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oooh nifty. I'm easily impressed.
Assuming the earth keeps spinning.
The end of the world starts with McDonald's apparently.
@rdlowrey Actually - I thought it was a gif, and had timed it to update in sync. But it's a png, so it's just some JS on the page that was updating it.
obviously it wasn't a animated gif lol
gif's aren't that smart.
It's a pretty awesome clock though :)
If I have the following query: SELECT MAX(GREATEST(homeScore, awayScore)) FROM games, how would I get other column information from whatever result the above code yields?
@DemCodeLines Probably by doing a subquery.
Erm - so references become not references when the scope changes? 3v4l.org/ilF5L
That's a little bit surprising.
Hello PHP'ers!
Question: is it easy/possible/okay to use SQLite & PHP to record usernames & passwords? I'd like to use MySQL... but planning to use it with Google App Engine, and there you have to pay to use MySQL...
@hichris123 I don't think using SQLite would help - you don't have access to the hard drive do you?
I don't think so... but not sure. I know I can read/write onto it... but from a PHP file? I dunno.
I'll Google that (ironic as it is Google's product). :P
I think you need to use developers.google.com/datastore
Ooh, it's free!
But it's NoSQL... what's the difference?
Joins are hard / impossible.
tbh I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but you can get a free year on amazon ec2 with micro instance.
Yeah, I actually have a t1.micro instance on the free tier... however, when I get off the free tier I'm probably not going to pay for it. That's the problem.
throwaway email addresses aren't hard to get....
True... though that means I have to backup my MySQL database, EC2 instance, deactivate, activate new account, rinse, wash, repeat...
true - or just spend some cash.
I'm a kid... which is kinda the problem here. :P If I had my own salary... different story.
Well - if you pretend the "have to backup my MySQL database, EC2 instance, deactivate, activate new account, rinse, wash, repeat..." is the same as recovering from a server failure, which you should be able to cope with, then having to do it once a year is probably worth a 'free' server.
oh - except you need to fake a credit card.
slight felony there.
Does it track the same credit card?
If not... I'm fine.
I don't know.
@hichris123 Find a parttime job :P
Not sure if that's possible though
@Danack Not really, the value of $value goes out of scope.
If $value were a property of the object it would be another story.
Does anyone have an interesting solution for this question? It's on building a dependency tree of sorts (not mine).
@HamZa Underage for that too. ;) sigh The world of kid coders... how difficult it actually is...
ahoy hoy
aye captain
@hichris123 Find parents to pay for you; remember, they owe you ... hahaha
@Jack Heh, true... or I could maybe make a paid app... dunno.
Yeah, earn those $$ back :)
As a means to keep you occupied, I think the price is reasonable.
Or you could hack a bank >D
Looks like I can actually use some Google thingy up to 5GB: developers.google.com/appengine/docs/php/googlestorage
For free!
@Jack Possibly a bad example - the weirdness is clearer here 3v4l.org/3nUAA
Have to explicitly re-reference the result of a function call.
Damn, this should be an app.
@Jack That hierarchy stuff is possible with different structures, but the closure table one, is the best: slideshare.net/billkarwin/models-for-hierarchical-data
Yes, no doubt :)
Anyone know, how to unset() a zval from C code?
@RouvenWeßling zval_ptr_dtor() ?
Or zval_dtor() if it's a zval.
@Jack zval_dtor() seems good, but segfauls for me...
Time to dig in
@RouvenWeßling What's the context?
Hey there @RouvenWeßling, what's going on?
@RouvenWeßling define unset. Make null? Delete?
@ircmaxell Hey Anthony
Basically trying to free the allocated space and have it be null for the user
well, those are two different things
Trying to rewrite a resource into an object
if you want the variable to be null for the user, set it to null (ZVAL_NULL(zval))
@Jack refactor is more appropriate
if you want to free it, then ptr_dtor it
@ircmaxell Will that be garbage collected?
well, what kind of value is it?
also, what is the type you have (*zval, **zval, etc)?
No more segfaults at leat
ZVAL_NULL() did that trick
well, but depending on the type before hand, you may need to dtor it...
I am. I was just missing ZVAL_NULL(), so it would segfault when I tried checking the variable.
Which ... kinda makes sense.
Ahhh :-)
You can do convert_to_null(), though ... perhaps there's a better function :)
yeah, the variable container will still exist, but if it was an object, resource or string, it'll free for you
yeah, that's likely the better case, as it'll call object handlers
sigh I wish some of that stuff was documented someplace
$a = (unset)$a; hehe
It is documented ... in the code =D
Trying to clone an object with a function was already interesting.
@RouvenWeßling yeah... have fun with that
@RouvenWeßling I can add you as a contributor to the php internals book project, and you can document it :-P
Wasn't that hard:
Z_TYPE_P(return_value) = IS_OBJECT;
Z_OBJVAL_P(return_value) = hashContext_clone_handler(zhash);
Z_SET_REFCOUNT_P(return_value, 1);
@ircmaxell If you feel like having a cookbook section for this kind of stuff, I wouldn't mind.
Oh, nevermind :-)
Only took me about 4 hours but it all seems to be working :)
Also, be careful just setting refcount to 1
instead, try calling SEPARATE_IF_NOT_REF()
@ircmaxell I think I got that from your book :P
Z_TYPE_P(return_value) = IS_OBJECT;
Z_OBJVAL_P(return_value) = hashContext_clone_handler(zhash);
well, blindly setting the refcount could cause some early frees in some circumstances, IIRC...
Actually no, I got it from date_create
@ircmaxell Ok, I have just no clue what that does
Simple: implements copy-on-write
Ah. Does that matter for return_value? That should be a fresh zval?
it may be a fresh zval, or it may not be, IIRC, it depends on the calling context
maybe, not sure
@ircmaxell Maybe you got an idea about an issue I had earlier. Do you recall anything that would prevent raising an error (either php_error or php_error_docref) in RINIT.
MINIT works fine
@RouvenWeßling Your error gets "ignored", is that right?
not sure...
That is a little weird :)
Do you return FAILURE in your RINIT?
@Jack Nope.
Okay, it's not supposed to abort the request altogether I guess? :)
the error should still trigger... Session does that
@Jack it's an E_DEPRECATED and an E_WARNING so aborting would be a tad overkill
but, why are you raising the error on each request?
@ircmaxell Wanted to make an RFC to deprecate mbstring.func_overload. Figured I should try writing the patch first ;)
again, why deprecate that on every request? Why not do it in minit, once per startup?
Fair question
Mainly because that's when the functions are actually overloaded so it seemed like a good place
But putting it there also "penalizes" everyone who has switched it off :)
yup :-)
@Jack How so?
@RouvenWeßling At every request you have to check the value, no?
@Jack It already does that to overload the functions
You mean there's already an RINIT?
Yeah I found it already :)
I'm curious though, what happens if you do return FAILURE? Does the notice show?
Will test that tomorrow
@RouvenWeßling Stupid question btw, I'm assuming that error_reporting is set outside of the script that's testing it? :)
@Jack Yeah, trough php.ini
In other words, having error_reporting(-1); in your code wouldn't help hehe
Okay :)
As I said, errors raised in MINIT do work
I gotta sign off, thanks for your help guys. I'll try to get the hash one into pull request shape tomorrow.
have a great one
Ahoy hoy fellow room elevenites.
Good reading, if only a little -esque: daimi.au.dk/~madst/ecoop04/main.pdf
^ generalizations for fully extensible visitor implementations.
2 hours later…
@Wes rofl
Hello every one!
Hi guys
Just a quick question. I'm trying to do the following:

Have a list of numbers in 1 field in MySQL database
Have a set each number to refer to a specific size
User has 1, 4, 5 in database
Must get code to show these three labels in HTML

Do I use if-else, case-switch or something else that I've missed.
I would really appreciate that, if any of you leave some comments on the quality of code here at github.com/kamranahmedse/PHP-URLShortener ?
@deathtap Is 1, 4, 5 a single value in a field?
I'm using the commas to delimit the elements in the array
So you should be using foreach, how does if-else or switch-case come in here?
For each!
That's it
I just not thinking

SQL = Select number from column;
turn SQL into an array by delimiting it on the comma;
foreach($row as $row){
youtube.com/watch?v=LsL8dGj0BLU <- I'll leave this here as thanks.
Yup, that's pretty much the short pseudocode
you're welcome
This is my wordpress URL

http://XYX.com/ is my cakephp default application,

Now the problem is for a particualar category I want URL to be like this, ie /blog/partnerlocation/ should be changed to /partners/

To be made - http://XYX.com/partners/restaurant-name-1/

I tried this RewriteRule ^partners.*$ blog/partnerlocation/$1 [QSA,L] in cake htacess but not working:(
stackoverflow.com/questions/307674/… ... the top few answers are horribly outdated.
Any help appreciated:)
@deathtap That's an infamous SQL anti-pattern; storing comma separated data is almost always a bad idea (tm)
atleast expecting from @Jack :P
@Jack I don't know how else to do it
@deathtap Create a separate table to effect the 1:n relationship.
@deathtap Search for "jaywalk anti-pattern"
@Jack Create a whole new table just for this element?
@Jack won't that affect the overall performance?
Any help for this pastie.org/8827788
I don't think you should be worrying about performance at this stage.
@Jack Okay, I'll look into it then.
@deathtap Also, normalization is considered a good thing; it also allows you to make sensible queries with those values ... once they're comma separated, you have to inspect every row.
Unless those values are never meant to be used in a query at all.
@Jack Okay, I'll look into it then.
Thanks for the heads up
help for this pastie.org/8827788
@swapnesh What does "not working" mean?
okk thank god ..my turn now :)
Also, please don't repeat your question without waiting for a while.
After all, this is a chat room and not first-level support.
yeah will keep it in mind :) not working means the URL is not forming correctly
Such as?
XYX.com/blog/partnerlocation/restaurant-name-1 This is a URL in wordpress which is installed in blog folder in my cakephp folder
Now the problem is for a particular category I want URL to be like this, ie /blog/partnerlocation/ should be changed to /partners/
I tried this Rewrite in cake but that is not forming the URL what i supposed to be
RewriteRule ^partners.*$ blog/partnerlocation/$1 [QSA,L]
So MtGox got hacked. Again. By people trying to figure out where their "money" went. Some code has been released.
My My site URL is XYX.com/blog in WP settings and same in wordrpess URL
@Charles Static is a requirement to raise eyebrows.
Had no idea this place had a chat. O.O
Me neither :)
@Jack any idea where i need to look in ?
or what I am doing wrong
@swapnesh I dunno, have you tried reversing the two terms?
It's RewriteRule from to [options]
doesn't make sense to me ..which term you are refering to?
does somebody know if SELECT * FROM table JOIN (tableb, tablec, tabled) ON table.x = tableb.x AND table.x = tablec.x AND table.x = tabled.x is standard sql? (four tables are involved in this join)
@Wes I don't know that syntax... but if the x is identical everywhere, you should be able to JOIN ... USING x instead of calling everything out.
@swapnesh Then I would suggest reading the manual on how RewriteRule should be used.
@Wes That doesn't look like ANSI to me.
@Charles ah, cool, i didn't know of that USING! great, my sql is getting shorter xD thanks
@Wes Enjoy!
Oh, I didn't realize MySQL can handle that syntax :)

Try this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)blog/partnerlocation$ $1partners
moin Ronni
@JoeWatkins Was messing about with proc_open() this morning and found that we don't have a test case that verifies whether the correct environment values are sent to the executable ... =/
For code that's non trivial, that's a tad dangerous heh
create 'em
not much useful to say having a hard time waking up ...
Decided last night to watch interview with the vampire .. fell asleep halfway :)
Is there a PM feature on here? :3
it's not really a surprise though, didn't we only just get a patch to stop smashing argv/envp when setting process title, or in fpm ... think we did ...
The closest you can get is another room.
says to me that we might have been unaware that you could corrupt envp/argv ... somehow ...
@JordanHughMcKimm thx @JordanHughMcKimm I will look into it ..and @Jack I m digging into the tut for rewrite ..thx anyways :)

This is it:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^blog/partnerlocation/(.*)?$ partners/$1/ [R=302,NC]
I gotta stop hitting enter so soon. -.-
@JordanHughMcKimm You can "arrow up" to edit the last chat entry (entries).
Grabbed it from here: mod-rewrite-cheatsheet.com
Is thr anything "Master URL rewriting in 24 hrs" :P
The dark arts of rewriting ...
oh wow..really dunno abt this
Is thr any way to save chats here? or bookmark kinda thing?
I saw something earlier about transcripts...
Ah, you can star a message as interesting. :P
@swapnesh You can use your browser for bookmarking, just save the permalink of a chat message, like this one
Don't star messages, they're not meant as personal bookmarks.
look to the right
figures it out
I see.
Well I gotta go start my Monday. Later all. :)
morning room :)
moin @Patrick
A: Best Practice For Sleeping

Joe WatkinsI can't really make sense out of what you are trying to do, exactly, so I'll make some assumptions. I'll assume that you are locking the file to preserve integrity of the contents rather than to create some kind of file based condition, because you don't need files for conditions. I'll assume t...

I'm not sure if I have answered his question, it's a strangely worded question ...
what is difference between memcache and memcached , I search lot but not able to find easy to understand solution.
any one can give a quick guide
@JoeWatkins Your answer is totally wrong. Best practice is to tell everyone to be quiet and go to bed. :p
@BasicBridge memcached is the name of the daemon, memcache is the name of the activity the daemon is engaged in ... if you're talking about the extensions, I've no idea why there is two, various projects advise both of them ...
morning @Duikboot
@JoeWatkins I think I need read more articles on this topic.
/me wishes I could get people to put property declarations at the bottom of class declarations, they annoy me at the top ...
@JoeWatkins Weird wish. :)
I figure everyone else has got world peace and hunger covered with their wishes, so I can concentrate on really important stuff ... like ^that ...
Very well suggested "Keep visiting StackOverflow, and you'll find yourself learning something new every day" stackoverflow.com/a/10810509/639406
every time i come here i learn a new concept :)
I find it more intuitive to have properties at the top because properties are shared data for other class members. You define data first and only then interact with them, i.e. properties should be defined before methods.
The same applies to local variables, you define them and only after their declaration interact with them.
A: Using pthreads to create an asynchronous timeout in PHP

Joe WatkinsYou should not use sleep() for multi-threaded applications, the underlying implementation that is called by PHP is meant to cause a process to sleep, not the threads within a process. Mileage will vary, some implementations may well cause a thread to sleep but you cannot and should not rely on it...

when you read his Timeout, you first read what the properties are, luckily there are two, you can remember them, there normally isn't, when you read my Timeout, you already know what the properties are and can skip reading the list of them at the bottom ...
You can effectively skip property declarations at the top and start digging with code as well. Having properties at the top gives you slight idea what to expect within a class. So unless you have some messy code to review, having them at the top is better, imho.
Also, Pascal, which is believed to be the most academic language enforces you to declare all variables before you use them...
I don't have Pascal background, though.
they are declared before use
the code within a class is doing nothing until an object of that class is instantiated, and when that occurs the properties are declared already ...
moin @PeeHaa
If you put aside how objects are implemented and try to execute code line by line (that's what we do when we debug without debuggers available)?
well it's not really about the implementation, the same is true for any class in any language
I know and I was speaking generally.
If you have just source code that you need to debug but don't have environment to actually run it, you are left alone to debug by reading it, where property declaration at the top comes handy.
I.e. you know what kind of data is used within a code.
I don't think they do, I think they get in the way of me reading the constructor, which is usually more relevant than a big list of properties you cannot possibly remember, by the time you get to the first method in most cases the first property is gone, we're just not able to remember that much information ... or I'm not ...
Well, honestly, this discussion will lead us to nowhere, because this is opinion-based. Both ways are perfectly acceptable and both have their own pros and cons. For me having declarations at the top is one less scrolling down, for you it's irrelevant information...
When working on a project, how do you guys keep yourself motivated?
@JordanHughMcKimm weed ...
When working on a project, how do you guys keep yourself legally motivated?
@Jack sounds like a good idea
tests that actually test the functionality ^^
@JordanHughMcKimm feeling a burnout?
A whut? o.O
Legally unmotivated
Eh, you could say that.
@JordanHughMcKimm Thinking that kittens will die if we get unmotivated. -.-
Not the kittens!
@Leri I think my terrible memory has formed my opinion, it's not that they are irrelevant, but that when I see those properties used in methods I have something to associate with them, it infers the type and tells me what it's used for and I remember that ...
Well, in short, I've got a personal project of mine that I've been working on for about a year and a half... I look at it and think ''Where the hell do I start? I'm never gonna get this done'', and then I just give up... and come back to it a few days later.
a year and a half ?? are you building a space ship ?
Why would I be doing that? O.O

*hides spaceship*
well instead of just going at it like a mad man, maybe organize the remainder of the work into several smaller projects or tasks, and tackle them one by one ...
don't write anymore code until you have organized yourself a bit better ...
it's never taken me a year and a half to do anything ...
Fair point.
That is great advice Joe. Divide and conquer
@JordanHughMcKimm I can't recall taking longer than 3 months for a first release on anything either. Release early and often. Chances are you are building way more than the minimum features required for launch.
@JoeWatkins Have you ever finished your first project? :p
hello everyone I need help in my php code I am new and i stuck somewhere please help me
@Leri can't remember it :D
I've never finished a project. Got about a dozen half-finished ones lying around.
I am trying to pass session from one php page to another php page but my code is not working
well, that's terrible .... srsly, no more code, organize your shit ...
/me revokes @JordanHughMcKimm's pen license ...
I think it's because I set the bar way too high - too high for myself.
thats not a bad thing, if you can half write 6 of anything then programming isn't an issue, take the simplest of those unfinished projects and set yourself the task of finishing it in the way I described, you'll be better for it ...
also, there's no such thing as too high ...
The simplest... a web-application for storing information on enemy bases in a strategy game.

Simple enough? :)
does that sound complicated to you ??
you should see my personal projects :)
/me goes and looks at his alpha-versioned projects
Complicated... nah.
and plus, you could have started the division already, you're not finishing a "web application for ___" you're finishing the next component part of that design ... one step at a time :)
Wow, talking about an arbitrary size to malloc() :)
The length + 100 should do it, usually.
@Jack check out strftime .... it has a maximum length and the strangest realloc I ever saw ...
@JoeWatkins Well I gotta run - got a bus to catch. Thanks for the advice, though. :)
Off-to my url stuff. Later.
@JoeWatkins That's scary stuff.
But then again, Microsoft usually is ... scary.
@Jack Sounds like something where spprintf would've been more appropriate...
@NikiC Yeah, or smart_str
@Jack Yep, for the whole code smart_str should do nicely ... a lot of concats
> zend_error(E_WARNING, "Expiry date cannot have a year greater than 9999")
y10k man y10k
is there a way when doing an update to data in your form to use an array to update your query like adding a column if it has a data in the field that has been posted? like say i have 3 fields but only 2 of them are changing
@JoeWatkins: shocking :D
Good morning, folks :)
@JoeWatkins I noticed that as well ... should have used DateT ... Warning: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings ... =(
Hey guys, I have a strange problem with Zend framework2 routing.

This is not working, it gives me 404 error:
'login' => array(
'type' => 'Literal',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/login',
'defaults' => array(
'__NAMESPACE__' => 'SocialNetwork\Controller',
'controller' => 'Index',
'action' => 'login',
'priority' => 1000,

But this is working:

'login' => array(
'type' => 'Literal',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/login',
'defaults' => array(
'controller' => 'SocialNetwork\Controller\Index',
stackoverflow.com/review Close Vote queue is at 250
What the heck happened to it?
Maybe they have dismissed some of them
@MostafaShahverdy for your problem, without knowing Zend, I'd say it just isn't recognizing the __NAMESPACE__
this is what happened
Q: Let's burn down the close queue!

Shog9 Update: we've juuust about got this wrapped up - over a weekend, no less! A few hundred more reviews and we can drop the threshold down to a slightly less insane 3 votes/flags. Big thanks to everyone who pitched in! I'll write up a full report of how this played out after I grab some slee...

osrc got new descriptions ...
anyone elses changed ?
> Joe Watkins is an epic low-level hacker
used to be sysadmin
@DarkAshelin Yeah but why!

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