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Enough apache for one day methinks!
Night all
@reikyoushin Howdy
Anyone know if tags in git are meant to be visible across all branches? As github.com/michelf/php-markdown/tree/1.4.0 isn't listed in api.github.com/repos/michelf/php-markdown/tags
@Danack maybe the results are paginated?
@Ocramius Good thinking batman!
Can anyone offer some feedback on this: stackoverflow.com/questions/23881558/…
@GoldenJoe You need to learn how to debug stuff....there's no question there that can be answered without someone stepping though the code and figuring out what is going wrong.
I'm an Objective C programmer, not a PHP programmer, so I'm kinda stumbling along here
All my debugging so far has been with echoes :-P
@Ocramius It was that - I need to learn to parse RFC 5988 aka:
Link:<https://api.github.com/repositories/706295/tags?per_page=10&page=2>; rel="next", <https://api.github.com/repositories/706295/tags?per_page=10&page=5>; rel="last"
How can I find out if the URL is wrong?
@GoldenJoe Install PHPstorm, use the debugger in that to step through the code.
I mean, what am I looking for?
I can already see if I get a 404 or whatever
@GoldenJoe Stop parsing HTML with regex
@Danack neat
Also, maybe just use instagram.com/developer instead of trying to scrape a login form?
@cspray Why?
Unforunately, I can't use the API for this project. Client's orders. They want custom login.
@GoldenJoe Because the API is intended to do exactly what you're doing; access the application programmatically through an interface.
What happens when Instagram changes their HTML?
That doesn't seem to be a problem for the competition. Most instagram apps do not use the API to login.
raises single eyebrow
Then I am very glad I've never had to integrate with Instagram
Trust me, I'd use it if I could, but there's a higher standard on iOS for the UI than an ugly oauth login page.
I've burned quite a lot of time on this. :-P
Well, good web applications have a higher standard than parsing HTML with regex and use a real parser
I'm kind of at the point where an "RTFM" isn't very helpful.
I do have google.
I would also look at using a real HTTP client because cURL's PHP API blows
So what exactly are these chats for if nobody actually helps each other out?
Maybe it's just a PHP developer thing...at least there's some activity with Obj-C questions.
@GoldenJoe You're on at the wrong time of the day for this chat. Most people are on earlier
17 mins ago, by Danack
@GoldenJoe You need to learn how to debug stuff....there's no question there that can be answered without someone stepping though the code and figuring out what is going wrong.
If you want to pay someone to debug your stuff, that's when you can start complaining about it not being answered.
Also your question is kinda poor. The problem with your question isn't the potential audience.
@rdlowrey I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but I'll ask anyway; Artax doesn't do RFC5988 parsing/repeating requests to the next page does it?
@PeeHaa why is this starred?
Who is this Jonathan Peppers guy? Try twitter, @jonathanpeppers — jonathanpeppers 2 hours ago
I didn't star it, but is 'heh' worthy.
Hello, I am Galstaff, Sorcerer of LIGHT!
@Danack lol
@cspray may i ask you a question?
@user3470815 you just did
easy and fast one no code
@user3470815 is the question gonna be NASL? heh. just kidding
@user3470815 Sure, go ahead
@reikyoushin You rascal you
why are you against regex? not discussing it, just asking to learn
I'm not against regex necessarily
I'm against regex for parsing HTML
Regex is not sufficient to properly handle all the nuances in HTML
There are parsers designed to do all that
And not to mention that once you use DOMDocument over some regex solution it is actually easier to read
Easier to read code is a total win in my book and something that we should all be striving for
@cspray =p
Ok i found it fast when parsing HTML, but it was hard for me to think and get the correct regexp for each elements i wanted to extract from some pages.
@reikyoushin Also... dixie/18/f/cali u? ;)
@user3470815 Because regex isn't sufficient :) If your'e just doing some one off thing and your'e gonna throw it away when you're done, sure regex it up
But if this is something that is gonna be supporting some production level application use a parser
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

If not for yourself for the person coming up behind you so they don't inherit your mess
@user3470815 Also - please read sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
@cspray bah. nvm.lol
Im aware that as you say for production level, they would use some specialized libraries or api
@user3470815 You'd think that...
From my experiences a lot of production level code is just as shitty as any other code is
btw, are you lusitanian's relative? you look just like him. just darker. ;)
@reikyoushin Hah! Lusitanian does have a good looking dog though so I'll take that as a compliment
But my point is, is it really becase its better (i mean faster) or because it would be easier to read and maintain that code?
@user3470815 What happens is that some developer says "I'm gonna do it this quick way for this one thing and I'll come back and fix it later." Later comes, nothing ever gets fixed.
Do that for n number of years and you have your modern day PHP application
@user3470815 It would be easier to read and maintain that code
I don't worry about performance until you show me some profiling that the XML parsing is actually the bottleneck
In the vast majority of applications parsing a login form out of some HTML is not going to be the bottleneck
The first priority is make it readable and easy to maintain. The entire point of a high level language is to make it easier for humans to understand.
ok thanks cspray, and while we are at it what do you think of scraping with xpath? at the time i tought of it,but at the end i used regexp
I have done some things with XPath. For complex DOM traversal it would probably be useful
Most of my DOM parsing has been for simple documents that haven't required a lot of XPath use
about production level code as shitty as any other code, i guess some companies have that evil model to also sell the customer the maintenaince...
Eh, perhaps
I would imagine most shitty code isn't out of malice though
window.location.href = "myphpfile.php?name=" + javascriptVariable; vs submit a form ?
what are youre toughts? to send a js var to php it would be to make a mysql query from two html dropdown lists
the first one tends to be messy though..
ok ill stick to the form . Thx
If you want the page to change submit a form
well i want it to output a mysql query to an html table in a new window.
but yeah ill stick to the form
2 hours later…
hey is any1 really comfy with phpstorm + wamp??
I would be ready to bet that your problem has nothing to do with either of those
idk man
i've just got one problem with it
and it's beyond annoying & cumbersome to using it
okay i just reacted to the thumbnail sorry man lmao, just saw flow and didn't fully look
im using xampp
but youre comfortable with ur setup?
yes actually using apache, mysql,php
would you be able to take me through set up? I've been having this problem for daysss, and I've stopped coding because of it. It's been 2-3 days i've been messing with this.
im just gonna do a second full redownload of phpstorm
and re run the config... might swap wamp for xampp..
Im using it in a vmware win7 x64 enviroment, just install and play didnt have to config anything
just download the .exe distro for x32 or x64 from apachefriends.org install and thats it
Could someone take a look? second Post['select_combustible] undefined:
Im just trying to post two vars through a form
@user3470815 it's working.. codepad.viper-7.com/BgJ6G9
@reikyoushin in that page it prints the element id of the two dropdowns but im getting this output:
Seleccionaste marca : JAGUAR y combustible: undefined it works for the first post but not for the second
i have an alert that prints the correct value before sending it:
@user3470815 why undefined?
where are the codes concerned.. because what you gave won't output something like that..
Thats what i dont know i think its because im trying to post two vars with one input button?
unless what you're talking about is this: codepad.viper-7.com/ck0LAF
@user3470815 WHAT??
I have a js that fills the dropdown
@user3470815 then the problem must be on your js file
because you won't have an "undefined" value in PHP unless it was what was passed..
no because before sending it to php i print an alert with the correct value?
that has no impact
i think there is such a thing as value="undefined" there before submit..
I think its because theres only one input button on my form
@user3470815 definitely not.. and usually you only have one submit button on your form..
maybe i should nest another form inside the form?
@user3470815 that doesnt make any sense..
lets get back to the beginning.. what do you really want to do, what SPECIFIC problem you are encountering, and what codes have you done to achieve it.
Ok i have two dropdowns , i want to pass the values of the two dropdowns to php, and once that is ok, in php make a mysql query, and give results in a new window
how do you generate the dropdowns again?
this is how i fill the dropdowns:
this is the inizialization of the dropdowns:
and what was marcas's value before you generate it (what PHP prints)
thats echo json_encode( $marcas); but that is ok because it fills correctly the dropdowns, and the same for the second dropdown with other php array
Good morning everyone
hi asprin
I've a query regarding nusoap. Is there a __getFunctions() equivalent function in nusoap that I can use to get a list of calls that I can make to a web service?
I'm sorry, but I'm kind of a noob...do you happen to know how to use curl at all?
Not much really, sorry
good morning aspirin
For what it's worth, here's my issue
Q: What's wrong with this PHP/cURL script attempting to login?

GoldenJoeI'm trying to login to Instagram programmatically with PHP and cURL. However, I seem to be missing some detail. Here is the code: <?php $clientID = (my instagram id); $redirectURI = (my instagram direct uri); //$url="https://instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=".$clientID."&redirect_uri="...

sorry but nusoap sounds chinese to me
You want a bounty, you got it
name your price haha
i heard about curl but still havent used it... I hope someday i understand that snippet GoldenJoe
There's no syntax error in the curl...just me not understanding what I need for this POST
I know I have the right POST variables
hmm im having trouble with the second POST var sent from a form outputting undefined
if i have <option name='shipping'
would ($_POST['shipping']) work?
cause it worked fine with a radio button with name shipping
but when i switched to a select option it doesn't work for some reason
I would like to know if you solve it @user3291093 as im having a similar problem
i don't think so though
i think you will have to give the select a name
I have this jsfiddle.net/7PnXq but only the first one works ['select_marca'] and it does have a name
what is your issue?
in the php file when retrieving $_POST['select_marca'] it works but with the second one $_POST['combus'] the echo prints undefined
thats exactly the same problem
i m having
i think it has something to do with the select or the form
i had it working fine
with the radio button
but i didnt want the radio buttons anymore
i wanted a select menu
so it points to the selects dropdowns lists
Try var_dump($_POST); Use the developer tools in the browser to check the request
array(2) {
string(8) "INFINITI"
string(9) "undefined"
so console_log(var_dump($_POST))
no need to use console_log
and get some names
i had a question when long pollling does ajax only update the data for example if im outputting html with a foreach loop and i long poll with ajax will it only update everything that the foreach loop output or just specific data.. via dotnet.dzone.com/articles/…
Your HTML is broken
@ThW anything strange in the form?
@user3470815 The HTML is broken, table missing, elements in cells and outside, ...
@user3470815 why not put the form inside divs?
can someone tell me whats wrong with this code?
i switched from radio buttons to select option
and now when i change countries and press the update shipping button .. it doesn't work
without javascript enabled(so it uses php) not my jquery code
@ThinkkSo so you say just enclose the whole form inside a div?
@PeeHaa good morning
well its readable to put a form inside a div ... your code is readable but it would be much more readable and organized in a div
@user3291093 Check the html source, your select has no name attribute.
goood morning :)
@SecondRikudo My eternal rival not here today? :)
@ThW so without the name value
it was working fine with the radio buttons
but when I switch to select options
I saw him last night Naruto
i need a name value?
also the option part has a name value to it... do i need it in the select part?
@Naruto I'm here I'm here...
No episode this week though :\
@user3470815 jsfiddle.net/7PnXq/1 organized
@user3291093 read some html documentation, the name attribute has to be on the field.
it works fine now!
thank you
would it be a problem if i made the name of the select
and option the same?
thx Thinkkso gonna try that
@SecondRikudo Yeah :( Was looking forward to it, and at 3PM I checked and it was postponed :(
@Thw ?
@user3470815 let me know if it works, if it doesnt it will be within your php document
@ThinkkSo is it okay to put the same for the select and its option
like select name='shipping'
and option name='shipping' as well
No luck, but it looks a lot more professional
@user3291093 no need to put a name for option
@user3470815 its probably within your php file
@user3470815 some code from your php where variables take place or $_POST take place???
@user3291093 You can't put a name for an option..
@SecondRikudo Have to wait a week for seeing you killing someone :P
php is very short: jsfiddle.net/qMBry
@user3470815 what does the var_dump ($_post); give you?
Good Morning
thank you guys
you all helped me a lot!
Anyone knows how to make dynamic components in Joomla ?
@Naruto array(2) {
string(7) "BENTLEY"
string(9) "undefined"
@user3291093 so you fixed it?
@user3470815 Seems that the combus item wasn't found in the html.. Else it would have returned a "0" value
yes i did fix my problem
pretty much
last thing i know this is not php
but $('select[name=shipping]option:selected').val();
look right?
But it should because the dropdown isnt empty:
if i have <select name ='shipping'
Thx But no luck :
array(2) {
string(7) "BENTLEY"
string(9) "undefined"
Seleccionaste marca : BENTLEY y combustible: undefined
@user3470815 It disturbs me that it stays undefined..
@JoeWatkins Morning
On my webspace i have only 5.3 php version and get this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', how can i solve this to get runing also on 5.3 versoin? The code on this line is: $productids = [];
does $('select[name=shipping]option:selected').val(); look good for a <select name='shipping'
@user3470815 rename the second select to select_combus
@user3470815 update your html and php to these jsfiddle.net/qMBry/2 jsfiddle.net/7PnXq/3
morning to all
@Fabien Morning
@user3470815 did it work?
but thanks
for the help
I wish that dentist was here ...
imgur.com/NvDkAFE but its not undefined
@user3470815 sorry i couldnt help
@JoeWatkins How is the wife's teeth?
it's mine now
she's good had it removed in the end
No need to sorry, im sorry for using youre time
my turn looks like ..
Oh what's up?
@user3470815 no problem .. for your options on the second input do those options include values inside each attribute?
can't tell which tooth it is, when I bite down, huge pain on right side ...
no, but on the first dropdown neither and it works
@JoeWatkins That sucks. I have a similar issue. Went to get two fillings and now I can't chew on the right side of my mouth
Been over a year.
human bodies are shit ...
I really need to go back and get it fixed.
just worried they will say 'Needs a crown' and boom £400 bill
it's kind of protection money ... I'd pay it :D
happily today ... can't conncentratte
I was controversial this morning, but with a point
I'm sure there are plenty of white males who would love to attend conferences, and just can't afford it. They don't care about "representation", they would just love to go. And there are no groups that sponsor these people.
@JoeWatkins Aye :( Don't like spending money though.
Does anyone agree / disagree, respectfully?
@Jimbo don't think you're allowed to say that ...
@JoeWatkins Why not? For example I have friends who would love to go to conferences, they fit that mould, lovely guys... hardly any pennies. It would be great if they could have some help to go and learn at these meetups
it's an obvious fact, but I don't think you're allowed to say it
@Jimbo I guess @JoeWatkins was talking about "white males" part in your sentence :p
well yeah, but you can't start support groups for primarily white males can you ...
Well, it was partially in response to something I saw where they were paying for women, lgbt, people of colour to go to conferences. All of those, specifically stated like that.
^ why do that?
they're allowed
What about other nice people that need help too?
Was this an earlier conversation I misseD?
I found the quote
> Strange Loop’s scholarship program provides support to women, people of color, and people with disabilities who may not otherwise have the opportunity to attend Strange Loop for financial reasons.
we are only apes, I'm not saying it makes sense they are allowed and white males aren't ... but none of it makes sense ... the thing to do here is not appeal to minority or majority groups of individuals, but rather appeal to those people who set the price of the tickets in the first place, goto the meetups and acquire free tickets for you to give away however you please, on the understanding they will go to anyone who cannot afford it ... that's much more noble in my view
Discriminatory really.
and doesn't exclude anyone who cannot help themselves ...
Should just be branded under 'impoverished'.
It's my last day today on the job!
then you'll just make the people who need help feel shit
Just made me feel bad for my buddies who can't ask for help because they're "privileged"
the problem here isn't that we have no money, it's that a conference ticket can be several hundred pounds
@PeeHaa Shweeeeeeeeeeeet!
@PeeHaa w00t
@PeeHaa Yay! No more street corners, well done :D
@Jimbo Wrong. That time just started. Only real difference is that I do not have a pimp anymore.
I know a lot of conferences do have tickets waiting in the sidelines for free, because I got a two day one for phpuk and the code to get it had the word community in it ... I think you'd do quite well in getting organizers to play along if you done something like that actually ... and it's a good idea whatever the wording ..
@PeeHaa Are you happy with your handoff? :)
good mornigs
playing with an irc bot for work ...
> Thor is working since 0m ago, working on 'finding a horse'.
People hang out much on irc?
I'm always in several rooms
there still are no connectors to SO chat with irc client?
what namespace would be good for domain objects ?
tereško and his naming nightmares :)
fuck it: namespace Application\Model\Domain;
sounds extremely retarded
^ that's just .. bad
Morning @DaveRandom and @tereško
hi, @DaveRandom

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