have enough experience or trustworthy knowledge to do something like that
I could research learn and advise
I also emailed all our devs PHPNW14 website. Wonder if I can get the company to swing it :P
Who's going?
Hey my dupe hammer didn't work?
@Fabien I will be, but wont be buying a ticket until closer to the time
nw is super far ...
@DaveRandom needs to come to NW
Hopefully it's a free bar again :D (because I owe him about 10 beers anyway)
aaaaah damnit tagged 5.3
Regarding the new box job. We need to overhaul our whole thing as currently the three boxes we work on 1 local, 2 hosted. All are different specs. All have different packages and version.
@JoeWatkins It's in October tbf. So you have a fair few weeks to get there.
stackoverflow.com/a/23953464/2637490 am I noob? Since when do we have (+) in MySQL ? (Found nothing in docs ..)
@Fabien I should start walking ?? :D
lol yes.
no but seriously, its far ... is it over a weekend ?
Fri -> Sun
school runs aye, if i goto one during the week then it's difficult to get kids to school and back ... ah could go weekend then ...
Fri is only tutorial day
@DaveRandom Going?
tbh I was disappointed with the uk ones content, I'd go to meet some faces, but I don't think theres much for me at these events ...
@JoeWatkins That's pretty much all it is - meet people, drink beer
And in Manchester there's a 24% chance of a stabbing. 78% chance of a fight.
Talk about php, chat all night to hot recruiters and make a fool of yourself
That's just at the conference.
any of you at DPC?
Any linux people here? I need help with c and linux :P
ahem @JoeWatkins ahem :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum go ahead
Should questions like stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/4941181 be CV? It has too many comments without required information in the question
@BenjaminGruenbaum wazzup ?
I'm doing a read after I opened a file with O_DIRECT
I know I'm supposed to do something with memalign, but I'm honestly not sure what or how, the example mention a deprecated API in the man page.
@SergeyTelshevsky Should be closed as dupe of utf8 all the way imho
@PeeHaa ok, but imagine if it's not a dupe, but a question that lacks information and has everything pulled out from the author in the comments, should we close that?
@PeeHaa How many beers you drinking tonight? :)
@SergeyTelshevsky Yes
> This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
@Fabien Lots my friend. Lots
@PeeHaa why? :p
@PeeHaa yeah, I was unsure if the information in the comments counts
<--- Had a beerilliant idea.
3 hours ago, by PeeHaa
It's my last day today on the job!
@PeeHaa ehm... new job ?
We need to create some sort of reward system that allows anyone to buy a reward/gift for anyone through some money transfer. Example. I could buy @PeeHaa a beer through the system.
@AlmaDo Kinda :)
He gets the voucher/whatever and the place he buys it can scan and claim.
@PeeHaa or your own business?
yes :)
yay. I'm a smartass :D
what is it ?
Pimpin' since pimpin' been pimpin'.
Web / print combo business
      _                                                       _
     / \                                                     / \
     )_(                                                     )_(
      |            _________________________________________  |
      |      _____|.-----..-----..-----..-----..----..-----.] |
      |     /.--.|||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;||;;;;;|| |
      |    //   ||||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;||;;;;;|| |
  ___...--'|`---'|||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;;||;;;;||;;;;;|| |
^ beer truck for @PeeHaa !!
tnx! :D
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int fd = open(argv[0], O_DIRECT|O_RDWR);
	char buf[512] __attribute__ ((__aligned__ (512)));

	read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
	printf("%s\n", buf);

	return 0;
@PeeHaa print? .. hm. 3D ?
@AlmaDo Nope. Dead trees
@PeeHaa not sure I got that :-)
@Jimbo @Fabien I will be going, don't you worry :-)
Also @Jimbo repaying beers from a free bar doesn't count :-P
and, btw, @PeeHaa. I hope you've named your company "Eleven team productions" . Like we've told. And - you have to hire us later :D
I am looking at trains/flights
What's accommodation prices up there like?
@user3470815 jup still here, was eating..

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