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It's meant to be, because it seems like you don't have a clue.
Look, it's not my project but I'm the only one who ever does anything productive with it.
I'm doing what I think is best after research and testing.
Every change you've made to php.net thus far appears to be because it's because you like it like that.
That's ridiculous; you know I solicit feedback from this room really often and most of the changes aren't ever done.
Any criticism coming your way is met with, give it a chance or seemingly ignored.
@salathe stop exaggerating please.
@bwoebi That's how he's responded to me in the past, that's all I can base my perspective on.
It's not the way to have a constructive discussion.
Neither is "give it a chance".
"Give it a chance" is quite constructive.
You make it sound like we haven't been.
@salathe Still, what you do is like internals. When you just insult him, … hrmpf!
@bwoebi I've insulted him once, and it was really rather minor. I've still seen no evidence that Levi does know what he's talking about.
@Levi ...
And to be quite frank, I don't care if he does or doesn't. But don't keep messing up the websites.
actually I really appreciate @Levi work on php.net site, I don't agree with every detail, but that navbar on the right annoys me more and more with every php.net visit.
Believe it or not, so do I. I think it's fantastic that he's taking time to do this. I am still allowed to take issue with how he does it.
But to be fair, I must say he mostly effectively listens to feedback. But there are still a few details where he's just stubborn.
Fair enough, if you say he does then let's let that be that.
@salathe and that's where you exaggerated now.
@bwoebi Okay, from my interactions with him it appears like criticism is ignored or met with give it a chance.
Whether that's really the case or not, I don't know because Levi doesn't communicate it.
I also cannot remember that you often gave opinion about Levis website proposals here in chat
@bwoebi I don't often here in chat.
But still @Levi, give the navbar now a chance to be on the left.
@Sn0opr It doesn`t work properly because if you click on some menu in the second level, the page load and the second level hide because the current active page is already from second level not from first
I'm quite okay with the navbar on the right
Who uses that anyways?
@Sn0opr I believe that zf2 has to have this kind functionality in the vendor.. :(
My interaction with php.net is usually limited to php.net/fname
@NikiC someone who knows that a function exists and its functionality but doesn't know how it's exactly named (like me)
It's sometimes wild guessing with the naming in PHP ^^
search handles that well enough for me
@NikiC Most folks go through the search feature (or via Google), the function list is very helpful though for methods within a class.
Or to find the right array function, to give two examples.
PHP: Heitere Ratespiele und so...
I know a guy at work that uses the function list far more than I thought anyone did before I saw it in person.
And he's the most senior dev :P
(and he hates it being on the right now too)
I can see that it is sometimes useful. I'm sure that I've gone through that list when doing systematic analysis of a function class. But my usual interaction does not involve it, as such I feel it to be appropriate to decrease the focus on it
(but he hates everything)
@NikiC I have no numbers, but I'd happily say that folks like you and I are in the minority in how people use the site.
The only thing I really dislike in the current version is how the homepage looks like.
@salathe that remembers me Pascal. I barely know the function names, I'm always searching it in the function proposals during the tests, hehe
@NikiC actually I'm ±never on the homepage. My entry point is always php.net/fname … so I'm not often enough there to give solid feedback about that.
@bwoebi I don't use it either. But it just doesn't look very welcoming to me
@NikiC well, generally I prefer brighter websites, but meh, that's different for every person and I can live with it…
To clarify, the darker background is not just to decrease the visual priority of the related functions, but it allows a darker background on the main content so certain elements can pop out, such as the function declaration.
I'm also not saying the current iteration is perfect; as with all other iterations before this I'm still working to improve it.
May I remind everyone here that certain people pushed it out far before it was ready.
Anyway, @salathe, I'll write up something to the webmasters mailing list to see what bjori and dragoonis (and anyone else thinks).
It's gotten mixed feedback on the right side and while I think it is better if given sufficient time enough people don't feel the same way then the reasonable thing to do is move it back to the left.
Where'd igorw disappear off to? :(
Three weeks isn't enough time; earlier last week some mirrors still hadn't updated.
That's a bigger issue, but it's not one I have any control over.
Of course the current iteration isn't perfect, I'd hope that no-one involved with the project is expecting that.
Also if you do write something to the list, then write it to the list. The site is a long way away from what it was when dragoonis was involved.
I'm not sure what you are saying, exactly, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that wasn't an insult.
Dragoonis quit participating for the most part before I even starting working a lot on the prototype.
Exactly. And even then, he didn't give a whole lot to the project anyway.
Additionally, historical responses on the list were often unanswered; it was just far easier to work here and in #php.doc
When it comes down to it, the fact that the biggest current gripes are dark vs light background colour, or which side a function list should be on... that's good going. :)
@salathe Several people have suggested removing "Change language:" and just have the drop-down. On mobile browsers I guess it sometimes displays over the page header because of overflow:hidden.
I think at least we could shorten it to "Language:"; what do you think?
I've also toyed with moving it to the sidebar, which bjori and rdlowrey liked.
The problem with that would be for people who need to change languages on smaller browsers it would be below all the page content.
Definitely I think we can shorten it to "Language" but maybe remove the label altogether.
I'm not sure a lone dropdown without context is a good idea, but shortening the label makes sense. Moving it to the sidebar might be nice, for small viewports could we also add it to the popup main nav?
It would also be good to keep it where it is, but resolve the overflowing title problem. (Without also putting it elsewhere)
@salathe I don't think hidden is a good idea, but I could leave it where it is on small screens only and not make it float.
@LeviMorrison That might be a good compromise. It would be nice to keep it where it is as much as possible.
Any of you familiar with samba?
I put it on my pi to get access from windows. Keeps asking for a user/pass though
^^ predicted age, 11.
^lol. More like 9.
Wait for it, I have another awesome one saved, just need to find it
@Danack That comment is awesome though
lol, one undelv
@NikiC by the way… I worked a bit on the zend_parse_parameters thing… I'm getting 30% improvement. in a tight loop with ord().
@bwoebi w/ or w/o changing the API?
with changing API
The nice thing is that the compiler now can do a lot checks itself
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare. In this context, "almost surely" is a mathematical term with a precise meaning, and the "monkey" is not an actual monkey, but a metaphor for an abstract device that produces an endless random sequence of letters and symbols. One of the earliest instances of the use of the "monkey metaphor" is that of French mathematician Émile Borel in 1913, but the earliest instance may b...
Even if every atom in the observable universe were a monkey with a typewriter, typing from the Big Bang until the end of the universe, they would still need a ridiculously longer time - more than three hundred and sixty thousand orders of magnitude longer - to have even a 1 in 10500 chance of success. To put it another way, for a one in a trillion chance of success, there would need to be 10360,641 universes full of atomic monkeys
It's good that we won't be replaced soon enough by monkeys
@PeeHaa You're the owncloud guy right?
@NikiC Actually, with phpng we have to rewrite anyway each function and that here is just changing one single line, so I thought it might not be the biggest problem…
@bwoebi oh, it isn't a problem
how's the new api look like?
    zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), PARAM(str, 's'), {
with str being a zval (no pointer)
    PARAM(str, 's')
    PARAM(str2, 's')
    , {
(two parameters, not sure if that should be one or multiple lines)
Actually, I'm not sure if I should still allow variadics to be in the middle of a parameter list.
It's just weird.
It has the advantage that we don't have to count what letter matches a parameter
@NikiC actually, when we have variadics at the end, it becomes easy to implement them…
Is apcu my best option for implementing my own caching without switching zend opcode for apc?
Or is this too subjective to give a straight answer for?
@Hamster yes, apcu is the right tool.
@bwoebi Alright. Was getting odd information earlier when trying to look up a caching solution.
*from another source
*zend opcache, i mean
Any news on whether PHP has plans for user-land caching, now that zend opcache is integrated?
isn't apcu good enough?
there are also other caches like yac.
@bwoebi I was just wondering. I plan to use apcu, based on what I've learned
Unrelated: Is the term for producing class instances with a factory method, uh, 'manufacturing'? :P
Factoring? Manufacting? Facting?
no idea…
I can't called it 'generating' because that is already another term
@Hamster There isn't a good standard name that I'm aware of, but most people/frameworks just use 'create' as both the term and the function name of a factory, that creates the object that the factory produces.
@Danack Ah, that'll work.
@NikiC What to do now? Finalize patch, present it you and Dmitry and then if it's fine work on replacing all the usages of it?
woops caps
@bwoebi Just a hint, maybe you should be more open about it ^^
@LeviMorrison Actually, I just want to verify if it's something reasonable before being exposed to a shitstorm.
I don't want to wait until having replaced all of them before making it public. It's now just to discuss the technical details
We have some people which work on PHP, which work with /Zend, but only very few which work with optimizing the ZE and know its very details.
@Fabien wattap?
tis cool. Was just wondering if you want for that auto-sync stuff
Could you translate that last sentence to engrish? :)
@bwoebi Out of curiosity, was the test where you achieved 30% improvement based on phpng or master?
@RouvenWeßling phpng
@PeeHaa The feature where when you edit a file it auto syncs it to the cloud.
@bwoebi Interesting. How does the API look like for optional arguments?
@Fabien Ah rite. The desktop client does that
Furry muff. Just put it on my Pi. The server that is.
How does it run?
Slow as balls :D
but it runs.
Thought so :P
yeah 512mb mem will have to do till I feel the need to go higher.
shouldn't be installing drupal so I might be okay :P
@RouvenWeßling I'm not so sure yet. It's trivial to do, it's just one check more if a variable is set, but not sure how to do that one. Either I'm going to add START_OPTIONAL_PARAMS as a separator or an OPTIONAL_PARAM(zv, type).
@PeeHaa Dumb question but if I git clone in the owncloud server dir will the client on my windows machine update to that and visa versa?
@Fabien Yes. All the info is in the .git dir
@RouvenWeßling by the way, that is where actual phpng only achieves small gains compared to master. (tight small fcalls loop)
@bwoebi Right, someone (Dimitry?) said zpp was now one of the bigger bottlenecks. Was one wondering what was used as the baseline.
@RouvenWeßling Yup, he said that and that's why I took a closer look at it.
So I gather the expansive part was parsing the string containing the types?
It's not so expensive, but when the other calls are fast too, it gets significant
usually at the point where you begin to involve small arrays etc. and invoke e.g. shuffle() it only makes a few percent difference.
but a few percent are already a lot.
especially as fcalls should be one of the most used operations in PHP...
apart from assignments I suppose.
Well zpp should only affect calls into C code, shouldn't it? Still a lot of calls.
I somehow always write expensive as expansive :(
@RouvenWeßling keyboard distance = 2… so, maybe not so hard :-D
Won't go into my head :P I claim the privilege of non-native speaker.
@RouvenWeßling you can assume … if your code is not full of getters and setters (sigh), that most user function calls hide a few C fcalls
With all this talk about PHP-next, anyone know if there will be a PHP 5.7?
not yet decided…
Someone should start that discussion :P
not yet another discussion now please
Too many concurrent discussions are not so good…
I'm waiting for 5.6 to be released to start some of my own. Focus is good.
what do you want to start!?
Mostly API cleanup for PHP6. Dropping mhash, dropping mboverload. Merging rand/mt_rand. Making hash a default extension. And this: github.com/realityking/php-src/commit/…
@RouvenWeßling what does that one do?
It's a sequence generator, so people don't have to abuse rand()/mt_rand() for this, which has some bad side effects.
what side effects?
Your setting global state if you do that - on the whole process. If you have another piece of code needing actual randomness you won't get it.
literally about 3-5 seconds a file :P
files < 6kB
Looks like this one will be going overnight. :P
Night all.
night @Fabien

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