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@RahulKhosla: Yes, I made a mistake earlier. Please change "if (!empty( $Keyword && $Keyword && strpos($test, $Keyword) !== false) {" to "if (!empty( $Keyword ) && strpos($test, $Keyword) !== false) {"
@EliteGamer "that had been deprecated two years ago" No, the example code was written two years ago, at the same time that the auth library was written code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/source/browse/trunk/…
@RahulKhosla You forgot to add a }
I love you.
@Danack Yes, but you are also Wrong. Because that is outdated and if you read the documentation, it would have stated that it moved to Github. Which is more recent!
Thanks @NiekBergman and @EliteGamer. The only other problem I have is:
@EliteGamer Great - so the examples page there seems up-to-date - github.com/google/google-api-php-client/tree/master/examples ?
@RahulKhosla: Glad you got it fixed. But seriously, please do not use the current code you have in production. It is vulnerable to SQL injection, and could lead to a complete takeover of your server.
When I type dasdasds keyword asdsdasd
it displays my custom error message
And welcome to the PHP community :)
it doesnt find the needle in the haystack.
Thanks :)
@Danack Ah, ok. But there is no sample to get a users info.
Nor is there documentation on how to get it
that is not 2 years old
The basic point is, asking "how do I use this library" is not a good question to ask here. If you have specific problems then ask away, but basic questions about how to use a library is not a good question to repeatedly ask here.
@NiekBergman can if (!empty( $Keyword ) && strpos($test, $Keyword) !== false) { be changed to find a needle in the haystack? So asdasdasdsad mykeyword asdasdasdad ?
@Danack I agree. So i did post a question on SO stackoverflow.com/questions/22117243/…
@RahulKhosla: I am confused by your question. Are you asking if it is possible to test for multiple keywords, and check if any of them matches?
No, what I need is for $Keyword to be located in $test
So example: "What designs have you done" is typed. I want the function to find Designs
If I type designs now the script works
but if I type sadiojdoijewojqorewro designs wrr2rt54tref it will not.
If you are typing "designs" it should not work to find "Designs" since you are doing a case sensitive search...
Try the function "stripos".
if (!empty( $Keyword ) && stripos($test, $Keyword) !== false) { didnt work.
@Danack you see. The documentation needs to be updates or something. How could Google not update their API. Do they not know that developers are less likely to use the API if it i not well documented?
@NiekBergman would you like to Team Viewer me?
@RahulKhosla: No, sorry :)
/me can't be bothered to finish doing a blog for myself ...
@RahulKhosla: Ok, it is not working because you are searching in MySQL for "sadiojdoijewojqorewro designs wrr2rt54tref" which will return 0 rows.
@NiekBergman how can I fix this?
@RahulKhosla: There are several ways, but your current approach is wrong. If you are asking the MySQL server for an exact match, it will only return an exact match.
@RahulKhosla: One of the easier ways would be to split the string on a space using the explode function, and treating each word as an individual keyword.
And then asking the MySQL server for any potential matches based on all of the keywords.
I tried to do that earier
But I had no idea how to.
What app do you guys use for writing C?
Visual C?
Vanilla C
@ircmaxell I will be in a room dedicated to the Google Api i created. chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/48778/google-apis-php
@Fabien Curently PHPStorm ^^ - I don't recommend doing that though.
So I am reading. Don't use IDEs for C.
tomato tomato
@Fabien Nah, you should. If you have a windows box then visual studio is almost certainly the correct choice.
It may even be good enough to be worth installing a windows vm if you don't have windows available.
Does Visual Studio work under Wine?
I wouldn't know.
@NiekBergman sorry to ask of this.. again, but can u help me explode this?
@Fabien I'm sure you've already googled and seen this - askubuntu.com/questions/6588/…
It would be this line right?

if (!empty( $Keyword ) && stripos($test, $Keyword) !== false) {
@RahulKhosla: No, the problem is that you are querying MySQL directly with the input of your $_POST['test'] string from the user. It will look for a record matching EXACTLY what you enter. Also, like I said before, it is vulnerable to SQL injection.
@Danack Aye, but this being my first time with C and reading learncodethehardway it said not to use an IDE. Was mildly curious what everyone here used in that case.
I guess maybe the point is more for learning.
fab, a text editor ...
Yeah, I was thinking to just nano it for now
@NiekBergman can I hire you?
any text editor ... I use nano/vi remotely, prefer to use an editor with at least a file pane
@Fabien That's possibly justified in that you do need to know about the compiler options. But so long as you learn them, an IDE is a productivity boost imho.
To re-write this better??
recent versions of gedit have just a file pane and syntax highlight almost everything ...
@RahulKhosla: I'm currently employed full-time, so I do not really have the time :-)
@Danack Fair enough :)
Ok no worries.
@JoeWatkins I'll use gedit then, after dinner :) bbiab
Anyone up for hire? I have exactly $5.
I've never really found a useful ide for C, I do use one for java and at one point used one for php ... don't anymore ...
only because I rarely use java and the documentation access is handy, but for C there's only about 40 things to remember :)
@NiekBergman without db's the script is safe?
@RahulKhosla: I can not guarantee that. I do not have the time currently to do a full analysis of your code, sorry.
@NiekBergman check this out khosla.net
Its my one withought DB
Has anybody have tried phpdbg? seems interesting
@VarunAgw: Interesting, I'll take a look soon :)
@NiekBergman I said the same words to me few days ago. Now, I waiting till it is released in PHP 5.6.
@VarunAgw: I think that'll probably happen when 5.6 is no longer in development preview and actually gets released ;-)
Had an interesting day yesterday.
Jan 28 at 9:36, by Niek Bergman
/me just signed up for the "Zend Certified PHP Developer" certification.
Had to take that yesterday :)
(together with 2 other developers from my company)
@NiekBergman Good luck with the test!
@VarunAgw: Thanks, but I already did it.
So you're a bit late ;P
So, Is result declared?
It has been. We all had the same result: a pass :)
Is there a design pattern in php that uses or makes heavy use of interfaces?
or am I a crack head?
@NiekBergman Was that difficult. I have not taken it
Those are not mutually exclusive.
any one know what I am talking about?
phpdbg is in the alpha releases ...
@LogicLooking I don't know.
I thought there was a design pattern specific to the use of intertfaces to make the inheritance in PHP more dynbamic
Try googling
To be honest, I've never really had to rely on interfaces that much because in most cases an abstract class extension was the most sensible solution. That said, sure, there are some use cases where relying on specific interfaces to be available regardless of class make more sense.
at work we use interfaces heavily and I cannot remember what the patten name is.
@VarunAgw No sh*t
@LogicLooking: The strategy pattern?
Is that what you're looking for?
@LogicLooking ?
@internals, do we have macro like HASH_OF for zval **z?
I could not find one but want to be sure before I define one.
Hey all
@Jimbo morning
Oh, never mind, I'll read separately, 2 extra lines won't kill me.
1 hour later…
^^ Not sure if that's a good thing... I suppose you should all be doing something with your Saturday night
hello fellow php programmers
!!are you alive?
@VarunAgw Hello !! I am Caprica. Caprica Six. How are you?
is it possible (without curl or get_file_content, to have a php file call another php file and get its return value?
oh and no ajax either. this must be server-side only
@JABFreeware You could exec it
Though why the constraints?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I need to generate some html for it. Need it before the dom loads
require or include
@SomeKittensUx2666 difference being?
require throws a fatal error when the file isn't found, include just warns
and I can execute function in the other file
by using include
@JABFreeware Yes
Yes, if I declare function`foo` in one php file, I can then execute it (after the include) in the other php file.
well...they really dont want it changed more than it has to be...right now it uses ajax. I dont want to use curl etc. The code is like this:

<td><?php echo $datarowBL['last_login_ts'];?></td>

It actually generates a page. It doesnt have any functions, so include would suck, right?
Who is "they"?
@SomeKittensUx2666 client*
Hi all, can someone direct me to the correct reference guide?
I have an input where a user enters an amount the a select where another predefined value, i.e 1 month, 2 months etc, can be selected. how do I go about dividing the "amount", entered in the input field with the value of the selected option and echoing the value on the page?

Thanks for all replies
That sounds like client-side stuff, i.e. JavaScript.
Good afternoon
Hi all
How can I keep white space.
else if(strpos($test, 'hello') !==false) {
echo '<br />'.$hello; }
@someKittens seems you are right :)
We'd love to help you in the JavaScript room
someone can type hellohowareu and it would return $hello, I want hello how are u to only return
What about str_replace?
How would I use this @SomeKittensUx2666
First day of PHP :P
First day? Let me introduce you to the docs.
@Rahul Khosla I believe this is what you are looking for au1.php.net/explode
@RahulKhosla For crash course read phptherightway.com/pages/The-Basics.html ;)
Thanks for the help guys
@MauriceBotha's solution looks good.
Could you help me implement it on this line:?
else if(strpos($test, 'hello') !==false) {
echo '<br />'.$hello; }
I tried:

else if(strpos($test, '%hello%') !==false) {
echo '<br />'.$hello;
var_dump( explode( '%', $hello ) );}
Didn't work..
@RahulKhosla To be perfectly honest you're asking basic questions that can be answered by basic problem solving. You should figure out the answer yourself. You'll become a better programmer for it.
@SecondRikudo Already hinted at this.
If it wasn't clear from my hinting earlier I'll say it again more explicitly.
@RahulKhosla If we keep spoon feeding you little bits of code one at a time, you will never learn for yourself.
^ it is true
I learn by what u tell me..
If you don't struggle, and research, and fail, you will never ever make progress.
AND we'll have to keep spoon feeding, which isn't much fun.
For my situation
@RahulKhosla and we're telling you to read the docs.
You guys sent me 3 different ones.
Idk what one... :S
@RahulKhosla php.net is the PHP official manual. Start there.
phptherightway.com is a great resource as well
As much as I appreciate it. Can you just tell me what function?
No, atleast me
@RahulKhosla you have to try out alot of possible solutions yourself, before asking. Then when you think you almost got it, pastebin the code, and tell us what you expected. But you have to really try first
@RahulKhosla No.
My 2 cents:

A) Try to learn, read docs and if nothing work ask for help
B) Hire someone to do your work.
Il pay u $3.
Hehe bad joke
@RahulKhosla You're telling us "I know I have to learn how to fish, but can you please just do the fishing for me? Just this once" (after you've asked us to fish for you 4 times already)
@RahulKhosla That'll get you 1.8 minutes.
Which is tbf about as long as it'd take.
@Fabien tbf?
to be fair
I knew tbh :P
You were also lying
>>First day of PHP :P
oh oh
You were here yesterday too
2 mins ago, by VarunAgw
You were also lying
shots fired
Room 11 Detectives aren't to be messed with.
@Fabien are you winning ?
@Fabien I know because I helped him yesterday
So far I got
str_replace(" ", "%", $_POST['test']);
Think im going the wrong way lol
@RahulKhosla That means Replace all " " with "%" in $_POST['test']
yeh i know, was gonna do anothe switching it back
yesterday, by rdlowrey
Probably the nicest thing (IMO) about room 11 is that intelligent people can have differing opinions without everything being misconstrued as a personal attack (re: reddit).
props to us man ...
cant remember why
@JoeWatkins I find that offensive. And a personal attack against me, my black staff and black balls. n00b.
that's your opinion ...
I feel attacked.
@RahulKhosla What are you trying to do again?
else if(strpos($test, 'project') !==false) {
echo '<br />'.$go2; }

Add spaces around project.
If user types showprojectplease it shouldnt work
but if they type: show project please or just project it should.
@RahulKhosla But... if they type "show project please", it already has spaces...
yeh but a better example is
else if(strpos($test, 'hi') !==false) {
echo '<br />'.$hello; }
they can type Shi*
and it would return hello
I want the word to = what it is.
So... you're making a word replacement.
when you paste code
How familiar are you with regular expressions?
type shit on after ur name
press CTRL+K with the text in the textarea so it's formatted, please ...
Having a good weekend Joe?
@SecondRikudo familiar. I have a log of what people type
@RahulKhosla "I don't understand your command"
When you type what?
@RonniSkansing I'm good, yourself ?
Who typed this:
I am feeling pretty this weekend, thank you. Seems all the weekend piled work is done. So now I have time to enjoy myself with ever I end up doing.. =]
Its safe right?
aaaaaaaaahhhhh ... the week ends ...
2 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
How familiar are you with regular expressions?
mine never do that !!
@RahulKhosla You are not answering the question..
I dont understand what u meen
@RahulKhosla Do you know what regular expressions are?
The answer is no
in code no
Then you are not familiar with regular expressions :)
Kind of i guess.
I know what a var is if that counts.
@RahulKhosla Basically, you need to check for one of three options
"term " is at the beginning (meaning, it's pos 0)
" term " is somewhere in the string
" term" is in the end of the string.
" whatifawordisthislong "
" orthis "
some lad on twitter is doing his dissertation using pthreads ... nice that someone will get a degree out of it :D
It doesn't matter.
I would need to do them all one by one? Or is there something like first, end etc?
There are many ways to do it.
im using all vars here
no database.
You can do it with strpos() too, if you employ a bit of creativeness :)
Could you help me do 1 line?
Whats function to use?
Like I said, I don't condone spoon feeding.
54 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
You can do it with strpos() too, if you employ a bit of creativeness :)
the guy only just knows what a var is ...
string too.
@JoeWatkins He knows what a string is too.
echo too
I feel attacked.
how would you like to go to hospital and told to perform an operation on yourself ... be reasonable ... learn by example is fine, help a fella out ...

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