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2nd: stop using "class" prefix in the file names. What will you do when you start adding interfaces? THis way is really unfriendly towards autoloaders
What is interfaces?
I've heard of Interfaces and namespaces.
I tried learning Namespaces
but the code doesnt work
Let me get the namespaces source


use Lib1;
$obj = new Login();

echo Login::FOO;
namespace Lib1;
class Login {
public function Foo() {
echo "Hello, this is foo!";
Q: WD Calender date picker change dateformat

Steve Bals$("#stpartdate").datepicker({ picker: "<button class='calpick'></button>", onReturn:function(d){ $("#stpartdate").val(d.Format("m/d/Y")); $("#etpartdate").val(d.format('m/d/yy'))...


namespace Lib2;
class Logout {
public function Boo() {
echo "Hello, this is Boo!";
What have I done wrong in this namespaces experiment @tereško
@HassanAlthaf use Lib1\Login;
^ that
I can now use namespaces wooooo!
interfaces are basically "contracts" between two classes. Interface defines that a class has specific methods. When you write that the passed in parameter must implement a specific interface, it means that you going to use it there.
I never understand in words, if you show me code I will understand
@HassanAlthaf try watching this lecture: youtube.com/watch?v=4F72VULWFvc
Is it audio?
My accent is diff xD
Any idea how to increase volume? Mines at max
basically, at this point your next step would be learning how to use autoloaders. php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload-register.php
Thanks man,
Hello Friends
Good morning
@tereško being nice to a newbie. It warms my heart
53 more upvotes in and I get another hammer! >D
I got a question n look for your help
@rdlowrey I am saying I don't see you with in this room talking as much as others too even if I don't talk about any of your interests I believe some users needed help but neither seen you at the time in this room, respect my opinion about it. It's all that I have seen...
Yea he's a good guy, I dont like arrogant ass holes.
@SecondRikudo there is a difference between a newbie an a help vampire
I got a home page and a login page... i login and goes to login page but the problem is after login when back pressed it goes to login page.. how to stop this ?
@tereško Absolutely right.
@HassanAlthaf You are rare, just so you know.
@SecondRikudo what do you maen
@Jes delete the login page, start over.
Many people who come here want help but have no interest in learning. They don't care about understanding their code, as long as it works.
I know right.
Morning everyone
The only thing that worked for me to learn PHP was
It's not often we get someone who's actually interesting in learning. Give yourself a pat on the back :)
A got a guy to code a login script infront of me via teamviewer
@HassanAlthaf php.net?
Then I tried to understand
And prepared an algorithm
damnit it's the best source to get to know stuff from php
I know right
I usually forget the arguements of some built-in functions
@MikeM. This chat is the best source (I had) to learn stuff in PHP.
@HassanAlthaf Me too. Program with a good IDE or keep the manual page opened on another tab.
@Jack delete the login page? did not get it
Yea, I used Notepad++ before
but Sublime is good
@Jes It was a (bad) joke.
It gives me what arguments I need to enter
@HassanAlthaf Sublime is great, Try PhpStorm
Well I came in here after 6months of learning php so I knew the basic stuff... yet stuff like regex(learned here) and pdo (learned on SO + german friend) XD
ok, i'll try after this lecture
The lecture @tereško gave you? Yeah watch it all first :P
/me will by ST3 license from next salary
@tereško ST3?
@Jack :)
sublime text 3
@AlmaDo The app is noice!
@Jack The app?
is there a way i can prevent it.. i m checking for session and even then it goes to login page
Yea, its pretty interesting
I watched lecture 1=>8 on youtube of stanford and I only learned a bit more about the for loop
His accent his a bit hard
But I can manage
I'm not a european, and I'm an Asian you see.
didn't know the "for(start; condition; step){ }" thingy
I'm learning English
@HassanAlthaf The video has subtitles in English IIRC
It gives subtitles for important lines
Also, your English is very good for a 14y/o
I don't think we have more then 5 native-speakers in the whole chat room
@SecondRikudo Yes, THE app :) SE iOS app heh
@Jack Oh, iCrap.
@HassanAlthaf Not PHP but JAVA kind of same logic (in my opinion) but here: youtube.com/watch?v=KkMDCCdjyW8 => good with examples and proper understandable english :)
Oh thanks! @SecondRikudo
@MikeM. it has subtitles so I can manage
I always type in best grammar possible, I don't use too many abbreviations or type like "hi wts up?"
sms speek is the most annoying still
runner up is the ocd camel cased TyPiNg
then lolspeak
.. you move in strange circles , @Jack .. is that from 4chan ?
is what from 4chan?
1 min ago, by Jack
runner up is the ocd camel cased TyPiNg
@Jack jack any suggesion to my question?
not sure ... i've seen it somewhere, surely.
Guys do you think the MVC Architecture is useful in PHP?
@Jes what was the question?
Like do you recommend creating sites out of MVC?
@Jes It's too vague to answer I'm afraid.
MVC-inspired architecture can be useful, but you usually will just want to separate templates from logic
@MikeM. after login pressing back button redirects to login page..
instead i want to stay on the home page if the user is logged in?
@HassanAlthaf MVC is derived from proper OOP. Learn proper OOP design, and you'll see whether or not for your application needs, MVC makes sense.
Pastebin of login + redirect page would be nice...
oh if the user successfully logged in use Sessions or Cookies...
Or just use encypted URLs like Ii do
I mean
@HassanAlthaf as Madara said: learn proper OOP before. If you really want to learn it, the materials can be found here: stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/727208
Hassan won't be such secure or usefull I think...
but, you do not need to learn MVC at this level
you have a lot to learn before that
@Jes Is it like this problem?
@tereško I agree.
Like I am just some newbie in PHP who might not even know some basic functions.
Morning @Gordon, how's the knitting going? :)
Best way to learn is to think that you are a noob.
And you don't know anything
@HassanAlthaf You know echo(), die(), print_r() and ;
@HassanAlthaf for now try to make a sate which separates template from logic. This article will help: chadminick.com/articles/…
@HassanAlthaf Nah, I know I'm not a noob that does know a thing or two, but I still learn new things everyday.
It's not about thinking you are a noob, it's about realizing you still have much to learn.
I do know echo() and print_r()
I've seen die()
Never used it
What are the arguments inside die() function and what does it do?
die($str) == echo $str; exit;
die arg = Echo arg but echo outputs it and die outputs it but stop loading the rest of the page
@SecondRikudo The very PHP-MVC = url-rewrite, three folders in root (controller - code here requests arrays from code placed in model, formats result for presentation, loads template from view and renders it, model - db wrapper (mostly, AR), view - template with php variables or placeholders that are passed/replaced from controller context). :Ь
@MikeM. i m checking for session set
@Jes you need to check in the login page, whether the user has logged in already (that usually will be defined in session) and if he/she has: redirect to "internal page"
@Leri Ummmm.... no.
I usually add up all errors in an array
and return it
@Leri yeah, but it has nothing to do with MVC. It is just another case of dumb people using smart words
NIce mem
die() is mostly only usefull for back-link-access for example applications...
What do you mean @MikeM.
@SecondRikudo Hey, this PG room ... that sloth is completely naked.
you don't need a fancy gui for an application if it's not meant to be accessed through the web...
Btw guys, is there anyway, that all php errors dont show up which can be done via error_reporting(0); and instead save in a .txt file or .log file?
@tereško Well, I have not named it just MVC, it's the very PHP-MVC... And yeah, that's sad people use terms, because it is sounds cool.
or something like an IPN if a message is sent then you want to die the page
I used to do display-errors , 1 but this neither shows all errors...
@HassanAlthaf yes. display_errors directive in settings
I actually want a .txt file which would add up what error was caused instead of showing the users in an actual site.
like fopen()
also, if you are running your php from a webserver, then said errors are already in the error log
Q: How to log errors and warnings into a file?

GorepHow to turn on all error and warnings and log them to a file but to set up all of that within the script (not changing anything in php.ini). I want to define a file name and so that all errors and warnings get logged into it.

Call to undefined method View::redirect() get this error when i do it on view
Another very important skill you must have, is the ability to Google :)
Lol, my english sucks and I cannot express properly.
Google "error log php" gave me that in the first result ^
@SecondRikudo sometimes I forget to add a ; so it's a pain in the ass to check it back...
@HassanAlthaf Note: on server error log should contain 0 errors/warnings. If there're more, you need to fix your code.
I know right @MikeM.
@Jes After login, what happens ... you go home page again, right?
@HassanAlthaf You write English better than 95% of the <100 rep people entering this room.
Don't underestimate yourself...
So doesn't it make sense that when you click Back you see the login page again?
I used to do ini_set('display-errors', 1);
but it neither shows any error about the ;...
I know there are some people.
Do you have another thing I may need to set...?
Some random people popup in my skype saying,
hey u kno php?? can u code me this??
@MikeM. It's underscore, not dash.
@Jack yes and press back button goes back to login page
$user_guid = $this->Session->read('user_guid');
if (isset($user_guid)) {
header ("Location: ".$this->Html->url('/home/index'));
ye underscore sorry it's in my script like that...
@MikeM. And it doesn't show parse errors when you do that?
@Jes Why the hell property under the name Html has method url? I highly doubt you violate SRP or naming is misleading.
That's understandable @MikeM., because it needs to be set before your script runs.
it's at the very top
@HassanAlthaf And that is what happens when you work for free ^
@Leri cakephp
@MikeM. Compile comes before run.
Your answer should be "Sure, my pricing is $XX an hour"
but how would I be able to show the errors without accessing the php.ini
@SecondRikudo I know right but like I said my country doesn't allow receiving money via PayPal.
@HassanAlthaf How does that work?
@Jes Oh, I feel sorry for you. Good luck with cake. :P
You can't receive money into your paypal account? Or you can't pull money into your bank or whatever?
@MikeM. Depends on the server setup, .htaccess on apache.
Cant receive money into paypal account.
I use my dads, he gave me permission to use.
.htaccess :(
lol whats wrong with .htaccess
@MikeM. shrugs
@HassanAlthaf And he can receive money into his account?
No, he cant.
He created it just to buy stuff off ebay.
So what does he do with it?
I don't know how .htaccess work at all
He doesnt even use it
Oh, it's linked to his credit card?
Also verified.
tried to learn it for 2days but it didn't stick a single bit
PayPal has some country shit
This country: Can send and receive cash
This country: Can only send
This country: Can only receive
Cannot receive*
The well can known Country Restrictions
I wish there was nothing like that.
I had a good offer of $20.
$20 for just tweaking up a UI of a exisiting PHP Script
$20 buys you one dinner ... that doesn't all that great.
granted, dinner here
Dude, it wasnt even work of 10 mins
All I had to do is
Never undersell.
Change the banner and adjust some CSS
morning all!
He was like I'll pay you $20
Morning, Naruto
Tell them CSS is complicated (not entirely false) and you have to charge them double.
@SecondRikudo are you ready for a new episode today?
@Naruto Yup, but I'll only see it late at home probably.
Finally fillers end though :D
What do you guys prefer
@HassanAlthaf Maybe I should quit job and start freelancing? :O
PDO or MySQLI Prepared Statements
@PeeHaa mogguh zonder zogguh (<-- Dutch: top of the mornin') :)
@SecondRikudo Yeah, been waiting way to long for the fillers to end!
@Jack true true
@SecondRikudo + the fact 1 episode was postponed 2 week ago.. really killed me :D
Lol @Leri Freelancing isn't bad. I'd prefer making a good product.
Then advertise it.
And then start marketing it with a fair amount of price.
@HassanAlthaf that's all on personal opinions I rather use PDO then MySQLI because I know that one better than MySQLI
@HassanAlthaf PDO
@HassanAlthaf $5 max? xD
Nah Mike
Because today you know MySQL, tomorrow you'd want to learn PostgreSQL or whatever.
@HassanAlthaf Damn son you ain't cheap! xD
PDO supports both.
@HassanAlthaf Your pricing shouldn't be according to the time you spend on a product.
@MikeM. I am working for free cause my quality will not always be good xD. If I am sure that my quality is good then I will rip off my customers.
@HassanAlthaf it's all depended on what you make and how much time you put in :D
It should be according to how much value your product gave the client.
Yeah, I just would charge
$10 per hour if it was HTML/CSS Job
@HassanAlthaf that's not a good statement for your life view..
If your client estimates that your change will increase his sales in $1000 a month, paying you $100 for 10 minutes of work is completely acceptable to him.
If they wanted me to code a CMS from scratch as wel then I'd charge $20 per hour
Wait what! $100 for 10 minutes?!
ye 1000$ / month
100$ for 10 min
@HassanAlthaf Think about it this way. You're a website owner that earns $5000 a month from it.
Q: why in PHP (-1 > false) returns true?

Anrias I know false is a 0 if(-1 > false) print "Here"; in this code if returns a true and here is printed WHY ?

What's the dupe for that? Close it
I come to you with a suggestion that will raise that to $6000 a month.
> I'd prefer making a good product.
That's what I want to do. ^
Will you not pay me even $100?
lol isn't all things under or equal to 0 false
@MikeM. No, only 0 is false.
I thought false = 0.
-1 evaluates to true.
-1 > false = false
@HassanAlthaf false == 0 but not false === 0
why you even want to check if some number is higher then false???
You don't. It's a stupid comparison.
Q: PHP Type-Juggling and (strict) Greater/Lesser Than Comparisons

hakrePHP is famous for its type-juggling. I must admit it puzzles me and I'm having a hard time to find out basic logical/fundamental things in comparisons. For example: If $a > $b is true and $b > $c is true, must it mean that $a > $c is always true too? Following basic logic I would say yes howeve...

But i can't find the dupe... There was this exact question asked a few weeks ago.
I know right, too damn stupid.
Guys what is the proper way to do not equals to? "!=" or "=!"
In python its !=
@HassanAlthaf !=
=! means a different thing
!= or !== (latter is type-strict)
Actually, I don't think that =! is even valid
! before statement == NOT
so != == IS NOT EQUAL TO
@SecondRikudo well, it could end up used for something later
if (1!==!1) { — This is valid though.
Well, can you use ternary operators to do this thing:
!$someVar == .. || for booleans: !someVar == DOES NOT RETURN TRUE
if(strlen($password) < 3 || strlen($password) > 15) {
$messages[] = "Your password must be 3 to 15 characters in length.";
Ternary operators killed my cat.
@AmalMurali because it gets transformed into 1 !== (!1)
@HassanAlthaf use regex for this :)
@HassanAlthaf You can, but you shouldn't.
Lol what is regex
@MikeM. No.
@tereško Yeah, I know.
@SecondRikudo I'd use regex to check it...
You shouldn't, though :)
Check the length?
@MikeM. Rule of thumb: Anything that can trivially be done without regex, should be done without regex.
Never heard of regex
@SecondRikudo I use it to check the length including the check of chars...
@HassanAlthaf Regex is an engine for searching and matching of strings.
Passwords may not containt % or ^ or © etc.etc.
@Jack: ha. 5 answers already :D
@MikeM. if you decide to solve a problem with regular expression, then you have two problems
@tereško How so?
Well, it doesnt matter what passwords contain
@HassanAlthaf Google "Regular Expressions"
I set usernames to ctype_alnum()
And I allow passwords to have any
Q: What is meant by "Now you have two problems"?

IQAndreasThere is a popular quote by Jamie Zawinski: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems. How is this quote supposed to be understood?

for emails I use filter_var
Lol why hack passwords
relevant lecture for @HassanAlthaf and @MikeM.
@HassanAlthaf Well, you may want to enforce certain rules on your password. But in my opinion, you shouldn't limit your password to use specific characters or to have a max length.
@HassanAlthaf * hash
what @AmalMurali
Morning @salathe
@salathe morrnings
Oh has passwords
I use PBKF2 to Hash
@HassanAlthaf Use password_hash
@tereško Why is password hashing relevant to regex usage...
And the other side of it is password_verify
Oh wait get it
@AmalMurali and grown-ups use BSD
I prefer md5 but for security
@tereško And those who don't give a damn use Windows :D
wait wut
md5 is simple
51 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
@HassanAlthaf Use password_hash
md5(shit here)
MD5 is not secure.
> Users with the [php] gold badge can single-handedly mark [php] questions as duplicates
since when? ^
I use PBKF2?
@SecondRikudo He meant, he prefers md5 ... but for security (negation here)
@MikeM. because it you actually are lowering the maximum entropy of a password, if you enforce specific rules of what a password must contain
But I still like Md5 even though its crackable
I made some kinda function like this:
function($password) {
$salt = "random shit";
@HassanAlthaf I condone the use of trial and error in learning code.
@HassanAlthaf Maybe this game is something for you, then :D
Except for Security. When it comes to Security, use best practices first by default, ask the questions later.
@HassanAlthaf security of your script is as important as knowing your script
only make hashing algorithms is you are a cryptography expert .. I am not, therefore I dont make my own hashing algos
@SecondRikudo He said he's using PBKF2 pbkdf2, duh
whatever it is i always fail spelling pbkdf2
5 mins ago, by tereško
How can you code your own Hasher?
@HassanAlthaf @MikeM. both of you should see this ^
@HassanAlthaf You don't.
yeye I already copied it to my workbar.
There must be some kinda way to build your own hasher
Because 99.9% of the things you'll write yourself will be easily broken.
Lol workbar?
I know Second, but knowing is good. ;P
@HassanAlthaf because you do not have a doctor's degree in cryptoanalysis
ye that tabbar on chrome or however its name is
... and neither has anyone else here
@SecondRikudo is that you? ^^
@HassanAlthaf I wrote this some time ago :)
@tereško Except for maybe @ircmaxell XD
I say workbar because anything I need for programming is in that bar XD
I feel like I want to get a masterclass from @ircmaxell
@SecondRikudo I am quite certain that he doesn't
anyone here who can code in
I know, just kidding XD
been stuck with is for hours
$user_guid = $this->Session->read('user_guid');
if(isset($user_guid) ){
header ("Location: ".$this->Html->url(array('controller'=>'home','action'=>'index')));
header ("Location: ".$this->Html->url(array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'home')));
@HassanAlthaf @BenjaminGruenbaum you have a fan
whats wrong jes
@Jack mogguh
morning all
I like C#
@PeeHaa Goeie moggel! <--- Dutch: Good Morning
Hello, some wordpress people here or are we hating that system? :-)
morning @PeeHaa
@Duikboot We're hatin'
hating that system. :)
We code our system.
They have a chat too ^
Fuck WordPress
let's search for that chat.
I'll be hatin
I'll be fancy...
here is wordpress
go kill myself
@AmalMurali My app is enabled again :)
Would writing blogs improve the theory part of programming?
Goede morgend, <--- Dutch: Good Morning
what happens if you say "hate on wordpress" in that chat?
Knowledge in theory*
@Duikboot neuken in de keuken means.
Goeie moggel is another reference for Good Morning...

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