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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Need explanation of how routers and controllers work in Zend. Still new to MVC and zend, so i am trying to figure this out. Thanks
what do you think about the new php website: php.net/?beta=1
1 hour later…
Good morning everyone !
Q: Is this proper jQuery syntax?

Ethanol722It's as simple as that, does this line of jQuery use proper syntax? $(this.parentNode img:not(:last)).toggle();

apparently the answer deserve 3 up-votes, really is there a jQuery syntax ?
morning guys , gals and others
@tereško are you implying asexual by other or something else ?
never underestimate human capacity for doing strange things ...
help me i want to do this condition in asp if(!f || !f2)
right now i m trying this but not work If NOT f OR NOT f2 Then
@tereško wtf? what time is it there?
1 hour later…
@OmeidHerat No, there's not a "jQuery syntax" per se -- it's all just JS syntax. But jQuery code does tend to look (and even work) a bit different from vanilla JS, and expects to be used a certain way, so it looks a bit foreign to people who are only used to vanilla JS
@Hary unless f and f2 are boolean (or you can guarantee they're -1 or 0), Or and Not will do bitwise stuff. (actually they'll do bitwise stuff on 0 and -1 too; it's just that the results turn out as you'd expect them to because of how ints are represented.)
@Hary if you want the PHP meaning, try if (f=0) or (f2=0). but it might mess up if your variables are strings
@KamilTomšík , then it was 7 in the morning
posted on October 11, 2011 by Stuart Herbert

The PHP North West User Group ran it’s 4th (and largest yet!) PHP conference – PHPNW11 in Manchester last weekend. Once again there were three main tracks to the conference, a total of 15 speakers from both near and wide to choose from. New this year was the fourth track – the Unconference (perhaps lightning talks would be a better description tbh) organised by Elizabeth Naramore. Unfortunat

@tereško indeed, humans are the most unpredictable creatures so far known.
@Gordon morning
@OmeidHerat humans like to call himself "the most"
@OmeidHerat What the F.
This guy is doing jQuery without knowing what JS is?
I mean, everyone knowing JS knows $(this.parentNode img:not(:last)).toggle(); is plain wrong.
hi guys...good afternoon
@ChristianSciberras It's a bit too common to think of jQuery as another language entirely -- if you haven't messed with it before, it looks foreign as hell. there really needs to be a faq somewhere that we can link to that says "jQuery is just JS, people! You need to know some JS in order to have a clue about jQuery!"
though why any of this is in the PHP room is a bit of a mystery to me. :)
hi. any body here work with codeigniter?
@cHao honestly, one should know more about HTML DOM than js to do jquery. and one can think of it as a new language because of its extremely compact syntax...it seems magical...
its in jquery `var curchrindex = wphone.val();
var filter = /^[\d]{3}-[\d]{3}-[\d]{4}$/;
var filter1 = /^[\d]{10}$/; if(!(filter.match(curchrindex)) || (!(filter1.match(curchrindex))))` if condition is not working
You're asking in the wrong place, @Sparkx
yaa sry :( my mistake
whats a curchrindex?
@ChristianSciberras Yup, sadly people tend to think jQuery is magic and you don't need js.
@hussain I will argue that jQuery has no compact syntax, in fact it has no syntax.
the only reason that people think jQuery looks or even works different then Vanilla JS is they are miss-understanding of JS.
there is no magic. honestly, things that can be done in jQuery is for the simple reason that they are possible in JS, if that makes sense.
okay question! =D

Does anyone know how to do site-wide authentication in a PHP framework? I can put the authentication code in a before() method on every controller, but that doesn't adhere to DRY principles.
@Sparkx -_-
@TastyMuffins That's dependent on your framework, unless you want to do it in a non-framework way.
In which case, I would simply redirect all requests to index.php
Then again, a framework shouldn't be fragmented to allow files to be called individually by themselves...
@ChristianSciberras I'm using FuelPHP. Should I write a class and just call it from the before() methods then
@OmeidHerat by compact i mean less line to code ... if that means anything ...
@OmeidHerat why try to do something the difficult way...when you can do it the easy way...
@OmeidHerat everything is possible in core js also ... but its the same reason i told above ... ease of coding
compact syntax more or less implies to a different syntax then the original or I should blame my language skills here.
Yes, you use tools because they make things easier, but there is no such things magic.
@hussain Nothing wrong with doing things the easy way, as long as you have some understanding that the easy way is often just the hard way with an easier interface. There's no magic to it.
jQuery is, at the heart of it all, still just JS.
and therefore, what isn't allowed in JS isn't allowed in jQuery either.
@TastyMuffins I avoid frameworks as much as I can, because my projects are either to simple to use one, or too complex that Frameworks restrictions are annoying, but FuelPHP looks something cool.
I will give that a try
looks like they know they are stuff as it mentions that ... FuelPHP is a Web Framework ...
@cHao its still js ...never said it is not ... but the easier interface make things easy, right? and u definitely enjoy it when you know js as well ...
@OmeidHerat as opposed to...a gardening framework? :) it's PHP...if it's a framework for PHP, it's almost a given that it's a web framework...lol
@cHao PHP is not only for web.
it's damn near useless for much else, far as i've seen.
sure web server is the most common place you find PHP but its not only designed for that.
@cHao I wouldn't say that, I have a CLI php always next to my hand, it does some cool stuff for me :)
and i have perl. and ruby. and C++. and C#. :) any of them are better for a CLI app than PHP is.
that depends on the understanding of language, A ruby CLI will be as useless for my programming work as my car's handbreak.
yeah, i don't do a lot of programming in ruby. i just really really like it because of irb
and of course, cause it's fun to code in (if a bit annoying at times due to my not knowing how to do every little thing in it)
i almost want to install v8 or something and script in it...lol
for learning purpose nothing is more fun then getting stack at doing things :)
Hi :)
@cHao I got v8!
grats. why ya still using PHP. :)
cause somethings are easier in PHP.
I got D8 and compiled it with cygwin.
V8 version 3.6.3 [console: readline]
d8> print ('Hello World!');
Hello World!
i imagine so...JS doesn't have all the real-world support that PHP has, particularly outside a browser
why "D8"?
nope, the CLI is not sandboxed so you can do lots.
Developers V8- > D8
what i mean is, since JS is primarily inside a browser, the libraries for reading/writing files, sockets, stuff like that...there isn't as much of it
there's node.js, and...
what is d8 ?
Has anyone here used the Zend Optimizer?
@ProgrammingEnthusiast i use it
I just checked out FuelPHP... well, the idea of having a project generated with a CLI utility already puts me off (not that it's new..) :(
I was kinda hopeful to find someone doing what I want so I could throw mine away...but alas, everyone seems to love sticking to the principle of "overengineering everything is good practice".
heh. you'd hate cakephp then :)
cake bake
it really really wants to be rails
@cHao I do. Especially because of the fact that it promises cake but doesn't deliver.
yeah...the cake is a lie, yet again.
@cHao I smell a Portal player :D
@Gordon You played Portal 2? I'm still undecided.
There's a THQ sale going on at Steam right now
Metro 2033 is going for 5 bucks
@ChristianSciberras it's quite good. the ending is awesome
@JohnP Only thing I loved at THQ so far is CoH.
and multiplayer is fun
@ChristianSciberras , you might be interested in this chat-log : chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/1643822#1643822
@JohnP It's never fun >_>
@ChristianSciberras yes, I did. Liked it better than Portal 1. Good game if you are into puzzle games.
@Gordon Said from you...I'm gonna get it! :D
@tereško I KNEW IT! There's no such thing as a subject not debated by @tereško! :P
@ChristianSciberras eih, im not authority on games. in fact, my opinion on games is often not the mainstream opinion
@Gordon Neither is mine. I see a pattern :)
don't be a hipster @Gordon :P
if anyone wants to befriend me on steam: go_oh. not that im much of an mp player
i'll say, i liked portal 2. and i don't play many games
that one makes ya think though
anyone worked for pixmania? as devel
my old company used to put inventory there
i like PES guys and FIFA too
hmm, accepted friend invite by whomever the guy with the tight pants is lol
someone wanna play PES against me online?
@cHao I am using this now it is ok ? If (NOT IsObject(f) OR NOT IsObject(f2)) Then
@Gordon lol that's me
@JohnP You are from Srilanka
Hmm, add friend not working here :/
@Hary yup
@JohnP like the avatar
@Hary if IsObject returns a boolean, then yes.
Hey Gordon, I've posted a question on Zend Guard and needed help.
@JohnP nice place and also the nice sex doing there
@Gordon I loved 8bit. Sadly everything comes to an end
@cHao okk
@Hary come to pakistan dude and i will get you better sex than you have ever had;)
@Hary umm, was that a typo? What sex?
@hussain yup pakistan is also but not like Srilanka
@JohnP what was the name of that character? its not orko from he-man but that little magician from ff, right?
guys, could anyone give me a hint what this code has been written for:
return @mb_convert_encoding($html, self::ENCODING, self::ENCODING);
where const ENCODING = 'UTF-8';
the author is great experienced developer
@Hary as u wish :)
I need steam installed to add friends -_-
@Gordon Yeah from, not sure what his FF name is though. The avatar is from this webcomic : nuklearpower.com/8-bit-theater-archive He's Black Mage
Clicking on "Add Friend" it directs me to a steam:/// url...
guys, is anyone of you on Google+ ? i want some friends...
@zerkms we had to do that when we had to convert our ISOxxxx content to Unicode for proper multi language support
@JohnP: but why utf-8 is specified twice?!
@hussain Was. Until I went berserk and destroyed all circles.
till then we were switching to various ISO encodings depending on the language/region
for from and to parameters
Man, I hate social networking.
@ChristianSciberras so do i....deactivated FB profile...now trying G+....
@cHao pastebin.com/GbWEp6Eq this is my code 88 to 93 line i want to print that for checking wheather works or not how is is posible ?
@zerkms not sure why he's converting from UTF to UTF though. Either a typo or maybe the origin content isn't actually UTF and it's ignored
it is*
it is not definitely a typo but some sort of trick I don't know about
@Gordon never played the FF games. I don't think the newer versions every came out on PC even
@Hary: you need to output your data using <%: %> (note on the : instead of =)
@JohnP yeah, they didnt
@zerkms that works in classic ASP?
Q: How to submit POST data with DOMDocument

AnticomI want to submit POST data using the DOMDocument class (DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile() to be precise) to simulate a html form using the post method being submitted. For that purpose I tried to set my params using stream_context_set_default() but somehow that won't work: <?php $default_opts = ar...

@cHao: oh, it is classic :-S
@zerkms can u write one line for me
@cHao: I stopped thinking that some one still uses pure asp several years ago
@Hary you don't have to print it...just "view source" or open your console/inspector
the elements will just be sitting there in the page
@zerkms yeah...hardly anyone really does, or should, anymore
but eh
i'm bored
@cHao thats really Gud :)
Anybody of you using tabs for indentation?
@NikiC i do
@cHao Then stop!!!
@NikiC no. :)
i do
I've just found beautiful imagery in the PHP code base caused by tab-indents: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_3/Zend/zend_hash.h#ZEND_HANDLE_NUMERIC
why would anyone stop using tabs for indentation ?
I use 4 spaces
@tereško because tabs differ on platforms
tabs a customizable , @Gordon
Just look at that piece of code. Those \ were meant to be aligned, but now they look like rain :)
@tereško cause they don't realize that tabs aren't spaces, and shouldn't be used like spaces. tabs to the left, spaces to the right :P
You can just set the tabs to output spaces on most editors. simple fix
@NikiC yeah...it's kinda pretty, really.
@tereško doesnt matter that they differ on platforms. thats why you should customize them to be inserted as spaces, which then doesnt differ
@JohnP exemplary
tabs are tabs. :P
@NikiC heh, was just about to google that
@JohnP Yep, sorry, mixed up languages ^^
in 'The case for spaces:' there is 'Tabs are not as "visible" (that is, a tab generally looks just like a bunch of spaces)' ... even though it's not `'case against tabs '' section
well, the case for spaces can be implied as the case against tabs
well, the case for tabs has more bullet points :)
i simply dont want to reconfigure tab spacing whenever i use another editor or upload code somewhere. i want it to be four spaces. not eight, not two, but four. consistently.
and what would you do if code is indented with two spaces ?
or eight ?
@tereško slap the developer
posted on October 11, 2011 by Internet Super Hero

Uh, uh… about a year ago Mayflower OpenSource Labs released the mysqlnd user handler plugin (PECL/mysqlnd_uh). The extension lets you extend and replace mysqlnd internal function calls with PHP. Uh, uh… internal mysqlnd exported to user space? Who cares as long as it does the trick?! Let me ...

and then ?
@tereško source format
When I try to use Zend Optimizer 3.3.4 to run code on a local machine with PHP 5.2, I get: "Fatal error: Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format major ID 0, whereas the Optimizer expects 2"
The code was obfuscated using Zend Guard running under PHP 5.2
@Gordon , i still think that tabs are better exactly because you can configure them
my "source format" does tabs. so there. :)
besides , fonts are different
in some a 4-space wide part looks like 2-space wide ( but thats more of a non-monospace ) thing
@tereško Wow, you program using a proportional font?!
@tereško i used to use tabs in the past as well but i was fed up with tools making my code unreadable due to different tab width.
@NikiC is there really a reason not to?
@tereško i dont use non-monospace fonts for coding
i personally don't like it, but eh. the monospace thing is largely a throwback to the days when everything was done on an 80x25 console (and probably earlier than that)
@cHao so you are coding in comic sans? ;)
monofur, actually. :)
anyway , @NikiC's argument against tabs was "stupid people do not know how to use them"
which is a bit flawed
@Gordon: Could we talk a little about Zend Guard, if it's alright? :-)
@tereško Be careful whom you call stupid. I would argue that the PHP developer having written that code was way smarter than you. This is merely a CS issue.
ok , replace "stupid" with "ignorant"
@ProgrammingEnthusiast i cannot help with Zend Guard. I only used Zend Optimizer as part of Zend Server and that works out of the box. But since Zend Guard is a commercial tool, I suggest you use your support options with Zend.
cant wait for ME3
5 months
they say there will be mp coop missions in it
@KamilTomšík Mass Effect series. That picture above is Legion: masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Legion
oh :) never played even first one but heard it's great
Coop would be awesome. I wonder how the story mechanics would play out. Default story I guess
@Gordon: No problem, I'll turn to Zend to get support.
@KamilTomšík you should play it. i was completely stunned. its creepy how many things they just do right.
ehhh .. i need a new PC , so i can play the new DeusEx
@Gordon re-playing oblivion shivering isles right now :-P will take some time when I could play anything else
@KamilTomšík been through oblivion twice. i like the series but i think the system sucks
you mean the "adjusting world" ?
@Gordon I've played even morrowind and although they simplified it a lot I think it's good
in the end my mage was leader of all factions but assassins and i fried the end boss with a single magic spell :)
@Gordon that's for what difficulty slider is :-P
@KamilTomšík , in Morrowind you could end up in place where you were chopped to peaces , because your level was too low
@tereško yeah, I know - and I didn't like it that much
and if you managed to get through such place ,you got exceptionally good gear
@KamilTomšík nah, its that adaptive difficulty level thing. i just hate that the further you progress the better the enemies get and are equipped. i mean, wtf do they have all this expensive armor all of a sudden thats considered rare? just stinks :)
@tereško I'm trying to not depend that much on gear, I'm focused rather on attributes and skills
and i absolutely dislike that you can get faction leader of everything and it has no consequences whatsoever on gameplay. decisions really have no effect.
at least for now
thats quite different in ME btw
i am still in the middle of ME1
@tereško yes, i mean the adjusting world
@tereško make sure you romance the right people :P
i especially hated the quest rewards ( in TES4 )
dunno, I just like oblivion, it's exactly my cup of tea, it's morrowing like rpg, little stripped but still great, it's huge, I can go almost anywhere and do anything and it's also little more "arcade" thx to discussed level-system
btw , has everyone played Arcanum ?
@JohnP i romanced Liara only and been true to her through ME2 as well, though I had some serious flirts with all the others as well.
I don't want to fear to go somewhere, I don't want to wait for finishing quests when I'll be higher level. I want to play and have fun in my free time, that's it :)
( it's a pretty old 2d RPG )
it had awesome skill system
btw - is it just me or most of programmers play mage characters? :-P
nope , not me
@Gordon Ashley in ME1 but then she turned a bit weird, then totally fell in for Tali
i usually go with stealth class
Had to replay the ending once to make sure none of my crew died in the last mission
Made the absolute worst decisions, I didn't realize that their abilities would affect the roles. Just assumed it was scripted
@JohnP yeah, tali was my second favorite followed by Miranda. That suit of her should be forbidden lol
@KamilTomšík I play mage first when I played DragonAge
Just style of play I guess. Keep out of the melee and rain down showers of fire and ice
@JohnP me too. elven mage though. splattered the enemies with lots of storms.
you are just lazy
newbie question

i have following code in php :

$string = "<a href=\"" . $request . "\">" . $value . "</a>";

can you tell me how to add: `target='_blank'` in it?

I actually am lazy. But it's much easier to play because you can build the other players for tanks
@grigione you mean like $string = "<a target='_blank' href=\"" . $request . "\">" . $value . "</a>"; ?
ok thanks
@grigione printf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', $request, $value); makes it a bit more readable imo. on a sidenote, target is invalid in XHTML.
Should really start playing DeusEx
So many games, so little time
ok thanks
@JohnP , i have begun sections in bookmarks, named "must see", "must play" and "must read"
@cHao There ?
for movies , games and books .. accordingly
@tereško Sadly the Must Play list is now bigger than the must read list.
Still December and January are coming up. Vacation times = Fun times
as i like audiobooks , i manage to keep all the lists in check
@JohnP I think my first mage was in diablo :)
and especially LoD one was great
Never managed to get into audio books. Mostly on the kindle
The new Diablo should be good. But I just wish they'd get around to Warcraft 4
If ever
@Hary: ...?
@cHao I think we are not able to see the hidden codes is in php m i right ?
@Hary try that again in english? :)
@cHao "view source" is not Showing the Hidden element in php ???
@JohnP dunno, playing as LoD teleport-sorceress is incredible fun
then it's not being written out to the browser.
means ?
usually means execution stopped before that point
or skipped over the printing of the elements
Can someone help me out with stackoverflow.com/questions/7712345/… ? :)
Having a problem with cUrl
Also, why am I being down-voted? ;(
@Gordon "first monday of" is correct, "first monday" is just the same as "+1 monday"
Morning :)
@salathe thanks
actually it's not the same as +1, but you get the idea... first monday does advance the date, first monday of does not. :)
I hate that use of strtotime. Seems so arbitrary and magic...
@ircmaxell Afternoon
Anybody has input on: stackoverflow.com/questions/7717436/…? Preferably someone with experience in building multibyte-URI-safe web application.
@ircmaxell again trying to patch PHP :)
hum, running the PHP testsuite takes 300 seconds for me :( and I got the feeling that something like a dozen tests attribute for 90% of the time ^^
It takes much longer than that for me..
that's because I make using just ./configure without options. So no 50 extensions to test ;)
Like on the order of 20 minutes last time I ran make test...
Lol. Another vote to close my question stackoverflow.com/questions/7712345/…
@JoeyMorani I think you being downvoted that much is not really fair
Really what am I doing wrong?
oh ok
@JoeyMorani no I mean i think its a legitimate question
at first you didnt have the code sample if i remember correctly
but now it's better
i upvoted to balance
Thanks :)
I'll post with code in the future
You should maybe add " with cUrl" in the question title (it will sound less "noob question" ;)
Oooh, okay
I agree with the downvotes even now
@JoeyMorani Questions like "how to do that" and you get downvotes because it doesn't show you did some effort
Oh? Why?
(it's like your asking someone to do your homework), so it's alway better to explain what you did (like a code sample)
the question is very vague and screams of "do it for me". You say you tried that code. Great. What didn't work about it? What exactly did you try. What failed? How did it fail.
so I think the question is good now
Ahh, okay. I see
I'll edit again
Its also not really applicable to the community as a whole, since its not asking "how can I solve this type of problem" but more of "solve this exact implementation " which is generally seen as not useful to the community (hence the close votes)...
Q: PHPDoc - witch @[item] to use for "const" statement in my sources?

CommandoHello and welcome to stackoverflow.com, where here from now on I will be asking you some questions and sometimes I might response an answer to your questions as well. But nevermind that. My questions is: PHPDoc - witch @[item] to use for "const" statement in my sources? Witch one sould I, as a...

Ahh, okay. Yeah, I see what you mean.
Not saying it can't be salvaged. Just trying to point out why its getting some negative attention...
Yeah. I appreciate you saying. I really wasn't sure why it was getting downvoted. I know now though, so I'll edit it. :)
1 hour later…
posted on October 11, 2011 by Danne Lundqvist

In searching for a solution to a CSS problem I had I stumbled over another interesting problem, similar to mine. Most people seemed to agree that it was impossible to do in pure CSS. The effect those people were after is commonly used in magazines where text with a background color is put over an image. A simple effect hard to achieve. One solution was to surround each line of text using styl

I wish chat would notify me of comments on the main site :-/
@tereško D8 is the V8 JavaScript engine CLI.
btw, Good time everyone !
@salathe that would be a misnomer because we only use -> on objects.
How do I combine the "FirstName" & "LastName" fields into a result field called "FullName" in SQL?
@Gordon because we don't use it on arrows?
@Greg concat
@salathe because we only use it on objects
@salathe would be nice
@Gordon tell the millions of other people who call it the arrow operator
@salathe the PHP Manual has more reach than me. That's why it should fix that bug.
@Gordon what bug? :)
When using mysql's like comparison, is it possible to order by the ... "likeness" ?
@salathe that -> is sometimes called arrow operator: Static properties cannot be accessed through the object using the arrow operator ->. should be Static properties cannot be accessed through the object using the object operator ->.
@salathe I call it the object operator
@Gordon feel free to submit a bug report, or provide a patch
@ircmaxell so do I
@salathe unless someone fixed the bug in the online editor i cannot use the online editor
@Gordon I don't know anything about that
heh, more google results for 'php "arrow operator"' than 'php "object operator"' (for me)
for what it's worth, we never call it the "object operator" in the manual.
@salathe i mentioned it in irc a few weeks back. i didnt dig too deep into it but apparently, its due to the option to login with fb and other services. i am using an addon that blocks tracking cookies and that will cause an error while executing the js.
@Gordon do you know if there's a bug report for it?
@salathe the token is called T_OBJECT_OPERATOR so I guess that's what it should be refered to.
@salathe no, i mentioned it on irc only. but no one seemed to care about it.
let me check if it still exists
I use something else for -> that no ones has mentioned, of, like for $a->b() I say b of a.
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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