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hi teresko
@ircmaxell :o
@ircmaxell yeah .. jquery and callback hell
@tereško but chrome now has the tools to give you a full, non-async bt
feature is cool on its own, but I fear that it will just enable jquery programmers to write even worse code
You don't need jquery to descend into callback hell, though.
 * Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
@rdlowrey but it helps
we have surpassed 16'000'000 messages in SO chat
@tereško come back when we're at 2^24
@ircmaxell hm… id 1,6 * 10^7
@bwoebi huh?
message id
@ircmaxell ^ see @tereško
working on codeigniter
my condolences
bonfire codeigniter
HOLY HELL, that escalated quickly
but my problem is apart from css everthing working
arg, updated to switch off MD, as it strips the usernames
talk about deep self-investment
dude, this is getting retarted
that famicom guy is still at it?
14:28 <jrthomer> famicom: why the aggression? licensing is a MAJOR concern for any company
14:28 <jrthomer> or should be
14:28 → jimmyff joined ([email protected])
14:28 <jrthomer> it has serious legal and monetary ramifications
14:28 <famicom> jrthomer, because im not part of any fucking company
14:28 <famicom> that's why
14:28 <jrthomer> and so nobody else should be?
14:29 <famicom> not really, but it just goes straight against everything i believe in
14:29 <jrthomer> if it weren't for large companies, most of the OS out there wouldn't exist today - HHVM is the prefect example
> 14:29 <famicom> not really, but it just goes straight against everything i believe in
does that mean he lives in his parent's basement or something ?
I hope famicom has no actual involvement with HHVM?
never seen him before
it sure gets hot there :D
@NikiC I hope not as well
@rdlowrey btw, I deleted that gist
I didn't want that ocnversation public, as it's not the HHVM team
btw, I deleted that tweet ;)
they admitted that it was an issue
14:33 — jrthomer has spent time consulting at large companies to help them adopt FOSS and understand your concerns ircmaxell
14:33 <famicom> jwatzman|work, if you really want do do it thoroughly, you need to involve legal as wlel as senior management
14:33 <famicom> considering it's a trademark issues you probably need marketing involved as well
14:34 <famicom> IE< making a single readme.md edit is just as meaningless as leaving it as is
14:34 <ircmaxell> jwatzman|work: I get why legal would ask you to put that there, but "all rights reserved" and "bsd license" are clearly at significant od
Things like that make it very hard for me to feel good about the hhvm bandwagon.
I'm not arguing, but when I raised it as an issue, he took it and said he would try to do something about it
that's all I can ask
if it comes back "no, we're not removing it", then that's the point to start criticizing it. But until that point, it's just noise
@ircmaxell You think they didn't know about it in the first place and somehow overlooked? :)
@TOOTSKI most developers don't give to shits about licensing
Except @hakre :P
@ircmaxell Let's just hope that was the case.
@TOOTSKI and me
@DanLugg I think it was just a case of a dev having hands tied
@ircmaxell Well, hands tied, but one not talking to the other. You can't release with conflicting licensing.
I mean, you can, but what's the result? I can't imagine that you'd have a particularly strong case.
Or is it "most draconian license" wins?
the result is you're at the mercy of whatever judge/jury you go infront of
@ircmaxell Understandable; I'm just wonder if there's precedent
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't BSD license supposed to have All right reserved on it?
I'm not too savvy on software license law, especially historically.
says so in the template
Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>
All rights reserved.
@ircmaxell open up a pull request, heh. in b4
@rickchristie fair
Still though, I'd be interested to see the outcome of conflicting licenses on a product of that potential scale, from a company of their proven size.
Shouldn't it be full license text or a link anyways?
Even I know that much :D
So yeah, they need to change.
@TOOTSKI no...?
@NikiC Maybe like this then.
Since there's LICENSE file in hack root.
which is quite similar to what they have now
I've updated my issue
@salathe yes, followed by the body of the license
@ircmaxell I thought your issue was with "All rights reserved", my mistake.
@salathe I mis-represented it at first
@ircmaxell Yes... just woke up...
Hi, how have faced this issue?
talkin' 'bout facebook :D
@Aminesrine You already have two answers, have you tried them out?
You haven't provided feedback for them. Do that, and the authors of those answers will add details as needed.
go back you javascript room
=) i think JS and PHP are really fun.
they both great.
why not mix em up?
@JohnnyJS Because the result is an abomination
@SecondRikudo looks nice :-)
Why is that an abnomination?
you still can download without
@TOOTSKI Eeeek, XPath
long live CSS!
@bwoebi DOM isn't just for in-browser display ... lots of people (well, me, anyway) have to deal with crazy XML as a data source.
Nov 25 '13 at 19:16, by rdlowrey
You and your crazy XML database man-love :)
Hey, nobody said I had to like it. I take what the Securities and Exchange Commission forces on me (XML).
You know you're a room 11 regular when you search "man-love" in the transcript, and know to expect results.
YAY! Me sukz!
@Jhawins yes I do your right
Outside of a vehicle for JS-enabled HTTP clients, I don't personally understand why JSON is something to shit your pants about.
Why did this get moved here?
dafuq? Go back to JS. And take JSON with you; I think he's drunk.
@Loktar ^^^
@DanLugg That's the only reason I know of.
@rdlowrey That's all I can think of. And it's good; real good, at that.
But WTF is it used in Composer for? What's the advantage? These are my gripes.
@DanLugg Because composer is basically a 1:1 duplication of the node package manager, I assume.
@rdlowrey Fair, but still.
@DanLugg I agree with you.
Chock it up to personal preference and experience, but years spent churning out XML/HTML for various web activities; I find XML far less tedious to write than JSON.
@ircmaxell Which is why I found it odd it didn't happen in the C# room.
^^ Funny listen :-P
@DanLugg They apparently realise that JSON is a poor choice now - mostly because it can't be farking commented - thanks Obama D. Crockford.
@Danack can you really blame him?
@Danack Yep. That's my biggest gripe; his reasoning is "understandable", but if people employ non-standard annotations for metadata, it's not a problem. They're still comments, and if those modelling the "schema" make the annotations a dependent part, they fucked up; not JSON.
@tereško Yes, he was being a dick. Just because someone is using something in a way that you don't approve of, isn't a good reason to remove it for everybody. And not being able to comment JSON files sucks massively.
@rdlowrey Build your own xml2json converter…
@bwoebi Why would anyone do that?
@rdlowrey To save his life!
That's another thing; it'd be nice if data exchange formats at least tried to support as much as competing standards.
emm .. .that's the hint, isn't it
JSON is a data exchange format, not a configuration format
@Danack I think that it isn't unreasonable to not have comments in a data exchange format
However, JSON has two other severe shortcomings:
a) Not being compatible with JS
b) Not supporting Inf, -Inf and NaN
The latter being particularly critical, because it means you can't encode all values of one of the important primitive types
But anyway, it's still approximately 500000000000000000000000000000000000 better than XML, so...
Of course, none of this would be a problem if everyone used the one true data exchange format: YAML.
Particularly critical… to no-one. Ever.
@NikiC have you ever checked out protocol buffers?
@NikiC And no one is forcing him to have comments, but preventing other people from having them is a dick move imo.
{ "thats": "the joke" }
@salathe having arbitrary restrictions on the data you can serialize is a pita
@NikiC you must have a particularly sensitive behind.
@rdlowrey Says the guy with a pointy hat and a bucket of arsenic kool-aid
"Hey kids, try this YAML! It looks like candy and I promise it doesn't have razor blades stashed inside!"
Seems legit.
Let's create a new format: we'll call it FTW (*psst*, it's just Unicode INI)
nah, I only use 2 formats. JSON and ProtoBuffs
I'll be the guy using XML when the standard expires.
On a Windows XP box with OpenSSL 1.0.1f.
@rdlowrey While I call people with my Razr V3
gist.github.com/3ventic/11192624 - For the reviewers out there.
^ Suck it, NSA.
@rdlowrey well... considering that phone sent all communication in plain text, and all voice unencrypted... I'm pretty sure "suck it NSA" is more "Here you go!"
Jokes on you: I don't care about phone and voice! :)
well then
I don't know how anyone could have any expectation of privacy from state actors while talking or texting on a consumer-grade phone ...
.. + -.. --- -. - + -.-. .- .-. . + . .. - .... . .-.
@rdlowrey You should have ended your sentence at "privacy"
Anyone knows of a decent cipher that can be used on paper (i.e. without a computer) that's hard to impossible to decrypt in 12-24 hours?
@SecondRikudo Yeah ... it's a bit depressing for people like me who grew up brainwashed with the farcical notion that the government couldn't violate your privacy without a warrant.
ext/pcntl is making me crazy.
@rdlowrey couldn't / wouldn't / shouldn't
only 1 of those was false for me
Yeah, supposed to be all of the above.
@ircmaxell nice
Q: How to keep track of the root object from a class chain in PHP

Andrei Phamclass Header { public function __construct() { global $app; print($app->config); } } class Modules { public function __construct() { $this->header = new Header(); } } class Project { public $config = "config"; public function __construct(...

the last comment is pure gold when taken in the context of the post
@tereško global ftw
wait, what now?
@AndreiPham I hope you realize the irony of that statement. By not passing the value in the constructor, you are explicitly bouncing around, locating globals, making your application's logic tangled (not sound, and not straight to the point). It would not be reliable at all either. What he's saying is actually the correct answer to your problem. — ircmaxell 5 secs ago
I demand that this answer where the user is making fun of my sexual orientation is being removed. This is not funny anymore!Derfder 3 mins ago
public function __construct() {
    global $anything;
^^ Makes me cry the tears of a thousand kittens thrust into a volcano
@SecondRikudo lol
@tereško dafuq is first_ancestor:: PHP != CSS
it's voodoo that they think will do something
I'm actually half-tempted to do... Screw it, I'm doing it!
Oh boy! *popcorn*
@Scrollmaster: I have limited access to plutonium, but I still know that I shouldn't eat it. — Jonas 1 hour ago
class Header
    public function __construct()
    	$this->project = get_prior_object();
    	$this->modules = get_prior_object(1);

class Modules
    public function __construct()
    	$this->project = get_prior_object();
        $this->header = new Header();

class Project
    public $config = "config";

    public function __construct()
        $this->modules = new Modules();

$p = new Project();

var_dump($p->modules, $p->modules->header, $p->modules->project);
I have a question how to set up a week like i want to create a script for Model of week
/me laughs evily
I check datepart and datesub function But not getting it :(
@shortCircuit because!
its not enabled?
@shortCircuit Doesn't look like it; try checking the loaded extensions.
disabled :(
@ircmaxell You're a dangerous man, sir.
he makes cool videos though
So does the NSA.
i wish someday i will meet some people at SO in real life
A: How to keep track of the root object from a class chain in PHP

ircmaxellSo, in the spirit of answering the question, of course there's a way (warning: here be dragons): function YouAreAnIdiotIfYouDoThisForReal($skip = 0) { $bt = debug_backtrace(); if (isset($bt[1]['function']) && $bt[1]['function'] === "__construct") { // called from constructor, so ...

function YouAreAnIdiotIfYouDoThisForReal($skip = 0) UP FUCKING VOTE
@DanLugg I thought you'd like that :-P
Hmm, you can't use on-page anchors can you? I'd say put a "Skip to the real answer" link at the top.
Because I fear some people might stop reading after copy/paste works.
Nah, shit. Shame SO doesn't auto-ID heading tags.
what is the use of this?
@DanLugg if they do, and they don't read the function name, there's no saving them anyway
just added a google alert for "YouAreAnIdiotIfYouDoThisForReal"... :-D
lol!! I was just gonna say;
That'd be an interesting exercise. Whenever you offer up copy/pasteable code, use fairly unique definition names; then search google for them.
@tereško have you created any post somewhere about a list of recommended literature about software design? If yes - where, otherwise - why not yet?
hmmm, 10 more rep to hit cap for today
@ircmaxell here it is
@zerkms I have a bookmark entry with things I cite frequently... nothing public
@zerkms no, because I do not understand it well enough to know what to recommend for learning the subject
@ircmaxell it must be useful for design though. Assuming I've read GoF and PoEAA multiple times. Couldn't read through the whole "code complete", etc
@tereško oh come on
big blue book, yes
in the queue at the moment
code complete 2, :-S
@ircmaxell ok thanks
and I probably will recommend this one: amazon.com/Structured-Design-Fundamentals-Discipline-Computer/… , when I have read it myself
wow, SO's search sucks
1979 yay
what is wrong in the code.. codepad.org/zdkxDwSc in my pc when i replace https by http it says site has moved to https://.. and for https i donot get any output .its blank
@ircmaxell The exclamation marks make it not match - stackoverflow.com/…
@ircmaxell this matches
which is probably not what's wanted.
@ircmaxell I'm guessing it's the "be" in this case.
@SecondRikudo either that, or the markdown markup
either way, problematic
ok.. so there was a certicate error. i set the verifypeer to false..but there is a problem.. i am trying to make an app with javascript and php that will suggest games to gamers. so probably i will need to host it from a free webserver like 000webhost since i donot have money.
first i was trying to get the list of games with ajax and js. but the allow-access-control-origin was false. so i went for curl as it was https:// but if curl is not enabled.. how can i poll and see if any new games have been introduced?

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