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@hussain actually, that's explained in the first few chapters of php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php isnt it?
@ircmaxell If you ever used Lisp, then you'd see that in lisp parenthesis are just different. You don't even notice all those parentheses, as lisp works much with indentation and the parenthesis aren't really important.
@Gordon will you please save me some time?
@hussain that's india-asking pattern ;)
@hussain cd path-to-pdo-src && make install clean
@Gordon no its not...i'm on this thing for about an hour now...and i'm not at all familiar with CLI...i'm amazed you remember things from yesterday ;)
@NikiC it was a joke
Oh, and just a PS: If you don't know how to install stuff on a server you should definitely not be the one managing it. You'll probably just get bot-net-d.
@ircmaxell I know, but I don't like everybody laughing about poor little lisp :(
@NikiC where do i have to go to run this command ?
In Command Line?
@NikiC :-D
@Robik I'm zero at ommand line ...any helpful material might help...
You know where php.ini is?
@hussain I think what would help most is if you tell which OS you are on ;)
@Robik yes i do and i changed it to have PDO activated but still no luck .... server is on Linux
I've got a question about htaccess: RewriteRule ^/?$ /index.php?abc
Well, it's more kind of an issue with regex.
How do I tell it to rewriterule without having to matching anything?
@tereško My hero! (or, well, as near as one could get!) Thanks mate.
honestly i did not understand the question
@hussain I think in that time you would finished reading How-To Install PDO in documentation.
@NikiC , can you translate ?
@tereško Down from 15 to 5 after they fucked up the certificates. Really nice to see.
@NikiC It's either really good, or really bad. From what I've learned in the world, chance are the latter one.
(What I'm trying to say: You will be punished hard if you don't take security serious. That's all.)
@Robik just a of step-by-step-guide-to-php-cli would be great...any links...please
@hussain Google for "install php pdo on %YOUR_OPERATING_SYSTEM%" and click on the first link. It'll probably be exactly what you want ;)
@NikiC ++
@NikiC Did you see Digitar went under?
@NikiC your talking to someone who does not know the basics ... does anybody like to be a good teaher here, please?
@NikiC if google was the best thing out there, why come here?
You don't know the PHP basics?
Tip: learn how to program first. (and not in PHP). Then switching to PHP is just learning another dialect (which is easy)
basics of php-cli
Basics of php-cli?
@hussain I already told you, if you don't know the basics, just don't do it. If you set up an online server and you don't know exactly what you do, people will quickly hack it and make it part of a bot net. And YOU will be held liable for that, i.e. YOU go to court and YOU pay for the damage. That's why you shouldn't do it, if you don't know what you do ;)
17 mins ago, by hussain
@NikiC where do i have to go to run this command ?
@Robik yeah like installig things in cli...
Oh, disregard my last statement
(I really need to stop saying that. I comes off all wrong)
@ircmaxell i disregarded it al right .... u didnt mean any offence anyway ;)
While I think it's 100% true, it also comes off elitist and bad
@ircmaxell happens with most of us...
@ircmaxell What have you used before PHP?
Want the full list?
@NikiC no man im not setting up a server .... i have a script that runs only with PDO enabled and the most fuking-freakish thing is PDO IS DISABLED on the server... doesnt mean i disregard your views and concerns...infact i dont mean to go deep inti this shit...just wanna get my fuking script work...
@ircmaxell i'd like to have a full list man
Try restarting Apache.
@Robik already did
What prevents you from reading that LMGTFY googled?
Used a lot: Basic, Assembly, C, C++, Fortran, Perl, Pascal, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Java
A Little Bit: Visual FoxPro,
@Robik well written questions
@ircmaxell your mare existance must be LOGICAL man :)
@ircmaxell Hey, so you do know C! You were lying to me!!
I do, but I haven't used it in nearly a decade
@tereško ?
since learning PHP: Ruby and Python
@Robik lmgtfy.com/…opens up a google-like window
@NikiC I never said I didn't know it. I said I'm not good enough with it. I can read it quite fine (including most complex pointer operations)
how could it be better than google?
It Googles for you
It's meant to show people how to google
@Robik you know they are discouraged :)
you wouldn't use it yourself
@ircmaxell Once C, always C. Go fix __destruct! (:P)
@NikiC LOL
@Robik ok let me try
It's been about 20 years since I first learned it. And 15 since I used it significantly. And 10 since I used it even insignificantly
hmm .. same .. only 1:2 scale
@Robik thanx mate ... im reading it up now...:)
Was it that hard?
@ircmaxell I don't think it makes much of a difference. It's just like any other language, just with other syntax. And if you still know pointer magic, writing it should be not much of a problem ;)
@Robik It does not make reading all that stuff easy...does it?
Nope :)
thanx anyway ..;.;.;.;.;
40 minutes
40 minutes?
40 minutes!
@NikiC Well, I haven't used an unmanaged language in about 5 to 10 years. So it would take a bit to get back into the swing with that
@NikiC what @Robik said ;)
Pointer magic isn't really all that magical. It's pretty straight forward once you understand how to think about it...
@ircmaxell Basic pointer math is trivial, yes. But sometimes you can get lost in the depths of pointers to pointer to pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers ;)
Well, that's not a byproduct of pointers. It's a byproduct of bad design :-D
So what destructor bug are you referring to?
Just looking over the architecture of my application... the main object's methods are static (seeing as HTTP requests are stateless, it can only be called once per request). Within the main method, objects are instantiated and stored as private variables... is this ok or should they also remain static?
@Greg actually, there shouldnt be any static methods at all and an HTTP request isnt necessarily stateless
@Gordon static methods shouldn't ever be used??
hi all
statics aren't too bad for constants, but I'd definitely agree that they're harmful
@Gordon interesting... I guess there isn't any real reason I don't just instantiate the object...
@Greg i dont know what your request object does. what methods does it have?
@DownDown Hello
@ircmaxell The segfault-on-construct-in-destruct-bug ;)
Is there anyway to use <a href="<? CURRENT_PATH?>/page".
What i mean is there a way to get the current path like localhost/test/dev/page1.php so i only have to add page1.php
@DownDown use <base> tag
@NikiC wait, you mean if you call $this->__construct? or if you do new Foo in the destructor?
@DownDown current path of what?
@ircmaxell new
@Gordon at the current page when i am on localhost/test/dev
@Gordon it just deals with the request - checkPost(), checkSession(), checkCache(), bufferView(), injectScript(), injectStyle(), parseHtml(), saveCache(), getCache()
Really? You can't call another class's constructor in a destructor? I thought I've done that (yet alone seen it work)
@Greg there is a bunch of methods in the Request object that I wouldnt consider the responsibility of the Request
@ircmaxell No, no. It was about recursion happening in the destructor causing a segfault instead of a memory limit error ;) You didn't like that.
__destruct { new self }
@Gordon hmm I see, may need a lot of re-architecturing then...
@Greg for instance injectStyle rather sounds like it belongs to some HtmlTemplate object
@Greg and what HTML could be in a Request that needs a parseHTML()
@Greg and caching? you want to cache the Response but not the Request
@Gordon agreed agreed agreed. :)
is this a good way <a href="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>/page1">
@DownDown A good way of doing what?
retrieving the current path of the page
uh, that looks like a "current directory" path
which would be ./
@Greg Tnx gregg that i needed!
I love references
@NikiC It works for me
$a = &Foo::getInstance(1);
$a = 2;
object(Foo)#2 (2) {
@DownDown I found it on this page: google.co.uk/…
@Greg Yes i saw it 2 but i was focused on the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
$a = &Foo::getInstance(1);
$a = 2;
$a = 3;
$a = 4;
$a = 'bar';
$a = new StdClass;
object(Foo)#3 (2) {
  object(stdClass)#2 (0) {
pointers in PHP hurt my brain
And the source code...
class Foo {

    protected $refVar = null;
    protected $value = null;

    public function __construct($value) {
        $this->value = $value;

    public function __destruct() {
        $foo = &static::getInstance($this->refVar);
        $foo->refVar = &$this->refVar;
        $this->refVar = $foo;

    public function &getInstance($var) {
        $foo = new static($var);
        $foo->refVar = &$foo;
        return $foo;

Gmail needs an "Undo" function for sent mails .. would it be so unreasonable to wait 20 seconds before sending it away ?!
@tereško It's available in labs
@Greg we have pointers in php?
YES ?!?!
@OZ_ I think you missed what ircmaxell pasted
It's reference abuse. Not pointers.
@Greg I know about references in PHP, not about pointers. And yes, I'm too tired to read somebody's code now.
A: In PHP can someone explain cloning vs pointer reference?

ircmaxellBasically, there are two ways variables work in PHP... For everything except objects: Assignment is by value (meaning a copy occurs if you do $a = $b. Reference can be achieved by doing $a = &$b (Note the reference operator operates upon the variable, not the assignment operator, since you...

@tereško seems you finally had enough sleep. Communication skills were reset again.
hey , how can i check with PHP if file have been submitted in input type file?
yeah , but how exactly ?
well ,i will not be empty or undefined
there will be an array key with the input's name attribute
ie: $_FILES["foo"]
i upload my files this way
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'][$i], uniqid().$fileTYPE);
there is this magical site , known as php.net and there you can find a fabled document - The Manual
i know there is but i came here where the help is much better and faster
right now you are asking us to read the manual for you
if you can send me i will read for both of us wink
googled it , and can't find it
hey guys has anyone used: openinviter.com
is it the best tool for the job ( importing addresses from Yahoo etc... )
never heard of it
ah ok - it gets peoples contact details from their email provider
Can you help me please?
with what?
I am looking for a solution for PHP and comet. I would like to make a chat using Ajax to send the message. I call the function using jquery and send data, it is simple. But the problem is in retrieving new messages. How to retrieve messages using the new solution comet? I need a simple example. I am looking for a solution for non-commercial use - for free.
is this is true:class constants can omit initialization(default to NULL)
@user269867 Huh?
constants are constant values
the entire point of a constant is "set it and forget it"
I believe it is true but someone say you can't initialize constant with NULL
I tried running example also...
it works...
I am just trying to find if i m not missing something
it's not initializing it, it's setting it to null
class constant : const FOO= "ok";
maybe he doesnt speak english
@user269867 do you trolling?
const FOO='ok";
is this initialization or setting it?
@teresko may be dear there exists the difference between initialization and setting the value
5 mins ago, by ircmaxell
it's not initializing it, it's setting it to null
okie then tell me the difference between initializing the class constant
and setting the class constant
he must be trolling
@user269867 You can only set a constant (any constant) exactly once.
so the concept of initialization doesn't really make sense
@ircmaxell okie
@ircmacell can i summarise that constants are always set and variables are initialised?
how can I keep track of files uploaded by a user through an html form (PHP in the back end doing the uploading)
@user269867 : contants ... are ... not .. variable
they do not vary
they cannot vary
if they did, they would no longer be constant
@teresko I knowwwwwwwwwwwww ...I am struggling to understand something ...excuse me if you are getting annoyed by my stupid question .. please
is it possible to APPEND to a session rather than assigning values?
i cant think of how I can keep track of files uploaded by the user
a variable constant is not a variable nor a constant, but a constantly variable variable constant which varies constantly with constant values
@ircmaxell thanks
@ircmaxell this might not help
hahahah ...
thanks ircmaxell and teresko for your time
@tereško it wasn't designed to be
whats w all the flags?
Trolls. Trolls everywhere
@Raynos I'm looking at his questions now - he isn't troll, it's just noob
Noobs are trolls too
gud morning to all
Good evening @david
Again i have the same problem for system Function in php, I m not able to understand them no one is coperate me still
@Robik here is morning
@David Here's evening
@Robik kkkkkk sure
@Robik Not generally. But people with India-asking pattern as @Gordon called it are indeed.
... India-asking pattern ... ?
same question again
Regular Expression?
ack, another table without a tbody
i hate tbody
there's a reason browsers add them for you
they're supposed to be in there
but every browser works without it so...
@MattMcDonald wtf is tbody?
a html tag
a table has 3 sections to choose from when being built
<thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot>
<thead> will be at the top, and takes <th> elements inside table rows
"and which one do you use to make page pretty ?"
<tbody> can have multiple instances and takes <td> elements inside table rows
ideally all of them
or the first 2 in many cases
<tfoot> will be at the end, and takes <tf> elements inside table rows
Wait what
<tf> exists?
@EduardLuca wring answer , you use css for that
what does css have to do with html tags?
@MattMcDonald Honestly, even after being quite some time in this most purist of all chatrooms: That really is unnecessary.
Hay can any one coperate me in this
If you don't need the particular features tbody offers, why use it?
Just using for the sake of using is using for no sake.
@NikiC exactly
@NikiC because it gets used anyways
you're in for a rude awakening when you try to run some JavaScript on that table
@NikiC Because adding it when you're building the table serves as a fine reminder that it's there when doing DOM manipulation later.
@MattMcDonald ok so then why write extra code if it's added by browsers anyways?
less surprises for anyone working on it
@NikiC you need to be banned
@MattMcDonald no worries there, he doesnt think javascript is something o learn
You use <tbody> because its semantic
@tereško wat
Because a <tr> in a <table> is invalid html
You write valid html.
@Raynos no it's not
@EduardLuca its not added by browsers anyway
@EduardLuca yes it is
@Raynos wanna bet?
... your right
you dont need a tbody :\
Then why do browsers add tbodies?
not sure it's weird
@Raynos I should be banned? Am'nt I purist enough?
As of HTML5, tr can exist inside of a table only so long as there's no explicit tbody.
@Charles oh so it's a HTML5 only thing?
maybe because browsers already assume that page is written by clueless twat
In that case for HTML4 you need a tbody
@Raynos I guarantee that if you throw a tbodyless table at an XHTML1 validator, it'll reject it.
@NikiC your promoting hacking, bad practices & programming by coincencidence
You don't need a tbody for HTML 4 either
You never need it
You need it
To be valid
@Charles wront
There's a difference between "needing it" and "it working"
@Raynos validator link pls
Not having a tbody "works" for some value of work
@tereško (insert XHTML joke here)
just make a page with the correct doctype and a table without <tbody> and pass it through the validator. it will pass as XHTML 1.0 even strict
can any one plz give me the gud link for system function in php. I m not able to understand by php manual .....
@Charles :(
Then why do browsers inject tbodies?
@David "Please." "Good."
@Raynos It gets worse. The XHTML1 Strict DTD expressly allows tr inside `table.
No idea why they are injected into the DOM.
@Raynos what's so hard with executing a system() command? it's just system("command")
Anyway use a tbody explicitly
Because browsers are retarded and inject it for you
apologies for the topic change :(
Q: Why do browsers insert tbody element into table elements?

Chris BrandsmaI was playing around with some ideas using raw html and JQuery. One thing I did was to create an table element with a set of rows. <table id="MyTable" > <tr> <td>Title</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> </tr> <...

Doesn't really answer the question, though.
@Charles do u have any Gud link for system command ? i m not able to understand them througn php manual
@David The manual is the best reference for the PHP language. No other site's documentation is superior. If you have problems, perhaps you should provide the code you're using, what you want it to do, what it is doing instead, and what other steps you've taken to solve the problem.

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