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Hello everyone.
Can somebody help me with this >> stackoverflow.com/questions/7564653/… ??
4 hours later…
Anybody worked in CodeIgniter
Anybody there
fuck you asshole
well I have worked with codeigniter -- but I don't think i'll be helping you if that's how you act.
language please.
man i just created a video intro in after effects for videos i make... and the damned thing is choppy
Hello all
plz help me
Q: How to form strings in php

JohnI have an table of , Now i want when after filling this table This is the table <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="TitleBar">Generate CSR</td> </tr> </table> <t...

@John you have some answers that'll work just fine.
Help me
@John help you with what specifically?
I want my output like this :-

"/C=IN/ST=MAHARASHTRA/L=MUMBAI/O=Cofin Inc/OU=Sales/CN=www.coufdffin.itdpl"
hello all
How does this chat room work?
plz help me
Q: How to form strings in php

JohnI have an table, Now i want when after filling this table This is the table in ssl.php page <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="TitleBar">Generate CSR</td> </tr> </table>...

update question
I'm bad with PHP, but in the rare event I can help, what's the problem? I'll go look at the question too
based on this: $dn = array("C" => "".trim($_POST['countryname']),
"ST" => "".trim($_POST['province']),
"L" => "".trim($_POST['localityname']),
"O" => "".trim($_POST['organizationname']),
"OU" => "".trim($_POST['organizationunit']),
"CN" => "".trim($_POST['commonname']),
"emailAddress" => "".trim($_POST['email']));
$comma_separated = implode(",", $dn);
echo $comma_separated;
you want to get to this: "/C=IN/ST=MAHARASHTRA/L=MUMBAI/O=Cofin Inc/OU=Sales/CN=www.coufdffin.itdpl"
@Walkerneo yes
right now my ourput is IN,Maharashtra,MUMBAI,Cofin Inc,Sales,john.david,[email protected]
and after that i want exec command
I want my output like this "/C=IN/ST=MAHARASHTRA/L=MUMBAI/O=Cofin Inc/OU=Sales/CN=www.coufdffin.itdpl"
I'm not sure what an exec command is, sorry
still working on this stuff my self
no proble with
exec i wil do that
right now
I want my output like this "/C=IN/ST=MAHARASHTRA/L=MUMBAI/O=Cofin Inc/OU=Sales/CN=www.coufdffin.itdpl"
Is it possible???
means in this format
$str = '';
foreach($dn as $key => $val){
$str .= "/$key=$val";
echo $str;
that might work
where i can put this
hold on
$dn = array("C" => "".trim($_POST['countryname']),
"ST" => "".trim($_POST['province']),
"L" => "".trim($_POST['localityname']),
"O" => "".trim($_POST['organizationname']),
"OU" => "".trim($_POST['organizationunit']),
"CN" => "".trim($_POST['commonname']),
"emailAddress" => "".trim($_POST['email']));

$str = '';
foreach($dn as $key => $val){
$str .= "/$key=$val";
echo $str;
did you get it?
not working man
Did you get my answer? I posted?
you put it in the right place
so it should work
what happened?
not working
well what happened when you tried it?
with my code
can u plz post ur ans again
no echo
I m on same page after that
Well, what does your html form look like and the php page?
can you update your question with those two pages?
ya worked
// header("Location: ssl.php");
when i comment this
Yeah, no problem
good look with things
now i want to execute exec
actually i want to save this in any specific place
means i want to run linux command through php
You've lost me there.
I'm still new to php actually
okies :) but u r very inteligent
best of luck dear
I know
U know each and everything after 1-2 months
Sup fella's
Hello all
@Atticus help me
@Robik also
i have to create and write into a csv file. Now i tried with the following code
header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="data.csv"');
$data = array (

$fp = fopen('php://output', 'w+');
foreach($data as $line){
$val = explode(",",$line);
fputcsv($fp, $val);
print $header;
It gives me my source file code also in the csv file?? how can i sole this??
i tried this in drupal module
Huh ?
that is not a write into csv file, that creates a CSV file on the fly.
ya ok i have to download that file
if header is not there it writes correctly to that file
for example $data = array (

$fp = fopen('data.csv', 'w');
foreach($data as $line){
$val = explode(",",$line);
fputcsv($fp, $val);
this works
i got data.csv with the required data
morning @edorian
sigh serial downvoting continued today
Wasn't here for so long that i didn't even get the ping notifications any more
Hello and Peace be upon you ALL
I have a question related to PHP, Jquery and Ajax.
Does anyone may help me answering this question and get the correct output ?
Q: PHP Ajax one dropdownlist depending on the other

TopDeveloperI develop a php web page that contains two dropdownlists (select tags) as one of them used to display the car types like Toyota, Nissan, Chevrolet and so on. Toyota Nissan Chevrolet The other should be used to display the car models like Toyota Camry, Toyota Corrolla, Toyota Cressida, Toyota E...

Dear StackOverFllow Members, any one has hint for my question ??
cv pls as too localized: stackoverflow.com/questions/7579205/… and ban that user please, this question repeated already many times
5 messages moved to bin
@ OZ_ and Gordon Excuse me, I guess you are senior members here , may you check my question and try to help me?
@TopDeveloper you are TOP DEVELOPER, so, if you can't solve that issue - nobody can.
@TopDeveloper isnt that the same question as stackoverflow.com/questions/7512150/…
@OZ_ :) Even the Top Developer in this world would not know every thing in life. we are human and nobody knows everything and I think Stackoverflow is existed to make developers exchange their information and make most of developers more professional and really top developers ;-) I wait your reply
@Gordon No They are somewhat similar but the problem in the first question related to applying Ajax and the encoding while the second question is about the encosing only.
@TopDeveloper too vague question - you are not asking about "how to fix error", but about "will it work?"
@OZ_ sorry for that but this problem takes much time so I asked more and give details to get the right answer
@TopDeveloper so hire programmer who will write code for you
@TopDeveloper actually you just want to find somebody, who will write code for you. You haven't any code (not in question, at least) for that issue, and asking "how do that?".
@OZ_ the problem is just a small setting and all the code is done but you know that sometimes you make all things but miss just a small thing to be completed properly. as the procedure runs ok but the way to adjust the encoding is missed although I set all the things related to it in PHP and jQuery
@TopDeveloper show your code, if it's done
@OZ_ and you will tell me where is the problem?
@TopDeveloper somebody, maybe, will
@OZ_ I will try to summarize it and put it in my question so that the question will be more clear
@OZ_ Thanks for your comments and notes :)
@TopDeveloper glad to be useful
@Eugene shalom
@OZ_ Shalom
Can anyone tell me why this var_dump( eval( '( "work" == substr( framework, -4 ) )' ) ); returns false?
@Eugene why you can't do it without eval?
@OZ_ Well in this specific place I need eval
@OZ_ And I don't understand why doesn't it work as it should.
@Eugene my condolences.
@OZ_ But could you tell me the reason why?
@Eugene eval() returns NULL unless return is called in the evaluated code
@Eugene why do you need eval for that? what are you doing? where does that code come from?
If there is a parse error in the evaluated code, eval() returns FALSE
@Gordon From a distance far far away from planet earth. :)
@Eugene that answers one of my three questions ;)
@Eugene did you find syntax error already?
i want help in query_string
i have url like this index.php?p=feed
how can i use querry_string in this url
some thing like this index.php?p=feed?asdf
but this give error
@BasicBridge not a real question
@Gordon what do you mean i just want to know how to use ? (query_string) in the urls when base url also using ?
@OZ_ Yes. Very stupid one.
@BasicBridge urlencode it
@OZ_ and Gordon I have updated my question and add my code. please check it and tell me your feedback and thanks in advance ..
Q: One dropdownlist depending on the other

TopDeveloperI develop a php web page that contains two dropdownlists (select tags) as one of them used to display the car types like Toyota, Nissan, Chevrolet and so on. Toyota Nissan Chevrolet The other should be used to display the car models like Toyota Camry, Toyota Corrolla, Toyota Cressida, Toyota E...

@TopDeveloper out of curiosity, whats wrong with the answer you already got? Looks fine to me.
@Gordon ok here is new thing that i can try..!!
i have search url like this http://localhost/test/index.php?p=search/result/xyz
in which the words "xyz" change according to search terms i want to extract this words and use in $title
@BasicBridge ok, and what's the problem?
@salathe $xml_all->xml->rs->z
@Gordon huh?
oh that xml question, haha dummy
@salathe completely clueless
Some folks just can't read documentation, I've yet to work out why.
@Gordon yup, as demonstrated by his reply "wow it works"
@salathe yeah, magic
I'll expect another question from him today asking how to get the value of one of the other elements in the same XML.
If the first thing you type, when writing a ruby app, is: 'rails', you've already lost the architecture game.
ìs tempted to bomb that into the ruby/ror chat
@Gordon heh :)
@salathe i could it disguise it with a :D
@Gordon the answer is ok and the car models list appears in the second dropdownlist but with strange encoding and characters that could not be read. my problem now is how to show it in the right langauage and encoding and how to control the Javascript & jQuery so that I determine it and enforce that data is displayed in ANSI encoding as it may be utf-8 and can not be displayed well in ANSI file ??
@TopDeveloper does your webserver serve it as utf-8? e.g. does it send a header for the content encoding?
@Gordon I'm quite happy that unclebob is ranting like crazy about mvc is not your architecture lately. So many PHParalles
@edorian he does? I've told you :-P
@edorian hes been ranting about activerecord as well
@edorian and from the tweets i have an impression he doesnt like ror too much
So Ruby sucks or not?
@Gordon the Webserver shows data ok when I use static arabic data but when it comes from the database and sent in json format using jQuery it gives invalid format for the list as strange characters ?!
@OZ who said a word about ruby? :-)
@KamilTomšík ror isn't ruby on rails?
@OZ_ ror is a framework in ruby. so saying ruby sucks is like saying php sucks when you really mean code igniter sucks
@OZ ruby on rails is framework, ruby is language, it's like saying php sucks because of cakephp
@Gordon :-D
@KamilTomšík ;)
@OZ_ could you please check my code as I provide it in my question to make things clear ?
I know, I know. But I'm asking your opinions exactly about language.
@TopDeveloper yes, is the ajax response served as utf-8? inspect the response header
@OZ_ ruby has this wonderful property that if you add -ish to it, it gives a nice pun expressing what i think of it
@TopDeveloper try print that text from database but without json, check headers and check charset of DB
is there any way to enforce that the output comes in ANSI format instead of UTF-8 ??
@TopDeveloper you should enforce yourself to use utf-8
@TopDeveloper but if you too lazy for refactoring and just want to make it dirty - send header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=windows-1256");
@OZ ruby is powerful and weak at the same time - you have expressive power to write code which does something other than it looks like, it's up to programmer if he will use that for good or evil purposes
but when I did that, all the arabic characters will not be displayed well and most of the data are arabic as static data is veiwed ok while dynmaic data is not !!
@OZ in some sense, it's similar to lisp, you have the power to do excessive meta-programming but also responsibility to keep it at minimum.
@OZ_ I do like to use UTF-8 but I wanna that the web application runs properly and I use the mentioned header but it does not give proper data.
@TopDeveloper so you have wrong charset in database, fix it
@TopDeveloper or you can convert charset by iconv function
@OZ_ the dba confirms that the db encoding is UTF-8 and I want to change the charset in Javascript and jQuery not in PHP
@OZ_ I tried using escape and unescape but still the same
@TopDeveloper again: have you checked the response headers on the ajax response?
I checked the php output and it gives the data in Unicode format like "CarModelName":"\u00c3\u00d3\u00ca\u00e4 \u00e3\u00c7\u00d1\u00ca\u00e4"
@TopDeveloper this may be a silly question, but what's wrong with that?
@Salathe you may check my question at the following link and give me your feedback if you face something like that before stackoverflow.com/questions/7512307/…
@TopDeveloper output isn't header. check headers.
@ircmaxell óÒ stackoverflow.com/questions/7475437/… is going really crazy. It's at +40 now :D
@OZ_ How I check the Headers? I already write the Headers in the start of every php file as shown in the code.
@ALL I stayed about 2 days in that small matter. please anyone knows the trick in that tell me. Thanks
@OZ_ Ihave checked the Header and it gives me the following:-
["X-Powered-By: PHP\/5.2.13","Content-Type: application\/json; charset=windows-1256"]
@TopDeveloper now change it to utf-8
@Gordon ok I will do and tell you the result
hey guys
small question
how can i make mysql to sort by baltic characters ?
as in : a , ā , b , c , č , d , e, ē ....
@tereško collation
@Gordon and OZ_ the header now is
["X-Powered-By: PHP\/5.2.13","Content-Type: application\/json; charset=utf-8"]
but the data still could not be read
can you do a screenshot of the page so we can see what you mean by that?
@nikic, yeah. Got a second guru badge for it. 2 more points and its my highest rqted answer. 60 more points for another badge...
the Screenshot is uploaded
@TopDeveloper i see
as you see the CarModelName is not understood
@KamilTomšík , i doesnt seem to work
@tereško really should - or at least I can tell it works for czech lang
it is written in arabic language
@OZ_ and Gordon any hint ?
@TopDeveloper so part of your data is written in one charset, another part - in another, and you don't want to change it?
@OZ_ the two parts are encoded using Windows-1256 but json is encoded using UTF-8 so I need to change the json data sent from UTF-8 to Windows-1256 in Javascript part and I do not need to change the others to UTF-8 as this may not make the web pages displays arabic well
@OZ_ I also need to use JSON to send the data array from one list to the other in PHP using JQuery and Ajax
@TopDeveloper sorry, cant help with that. i dont understand why you cant just use utf-8.
hello php
@Gordon thanks for your replies and I will try more till I get the solution. Thanks again
You can't change JSON to anything other than UTF-8, if you do then it is no longer JSON.
i want to find distance from see level on google map with my latitude and longitude
how can i do???
@salathe what?
@OZ_ then I will get the same problem as Json in the end will be sent as UTF-8
@keyur have you read the documentation
ya but exactly what i have to do???
@OZ_ JSON is UTF-8. Any other encoding is not JSON even if it looks like it.
@keyur read the documentation
i got markers but cant get height from see level
@Salathe thanks for the comment and this is really my problem I would like to control the encoding of json or at least convert it from UTF-8 to ANSI when it is received in the Javascript
@salathe you can send answer in any encoding, it will be just transformed into \x54654 crap
@OZ_ he wants the actual JSON to be non-UTF-8, which is wrong.
yes and How I can view it in arabic using Windows-1256 encoding and ANSI file saving
decoder will decode it from unicode anyway, not from windows-1256
@Salathe I do not want JSON to be non-utf8
@TopDeveloper no way
@TopDeveloper so what's the problem?!
I want to convert it when sending it in php and when receiving it in JS
I know json used UTF-8 as default and the only solution is to convert the sent json data to my desired character encoding
@TopDeveloper so before json_encode, try do one of 2 things: 1) iconv("utf-8","windows-1256", "text"); 2) iconv("windows-1256","utf-8", "text");
I used the known conversion JS functions like escape and encodeURIcomponent but no valid output comes
@TopDeveloper body of json answer will be in unicode anyway
@OZ_ so I will try to use this before the text part I append it to my data array before encoding it to json
@TopDeveloper encode whole text, not parts
@OZ_ yes I agree with you. json is utf-8 encoded but it should be available to convert it before sending and after receiving it
is it avaialble to use iconv with array not string ??
is fontsquirrel.com lagging for others too ?
@TopDeveloper no.
@tereško works slowly
but fonts looks ok
So I only can use it with the text part as my array has two parts key(integer) and value(string)
@TopDeveloper yes, do try it :)
@OZ_ there is something in the solution logic
I need to change the output of json in JS not the input as the input is converted to UTF-8 ok
ok anyhow i will check that
@TopDeveloper have you tried my variants?
@TopDeveloper your page is in windows-1256, so all data in your page should be in that crappy encoding
@TopDeveloper or, you can change encoding of page (from windows-1256 to utf-8)
i want to remove duplicate rows from given table
id lat long speed date address
1 22.92138131 72.44103313 3.96 km/h 2011-09-26 National, Gujarat, India
2 22.92138145 72.44103413 13.96 km/h 2011-09-26 National, Gujarat, India
3 22.92138134 72.44103423 15.96 km/h 2011-09-26 National, Gujarat, India
4 22.92138454 72.44103233 13.96 km/h 2011-09-26 10t ring Rd, Nehru Nagar
5 22.92138354 72.44102533 13.96 km/h 2011-09-26 Anandnagar Rd, Ahmedabad
here i want to write query in such way that my result look like this:

id lat long speed date address
1 22.92138131 72.44103313 3.96 km/h 2011-09-26 National, Gujarat, India
4 22.92138454 72.44103233 13.96 km/h 2011-09-26 10t ring Rd, Nehru Nagar
5 22.92138354 72.44102533 13.96 km/h 2011-09-26 Anandnagar Rd, Ahme
so many digits. that's cool
@OZ_ I have tried iconv as you said but the same appearence still there
@TopDeveloper then I can't help you. Only what can I say - all data in your page should be in one charset.
@OZ_ is there any function in JavaScript to converts utf-8 to Windows-1256 ?
@TopDeveloper I don't know
@maulikpatel so, and what have you tried?
@OZ_ Thanks alot
I appreciate your patience and what you suggest for help
Hi everyone, would there be a reason why, with SESSION START initialised on every page, my forms don't 'remember' their submitted values when i click the back button?
@maulikpatel ena mate google ni v3 api joi le
@Dan did you write the session values into the form fields?
@Dan Or the oppossite, did you save the form fields into session values?
Hi Gordon, well each form field has a 'name', then on each continuous page i have $_SESSION['formname'] = $_POST['formname']; from the previous page's submit?
It all carries though ok because they all insert into my database fine on the final 'confirm' page, i just expected them to still be there when i clicked back?
@Zirak It looks like that's what i've done doesn't it?
Yep, you saved them right. But check in the forms, if you printed out the session values. The forms don't automagically know that they're supposed to have session values.
hey does any one know how website create dynamic search from urls like this
i also try to create this but not albe to..!!
in these you just need to change
with some thing else
@Zirak You've lost me (honestly doesn't take much). Can you show me if it isn't too much trouble?
@BasicBridge no offense, but do an introductory tutorial about PHP please that explains how to use $_GET
Short-snippet example: <input value="<?php echo $_SESSION['something'];?>" />
@Gordon i know about them very well but i want to use this from url..!!
where people just change the url and search take place
@BasicBridge you apparently do not understand them well if you have to ask this question.
@Zirak Ah right, and if $_SESSION['something'] isn't set yet, it won't show?
@Gordon ok no fights can you show me some blog url where this might explain ..!!
@Dan In this case, methinks it'll throw a notice (undefined index, something like that.) So a check is necessary as well
Something like this: codepad.viper-7.com/8Os9KB
@Zirak Thanks so much, will have a play around with this today.
@Gordon That is pure gem-teh-cod-plz
and you did it.
@Dan Enjoy
@gordon thanx a lot dear
cool, got dv'ed on stackoverflow.com/questions/7582443/…. the serial dv continues.
@Zirak something like this for each form element: <<?php if isset($_SESSION['something']) { ?> input value="<?php echo $_SESSION['something'];?>" <?php } else .../>
@Dan This sets a conditional to the entire tag, when I think you only want the value.
@Zirak But the value is within the tag right? So i'll just leave everything else relevant to that form element outside of the condition...<input type = "text" name = "something" <?php [condition] ?> />?
@Zirak :) Thanks again
np at all
@Zirak Works like a charm :)
@Zirak just a hint, you can create a function instead of writing the code for each filed, you can do something like DefaultValue('filed_name');
@OmeidHerat Yeah, I thought of that, but wanted to make it as simple as possible
Makes sense, but in fact a function is simpler.
@Zirak You must have dealt with me before
Hi All
This is my first time to be in a chat room
Anyone There
function DefaultValue($filed_name){
   return isset($_SESSION[$filed_name) ? $_SESSION[$filed_name] : $default_values_array[$filed_name];
@OmeidHerat Maybe a return instead of echo? So that you'll know where the prints are coming from
Can Anyone help me with how can i create Hello WOrld Using ZEND
changed :)
Acctually I am Confused About Something Callled as addaptor Class
@Gordon hemmm if he is going to call it will be another one of these, maybe the top one ?
@OmeidHerat i dont care. OP asked how to do it with Zend.
but you give the Contact Us link not Getting Start Tutorial or something like that.
@OmeidHerat Zend is a company.
@Gordon Thanks But I did that but i am getting errors
@Gordon hahaha now I got it, doing a hello world with zend.
@Scorpion Call them again and tell them the error please.
@Gordon := Thanks for Ur response... I am a developer and I work in a company.. They wont allow me to call
This is funny
@Scorpion then you cannot do it with Zend. But maybe you can ask your manager to call them.
@Gordon Thanks A Lot... But Can u tell me which is the Best and Easy book for a beginner to Start With Basic Concepts of Zend...
@Scorpion I dont think there is any books about that
@Scorpion how good is your php ?
@Scorpion btw, where are you from?
@Omeid.. Not That Good... C i was working on Python and i switched to PHP(Zend) now... I read PHP for 10 days and I think that was enough to start zend... But i ma not understanding Zend.. May BeI ll Loose my Job If I could't make It...
I am from Kashmir...
@Scorpion if I was you, I would have quit the job before getting fired, you may put up something together to get this one done but you just can't keep asking people.
Zend is the most advanced (some might not agree though) PHP Freamwork and you should understand PHP vary well and have an understanding of programming concepts to use.
<<< some
Who wants, can congratulate me, since I wrote today my first chrome plugin. :)
@Eugene gz
@Omeid :- I am giving more then 18 hours a day to learn.. I just need a proper guideline to go ahead.. Well I have no one to ask here who has PHP experience... I was very much keep to join Php and To work on Php... I don't want to loose this oppertunity... infact i know i ll never get it again..I have 1.5 years of Experience in Django and Python...
If only it was so simple under FireFox :)
@Scorpion first try to learn in 10 years not 10 days, if you want to learn grab some good books and give sometime, do small projects, that is how you should learn.
@omeid .. You are right..but u know i am working and cant give that much time now.. I just want to start with the basic and carry on to advanced... I just need a good book to learn Zend...
Acctually I am doing Magento which uses Zend and Php... So it is a bit difficult to deal with all 3 at once... So i have Scheduled my time the way where i can do all the three....
I'm trying to build automatic database deployment in PHP. The tables are described as creation scripts in the PHP, and they get executed if the tables do not exist... This is great, but when we have multiple versions or there are tables of the same name, we get problems.
Is there a way that I could use the creation scripts to create a temporary table, and somehow compare it with the table that's in the database of the same name?
@Scorpion look, let me be brutally honest here, if you can't find a book about Zend then your understanding of computer programming is not enough. here is the books but that wouldn't help you, if you are working with a real company you will get fired.
@Gordon @ircmaxell do you have any ideas?
@Greg prefixed_tables maybe ?
@OmeidHerat how would you compare the temp table and an existent table?

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