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@tereško I don't follow you. I'm just saying interfacing directly is bad.
It's not about learning anything new, and I can't say I'm an expert in writing maintainable code (definitely not).
please stop arguing, and help a brother out instead
Anyways, back to home. Cheerio...
@tereško could you please provide any more info about that leaking xhr in jquery? is it still there? how can this be avoided?
I don't think jquery xhr is the best thing on the earth but I'm okay with getting it working, I don't like doing readystates myself
just make an experiment
I seem to recall nulling onreadystatechange to be an error in IE 6
the solution would be assigning an empty function expression
does anyone know if the controller should be able to access the datamapper when using a mapper to abstract the model from the database?
no, it should not
Q: Scrape an aspx page where login is required with PHP

dandoenI am trying to scrape my university's portal, to get my schedule and convert it into a format more convient for me. I have the following script, which does everything that it needs to do, it sends a few POST fields along with a list of COOKIES that I noticed when I looked the http header up of t...

any help is appreciated with this
@tereško thanks, i was told otherwise recently, but it didn't seem right
@tereško I don't want to make experiment, I'm asking where is the problem? never experienced it
@tereško or is it that every $.ajax creates new xhr? that can be easily solved passing own xhr constructor
for file in ${FILES[@]}
        echo "Using $FILENAME for $FULLURL"
        wget --header="X-Static: nocache" --header="Host: $WEBHOST" -O "$TMPNAME" "$FULLURL"
        cp "$TMPNAME" "$FILENAME"
        rm "$TMPNAME"
        echo "Done"
@ircmaxell huh? caching?
@tereško - we were just talking about you and the jQuery AJAX leak yesterday....
@Chris so is it true or not? is there memory leak in jquery xhr?
@KamilTomšík I have no idea, it was just mentioned yesterday in a discussion about Firefox bleeding memory
I am trying to close up as many memory leaks as I can in a project, Firefox is getting to 500k+ memory use in just 3 hours
It was mentioned that tereško had found a leak in jQuery XHR, but I'm usin' mootools so all I did was laugh about it, didn't verfiy
@Chris so you could try that for me :-P
$.ajaxSetup({xhr: function(){
  if (window.xhr){
    return window.xhr;

  return new XMLHttpRequest();
@ircmaxell wassup? :)
jQuery? I'd rather die in a fire.
@Chris: WHat's so bad about jQuery?
@PeeHaa Oh jeez. Not the right room for that one.
I'm using blackCoffee
Black Coffee: A no sugar, no cream library for JavaScript DOM
var blackCoffee = (function() {
return document; // just use plain old JS, you lazy bastard
Works good
@Chris which part of jquery is that bad? I think css selectors are quite great. xpath is not bad, but I consider css selectors more readable for html
@KamilTomšík Nothing, just working on a write-ahead cache
Guys, let's not get into the Great Javascript Library Debate in the PHP room :P
@Chris: is it that bad. I find using jQuery make life easier, so I don't understand what's so bad about it. Sure there will be some performce lost but hey if it makes my life easier
I did already type that no way I was going to delete it :)
@Chris: just one quick last question: do you also write in assembly? :D
@ircmaxell that's quite straight-forward, but looks like you've used that coffee thing, right? oh, or is that just bash? it is, cool :)
I write straight machine code without any editor - I intimidate the computer into doing what I want.
@PeeHaa Oh, seriously... jQuery->javascript is NOT like anything->Assembly.
I know :)
jQuery, personal feelings aside, provides a set of DOM manipulating tools.
Naw, I use mootools, I'm a shill
Nothing more, nothing less.
But I really don't like jQuery (for reasons I would be happy to elaborate on in the javascript room)
@chris: I'm pretty open minded can you tell me why you prefer mootools over jquery in js room since I've never used it before?
@Chris why not tell us here?
@KamilTomšík , sorry , i have never really tried to track down the cause of that leak
i just avoid this as much as possible
@KamilTomšík - because I'd prefer to adhere to the nominal topic of the room. There's a javascript room, if you wanna talk JS, let's go to the appropriate place :)
@tereško ok, was just curious, I don't think jquery is that bad it should be avoided, at least not in my case (scraping using node.js)
I've already elaborated over there, if you'd like to know why I don't like jQuery, it's there to read.
@Chris not going to do that, because I'm quite aware of what would happen, everybody would say, jquery sucks it makes your code unmantainable and so on...
@KamilTomšík Bash
@Chris and that's just pointless because I'm not writing apps in js, I'm writing hacks in js and jquery serves that purpose quite well
@ircmaxell yeah, already figured it out, nice
I don't understand the last two comments directed at me.
@Chris what is the main thing you don't like about jquery? in one sentence
@KamilTomšík do you know what "god function" is ?
thats something what you have a the very core of jquery's philosophy
One sentence? Okay:
Black box plugins and 20,000 lines of minified code that you didn't write and do not understand cannot ever help your project be better or help you as a programmer improve your skills.
I understand how it works
you understand how jquery works ..
well .. that's actually quite staggering
I understand basics, I don't care about sizzle inside, I understand how plugins work, I understand how ajax works there, I've actually done a lot of reading jquery source code.
I think that John Resig somewhere down the line lost track of how jQuery works
it's a big mess, I wouldn't let it grow that much but most of time, jquery saves my ass
ha, i ♥ Tamper Data.
guys, I am sorry I am posting this once again, I have done so a few times already today, but I hope there is someone out there that has a golden tip for this issue I am having with scraping a page
Q: Scrape an aspx page where login is required with PHP

dandoenI am trying to scrape my university's portal, to get my schedule and convert it into a format more convient for me. I have the following script, which does everything that it needs to do, it sends a few POST fields along with a list of COOKIES that I noticed when I looked the http header up of t...

@KamilTomšík - "I don't care about sizzle inside" == black box. No thank you. When it comes to my projects, I don't simply want sausage, I want to know what's in the sausage.
@tereško @Chris what's your alternative to jquery? ajax, css selectors, manipulation, straightforward api
@dandoen no offense, but there is usually the same people in here so after two days of repeated asking, it should be clear that no one here is able to solve this with you :/
learning to write good old javascript .. or you can try mootools
@Chris then I think, you've never realized what oop is about, it's about black-box, that's right, gimme interface, make tests pass and I don't care about impl. as long as don't need to
@tereško if good old javascript means document.evaluate(xpath,...) then no, thank you
@Gordon I believe you are the only one who have seen this post before, but sorry if I am wrong, thought it was worth the try
@KamilTomšík - Bro. You insist on talking about this subject in here when I have said I do not want to discuss it in this room - I think it is disrespectful to do so. I will not allow you to draw me into another response on this topic. If you want to talk about this subject, why not come to the javascript room and join the active (on-topic) conversation there?
ok, wait a sec
@Chris as long as there is no on-topic going on here its okay I guess, though people in the JS room might be more interested in the discussion in general and might want to participate
None the less, it is my personal preference to remain at least nominally on-topic
@KamilTomšík Yeah, and 3 quite dirty htaccess rules power it
@ircmaxell god just killed 3 kittens...
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Static} !=nocache
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static%{REQUEST_URI}/_%{QUERY_STRING}_cache.html -f
RewriteRule . /static%{REQUEST_URI}/_%{QUERY_STRING}_cache.html [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Static} !=nocache
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING] =""
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static%{REQUEST_URI}_cache.html -f
RewriteRule . /static%{REQUEST_URI}_cache.html [L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Static} !=nocache
FLUFFYCAKES!!! Noooo! Why god why!?
but it works quite well :-D
óÒ I would have expected that from everyone, but not from you @ircmaxell!
@NikiC Do you realize what it does?
@ircmaxell: as stated it kills three kittens
@ircmaxell What @PeeHaa said
Well, it allows you to do write ahead caching of selective urls for a dynamic website, with a cron refresh of the cached content
So for those cached urls, PHP isn't even loaded...
i haz moar catz to throw at @ircmaxell
i haz lolcatz searchnginx
Keep throwing...
@Zirak that is evil!!!
@ircmaxell hehe funny one
Besides, how would you do that any cleaner?
Probably not, it's pretty simple and straight-forward.
@ircmaxell its not about doing it cleaner. its about doing it in a way that doesnt harm kittens
We use a similar technique to serve cached (resized) images.
@Gordon Well, the question still stands. How would you do that in a way where there is no kitticide...?
@ircmaxell actually, i dont think its too hackish
Well, then why all the kitty deaths?
@ircmaxell i dunno. ask @KamilTomšík
I think he just doesn't like kittens.
but… everybody likes kittens
# Loop through and refresh each file
for file in ${FILES[@]}
		# Mangle the filename the same way that apache will
        echo "Using $FILENAME for $FULLURL"
		# Issue the X-Static header to tell apache not to pass us to the static cache
        wget --header="X-Static: nocache" --header="Host: $WEBHOST" -O "$TMPNAME" "$FULLURL"
		if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
			# Copy over the temp file to the filename
^^ Annotated version
1 message moved to bin
@ircmaxell I like kittens, but god apparently doesn't... and every bloody line of mod_rewrite hackery == wasted kitten life
@KamilTomšík Oh, so it's a general distaste for mod_rewrite, not what I wrote specifically
that's fine
@ircmaxell mod_rewrite is write-only :-P
2 messages moved to bin
Oh, they fixed that bug (that you could move the message notification)
@ircmaxell Hey, that's censorship!
@KamilTomšík ummm...?
@NikiC I was trying to create a redirect cycle (moving his "1 message moved to bin" post)
@ircmaxell it's like regex, you can read it after writing but sooner or later... you know
@KamilTomšík You think those rules I posted are difficult to read?
Dude, I hate mod_rewrite with a passion, yet that configuration is totally readable.
Yeah, I've seen a lot that's difficult, but what I posted seems quite readable...
Not to mention that there's not a single regex in there (well, there are 3, but . doesn't count)
@ircmaxell I don't know, I don't write them, I can't read them, I don't try :)
@KamilTomšík pity
So, we have ping: @KamilTomšík and we have SuperPing: @@KamilTomšík How long until we get SuperDuperPing: @@@KamilTomšík and UltraSuperPing: @@@@KamilTomšík and UltimateSuperDuperKillerPing(tm): @@@@@@@@@@@@@KamilTomšík
@ircmaxell dunno, ask @KamilTomšík, seems like it's somehow related to him
what is superping?
It's a ping, only superpowered.
@Gordon ping 2.0
X-ray vision, I think.
@KamilTomšík social pinging?
@Gordon It's a ping that doesn't require them to be here in a while
@Gordon yeah, probably also with ajax included in there
@KamilTomšík jQuery ping?
and big "beta" in title
nah, doesn't seem to work :-P
So I just super pinged you in the JS room @Gordon. So even though you're not there, and haven't in a very long time, you should still get it
There should be a ping that calls his cellphone
i think we should propose changing of @ to $ because jQuery uses that
and PHP too so it must be superior to @
$Gordon or $.ping(Gordon) or $ping($Gordon) or ping(Gordon) or $(Gordon).ping() or $.ping($(Gordon))?
$(Gordon).ping(), of course
yeah, its obvious. i mean everyone can see that its better than @Gordon
See, money always wins.
This chat needs more cowbell
if you change it to the dollar sign, then what becomes of a double ping?
$(Gordon).extend({superPing: function() { while (!this.inChatRoom(PHP)) { this.ping() } } }).superPing();
@MattMcDonald $(Gordon).ping().ping() or $(Gordon).superPing()
if some very good php or python programmer is looking for job - our company is hiring. I'm not a boss of this company, but I can send your resume.
@OZ where are you based?
@OZ_ Same here. How much can you offer?
I was under the impression it was $$username
@MattMcDonald So in that case, $user is ping, $$user is super ping, and $$$user is bling?
posted on September 29, 2011 by Zend Developer Zone

The Zend Framework team announces the immediate availability of Zend Framework's ALL ONES 1.11.11 release, the eleventh maintenance release in the 1.11 series. 1.11.11 includes around 30 bug fixes and may be downloaded from the Zend Framework site .

And, @OZ - Need the developer to do face time in the office, or can remote work?
well, since this is a PHP room, the joke was $$username would be problematic (in PHP)
@KamilTomšík it's about remote work :)
@Feeds i wouldnt have minded if they had kept that release for Nov, 11th
@OZ sounds great, how much? ;)
@KamilTomšík and we are in fucking russia
@OZ I am in fuck*ng cze, even worse around here
@KamilTomšík I don't know, but if somebody really interested - send, please, links to contact
Yay! half way towards a great-answer gold badge!
1 message moved to bin
@ircmaxell link please, I'll try to upvote
@tereško: animated images are not really encouraged here (doesn't play nice with a fair number of browsers)
A: Find first character that is different between two strings

ircmaxellYou can use a nice property of bitwise XOR (^) to achieve this: Basically, when you xor two strings together, the characters that are the same will become null bytes ("\0"). So if we xor the two strings, we just need to find the position of the first non-null byte using strspn: $position = str...

orange already, sorry
I could give that another bounty. Though that would cost me 100 due to the new bounty regulations
Actually, @NikiC: do you have any answers worth bountying?
@ircmaxell Don't think so
@ircmaxell agree but cool cat on roomba hitting dog is cool
@Gordon It is...
there should be funny room, where these posts can be moved and we can get back a just enjoy
Q: Split string by delimiter, but not if it is escaped

AntonHow can I split a string by a delimiter, but not if it is escaped? For example, I have a string: 1|2\|2|3\\|4\\\|4 The delimiter is | and an escaped delimiter is \|. Furthermore I want to ignore escaped backslashes, so in \\| the | would still be a delimiter. So with the above string the resu...

also, feeds could post notices about such pictures :-P
@KamilTomšík there is. its called bin :D content in there is hilarious
@ircmaxell óÒ Now I feel bad about my bounties being so small :(
@NikiC Don't
"Don't" is a song performed by Elvis Presley, which was released in 1958. It was Presley's eleventh number-one hit in the United States. "Don't" also peaked at number four on the R&B charts . The song was included in the musical revue "Smokey Joe's Cafe", as a medley with "Love Me". Chart performance {| class="wikitable" ! Chart (1958) ! Peakposition |- | U.S. Billboard Hot 100 | align="center"| 1 |- | U.S. Billboard Hot Country Singles | align="center"| 2 |- | U.S. Billboard Hot R&B Singles | align="center"| 4 |} References External links *[http://www.elvisrecords.us/dont-i-beg-of...
btw, even on youtube.com 500 Error can be found: youtube.com/watch?v=_tLDQCSx7LU&noredirect=1
hi everyone
@FrazAnjum hi
im one issue with cakephp dropdown boxes in firefox
im hoping if anyone can help me out in it
who have experience with MSI videocards? is it crap or not?
I haven't used one in many years, so I dunnoi
pls someone can help me .. im having error in setting up a drop down selected value returned from a controller ..
specially when i refresh the page ..
this happened on in firefox
but when i press ctrl+f5 then this thing doesnt happens
something to do with the browser cache
/me wants pcre callouts in PHP
@ircmaxell I've been just thinking about exactly the same
That would level PCRE up with Perl and we'd finally get parsing capabilities in regex
hum, \K looks really nice
(11:31:09 PM) nikic1: Are there any plans to get PCRE callouts in PHP?
(11:36:51 PM) Rasmus: nobody has ever asked for that
(11:36:52 PM) Rasmus: so no
is viper giving you bad gateway too?
@NikiC sometimes
Q: Duplicate notification while writing an answer

Ólafur WaageCurrently we have a check while a user is writing an answer to notify him that someone else has answered. You can then refresh to see that answer, and if its better than yours, vote that up and skip answering yours. etc etc. How about adding to that notification that someone has voted a possibl...

I want that!
@Gordon In case you're interested, delicious new badges are out. kongregate.com/badges
The King's League is an awesome game, btw
@Zirak i dont care for badges on Kong but thanks :)
But...that's the point of kong. Delicious badges!
@Zirak nah, for me its idling away a few minutes with a casual game
oh and collecting kongai cards
but they dont do that anymore >.<
But the level and points! More meaningless units of how bored you are!
We need more of those
heading to bed now. laters
Gnight. Enjoy your useless idling around for no gain of meaningless units.
going to bed too, good night
is it possible to get the values from a nested array without knowing its name?
The name of the array?
if I do this echo $array[0]['menu']['pizza'] --- it works
can I do the same thing without knowing the name 'pizza
Is there another distinction?
what you mean
Because otherwise you're asking "How can I find the price of something if I don't know what it is"
I asked this question here stackoverflow.com/questions/7603758/… but the answers are not what I want
Is there something unique in ['menu']['pizza'] that you can test for? Meaning, is it an object that you can test for?
Or maybe just determine how to do things based on the value of ['pizza'] (that way, you can loop over the containing array)
Use nested foreach loops
I got it working fine if I use the words ie, [pizza] but I am wondering is there another way so that if the menu changes (pizzas becomes salads) by code would still work
That depends. What's special with the pizza field?
A: how to slip this multi-dimensional array?

stevetherA series of foreach loops might do, even though I don't know what you're doing. <?php $pizza = ''; foreach ($array as $food) { $pizza .= $food; if (is_array($food)) { foreach ($food as $option) { $pizza .= " > " . $option; ...

pizza is a heading
there's definitely a better way of parsing that
ie: recursion
the data structure could probably be simplified as well
why is "menu" two levels deep?
it seems like it should be one
the second level is the price of the pizzas
no, the question is: why is "menu" $foo[0]["menu"] instead of $foo["menu"]?
no idea - I wrote these as json and that is the automated conversion
$array = array(json_decode($json, true));
@genesisφ a hobby project?
what does it look like as json?
what is that website called where I can show you the code
pastie.org ?
that or pastebin.com
the second param is interesting
any reason why you prefer associative arrays over objects?
yes because I have no idea what I am doing,
this is the first time I used json
well, try json_decode(something, false);
I'm curious to see the output
ok 1 sec
posted on September 29, 2011 by Johannes Schlüter

Today we've released a few things for PHP and MySQL users: One is the first (and probably only) beta of the mysqlnd_ms plugin for MySQL Replication and Load Balancing support and the first GA version of a PHP plugin for the Query Analyzer of the MySQL Enterprise Monitor. Ulf blogged a lot about mysqlnd_ms, so I don't have to repeat him here. what I want to talk about is the other one. So

@MattMcDonald this is it pastebin.com/NsgUVKtd
@aurel +42 points for brutal honesty
that's you running a var_dump, correct?
$array = array(json_decode($json, false));
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
oh ok
oh, of course it's two levels deep
you're popping the output into an array
thats me try to follow tutorials I dont know why, sorry
well, your JSON should reflect the structure you want
so if you strip out the array call, and add the json_decode call to a variable, "menu" is just output -> menu
then "pizza" is output -> menu -> pizza, etc, etc, etc
Im sorry I dont understand the 2nd line
output is a variable
$output = json_decode(something, false);
oh I should do that?
yes, it would simplify things
then instead of a for...in loop (in JS), you run a foreach loop
ie: foreach($output as $key => $value)...
I did the foreach thing and when I echo $key I get "menu" and when I echo $value I get nothing - this made it a bit confussing
give me a second, PHP is still fuzzy at times for me
that may just be an associative array trick
yeah, the double arrow would indicate so
:) God Im so sorry I am very confused
I am going to have to search a bit more on this but at least this way with the variable istead of the array, am I closer to getting what I wanted
the information inside the pizza without using the name ' pizza'

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