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@lakshmi I am a god myself.
@DaveRandom fair, it's for someone else, so I don't really care much. I gave them one from packagist, but had to ask :-)
Madara Uchiha, the Second Rikudo, nice to meet you.
@SecondRikudo : That Sounds Crazy
@lakshmi Well, you haven't seen me drop meteors on anyone.
Just ask @Fabien or @HamZa
@SecondRikudo : So I want see you, Can you please give me that gift ?
@SecondRikudo congrats . u will b blessed with a lot of wealth (gold mostly)
@lakshmi Nah, you can't control this power. I had to kill my best friend, take the eyes from my brother, almost die, actually die, get reanimated, get revived and then absorb a giant God Tree to become what I am now.
@ircmaxell I'm not going to pretend my choice wasn't largely motivated by hanging around in here, but that said it does has have some pretty impressive stats (good service support, 78K packagist DLs, large list of contributors etc). Of course, none of the above really says anything for quality, but I did find it well documented and easy to use fairly cleanly so... I would definitely recommend it to a friend based on my experience.
@lakshmi that gift is not simply handed out,,, you must first earn the privilege
> kill my best friend, take the eyes from my brother, almost die, actually die, get reanimated
^^ Busy fucking weekend.
@DanLugg :D
@DaveRandom yeah :-)
@SecondRikudo : Definitely
@SecondRikudo : You have Angular JS knowledge ?
@lakshmi Nope :D. Maybe the folks in the JS room know.
i have heard rumors in that room.. 17 year kid building 35 year like apps..
@shortCircuit And just who do you think we are?
25 years
@SecondRikudo : You are from ?
@lakshmi Israel
22 maybe .. but not 17
nikic is not that old is he?
17-20 ish or something
Nobody really knows, nobody has actually met him
19 according to his profile.
@DaveRandom Some say he's an AI.
He might really be a 50 year old chinese woman for all we know
@SecondRikudo or worse... a replicant
like Zetsu?
@SecondRikudo yeah I know, but I had to take it out there. Let's check the updates...
Anyone been having issues receiving emails via @php.net? I haven't received any internals email for 2 days now, just sent myself a message and it seems to have disappeared into the ether...
@shortCircuit 1149 is better IMO
this : tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1149 ?? i never travelled via gaseous medium
@DaveRandom I have.
I don't have a @php.net inbox :( That's a major issue.
Don't you hate it when it takes a POC to prove that something is unwieldy? ...and the POC is rather, complicated.
Write some docs
@DaveRandom Who has the time
Well, admittedly, I don't have as much time as I would like any more, for a while I was pretty hot at keeping the patch list empty. But I'm thinking about trying to gamify closing docs bugs somehow and getting some of the guys at work involved
Meanwhile, I'm listening to it voluntarily.
I've been listening to late 90s skater rock, so I don't have much room for musical stone-throwing
how can web-site know that AdBlock is installed (those smartasses now are saying "you have adblock installed, so we won't work for you because we want to show stupid ads to you"). If it's possible - how can I avoid detection of AdBlock installed?
@DaveRandom Oh yea?
@AlmaDo Disable JavaScript
Aw dammit!
@SecondRikudo then flash will fail too
@DanLugg ftfy
youtube.com/watch?v=udUCjJphE-0 <^ welcome back to 2001
@SecondRikudo Thank you sir.
@AlmaDo Will it?
@SecondRikudo yeah, because they hide that into dynamic-loading container (that container won't load wihout js)
or I will have to extract whole stuff manually - so hard to say if "it works"
I'm not so good in js - but can we avoid that in js somehow?
@JoeWatkins ya, me neither, that's why I'm so confused by these bug reports…
@DanLugg Oh no no no no, worse than that
@rdlowrey btw a while ago I split the big horrible provider class in Auryn into the [github.com/Danack/Auryn/blob/PluginExperiment2/lib/Auryn/… and the class that holds the information about what should be injected but didn't send a PR because of reasons.
It should be an improvement as it allows people to define different bits of logic for deciding which classes to implement, as well as doing things like being able to more easily write a config file based set of rules. Can you give me some feed back on whether it would be acceptable before I tidy it up and send it as a PR?
@DaveRandom <no comment>
@DanLugg Also Sprung Monkey
@SecondRikudo btw, it seems js isn't related (I've pasted flash video address to new tab, where all js is (obviously) disabled - since default is "deny all js" policy - and then, after unlicking it in player I see same message while js is disabled) ..
I may put some Lit on in a bit, because I am that cool
@Danack Sure
I can live without this case.. but it's sad - because if all sites will use this sh*t, then AdBlock will be useless..
@Danack Are those links in a private repo? I get 404
githubs being shite.
@DaveRandom At least rock some Dookie because 1994.
@rdlowrey stupid markdown is stupid, rtrim it
Ah, mardown fail
@DanLugg Actually I've been going through a bit of a Green Day phase recently, I listened to Nimrod all the way through at work today
@DaveRandom Ah, nice. They really hit the shitter after about ... well, Nimrod.
@DanLugg my favorite album cover evar =oD
Ahh yea :-) First album I went out and bought myself, I was... 10 11?
I used to like some terrible, terrible music, sometimes I put some of it on to remind myself of how terrible it was and I find that I still like it and then I have to cry a bit
@DanLugg All Saints eponymous album ftw (I was 9)
@Danack I will look closely this weekend at some point -- I'm just feeling lazy and don't want to think right now because 1700 on Friday afternoon.
All Saints is the debut studio album by British girl band All Saints. It was released on 24 November 1997 by London Records. All Saints worked with several producers on the album; mainly Cameron McVey, John Benson, Johnny Douglas, Karl "K-Gee" Gordon, Magnus Fiennes, Nellee Hooper, Karen Gibbs and Neville Henry. Musically, the album drew inspiration from electronic, hip hop, R&B, swing, synthpop, trip-hop and UK garage music. Upon its release, the album received mixed reviews from music critics, where many critics praised the choice of singles and the groups musical direction, while so...
^^ ?
Then I got into Oasis because I'm a Manc, then I somehow simultaneously went down a really obscure northern soul path, mainstream britpop, and terrible US pop-punk (think blink 182)
took me a long time to pull my head out of my arse musically
Meh, if you were born 1983 - 89 you were into Oasis at some point.
I still love that All Saints album though
@rdlowrey I know that feel but 10pm - as it's been 5 months since I did it, there's no urgency. btw it should be backwards compatible straight out of the box due to renaming the core class to 'injector', and the class 'provider' sets up a default plugin. i.e. existing code that uses it probably requires no change to use it. But anyway - beer time.
@DanLugg I was born in 84 and I'm from Manchester so it was pretty much unavoidable.
Yep :-) lol
I've seen them live maybe 8 times?
Alright, weekend time, I'm out.
Sudden departure! Booze time! git commit -m "YOLO"
See you shortly when you get bored of talking to your gf
You bastard, you know me too well.
@Danack cool, later :)
General "Happy Friday RebeccaDay" wishes to all those on the way out
@rdlowrey Oh, no. I strongly hoped we'd have now one day without Happy Friday reminders :-/
@bwoebi I'll look over weekend, poke me
/me sleeps nite all
@JoeWatkins night
@JoeWatkins night
@bwoebi Be cautious about what you wish for: Happy Chocolate day everyone !
@Danack I don't like chocolate :-(
@JoeWatkins I just woke up :D
@bwoebi You are a very strange individual
I still need 350 upvotes in php tag to cast binding votes :x
@DaveRandom Shall I now say that you're all strange because you actually like chocolate?
You could, but I'm fairly confident you'd be heavily outnumbered :-)
Maybe we should do one those stupid things that forums do, those "get to know the mods" threads, where all the room owners/regulars write an "about me" post
Not interested.
Yeh, it's possible I'm looking for ways to procrastinate because I have the programmers equivalent of writers block over several projects
Just remembered how delicious this is: youtube.com/watch?v=eVMWgmQA4Ig
I just agreed with Stas about something.
Actually it's not hard to agree on evident things.
Usually we vote opposite of each other.
@LeviMorrison are you ill?
I'm worried now, yeah.
good morning
@raindrop morning
...that moment when you intentionally commit a directory called "temp" :-(
@DaveRandom intentionally? You're sure you're still sane?
can someone tell me whats wrong with this
    echo tab(6) . "<input type='radio' id='1' name='shipping' value='1' <?php echo ($this->shippingarea == 1) ? 'checked="checked"':''; ?>/>&nbsp;United States&nbsp;";
    echo tab(6) . "<input type='radio' id='2' name='shipping' value='2' <?php echo ($this->shippingarea == 2) ? 'checked="checked"':''; ?>/>&nbsp;Canada&nbsp;";
    echo tab(6) . "<input type='submit' name='jcartUpdateShipping' id='jcartUpdateShipping' value='Update Shipping' />";
let me guess. You get an unexpected T_STRING?
you can't nest <?php.
like: echo "string".($this->shippingarea == 1 ? 'checked="checked"':'')."string";
echo tab(6) . "<input type='radio' id='1' name='shipping' value='1' ($this->shippingarea == 1) ? 'checked="checked"':'';/>&nbsp;United States&nbsp;";
echo tab(6) . "<input type='radio' id='2' name='shipping' value='2' ($this->shippingarea == 2) ? 'checked="checked"':'';/>&nbsp;Canada&nbsp;";
echo tab(6) . "<input type='submit' name='jcartUpdateShipping' id='jcartUpdateShipping' value='Update Shipping' />";
i changed to that
still not working
@iheartbreakz Get an IDE, or at least an editor with syntax highlighting
@DaveRandom that's actually the genre of users who can't yet interpret syntax highlighting correctly. For those colours are just decoration.
1 min ago, by bwoebi
like: echo "string".($this->shippingarea == 1 ? 'checked="checked"':'')."string";
@bwoebi I wrote a bunch of classes at the start of writing this application which I no longer need, but I'm not certain I won't find a need for them in the fairly near future in the same project. They constitute a useful module, just not one that's useful to me at this moment, and they're sort of getting in the way a bit.
I once didn't find the find the syntax error while writing this->var… damned missing $...
@DaveRandom name it fake/dev/null
@bwoebi I once spent an hour debugging a function call that I copypasta'd from the declaration because the local var names were the same as the function param names. I failed to remove the type hints and couldn't see it.
@DaveRandom dumb errors, just like they happen… hall of shame ftw :-)
Is it bad practice to create new instances in a constructor?
Depends what they are instances of
Let's say FactoryContainer, creates an instance of ServiceFactory in it's constructor
and 2 more factories
FactoryContainer? That sounds like an anti-pattern.
corrected it
echo tab(5) . "<input type='radio' id='1' name='shipping' value='1'" . ($this->shippingarea == 1 ? 'checked="checked"':'') . "; />&nbsp;United States&nbsp;";
echo tab(5) . "<input type='radio' id='2' name='shipping' value='2'" . ($this->shippingarea == 2 ? 'checked="checked"':'') . "; />&nbsp;Canada&nbsp;";
does that look good?
@bwoebi why?
@iheartbreakz yes
That's probably harmless in and of itself, but it sounds like nasty design
That's one step away from FactoryFactory
Yay Java
thank you @bwoebi
If they are just value objects with no logic then that's harmless, and if they are built-in classes then that's harmless, everything else should probably be injected
Well all it does, is holds the objects of the needed factories, so I can inject that object, instead of 3 factory objects
@BenBeri Generally, just instantiate objects for private usage only and value objects in your ctor. For everything else, use dependency injection.
Sounds dangerously close to a service locator
So it's better to just inject these factories, without useless containers?
@BenBeri Even better to just inject the instantiated objects instead of the factories if possible.
Fair enough, thanks
Wait, what do you mean by instantiated objectS?
@BenBeri the object your factory returns?
@bwoebi Yeah that object is annonymous
@BenBeri It's better to inject only the things that are actually required. If you have an object that wraps a bunch of other objects, chances are most of things you'll inject that into won't actually need most of those things it wraps, plus you're hiding dependencies (a la service locator)
It's a dynamic create method.
@DaveRandom ^ this
I see the reason now, thanks
@BenBeri still, I don't feel well with that. I'd consider redesigning it and stripping away some layers of abstraction here.
@bwoebi you're talking about the Dynamic create method?
Actually it's no longer returning annonymous, well just one factory which is the service one. Because I have implemented an interface with an execute method, so the execute method will run dynamic methods.

$service->execute('methodName', $data)
But it's a problem for my rest factories, got no idea how to strip them away
It's hard when you already have an existing architecture. But generally, first try to do it without factories and then, if really, really needed, you still can add that layer of abstraction.
Actually I've never used factories. I never needed them. Nor do you.
@bwoebi Well the reason I use factories for this, is to prevent using the 'new' keyword in controllers.
And it's bit more organized (Besides it fucking up IDE's object oriented mind), since I don't need to import the namespace every time
@bwoebi Factories are useful when writing libs. When writing applications that wire a bunch of libs together... not so much
@BenBeri there is no problem. With the factory you're just hiding the new instruction.
Small question: If I have a MYSQL: SELECT * FROM blah WHERE id in ($idsToDelete) AND username = :username, would each ID be first verified to see if the username matches? Or it'll just do it as it runs? I.e. the first ID has the same username, but the second one doesn't, but the third one does?
Well I just got stuck to what terekso said "Never create instances of a model in the controller", so I followed it and how he does it
What I mean is that do all the ids have to have the same username for the query to be executed?
@DaveRandom I get the feeling that he's doing the latter.
@BenBeri yes. But that does also mean don't do it in a hidden way (via factory).
Pass the object to the controller instead of a factory which creates it.
Make the class configurable in controller then if you need it dynamically.
@bwoebi Well there's a problem then, I'd need to cache all of the needed objects for that controller, but then we get back into where you said to not create objects that you won't use. What if I have a few requests that a controller won't reach at that time? And that' request uses the model layer
Fuck this lol. #Singleton saves life.
@BenBeri here we then usually use a DIC. (not a service locator...)
dependency injection container
google time lol
bed time lol
@DaveRandom feel free to continue with him
@bwoebi Thanks for your time by the way ;-)
no problem.
Sorry, I was elbow deep in baby poop, 1 sec
(btw. I usually just use some router with a good DIC; so we specify the class and method and DIC instantiates object and then the router calls that method)
Not necessarily saying use that lib, but that readme is a good explanation of how the concept works
@DaveRandom using that lib is still a good idea ;-)
But they all use statics i dont like that
@Axel It's hard to say how the query optimiser would handle it (although in that case I would very much hope it would compare the username before searching the IDs, although that said if id is the PK there's probably an efficiency cut-off point) but... EXPLAIN is your friend here
@BenBeri Yeh that's wrong, I would close that tab now
@bwoebi Indeed, just don't like to appear impartial on this point because, honestly, I've not really properly looked at any other DIC
PHP oddity: A vs B; please explain (not baiting).
I've looked at @rdlowrey's DIC a lot
Sorry for being late, but what is a dependency? Never knew the exact translation of what it means, in english atleast
Dependency is the class object?
so dependency injection means like inject dependencies into a dependency?
@BenBeri As in, class A requires an instance of class B, so you could inject it or instantiate it, but class A depends on class B, so we say A has a dependency of B
Basically it's what you are talking about, it's the things you inject
i get it now
I dont understand why is joomla/wordpress/ and all these popular apps are using horrible designs then, I've seen wordpres, joomla and some forums oftwares, theyall are loaded of statics and more stuff
And when I first saw it, I took it as an example & obviously like a fan, started using statics and following similar designs
@LeviMorrison Explain reasoning or mechanism (can't do either without more digging than I'm prepared to do at the moment, just wondering)
@BenBeri You're opening a whole warehouse full of cans of worms there. The biggest reason is historical idiocy and backwards compatibility, plus some people are just plain stupid
But you'll know if you work with legacy codebases, they are full of technical debt
So basically the purpose of DIC is to pre-create the objects, and then return an dependency injected ready object?
@DaveRandom Given that you get B vs B in non-static instances you would definitely think you'd get B vs B in static ones.
@LeviMorrison Oh yeh I can see the oddity, just wondering what element of it you want explained, the why or the how or both
I imagine the why is a product of the how, but maybe not
@user3123545 also consider hinting interfaces instead of relying on classes
@DaveRandom I am fairly certain this is a bug.
@BenBeri More or less. At the most abstract level, the purpose of a DIC is to prevent you from having to write out all those arguments every time you create an object (i.e. readability and to a large extent, laziness)
I see
But what I don't see is, how would this bypass "Do not create instances of a model in a controller"
We are programmers; we automate things. Surely we can automate our dependency injection!
Without haivng objects that you won't use
@LeviMorrison I would imagine so, and I'd actually have expected it to work the other way around, without actually reading anything. I would have imagined that the static keyword would bind the closure to the ce where it was declared, otherwise it would be dynamically bound when it was called to the ce of the called class
Are you familiar with the Zend portions of the code that deal with this behavior?
I fear it is beyond me.
So basic guidance would be nice ^^
@user3123545 when would you have objects that you do not use? If the controller has some methods that do not use "all" dependencies, maybe it is doing to much
I have skimmed it and know roughly where things like this are handled, but really you need @bwoebi @NikiC @ircmaxell for people who actually understand it
And should be split it more specific controllers with a single responsibillity
@BenBeri Well that's a totally different issue. The point there is not how you get access to the model layer in the controller, but where you decide which elements of the model layer you need. What he's really saying there is: stop making your controller decide which bits of the model layer to use, just have it use them
@RonniSkansing Was going to write an example to you, but actually yea, If I think about it from the side.. every controller should use all of it's objects, otherwise theres no point in the controller
@BenBeri using github.com/rdlowrey/Auryn also helped me grasp how inversion of control works
@RonniSkansing I was goign to write, Imagine a category class and item class. Category class's purpose is to get category list, add categories, etc. Item class's purpose is to get item list, add items, delete items, get items count etc.
But yeah i get it all now :p I think
Anyway night, thanks for the help @DaveRandom and @RonniSkansing
@DaveRandom Can you at least point me to which function would deal with ::class being handled?
I can put breakpoints there and hopefully investigate.
Or where it handles anonymous function definitions.
i r total n00b
@LeviMorrison moment, I'm not sure but I know where to look...
holy crap that PR is smaller than I thought it would be
Doh, I should have thought to look there.
tbh that doesn't feel hugely helpful looking at what it pertains to
OK @LeviMorrison it looks like it's to do with the value of EG(This) (lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_6/Zend/zend_vm_def.h#5411) and there is where I'm going to have to leave it for now because I really have to actually do something this evening or I will be very annoying in the morning
Thanks for your help.
No worries, sorry it's not more helpful. I'm sure @NikiC could tell you in a second (looks like he wrote the original $this in closures RFC) and @JoeWatkins always seems to know shit like this as well
Hey someone help! I am using laravel and I would like to implement a node.js based chat to my app. Any suggestions?
Q: I have some service that lasts for 30 days, it can be renewed before the 30 days expire or after (e.g. 2-3 days), price per one day is 1 unit, fixed. I need to get how much the service is used in a month, and charge it. Is it OK if I store results as serialized data rather than calculate it again? It will be mostly for the current month.
@Abraham You can't possibly have heard it, but that was the sound of my head exploding.
@DaveRandom :D
why is that?
@Abraham I would suggest you to make a chat using js and nodejs only
I'll leave it to you fine gentlemen to handle this, I really have to do some work. Please be nice.
yeah but my app is completely laravel
then when you know how both the nodejs, the clientside js works
and node socket io is really easy
I know node socket chats work
So what is stopping you?
I just don't know how to combine to my laravel
If you know how the js works, it is plug and play?
not really
i have a server laravel
and a node server
so how do you connect the laravel server to the node server
You do not have a laravel server
And you do not
sorry I meant apatche server
So you see it really has nothing to do with laravel?
yeah sorry then the question is
Q: node.js running alongside Apache PHP?

wilsonpageI am trying to get my head round node.js... I am very happy with my LAMP set up as it currently fulfils my requirements. Although I want to add some real-time features into my PHP app. Such as showing all users currently logged into my site and possible chat features. I don't want to replace my...

Did you try a search engine
oh i see
yes I did

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