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Good time everyone !
@tereško just in-case you are working with "vectors" you can always save them as complex numbers, something like 'a+bi`.
@JohnP I have ordered some microcontrol as I have none at my hand right now. waiting for them to come.
@Gordon branching into visa application guidance now, I see :P
Got sick of all the singletons, eh?
I don't even know where to start with this : amazon.lk
I should quickly go and register facebook.lk
.. ehh .. xdebug.scream = 1 is such a fun thing
@tereško nice.
Shutting the shut operator !
Good morning
good evening
How's it going?
suffering through a heatwave
<3 scream
Nice. We are starting to cool off here...
It's the humidity that's the problem. It's so unfriendly to fat people
come here and get cool. ~0 C today morning
I'm all sweaty by the time I get to work
foreach($some100Kelements as $index => $value) {
    if($index % 20 == 0) usleep(1);
    // ... stuff
Never heard of scream. What does it do? Ignore error suppression?
@zerkms would love that!
@ircmaxell Yeah, it overwrites the @ opcode with a noop
@edorian: about a day of sleeping :-S
@zerkms I'm trying to figure out if remove this line would have be to considered a micro optimization ;)
it is definitely huge optimization
sleeping there would take about a day
oops, missing a little, not day
supposed to be 50k milliseconds but CPUs cannot slice that small intervals
Well, perhaps. But it also gives other programs some CPU time...
it depends on what kind of "stuff" is actually there
100k items is not a hard work to traverse
Yeah @Gordon. Saw that...
OK. Later...
@Gordon Derick put that in xdebug, conveniently
@edorian we should buy him a wine for that
the project I'm currently working with produces about several hundreds of notices per request
enterprise is so enterprise
what's life without a few notices to ignore?
any advices what to read? professional software development by McConnell looks soooooo boring
@edorian wait... is xdebug embedded in PHP parser now ?
@zerkms have you read Code Complete ?
@OmeidHerat: about a half
aight, you should finish it cause that is a good one
@zerkms Enter Price you are willing to pay for a false feeling of security and quality
/me sighs...
@Gordon: uhm, what? is it a title?
@zerkms no, thats the reason why its called enterprise software ;)
it is even worse
it is a bank software written by non-programmers
so it is internal enterprise, that costs "nothing"
it is built on top of (omg) php framework (?!) phplib
which died in early 2000s
sadly some of the worst software are at enterprice level, anyone used FirstClass™ ??
oh, and just now I got the joke about "Enter Price"
anyway, it perhaps is the last month working in that bank, i hope
when sometimes I am explaining to clients that what is good and bad software UI
I literally show them FirstClass as a bad example.
Hi Robik
what about books - currently when I'm boring at work I read "Continuous Delivery"
really interesting thing
@zerkms all of the addison-wesley signature series books are
guys, what backing up software do you use at your (desk|lap)tops?
manual for me
just some key stuff on svn and dropbox
@zerkms CTRL + C , CTRL + V
@OmeidHerat you paste before you copy? :P
@JohnP :P
only chuck (and jon skeet) can do that
actually that reminds me of a good idea,
there should be something like Paste here, then you go and copy it.
well, manually doing that is not efficient usage of mine keystrokes
how many times you wanted to paste something in a folder that you are but you had to go find the files, copy and come back for paste.
use 2-panel totalcommander
Anyone use Everything Search?
Love that tool, but sadly doesn't work well with Win7
how often do you search through all your hdd?
I cannot remember any case in past years
@JohnP Ok now seriously, I use with Microsoft's backup tool bundled with my Operating system, Win 7 64 bit
I mean the search utility : voidtools.com
wait.. bundle doesn't sounds right with Microsoft :P
I use SyncBackup (free one) but thinking about something supports encrypt
@JohnP Windows 7 has lots of goodies, I mean seriously its good.
have you enabled search indexing for all of your Drives ?
@OmeidHerat oh definitely man! I've been using MS since DOS6.2!
btw - this can be interesting for chrome users: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/…
Total MS fanboy
@zerkms Cheers mate
not much point though. Will probably show 80% on cracked.com and the rest on SO
Here is something that saves you time
did it today at work. my boss definitely should not see that bars
of course ctrl+shift+I will tell you that as well.
what's the point of that knowledge?
if you don't see any, you don't need it. :D
that is not my work.
by the way, is that graph with SVG ?
@OmeidHerat: ^^^^^^
but it is 2y ago question
there is nothing about client-side there indeed
so the graph will not be there when I am offline ?
back in a sec. something up with chrome
I thnk that extension had an issue when installing
I've installed it on 2 dekstops
at work and at home without issues
no no, restart solved it
btw, aptana3 is really yummy, even better than v1.5
I had no problem here, and it works with a massive bunch of extensions just fine
what do you use aptana for? PHP or JS scripting?
@zerkms why aptana ?
what else?
NetBeans is the best !
I cannot remember but there was something I didn't like in it
I hated the fonts in it
just didn't seem to be 'right'
I use pdt
@JohnP: have you tried aptana ever?
currently I think that its v3 php editor is the one I was waiting for
@zerkms oh yes. A couple of years ago. I totally loved it, but it didn't have good PHP support. Had awesome JS and library support
which is what I used it for
yep, they had cut out php support for a while
that is why I was using old 1.5
but they returned it back in v3 and it became even better
from my subjective point of view it is better than pdt
I should check it out
Is Aptana available for mac?
@Adam: yep
@Adam runs on top of Java, so yup
@JohnP Brilliant, I must give it a go. Tried it a good few years ago but ditched due to performance issues.
but the terrible thing is that their support link which followed to their some sort of forum now links to SO (with aptana search) :-S
@zerkms that's a bit cheeky
yep. they had really weird forum. don't have anything now :-S
heh SO becoming defacto place for support now
it is facebook stackexchange but still a lot of questions about FB development on SO
yes, I like FB API, but isn't supposed to move all discussions to that SE
they wanted to offload to a thriving community I guess
that way they don't need to keep the forums alive
just surfing phpdesigner site... they sell regular and portable versions for different prices
~10E is the difference
facebook.stackoverflow.com --- oh I thought it is a different SE site, but it is just a "filter" over SO :-S
can anyone help me out with an issue I can't solve: stackoverflow.com/questions/7544652/…
when you scrape a page - kitten dies
true story
yeah, they haven't moved it yet
but the user leagues apply only to FB tags
@zerkms I am about to kill myself over this so the kitten won't be alone at least haha
anyway, I don't help in any scraping-related questions (actually I don't even read them) because of ethical principles
what is so un ethical about it?
I've explained my reasons
in 99% cases it is related to stealing information...
and judge for yourself whether they are fair
The website is the website of the university that I attend, and to be honest I don't really mean any harm. It is just that their student portal really sucks, and all I want to do is to scrape my timetable and make some processing possible to convert it into a format that is more convenient for me.
In fact, after I am done with it, I was planning to propose my script to them. But as you might know, usually universities have a few IT guys that know little about these things, so it's really difficult to get assistance on these matters.
oh, nl, I really like NL
hehe only the weather sucks usually
not today though :)
you haven't lived in eastern siberia. otherwise every weather wouldn't be "suck" for you ;-)
i was born in iraq, so I get what you mean
isn't iraq warm-for-all-the-year country?
during summers it gets up to 50 degrees of celsius haha
but cold winters as well
define "cold"?
with snow?
probably a few degrees below 0
oh, that's surprise for me
yeah but that rarely happens
at least havent heard it being that cold the past few years
ah well
@dandoen: if that site uses any viewstate things and rely on them then you probably in stuck
it doesnt uses viewstate
are that 3 fields the only passed by browser during authentication?
actually, the previosu version did used viewstate, and I could scrape that really easily, by first scraping the viewstate out, and using that as a post parameter for a second curl request
there are more, but these three are the three that are needed
perhaps not only that 3 as long as you don't get result
i'm 100% positive
100% positive with no results. sounds weird
i imitated a form with only these three fields, posted it to their page and all worked fine
besides that, I have used all the other fields as well just to make sure, and ended up the same
then I would advice you starting adding all the headers one by one
the same that browser passes
also - it could be some cookie set by login page request and passed with post
they do have a bunch of cookies at the start
that's just a guess but currently the difference between you and browser are:
if you look at the cookies set by the link I posted there
a) the complete set of headers
b) cookies
I tried, but page isn't opened
very strange, I dunno why some people can't open that link
anyway, I don't see anything else but a) and b)
just be patient and reproduce everything your browser passes
but it might not be possible if they are generating cookies that I can't reproduce right?
you can
just request the login page and get them
and send with next request
(that is actually what browser does)
ah ofcourse
ok i'll get on that right away, thats sounds like a good idea
but how about the headers
install "Live Http Headers" if you use firefox and capture them
or ctrl+shift+i if you use chrome
yeah I am using safari's webinspector
yep, or that
User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_6; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.19.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.3 Safari/533.19.4
so i'll just imitate those as well
not much
yeah nothing fancy right
my chrome passes MUCH MORE in request to this chat
anyway need to go to bed, good luck with your issue
thank you ever so much mate
Is it possible to create superglobal variables? For example, define $var so that it is accessible within any class without registering it with global $var
@NikiC $GLOBALS would work, wouldnt it?
and if there were such a possibility you shouldn't use it
instead use DI
@Gordon If that's what he meant. $_POST would work too, or $_GET. They are all superglobal. But you can't create your own
@NikiC true, you cannot create new superglobals but you can access any existing ones, hence the name superglobals
@NikiC done
I really need to get to 20k so I can vote to delete such things
It really annoys me that people answer those questions and get rep for it
@NikiC yeah, though there is a few cases where its hard to decide whether its okay to answer or not.
@NikiC What's wrong with the question?
@Mob the OP made a typo. its too specific.
@Mob It's a "fix my code" type of question. No future visitor will ever have this problem. The question is of no use for the community
@NikiC i had some doubts whether i should answer stackoverflow.com/questions/7582443/… but since no one voted to close it …
I'm struggling to work out what's wrong in my project - I've assigned an instance of class Test to $test in global scope (near the start of the Index.php), and on the next line I call a function inside the object $test->doSomething, and I can't manage to get access to the global $test, even if I register it as a global. Is there a setting that is forcing PHP to ignore the global or something?
@NikiC that's a bit harsh though
@Gordon That's okay. That's not too localized. It could be considered General Reference, but I think this is a very reasonable question that others might have as well.
@JohnP What? Closing it?
@NikiC initially i wanted to close it because the OP really was just lacking knowledge on how arrays work
no, closing as a duplicate is fine. people answering it I mean
It's fine if they do answer it
it just adds more options for people to look at. Duplicates with small variations have their uses
@NikiC I get you, but there's nothing wrong in asking such questions. It's a Q and A site, as long as the question is understandable and can be answered, nothing wrong with it. The OP would not make this SAME mistake again. My opinion
Is there anything that can cause the var_dump to report NULL in this situation? codepad.viper-7.com/Wc807C - running the code on my local server doesn't get access to $test within the doSomething function...
The ones that should be closed immediately are the lazy ones which are basically a code dump
@Mob No, there is something wrong with it. This is what StackOverflow considers "Too Localized" (Go to Flag -> It doesn't belong here -> Too Localized). It's not much a matter of opinion but a matter of site policy ;)
@NikiC The description itself is pretty specific about what too localized means.
String concatenation, while a duplicate, is not too localized
If you close it as a duplicate, the OP will at least know what the problem generally is
closing it as too localized won't help him/her at all
By the way, I'm just discussing this with you. You're free to flag as you see fit and I have no problem with that :)
@JohnP "This question is unlikely to ever help any future visitors" Do you think that that question will help a future visitor?
@JohnP the recent podcast clarified that we dont want fix my code questions
@NikiC if he comes across a string concatenation problem yes. The question title needs to be updated and the body could use work.
@JohnP But I'm not just discussing it with you. I'm absolutely not okay that you do not flag it.
@JohnP also, id say typing that question took more effort to write that it would have taken to consciously look at that code and debug it
What's going on?
@Gordon That doesn't feel like a fixme question at all
Those are useful to build variations of string concatenation issues. It's simple true, but SO doesn't have a policy against questions being too simple
@ircmaxell this question : stackoverflow.com/questions/7597822/…
Posted by Jeff Atwood on February 22nd, 2011

On Podcast #58, Joel and I had a disagreement. Not the first, and certainly won’t be the last:

Joel says that the only bad simple question is a duplicate simple question. I say simple questions are OK as long as they’re actually interesting (in some way) for other users to consider and answer. To prove his point, Joel actually asks the question on Stack Overflow: How do I move the turtle in LOGO? Do you think this question adds value?

We still have this disagreement. Our community is now struggling with the very same issue across multiple network sites: …

I don't agree with it being closed as too localized. I prefer as a duplicate close
@JohnP Actually it has such a policy. It's called "General Reference".
@Gordon I was thinking of that exact podcast
@Gordon @NikiC The point I'm trying to make is that it should be closed as dupe and not as too localized
hey @ircmaxell
What's going on?
I have no problem at all of closing it. Just what the flag is what I take issue on
I've stumbled across a very odd situation in my code, figured it out now, but never noticed this before.
Heh, I'll just flag it for deletion altogether. Though, I'll better downvote all non-mario answers, that's more helpful.
@ircmaxell have you ever noticed that to access a variable as global, you not only have to declare global $var; where you need to access it from, but in the procedural code where the variable is declared for the first time, you have to global $var; otherwise it doesn't actually get stored globally?
hey... i want to fire 40k query in loop... but my loop will be terminated after firing 696 insert queries.... how can i continue the loop until all the query has been completed?
Build a single insert loop
There's a max to how many inserts can be done a second, I think
@Greg I don't use globals, so no...
guys , i need a little help with doctoring poll results : in this link few additional votes in Digibrand ...
and you could use the superglobal $GLOBALS['foo'] = 'bar'; -> php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.globals.php
heh ok
@tereško doctoring? You're not doing anything nefarious, are you?
What exactly are we voting on ?
@JohnP next president
@ircmaxell , it is about a project for Latvia's facebook page
@OZ_ so the second option has 3 presidents. Are they taking it in turns? :P
ok, voted
although Leo Burnette seem to be winning
voted too. I don't like Leo Burnette works, btw
here are some materials, but it is not in english mk.gov.lv/lv/aktuali/lvfacebook
Burnette page is this : http://ej.uz/lvfb
Digibrand pge is this: http://ej.uz/CelebrateLatvia
low quality jpeg on Digibrand's page... brrr
yeah , but then again , they are concepts , not the product
Hi Any one Willing to help me?
@Scorpion she is offline
@OZ Whoz Off Line
@Scorpion Anny
Who IS Anny
@Scorpion Anny One Willing
Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question.
hey... i want to fire 40k query in loop... but my loop will be terminated after firing 696 insert queries.... how can i continue the loop until all the query has been completed?
@Gordon stackoverflow.com/questions/7598293/… Is that OT->ServerFault or Not a Real Question? I have heard that shit questions shouldn't be migrated, but I am not sure about that right now
mamchach, LOL made my day
@oz thanx a lot dear
@NikiC questions that will likely get closed on a sister site should not be moved there. But I think the sister site should decide that.
@Gordon So I should vote migrate to ServerFault?
@NikiC its already closed
@Gordon I know ^^ But next time I see such a question :)
@NikiC questions "how to use" should be closed anyway, I think.
@NikiC well, i moved a crap question to SF once and was attacked for that. So I cannot tell you what to do. I'd always move it because I think they should decide for themselves whether its appropriate for them. I only closevote what I think is not appropriate for SO.
a totally off topic question but someone might give me a clue, what is that acetone-like substance that you add to varnish/stain.
my mind is going to explode and can't think of its name.
@OmeidHerat acetone-like? so maybe chlor?
@OmeidHerat Aloe Vera? -_-
@OZ_ hemm maybe
let me check
@OmeidHerat it's poison, btw
@Mob nah mate, I am looking for a liquid/substance.
regex time!

Say I have the following string:

>a bcd2 what....bcd3....

I need to find that 2, which is a multi-digit decimal number, right after the token "bcd"
A: PHP Fatal error: String could not be parsed as XML

GordonThe problem is that the server is misconfigured and requires a browser UserAgent. Doing ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; PHP/5.3)'); $rss = new SimpleXMLElement( 'http://www.blogs.stopjunkmail.org.uk/diary/index.php?/feeds/index.rss2', LIBXML_NOCDATA, true ); echo $rss...

Never mind, fixed it...
can someone please confirm that it doesnt work without the user_agent set to a browser UA. When I tried w\out browser UA it didnt work, but after I set it it always works, even when I remove the ini_set call again.
Plenty of servers refuse a connection when not sending a user agent...
if ($var1<$var2)
echo "Hey the 23 is lower than the 24";

why doesnt that if statement execute?
@ChristianSciberras yeah, but i want to make sure that my answer is actually correct.
@Nadal If a number starts with 0 it's an octal number
>_> FFS
and 9 isn't a valid octal digit
thanks nikic
And thus Both $var1 and $var2 are 0 ;)
didnt know that
hi everyone ...
@hussain hi
can someone suggest me a good PHP hosting...one which is cheap and well-reputed as well?
Remember that you get what you pay for...
@ircmaxell i need it just for personal use ... just suggest me one with ACTUALLY great up time ....
Not possible. Not for cheap at least
@ircmaxell come on ... you wasted two lines and did'nt help me much .... do you program the same way ? uffffff!
@salathe might be cached as well due to my demo link there
@salathe did you use it?
$hussain "If anybody can and wants to help, they will. " top right
@salathe when i first tried it from my computer the http requests failed repeatedly. only after i set the user_agent once to a browser UA it would work and then ever after
@Nadal only if they want to :)
in other words, it would not work with the default UA i have set in my php.ini
@hussain Yes, I don't take on projects that I know I can't come through on. I'm sorry, good and cheap don't go hand in hand. Drop the cheap factor and I can give you a few options. But if you want both good and cheap, I can't help you...
eih, whatever. cant dig deeper into that now. thank @salathe for testing.
@ircmaxell You can't be much successful if you don't fail ... good and cheap don't go hand in hand ...thats right ... but knowledge and decency do ... atleast in case of some sane people ...
nah, leaving the convo since this is going nowhere
@ircmaxell since you always do that for every convo ...
@salathe can you suggest any other?
Did you know your Facebook account is currently worth more on the black market than your credit card?
@Nadal how?
@RyanKinal you're an experienced web dev, what do you suggest for protecting websites from XSS and various others?
OK, this is going to make me cry. Seriously.
I just inherited 500 lines of javascript written by mailchimp.
It sucks.
Some excerpts:
var someVar=new Array(); someVar[0]=...; someVar[1]=...; ...
Than there's a load of raw JS when their script requires jQuery, including doing XHR directly.
posted on September 29, 2011 by Evert Pot

While working on an application I ran across a huge bottleneck which I isolated down all the way to the use of the iconv_substr function. If you ever wonder which is better to use, this should help your decision: Benchmark script <?php   $str = str_repeat("foo",100000); $time = microtime(true);   iconv_substr($str,1000,90000,'UTF-8');   echo "iconv_substr: " . (microtime(true)-$time) .

@ChristianSciberras , avoiding jquery for XHR is actually makes a lot of sense , because otherwise you get memory leaks
@tereško Riiight.
in jquery the closure for XHR requests if leaking in the global scope
any tips would be appreciated, have no idea what I am missing here :(
@tereško It's better to use a framework that is maintainable than using native code that is not.
@tereško Which isn't such a big deal considering they're causing twice as much leaks with their code O.o
maybe you should learn how to write maintainable javascript
@tereško Yeah, maybe I should learn how to code in MSIE's filters while at it.
lemme guess , you think that learning SQL is pointless too
because you already can write it anyway

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