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So what's a better alternative?
Avoiding the operation altogether...
@NikiC yes. I've got:
Depending on context, use an SplQueue
array(3) {
  float(312.36020207405) //total time
  float(0.0031236020207405) //avg time
  int(100000) //count of iterations
//current($array) + unset($array[key($array)]):
array(3) {
So which of you is going to programme something to play that game for them? I'm looking at you @AlmaDo
@Fabien huh, what?
@AmalMurali : :D
so why array_shift() is so crap? re-indexing?
//me is lazy to go to lxr :p
@AlmaDo yes
Shift and unshift have to reindex every element in the array
holy crap..
Well it's pretty obvious if you think about it...
same goes for splice
(well, every element after the position you splice)
yes, but in many cases, if we don't care about keys - we can avoid array_shift() with current+key+unset
not same for splice
True, but you'd just generally do better to use a data structure that's appropriate for the job in hand
Goddamnit why do people keep upvoting this stackoverflow.com/a/22377491/508666 ???
@PeeHaa fixed
@Fabien Dammit indeed.
afternoon all just wondering if i could ask for some information
tnx roomsters
@user3387522 : :) morning check the link.
good morning
@user3387522 : to you too.. :) FYI i didn't make these rules :P
lol its fine just wondering if someone could help me
@Patrick sorry
@Fabien What's your high score?
I just hit 7764.
@user3387522 : just ask what you want to know.. if someone knows they will get back to you..
@DanLugg who cares about score... what was your highest piece?
@ALL i was wondering what is the easiest way to call two php functions using one l call at the moment i am using

$opt->addNewMediaCrossRef($Job, $Career, $Uniq_id);


$opt->addNewMediaRecord($Subject, $Section, $Principle, $Title, $Blurb, $Uniq_id, $Job, $Career);

How can i combines these both to call both functions at once
@Patrick Also, I care about score.
I'm on a good run with a 512 and 2 128 right now, lets see if I can get further
I had a 512, and two 256s I couldn't match.
@DanLugg 8652 w/ 512
just got 7896. It's so painful when you have to tiles that can merge but you can't get them together
But the rush when you're about to lose but then BOOM the whole board opens up
@AlmaDo my best was a 2048 tile… after many hours^^ score 20600…
what game you playing
@bwoebi gz (:
@AlmaDo though… I needed to cheat once at score 17764 :-(
so send a message to dev. - and ask him to increase limit up to 4096
remove one tile of value 2…
hehe. I feel guilty (:
whole room.. good lord..
@AlmaDo you feel guilty of what?
It's a funny game^^
@bwoebi well, I've stolen sleeping time from Jack, Leri, Leigh, DanLugg and many others :p
I still wasn't able to pass 512..
@AlmaDo not mine.
But I've tried too few times
@AlmaDo what game you playing
Remove the bottom right tile: this.over = false; var a = {x: 3, y: 3}; this.grid.removeTile(a);
^ That's what I meant by cheating ^.^
but I swear, I obtained the 1024 fully without cheating!
anyone here can help me wiith behat/mink?
@bwoebi 1024 is ok, it's @Jack's record now
@AlmaDo and that was as said at score 17764 ;-) (where I first cheated)
so you're not free to sleep yet. Go achieve 2048 (:
@AlmaDo no, not now. Working first a bit in my winshit vm
T-T i only had 1304 on my first try..
@bwoebi who said anything about work :p you have work? great, do it. But instead of go to bed - go achieve then 2048 :p
@AlmaDo well, my work includes sleeping at the right time to continue working the next day :-P
God damn it. 128, 128, 256 and 512.
^ slacker (:
Good morning
@AlmaDo currently building that for android. Just for fun
@ircmaxell yeah, good idea
morning btw
I'll do that for IOS then :p
Wonder how far I can get mashing keys
You guys could make millions. Better than flappy bird.
@AlmaDo well, yeah… put the JS in an UIWebView and add some swipe handler and finitum…
add some ads, overnight millionaire
@bwoebi too trivial
It broke during my mashing session :(
I wonder if we'll steal those money from author
I was doing well too
@AlmaDo ya, maybe make field bigger and go up to 16384 :-D
and let user to set field size. so 4x4 for 2048 and 5x5 for 8192
New Special Achievement. How low can you score?
Why not :p
yey 3228
funny arithmetics
good point, btw. I don't think you can go below 64
anyone knows how to hover a div with behat mink?
@Fabien has more sense than flappy bird
Circular motion mashing worked quite well
tried again. only 512..
@AlmaDo damnit! I thought it was like Tetris, and I kept getting rid of my big numbers =o(
welcome to the club, @crypticツ
time wasters club
Anyone got any bright ideas as to how the following could ever occur:
> PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function date()
(because it has occurred)
no need to make an IOS port, btw. It's this
And no, there are no unicode funny chars in there
Doesn't PhoneGap work on all?
@DaveRandom funny chars?
@AlmaDo Yeh like weird lookalikes or invisible joiners
@DaveRandom blame Derick? Isn't he responsible for that?
@DaveRandom honestly - no other ideas. Because.. well. Try call_user_func('date') next line..
damn invisible joiners
@AlmaDo i'm nightshift so no harm done ;)
@DaveRandom disabled_functions?
^ noone will do that if sane
If you can't figure it out just click here
Annoyingly these are errors that we cannot manually provoke, they just end up in the error log every day. It now appears that they coincide with log rotation (they always follow syslogd restart events)
@iroegbu lol
@bwoebi but would that produce fatal (call to undef. function)?
@AlmaDo Yeh it removes them from the symbol table IIRC
@AlmaDo It produces a fatal, but not sure if error message changes
@DaveRandom ok, never used that
later room, home run
@Saptarsi what is the progress with the android thing? did u check anything?
Hello All ...hmmm i need rate_date plus timestamp for that should i use timestamp or DATETIME ....what would be better choice :)?
@Maria it depends on what you are trying to achieve. the logic.
@Maria Actually in MySQL - just use DATETIME - it stored both dates and times (like timestamp does), but has a much wider set of usable dates. dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/datetime.html
In other DBs the timestamp can store millisecond components for when you need that precision, but that gets thrown away in MySQL.
So that data type is pretty useless.
@nick Thankx for responsing i need to create a RATE par WEEK for images (u know like model of week thing
@Maria go for the DATETIME as @Danack mentioned. .
okay thank you @danack and Nick tc
@DaveRandom "That can't possibly happen!" - #thingsProgrammersSay You aren't doing anything funky like restoring ini files at the same time as doing the log rotation?
@HamZa Sure he didn't cheat (too)? :-)
@bwoebi he'll never accept that :p but we know... hehe
@Danack Not my log rotate routine so don't know but interesting question
Hey =]
I can only get 256 :'(
@Jimbo I got 1024
@HamZa ya, me too… but then it gets hard ^^
@Jimbo I can mash and get 256 :P
hmmm ... two hours later and everyone is still talking about 2048 ...
@Fabien Annoying that.. first time I played Witcher 2 and tried the beginning bit that decides what difficulty level you should choose to play at, I tried all strategically and got "medium", yet my gf tried it and isn't a big action gamer and after button mashing got "hard"
@rdlowrey yes, powers of two are too nice to not talk about… you agree, no?
\2/ (hooray for 2)
I got 1024 too @HamZa :/
get_url('do_login.php', 'ttr_retorno_ajax', 'login_username='+email+'&secretkey='+pass+'&domain='+domain+'&captcha='+captcha‌​);
what might be inside do_login.php?
Good evening everybody. I want column to be searched in PHP. Please help in getting the code corrected. Question:22369443
@Mohan how many times have you said that here ?
@Jimbo Nobody likes a button masher. You should get rid of her.
@Mohan - are you a developer at all or just a guy who needs some code done asap for free?
@Fabien The gloating afterwards lasted for days. She makes good cups of tea though
Sorry dear guys.
is there anyway to unserialze php serialzed object using MYSQL ?
Q: Unserialize through query at database level itself

Angelin NadarI have a column value in database as : a:2:{i:0;s:2:"US";i:1;s:2:"19";} I want to unserialize it by mysql query raher than using php function unserialize after fetching data. I want to unserailize by mysql query bcoz I cannot join the other table with the serilaized value rather than exec...

MySQL doesn't know what a PHP serialization is. You can't do it. :(((
@samitha what problem are you trying to solve? This doesn't sound like a very reasonable approach to me
i have a table called get_sync
anyone tried 2048 on IE yet?
i'm keeping sql queries (DDL) there
@iroegbu a big no
and i'm keping serialized data
i want to execute that query using a trigger @Patrick
cheater xD
@samitha this sounds like a big mess, what exactly are you trying to do? (the big picture)
Ok, someone give me a link to that game.
I need to see what all the fuss is about.
@samitha - MySQL is data storage, it can't manipulate formats from other languages. In theory, you can create a UDF that can attempt to unserialize the string in a column, but the whole approach is absolutely wrong
warning, it's addicting :P
You may call it the flappy bird for developers xD
@samitha you can't be serious... :x
lol ...
I think I've won, because I can't move anymore
@Simon_eQ You need to get the 2048 tile to win
you can move to the right btw
@Simon_eQ try left or right...
How do I get the 2048 ?
@Simon_eQ merge the tiles until you get 2048
> GET 2048 HTTP/1.1
^ the game is trolling me…
@bwoebi ahahahahaha
does mink mouseOver has a bug? I keep having this error when trying to hover a div:
Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
Command duration or timeout: 28 milliseconds
2048 as a tile not as a score. Each tiles merge into their sum, if the numbers are the same when they collide that is.
What if I win and die in the year 2048? I don't like this game oO
@bwoebi that sucks
@Simon_eQ and I don't like "What if" questions
ps: not constructive
I'll quit there. That's good enough for me
Its a game of luck, just like any other game out there :/
@Simon_eQ blame the random function mwahahaha
@HamZa I would've liked to see the source code, that would've been more interesting
@Simon_eQ It's javascript… look at the html source to get the JS?
@bwoebi I thought it was php/ajax :)
I got stop thinking PHP owns the world
@NikiC I haven't yet read the unicode threads on internals… are they worth reading? Just asking because I think it's anyway not possible to satisfy at the same time the ones which like to work on binary strings etc. and the ones which like to work on unicode strings… So I'm seeing no point in the whole discussion!?
@bwoebi Uh, I can't help you there
I didn't read them either ^^
Well, you helped me by just considering them yourself not worth reading :-)
@Simon_eQ What's this?
Saw it on someones facebook, too. 2048
@webarto ^
@webarto look at the first pin on the right
Ok, I'm blind, thanks :)
@rogcg Which 'driver' are you using?
@Danack webdriver
is there a way to get the first element in a div with mink ?
if I run $element->find it should return the first element
@rogcg I guess - How are are you initialising the driver?
class: 'FeatureContext'
javascript_session: 'selenium2'
browser_name: firefox
goutte: ~
Is that some Symfony config or something?
tbh I don't really know, you should be able to get divs - if it's saying that the element is not visible, it sounds like it's not rendering the page, so maybe it's actually running in headless mode?
it's no headless
I think the problem is the way of retrievin the element itself
The pattern ↓ ↓ → ← ↑ ↑ works rather well, you rarely end with less than 512.
So, a combination of that, and well timed strategic moves, may very well prove a win.
@DanLugg I agree, but after that it doesn't work anymore… never got an 1024 with any pattern
@bwoebi True, I just mean to get up to 1024; I've successfully gotten a pair of 512s with it, but they were unconnectable.
@DanLugg how about random?
@AlmaDo Yea, that "works" too.
Also, for those interested in "Hard mode", just run the following before the game:
with same result. I guess
function () {
  if (this.grid.cellsAvailable()) {
    var value = Math.random() < 0.9 ? 0.5 : 1;
    var tile = new Tile(this.grid.randomAvailableCell(), value);
Easy mode would be swapping out for var value = Math.random() < 0.9 ? 16 : 32;
seriously? i reached 2,548 on my 1st try. its not that complicated. just build a lot of 4s then 8s then 16 then 32. to easy
Uh, not points; the tile value.
@mAsT3RpEE no. you didn't get it. 2048 as a number at one piece (square)
it's near 24.000 points..
not the final score?? jesus man! that's impossible!
heh, my best is 512, but I'm slacker. Tried 3-5 times only..
lol, try "hard mode" ^^^
A: mysql unknown column in where clause

John CondeYou're missing quotes around your string value: $SQL = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE id = $randomId"; should be $SQL = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE id = '$randomId'";

Typo questions!
Where is @teresko? :D
string id? not typo. stupid
@AlmaDo you need at least 2048*9 points
@AlmaDo: Who is?
@AmalMurali question
ya 512 is my limit as well. it's impossible to go higher.
Haha, lol. A 30K user suspended for plagiarism. evill laugh
does anyone know the status of unicode characters in URL / URI specification?
@mAsT3RpEE In what respect?
what sections are they allowed?
 *   foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
 *   \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
 *    |           |            |            |        |
 * scheme     authority       path        query   fragment
 *    |   _____________________|__
 *   / \ /                        \
 *   urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
@mAsT3RpEE Everywhere except scheme and (for obvious reasons) port number
Everything after the authority it's the server's job to handle
i was almost finished!
Doing what, exactly?
^ 2048 (:
building a class to handle all urls.
$url = new URL(string);
Don't try and handle the content, just break it up into parts
No. You just have to merge the tiles. And make it 2048. That's your destiny.
Although tbh, whether it contains non-ascii isn't relevant since it's delimited by ascii characters
@AlmaDo 2048 is for pussies. 8192 that bad-boy up.
How about 9001 then?
is there a dev around that can confirm if parse_url() uses rfc spec's to split up parts? ie (pypi.python.org/pypi/rfc3987)
@DaveRandom that's impossible to get through.
4096 should be the absolute maximum feasible with that grid
@mAsT3RpEE No it absolutely does not, it uses a horrifying routine that involves quite a lot of guesswork
@bwoebi Any solid mathematical basis for that statement?
I mean logically there must be a limit but I have no idea how to work out what it is
Dammit python is advancing beyound php! with other technologies getting into the server scripting scene something must be done to keep php on top.
@DaveRandom well… you'd (for 8192) need at the worst point two 2 and a 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096 tile. Which are 12 tiles… and then you want to move around?! in a little 4x4 grid
@bwoebi It's theoretically possible though...
yes and no
Only with luck
when the random function puts blocks there where you don't need them, then you're fucked up.
no its impossible to get 512 i had to join 2 256 tiles. that took up 2 lines alone.
to get 1024 i would need all tiles + 1 extra.
I just discovered a new pattern. Right - Down - Left - Down. That'll take you as far as 8800.
@AmalMurali with luck.
I came with that pattern just now to 7196
^^ In other news, room 11 productivity reaches an all time low
No, we're learning the powers of two. That's productive!
lol, @rdlowrey learns the alphabet, the rest of us learn to count.
I've avoided 2048 like the plague.
I've actually been pretty productive these last two days. I
edit FTW. markdown fail
VI (@bwoebi screwed it up, "D" is 500)
@rdlowrey dat edit :-D
Correct answer, @Simon_eQ. You get a ... sorry, you don't get anything. :P
ኣስራ ኣምስት
Work that out :)
Box plus box plus box plus unicode fail?
@DanLugg try here
Ewww. Flash
Squigly plus squigly plus squigly-with-a-hat, plus multilingual fail?
@AmalMurali Not my site.
@Simon_eQ: I know.
... and someone has patented it. smh..
lol @ their "Terms of Use" link
I just checked it too :)
okay, time for another round of 2048. This time I'm gonna win it.
I tried to create something similar with Javascript, about a year ago .. E_TOO_DAMN_HARD
and .NET is missing too
> On the backend, what language would you choose?
I thought Javascript was like 80% front-end
C# is pretty cool. would like to develope with that.
@DanLugg I'm working on yesterday's idea.
I've included generic file upload functionality too.
Is it an ExpiresDefault Apache directive enough to avoid HTTP Status 304 responses from the server? I have set ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 years" but I'm still seeing log entries with a 304 response for "GET /assets/template/default/css/style.min.css?v=1 HTTP/1.1" whenever I open any page on a local site.
when 2 concurrent users invoke a php script at the same time by clicking a button does the server process the requests 1 by 1 or at the same time?
It kinda gets confusing, that base interface implements three methods (filetype, size, name) but image interface requires one additional (size in pixels) So, I'm making one 2 base interfaces :)
I will gist it when I finish the skeleton @DanLugg
The Expires: header should have nothing to do with 304 which will be controlled by a matching If-Match or If-Modified-Since header. The client passes those values along with its request and if apache determines that the resource has not either (1) been modified since the value of the client's header or (2) the Etag identifier matches then a 304 response will result.
Servers send E-Tag and Last-Modified headers. Clients send back If-Match and If-Modified-Since headers.
If you're sending out an Expires header ten years in the future then clients are more likely not to make a new request at all; they'll simply pull the cached version they have stored locally instead.
@rdlowrey Yes, that's what I want to ensure. I want clients to not make a new request for cached resources, but for some reason whenever I open a new page the client is asking for the CSS file
Then send an Expires: 0 header ... right now you're telling clients that resources don't expire for ten years.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Browsers aren't required to observe your expires header.
You can't prevent that behavior. What they're doing is sensible anyway. There's no harm in a client asking the server if the resource has been changed before serving up a cached version.
@rdlowrey Can you post that as an answer to this please? stackoverflow.com/questions/22383125/…
@Simon_eQ You're cooking what for dinner?
@rdlowrey can you answer my question?
@DanLugg A chicken interface
A: Avoiding 304 (not modified) responses

rdlowreyThe Expires: header your server sends out has nothing to do with future 304 responses. It provides only an estimate to clients/proxies for how long they can wait before considering a resource "stale." Clients aren't required to observe this header and are free to continue making new requests for ...

@ThatBrazilianGuy See above.
@rdlowrey do you have a test suite for your pthreads adapter ?? have you tested in the last few days ?
I do have tests ... they don't have ultra-high coverage but it's enough to ensure things work how I expect them too.
you couldn't just pull from git and run them could you ?
I don't think I've run the suite in the last five days, but I can if you need to know if things work with the latest pthreads.
that'd be great :)
the manual is going to be updated tomorrow, so need to release really, but I've not had much feedback, my test suite passes ... and the code I've written recently in promises is fine ...
actually I get one failed test, but it's not a fault ...
@Saptarsi : this is a very confusing thing but i think it runs one by one... .. but i am not sure.. someone else might help...

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