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that last one was my 100th answer...
@SecondRikudo dunno who told you that ... but it's wrong ...
@JoeWatkins That last one was my 2,081st :P
I really only answer one kind of question ...
@JoeWatkins Awesome answer. +1. Added few links to manual. if you think it's odd, rollback.
@Leri 'tis cool ...
does that say more people use java than php, or that less people understand java than php ...
pretty picture tho ...
@JoeWatkins More people use it and credits goes to Android. :)
explain c# then ?? ios ??
why is objc nowhere
Because obj-c is used just with ios. :)
Also, fuck Objective-C's syntax
And why is SO blog on cough Wordpress cough?
If you add obj-c's usage to php's usage, you'll get approximately the same usage as Java.
@JoeWatkins Lies, damned lies, and statistics ...
@Leri but C# is only really used on windows platform, and these new cross platform mobile frameworks popping up like xamarin, if xamarin and the like explained the C# usage I would expect objc to at least be in the list somewhere ...
since for everyone taking the easy route there should be 100x taking the difficult one ...
@JoeWatkins And that windows platform includes: desktop environment (wpf and winforms), windows servers (i.e. full web stuff), mobile development, tab development (Windows RT).
Basically, it's every existing technology unified under one vendor.
so that accounts for the activity of about 12 people then ...
mwahaha soap.c, i h4x0r y00!
I roll out of bed every morning and roll down stairs on my chin, because I don't understand legs. Please help ?
public class Legs {
  public function drunkenlyWalkDownTheStairs() {}
class User {
    public $data = array();

    public function __construct($id){
        $this->data = $this->getUser($id);

    private function getUser($id){
        //this is not a real thing, I just couldn't be bothered
        // properly implementing a PDO call
        return $db->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '.$id); // :'(
What the shit
@Leri urgh... why not passing in $data at __construct()?
I'll understand sql injection vulnerability in old legacy project, but I will never understand it in samples!
@Ocramius 1. Not my code. 2. There're larger issues with that code. :)
It's missing /** @todo Fix this shit up! */
@Leri 0_0 DataMapper? ActiveRecord?
Neither heh
@Leri understood :P Good luck with surviving it!
ActiveRecord is just hurtful
DataMapper and DomainObjects I can understand
ActiveRecord for small / simple projects. DataMapper for big ones.
@Leri You're on OSX right?
@Fabien No, I don't use one. I am windows 8.1, atm. Why are you asking?
Was going to ask what your setup was. treat it like a webserver and install apache/nginx php etc or use MAMP
I leaning to the former
ActiveRecord essentially breaks SRP
@Leri I'm also on windows. nice to know.
@mAsT3RpEE doesn't really work :X
I'd rather build a small mapper instead, to be able to move around my domain models freely
@Ocramius Building mappers is time consuming. If its something ill only do once no way. Better to use a generic ActiveRecord. Go home early. Kiss the wife.
@mAsT3RpEE nah, you may want to look into TDG instead. AR is just a pain, the end.
@Fabien I prefer nginx over apache, so I'd do the first. If you are fine with apache, I see no particular reason to install them manually.
ya i suppose.
not time consuming (IMO)
Unless you are doing some unusual configuration.
@Ocramius did you hand highlight that ?
moin @Jimbo
@JoeWatkins what do you mean? :O
Hey man
I thought you meant it was time consuming to highlight ...
Got my talk on Dependency Injection at phpnw tonight :-)
@Leri Yeah nginx for me too. Will do that. Just backing up now then will wipe
@JoeWatkins no, it is not time consuming to build a small mapper :-)
oooh excited @Jimbo ?
@Jimbo have fun!
:15081562 class Album extends ActiveRecord {}

& this?
@mAsT3RpEE sucks. Now every Album has understanding about its associations and instantiation logic
Yeah, looking forward to it :-) aim is not just to show others but hopefully some people may jump in with useful stuff I can learn from too
and you've built yourself a nice maintainance hell
Which reminds me that I have an angularjs talk in 2 weeks... Maybe I should learn angularjs BEFORE that.
@Ocramius Is there any abstraction layer in TableGateway as well?
@Leri yeah, I'm using the Zend\Db one for some small projects. The advantage is that I can throw out my entire persistence layer and my core logic works, which also means that I can upgrade to something more "enterprisey" if needed
Cool. ^
@Ocramius AngularJS is fun.
@AshwinMukhija it is :-) It is like doing JS without the crappy parts of JS! I just need to build up some experience to do a talk about it =_=
// TODO: android native sort may screw things up.
// TODO: Leave better comments next time.
lol ^
"I think ambiguity is one of good point of PHP" PHP internals, what else?
Lousy OSX download takes too long, gotta leave it overnight :(
@Ocramius Yeah, that didn't make sense
I'm really puzzled by all this "extension development"...
You know what I'd like to see in CSS4... colour overlay options. So imagine a fixed white div. When that div (or part of) is over another white div, you could specify a new style.
in more than a decade of PHP-ing, I've probably used a dozen extensions that are the same ones every time... Why do people keep writing custom extensions? O_o
Happy Pancake Day BTW.
@Ocramius Did you read that massage from someone a while ago, that Yahoo has dozens of customs extensions? I wonder what they're doing.
@RouvenWeßling It was Rasmus IIRC, and that sort of message makes me wonder if he actually understands why people use "his" tool.
@Ocramius I'd really like to know more about what they're doing and why they're not contributing them back to PECL if they have universal appeal.
@RouvenWeßling they're not universal appeal... ;)
@salathe Than what are they doing, interfacing with internal applications? Dozens of them?
@RouvenWeßling I don't see why not.
I'm guessing it's technical debt that generates infinite work hours :X
I don't work for Y!, but even where I do work we have a couple of PHP extensions that only ever we will use, they're very problem-specific.
@salathe and it was required to write them as extensions?
@Ocramius the extensions are trivial, gluing C++ code to our PHP layer.
@salathe ok, so why not doing it via an internal API (RPC-alike) then?
because that's crazy, it takes minutes to write an extension to access stable, fast code in another language
mostly, that ^^
when that language is C/C++ you are crazy to do anything but write an extension ...
@JoeWatkins and ages to find someone that knows how to glue it with the php-src macros?
it doesn't take very long to learn, if you have C/C++ programmers that have PHP in their stack and they don't know, then they are lazy as fuck ...
@Ocramius I think you might be over-estimating the work involved... we have no shortage of people able to write an extension.
Is it that complicated to expose an API via RPC-alike calls in C/C++?
(or we might just be lucky?..)
no I don't think there's anyone that can really write in C/C++ that also write in PHP that don't know how it works, its really minimal work ...
Yes, still not an excuse for making something deployable with minimal effort into something complex to deploy and easily fuckupable
I see the exact inverse ... and I am the C programmer :)
I prefer a bridge to a whole layer
@salathe that's a pretty good description of all extensions :)
there are very few that introduce actual functionality, they are all pretty much like that, so we see them as very simple indeed, much simpler than using something like rpc to do the same thing ... and much lighter too ...
@Ocramius You can add some abstraction in extension while you can't if you directly expose API. I.e. you can format data/API for php properly, rather fighting against API.
I am late in discussion, so I might missed something important though.
Good afternoon.
Yo @Duikboot
I am working on an extension right now that could be contributed back to the community, the reason it isn't going to be isn't my call, some places are happy to do that, others have paid my wages to develop an extension and they are competing I guess ... I have no idea how marketing works, if they could I guess they would ...
@JoeWatkins Ohh, look at zeeees‌​!
@Leri I pretty much see the use case for extension as "doing some heavy stuff". Doing "heavy stuff", for me, is a worker problem, not an embedding problem
@RouvenWeßling it's allegedly a lot more than a couple dozen extensions - news.php.net/php.internals/71735
"Yahoo alone has 500+ custom extensions. "
@Danack Hey, was it you who mentioned this thing about references?
@Danack I thought it was > 100 but I wasn't sure, so I aimed low. But that number is nuts.
they are a huge company ...
Yeah, that's more "WAT" than explainable with logic.
@Jack there was a thing about references, yeah that's still a bit confusing - having to explicitly re-reference something.
@JoeWatkins and they made "building it wrong" their mantra? :P
@JoeWatkins Does the company give anything else back to OSS? Than they probably have a good reason not to contribute it back. If they don't, corporate policy sucks.
@Danack Yeah, so the function must be declared as returning a reference ... then to actually receive it you still need the &.
It's documented, though :)
"It's a feature".
No, there was a time when you didn't need the declaration.
But that was considered the call-time return by reference.
And they deprecated that :)
Not sure why it was deprecated, but it required the function to tell the compiler it can return references.
yeah - it just surprised me. I was re-factoring some code, and moved something inside a function call, and had to add stuff to make the code work again.
@Ocramius 500 seems like a big number, like you could never justify that, it's a stretch sure ... but I think you're thinking that there's absolutely always a solution that is as good as writing an extension, that's simply not the case, off the top of my head, imagine you are working in payroll, you want to access some extremely sensitive functionality of the finances suite, it's not really an option to go sending anything over the wire, the only good option there is the tightest integration
possible ...
php_sap.so? :)
start thinking about how massive a company yahoo is and how much legacy code they must be running, it's not so much of a stretch anymore, there are plenty of times across that massive corporate infrastructure where writing extensions is going to be the best solution that exists, regardless of how difficult it is or the cost involved ...
@JoeWatkins that's why we have encryption? :\
@Jack I think that's a slightly different thing. I'm definitely doing it the new way, of declaring the function returning a reference - but then I have to re-reference it when it's assigned.
@Danack Yeah, that's how it works :)
@JoeWatkins to be honest, my feeling is that they have a bunch of C/C++ coders that build their own stuff, and since they are too lazy to use an actual web server that fits their purposes, then they throw everything at PHP as a glue layer
@RouvenWeßling well, not directly, nor do most ... they do allow me time to be me, which involves being involved in OSS, but there is one guy that I know of that is paid to work on the OSS aspects of PHP, one guy, whole planet ...
which is basically like: hey! let's start up an entire enterprise application server to use only its http listener!
And interestingly, this became a friction against upgrades in internal APIs, which shouldn't even be that relevant :P
so yeah, it's misuse if not even abuse :D
one day the API will break, they will have to throw away or redevelop those extensions if they want to run the version of php that breaks it ... but I'll bet they'll have 5 years or more to do that, and the vast majority of them took minutes to write in the first place ...
unrelated ...
not a happy bunny ...
"Can't tell if serious or sarcasm" github.com/php/php-src/pull/470#issuecomment-36570376
If he's serious :O
Well, Prolic probably is
he's always building stuff on the edge :D
I'd always take proper Unicode support over some syntax sugar.
Repeating a question from yesterday, since no one responded yesterday:
I'm not sure what you mean by proper unicode support, but anything that has ever existed called unicode support would have been horrible, and you certainly did not want it ...
Say you have an object that represents a resource (think SplFileObject) that has a method close(). What state should the object be in after calling that method? Or should it even exists at all.
@JoeWatkins True. Doesn't mean I don't want something "proper".
urm, define proper, I have no problem writing applications that are aware and work with unicode character sets, so whats' the problem ??
@RouvenWeßling I'd think that it should be marked as ready for gc and the refcount set to 0.
@bwoebi My rule is usually "Only add docblocks if PhpStorm can't infer the types"
@bwoebi I'm a sucker for @return, but otherwise: meh
Mostly because I'm using NetBeans and it's not as smarty as PhpStorm seems to be.
@NikiC I mainly mean these superfluous docblocks when the args have an explicit typehint already…
I don't really think there's a way to do it without impacting seriously on everything, I thought maybe there was when some new ideas were suggested, but they were immediately snubbed in favour of basically doing what we done before, so far as I can work out ...

$obj = new SplFileObject("/some/path");

should print null.
close doesn't mean free/destroy, it just means close the handle, the object should be unaffected
no, it shouldn't do that I don't think ...
@RouvenWeßling Well, stop using Netbeans
@JoeWatkins Then how do we open the handle again?
@JoeWatkins How should it react when I try to call any other method on it?
how should it, or how does it ??
@NikiC I think superfluous codeblocks are just polluting code: less (clean) code fitting on a page…
@NikiC I might. But I do think it's wrong if the only solution to a problem is "use this one solution of an already small market"
I don't use anything in spl, so don't know how it does work, but calling close shouldn't destroy the object, calling read on a closed file should either open it, or throw an IOException ... but dunno what it does actually do ...
@JoeWatkins Should, as that method does not yet exist.
@RouvenWeßling If the other solutions don't even get close to catching up...
@RouvenWeßling See, @JoeWatkins agrees with keep the object and throw exception :)
It's the only sane thing you can do
NULLing an object during a method call is a rape of the OO system
@NikiC But in that case, when is the object garbage collected?
@JoeWatkins I agree Unicoude is a tough problem, but the amount of shit apps have to go trough now to properly support it is just insane. IMO the best solution would be something like a UnicodeString class.
@AshwinMukhija when it goes out of scope / becomes unreferences
Since it's just been closed, and can't be reopened
@NikiC Right, but how do I sneak that past internals for the procedural API?
it needs one ??
in SPL ??
@RouvenWeßling It's an OO API
With a procedural clone :P
Just be sure not to point it out
@JoeWatkins I'm using it as an example. Background is this pull request: github.com/php/php-src/pull/611
Would it not make sense to actually have a pair of methods, say open and close?
Say it as if it only applied to the OO API ^^
Though I might add close to SplFileObejct as that's actually an issue.
@AshwinMukhija Open is basically __construct()
And you don't want something changing the path as it's kinda a value object
@NikiC So, I should by lying?
True, but I am thinking more on the lines of what should happen after close
@Ocramius I think some edges are missing their labels
very good .. @Ocramius
@RouvenWeßling yeah, fixing 'em
@RouvenWeßling Nah. Just don't be very explicit about it ^^
@Ocramius so sad that it has no directions..
Yeah, couldn't find a decent online tool for it :D
thus, you'll end in infinite recursion :p
@NikiC Maybe I'll just remove all the methods until it's "allowed" to throw exceptions from functions...
Completely different question, what do you guys suggest to serialize binary data? Just serializing it as a string makes for some messy output. Should I just base64 encode it?
@RouvenWeßling No, you can serialize it directly as binary data
serialize output is binary
Even without anything "special" involved it will contain nul bytes and stuff like that
@NikiC It's binary safe, but it's a string, isn't it?. Dumping it on the console makes beep - beep -beep due to control characters
@RouvenWeßling why do you dump serialize data on the console?
@NikiC Testing ;)
@RouvenWeßling Write a dump-with-removal-of-\7 ^^
@NikiC That'd break the unserialize :P
@RouvenWeßling for outputting on console I mean
I always do that when working with crypto, otherwise you always need to wait a few minutes while it beeps...
@JoeWatkins SoapClient::__handleResponse() is starting to look like something ... probably need to do some more refactoring and I'm not sure how to handle all those global state variables =S
with care ...
hehe yeah
The test case works well.
No memory leaks, I was quite surprised.
Now this looks better:
user image
That was some sort of lolwut… We had to study some algorithms for the test. Okay. But I didn't learn the easy ones… And in the test was asked one of the easy ones. So I wrote my own version of the algorithm… (binary search) … And got zero points on it. So… I copied to algorithm to the computer, showed that it works to my teacher and only then I got my points…
In case you haven't seen it yet, reason number #133742 why you don't ever want to use ==.
@NikiC I had a security issue exactly because of that once =_=
@Ocramius you :p
@NikiC so bad? omg… I somehow now expected an internal hex cast…
Maybe we should add a note to the manual that recommends usage of === over ==
@NikiC maybe we should change == just a bit in PHP 6 (as a long-term fix)?
I would like to create my own dynamic form builder. Anyone suggestions or notes to be aware of when creating the DB schema for it?
@bwoebi Dream on. B/C is king.
I vote for a complete swap. It's a simple regex replace
@bwoebi Absolutely.
@RouvenWeßling major PHP versions theoretically allow major BC breaks…
@bwoebi Did you see the reaction from Pierre to my idea of finally merging rand() and mt_rand()?
@RouvenWeßling don't listen to him now. It's Pierre.
Even recruitment agents adding me to their circles on G+ -_-
Not very cool
@JoeWatkins I wrote an email to Dmitry to have a look at my patch so far ... I hope he can give me some more insight into this behemoth called soap ;-)
is his name in the headers ?
He might be thinking by now "damn, why didn't i remove my name from there" lol
@Jes Try the JavaScript room
1 message moved to JavaScript
i already have it there
This is not the backup JavaScript room.
@Jes Are you spamming or what? :D
Yeah, apparently.
@Jack this is backup room for all the things
Quite frankly, we're much better at JavaScript than everyone in that other room, but don't tell anyone ;-)
and that also stands for C#, C, or, what, ever :p
@Jack guess it's okay if his name is in the headers, guess that's why he put his name there ... Dmitry is about the only person that will reply to that sort of email ... but he's hella busy guy, expect a wait ...
I can wait :)
For all I know, all that global state saving doesn't even apply ;-)
If it can't be answered in room 11 it can't be answered.
Reading this comic brings back good memories ;-)
Gordan, How are ya ?
What do you guys think about this schema? programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/204097/…
@Duikboot try to come up with the best data structure to keep the data in, then think of ways to map it to what ever storage you have decided to save them in based on the pros and cons or restrictions
but yeah, that doesn't look like a bad idea, if saving into an RDBMS
I would like to create it so I can use it in the future too for other projects.
@Duikboot XML :)
You would generate a XML of it and store that one in the db?
Yeah :)
forms have fields. There are different types of fields. DB doesn't need to know the details of the types. Type details can be in Code. So only field name, field type, and any validation should be enough IMHO
also, if field type is "more fields" then that needs to go recursive
Ok, hmm I was trying to setup some description in VIM but it's not easy to learn that editor ;D
@Duikboot I use vim occasionally. Once you get the hang of the basics it gets a little easier
But it does have a pretty steep learning curve
Do you still use your mouse a lot?
@NikiC re: named routes ... I still don't understand why people need them. A URI is supposed to be a "Universal Resource Identifier" ... I've always personally found the concept of "named routes" to be pointless.
@Duikboot Well, not when I'm in vim ;)
@Ocramius I'm awake :) If I can help with your question I will. Let me know.
@rdlowrey I'm wondered about things like this myself. What do you use in place of?
In place of named routes I mean
The URI I assume
I don't know why you would need an alias for it.
Ooh, ok, I get what you're saying
Sorry, I was confused and thinking of something different
Don't have to type so many characters for a long URI? That's the only reason I can think of
$uri = "some really long uri";
That's what variables are for :)
@rdlowrey Two URIs can map to the same route, e.g. when you have an English + French version of a website /privacy == /intimité
unless you have duplicate routes.
i got this type of json data in from data base
@Danack But the URIs are different so ... ? When would you need to point to that?
From an application?
I still don't see any need for it.
morning @rdlowrey
@Fabien morning
please help
@ChiragPipariya What's the problem here? Looks like valid JSON to me
Anyway, I don't care about named routes. People can use them if they want but I just haven't ever seen a scenario where they solved a problem that couldn't be handled better without their use.
@rdlowrey what exactly does named route mean?
@bwoebi I don't know. Symfony does it and people always say, "I need that!" but I can't figure out why you would ever do it.
@bwoebi Being able to do something like generateURLForRoute('legalPage');
Why would you need to do that, though?
Which then generates either /privacy == /intimité depending on global state ^^
This is what I meant by "could be better handled without their use." If you need named routes you're depending on state you shouldn't know about.
@rdlowrey ohai! Thanks for noticing me :D I was wondering about github.com/zendframework/zf2/pull/5870/… - is that something we should do in the framework?
function something($language) {
    $uri = "/path/to/$language";
^ No named route necessary
Named routes screw up for me when you have AJAX stuff
Separate JS files... damn
@Ocramius You mean package your own CA file? Or just provide a configuration to auto-assign it?
Or both?
But I guess the reason I like them is I can change the route in my config file to point to another url, and then I don't have to go through all my templates changing urls
@Danack huh? I don't get that.
@Jimbo which is a bad from an HTTP perspective. URIs are supposed to be "universal" ... you don't want to just change them flippantly. Did you leave a redirect at the last URI to let bots and humans know it moved? Things like this are real concerns.
If you're playing fast and loose with your URIs it only leads to confusion (for people and search engine crawlers).
@bwoebi I'm trying to find an example from symfony.
@rdlowrey no, we're not gonna package it with the FW - I was just wondering if we should assume that a context already has the correct CA path or if that's something that is up to the user
@Ocramius Well ... here's the full rundown of the situation (typing) ...
@bwoebi So this is a Symfony/Twig example, and the below would generate something like <a href="/content/articles/42">Some title</a>:
<a href="{{ path('article_show', {'slug': article.slug}) }}">
        {{ article.title }}
You can them redefine the URL pattern for 'articles' without having to modify the template.
And without injecting the appropriate function for generating URLs for articles.
aka convention over configuration.
And that absolutely has problems with dynamic routes…
@Ocramius You probably know much of this already but I'm just going to do an info dump anyway so people can (hopefully) learn one or two things. Before 5.6 PHP never verified that the peer certificate presented by the other party had been validated by a trusted certificate authority. So while encrypted stream transfers would seem to work just fine, you had no way to know if what you received had been tampered with or even if the person on the other end sending it was some government agency.
This is what "cafile" is for. It tells PHP where to find a file holding the public keys for certificate authorities you trust to validate the certs of peers you're connecting to. So to actually conduct a safe transfer you must specify that context option. However, the transfer will "work" without it in < 5.6. This is problematic because unless the user knows why/how to set this value their transfer is eminently vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack.
Uhmm, that's the entire point of routing btw. The matching part is probably the less relevant (especially performance-wise)
So I don't think it's safe to assume users will have set a CA file correctly.
However ...
@rdlowrey ok, so in short it will work IF the correct CA file is set via that flag and IF we're using >= 5.6?
and before that the option is basically moot?
If you're using 5.6+ you don't even need it.
For a few reasons:
1. 5.6 automatically falls back to using the operating system's certificate store if the option isn't specified
2. 5.6 has new openssl.cafile and openssl.capath ini options for globally assigning these values. Makes a custom config thing unnecessary.
Beyond this, actually acquiring a CA file safely is problematic for most people, and they'll usually do it in a way that could compromise the integrity of the whole process.
yes, we can't really guarantee that. I was more wondering if the CA cert path in that PR is actually even used in < 5.6
Well, it should be, but very few people do.
Ah… I see I'm not the only one who wonders about what named routes were… github.com/nikic/FastRoute/issues/11#issuecomment-36615218
@rdlowrey ok, just wanted to be sure - I'll let paddy merge that anyway, won't touch it myself :D
Regarding the "unsafe cafile procurement" ... for example (and I did this before I knew better) you can download the CA file curl uses over unencrypted http:// from the curl website. So you could very well be getting a modified version of the file from a malicious intermediary that would subsequently validate peers you wouldn't want it too.
ssl all the things
In short, using ssl/tls in streams before 5.6 is particularly dangerous and frought with insecurity. I wouldn't recommend it.
@rdlowrey you can eventually have it delivered directly to your home with some gorillas to guard it
This is why what composer does is so problematic ... every single thing every person has ever installed from composer has the potential to have been modified.
And you're running that code on your dev and server machines.
Who needs warez when you can build a botnet of php dev machines?
You could go to a php convention and mop the floor with the attendees.
yeah, but nobody ever finished up Sslurp

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