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Then generally I don't see the point of mocks. Just write unit tests and write integration tests.
That doesn't really work tbh
It's worked in my little bubble of a grand total of one project ^^
Mocking is useful because it guarantees how your object communicates with its collaborators. That's useful to test
I did say my opinion was naive didn't I?
@LeviMorrison you mean the collections one?
because that's data structures - they don't have dependencies :P
so obviously you didn't have that many mocks in there
so if the point of a getFoo() method is to call $this->wrapped->getFoo() - you should at least check that the method is being invoked on the wrapped property. You can do that very easily with mocking
@Ocramius No, I meant our codebase here at work.
@LeviMorrison so instead of mocks you have stubs? Or just integrate everything?
We have unit tests and integration tests.
so there's no unit tests for anything that has at least 1 dependency?
which, to be fair, is around 85% of your code...
and that's a problem
github.com/phpspec/prophecy is a pretty cool mocking framework. Very opinionated, though.
I'm actually getting into phpunit's native mocking stuff, not too bad tbh
My theories on testing are pretty simple: tests are good.
@ircmaxell Isolated pieces or integrated pieces?
Yeah, that works, but I found that in my early projects (when I still didn't master mocks/stubs) the slowness of a fairly small test suite (minutes for ~400 tests) was a problem
I've only ever used phpunit's mocking functionality. Haven't tried any of the others.
Our tests are pretty fast. Not sure what your problem is.
@rdlowrey tried the others, I don't see the benefit though, since they all provide their own quirks :P
I only used prophecy because it powers phpspec. For most projects, phpunit is probably enough
I have enough quirks with phpunit mocks :D
@LeviMorrison code with at least 1 dependency
@LeviMorrison it was doing a lot of fixtures-related stuff - exam evaluation and PDF generation and such
@Ocramius Yeah ... I mean everyone uses phpunit. Makes sense to just congregate around the de facto standard tools.
@JoeWatkins I have no idea what happens hereā€¦ you? github.com/krakjoe/phpdbg/issues/87
I must say that I'm willing to switch to PHPSpec
though I'm scared by having to teach it to contributors
@Ocramius it's a really fantastic tool. Great for workflow
The classic "I can't adopt because others haven't" circular dependency.
but a lot of people are resistant to tooling changes
I'm resistant to tooling changes.
@LeviMorrison yeah. And lack of time/patience
@hohner yeah, but I can't change to it for my OSS projects, or contributions will drop
It works for me and serves my needs. I would need a really strong reason to initiate a switch from phpunit.
I'm already using phpspec for work stuff, and it's awesome (until a new developer comes in)
@Ocramius I had the same problem so I caved in and stayed with phpunit
@rdlowrey the point of phpspec is to force you to write the specification, not a test for something
so your test is actually THE specification
@rdlowrey for me, the big difference is how natural writings test is with phpspec. Plus they've built in a whole load of workflow features to make your life easier. PLUS the focus is on creating "good" code - creating bad code is extremely difficult
and the implementation comes after that
yeah exactly
"emergent design"
right, it's hard to write bad code with phpspec because of the opinionated DI as well
I think they call it a design tool rather than a testing tool
it's not so much DI, it's their ridiculously strict mocking framework, prophecy
but also there, I still think paper and pencil bring you much more forward than phpspec
My problem is I frequently don't know the spec when I'm writing the code. Design is an iterative thing. Halting all progress to determine an API isn't always an option.
The ideal design emerges through iteration.
There's a sweet spot somewhere between planning and coding that I usually have to find by wandering between the two.
that's what I found difficult too. I had to know and be comfortable with the concept before I wrote a single line of code
And later you notice that it's not possible in the way you thought and can begin again from scratch?
I actually had the pleasure of writing fizzbuzz with _md at DPCON 2013
I didn't know he was the author of phpspec :D
we learned by pairing, then I eventually learned that he wrote that thing (the next day)
@bwoebi well, you either refactor what you have or restart
I saw _md's talk at PHP UK and it was really good
It was really enlightening, but it still doesn't solve architecture design IMO
@rdlowrey That's the impossible problem of all development; you're really only confident in the spec when you have a POC, and you're really only confident in your POC when it follows a spec.
Chicken and egg.
@DanLugg intuition
 * Regex for matching regular expressions. Deal with it.
 * @type {RegExp}
regexExpr = /^\/(.+?)\/([img]+)$/,
Jedi training, basically
@DaveRandom What if I use # for my delimiters?
What if I use < > for my delimiters?
@DaveRandom Write a regex to match that.
@rdlowrey Javascript. Also, DSL.
(kind of)
Basically, javascript is shit and doesn't let you do new RegExp('/foo/i'), you have to do new RegExp('foo', 'i')
@SecondRikudo (.+)
@DaveRandom javascript is brilliant. You can f*ck things up way easier in comparison with php. :Š¬
you know it baby
@DaveRandom I argue that the latter is better.
Alright guys, I need some advice before I tread into something.
Delimiters are noise, modifiers are separate arguments.
@SecondRikudo Wear shoes.
I am to receive a CSV file with emails and IP addresses.
@DanLugg sometimes. But when you want to convert a regexp stored as a string (because you let the user write it) to a usable regexp it sucks balls. It's either that ^^ or eval, I feel that is the lesser of two evils
I am to hit my other server with the email address in a GET variable, but the request should arrive from the IP listed in the file next to the email address.
Is it possible?
@DaveRandom {"expression": "...", "modifiers": [ ... ]}
@SecondRikudo Not unless you own those IP addresses and have some way of controlling the routing programmatically. The answer, tbh, is probably going to be "no".
Don't store it as a delimited string.
@SecondRikudo Just validation (email-ip pair) or you actually want to force those hosts make GET?
=] Hey, I like the new php design
@Leri I want to issue a POST request to my server, and it should originate from the IP listed in the file.
@DanLugg a) doesn't fit in with what I am doing (hard to explain quickly) but more to the point b) I just want to give the user an <input> where they can type in a regexp in /foo/i format, I don't really want to have two inputs because that would be a bit wanky. So regardless of whether I do it when I get the user input or when I want to use the expr, I still have to convert a literal string into a regexp somehow
@DaveRandom Gotcha. *meh*
@SecondRikudo Unless you have control over client host, I doubt you can issue any request from it.
@DanLugg There is a simple answer to this tbh, but it doesn't exist: RegExp RegExp.createFromString(string expr)
@RonniSkansing Yes?
Oh, thanks.
5 hours ago, by Dan Lugg
user image
@DaveRandom String.prototype.toRegex ;-)
@DanLugg Or that. But I hate messing around with the global prototypes unless it's shims.
I know, I was kidding.
-1. It's same as the code in my answer. Why did you copy-paste? — Amal Murali 32 secs ago
@AmalMurali I downvoted, but I also edited because readable.
(function() {
    String.prototype.foo = function() { console.log('bar'); }
    // code that uses prototype
    String.prototype.foo = undefined;
^^ True fact. JavaScript, you so nifty sometimes.
@Leri Yeh but... why bother?
The only reason you'd mess about in the prototype is if you want something to be global and persistent
Isolated brevity?
Yeh but there's danger you might screw some less isolated code up.
yea or to cover multiple vendor specific code with a all in one =]
@DaveRandom I do it here and I like it. /me hides
@Leri There are worse things you can do, but I still don't like it
Anywho, I'm offskies, catch y'all in a bit
Word, later.
C casting question - If I have this:
zval ***zargs = NULL;
zargs = (zval ***)emalloc(2 * sizeof(zval **));
fci.params = zargs;
And change it to:
zval **zargs[2];
fci.params = (zval ***)&zargs;
Why is the (zval ***) cast necessary to avoid a warning?
@Danack because even with the cast it's incorrect
because you added [2], it made it a third level pointer
aka, you don't need the &
zval **zargs[2];
fci.params = (zval ***) zargs;
they are not the same thing
one uses stack allocated memory (since [2] will allocate to the current stack frame), and the other uses heap allocated memory
meaning, the 2nd is only going to work, if the stack frame is alive for the entire time fci.params is. Otherwise you could hit a segfault (best case) or memory corruption (yay)
@ircmaxell Oh - that answers the next question then. I was going to ask "Isn't it better to put small params that are going to be passed into zend_call_function on the stack, rather than having lots of little allocations" but the obvious answer is no, because you can't tell what the lifetime of the params is going to be.
exactly, unless it's purely recursive
at which point, no problem :-)
@ircmaxell Thanks. If you have the time and inclination, if you could review my attempt to add a decent progress callback to Imagick for other obvious errors would be appreciated. There's still a memory leak for setting multiple callbacks, but valgrind seems to report zero errors.
@ircmaxell That's rather questionable phrasing
You're making it sounds like pointers always point to heap allocated values
@NikiC malloced ones do, no?
@ircmaxell Wait, I think I'm missing context
zargs = (zval ***)emalloc(2 * sizeof(zval **)); <-- will always result in a heap-allocated pointer
Ah, yeah, you're right ;) Thought you were talking about something else there
zval **zargs[2]; <-- will basically always (perhaps not strict) result in a stack-allocated pointer
@NikiC yeah, I just wanted to double check that I wasn't confused too... That happens a fair bit when it comes to memory allocation behavior ;-)
@Danack In that case only the zval**s will be on the stack, so that's safe. You only need to allocate the zvals
@NikiC Which is done by MAKE_STD_ZVAL(*zargs[0]); right?
@NikiC well, but if the stack is ever destroyed during the lifetime, wouldn't the pointer (one of the levels of indirection) also be destroyed?
@ircmaxell the pointer wouldn't be destroyed
but the frame around it would disappear. so it would either be a segfault (if it was actually freed, unlikely), or a memory access violation (since the pointer points to a piece of arbitrary memory which may or may not contain the same info (a later stack frame could overwrite it)
@ircmaxell The zval is not destroyed and the zval* isn't destroyed either, that's the only thing that matters
that the zval** isn't there anymore doesn't matter
True, because you're passing the third level...
fair enough
actuall, no
actually, yes, I'm going to go get lunch now, can't think
can anyone help me
i want US option to be checked if shipping value = 1
i tried this <option value="US" <? if ($option == 1) { selected } ?> >United States</option>
<option value="CA" <? if ($option == 1) { selected }?>>Canada</option>
@Charles pin it
@AmalMurali I'm not a room owner. Someone else will have to do the pinning.
can anyone help me
i want US option to be checked if shipping value = 1
i tried this <option value="US" <? if ($option == 1) { selected } ?> >United States</option>
<option value="CA" <? if ($option == 1) { selected }?>>Canada</option>
@iheartbreakz We heard you the first time.
@Charles aww :(
i m also using session_start
and the values 1 and 2 are being passed succesfully
i tested via echo
@iheartbreakz So if you're just saying { selected } then you're doing it wrong. You kind of have to actually echo things. Please review the tutorial in the PHP documentation to review PHP syntax.
Oh snap.
its not working with echo selected either
@iheartbreakz Read about echo please.
Also, read about strings
And please don't repeat your question unless you read both of them fully, and then tried and then got stuck.
As the proud owner of a gold badge I can say that this new power definitely makes me feel more Thor-like.
@rdlowrey inorite
Someone give me a link to a question where the Thor-like power has been used. I want to see the spectacle of a non-mod unilaterally closing a question :P
I'm not sure if it's actually out yet.
Let's find one
Q: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output

Thomas HI think I screwed up my website, this is an error I get on one of the pages Warning : Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/94/9066***/html/websites/{website name}.com/index.php:3) in /home/content/94/9066***/html/websites/{website name}.com/w...

Looks like it's not actually out yet
Normal peon-level CV applied. Alas...
updated it to this :)
<option value="US" <? if ($option == "1") { ?> selected="selected" <? } ?> >United States</option>
<option value="CA" <? if ($option == "2") { ?> selected="selected" <? } ?> >Canada</option>
does that look good ?
:D :D :D
PHP.net pages that don't have a second-menu will now be full-screen instead of ~75%
@TimPost yay
@LeviMorrison So a coworker and I were just discussing this... with a 1024-wide browser window at normal zoom, zooming out (smaller text) makes the layout wider. Not sure where to best report this... if it's even a thing to think about it.
It's because it triggers the next media query.
Yeah, we figured... it's just odd.
Still takes getting used to the concept of a responsive layout actually targeting desktop browsers.
@AmalMurali Now
It's being pushed to dev now, and will probably be live shortly after
Quick! Find a dupe.
Good thing I didn't use all my review votes today. Have 18 left!
@TimPost I think I speak for all of us when I say the addition of Thor's Rasmus's Hammer has made a lot of PHP dorks very happy.
It's desperately needed in the PHP, Android and iOS tags. Desperately. Not only can you close dupes easier, but you can also curate the ones we have by making them point at better dupes with just a couple of clicks.
Jumping into our weekly meeting .. back in a bit
A: problems with connecting to database

Niet the Dark AbsolYou presumably have: $link = mysqli_connect( ... ); And my guess is you're doing: mysqli_select_db("database_name"); That's how it was done with mysql_select_db, but with mysqli_, you have to pass the connection handler. mysqli_select_db($link, "database_name"); The error is telling you ...

Actually, I'm not sure if we have a dupe for that exact error. The proposed one is similar. The solution to it still applies, of course... but still. Repwhores gonna repwhore.
Pretty sure we have some dupes around.
Quick question. How would I make "username" bold in this string:
`'New user, '.Input::get('username').', has registered.<br> '`
'New user, '.Input::get('username').', has registered.<br> '
@Danack lol I knew someone would do that
The code is being sent to an email and I want to bold the user name in the email, just not sure how to do it.
@cwd Add <strong></strong> around it?
What in the hell are they doing in C++.
@Charles Without looking, I'm guessing 'being twats'?
@SecondRikudo like this:
'New user, '.Input::get('<strong>username</strong>').', has registered.<br> '
@cwd No, there's no input named <strong>username</strong>.
You want the <strong> around the output of your PHP function.
@SecondRikudo ...maybe there is ;-)
@DanLugg I was wondering who'd be the smartass to tell me that.
And no, <strong>username</strong> is not a valid attribute value.
@SecondRikudo <-- right here.
@SecondRikudo like this:
'New user, <strong>'.Input::get('username').'</strong>, has registered.<br>
@cwd There you go.
@ircmaxell lol
Sweet, thanks everyone!
@cwd please, think of the XSS
Hehe @HamZa you started quite the drama
@cwd XSS, and also ?>New user, <strong><?php echo Input::get('username') ?></strong>, has registered<br /><?php
IMO, that ^ reads better.
/me face-palms
please don't encourage short-tags.
they are an XSS nightmare, as they reward ignoring htmlspecialchars
@DanLugg ah okay, great thanks for the tip.
@cwd Note the change -> <?php echo ...
@DanLugg yep I see that.
@ircmaxell ... I don't follow: <?= escape($something) ?> Problem?
@DanLugg I don't see that above ;-)
@ircmaxell Input::get() might do that :P
it better not
First guy to earn a gold badge
I've answered fewer questions than anyone else in the top 20 answers, except @NikiC (who is #20): stackoverflow.com/tags/php/topusers
Hello everyone
whoa. Marc B 6K answers
I have a question, do php stops while foreach finish it's process or it reads the next line without finish? ....
... what? Can you show us your code? (If it's too long, paste it somewhere and post the link)
is very simple... I'm trying to send emails to all my users... so I have the list of email in array... say $emails then I have my foreach ($emails as $ems) { $em = $ems['email']; // after this line I got my html template for emails... so after this I have an if (@email($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { $total_sent++;} } //closed my foreach .... I need to know if after the foreach I can put a header ('Location: result.php?t=$total_sent'); ....
CVs are still normal...
@Tanker Just try it.
@ircmaxell: oh you published hints. COOL!
@AmalMurali earlier this morning
@AmalMurali I was trying to do it live but I moved my code to local, I think is working, thank you... I wonder what is the best way to pause foreach after ... let say 10 emails, pause for 3seconds then continue...
@ircmaxell morning as in? how long ago?
4 or 5 hours ago
Annnd hints have been rolled out. Good luck everyone! http://hashguesser.appspot.com/ Who'll finally crack #8...
oh nice...
Hmm, works on 5.5.9 3v4l.org/f04RZ
Q: How to make my PHP 5.5 code properly generate a query within a query

user3606609It's probably obvious to you, but not to me. Please revise this so I can have the code properly execute a query-within-a-query using PHP 5.5. Thanks for the help. <?php $DBServer = 'localhost'; $DBUser = 'a'; $DBPass = 'b'; $DBname = 'c'; $conn = new mysqli($DBServer, $DBUser, $DBPass, ...

Yo dawg, I heard you liked queries.
PHP: the hammer of for {}
same user, same question ^
> In my opinion the person who is responsible for the PDOException error message should be slapped in the face!

It is unusual to reveal passwords when an error occurs.
^ from User Notes section in PHP manual
Del user?
It sucks having wait for guys like him to get autobanned
Unfortunately, yes, that's how it is :(
But FWIW, he already got a ban. That's not going to prevent him from creating multiple accounts though.
He could easily circumvent the ban, ask a shitty question, get an answer and leave. _POOF_
@AmalMurali Attackers need to win once, defenders have to win every time.
@ircmaxell Not sure if "wow" or just "ow"
@SecondRikudo Sometimes I feel I just need to take a break and go do something productive... but again the next day I'm back, crawling through to find non-duplicate questions to answer...
@Charles more that I think I had a stroke from it
Don't blame you.
> Best Practice 1: don't write more code than you need
I don't fully agree but I do hate over-engineering.
Best Practice is a tautology. The definition of need is what the best practice really is
Oh wow....
> OperationalError: (1267, "Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_general_ci,EXPLICIT) for operation 'like'")
Sooo, Trac doesn't like it when columns are utf-8.
This astounds me.
Ooh! A shiny new badge for me!
Outspoken :D
@rdlowrey In Arya, applications don't inject the injector into the handlers, do they?
@DanLugg No, but if they wanted to be naughty they could do it.
That's what I figured; naughtiness.
$injector->share($injector); //yolo - use injector as service locator
If you're passing factories to handlers, they will need the info about how to construct objects, so it is needed in some situations.
^ That
$injector->share($injector); // i'm a philanthropist, i just wanna give myself to everyone
github.com/pigeonhole/JustBnW/tree/master what is wrong with the image upload. it sometimes behaves correctly. sometime i need to use the local server.
is it because of the jquery mobile i used for the UI .. although there is not much of jquery in it...
@bwoebi I got nothin
@rdlowrey it wasn't done when I mentioned it to you ... and nobody said they were doing it... so it's all working ??
to be four years old again .....
@JoeWatkins That is no 4yo handwriting.
no is teachers report, her handwriting
he's not that good with powerpoint either lol
Neither is she, apparently :P
Do we have the duplicate hammer yet?
Hey, what OAuth2 clients do you guys use?
@DaveRandom Morning
This happened ^
@ircmaxell The one and only time I did OAuth, I used @Lusitanian's lib
Hi All
Good Morning
the goddess is here :D
@SecondRikudo Awesomesauce
@shortCircuit Who's the goddess?
@lakshmi Morning
Ah, Iakshmi is a goddess' name
Actually I java developer, But my coming project is PHP so I need to work on PHP, Can anyone please suggest me good tutorial for PHP
lakshmi <-- indian god (female) of wealth
a.k.a. the manual.
Yes, how you know ?
it's GOD name ?
@JoeWatkins (:
@SecondRikudo : You are indian ?

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