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but time to do something more useful now ^^
actually, looking at zend_string
struct _zend_string {
	zend_refcounted   gc;
     	size_t               len;
	zend_ulong        h;                /* hash value */

	char              val[1];
should be better, due to alignment (since zend_refcounted is 64 bit,
(oops, just had a logic error)
struct _zend_string {
	zend_refcounted   gc;
	zend_ulong        h;                /* hash value */
	int               len;
	char              val[1];
^^ that's the original
@ircmaxell Why does it make a difference?
@NikiC if you just switched the int to size_t instead of also moving, h would be padded with an extra 4 bytes for alignment
@ircmaxell Btw, just to make sure I'm not crazy: That int the is not padded to 64 bit if h is 64bit, right?
but by swapping, yes, it'd use 4 bytes, but since the full string is part of the allocation means that page alignment, and hence average memory usage shouldn't increase by much
@ircmaxell But h is 64bit as well
Oh, that's right, nevermind.
I was thinking stupidly that ulong was a 32 bit value. My head hurts
So just through intuition, by making int to size_t in zend_string would depend on the exact string. 50% of the strings (those ($len % 8 < 4)) would see 8 more bytes used (for alignment). But the other 50% wouldn't see any increase in memory usage at all...
@ircmaxell yes
that's correct, only 50% of the lengths should see a difference
so the average impact, assuming an even distribution, would imply an average of 4 bytes per allocated string. Which is exactly what you'd expect.
If the distribution isn't even, then that changes things a bit...
@ircmaxell an average of 2 bytes, no?
h would be 64 bit regardless. only the 4 bytes for len relevant
@NikiC 8 additional half the time, 0 the other half. 8 * 1 + 0 * 1 / 2 == 4
@NikiC well, but alignment would force the extra full 64 bits to be allocated. So even though 4 more are being used, 8 more would need to be allocated once $len % 8 < 4 causes it to spill over the alignment barrier...
@ircmaxell hm...
I'll have to draw this :D
| gc_info     | flags       | IS_STRING  | refcount (32-bit)                       |
| hash_value (64-bit ir 32-bit)                                                    |
| string characters                      | string length (32-bit)                  |
^^ Old
| gc_info     | flags       | IS_STRING  | refcount (32-bit)                       |
| hash_value (64-bit ir 32-bit)                                                    |
| string length (64-bit)                                                           |
^^ New
for strings of length 0, 1, 2, 3, the old would allocate 24 bytes. The new will allocate 32 bytes. But for strings length 4, 5, 6, 7, old and new both allocate 32 bytes
yes, that is correct
Is there a way to echo a value inside html without opening <?
@BenBeri use a template engine instead of raw PHP
@ircmaxell and strings of length 0 and 1 should often be interned
and so on. So half the time (those len % 8 < 4), 8 additional bytes are allocated (for the new "page"). The other half, no increase will occur. So in general, 4 bytes are added to each string on average (assuming an even distribution of lengths)
@ircmaxell What do you mean by template engine? how should it work?
so it might actually be better than 4 on average distribution wise
@NikiC sure. 4 assumes a uniform distribution
I think it's something that simply needs to be tested to get a good idea on impact
Oh like {myvar}
and then in PHP, you set values to these strings
I'll test it later
but either way, I don't think the impact will be massive (which hash table changes have the chance to be)
@BenBeri yup, there are multiple options in PHP. Take a look around at the different systems available. I'd recommend Twig or MustachePHP
@ircmaxell me neither
The best templates look like <h1><?php echo $myvar; ?></h1> or <h1><?php echo $this->myvar; ?></h1> imho
As said, I already did a 3 byte change to that structure some time ago and the change was by no means massive
@PeeHaa no. <?=$var?>.
@NikiC thank you for a useful, and meaningful discussion. Without getting into BS (well, once we got past the BS). This was fun :-)
@bwoebi That looks horrible
@PeeHaa I did use that, but I really hate the <?php tags and {var} looks better ;3
@ircmaxell yep :)
@PeeHaa It looks clean
@PeeHaa How do you normally handle your templates/views? AJAX or mostly PHP?
sad that it took us so long :D
@Fabien For most of my stuff just plain php
Fair enough. I'm dabbling between with a current project. Wondering why put all the extra work in to AJAX tbh.
@NikiC very true. And how much bullshit could have been saved.
But then I imagine it only feels that way because I am doing it some long laborious and incorrect way.
@Fabien Exactly
@ircmaxell anyway, better late than never ;)
@NikiC absolutely. Let's try to do this first next time :-D
@ircmaxell Better to use a lib for templating engine you say? Or should I attempt on creating own? Not sure if it's a lot of hassle yet lol, would be interesting to create own though
@BenBeri use a lib.
SPAs also feel especially weird to me.
create one for fun and learning, but use an already created one for any actual projects
raw php is usually best as template…
No it is not
It's certainly the most straight forward.
I know some people don't care about security, but I do. And php templates suck at it.
Using twig or mustache makes you secure by default. Which is a good thing
@ircmaxell If templates can be manipulated by others, yes
Using php templates make you insecure by default. Which is not a good thing.
In which way?
@bwoebi even if not. I am talking about XSS
or do you mean the escaping? .. okay
Yo @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o
@ircmaxell And of the currently available libraries for templating do you have a preference?
Twig or mustache. Depending on complexity and interoperability needs
@ircmaxell mustache is really not very secure but people really think it is which is a huge problem - it's context unaware, escaping inside HTML attributes needs to be different from escaping inside script tags, which needs to be different from escaping raw HTML.
@ircmaxell I'm usually creating shorthand functions to do the escaping. like <?=html($text)?>
@bwoebi which is what I mean by insecure by default. You need to specifically do things to make it secure on each variable.
I have no idea what template libraries exist for PHP that do that though.
because you need different escaping depending on the context. E.g. if you set a JS variable or html text or attributes…
1 min ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@ircmaxell mustache is really not very secure but people really think it is which is a huge problem - it's context unaware, escaping inside HTML attributes needs to be different from escaping inside script tags, which needs to be different from escaping raw HTML.
So, is using <?= bad practice?
@ben: fair, but I think that what it does is fine for all contexts except script ones...
Wrong ping ^ :)
But worked ;D
@BenBeri I don't think it is.
As long as you understand what it means and what not to do with it.
Mustache? Just keep in mind there are plenty of script contexts that are not script tags - for example onclick= and other onX attributes. I believe the solution is educating developers about XSS.
What's an example/idea of how to exploit insecure php templating?
or basically how does one exploit a template system?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Education is always the solution.
Agree 100%. But at least mustache gives you a good baseline for normal HTML contexts...
Otherwise, no solution is really complete, you can have HTML inside attributes inside HTML inside attributes with some jQuery plugins.
But as you are full aware, not everyone want to learn.
@ircmaxell but the point is that the templates are still not secure by default. And having templates usually makes the user be less attentive where it would need special escaping...
@SecondRikudo not always, I'd much rather have a safe solution that is context and usage aware, but I'm afraid that's nearly impossible.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You are, which is why you'd educate yourself. But your neighbor may not want to educate himself, and is fine with making code that works.
@bwoebi I'm afraid I'm with @bwoebi here. A false sense of security is worse than no security.
@bwoebi: I'd rather give someone who doesn't want to know what XSS is a templating engine which protects them to a good baseline, than just give them raw php and try to teach a bunch of things they will ignore.
PHP's htmlspecialchars does really guarantee 100% XSS prevention if you use it correctly , when to use ENT_QUOTES etc?
@BenBeri of course it doesn't.
I kinda agree with ben and bob. Magic escaping is dangerous (if I understand their point correctly)
You do (at least mine)
@ircmaxell fill their database with a few XSS values and then let them develop on top of it. They'll learn themselves.
When the choice is magic escaping vs no escaping, I choose magic...
I do agree with @ircmaxell that a good baseline is important. I also think that good context aware escaping - even if not the greatest can really really help, I just don't think it's enough.
I'm kind of gathering a feeling there's a lot of insecure sites out there.
@ircmaxell Although not exactly the same kinda sounds like magic quotes
@PeeHaa As long as it isn't inherently secure, yes. (e.g. the template parser precisely analyses the template and escapes values depending on the current context — for every possible website context)
In .NET land (which, fun fact are wiping out their entire stack and replacing it, again), the Razor view engine does a pretty fair job of context aware escaping, escaping is opt-out with @Html.Raw(content).
@bwoebi When you say website context do you also take into account all related but not web context in specific?
@peehaa no. Major difference.
It's impossible to handle all different contexts. Meaning some work and some don't
@ircmaxell Shoot
@ircmaxell where's that question about whether escaping is enough for SQL injection that you've answered?
@PeeHaa hmm? I mean that it should as well escape e.g. js (either onX, inside <script>,...) and css (content attr for example)
@BenjaminGruenbaum @bwoebi @ircmaxell As you should practically never insert user input into script environments, I think having default escaping for html is a good thing
@NikiC What does that mean, because I don't think that can be avoided
@NikiC sometimes you have to, and other times you're not aware you're doing it.
@NikiC usually it ends up with e.g. an array about the user data for script env. It'd be horrible to create a lot of attributes on some tag for that.
@bwoebi ok, let's go with that, an array about the user data for the scirpt env, one field of which contains HTML.
Damnit I want to code, but I also want to follow this discussion :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you give me an example of when htmlspecialchars() function will not fully secure the given input?
@BenjaminGruenbaum In the very rare cases where dynamically injecting data in scripts is necessary, you can countenance doing an explicit escaping call. But not having to worry about it for everything else is good
Ah for anyone else who is new to this security in templating. Potential reading here
@BenBeri Look at the discussion context we're talking about it - inside a script tag or inside an html attribute that executes code.
@bwoebi Better not do that. Or only if you really understand what you're doing. Especially don't do it if you haven't read the JSON specification and are aware of how it relates to the JS specification.
@NikiC That is a problem imho.
@NikiC still, here we lack education again. The web dev might think it's safe and then just places a {var} there.
@NikiC they're not rare at all... this site uses them for instance extensively (correctly escaping when they need to for all I found, seriously - open the chat source).
Or any random JS driven site
Injecting user data in js is something you do once - outputting data between html is something you do hundreds and thousands of times
@NikiC I think the millions of "Send PHP variable to JavaScript" questions show that quite nicely actually.
@BenjaminGruenbaum agree.
@NikiC I'm not sure what you mean by that
you don't want to have xss vulnerabilities because you forgot an escaping call in one of those thousand places
@BenjaminGruenbaum I mean that there is a difference in quantity
@NikiC My issue with all of this is the sometimes yes and sometimes no approach which will lead to problems
@NikiC but that's then the one time where you're insecure because you just didn't think of escaping there as everything else didn't need to be escaped either...
@NikiC Like I said, I'm with you and @ircmaxell on the "Having good escaping defaults", but it's nowhere near a solution imo.
Which is why I think it is okay to implement an escaping strategy that handles the most common case and require an explicit call on the rare cases
@NikiC That's actually valid for the educated ones who also could live well without templates.
You can also handle the harder cases, it just takes time which is a shame. It requires you to actually understand the page as HTML and then figure out what kind of escaping is needed everywhere, that covers everything except strange eval nested attribute value cases.
@bwoebi educated ones use templates as well ;)
You can cache it though, once you compile it.
@NikiC hehe, but they're not the problem. Problem is the big mass of uneducated people.
oh, I don't care about that mass much
but they're often who write the dumb templates.
I use dumb templates :|
Et moi
I stopped using php as a html templating engine
heh. Looks like I'll be looking in to Twig and Mustache for the next few days.
@RonniSkansing wut? why?
dunno, just seems more "right" to use html, js and leave php for the backend stuff. As in the response is not the view
stackoverflow.com/a/7232812/3123545 - I assume its because its been answered in 2011 though
I pretty much just build a php api and get content via ajax.
@RonniSkansing Bad for SEO, is not it?
I do need to do some work on how to properly organise ajaxed templates. Currently my code looks like a crock of shit.
@Fabien Sounds like a perfect starting point :)
@Fabien Do you use partial views or json objects?
It's funny though. For all I want to learn about building a website properly I've never learnt or needed to learn that skill for work.
you can use the escape fragment and serve statics for google and etc
but yea, out the box it is pretty horrible for seo
@Leri Partial.
I quit using them. They're much heavy to transfer, hard to maintain. I prefer sending json and manipulating with javascript.
Well, it gets heavier than simply putting text in dom but modern browsers are capable to handle that, imho.
Can you see a security flaw in this piece of code? pastebin.com/5jTsNSmQ
@BenBeri I see javascript syntax error.
@Leri yeah. I have a few projects I can try a few methods on. Get a nice overview of a few methods. One is even utilising an API (not mine) that only gives me XML responses.
@BenBeri That does not produce valid JS
Oh yea needs qoutes
Also stop using short open tags
@Fabien SOAP or just xml? If the first one well, good luck with it. :D
Also that's not valid HTML :)
heh just XML fortunately.
pastebin.com/jJM8QMJ6 should be better now
@Fabien Honestly, once you know how to write SOAP client/server properly, it gets really easy. People here will shoot me but SOAP is pretty good for what it exists. It is not meant to be human readable. :)
But I really want to understand the exact situations, when htmlspecialchars will not be enough or should not be used to prevent the attack
@NikiC @ircmaxell also, if you have an application which stays at the same page, you can use templates directly in javascript and just provide the data via long polling / websockets. It's actually much saner and has less pitfalls.
By the way, here I'm using real templates. olado.github.io/doT
Imho running an entire website on JS (at least for me) is insanity
@PeeHaa It depends on what you do. If you write something which needs to be accessible from everyone, yes (eCommerce etc.)
@bwoebi Make commecrial ecommerce websites
commercial ecommerce did I really write that :P
@PeeHaa yeah, I just was writing that
@PeeHaa SPA is not for e-commerce. :)
Everything SPA
Let's make the Internet a SPA. ^^
@BenBeri imho I recommend something like github.com/zendframework/Component_ZendEscaper for escaping purposes. They have the contexts already figured out. Just use the right method before you output
SPA sucks .
+1 ^
-2 ^
@Leri SPA not for e-commerce tell that to my company :P
@Fabien Give me their e-mail. :Ь
heh. Seriously. SPA for something that isn't supposed to be SPA really sucks balls to work on.
Admin panel is a good candidate for SPA.
With all WebSocket/pollin/long-polling powers.
Because it adheres to being an App.
Exactly. ^
Death to all mobile native app =]
what does SPA mean?
Single Page Application ..
@bwoebi Single Page Application. And it's not for C guys. :P
Single Page Applicatoin
Please invent the zero page application… Would save a lot of development work.
@bwoebi It's already invented a long time ago. It's called a cli application
@bwoebi I already did: <?php exit; ?>
daemon [=
@Leri that's an empty page, not zero.
@PeeHaa ah yeah, the one true type of application :-)
@RonniSkansing thank you very much i have done the highcharts i am really really thankful to you for your help even you have mistaken me for hamZa sorry for that!
@Hamza, well you did it all in the end yourself ;) .. yea lol poor HamZa, I pinged alot today...
New vacuum arrived today. Wife is going nuts with it.
It's funny how even mundane can be temporarily made exciting by new.
^ Read the as lokum (toilet)
@cspray Thanks a lot mate, using that class ^^
that not a problem when you ping him i also got ping we both are used to it! :D
@bwoebi zero page application would not have any pages
morning room
Morning AlmaDo
okay see you later!
@AlmaDo morning.
Morning @AlmaDo
@AlmaDo mornign
how it goes?
@RonniSkansing Meh, that HamZa is only pinged with
btw. Leri, do you use a css reset sheet?
@RonniSkansing I don't know CSS. :)
oh lol, wasnt it you that told me to stop using the em as a multiplicator?
and encouraged me to check out rem (which has been working fantastic)
um, no?
@RonniSkansing Probably @Levi
Sorry bout that
@RonniSkansing My biggest css skill is: .classINeedSeeIt { background-color: red !important; } :D
=] hehe it is also booooring..
^ was lol at that actully
@Mr.Alien WAT?!
> I know a framework is a decent thing to pick up as it clears alot of baggage but i feel like if i tried getting a job i just feel like i couldn't list PHP as something i know as i feel like Laravel is basically Wordpress and it feels like i'm just adding pages. That's how simple it feels to me to get a somewhat decent working app up.
@cspray god knows what he was upto...
@ircmaxell I don't find many /r/PHP things I want to comment on but that's one of them...
@ircmaxell Don't want to inherit that codebase :|
While writing my own framework may have been a bit of a waste I at least learned PHP from it. I would be horrified if I could only market myself as a <insert framework here> developer
/me is out for the day. Later
There's a lot of positions available for a <insert framework here> developer though.
That's the real unfortunate thing.
Yea, I mean if you have to eat you do what you gotta do ;)
But, you'll always be just kind of a code monkey
And being a code monkey fucking sucks
@Fabien There even are positions requiring a <insert framework here> 'expert'
even more unfortunate#
Indeed. It's just a shame that positions hire people who build 'brown houses' instead of developers who can build a house and use a paint brush.
@CSᵠ I saw "JSON expert" the other day
@Fabien Nicely put good sir
@Fabien Well, the market continues to buy "brown houses" so why not?
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol!
I mean, I totally agree with you. Just playing devil's advocate.
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha, that's great. I think I like that better than "ninja" or "rockstar"
Try and replace the house with a giant factory filled with machines
I wish there were more application jobs than agency ones :(
I'm not graceful at all and couldn't sneak up on anything; my ninja skills are far too lacking for most of those job descriptions.
@Fabien by SoC, you'd need to hire someone olse for painting... :)
@CSᵠ And the painter shouldn't really care where the paint comes from right? Hire somebody to supply the painter as well.
heh. Yes. The prevalence of 'full stack' devs is another thing.
i've heard the other day the term 'black belt coder'
Sorry @Fabien credits didn't fit anymore. Sue me :D
meaning a coder who makes shit happen fast, anything, but code quality isn't an issue here...
I saw someone on reddit say 'full stack' get the big money. Dunno where this is but I do everything but design currently and I get near the minimum for my position :P
@PeeHaa heh
@Fabien That's expected thing. Even I won't apply or stay for a job that forces me to work with <insert framework here> all the time unless I am awfully f*cked up financially. I don't even speak about @awesomeGuysHere.
fullstack is not a dev or a coder... it's actually more like an integrator who know a bit how code looks like
Well the only stack I am going to lift are the weights at the gym. bbl
later @fab
I'm lifting pancake stacks, does that count?
@cspray absofuckinglutelly
Friend of mine claims that using a database to save user's data in web services is bad. He says that when you're using java for web services, you should cache all data in the memory instead of using a data structure. Is he right?
Sure if you don't care about persistence go for it :P
^ this
@BenBeri this is the PHP room, you better try asking in the Java rooms
@BenBeri What if your user data is > memory limit dedicated to your ws?
@Leri Well, you don't really need that data, see...
@BenBeri define web service
@BenBeri As a rule I have three types of data (speaking of my C# server apps): 1. Active data that lives in memory and is needed at any second. 2. passive data, that leaves in database and might be needed at some point. 3. Archive database.
@RonniSkansing Web server.
bbq I think ...
Heya @JoeWatkins
@BenBeri In general there's nothing wrong or bad about saving data to a database. In fact, that's probably the right solution the vast majority of the time. You should certainly be caching too but databases are designed from the ground up to, ya know, store data.
@JoeWatkins Morning.
moin all
@AlmaDo that's why it would save so much dev work :-)
@DaveRandom yo
So, this happened. :-S
internals are such dicks
Me: I think we should change the voting process and rfc
Tyrael: can't, we didn't define the document
Me: who did?
Tyrael: Zeev and Pierre
you people are fucked ...
I'm going to ignore it ...
Zeev is the equivalent of a crazy man at the side of the street proclaiming that I should "praise jesus", fucking crazy ...
Can 1 column have 2 indexes i.e PRIMARY + UNIQUE ?
I find it interesting that there's been a public appeal. There are previous RFCs where I'm pretty sure they've contacted people off-list with similar appeals
@BenBeri Primary is by definition unique
@DaveRandom Thanks
well I guess feeling ballsy because phpng
this is broken though, it can't work like this ... if we developed at work like this what would we end up with ... it's very shortsighted to continue at all like this ...
@JoeWatkins The more time passes, the more confirmation I get for voting "no" originally. :)
user image
@salathe LOOOOL
I don't think we should be voting on this patch ... if we were programming right now instead of nattering and we were rewriting the work, we would be salvaging something good from it, that dmitry said we should have, nikita agrees is a good idea, it's fucking mental that we are ignoring them and listening to whoever has voting privileges rather than those who understand ...
(Can't take credit, ajf made it)
Why can't I just get the mailing list email :(
I'd be up for reworking the patch for phpng, working them both together, I'm sure whatever it adds can be gained elsewhere, it's not intractable at all, but everyone is talking and not a single person coding ...
@Levi news.php.net
@LeviMorrison It's probably a good thing, at least for the internals list. :P
@salathe We are in a critical time right now; I could perhaps add another voice for reason.
@LeviMorrison There's been a single voice of reason?!
> We're in an unprecedented situation where almost all of the code
contributors to the engine are against a patch that is being forced on
them for no reason, negates months of hard work performed to get us
phpng, and is somehow enjoying a majority (almost exclusively from
people who are not engine contributors).
This is totally uncalled for, Zeev.
@LeviMorrison What address did you sign up to the list with? Because I've had some issues with messages list -> my @php.net account. Works fine to my real address though, and if you've signed up with your @php.net address you can still sent mails from it and the list will accept it
Grow up, Zeev; other people contribute to the engine too.
ok people I'm going to try out phpstorm. Wish me luck
Do it. Good luck.
@PeeHee Once you go JetBrains, you won't go back.
We'll see whether that license is useful
@salathe Honestly, phpstorm is their only product I like.
@Leri There's no pleasing some. :P
Aaaaaaaaaaaand java is eating cpu like hell
@PeeHaa Is your PC a tortoise?
Nope it's a laptop :)
It's probably just doing it's "indexing" work
Well every search I do better be blazingly fast after this :D
soo ... what have I missed ?
@tereško php internals drama gonna drama, discussion about escaping and templating and nice weather (at least here it is)
@PeeHaa You mean you don't already?
@DaveRandom Nope editplus FTW
And don't think I really need all those fancy pancy things
I tried phpstorm under mac. Better than netbeans in some things
@PeeHaa I was like that until about 2 days after I started using PHP Storm. My previous experience of IDEs was stuff like netbeans/eclipse, they just don't seem to be that useful, but PHP Storm is just a whole different game - esp. at work where we have an absolutely insane sprawling and mostly legacy codebase and it means I only have to spend half an hour looking for the bit I want instead of half a day
Don't get me wrong, I still usually use a text editor for quick-and-dirty editing/PoC coding
Question - should a service have access to a place that holds cookies, server params, etc or the controller should take care of that and inject it to the service?
Sounds like the word your are look for is a Request object
@DaveRandom pffff legacy ;)
@BenBeri service parameters - no
you mean server parameters? as in $_SERVER
cookies .. well .. it depends how to you treat them. I tent to look at cookies as a form of storage
Isn't it kind of weird that software design is one of the only places where "legacy" is synonymous with "sh*t"
@tereško Agreed
@BenBeri I assume that you meant $_SERVER
@DaveRandom It actually totally is

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