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@all Save your breathes before saying it's stupid idea, Because I know, it is!. I'm Just hoping it will grow into something not stupid :)
> no spaghetti code
@rdlowrey So let's say you have some server written in PHP listening for incoming connections/writes to a socket in a loop, as soon as it detects a new connection can it run some functionality connecting the user and go back to accepting connections almost instantly while the new connection is dealt with in parallel?
@David Exactly.
Although it's not really done in parallel. The "dealing with" part happens in a non-blocking way so it can't possibly take very long.
You're technically only doing one thing at a time.
Unless you fire work off to a separate thread from inside your event loop.
But since it is non blocking it is almost instant?
There's lots of precedent for this in the real world. It's how node.js and nginx work, for example.
@Gordon What can I say, it helped me avoid spaghetti coding. As frameworks usually do, but in this case ... I knew what, and how everything was working.
@Simon_eQ well, the idea of mapping Resources and filters to controller methods isnt new
Let's say a new connection comes in would it be good to run the code for connecting the user in a thread so the server can go back to being able to accept connections but the thread would not live for the life time of the users connection, it would just do whatever is needed to properly connect the user?
@Simon_eQ personally, i wouldnt use filter criteria in the form /news/sports/2014. thats more like seo urls. i'd do news?category=sports&year=2014 because its not a hierarchy and the criteria can be arbitrary mixed
@Simon_eQ what are you looking for in feedback?
@David Spawning and killing off threads is an expensive process. This is why you would generally have a pool of threads available to do any work you need and then checkout/checkin threads to perform specific tasks. Whether or not it makes sense to accept a new connection in a separate thread depends on how efficient your code is at offloading the work and returning the result. For such a trivial operation you'd almost certainly be better served to accept the connection inside the event loop.
And the same for dealing with a write to a socket for example, have a thread do whatever action the client/user has requested so the server is always able to accept connections without much waiting? The thread would be short lived, it would not live for the whole lifetime of the user/client so you should not have 1000s of threads if 1000s of users are connected.
@Gordon I managed to rebuild some old news website with this app, and I was very satisfied. And I just wanted to know, if it is worth working/developing so I could use it for small projects
@Simon_eQ if it helps you to get the job done. sure.
@rdlowrey What if you got 500 connections at the same time and you did not use threads, would there be a noticeable delay do you think?
@David I've successfully serviced 20,000 simultaneous clients using my PHP server using zero threads.
@Gordon So you don't see anything monstrously wrong about it? Something I should be worried about perhaps?
@rdlowrey haven't given the green side of things very much thought yet, no clear plan ...
The socket operations can all be handled in a non-blocking manner. There's no reason to offload those to threads.
@Simon_eQ oh, there is things that I wouldnt do that way
whats public function parent__construct($args){} for?
@rdlowrey I just had this feeling even using non blocking I/O that if a few 100 connections/writes came in there would still be a noticeable delay
I am no expert on it though I just understand the concept but not the inner workings inside out
@Gordon The lib/entity/entity maps the url fragments from the constructor, so I have to call the parent constructor to get the values
@rdlowrey it's not enough to say it can be done in userland, lets not bother ... it can be done in userland, but with a considerable overhead and added complexity, the idea of integrating these patterns into the language is mostly to avoid not only complexity for the programmer but for us too
I'm a little dark on that, I'll see if there is a way I can bypass it
@Simon_eQ well, there is parent::__construct()
@JoeWatkins I'm totally with you. I agree. As long as it's done in such a way that it doesn't fundamentally change how people who know nothing about programming are able to do things I'm in favor.
@Simon_eQ also class Entity extends DbConfig{ is either a naming fail or you are coupling two separate concerns
But I'm still too inexperienced with internals to feel knowledgeable on the topic of how easy/difficult that will be.
@David It seems kind of counter-intuitive but you have to remember that the CPU is very fast. If you instruct it to only do what it's able to do instantaneously without waiting at all (non-blocking) then this is a non-issue.
@Gordon Well, simply put. I am getting the db config in the entity, since the entity has the pdo query builder method.
I only thought this github.com/simon-eQ/nanoscale/blob/master/config/… could've been improved somehow.
The way I was putting different things, like obfuscation, session, exception handling and autoload in the same file seemed strange.
function chuck_norris($e){
@JoeWatkins There's no way to implement green threads without an event loop, right? Wouldn't you have to rewrite everything internally to work with async IO?
It seems like a massive job. Especially if you could, for example, expose ext/libuv and be done with it.
@Gordon Check Norris catches everything :)
But, I couldn't find any alternative for that config class. At-least something maintains its simplicity.
normal php will always be normal php ... oh well, it'll be extremely hard to get green threads working in such a way that you wouldn't just be better off writing synchronous code ... another thing about language level support is that it opens up possibly the most technically brilliant optimization I know of for any compiler anywhere, namely, in theory, we could automatically thread suitable code, intel wrote a whitepaper on it a few years ago and had a demo c# (iirc) compiler ...
it would be a bit like god is executing your code for you ...
@rdlowrey As well as the speed of the CPU and non blocking I/O I was thinking if you have a PHP script running as a server in a loop, once that loop has been completely fully once and all the callbacks have been execute wouldn't that PHP code now be compiled and run faster since the first time it did the loop because it has to interpret it? Or is it not as simple as that?
Some frameworks have an entire class dedicated to auto-loading classes, still don't get what that's for it.
@David Well the code only has to be interpreted once, if that's what you mean. You've totally eliminated the bootstrap process. Yes, it's much faster. But it's also now a requirement that your code does not leak memory and is certifiably correct because the process isn't just going to die off in a few milliseconds. Yes it's more performant, but it also adds a whole new layer of concerns and required rigor to run efficiently in comparison to having short-lived shared-nothing processes.
@Simon_eQ well, your question was: is it worth working on it. If it helps you, then yes. You can see it as a learning example. You can continuously refactor and improve it. Just dont expect this to be the next big framework thing.
Not in a million years
its always good to have a pet project
Thanks, I will work on it.
just look at @rdlowrey. he is learning the alphabet by creating project after project. he's still stuck at A but he will eventually reach Z
lol. insta-star.
> stuck at A
@Gordon and then he'll go back at A. AA, AB, ...
It's basically like php string ++increment.
I think creating as many projects as you can is still the best way to learn.
I think trying projects that you have no business attempting is the best way to learn.
or get lost :)
@Simon_eQ as long as you stay focused
If you only ever work on things you know how to accomplish you'll never improve.
The problem arises when people who aren't knowledgeable about the security issues in a given area publicize their work. Then people who don't know better are the victims.
@Gordon I'm working on that, being jack of all trades. That's not so easy though :/
So I would say this: try projects for which you probably aren't qualified, but don't push them on people until you know they're reasonably safe for someone with zero knowledge of the subject.
@rdlowrey you'll also get extremely bored ...
Yeah you'll get bored. Or write some garbage like Laravel.
guess you say the guy trying to sneakily steal laravels code and rename it something else ??
@JoeWatkins really?
balls. of. steel. if you ask me ... I dunno how he thought he'd get away with that ...
oh yh
@JoeWatkins lol I read that. Who thinks that's a good idea in a world with internet?
I'm sure no one will notice
he must misunderstand how it works ... I have no idea ...
@JoeWatkins totally agree. That's why I like doing of very similiar things only one…
That's most likely. I don't think it's malicious. Probably just someone unfamiliar with open source or who has a language barrier.
well he understood what he was doing when he deleted taylors name ...
because he replaced it with his own !!!
I really want to see his excuse whatever, it's bound to be interesting ...
it seems senseless to me, it's not like laravel is "finished" and he has cut himself off from ever using patches or pulling in updates ... it's the stupidest way of forking a project I ever saw ...
Well, one could argue that the stupid started the moment he clicked the Fork Laravel button on github ;)
hehe, one would probably be right ...
I love that he went to the trouble of forking the whole project...not just the code
But the docs, got a new logo for it and everything. He copied all the things
lol I just glanced at the first few comments in the thread before. Didn't realize the depth of stupid.
@rdlowrey Oh, some of the comments in there are golden
> if this commit gets merged, will taylor become flyphp contributor?
Goodness knows, the last thing you want to do on this earth is enrage a mob of religious PHP framework zealots. Talk about a nerd holy-war of truly pointless proportions.
@rdlowrey And the trolling
he can be kind of forgiven for misunderstanding ... I've never read the words of the license before today
The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 FlyPHP

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
so desperate to be explicit that they contradicted themselves ...
that doesn't actually make good sense ...
and "The above copyright notice" could well mean the paragraph above it, not the authors line ...
rly wanna know what he was thinking.... apparently they do care about infringement in brazil, so it's not that ...
I should watch out for this guy. Next thing I know he may fork github.com/simon-eQ/nanoscale :)
In MVC, who do you think should be the caller for the View?
The bootstrap file or the controller? (Or anyone else?)
The controller?
@JoelMurphy Are you asking or telling? :P
@SecondRikudo What do you mean by the caller of the view?
teresko will call the View
@David The one that calls for $view->selectTemplate() or $view->render().
@andho God, I miss that meme loving fella
If it is actually sending output I would put that in the bootstrap file or at least not in the Controller
Whatever handles the delegation will call the View.
In my framework my dispatcher instantiates the controller, invokes the method, and then invokes the views method
@cspray The output sending part, I agree should be made in the bootstrap.
@David So basically, the same level as the Controller
@David sounds about right
@SecondRikudo Yeah
@andho Define "delegation"?
@David Have a source?
@cspray shouldn't it be done in the OutputSender?
What does the "dispatcher" do?
@andho Overkill much?
@SecondRikudo he who delegates the user request to the correct Controller should also delegate the return value of the Controller to the View
@SecondRikudo Isn't dispatcher the front controller?
@SecondRikudo Not online right now. The dispatcher just accepts a Route, verifies it is real, controller file exists, method exists in the controller, calls the controller method and calls the views method
@SecondRikudo nop, see... just a minute
And this is why web MVC sucks. Everybody has their own definitions for each of the terms and we're all talking about different shit.
I respectfully bow out of this conversation
@andho i.e. the Router?
@Simon_eQ the dispatcher is not the front controller
@David So you basically added an abstraction from the bootstrap
@cspray Is that your beard?
@cspray Meh, I don't think there's a real web "MVC"
@SecondRikudo don't really care what it's called. Actually doesn't really matter who calls the View, but it shouldn't be the Controller
@RonniSkansing Oh, good to know. I always thought it was
We can get close, but this conversation is more OOP than MVC.
Everything is MVC
@BenjaminGruenbaum And MVC is everything.
StackOverflow? MVC, Linux ext4? MVC, PHP? MVC, GPU? MVC
@BenjaminGruenbaum MVC? MVC.
@SecondRikudo see, OutputSenders
Without MVC I am useless
Without me my MVC is useless
@SecondRikudo no, that's actually just domain objects, observers and proxies - you got the terminololgy all wrong.
@SecondRikudo My router has a public function route($uri) method, it breaks up the URI into directory, controller, action, params. My dispatcher then accepts the Route object and verifies it and invokes the action in the controller and action in the view.
Just do the rifflesmans Creed and replace gun with mvc
@David I see
@Simon_eQ Unless some hairy alien has really just taken up home on my face, yes.
Also another poll-ish question
How do you guys handle HTTP errors? (404, etc)
Do you create a resource with a template and all for it? Or just if it and include a template with a header?
@SecondRikudo ...
@JoeWatkins What are those? :P
oven gloves ... what I use to handle 404 ;)
@JoeWatkins @ircmaxell In summary on the green threads async all of the things! topic ... I think it would be awesome. I'm not sure I have developed either the C skill or the depth of internals knowledge needed to contribute much outside of discussion right now, but it would be great. As long is it's done in a way that doesn't prevent people who know nothing about programming from picking up and using PHP as they do now it would be a big win.
Other than the obvious polka dot double oven gloves medium.
Best plan for PHP6: Rename PHP 5.6 PHP6 quirks mode, fork mono and call it PHP 6 standards mode :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum there's no room blasphemy :-( I'd like to have moved the last message there.
Why :D ?
There is no shame in stealing ideas from better abstractions.
dumb question.
> Rename PHP 5.6 PHP6 quirks mode
Or just fork it to php-uv, reuse a huge portion of joyent's code and call it a day. At which point we probably should've jumped ship to use node anyway.
^ That's the blasphemy.
@rdlowrey well… node uses javascript syntax. There's the big no-go…
@SecondRikudo I just do something like pastebin.com/59P4VWjV. Router::route() throws InvalidUriException if the URI contains illegal characters etc, and the Dispatcher::dispatch() method throws an InvalidRouteException if the request controller file does not exist, requested action in controller does no exist etc, then I just catch the exceptions and dispatch a new Route which is to my Error404 controller. That is bits of the code it is not all there
@BenjaminGruenbaum don't try to start arguments !!
@SecondRikudo The params for a new Route($requestType, $directory, $controller, $action, $params = []);
@JoeWatkins :P
Common :P
@JoeWatkins Well FWIW I would probably agree with @BenjaminGruenbaum at this point :)
@bwoebi lol, clearly putting $ before variables is vastly superior since it's easier to parse.
What reason is there when I have two autoloader functions to only try one?
spl_autoload_functions() show them both, by the way.
better abstractions, we don't have an abstraction of these ideas yet ... so far as C# or .NET being a better platform, I like to go by the evidence, the numbers don't peg .NET as the most popular platform in this sector of the market ...
@JoeWatkins because it's way more expensive.
Developing with the .NET stack is much much more expensive - that's a very good argument against .NET and for PHP.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, fuck that closure scope sharing and dots as object oberator.
var_dump(spl_autoload_functions()); Gives off
array (size=2)
  0 =>
    array (size=2)
      0 =>
          private 'path' => string '/home/madara/www/ExplosivePresence/app' (length=38)
          private 'namespace' => string 'ExplosivePresence' (length=17)
      1 => string 'load' (length=4)
  1 =>
    array (size=2)
      0 =>
          private 'path' => string '/home/madara/www/ExplosivePresence/lib' (length=38)
          private 'namespace' => string '' (length=0)
      1 => string 'load' (length=4)
I'm saying I believe you can take the abstraction and make it free.
(Same method, two different objects)
dots are for structs in C and nothing more!
.NET is good because it's expensive ?? the affordability of the platform is just as important as it's syntax, there's no point writing code that doesn't make money, unless you are one of about 10 people in this room and then someone might find a use for it ... but otherwise we program to make money, not feed employees of microsoft ...
@bwoebi solid argument, writing one more character and clearly superior. Also, having to explicitly type the closure scope every single time for no good reason other than "it's harder to implement a VM for".
When when I var_dump the load path, I see that only one is working
@JoeWatkins It's not popular because it's expensive - that was my point, we agree here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, I tend to reuse the variables accidentally, mainly for references
I'm saying you should take these good abstractions and steal them, just like C# does all the time from other language.
@bwoebi example?
@JoeWatkins Yeah. Where do we peg this situation's potential for kicking off WWIII?
Mr Putin said Moscow reserved the right to protect its interests and those of Russian speakers in Ukraine.
these are the words of a madman, a madman loved by his countrymen can do dangerous things ...
I can definitely see Putin saying "F U" and taking what he wants of Ukraine if not the entire thing.
Anyone here from the UK?
Also, doesn't Ukraine has nukes?
If things escalated I assume we could expect China to side with Russia.
> On June 1, 1996 Ukraine became a non-nuclear nation when it sent the last of its 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads to Russia for dismantling.
That would totally have made a Russian invasion impossible.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure, "dismantling". :P
"Sure, you can be your own state. Just give us your nukes so we can feel safe about this arrangement."
This is how you get invaded as a country, idiots.
> 1991, the newly independent Ukraine had on its territory what was the third largest strategic nuclear weapons arsenal in the world. It was larger than those of Britain, France, and China combined.
someone should probably assassinate putin
seems bit cold ...
@JoeWatkins Actually, if Putin got out of the way, I can definitely see WW3 happening
Did you hear that sound? It was @JoeWatkins being added to the KGB surveillance lists (was previously only GCHQ and NSA).
no, I don't think so, I'm only being logical, the man has lost it, he won't give up power willingly, and it must be taken from him, so we can either go to war, and be democratic, or we can kill a few mad men and save thousands of lives, possibly, every life ... no brainer ... get rid ...
I didn't say it was a bad idea :) Just that ... well ... good luck buying any computer parts online that haven't first been routed through some dark underground lab for "inspection" while in transit from now on.
That's the thing. As much of a power whore as he is, it would be a disaster for Russia, and most likely, the whole world. Mainly because the power struggles in Russia will break it open.
Because he is in power, he won't initiate and he won't let the US initiate either.
I would not want to see the US invade country after country in the name of the "war on terror"
I dunno much about russian politics, if it takes the killing of a building full of corrupt politicians, struggling for power at the expense of all life, then so be it, I'd rather that than watch my brother go to war, again ... they appear to have forgotten that a nuclear bomb isn't the only thing that can harm them, they don't or shouldn't get to play silly games like this ...
I wonder what would happen if the US decided it was going to annex the northernmost third of Mexico. Geopolitics is a mess. Unfortunately the US kind of gives up the moral high ground when it constantly invades other countries "preemptively" because terrorists.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did, @rdlowrey.
@rdlowrey "I wonder what would happen if the US decided it was going to annex the northernmost third of Mexico." Again?
@Danack lol
@AshwinMukhija Nah, we exert economic control over Mexico. It's part of the US in everything but name at this point. We don't need that too ;)
Hi everyone
Is this book "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" outdated or a good read?
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software is a software engineering book describing recurring solutions to common problems in software design. The book's authors are Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides with a foreword by Grady Booch. The book is divided into two parts, with the first two chapters exploring the capabilities and pitfalls of object-oriented programming, and the remaining chapters describing 23 classic software design patterns. The book includes examples in C++ and Smalltalk. The original publication date of the book was Octob...
> "You just don't in the 21st Century behave in 19th Century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped-up pretext," Mr Kerry told the CBS program Face the Nation.
Silly Russia. If only they had posited the existence of an imminent Ukrainian terrorist threat this would have been no big deal.
@rdlowrey The irony is strong with Mr. Kerry.
Anyone who have created a HATEOAS web service API before and have some knowledge on consuming an API like that?
@Andreas I hate oas, if that's what you're asking.
HATEOAS is the only sensible way to design a data API if you ask me. It's self-documenting and just as understandable to machines as it is to human beings.
@DaveRandom your win verify updates have been merged to 5.6 and master. You can delete that branch at your leisure.
@DaveRandom Also, FYI I merged the changes allow peer cert capturing when verify fails. Giving users the option to proceed after a verification failure or to at least pull the relevant info out of the peer's cert is a nice thing to have.
@rdlowrey Hi have you some experience with HATEOAS APIs?
I do. The only difference from the usual garden variety REST API is that HATEOAS includes links for navigation as part of the resource representation.
This makes it possible for a machine (or human, if so inclined) to crawl the entire API from any one resource.
But do you have experience with how you actually consume it?
Just like any other HTTP API. You make HTTP requests.
By using the "rel"?
Well links don't have to be in a "rel" attribute, though they can be. You would examine the contents of the response and find the relevant hrefs.
Have you heard about HAL?
I have not.
It is just a set of conventions of writing HATEOAS API
Yea, I was working on implementing a RESTful API at my last job and was reading about, and implementing, HATEOAS. I agree with @rdlowrey, if you're gonna build a REST API there's no reason not to.
@Andreas Any individual API will (should) have a consistent method for displaying inter-resource links. Once you know what it is, simply use that to locate links in a resource. Makes no difference if they use HAL or anything else.
They might be in a JSON "links" list. Or they might be actual <a href=""> tags. Whatever the API uses, that's what you look for. From there you just keep crawling.
You should only need to examine one resource to find out what that format is.
@rdlowrey The thing I struggle with is how much should be "automatic". When you get a response with links you deside in the client which one you go to? The HTTP client doesn't automatically fetch them?
It's a totally arbitrary thing. What is your use case? Are you google? Then you crawl everything. Are you looking for certain pieces of information? Then only crawl links pointing to information you care about.
Browsers don't (usually) consume the API directly.
Usually if you have an API like this people will expose a web application that talks to the API behind the scenes.
There's no rule for what is or is not automatic. It depends on what you need to do with the information.
I am building the frontend with AngularJS
Cool. In any case, I'm going afk. Good luck!
Thank you, bye.
@cspray Did you have some knowledge about it too?
Q: Why is this returning unidentified even when I manually assign it for testing?

JABFreewareHere is my php code which always throws the error that none of those params are valid. For example: Undefined index: dataNL Code: $ajax_arrayBTF = $_POST['dataBTF']; $ajax_arrayLI = $_POST['dataLI']; $ajax_arrayLS = $_POST['dataLS']; $ajax_arrayNL = $_POST['dataNL']; $agent_id...

is someone could help me that would be awesome
I really need the answer asap
@JABFreeware it's unclear as I don't know how to describe it. Are you trying to send or receive POST values ?
@JABFreeware I've read the editted version.
Are you trying to send or catch post values ?
Receiving Code:

$ajax_arrayBTF = $_POST['dataBTF'];
$ajax_arrayLI = $_POST['dataLI'];
$ajax_arrayLS = $_POST['dataLS'];
$ajax_arrayNL = $_POST['dataNL'];
$agent_id = $_POST['agent'];
Here is the calling code I am using:

$data = array(
    "dataBTF" => "0",
    "dataNL" => "0",
    "dataLS" => "0",
    "dataLI" =>  "0",
    "agent" => "53"

$data_string = json_encode($data);
echo  $data_string;
$ch = curl_init('http://localhost/site1/backend/scripts/oppCAL.php');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
Receiving code, would be catching
the calling code is sending to the php file
@JABFreeware Receiving ? If you're sending code using JSON then you need to decode it on the other end ?
ah I see ...
@HamZa I dont think so. THats not what I read
it worked when it was ajax calling
which uses json. I havent touched the receiving code either
I edited again
that might help
Read this http://davidwalsh.name/curl-post
I've got an urgent matter atm
@Andreas Nothing more than what @rdlowrey said and he's far more knowledgeable about HTTP and this kind of thing than I am.
@HamZa thanks!!!
post taht as the answer and I'll mark it. Btw the current person is not correct is he?
PHP doesn't parse JSON body data, only form encoded, like your jQuery ajax call sends. It looks something like this:

When receiving JSON, you can use something like this to get the data:

$body = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($body, true);
@JABFreeware I don't know, if you echo "http_build_query($data)" it should get you something like dataBTF=0&dataLI=0&dataLS=0&dataNL=0&agent=0. Anyways, have fun. I'm not going to post an answer :P
1 hour later…
@JABFreeware That is correct. PHP does not parse application/json body data unless you do it explicitly. $_POST is only populated when the entity body is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data
@DaveRandom A bit late :P
Oh lol, "1 hour later..."
wtf is going on, not normally this quiet on a Sunday evening...
@DaveRandom Meh
@rdlowrey What, error-prone and ultimately futile?
good moaning
great, google is helpfully providing only c# results when searching for c
@NikiC ohi, did you see my diff gist earlier?
@Jack zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp); should be zval_dtor(tmp);
or wait
Nah, that gives heap corruption ... I tried hehe
tmp should be a zval tmp and not use alloc, and then it should be zval_dtor ^^
oh right ... that reduces a few lines
and use convert_to_string then, too
yeah :)
Btw, this gives a funny side effect of two notices.
it does?
Yeah, once for determining the environment length and another for when the actual string values are used.
why are there notices at all?
just a sec
If an array is used instead of a string.
before you head to bed tonight, open tap.unicefusa.org on your smartphone
<?php if ($_GET['action'] == ''){
	$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM 'users' ORDER BY 'username' ASC";
	$data = mysql_query($strSQL);
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data)){
		echo "<a href=\"?action=user&userID=" . $row['ID'] . "\">" .$row['username'] . "</a><br />";
Anyone see a reason for it to throw Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
@DanielMinett Use backticks around table and column names.
Also, you should always check the value of $data before continuing.
And lastly, don't use mysql_ anymore.
so just assoc?
No, stop using the old mysql functions.
while ($row = fetch_assoc($data)){
i.e. use mysqli or PDO.
If not could you link me so I can leanr
ahh thankyou
webqit.com or weblir.com? What do you preffer guys?
the site will be about webdesign
most of us in here dont do webdesign
I need just a suggestion :)
@Jack, backticks worked. Thanks. And thanks for the links!
10 more minutes and I've got 11 water purification tabs

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