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@DanLugg Sounds bad design for me, but that does not mean there aren't cases when it's good. Constraint to interface makes more sense with class declarations, imho.
Yea, this is far too abstract a discussion without demonstration.
@Leri Oh, right; I wasn't talking about generic methods exclusively.
Off to university, later.
I remember Sara talkin' 'bout trailing commas.
@Leri I disagree strongly about you should know when your method may return null. That requires looking past the interface. Which is a LoD violation. Considering that the interface is saying it can be null (thanks to not allowing non-nullable types), it's your responsibility to verify...
WHY ! do some people talk like this ? with spaces . . . . . . . . . . and massive ellipses ? around all the PUNCTUATION !
Hi Friends
I need a help
I need a beer
I need you
I need you to need a beer
If I need to need a beer for you to need me then I need a beer.
I need
I knead
@DanLugg Or random Uppercase words for No reason.
@TOOTSKI That too.
I have someone on FB who does that.
Beer? Where?
I mean, I chock it up to a cultural thing, but I can't fathom where that would be normal.
I am having a function which is having the query result. I need to add the query results into an array and I should return the array as function return value.
@PeeHaa $bavaria->open(); :D
> hapPy aNzAc dAy maTe...
Seriously, every status is like that.
@ircmaxell care to elaborate with a blog post?
So I guess I need to write a blog post about hack... eih
@PeeHaa Oh, looks fancy! I actually prefer Erdinger now, but it's rare here to find it.
Beers on @PeeHaa
Zermans are only good for a few things. Beer's one of them
@ircmaxell I watchin' the hack open day, and it's giving me cancer.
I can't watch it anymore...
@TOOTSKI link?
@PeeHaa That logo bricked chrome for me :-|
And now chrome is fucky.
How to Add each sql result into an array in PHP?
Thanks for the restart @PeeHaa >:|
dutch kills
dat name :D
I watched the Top Gear episode where they drive in Manhattan, and it's beautiful.
I mean, not the drive, the buildings and shit.
It's a must see before you're muerto.
Food everywhere too.
@TOOTSKI Secret plan to get inside Google
Screw Google, Facebook is the best.
Just stand at a desk, pretend you work there. Speak to HR about an issue with paychecks to get something sorted there.
/me waiting for ircmaxell
@Fabien LOL
@TOOTSKI there's something special about this city
@ircmaxell Yeah, I could feel it through the video, dude. (Top Gear has excellent video crew)
real top gear? Or fake?
NYC isn't my favourite visitable but it's probably my 2nd or 3rd most liveable.
@ircmaxell real, can't find the full episode.
It's called New York Special
I remember that one
they had a race across manhattan to a radio station
The real one is where's Jeremy.
Yeah, that :D
I forced asked the wifey to watch the Romania special, we should go to so called Transfagarasan, Romania in June.
A.k.a best road in the world.
I wish, sometimes, we could screw backward compatibility for the sake of a clean break - initial pain = long-term gain. Srs.
@TOOTSKI I watched it - what's wrong with it?
Hi, Im wondering where can i post some code to have some critic on it so i can code it better ?

I remenber that there is a place for that but dont recall it.
Thanks you rock.
@Ocramius Nothing really (not bashing HHVM but Hack), just me for some reason. Kudos, but it's overblown IMHO, IDK. Not qualified actually to comment.
Well, it's an in-house event :P
bug #347 Fix $config(Dir|File) (webarto) …
latest commit d9b570e860
Fabien Potencier fabpot authored 6 hours ago
it's obviously like a room full of cheerleaders
I'm a machine.
That's the probably all the code I'll write this month :D
stop wasting your time on cs-fixer xD
xD ... @Ocramius it's probably the most borken thing fapbot wrote.
This month is nearly over anyway
the only person in that room I recognize is Fabian
What a stupid name.
@TOOTSKI I'd go with sismo for that, but it's not broken
it's "superfluous"
/me looks at his own unused abandoned projects list
Me looks at project list. Wait... NONE.
OK, it's RX8, Hack is the best.
what's an RX8? :X
the lightbulbs of that car?
Mazda RX8, it has rotary engine, it's the shit.
The funny thing, I'm listening to why they think PHP is better than C++. All of the reasons he listed are solved in modern languages like Go and Rust
But it failed, just as Hack will :D
except that Rust is still like:
yeah, but you can't say that about go ;-)
nope, I can't :P
@TOOTSKI assuming that we get a HH => PHP converter (which is something that fabien looked at, afaik) I don't think that's really the case
but yeah, the risk is that then we have something horrible like Coffeescript
"we strongly recommend you don't try to figure out what the error says, but use editors to do it directly"
Was coffeescript horrible?
@Fabien is?
yes is.. :P
@ircmaxell That's the tone I don't fancy really. It's amazing sort of, but I'm not amazed :D This guy is the lead, he should sell it better.
My Engrish sucks today, I can't word anything properly.
it's not amazing
@Ocramius That :) But it's still good to keep things interesting.
it's magic. And all magic breaks
@TOOTSKI the difference is that HH is executed directly ;-) CS is really just always converted and then executed
I can be hardly amazed after what I've seen here :P
@Ocramius I don't want a HH -> PHP converter. I want a HH -> PECL converter.
@ircmaxell why would you want to have extensions?
@Ocramius Yes, that's a benefit of course. In layman terms, who needs HH?
PHP extensions are the death of maintainability
a bug gets in there, and then the Point of Failure is the half dozen people that have a clue of what is going on
@Ocramius so you can write your extension in "php", with all of the benefits, and then compile it to PECL for portability
it's game over
@Ocramius no, not translate it, compile it
Isn't PECL where things die? :P
@ircmaxell nah, I just want my normal stack traces, exceptions, null pointer failures, etc :P
I don't want no compiled code, it misses the point of using PHP
/me face-palms
Well, face-palm how much you want, but the entire d2 project relies on PDO, and nobody has a clue (in there) of how PDO works internally
and we don't want to have a clue either :P
I already tried using Zephir for this sort of stuff
Q: Why the values of checked elements from select control are not coming in $_POST array after submission of form?

PHPLoverI've following HTML code: <form action="rebates.php" role="form" method="post"> <select id="example28" multiple="multiple" name="applicable_states"> <option value="" selected='selected'>Select Unit</option> <option value="1" >Alabama</option> <option value="2" >Alaska</option> <...

it is just making things harder for no gain at all
@Ocramius bcause you can't debug it
It just misses the point. It removes the only advantage PHP has
if you wrote it in Hack, you could run and debug it live, and then compile it for portability
it's not "translate". you wnat to look at how it works internally, look at the hack version
you don't typpically need to look at assembly to figure out how C works. Just like you don't typically need to look at C to know how PHP works.
Except that a bug in the "ported" extension is something that can't be debugged by the consumer himself
he will just see a brutal crash
Is this elitism or what? (not what's Sara talkin' aboot)
Good lawd serious musical chairs.
@TOOTSKI well, it makes sense to me :P
1 time a year is acceptable imo
@Ocramius that's a compiler error. And a fundamental bug in the compiler, not the project.
except they'd need an LTS sometime
Let's skip PHP 8, going to 28 :D
@ircmaxell if my HH code has a bug (non-fatal) and a consumer looks into it, he can't if he's on a PHP box then
while the translated PHP code is there and works
Browsers can update because rarely anyone cares about version.
@ircmaxell after all, the conversion is just stripping a bunch of hints and replacing some constructs with some particular objects
@Ocramius not really... But whatever
(vectors, pairs and such... and immutability becomes an implementation detail of the ported classes)
Well, hhvm doesn't run the checks that come from HH at runtime either. Why would PHP do that?
any expert of yii
^^ Yay! so copy one of the biggest pain in the rear ends about maintaining portable PHP code!!! Way to go!
I'm awake! Happy Friday.
mustache is a framework? And it's not at 100% tests passing? WTF?
I'm sorry if anyone here thought this was a good idea but ... Seriously? People want multiple return type hints like [int|SomeObject]? Why in the F? Do you want a dynamic language or a strict language? Make up your mind. That's a terrible idea just like nullable typehints.
Thank goodness reddit has no php-src voting privileges.
@Ocramius still don't get it...
Well, I didn't check the code either
so either realpath() is broken, or is_dir() is broken. Both are doubly weird
ahhh, is_dir is broken with uri streams
Why URI and not path or something anyways?
And he got to Node.js & Ruby because they said PHP sucks.
We also have a load of parity issues to fix:
Some are "won't fix" on their side too
Is this D2 or ZF2?
I recall you wanted to make it HHVM compatible or something.
Or third.
Hey gents, any reason I should be getting `1142 (42000): UPDATE command denied to user ` while `SHOW GRANTS` returns
`GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DROP ON `news`.* TO 'rds_user'@'%'`
@Duikboot Quite opposite of feminist lang someone posted here.
A bit too vulgar ^^
@Ocramius stream_filter_append is won't fix?
Sara is realistic and funny IMHO, compared to others who praise themselves.
@ircmaxell not sure what the issue is - I will ask Maks
@TOOTSKI D2 is on par with HHVM :)
Actually, let me try a thing real quick :D
I listened to Andi Gutmans interviews yesterday, and in every one he mentions "cloud, agile, waterfall" :D
aaah, yep, it's paying for itself
./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist --group=performance > /dev/null  21.81s user 0.18s system 99% cpu 21.990 total
hhvm ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist --group=performance > /dev/null  8.14s user 0.41s system 90% cpu 9.497 total
need to try it with jit enabled
since hydrators are a flustercluck >.<
Haha, dat word.
@TOOTSKI She's realistic, and is aware of the potnential issues
people keep saying agile here
@Fabien is it about the woman-modeled-pizza-slice on youtube?
You've lost me :P
lol I remember this :P
@rdlowrey No, they would never pass the sanity check :P
@Ocramius amaze
SteamOS is pretty big.
Soon I will want to have enough money to be able to afford to buy a gaming rig to sit in a tiny box near my TV.
Even without steamos - the fact that unrealengine comes to linux is a huuuuuge change
This ninja stealth move to avoid being caught on camera.
@ircmaxell @Ocramius @fabpot “Really seem arbitrary and not well thought out.” So… still based on PHP then? ;-)
Found on his "wall".
Much true.
@ircmaxell dude looks like a young wd hills
yeah, I've met him IRL. Really nice guy
@PeeHaa What's he talkin' aboot?
I'm pretty sure he's on some dope
@Fabien I have a blog post written that I never posted about the falacies that they (automatic) believe when it comes to building software and databases
Aaaaaand it's gone
Quick question. Getting back into programming and I remember that using <frame> was discouraged as much as possible, it that still true with iframes? Should I also try avoiding them when possible?
@Alan They aren't required now, due to the widespread use of async javascript stuff - and yeah, they play weird in browsers, so yeah avoid them.
@Alan Maybe have few purposes now, depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
@Alan iframes are perfectly acceptable, as long as you're actually using them for sandboxing
I envisage a trip down an ominous dusty passage in to a long candle lit hallway. Through the hallway leading to an old rustic library with a single leather armchair in front of a fireplace on its last embers. Next to it an antique table with a usb pen labelled @ircmaxell unposted blog posts - the nitty gritty.
Setting up an admin interface, something like this: codecanyon.net/item/responsive-vertical-dashboard-menu/…
They used iframes, and I was thinking it was all CSS
Codecanyon uses iframes to display third party content.
O, duh :)
@Alan :|
> webarto $61.50
Yeah! :D
I haven't opened Codecanyon in ages.
What do you have on there?
Crap. Nothing now.
Couldn't handle "it dont work help" and deleted.
ok piemel people
You know what time it is right?
Not yet BeerHaa
@PeeHaa Happy hour!
I have 50 minutes :(
It's time to spend $61.50 on beer!
I just jizzed at the thought of beer. Do I have issues?
@PeeHaa It's beatiful.
or feline ear medication
@PeeHaa Is it hammer time?
Reset time!
For US in us still got 5 hours until freedom :(
And tomorrow queensday kingsday
@PeeHaa i hate you
I love you too @tereško :)
later all11111!!1
/me is trying to wire up Android SDK to debug website in android
Have a beer time!
I just wanted to share how awesome @JoeWatkins is :D
And it's a company with probably 20+ devs.
Joe '> 20 Devs' Watkins
Fellas, algorithm question
I have a red-black tree, rules are: Top node must be black, red nodes may only have two black children or no children at all.
@DaveRandom @TOOTSKI NSFW. I lolled so hard.
I have two classes BinTreeNode (which has $value, $left and $right; $value is of type RedBlack which has $value and $color, $left and $right are other BinTreeNodes)
Oh no...
You are going down the balancing binary tree road.
@Fabien :D NSFW is weak here.
Question is: How to validate that a given tree is a valid red black tree?
Yeah remotey -_-
@Fabien how nsfw?
Conjecture: Theoretical CS is full of trees, but you actually pretty much never use them in programming.
@DaveRandom Some worked may find it questionable. Better safe than sorry.
(being that it's 5pm on a Friday, I may get away with light nsfw)
It's all stacks, linked lists, hashtables and heaps. No trees.
@NikiC Woooooord.
Hey, @NikiC can you join the other room for a few minutes?
@NikiC Yup. This is a homework question for my brother.
@NikiC you do use them in programming. During the interview to get the job...
@ircmaxell :D
Oh yeah, forgot the most important (and hardest) rule
all of the left sub-tree values must be smaller than the root's value, and all of the right sub-tree values must be larger than the root's value.
This behavior obviously recurses down the tree.
I wish is_callable didn't return TRUE for uninstantiated instance methods:
class MyClass {
    public function test() {
        echo "42\n";
var_dump(is_callable('MyClass::test')); // bool(true)
well, it is callalbe
it's just an E_STRICT error
@rdlowrey MyClass::test() runs okay -> false would be lying
Let me rephrase. The fact that this still works annoys me because I wish it wouldn't:
class MyClass {
    public function __construct($prop) {
        $this->prop = $prop;
    public function test() {
        echo "42\n";
var_dump(is_callable('MyClass::test')); // bool(true)
You shouldn't be able to auto-instantiate that with a NULL property like so:
@ircmaxell LOL
@ircmaxell Yes, it's my responsibility to verify which is done by language for me by throwing exception on null access. I.e. If my code does not expect method of some interface method to return null when I access the returned value my code throws exception. In the case, described above checking on null would be just muting error.
/me is really tired Night
Night @Leri
So apparently the Occulus rift can be a bit scary:
lol saw that yesterday. Even if staged, hilarious.
@DaveRandom Here's the pictures 2 & 3 are the same socket. I think the first is the master socket? Which currently is empty... awkwardly placed in the bedroom. Anyhoo off to have dinner will bbiab
Router is plugged in to the last one.
@ircmaxell seemingly objective with a pejorative writing style please :-) (meh, not seriously) but I'd be interested in reading it
@NikiC phpdbg_btree.c ftw ;-)
@bwoebi What you use it for?
You must be doing something wrong :P
@NikiC getting all watchpoints in a memory address range
and at the same time it serves as tree for fast access…
just trying always a few thousands of addresses for looking if there is a watchpoint would be awfully slow
@ircmaxell OMG. Looks like you just found the internet's next technology sexism scandal.
CodeBabes is run by “HotCode” and their Agent for SoP was disbarred over, you guessed it, porn http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/2014/01/gary_d_grant_child_porn_disbar.php h/t @estee_beck
Of course.
@ircmaxell meh.. trying to cheat there.. was a mistake :D
1 message moved to Trash can
Yeah, no.
sorry, copy-paste (:
@SecondRikudo Oh Farley.
Hey =] Happy friday everyone
4 hours ago, by Duikboot
https://codebabes.com :D
Looks like... it's down.
@TOOTSKI Every single one of room 11 joined at the exact same time, it crashed.
Anyone up for codedudes.com, we'll post @rdlowrey on frontpage.
@TOOTSKI I couldn't contribute as an instructor but you definitely have my support if it means @rdlowrey in a speedo
Ain't nobody wanna see that.
@rdlowrey You can't fool us. We've seen too many pictures
That page is morally unacceptable even for me.
I shall put it on a discussion at our local Code of Jesus meeting.
wifi coffe machine please
Already been done
I need something like that
and one for rolling some j's ;)
Q: Cycles in family tree software

Partick HöseI am the developer of some family tree software (written in C++ and Qt). I had no problems until one of my customers mailed me a bug report. The problem is that he has two children with his own daughter, and, as a result, he can't use my software because of errors. Those errors are the result of...

sick people...
1 message moved to bin
Please read the room pact.
lol roger that
@jskidd3 Red Leader standing by. DO A BARREL ROLL.
@DanLugg hahahahaha :D
perhaps ... the sound of an old friend ... coming home ? #php #winpossibly http://t.co/rtgCgxL4bW
/me deletes my account and runs away
hi guys! I'm programming my first shopping cart, I have a quick question. Should I add the order to my db after or before the billing service return a successful payment?
I'm doubting cause if billing fails I don't think it's good to have the order on the db already...
@enzo Have the order ready in the DB as soon as checkout begins, and add a flag that will change after billing was completed.
That way you can know if there were people who were having trouble paying, and contact them if needed.
what about having a status marker saying "billing_succeeded". Add it before, then set the flag after
@ircmaxell :P
ahhh nice, so if billing fails I need to return to the cart. Should I load the order but this time from the DB instead of the session? I'm not sure about that... I don't want the user to start again with the order in case siomething's wrong on billing's part...
@enzo I'd keep it in localStorage or cookies on the client side.
This is non-critical convenience info.
If you client's browser doesn't support localStorage, he doesn't deserve your nice help features.
@SecondRikudo E_TALL
Or should I call you @Dor
@DaveRandom Switched the router to the master socket
@Fabien You managed to identify it?
(obviously :-P)
Yeah. I linked you earlier up.
Oh wait, 1 sec
Blarg. So damn sleepy.
@Fabien Yeh, your house has been wired by and electrician, not a telephone engineer
heh. I kinda got that impression looking at it.
Router is now on the top photo. Was on the last one
Though speeds haven't changed.
@DaveRandom I wonder if he rode the line, to make the line good.
well I went from 5.65 to 5.68

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